HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-4-8, Page 7,sr CANADA'S FUR. TRADE INCREASES DNE OF WORLD'S GREAT-. 4. \ a EST PRODUCERS. Our Exports Expanded Dur - ng War and Now Excet.td Our Imports. Much has been said and writte about the hire of gold 10. etimulatin netileineut and exploration. In in history of Canada, bowover, it wa the quest for furs that provided an It restive to the tradere who threads the tangle of lakes and streams, tr versed the prairies and stormed th rugged mountain -passes that barro the way to the Pacific Ocean. Tru the outstanding leaders in the task o exploration were fired by higher mo lives than mere love of gain. Novo theles, the magnificent profits to b realized in the fur trade formed th economic basis which equipped an sustained the work of discovery. Canada is not only a great fur -con sinning country, but is also one of th leading fur -producing countries of th world, and, provided we. take prope measures to censerve our wild life Is likely always to remain so. Al though here, as elsewhere, furs ar often worn for °mamma, our rigor our winter makes furalinnet a neces sity for many persons. The frame who drives many miles to the eleva tor over the wind-ewept prairies, an preciates the value of a warm eoou skin and know e that no covering de vlsed by the ingenuity of man le s effective in excluding the cold as th natural protection with which th wild animals aro endowed. A SPRING TONIC AIDS EFFICIENCY Lny Foundation of Good Health Now by Building Your Blood and Strengthening Your Nerve:4. Tlo good old fashion of taking a lone! in the epringtime, like most or the mine= of our ere:dements, le lool UPUT1 EOUnd cemmon sense, aud n good ut.ellettl practice. Wintee is al- ways a trylies time, for those who are b‘.. not in rugged pliyeical health. Mane men, women and children go through 3 the winter on reserve strength they I; h• ave stared up dining the suuny, sum- ° ;tier months, and grow increasingly ae" P• ale and languid as the spring days e•OProach. A tonic for the blood antl • nerves at this time will do much for GI such people, by putting, color in the • cheeks and baulshing that tired feed - Ing that worries thousands of people r"1 at thls season of the year, ,11 18 impossible to he energetic if o your blood Is thin and weak, or if 41; your nerves aro frayed or shattered. You cannot compete with othere if -1 you do not get refreshing sleep at O night, or if your appetite is poor or e you are losing weight. You need a ✓ tonic at this time to add to your ef- , ficioncy now, as well as to save you • from suffering later on. And in all e die realm of medicine, there Is no ' safer or better tonic than Dr. 'Wit- - liams' Pink Pills. These pills tone ✓ and enrich the blood which circulates • through every portion of the body, strengthening jaded nerves and run - down organs, and bringing a feeling - of now strength and energy to weak, o easily tired, despondent men, women e and children.. O Mrs. J. N. McNeil, Glace Bay, N.S., says: "For yeare past my home has never been without Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I have good reason to praise them highly. Following an attack of 1a grippe, I was 1 ft In a badly run down couclition. I had no appetite and bit so weak 1 could scarcely go about the house. I was taking medi- cine, but it was not helping me, and a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' , Pink Pills. I used them for a time with the most beneficial results. My appetite improved, my strength re- : turned and I was soon able to do all my housework. I now use the pills every sprlog and IP'ibem splendid Strength bringing tonic. I have recom- 111011(1t1.1 the pills to other friends who have used them with good results." Dr. Williams' tonic, not a stimulant. They Pink P111 build up the blood, and through their de not only the disastrous after effects of in- fluenza but also troubles due to poor blood, such as anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion and the generally worn- out feeling that affects so limey people, diaappear. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mull at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, ----se—___ Exports v. Imports. Before the war, we were Importing mare furs than we exported. For the :local year 1913, our total imports of this commodity amounted to 07,993,651 and our exports to $5,415,119, thus leaving an unfavorable balance of over 21,e, million dollars. During the war, we have had a favorable balance small at firet, lint rising to $9,214,584 for the fiscal year 1919. For that year our export; amounted to $13.- 737,621 and our imports to 54,523.037. The increased value of our eeports is largely due to the enormous rise in prices but also Indicates a consider- able increase In the number of pelts eeported. It is gratifying to note that, in spite of the higher prices, our im- ports have actually decreased in value. This would seem to indicate that there is :n increasing demestio consumption of our own fu In 1918, our imports I, um the United States were $4,22ee 6 and our exports to it, 52,348,183, showing a trade balance in favor of the States of 51,885,273. For the fiscal year ended Meech 81, 1919, the figures, ae given in the Annual Report of the Dept. of Trade and Commerce, are: imports, $1,801,005; eeporte, $9,743,464; bal- ance in Canada's favor, 55,941,859. Montreal Fur Auction. Our imports from Great Britain have declimel front $1,294,462 in 1913 to only $148,486 in 1919, Meanwhile, our exports have increased from $2,- 795,791 in 1913 to 53,703,955 in 1919. Taking into coneicieration the rise in prices, these figures indicate an actual decrease in quantity. Undressed furs form much the largest item in our exports, over 98 per cent, of the whole, and also about 78 per cent. of the imports. In Russia, In pre-war times, great fur sales were held at Irbtt, Nljnt- Novgcn'o41 and Moscow. In Germany, the greet market was Leipzig, where the big Easter fair used to attract fur - buyers from all parts of the world. Montreal should take its place be - sem these centres as 0 great for mar- ket and the Montreal Fur Sales Board seams to have selected a pros:Moue moment for launching the enterprise, before the channels of trade, which have been dislocated by the war, again settle down into well-worn grooves. Mother Won. Cousin Robert had Wine to dinuer, and little Ethel had been allowed to sit up as a great treat, Now, Ethel Is one of those children one meets nowadays who hear a groat deal too much for thoir years, and, moreover, Who don't believe in the saying about children not being heard. You can't stay near dear little Ethel without hearing quite a lot, Which all gets on with the story of the night.when Cousin Robert came to supper, "Do have another helphig of this steak -Me, Roberti" said Ethel's moth- er, after Robert bad already caused two platefuls to disappear. "Vire.II, Cousin Mary, I think / will, since you are sa pressing," replied the ginat. "Thu WIII, mother! exclaimed Ethel suddenly; and mother, caught nap- ping, turned to her with a smile, and "Win, clear?" "Yes, I heard you say to father this morning that you would bet a quarter that Cousin Robert behaved dike a pig!" Ouly three in every thousand women in Egypt know how to read and write. The dormant season is the time to Out out fire blight from the orchard. 01 133 useless to tut out the blight if the old brush is left in the orchard ready to infest the trees again. Burn %very particle of the brush removed. _ Dolls Ancient and Modern. Despite a pretty legend that dolls first appeared on the breathes of trees in the Garden of Eden, the earliest really authentic records go back to the days of the Romans, who made quaint, sphinxlike, jointed dolls of ivory, which modern doll makers have copied. The Roman children, ac- cording to Macaulay, had dolls, which they offered to Venus when they grew older. There is no very good evidence, however, that the use of dolls dates from more remote times. Among the native tribes of Africa it was the custom of married women to carry a doll with them until they had a child. Even kings played with dolls, and it hundred years ago there were talking and walking dolls, which to -day are still regarded as novelties. At a French exhibition held In 1823 dolls that could say "papa" and "mam- ma" were exhibited, and three years later dells that.could walk were shown in the shops. About the same time dolls were made that could open and close 'their eyes, The average weekly wage for women in !Britain has risen from 10s-15sweekly in 1914 to 25s -35s. noW. A fire extinguisher does no good while 31 18 merely hanging on the wall; to be effeetive, it must .be turned up- side down and the liquid squirted, on the fire. So the Bible verses Against sin must be applied to our tempta- tions, if they are to do us any good. MODELS FOR MEN FOLK • • When Suns Are Born. Our sun is milled by aetronomere "dwurilsh, elderly awl tleerepic," It is, In fu3:1, bet a entail star, and Almelo. Ing in cosmic terms, it Is nearly burn - _j ed out. No. 5645 --Mao's and Youths' Shirt. Price, 20 cents. Coat closing, with attached or detachable collar; back plain or gathered; regulation and detachable sleeve. Cut in 10 sizes, 18% to 18 ins. neck, or 32 to 50 ins. breast. Size 15 requires 4% yds. 27 Inc. wide. No. 7909—Men's Flannel Shirt. Price, 20 cents. Extra size allowed for shrinking; with attached collar; front and pockets in two styles. Cut in 5 s:zes, 15 to 19 ins. neck size, corresponding with 14 to 18 ins. neck measure. Size 16, front °perking, 4 % yds. 27 ins. wide; slipped on over head, 4% yds. 27 ins. wide. No. 6420—Boy's Shirt 15 cents. Adjustable collar; with or without yoke. Qot Jn 6, sizes, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8, with long sleeves, yoke, 2% yds. 27 ins. wide, or 2 yds. 36 ins. wide; short sleeves, without yoke, 2% ys. 27 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 36 ins. wide. Is Your Property Safe? Every once in a while I see that I have figured that a certain conveM- euce is for the city man only. Then I and that it is just as handy and pays as well on the farm as anywhere else. This time it is a safety deposit box in the bank where I do businees. It costs me $1 for the keys, and that is all, If I ever want to discontinue its use I get my dollar back, so it costs me in reality about six cents a year, sines that is the interest rate here. But so far as the cost Is concerned I believe it would be worth far more. I keep my insurance policies my deeds, and cancelled notes and mort- gages in this box. Outside of the deed for the farm the others could be replaced if taken by thieves or if burned, But in my case the man who deeded the farm to me is insane, and has no heirs except uncles and aunts. The cost of replacing this deed would be quite an item, and it would also be a great bother. I am starting on this farm and in debt, so I don't have many notes on hand, but a farmer who is farther along and out of debt could easily have dozens of them, as well as securities of other sorts that must be kept safe. It is true that most men pay their notes, but there are some who wouldn't if a note were lost, Some securities require no en- doraement, and when stolen are easily sold. Solite Victory bonds, for in- stance, are of this sort, The bank vault is about as eafe for these papers as any human can make a place. It certainly is fire -proof, and it is also burglar-proof, Better look up a safety box in your bank. It may save you a hundred times its cost— a R. Better for you than tea or coffee — In tint Postum , • Delicious coffee -like flavor Tzia r Made instantly in the cup. Costs less than tea or coffee. Sold by all grocer$ Sirius—sixty os mere times 133 big as our solar orb .111 a good example of a young sun, lusty 01.11 vigorous, If we would wetly Lim bebyhotee 11 03111, we have only TO consider any (MO of the methleel ever:Mee" stun, whinh 1', 5501,1 all over the etet, Jar universe. These get. their Paine from the filet 11111 :15 intervele they elbiblt a greatly ineremael brightness. TheILLIO3'V,1 bo Vary froin it few hours to severel weeke, but ror each star they are ro regular that the next hrightesing may he 10111] 1d On 10 netetr at a elven I/la- ment, within e tract:on of a 5eeend. 'rho "variebie" stars are not solid bodies. They ore enormous =sees of flaming gas. In those masses occur periodic pulsations, causing at regular intervals outbursts of augmented light and beat, The least brilliant of Giese stars is more luminous than 100 suns like oars. Many of them give out more light than 1,000 suns, It is thought that once upon a Gine our "orb of day" was like one of those —a ball of burning gas millions of times bigger than it is now, It was then a baby sun; to -day how miser- ably aged, shrunken and debilitated! Let us cry! A GENTLE LAXATIVE FOR THE CHILDREN MOthers—the surest way of keeping your little ones well and happy; whether it is the new-born babe or the growing child, is to keep their bowels regular and their stomach sweet. N.ne-tenths of all childhood ailments are the result of clogged bowels and sour stomach, The most necessary and the best medicine for little ones is a geintly laxative—something that will relieve constipation; sweeten the stomach and promote rest and natur- al sleep. Such a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets. They are a gentle but efficient laxative; are absolutely guar- anteed free from opiates or ether in- jurious drugs and may be given to the youngest infant with perfect safety. They banish constipation and indi- gestion; break up colds and simple fevers and give the baby that health and happiness which all children should have. They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Birds in Nursery. Large families are popular among sparrows. The female keeps on lay- ing eggs when weather is warm enough so that in the same nest may often be found together full-fledged young, two or three in less advanced stages of development, and eggs about to be hatched and fresh. It is estimated that the descendants of a single pair of sparrows, if all of them survived, would at the end of ten years number more than 275000,000,- 000, Spanish F II 1 eel Claims Many Victims in Canada and should be guarded against. !Hard' Is a great preventative, being one of the oldest remedies used. Minarcrs Lini- ment has cured thousands of cases of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat A th and similar diseases, It is an Enemy to Germs. Thousands of bottles being used every clay, for solo bv all druggists and general dealers. LINIMENT CO., Ltd. Yarmouth, N.S. The Spirit of Success. Rich old josh Skinner and his wife came in from the country with a big basket of lunch, to see the circus. The lunch basket was heavy. The old wo- elan was carrying it As they crossed a crowded street Joeh held out his hand and said: "Gimme the basket, Hannah," The poor old woman surrendered the basket with a grateful look. 'That's.real kind o' ye, Joshua," she sighed. "Kind," grunted Josh. "I was afear- ed ye'd get lost." MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents, Whence Comes Chewing Gum. Within recent yeare the consump- tion, of chewing gum has enormously increacied. The. raw material has be- come a very important article of commerce, being obtained from tropi- cal America. Much of it comes from Mexico, and Venezuela exports it in immense quantities. It is the product of a tree, called "zapoto," which is tapped for its "Mills," the latter being boiled down to a gemmy olid and sent to market in big chunks. Commercially it is known as "chicle." 'It is absolutely tasteless. Indeed, this total lack of taste is one 01 118 two really impettant qualities, inasmuch as it is thereby enabled readily to accept any flavor, The other essential quality is "chew!. poss." Imported in the raw state, the gum has oely to be suitably flastored, cut MI6 Sticks, and attractively wrapped, hs order to find ready owe. NEURITIS So many have Neuritis, that painful, parslYzing inner:traction of the nerves. Do not autism an- other day. If you are a, victim, try Templeton's Nhagmallo eardo2 Nothin't else bring!: relief NO shingly and so surely. fl..nd, for free sample to Templetons, 112 Slur, St. W., Toronto. For solo at reliable drug - 01.04 a box. ASTHMA Terapleton's R A Z- M A H Cap. Mlles are guaranteed to relieve AST 13 MA. Don't suffer an- other day. Writ e Templetons, ii2ZIng St. W., Toronto, for freesanaple. Reliable druggists sell them at 81.04 a box. $45,000,000 THEFTS FROM CARS SHOWN Booty Double That in Any Pre -War Year. Wholesale looting of merchandise TS OF tIMOR MA HERE &IMRE etaagified Advertlsern on ts. POD SALA WELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER and job printing plant In Eastern Ontario. Ineuranos carried $1,600. Will go for 01,200 on quick sate Don 030 Wilson Publishing CO,. Ltd.. "Veneta rinimuossi. TEEM VNS' COPLEE PERT1L T- "Wlse In Their Generation." 44;' Der will pay you. Write for PrIOOO. "The climate of Bombay," said an lenglieb schoolbey, "10 so bad that Its tuluthitituts live 131839W11 0133," "Etc ," said another, "Is a sign th'tt shows that you want to appear to know more than you do." it Seemed Loeical. One day et dinner a physician ex- plained to hie little daughter where meats come from, "They take a cow and kill it," he said, "remove the hide, cut up the fleeh, cook It, and that is the beef you eat." The little glrl'e face showed her aetenieliment, and as her father went on to tell of pork, mutton and chicken her amazement grew Mail the could , restrain herself no longer. "0 papa, papa," the broke furth "when they make angel cake l they kill an angel?" Ask for Minard's and take no other. China and India contain one-half the people of the world. in transit on the railroads of the "SYRUP OF FIGS" United States caused a loss of ale proximately $45,000,000 in 1919, az- cording to United States Railroad Ad- ministration statistics made public re- cently, This is estimated to be more than double the losses sustained in any pre-war year, but it is painted out that the increased cost of the com- modities stolen, roughly estimated to average 86 per cent., must be taken into consideration when comparing the losses in the days of low prices with losses now. Nevertheless there has been a steadily increasing num- ber of packages stolen, and the or- gaoization combating the thieves have met an increased ingenuity in divert- ing goods from their owners. A technique of robbery has been developed so highly that the methods of "master thieves" are similar in the United States, England, France, Italy and Argentina, according to a recent report Of the United States Chamber of Commerce in Argentina, Detec- tives, however, are inclined to dis- credit that organization's belief that a "widespread international Organiza- tion" is at work stealing merchandise. Substitution is the usual method used by the thieves. Sometimes boxes supposed to contain velvets are found at their destination to be filled with calico or other cheaper grades of cloth, but as a rule, waste paper is found, These are referred to as "con- cealed losses" by railway men, and are especially difficult to trace, as the shipment leaves and arrives ap- parently in good condition, and it is almost impossible to discover at what point the theft occurred. The silk industry has been one of the most severely hit in the last year, and so great has the risk become that the Railroad Administration has been considering excluding raw silks from the privilege of freight transportation by rail. The Merchants' Association of New York, through its traffic bureau, has protested against such an exclusion, advocating some less radi- cal measure to minimize or prevent the theft of silk in transit. A man is rich according to what he is, net according to what he has. HOMELESS! Constipation, Headache, Colds, Biliousness, driven out with "Cascarets" Drive away those persistent enemies of happiness—biliousness and conati station. Don't stay headachy, sick tongue coated, sallow and miserable. Never have colds, Indigestion, upse staaach, or that misery -making gas Peel splendid always by taking Cas carets occasionally. Cascaras never gripe, sloken or inconvenience you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh Pills. They cost so little and work while you sleep, ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED You'll find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Put 11 on freely, Don't ,ub it M. Just let it penetrate naturally. What a sense of soothing relief soon follows! External aches, stiffness, soreness, eramped muscles, strained sinews, back "cricks"—thosc ailments can't fight off the relieving qualities of Sloati's Liniment. Clean, convenierit, cconemical, Made in sCanada, 550., 70c., 51,10. . sS, ttaetel,r, IstsIss " ts" ED. 7. issur. No. 14-20, CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Li RIP YOUR EMPTY SACS—R(70AR, /...7 Sloan bran sacks to Stevens. IlIgh- est prices. Geo. Stevens. 304 Mark St . Peterboro. tf EnaTTEND ll'Al11081 12- EITTINU YARNS, ItEALITIPUL J.',, soft Iambs' wool four -ply, linger - log yarns in eixteen colors. Just the 01105 for sweatere, pullover',, toques trgliadhlisILInfirne Mff 'Lltgb1P -Ant.'4.11K nothing else and somewhat resembles the high Miss English yarns, but so Much cheaer, ite YOU buy direct from the spinners. Price twenty cents per ralgil:rsilletie,e4vIggsetTto,"ro:LKes'gg Also heavier yarns in homespun style, all wool to wash at home, In Grey, Bleak. and Whits at One dollar, nfty per pound. Large sample skein, thirty 15:11"serdIgtittletrMten telit0e! town Woollen Mills, Georgetown, 0(1.. 15110, Note—Carden anc:. Spinners Want. ed used to country Ilf $301100Z TE.A.C5COREI ! C.HuOL 'YEACIIERS —MARE REAL 1. money In spare ttme--send post card to Ratepayer Publishing Co„ t Columbine, Toronto. WOOD ASHES. T 2' YOU nAvn A CAR FOR SALE write me. Geo. Stevens. 184 Mark Street Peterhoro, SCRAP IRON. F YOU HAVE A PEW AND unvia A. a ear or :nom of :scrap iron I wilt cense and Quote you where it lays. Geo. Stevens. 864 Mark Street, Peterboro. Talsar.r.,a,airzotrs, Cab:WOK, TUMORS, DUMPS, ETC., Internal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late Dr, Hellman Medical Co., Limited. ColtingwOmi. Out Ltzserkcaha Pioneer nOrr Remedies Book on DOG DISEnSES and Row to rood Mailed Free to MOW Ad - dross by the Author. IL Clay Glover Cu, Tait. 118 V., oet 31st Street Now 'York. U.S.A. Accept "California Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot- tle. Give it without fear, Mother! You must say "California." It's all in knowing how. Milking by machine does not harm the herd nos reduce lie milk now, experiments show. But the machines want to be properly handled and ,,-leaned: Minard'e Liniment Lumberman's rriend. Chlekens ean be hatched at any time of the year, but it is the chiekens hatched early in the spring that give the best results. DOUBLE BEAUTV OF YOUR HAIR "Dariderine" creates mass of thick, gleamy waves For Shaving, Bathing id Shampooing The secret of healthy up - to - date shaving is Use of Cuticura Soap, the "Cud- [ cum Way". No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no free alkali, no irritation even when shaved twice daily. One soap for all uses—shaving, bath- ing and shampooing. Seep 254 Ointment 25 end 50c. Sold throughout the Dominion. Canadian Depot: Erman., Limited, St. Paul St.. Mentreat 101/8'Cuticura Soap shaven without mus. siNcE 6 1870 3012481,1C011.101 -IS 1)1 .- --N. ‘ftt 4ke, In a few 11101101411ou Can trans, form your plain. dull, ilitt insir. You can have it abundant, soft, glossy and full of life. Just get nt any 11 "J Or toilet counter a std:111 bottle of -Dan- derine" for a few cent,. Then moist- en a soft cloth m ihe "Danderies" and draw this through your hair, tak- ing one small strand at a time. In- stantly, yes, immediately, youhave doubled the beauty of your hair. It will be a mass, so soft, lustrous and so easy to do up. All dust, dirt and excessive oil is removed, Let Danderthe put more life, color, vigor, and brightness in your hair. This stimulating tonic will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and fall- ing hair and help your hair to grow long, thick, strong and beautiful. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPR1N Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross3' The name "Beyer" identifies the contrails proper directions for Colds. Only genuine Aspirin,—the Aspirin Headache, Toethaehe, Earache, Neu - prescribed by physicians for ever/tine- raIgia, Lumbsgo, Rheumatism, Neevl- teen years and now made 1.11 Canada. tie, Joint Palma, and Pan gennsalts. Always leis, an unbroken paakage Tin boxes of 12 tablets oost but Of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which a IOW eante. Larger "Bayer" paeltessets, Thettto 1,, only ono liatesitdase."Bayer"-elten menet tlay "Bayer" Aspirin is die trade mark (registered le Oatmeal of Bayer 'Manufacture a None. seetIcaoldester of Sallarliciteld. While It 1, 35053 known that Aeldrin meant slayer inumufacture to 4001101 the public against 1(51t1U0Oft, the Tablets if Bayer COMPAUSZ 803(1 be staining with f,Itelt skaanal trials Man, the "105181 -on Cr, '