HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-4-15, Page 1VOL. 48 NO. 42
x.5o Per Annum in Advance
Tv. H. Ir.F 1'' R, Proprietor
HMI N 11111111113111110111111111 111111101111111111.311111 IIIII 1111111111111111111111 11 II illlllllllllllll 1111 111111111111
Take No Risks
with Valuable
Your Victory Bonds, deeds, mortgages, insur-
ance policies are too precious to leave where
fire or thieves may reach them.
Even a strong box or safe in your own home
Tacks the absolute security given by the Safety
Deposit Boxes in this Bank.
They may be rented in convenient sizes at
a small cost.
Call and see them.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital - $ 0,700,000
Reserve Fund 18,000,000
Resources - - - 220,000,000
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
For sale—Wes, Somers,
Flax Seed—John Logan.
Cement—F. A. Harrison.
Planing h1111—Arnent Bros.
Quality Bret—A. E. Hersey.
Hay for aale—D, McKinnon.
House for sole—George Lott.
Collie lost—J. W. Stephenson.
Farm Implements—John Long,
Auction hale—Thos. J. Coulter.
Eggs for hatching—John Currie.
Large supply—W, J. McCracken.
April requirements—F. R. Smith,
Helfer on shares—G, A. Deadman.
Short Horn oalves—John G. Spat.,
Nen''x workkahoes R. 0. Rathwell �'
Tenders wanted—Township of pros.
pzstrixt Reba
School report of Oranbrook school
may be read on page 5 of this issue.
The Auction Sale of the estate of
the late James Sinclair, who perished
in the freshet a few weeks ago, was
held Wednesday afternoon, R, L.
Taylor is the administrator.
Word has been received of the. safe
arrival of Mrs. D, N, McDonald nee
Mies Mabel Menzies, at her home near
Hayter, Sask.
Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr,
McCormick, Biyth, preached in the
Methodist church and gave an inter-
esting discourse.
Are you coming to Long's Hall,
Oranbtook, Monday evening, 10th
inst. to meet The Young Village Doc-
tor and his patients of 30 years ago P
Entertainment under the auspices of
the Oranbrook Farmers' Club.
Did you read R. 0. Rathwell'e ad, 2
You may save a few dollars by so do-
The Endeavor service in Knox
church was withdrawn last Sunday
evening on account of the Auuiver-'
nary at Union church.
Frank Harrison has purchased a
new oil engine to take the place of the
steam and gasoline engines at his
chopping mill and cement tile manu-
factory. His enterprise deserves to
bring success.
• •+r._.ars.cseswestr_
The banking requirements of
merchants will receive full con-
sideration by the officers of this
Bank. Arrange to open a current
account and every banking facility
is assured. asA
PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $1 5,000,000
RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000
WALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager.
Men's ork Shoes
Have you seen our splendid line of Men's anti Boyar Work Shoes 2
Made by reliable firms in the very best of Elk, Tan Grain and Una
Calf, They never fail to give satisfaction.
Prices for men are $8 00, $6 25, $6.50 and $7 00,
We also have cheaper lines at $2 75 and $3.75.
Prices for Boys are $3,75 and $4 75.
Special Youth'e High Top Scout Boots, in
al black and tan, worth $5.00. Our 3
Fine Shoes
• tilt. Vici Kid, high heel and receding toe, at,..., .., $ 6 00
ee mei Kid, Ouban heel, receding toe with too cap, at.......,0 00
x...,.,.� i
Viol Kid, Ouban heel, plain receding toe, at ..... 6 75
Black patent Bottom, high gray kid top, new perforated toe, at9 00
Oalf, Neolin rubber heel, Brown ,
sole splendid quality, tat ., 6 50
Brown Calf Oxfords, Goodyear welt soles, Cuban heel, perforated
toe, wonderful value at ......,. 5 50
Black Dongola, with cushion soles and rubber heels, a solid com-
fort shoe at .......,, ...... .... ...... ..... 6 60
it High Claes, Stylist, Shoes at wonderfully reasonable prices,
Why pay more P
The entertainment in Knox church,
"The Young Village Doctor," was
quite a suoceee, Everybody did their
part well and the play was much en-
joyed, The Ladies' Aid treasury will
be the richer by over $50,00,
A new touting car has been puech.
asad by Alex, Armstrong, 70h Con.
Tenders wanted for 2 cement cul-
verts. Read the advt, in thin issue,
Don't miss "The Village .Doctor" at
Long's Hall, Oranhrot k next Monday
There wag nit, pt•ettrhi tits set vires at
Roe's church last Sunday rooming as
it was mud vt't'tty day et Union,
Miss Margaret Stevrusnn, 10111 Con„
has gone to St atfuni to take to nuurae
at the central Busiu.ea, (College. We
wish her sin:Cos-
CARD OM's THANKS.—Wo wish to
thank the friends and nt•ighhots for
their kindness Ana gym parhy during
the sickness and lee envemt'ut of our
dear wife anti mother.
Elgin Porter, who beta boon :1,1416g
with the farm. wmk a,t. his bone eine,.
his return T'r'out '' t'I .'Ol8 teller,• h'e
spent over 3 }ear; .:,..vier; Acing and
Country, left for l no Weal 'Pet •slat'
a000U1 paused by the emu] wi it rl'
the community. Elgin will
hand at storekeeping with his broths:,
Mussell, who owns to the'viug busine,.s
Auction Sate at Robert McKinnotee
Tuesday of last week, despite the no -
toward weather, went well, totalling
$5,201. The team sold for $417 00.
101r. and Mrs. 101eKimion will continue
to live in the house on the farm as it
is not needed jest yet by the new own-
er, McKinnon Brost have a 1011 acre
pasture faro] just acroi:e the road On
which they will likely run cattle.
MOVED TO 0IlcKteLoe.-11, J. and
Mrs, Dougherty, who recently sold
their farm, on the 6th Oon.. to Jesse
Wilbee, have purchased another, Lot
10, con. 14, McKillop township, from
Charles Lowry, and have moved to it.
Before removing a company consist-
ing of 4 score neighbors and old
friends aseemblet1 at their old home
and presented IYIr: ane Mrs. Dougher-
ty with a fine Secretary and step-
ladder. The following address was
.read by Walter Smillie and Will. Hoy
and Jno. Pearson made the,,lppresenta-
tion 1—DEAR FRIENDS.—We, yont'
neighbors and friende of Roe's church,
have gathered here tonight before you
leave ns to express to you, in a slight
manner, our appreciation of you dur-
ing the years you have spent among
IN, In Roe's church our relationship
has been very happy as you always
showed yourselves ready to help along
the work of the church in anyway
within your power and while we are
sorry to lose you we knots that where
you go your work will be appreciated,
In the neighborhood you have proven
yourselves neighbors in the full mean-
ing of the word and commend you to
your new neighbors as ones always
We are prepared to attend to
all orders for Planing and will
be able to supply Lumber,
Sash, Doors, &e.
Flax See
Flax Seal
John e€t°1
Brussels Chopping Mill
99024'Get000181lt'1t90P'91 114Wt9@690t(9't11hr
i Hilt/11 C 11 1 C R8
0 0
41 Hill outlook is that; Eggs aro Si
• T going to h0 the highest this e
as coming Winter ever known et
,p will
this country so be prepared. ag9
0 Daring May, Jima and July we t•
0 l have 16,000 strong, sturdy
se Chicks. •
e Did you ever figure how touch 31
2 your day-old Chicks east you by 2
e hens spoiling the eggs by leaving
Zs the res; and breaking them 2
s is
To avoid disappointment order
• yours now. Our Deices this year
el are $22 per hundred. *
2 Waiter Rose
I hone 8 on 38x BRUSSELS
To Those interested
A car of Cement will he unloading
at McNaught 0. P. R. Station on
or about April 20th.
Place your orders early for Tile.
Chopping Mill
Will be closed down for a couple
of weeks while new engine ie being
F. A. Harrison
Phone 4723 1tiONORILFF
reedy to do a good turn to any in need.
We sok von to accept 'bile Secretary
rued else) ladder as a token of our good-
will and trust you may be spared
many happy years together in your
new home, rued that yea will always
remember kindly the people of this
locality. Signed on behalf of neigh-
bors and friends.
Wer. 7. HoY,
Brief, suitable reply was made by
Mr, Dougherty for the kindness shown
them during the years they had spent
in the neighborhood and good wishes
were expressed, in return to their
numerous old friends. We wish Mr,
and lure. Dougherty prosperity 'in
Goon TitrE.—Despite the unpleas-
ant weather of last Sunday good con-
gregations attended Union church an
the occasion of their anniversary,
Rev. J. Fulton Irwin, of Lucknow, oc-
cupied the pulpit morning and even-
ing and gave two strong, well directed
sermons that were followed with
rapt attention, (Mood music was
rendered by the choir. The free-will
offering resulted in the receipt of
$112,00. Tuesday evening the Lecture
on Leland was given, being changed
from Monday to suit the speaker.
Proceeds went to the Armenian suf-
ferers. Rev. Mr. Irwin is as much at
home on a lecture platform as in
preaching a sermon and gave much in-
formation as to the Emerald isle and
proplesyed what rnu',t be done to
bring Peace and Good -will to Erin.
Next Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Bell,
Molesworth, will give en address to
the W. M. S, in Presbyterian ehnrch,
at '7.80 o'clock. Special nffering. Rev.
Mr, Kennedy will pie itch at Moles-
Ethel Women's Institute will hold
next meeting in the Presbyterian
church next Tuesday evening, at 8
o'clock, when Rev. Mr, Kennedy will
give an address on "The influence of
environment,' Musical and literary
numbers will also be aided. Every-
body will be welcome.
Ethelsn eo le
p p wereftp to beer of
thedemise em se of Mrs.
Mcl'adz an,
Walton, Tuesday of this week, She
was a sister of the late 143.0, Wm.
Kreuter, formerly of Ethel, and fre-
quently visited here whet bliss Bessie
McDonald, interment takes place
Thursday afternoon from the home of
her mother, Mrs. Jas. McDonald, 8f
miles South of Brussels, to the ceme-
tery at Brussels.
Thos, and Mrs, Williamson went to
Toronto 8 weeks ago. Mrs. William-
son was to have an operation on her
throat and foot, The Dr. advised a
rest first as she bad recently recovered
from a severe attack of qninsy of two
weeks duration, new rail has develop-
ed a heavy cold and los grippe there-
for the operation has again been de-
layed. She has not been out of her
room for 2 weeks and has not been
very strong since her operation last
year but we hope she will soon lm -
pro vee
Miss Mary Harris is it Toronto visi-
S. M. Robinson returned to New
Yells on Saturday.
Mies Mary Hupfer returned to Tor,
onto on Monday,
Arnnld Edgtu' has returned front
Detroit and isP fe erin toopen
1 h19
garage 11 Pie
Miss 7 Ritchie left on Thursday for
Ito extended visit with relatives at
Toronto and Galt',
Jnn. and Nies. Miller, Listowel,
spent, several days of hast week with
old e friode in this vicinity,
Mee. Nukes and daughter, Mrs.
Chapman, Winnipeg, are visiting the
fo'mer'e sister, Mrs. Wm. Abraham,
who continues very ill,
.A pleasant evening was spent re-
cently at the hoose of Mrs, Jas. Rit-
chie when it number of the young
friends of Mies Margaret Gibson pte-
ssnted her '
e with a casserole, pie -plate
and centre -piece.
A congregational u.leeting'nf the
Methodist church was held Friday
evening when earth department of the
church was shown to be in a progr'es-
sive state. Rev. F. Stride has been
invited to remain another year,
!'Maitland Brae," the home of T.
and Mts. Gibson, was the 500,10 of a
pretty event at noon Wednesday
when their eldest daughter, Margaret
I1loffatt, was invited in marriage to
Archibald Wells, B. A., Toronto, for.
merly of Blyth. Ceremony was per-
formed by Rev, C. M•Llrolm in the
presence e ne 50 guests. Pride wore a
cwn of WhiteGroom's ifto her was 1,11 onyx s ring
and to Miss Mary Gibson, who played
the wedding march, a ettrdotyx ring.
Afar a dainty lunch Mr. and Mrs,
Wells left for their fatturo home in
Toronto on the 8.30 tram,, The bride
travelled in a brown suit and hat,
May their joys le mat v,
About it Initiated ftiiiiels and eeigrh-
hors of Wul, \Vestlal;e erns bride met
at their home Friday ev' air ,! ur„I gra '
sainted there with ra 14,i tut.11a41e,,,is
shower. A most stsjoyable time. 18110
'l'hct.e wise no service in 81, George's
church last Sunday afternoon
Anniversary services will be held in
Bethel Methodist nhurch next, Smelt' y,
at 11 a. In. nod 7 le 011 Rev, 1 E.
Millsou, Auburn, will p':•ach. Swill-
ing subject "The call 1' a huofinees
man" and in the evening; "What th'nk
ye of Christ ?"
Walton \Vninem't InetiLute will
Meet next Wednesday, 21.0., iast., at.
3 o'clock, at the home of etre. .Ino,
McDonald. The subject "Iuflueoee of
home on National and Poetical life"
will be in rod needhy :flea. Win. Neel,
Roll call and 011141100 frail "Cor
Govern lflent.." Good ate emitter,. ask-
ed for.
CARD OF THANKS. ---\\'e wivit to
sincerely [batik the neighbors .utd
Mende for their kind words and hir-
ing deeds bestowed on '1ur dear one
through her illness sort for the sym-
pathy tendered us in our berraveeueo1.
It will live as a happy memory in a
sad hour in our experience.
John J. NIcllavin has shipped for
the U, F. 0. 11 cats or stock (luting
the latter part of Feb. and Mardi,
amounting to over $30,000. Stock
shipped by N1r. M@Gavir, is fully mem.-
ed so that the owner 1 ons no risk of
loss. Mr. MOGavill attended a meet-
ing of the shippers in Toronto last
Friday and Saturday with a view to
better accommodation- in retold to
OBIT17ARY,—A Scottist paper says
of a former sailing 1.0.111 tenon of
Robert Coutts, of this locality :—
Death has removed an old and re•
spected resident from our midat—
Adam Fraser, Braebister, HP was e
man of integrity, upright in all his
ways, and of great kind,less of heart.
Fox long years he had gone to Green-
land, and as he was a man of splo'. din
physique and an expert in the ,o t .,f
sea -craft, his eervices were highly ap-
preciated by the masters of whaling
vessels. For many yealsllowever, he
has farmed the croft of Breebistee,
and by hard industry tried to glean
from the soil the essentials of life.
He was a goud neighbor, a gund
friend anda man whose word was as
gond as his bund. His end was peaoe•
ful. As calms and heroically es he
had faced the storms of Greenland, ars
calmly did he face and over r'1me the
laet enemy, seeing with the .ye of
faith beyond the gloom of earth the
glory of heaven
AWAY. —.After a. plucky flkht for life
for nearly 2 weeks Bessie McDonald,
beloved wife of William McFadzsan,
of this locality, died at the home of
G. A, Deadman, Brussels, whets elle
was beim:- nursers, Tutteclay m ming rat
8 o'clock, aged 80 years, 11 menthe
and 16 days. A baby sr u was born ou
February 20tH. 5 -ceased was th - 2nd
daughter of JRs. and 1011 s. McDonald.
Lot 1, 0012. 16, Grey township, and
was well and favorably known in this
community. As Miss McDonald she
taught sohool here and at other pnintc
for 10 0012 years and g, ve good satis-
faction. On June 19, 1018 the subject
of this notice was marred to he0 new
bereft partner. Deceased Was rt
bright, level headed perkon ever ready
to lend a helpiug hand In efforts for
the advancement of ted church and
community and her death is deeply
regretted and sympathy tendered to
those bereaved. The funeral will take
place from the home of her mother,
1J miles North r f Walton, Thnr.day
afternoon at 2 80 o'clock Set•viee con-
ducted by Reeds, Messrs. Luudy and
Mann at. 2. Interment will be wedeln
Bruseeis cemetery. This is the third
daughter who has died in past. 15
A few more Literary meetings
would make a Merry Sunshine.
The weather has been ill the past
week. Look for v. sunny future,
Alex, 6fcf,anchlin and seen melt in
the Spring Fah' at Clinton, 'Thursday
of last week.
Mrs. Gee. Martin and children, of
Geer, etown+ were holiday.
with Morrie friends last. week.
We are sorry to teal Russet 'Auks
has not been enjoyingand health
during the past week, We hope for a
speedy recovery.
Miss Cora Armstrong, who is at-
tending Normal School at Stratfotd
and Lawrence Armstrong, of Mount
Forest, speut the holidays at their
Last week a young Suushiner was
holding up the bridge when he discov-
ered two young whales riming down
the stream to meet hien. Be tnok
flight Eastward. Anyonerequiring
salmoapply to 0. R. g
MMus. Loath, PARI{HILL, Passlea
AWAY.—We'd was received last
Tuesday by Samuel Walker, 01.1"lint',
of the death of itis sister -)flaw, !\lis.
W. W. Logan, aged 58 yearn, 2
months and 22 days. Her hone was
at Parkhill, when e her husband is in
business, Deceased's maiden name
was Ella M pivar and her early home
was on the 3rd line Morris, Her hus-
band and a- detnghter HMO vo, Mrs.
S. Walker and Mrs, (ltev) Jewitt are
sisters of deceased, The htnel al takes
place Thursday of this w1el'r, burial to
be made at.Brussels cemetery ah••11! 13 s
o lk noon
L1e Fels 1 i vn
s n
n t
ut +
from Parkhill t0 the laa� earthly + st
ilg place. Lemlas•tl wee err1 rei
of the late Emmanuel and Mrs. Olvar, i
of this township, and was possessed of
many gifts and graces that wort her a
host of friends.
' Farm
Massey -Barris
t. Everything required on the
t} halm.
John Long
Agent, Bru'•sels
Main Street, opposite Town Httll
home where tiOrrOW or sickness had
visited can testify. We wish to ex-
press our appreoiatiorl of your work
in Jamestown Sunday School. We
all terneulher tate noble work done n
your father. the late dames Btraehan,
who started n .Sabbath School in his
home many years ago, whop Vio-
toria Hall was built, it was moved
from the Strachan home to the Hall,
where i\Ir. Strachan was superintend.
ant 1111th his demise. We have had
many changes since and during the
last veru• M? s Marjo•io held the of-
' l";;c•,0,,l 1 0 her lather's foot -
n rk also as teacher
ion, mg 11., youth has been
farts It , : 1 c 1;,,1111 will leave a last •
ink nm; r '-' t, for good, A5 organist
f .1 eel ve -- held Sunday eventage )1
Vie to i, lids you have been most
t flu 1 t1 met l uthtul, facing all kinds
, 1' m, tl'". ,. n itt;oma have rendered
exeoltoll et 1 as accompanist at all
inn , n ,'.;!(18'100,1 and social even -
hies 41,11 l,•at, a Op we cannot fill.
In ile• \�"<an *r+, Inetitute too, you
will b • tie eel, whine for different-
' rtlu,
ifferentterm•, , • n h.-i,i t.be President's chair,
rerda•1;u1; good help in the Red Cross
(urt•I.., .,.L,. in Y. P. 5. and W. M. 31.
work 11:! . neighboot hood severed,
We are pl,.,tsed y0tl0 future home
i0 not fa,. away. As a slight token of
our regard for you We ask you to ac-
cept thio ro,•ker and hope it will often
remind vise of Jamestown friende.
We wish for you and Mr. Cardiff
many happy years spent together and
that you may find an even wider field
of usefulness in your new environ-
ment. Signed on behalf of the com-
Mits. Lochs EcliMIER,
A tanitysty 11111,!11 WKS served and after
a short time '.pent in social chat and
other amusements all dispersed wish-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff many years
of happiness and prosperity.
Will. Clark has arrived home from
Brantford after a pleasant holiday.
Anniversary sermons in Sunehine
Methodist church will he preached on
Sabbath, 25111 inst., by Rev, A. 10.
Millso0, of Auburn, at 2 and 7 p, m.
Special music by Brussels Male Sex-
tette. Monday evening Rev. Mr.
Millson will lecture ou Experiences
in Siberia," where he spent some time
during the war.
SCHOOL REPORT,—Following is the
report of S. S. No. 5, Morris, for
March. No, on roll 20 Average at-
tendanoe 16, Sr. IV—Nellie Anderson
81 ; Angela Kelly 78 ; Mildred Russel
78 ; Anna Kelly 75 ; Wilbert Procter
72 ; Nora Vancamp 60 ; Lulu Procter
68 ; Williard Armstrong 48. Jr. IV—
Roy Armattalg 55. Sr. TII—Verde
Procter 87 ; Richee Procter 64. Jr.
111—Names in order of merit. Jack
Noble. Robbie MacMurray, George
Mat tin. Sr. 1I—Bob, Procter, Edna
Jackson. Jr, 1I—Francis Jackson,
Willie (lrasby. Pr, --Alberta Mae -
Murray, Harry Jackson.
Otev : Ri rrovt, Teacher,
Don't forget the presentation of
East Lynne which will he given in the
C O. F. Hall, Belgrave, next Wednes-
day evening, under the auspices of
the Ladies' Aid for the Methodist
church. Plari of Hall at H, Hopper's
Ed. Barnard's Auction Sale attract-
ed etlarge attendance and the stock,
rico,. sold at good prices. Lows rang-
an -ei from 150 to R180 • young
brought shoat 11 cents per pound and
12 pigs realized $625. T. R. Bennett,
Wingbarn, was Auctioneer, Mr.
Barnard ,vent to London this week, -
PRESENTATION —A pleasant tilne
was spent at the home of Edward and
Mrs, Barnard, of this locality, ,by a
large company of neighbors anti
friends before the departure of the
host and hostess to their new home at
London. Evening was spent with
games, social chat, music and danc-
ing. Bernice Payn read the follow-
ing address and Lawrence Willis and
Bert Wallace presented 141r, and Mre.
Barnard with a fine mantle clock and
casserole :—
We, your neighbors and friends,
have gathered here to -night to spend
a pleasant evening with you, as a
family, before you leave for your new
home in London, We are sorry you
have decided to leave this section of
country but since it is yonr choice we
will) you every success in your future
unclertakings and ask you to accept
this mantle clock and casserole, May
they often remind you of the happy
times spent in Jamestown locality,
Signed on behalf of neighbors and
Mr, Barnard made a short suitable
speech thanking all for the much am
prticiated address and gifts, The
guests appftoiated the hospitality and
kindness of the host and hostess due-
ing the evening,
PRESENTATION,—Friday evening
abont 60 guests assembled at home of
Lonis and Mrs, Jilokmier to do holm
to Mrs, Nelson Cardiff who has lately
gone from this neighborhood, A
pleasant evening was spent and
following program presented :
—Plano solos Miss Ferne Eckmier and
Mrs. Cardiff ; solos by Dougall
Straehan, George Eckmier and nob -
ort: Strachan ; readings-•-iblisses Jessie
Meatchan, Bessie Moses and Ruth
Strachan ; Young men's chorus ;
Young ladies' chorus ; violin solos .
Albert Cardiff ; interspersed by short
speeches from a number of gentlemen,
Andrew Lamont being the able chair-
man. The most 1tltereLesting number
of the program was the .resentation
of a fine leather rocker to Mr's, Nelsott.
(%ardill'. Follow addt e es was
tread by Miss Bessie uses and pees-
eelltatin1l made by Mrs. Louis E+ek-
D0en, MRS. CasenFF ;—As neighbors
and Sunday School pa of
s, we have
Met together this eventog to express
to you our friendship and good wish-
es, cu pow departur0 from our n0ig11-
bnrihood, Your life in Ibis 8ommun-
ity ever radiated aticier, ne many n
Brussels Oouncil
Regular meeting of Brussels Coun-
cil was held last Monday evening.
Present Reeve Plum and Councillors
Fraser, Richards, Wilton and Stewart.
Minutes of last meeting read and
passed. -
Following aeeonuts were presented :
Jas, Henderson, streets $ 11 20
Benson -Wilcox Electric. Co 23 00
M. Fraser, streets 300
Jas, Kerr, streets G 00
Jno. Ens,d, Town Hall6 80
R. Oliverva, salarywoo.......... 60 00
R. Thuell, salary and rent.
Electric Light - 145 01)
Robt. Thuell, Lamps, &c43 00
Oanadian Express.. ..... .... 3 68
Mrs, 5, Heist, board for nurse 28 50
Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by
A. Stewart that accounts be paid.
By -Law No. 0. to borrow money for
current expenses, was read and passed.
An acc:tont from Jno. Nivins
amounting to 833.00 was read but was
not paid as it was considered the cor-
poration was nota debtor,
Travellers Insurance Oo. wrote to
insurance on the Electric Light plant.
No action as Council assumed no re-
sponsibility according to their agree-
ment with R. Thuell.
Tender from W. FI. Cook .for the
construction of William -Albert street
drain at $1100 plus tile Wae read. Mow-
owed by M. Fraser, seconded by S. Wil-
ton that tender be accepted and agree -
meet signed. Carried.
'rhe question of oiling Turnbull,
street was discussed and decided upon
supply to be purchased forthwith
from the Imperial Oil Oompany.
Councillor Fraser was asked to sup-
erintend the erection of the new
smokestack at the Electric light plant,
It was decided to use the grading
machine in rounding up several streets
this Spring.
The question of salary increases
came up and after some discussion in-
creases or $25,00 per annum were
made to F. S. Scott, Clerk, and A.
Strachan, '.t'tetteurer, and $15.00 per
month wan added to R. Oliver's pay,
on motion 111 Councillors Stewart and
\V uteri,
The CMelts was instructed to send•
acc0uut of Lown expenditure to
80011 of the homes where smallpox
ptLtien to 10ere.
The tlueation of the 0,00.90 wood was
brought up and Councillors Wilton
and Stewart deputised to visit the
farm of A. Hislop and present report.
wood has been hauled Nou@ during d (lute e
g t
past Whiter although considerable
was mu, mei ord+ ns placed.
11 rues stated by the Clerk that a
represeutit ive of Hydro Was expected
Lo come to Bum:sets shortly to discuss
er e
d after n huey r0e•thOeastiatuiuu1,
Oanactiten News
George Walters, aged 80, who had
been a menthe'. o1' the guard of honor
of Napoleon ill, died at Brantford,
,Work was begun on two blast furn-
aces at (ljibway for the Canadian
Steel Corporation, to met $5,000,000
Mac Kirkwood Bryden, aged 14,
was accidently and fatally shot by his
younger brother on their father's
farm in Erin T t.
Oalgary (+, W, V, A. proposes to
picket the Soldier's Settlement offices
to prevent returned eoldiere from pnr-
ehasingq Hudson's Bay lands,
Dr, Helen Macltinrdy, Toronto, will
take active :hna',e of the divieton of
Ohild Welfare off the Federal Depart-
ment of Health in Ottawa. An-
nou el
trc0m ri of the appointment of
Dr. Maeldurehy is made by the Civil
Service Commission. Announcement
is also made of the appointment of
John 5, MaeGillivraty, returned sol-
dier, to be ()clincher of Customs at
Attltigogleh, N, S.