HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-4-8, Page 1VOL. 48 NO, 41
;$1.5o Per Annum in Advance
1 1 110 11111 1111111111111111111011111111IIIII110111111111 111 1110111111010010':11110111111110111111100 1111
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Bank of Nova Scotia
Resources - - • 220,000,00 10,000,00PRoelspdIuve CNaupnidto- / 105,7000,0
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
Dog Tont—Phone 2111.
Rodaks—J. R. Wendt.
Auetlon Sale—A. J. Hull.
For sale—Harvey Bryne.
House for sale—P.Arnent,
Fertilizer—Geo. . Spelren,
Baby Ohlohe—Walter Rose.
Formaldehyde—James Fox,
Piano tuning—R. a. Stewart.
Auction Sale—Wm. MoMiebnel.
Auction Sale—Donald McKinnon.
Hog for service—Won. MacDonald.
Eggs for hatching—Wm. Crawford.
Auetlon Sole—Jamas 8111001r estate.
(.strut Nets
Thursday afternoon of last week the
clearingAuction Sale of the late S.
McCury, 6111 line Morrie township,
was held and was a bumper, totalling
$5,000. Good prices were realized,
cows going as high as $192, Auction-
eer Taylor made a good job of the
sale, Misses McOurdy will make their
home in Betgrave, at Ienet for a time,
Geo. and Mae. McCurdy may return
to the West.
meeting of Trinity church here was
held last Monday, the rector, Rev. W,
B. Hawking presiding. Most encour-
aging reports were presented, Total
receipts for past year were $1004.54
and expenditure $1002.47 leaving a
balance of $2.07, and all liabilities
met. In addition $1200 were subscrib-
ed for the Forward Movement, of
which A ie in hand already. A most
creditable showing indeed. Richard
Procter and Archie Bridge were re-el-
ected Wardens ; Bert Bradburn re-
appointed Vestry Clerk ; and Robert
McMurray Delegate to Synod, with
Henry Johnson as alternate. Syuod
will likely convene at Brantford this
year instead of London as has been
usual. The work for the coming year
was outlined and will be entered upon
hopefully and helpfully, two neces-
sary elements to characterize a suc-
cessful outcome. The record of Trin-
ity church is an excellent one and is a
feather in the cap of the rector, the
officials and the congregation as well.
Convenience, security and economy are
secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques
issued by this Bank. They enable the bear-
er to identify himself and are readily
converted into the current coin of any
foreign country. 82A
PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND $15,000,000
WALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager,
1 1 1111111011111 11 e 1 1
Bargains in Shoes
and Rubbers
Saturday, April 3rd,
we offer the following
84 pail's Women's Kid Laced Boole,
sizes 8e and 4 only, market value
$9,00 and $10,00.
Saturday $9,00
It 3.50
Misses' Rubbers, ;terrace toes, sizes 12 and 13
Saturday per painw r only .:.. ..:......
25 eft.
See our beatielfttl Spring styles in Ladies' and Gents' Fine Kid and Oalf
end 1 price the market.
Botta rt t the co is low as the bon i1t earlyon
asof f( pease
Sloes for all one cot even the little tots at rices t) please.
,n 1
Harness Dep it ar tment
Light and Heavy harness of good quality, appeaeanec and dutabil-
ity, (collars, Whips, Sweat Pads, Trento and Satchels, selected with
care to give our, customer's extra value and service.
Repairs in Harness, Collars, Shoes and Rubbers promptly done.
All for Oaelt and at
Lowest Cash Prices.
Chapman Bros.
Successors to Richards & Co, Next dot.' to Bank of Nova Scotia
11111 .s„.,,, o 111n11 11 1111,.1
St. Paul's 1ujnnetion tenet be their
rule via "Be ye identified, immovable,
a11Va s abound' l vo • o e
abounding * u the th
t i tl work f
Mime ;female Menzies is home fora
holiday visit, She is a teacher in one
of the Toronto schools,
Ma'e, Wm, Brawn, who was visiting
at the Inane of her eon, David, was
atdled to Auharo,Out., ori accuuui, of
OW serious illness of het' brut 104', Don.
ale Patterson, tvl10 tvtac th, welt
known Huron County Engineer for
Cann OF 1'J0ANh.H.-- \l'e (alio this
method or expreSaurg one beet thanks
to our splendid u'ighbnr5 end friends
for kindnesses in word and deed shown
deriug the weeks of sicktess 111 our
home, followed by the going away of
wife and mother, While we Himont
we cannot fail to realize the sweeting
influences of human sympathy ex.
tended 10 us and gratefully anlntnw•-
ledge the atone.
Yours Very '1'rilly,
DAVID lillnw'N AND remiLY..
Asleep In Jesus 10, how, vent
To be for such a slumber Mast I
With . hole mundane., to mug
That Death hath lost its venomed Oleg.
Next week \Vin, Lr,we and family
expect to leave for tie Greene, Salle,
near whiter point they have purchased
a section of laud -040 acre,. 10 is a
timber country and they will pioceecl
at 0000 to get at the land. A house
will have to be built. Earl Lowe will
accompany a car of stock and settlers'
effects, ehipping from Walton. Me.
Lowe hasami. of 0 children so will
be well supplied with help. 4 teams
can be supplied with drivers if a tract-
or is not purchased. School will only
be a mile from them, There is a rail-
way station ut St. Gregor, with elev-
ators, &c. Humhelt l5 their ueareet
big town, We wish them well and
hope their plans will succeed, even
out -doing their expectations,
Oar of Goon's Fertilizer nt Ethel Station.
Leave order for beat Fertiliser on market.
Also tankage 'mama! meal.
Phone 5611 Geo. E. SP1M2AN.
School re -opens next Monday.
J. A and Mrs. Coln were visiting at
Rev. Mr. OKell will preach at Luck -
now next Sunday,
Miss Myrtle Bowes is home from
Stratford Nor mal for the Easter' holt-
Thursday evening of this week will
be the regular meeting of the Ep-
worth League. D. T. Falconer will
give an address.
Weave sorry to say that James Me-
Leilaud has resigned his position as
clerk in J. K. Hall's slope and no
doubt his milling face will be Missed.
The Lecture on "Ireland," delivered
bee Rev. Mr. .Irwiu, of Lucknow, to
the Orangemen Wag a fine one and
was most educative as well as interest-
Mrs. Jas. .Pearson s1'. received a
telegram this teeming thae her.
Neither Joseph had died in Windsor
hospital after an operation for inter-
nal trouble.
A L. and Mrs. McDonald and
family removed to Listowel this week,
with more than one "God bless you."
A welcome greets the return of D.
W. Dunbar.
PRESENTATION.— A Very pleasant
time was spent at the home of A. H.
and Mrs. Macdonald when about 00
of their friends gathered there to hon-
or A. L. and Mrs, McDonald and child.
ton before their departure tis their
new home in Listuwel. The evening
was pleasantly spent in games and.
music after which an address was
read to Doris and Ian and Beryl Gill
preseuted Doris with an ivory mani-
cure set and Walker Mitchell present-
ed Tan with a pair of gold cuff links on
behalf of their boy and gill friends in
Ethel, Chas. Cleaver then read the
following address to Mr, and MI's.
McDonald and J. A. Loh presented
them with a beautiful leather up-
holstered elude :—To Air, and Airs. Alc-
Donald,—We, a few or your friends
who have assembled here line evening
have taken this opportunity 10 ex-
press their good ' wishes for your
ftlt0l•e welfareupon your retnoval
from the village and eotnlnsutity and
diet r regret that our pleasant aeseeia-
I:ione at a so soon to be sevr'red. You
both have always taken a leading and
prominent pert 1» all the activiliee
that have tended to the
welfara and
advancement of the village and cern-
enmity. We wish to convey to you
101 000" slight rn«aslu'e one apprecia-
tion of your efforts in'that respect and
as a further mark of one esteem and'
respect we present you ,with this leneb.
er chair and ask you to acetpt it, as a
remembrance of your friend:, in Ethel.
We have also much plcaenee in pre-
senting to Doris this ivnt'y set, and
to Ian these mifflinks, as a token of
remembrance of your player/lies in
Ethel, on whose behalf we now pre-
sent them and ask rheic (wceptance.
We wish you all 0111101 joy and prosper-
ity in your new borne, and hope that
we may still look forward to meeting
you occaeinnally in the time to come,
The good wishes of the Ethel people
Car of Sugar
Expected in course of a
few days. Special price
off car.
IN G. NEN, Walton
follow Ale, and Mere Mcll,rrtald Lo
tlrr'ir new home, 'They have been
gond rilizens of Ethc•1 and w111 he
greatly mitred 1'be ;meets 5110114 l(
very enjoyable evel(ing and all ap-
pu•eiaterl the hospitality end kind nes)
shown by the host and boltete in
their enLertainment,
h.:ASTER VISITORS.-- --AnDnr those
who were here for Easter enceinte
some of whom are yet enjoying tdu'10'
visit, were 1). HOC ClinNr
Ella Hammitt, Leek note 1 Atiesee Mina
010111 Mary Meeellaud, of Stay ner and
Wingharn respectively ; Wilfrid
Thompson, \VhIfrid leek G. W.
and G. Pollard, and Fred, (pule, Strut•
fold ; Stanley Hall, 'Toronto.
W, 111. H. ANNJvoitseuv,— Next
Sebhaih the W. ,el, 8. of the Methe-
diet church will hold tlat'ie anniversary
at 7 o'clock p. tn., when Mrs. (Rev. )
OKell will give the address. Thele
will he special Missionary music and
the annual thank -offering. A cordial
iuvilntion is extended to the W. M. S.
of .Ethel Presbyterian trainee' join
With them hl the Service,
A tine Ford Sedan has been perch -
awed by Jam, McDonald, of Walton,
from D. M. Scott, Agent, Brussels,
Ales. A. Gardiner, .Mee, Ferguson
1(11(1 Mrs. (Rev.) Lundy attended the
W. AI. S. Convention at Stratford,
Motion pictures end Lecture on
eledieal ivapectiou of schools will be
held next Monday evening in the A.
0. If. W. Hall. Go. Representative
Stothers, Clinton, will show the pic-
tures and Mrs. Patterson, elarl'e Hill,
will speak,
Miss Al, Lowe, 9th Con„ is home for
Easter from Stratford Normal School,
Nurse Cooper left foe Port Huron
where she centered Professional work,
Her sister, Mrs. Gaynor, accompanied
1te.r to London.
An Auction Sale is announced of
farm, farm stock, implements, &c.,
the property of the late Jas. Sinclair,
on Wednesday afternoon of next
week, F. S. Scott, Auc. List in an-
other column.
The farm of Don. McKinnon,- Lot 6,
Con. 8, has been sold to ('}edge Alc-
Faelaue, who gets possession at once,
A Clearing Auction Sale is announced
by the McKinnon folk for Tuesday
afternoon of next week, 13th inst.
See list in this isene,
Next Sunday Rev. J. Fulton Irwin,
Lucknow, will preach anniversary
sermons in Union church, at 11 a. ne.
and '7 p. m. A thank -offering will be
asked for. Monday evening a lecture
will be delivered in the same church
by the same f•ev, gentleman on "Ire-
land and the Irish." Rev. Mr, Irwin
should be able to unfold a tale,
What has been known as the Shine
farm, Lot 6, Con, I2, has been sold to
David Davidson, who recently moved
back to this locality with his wife and
2 children, from Flint, Mich.. He is a
brother to Robert Davidson, of the
same Oon. A. J. Hull, who has been
on the farm for the past 2 years, will
hold a clearing Anetion Sale Friday
afternoon o1' this week, with F, S.
Scott ae Auctioneer. List may be
read in another column. \Ve have
not learned where Mr, Hull purpoees
locating, Mr',Davidson will get im-
mediate possession.
died at the home of Richard Clarke on
Apt i1 4011 Mrs. (J. Engler, an old and
highly respected resident of Grey
township though lattmly her home
was made with her daughter, Mrs. R.
Clarke, of Elma. Mrs. Engler was in
her 89th year, and besidaher daughter,
Mr's. Clarke, leaves to Mourn her loss,
Joseph, of Grey township ; Lente, of
Berkley, California ; Cerl, of Ottawa;
and Mrs, Wesley Marquis, Clinton,
Funeral was held Monday, iutermenb
being made in Elma Centre cemetery,
Palibearere were Edward Campbell,
T. K. Baker, Thos. Stevenson, le'iac
Lake, Hartwell Speifan and Frederick
Oxtoby, Mrs. Engler lived for over
00 years in this locality coating from
the vicinity of Toronto to Oranbook
when the country wait en unbroken
forest, and is one of the last of the
original settlers of Grey township.
All the family except Louie were pres-
ent at the funeral.
Many relatives and friends in Lhis
tonality )earned with beep regret of
the sudden and (regi( death of An-
drew A1, Hislop, of Atonia, Sask„ on
March 16th, On the above date a
terrific blizzard swept the Western
provinces, t ir. Mateo had gone to
town early in the day rnd in thaftet'-
noon left for home, a few miles 00)
l finding lie s going to be unable
hut a c tea ) al e
to reach his own house he drove to a
neighbor's, unhitched his Horses
from the cotter, and pue them in the
stable and then, with startling sutl-
deness, dropped dead. Ile was in his
09th year ; born on the 151h Oon, of
Grey township, being the 2nd son of
the late James and Mrs. Hislop turd in
the Fall of 1882 he went to Moose
Mountain dist.rictWhere he coutinned
to reside till the Litre of his death,
Deceased was en extensive teenier
and by diligent attention to business
acquired a vtW eeble estate. He took a
peoulinen0 pert, in nrg0anieing the
Presbyterian 00ngfegntion of Arcola
and building of the line eh merle which
is at L tonne 111namm
o to the to1
Was r 1 111lerested in )til
histo tea 1 too) public
l l
and fol man c 00 S mid at Lhe
time of his dun se h,11 a vet, nL m N)e
00100.( municipality 1 of the of Brock
J y
Without ostentation 1,e show he woe.
noted for the liberality of his dona-
tions to all worthy ohje0te and his
kindness and generosity towards those
who wove less foetanate than he,
Funeral service was held in the Pres.
byterian church on the 18th, tilt,
Several wreaths were placed or Lhe
casket, one by the Session of Which
deceased was for many years n mem-
ber ; one by the Boet'd of Manage-
ment ; one by the Ladies' Afd and
011110e flow reletieee nog i, esmi:. lie
IS survived by 5 101(00). re 1John 11.,
WI o ke
alt 11 . \Vllha) \1 ,,+1111,•-
u u
Aret a nuQ'l'itree, ut \Vino ip r :i0,1 3
80 Ie15 Mee, 1larent el, s,.Neel, '111
Bell.( 1'ooltr' at 1
1' tt tn,r:)' 011 :1 li' tpitat ;H '. 1 i bn
bur;,, \erulul„ . ll, ger .•,I 1.! 1,,,,..•
es u nurnbr • u' 0.011~(00 , ,
t 1 , Wel! kr is o
residents, who regent tit : eurldeu "u1 -
going of rt Rue epit'iled, big hem .ed
tne,n dice Mr, 1115101), 1104 tytaa 1111 toll'.
Aiiss Hester L. Jelin eon, 131,11 111,0,
wee an Easter vteitw with Mies Bo•
bier anti 01111'otd and :tits, 1111 )'''ll.
The latter are lumen e,
Morris Township Commit will hold
its next meeting on %tonday 11th
inat, Min 11tes of last, meeting imie he
read. on page 6 of this issue.
An Auction Sale of Farm Store),
imple)nenLs, le., is alruounced by
Wm, Aleelicllael for Friday afternoon
of this week. Hie fano ie Lot 13,
Con, 3, known ns 1111' Knox
farm. Mr, AIcelichael is givin}g, up
lemming and will remove to Kiielien-
et', T. t Belli ett l ,
, r will b( the Aur.-
The Auction Sale held al W. H.
Maunders' last week attracted ra great
(trnwd and ptinee ruled high, Rate tot-
alling over $5000, and automobile (loci
a couple hundred bushels of grain not
being included. Brown ruateheil team
brought $500, (Utes ran up to $168,
barley $2.00 per bushel and oats 8L4(1.
Mr. Maunders still has 100 bushels of
mixed grain, oats and barley, and 50
bushelsnf balls
fur sale. A11u(-
e r Brown wielded the hemmer.
MATRIIIONIAL.—Wedne811ay of - last
week, at 3 n'clunk, Win. Woodrow
and Miss Jessie Scott, McKillop, were
united in marriage at the manse,
Winthrop, by Rev, Mr, Fere-neon,
Bride W01.5 a becoming travelling
coshune of dark navy blue, with hat
to match: Friday evening lest a re-
ception was held for the young couple
ae the home of lenbt, rtu•vey, ;end
line Mot'tin, when about 70 guests at-
tended. A Rue time wee enjoyed.
Mrs. Woodrow was rh•esscd in Mown
satin, with silk georgette and lace
trimmings. The bride and groom left
Tuesday for Pennant, Sask., where
Mr, Woodrow, has a farm, followed
by many good wishes for a long, hap-
py and successful life, Mr. and Mrs,
Tervey, make A 1 host and hostess.
Miss E. Ross, Gerrie, aesisted in the
poste -face this week.
Harry Waller, Stratford, spent the
week -end with his family.
Fred, Davey and family were Toron-
to visitors over the holiday.
Mrs. Stocks, Beetou, is the guest of
her brother-in-law. R. Stacks.
Miss Lizzie Sanderson has returned
from a short visit with Toronto rela-
es Mina Douglas, Mt, Forest, is
enjoying a week's vacation at her
Miss Eleanor Harniltnn, Jerseyvllle,
is spending the Heater vacation with
bet• pitl'en,
Miss AlarytsHowe left 001 Saturday
for Humboldt, Sask,, where she will
spend the Summer,
Alias Annie Vnsburg returned on
Monday from Bracebridge where sho
has spent the Winter months.
Mjeses Jessie Pope, Grace Stocks,
Olara Rntherfnrd and Donald Mauro
and Graham Ballantyne, of Toronto.
visited their homes here over the holt-
pa .
day evening of last week, at 0.15
o'clook, the spirit of William Mulock
Robinson, the well known Poetm>tsler
here, took its flight. He tees aged (10
years, 10 months and 24 days and was
the youngest eon of the late Andrew
G. Robinson, 0, E. Orillia. 43 years
ago deceased was happily married to
Miss Alaey Muckle, Oltllia, who sur-
vives her husband along with 2 sons
(Arthur, Registrar, Humboldt, Sask.,
and Skeffington, of the Dominion
Bank, New York) nerd 2 daughters
Alrs. J. le, Wendt, Wroxeter, and
Aiiss Sophie, at home), A brother, S.
S. Robinson, ()riffle, and to sister, Ahs,
G. Eiwell, Chicago, are also Jiving.
The subject of this notice came to
Wroxeter 44 years ago as a licensed
chemist and bought a drug business,
which he carried on for dumber or
years selling to Jas. Fox, now of HruS-
sels, who had been a tltudent with
e buying a
him, Alt aec rw 1 b t • General
el 1
store busines which heconducted um,
til his appointment s . o
s pp n P stmaslet' 18
years ego, succeeding the late Jin,
Sanderson. Before 10rati1lg tri
rox ' n' Mr. Robinson\V eLt 1 lhad t a deur.
business in Cobeur . D• },
g (ceased had '
well performed his part during the
passing years in the various offices he',
eoeupeten(ly tilled in connection with
the municipality Society and the
Anglican church, -and ably auslain-
ed Inc good name and integrity, hon-
orable dealing and ineerest in p10mnt
ing the public gond, Curling was one
of his favorite sports, the 0. 0. F. was
a society he favored and in politics he
was a whole hearted Liberal. He
faithfully did his part in eoulrrti:'n
with the Church and will be emelt
missed. He and ens. Robinson often
slid duty as Judges at Fall Fairs in the
Domestic manufactutey,he a
Dairy rand.
Ineg 1 de paltnleut
s 7 fuser I
ton0. place Mondayda
Afternoon (ellen an
)101 Birt a sett/ e
n t ice tea held It
I1 1 the
Anglican (hatch n ) .
}, L 2 it c c ) lndk by
the recto, Rev Mr. Powell Pall-
bearers were J00. Hamilton, Reed,
Davey, Jon. Doig., Geo, Westlake,
Leonard Brown end Rnbt. Black, In•
torment ryas make to Wrnxeter cetne-
bery. Amongst, beautiful floral Leib -
otos was a wreath from village Oorni-
cil, gates ajar from the business men,
:Intl pillow rom the Anglican church,
Mr. Robinson had been in declining
health for pest years suffering from
heart trouble but the week of his de-
cease eeemed partiottlarly well, hone()
uio demise twee ae a great 0110(10., He
001,.:011 tat4ay meet peacefully, The
came 1(11(1 memo! y of \V, Al. Rubin•
rem v,111 be evergreen Ill \1,11/x1400 rind
nnm!luity mei tender and 0.t1.1e,
s) read oympat he till be extended .:
Mee. 11obineon e,.,l cfiildr =0 in 11,e
..,t ,Vit loss they line i• an 11 411101 111 11,0
removal of a true hu0hted and kind
Netter, These who knew him beet
have many a good word for hie real
wort 11, after a test out for over 40
yearsWroxeter and vicinity. Fol'
yenta he w0u, Line trial, of the Public
Library and set veil the corporation as
Tre'll5111 el', -
There passed away on Monday,
March 20th, Annie Ross, beloved wife
of Henry Fogal, in her 00th year.
Funeral took place hist Friday to
Elrua (.1rylt1•e cen)etety from her late
house, Lot ere Con. 9. Grey township.
Aire. Fugal was well known in the
conrmunty and highly esteemed by a
(vide circle of old friends.
Miss Stewart,
B luevale,'ia teaching
at S. 8, 1 Nu . 4,Grey to ne '
w hip.
Mise Fer i Eckinier be home front
Tot note where aha is teaching school.
James Kernaghan is now engaged
In the sawmill ; with Arnent Bros.,
A wood bee was on the program at
David Breckenridge's last Monday
Aiiss Lizzie Breckenridge bas been
poorly with the flu but we hope she
will soon be as hearty ae ever.
Wm. m. andeDo rs.
M McDonald attended
the marriage of Miss Margaret Gib -
eon, \Vroxeter, to Arch. Wills, Elec-
trical Engineer, Toronto.
Fred. Hastie, of Turaberry, has
moved to the John D. Miller farts,
Con. 1, Morris, which he purchased
last Fall. A huusekeeper has not
been installed yet,
Will. Rang has leased the 60 acre
farm from Ed, Barnard for a year.
Ale, Baunard and family are moving
to Linden. Charlie Simpson has Mr,
Barnard's other 60, whinh he will use
as pasture.
Last week George Turner, of Wing -
ham, moved to the farm he recently
purchased from Job King, known as
the Robert McAllister farm. Mr.
King and family have moved across
the road to his other farm,
Elmer McKay is home. We we'.
come him back,
Miss Viola Schnook has taken a
position in W. T. Spence's store,
George and Misa Anna Dunlop, of
Stratford, were Easter visitors with
friends here.
School re -opened 'Tuesday of this
week on account of the long vacation
over the flu.
We are very sorry to lose Geo. and
Mrs. Machan from this locality. They
have taken up residence at Blyth,
Misses Katie Howard and Belle
Inglis anti Lawrence Kress and
Archie Alan's motored to Listowel
last week.
Alts. Milton Huffman and son Herb -
ie, are spending their Eyster holidays
at their grandparents, Geo. and Mrs,
Miss Mildred Howard, Miss Isabelle
McKay and Master Donald were visit-
ing their grandparents, Hugh and
Mrs, McKay, Ethel.
Mrs, D. (4. McQnarrie attended the
W. M. S. Convention at Stortford,
Report will be given at the Bliss. eery
meeting amonth hence.
Don't forget the play, "The Young
Village Doctor," for Thursday even-
ing of this week, under the auspices of
the Ladies' Aid of Knox church.
Tickets 25 and 15 cents.
1 People We Talk About
$$ $*
Miss Addie Lott was bome for a holi-
day visit from Toronto,
Miss Beatrice Curry, who is teaching
school near Galt, is home for the vaen-
Miss Goodwin is here on a 171511 with
ber mother and sister. She has been in
the West.
Mrs. George Jackson was a guest at
Ilse '1cirri 11—Marshall wedding, Walton,
last Saturday
Last week Mrs. Wm, Ellis, Breese's, '
South, passed iter Both birthday. '1`tis
Port extends congratulations,
Miss Gertrude McKenz'
t .e washoli-
a loli-
day visitor over Raster, retitrcing Mon-
day to the Queen city where she holds a
good position as stenograper.
John Hewitt Tae• e
dwa r has t ken a
i a
ppsitiou 1311 the Bakery of W, E. Willis,
Brussels, as the latter was unable to do 1
the large ainott01 of baking necessary
Will. Long and Cecil McKinnon, both ,
of the head office staff of the Bank of
Nova Scotia, Toronto, were welcome
visitors to their respective hones in
W, J. Clouse, who has been engaged
et his trade as hoose builder at Arthur
and Listowel, resumes work at the
Arnent Bros., factory next Monday,
Mrs, Clottso and son continued their
residence here while Mr, Clouse was at
the other towns. We are glad to have
him beck to Brussels.
Mrs, Dora Relines, Stratford,
who is
staying with her parents, John
and Mrs
Watson since the death of her husband,
E. S, Holmes,9 wbo pessed away on
March 4th (ren an attack 00 Hu, follow-
ed by pueutnonia. She is slowly emot-
ing from the seine disease, We wish
her speedy cobv..lescence,
Tnx POST regrets to hear that Mrs,
Merry Chutcbill, who hire trouble with
abscesses in one of her ears, is not get.
ting rid of the severe ailment very speed.
ily. She is at the horns of her sister,
Mrs, F. Lougfoot, Stratford. Mr.
Longfoot bas been laid aside from ery-
sipelas, We hope both will soon be o,
W. H. Ii 11:" lis Proprietor
****rlir0***rytrhv,+B 6 ii406 *660911Ki ii lei*
3 t"1
To Those hnlTITS ted
THE OW look is that; Eggs are •
03100(03 in he the highest tale •
('0100103 Wiilei' ever known
in the. emirate., en be prepared.
1 i! I)ilcu,g 33- v, Jane and July we
04 will have 10,000 strong, sturdy
e Did you «vet figure how much
your d:.y-„td Chicks Chet you by •
Et h«Oe s),ceilirlg this eggs by leaving I
O the [lest. 1,1101 breaking them 1'
e 1''. AA, Ail 'li.,appointment order
pier. 110W. Out prices this year. •
I ate 0122 per II/indeed, •
alter Rose 1
Phone :1 "u 38x BRUSSELS
Lloyd lacireou is home from the
Queen city for the Eastertide.
511,5 Morris is holidaying at London
and Miss Geddes at Betgrave.
Mrs. J. L. E -civ, Harriston, is a visit-
or at the home of Chas. Howlett.
John Henderson Toronto ate his
Ester eggs tinder the home roof.
Mt. see Nellie Fox and Estella Gerry
spent Laster with 'Toronto friends,
Alvin Bedviev is in Cobalt locality
working with an electrical Company.
Miss Carrie te('recken is visiting at
New York during the Easter vacation,
A. C. and Mrs Dames are back from
a much eni0ved Winter'sstay in Florida.
Alias ,Sophi,, 'lperling, Toronto. spent
f'actrr will rel'itives iu this rommunity
Mips Pearl fs.ee:er, who is, teaching at
Mimieo i:: eninyinr• the holiday 101 Arue-
.George lidwarde. who is attending
Faculty to Toronto,. is home for the
George Baeker, of Stratford Business
College. has been home for the Easter
Miss Td1ah Spatting ie here tor the
Baster vacation from her school in
Bruce County.
W. J. and Mrs. Gilroy, Mount Forest,
spent the holiday with F. H. and Mrs.
Gilroy, of town.
Jack Ballantyne, wbo is attending
Stratford Business College, was home
for Good Friday.
Miss Berea Bryansis enjoying a short
visit at her home, Queen street. She is
teaching in 'Toronto.
Geo. H. Linton, of Bright, was here
during the past week on -a visit with his
uncle, Alex. Forsyth.
Misses Doris and Marjory Ross are
here for the Easter holiday, visiting
relatives and old friends.
Miss Jean and Glen and Harold Arm.
strong, Toronto, visited the parental
home during the past week,
Misses Kathleen and Marguerite Wil-
ton are holidaying with their. sister,
Mrs. Coleman at St. Thomas,
Principal and MIs, B. S, Scott took a
trip to London for their vacation to visit
at the former's parental home,
Miss Mae Skelton, who is a student at
Stratford Normal School, is a visitor
with the homefolk, Queen street.
Geo. L. Walker, formerly of Brussels,
who has been living at Brantford, has
moved to Winona, Ont„ into the fruit
Wm. Davidson, Stratford, was here
on a visit with relatives and old friends,
He is a son of Thos. and Mrs. David-
son, Brussels,
Robt, Work and daughter, Jean, of
Toronto were week end visitors at Vic-
tor Cottage, Princess street, with the
former's parents;
Miss 011a Armstrong, wbo is 1,e the
teaching staff at Acton Public School,
is here for the vacation at the parental
home, Flora street.
Miss Isabel Str:mime is home from
Toronto, where she has been receiving
musical instruction. W. B. Strachan
leas also home for Easter.
Roy and Miss Hazel Stewart, who are
attending 'Toronto educational insti-
tutions, ,joine,.l.the family of P, anti
Airs, Stewart over .;aster.
Mrs. -F, 1-1. (seen, Cayuga, formerly
5 1 wire 1
of Brunette r, . ee
been 1
seriously ill,
isim)rcvlu v:e.rc�
t lad t
hest n
! •t and r
1 k w
trust she may soon he convalescent.
Mrs, 1. W. leingswood and sou Roy,
London, were Easter a t
with t the
former's sister. •x011 father, Mrs, Alfred
Lowry and Jas. Sharpe, respectively,
Miss Beatrice Harris, teacher at Port
Credit, ieebere for the holiday weep at
the homolIf her mother, Miss Con.
stance Delinage, Toronto; accompanied
Mies Harris.
Mrs, Nelson (;rood and son Newton of
Kitchener, and Mrs. McDermott and
(laughter or Regius, g g were hors for the
holiday with Fred, J. and IlIrs. Wood.
The latter and Mrs. McDermott are Mrs,
Good's daughters.
We are sorry to report the serious
condition of Mrs. Win. MoFadzean, of
Walton locality, at the home of G. A.
Deadman, •where she is being nursed by
Miss Kato Deadman. Her many friends
hope for early improvement.
Rev, and Mrs,
5 will leave
shortly for Vermillion,
Sask., to which
point the rev. gentleman has received
call in connection with the Baptist
church. Mrs, Roberts is a daughter of
Mrs. Marsden Smith, Brussels, acrd well
remembered here. We wish them
abundant success in their new charge.
James Fox and Miss Jean attended the
funeral of the late W. M. Robinson,
Postmaster at Wroxeter, ladI Monday af.
ternoan. He was Ad old friend of theirs.
Deceased was well known to many in
this locality and highly esteemed where
ever (known. The bereaved will be
large sharers in the sympathy of tunny.