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The Brussels Post, 1920-3-25, Page 8
sliehee+44044t ",Ch kelel-eetee?4iat 1444.6Ikeele eefeefi41-0-4044444,44444+04, } PCPRS A E READY Spring is the great renewing time for making things look bright and new again. Nothing will do mora in this line for the same outlay than new Wall Paper, Tapestry and foliage Designs Plain Stripes Chintz Papers floral Patterns Beautiful Cut-out Borders Silk finished Papers for Parlors Oatmeals Plaster Effects Moire Ceilings Tan and Cream Ceilings Varnished Tiles and Oil finished Papers kitchen Papers Now is a good time to come in and have a good look at our new Samples. You will be pleased with the new Patterns ,'prices, and even 1Papers at all l c and Colatln,s, W have Wall p , the cheaper lines this year have a better appearance than is usually to be found in low priced goods. There is a very large range to choose front so you are almost sure of finding just what is tva:ited. Select your new Paper now from full stocks. @�ti9�4i�ii� Easter Booklets, Easter Post Cards & Novelties• ,1. 1 FIB 1 SMITH • � Druggist and Stationer • The , �. ,.°'�+ Storegg ; •4. +.44444.&+4+,+4+0.03.0..41.1••4.0 444. 4+41444044 SPRING birds are here. CLEAN Off yt'ur Sidewalks. LAST monthly Horse Fair of this seas- on will be held Thursday of next week, MANY folk vi ted the scene of the late James Sinclair fatal accident, rete Con„ Grey towns hip CROWDED Ovee —On account of the rush of advertisements this week several columns of very interestirn matter has to be left to ncx- Creek. LAST 14o141day Scott Ament received a nasty blow from s piece of flying timber from a saw in the, factory, We hope be will suffer ee ised erfeeee CAR ARarval, 1'he car of Western Oats announced ei coining try W. J. Mc- Cracken arrived dlis week and is speed- ily finding its nay to the purchasers. FOOT BALL,—Friday evening of this week all interested in Foot Ball for 1920 are asked to attend an organization meeting at W. Bell's store at 8.30 o'clock, Don'' forget as there's nothing like an early start, CARP of T1f. Ks.—We wish to give expression of cur thanks to neighbors and friends for their kindness shown in word and deed to our departed loved one. 1t will be a happy memory of a sad chapter in our lives. Yours gratefully, N, FLATT AND FAMILY. LAST week's Teeswater news speaks of Sam. Bali's father as follows :—Rob- ert Bell an old resident of the r4tb COD. passed away on Sunday. Mr. Bell bad been sufferiug with heart trouble for the past 2 years. Mr Bell came to this part of Ontario front near Stratord about 40 years ago and settled on the farm now owned by his s.,u Sam. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow, 4 sons and 6 daughters. Josr•.ra STtLEs, who was buried here last Friday. Hem the Immo of his sou, W. H. Stiles, died in St. Joseph's hos- pital, in his 65'h year. He had been living at Cochrane but came to the home of his daughter. Mrs. S. Cud - more, I{ippen, from where he went to London, Mrs, Stiles is a resident of Brussels. Mr. Stiles was born at Wroxe- ter. HOME NURSING.—Tuesday afternoon of this week Miss Emory, a Nursing Sister, who did duty for 2 years at Mal- ta, commenced a series of 10 Lectures on Home Nursing, under the auspices of the Womanly Institute, in the Audi- ence Roam of Brussels Public Library, She comes by direction of the Provincial Government. To members of the In- stitute the charge is a nominal fee of a5 cents per Lecture and to non-memhers so cents. Nurse Emory is an authority and has hail a most interesting experi- ence. Mies JANET MciLty CALLEIr TO HER REWARD,—Last Monday Miss Tenet Me - key, a lady well known and most highly esteemed, passed over the border line, following a long and trying period of i11 health, The end came at the borne of Mrs, Alex. Hueter, Thomas street, sister to deceased, with whom she had lived for years. The subject of this notice made her residence et Cranbrook, with her brother, A. M. McKay, before con- ing to Brussels and had scores of friends both there and here. -She was a faith- ful member of'the Presbyterian church end was buried on Wednesday, her pas- tor, Rev, A, J. Mann, conducting the service, assisted by Rev. Mr. Stafford, Miss McKay wah horn in Sutherland- shire, Scotland, and came to Canada when a young girl. The patents pass- ed away at Cranbrook. Mrs, Alex, Sutherland or Loudon is a sister. ROBERT THotitoN purchased a latest model Ford truck, pneumatic tires, staked body, this week from D. M. Scott, local agent, Bob is determined to have the best. SPECIAL.—The Central Business Col. lege of Wingbam has a special offer and easy terms for you, if you start that course you have been plann'ng for, on or about April 6th. Write for particu• )ars today. 0000 Grade Cow for Bale, due to freshen in April, Also a 8 -year-old registered Clyde Filly, WALTnn BROAnyoOT, Lot 2, Con, 15, Grey. PURE bred Short Horn bull, 10 months old, for sale, Lot 3, Con. 11, Grey. Phone 267, 10. GLASSIaR. Fon SALE.—Two heifers and 2 cows to fresh- en soon. !Lome? DOBSON, Phone 8516. SEED oats for sale, 0, A. 0. No.72 end Gold Drop. Goo, WRITrrnsLa, Grey township, Phone 9915. 9 Pine 9 weeks old for sale, Wilson MARRS, 5th Line, Morris. Fon SALE —11 York Pigs, will weigh about 100 lbs. Also 4 Durham oowe to Dawe in April and May.(�nanetty of Seed Peas, Lt 18, Con, 18, Grey, Phone 4220. R.13 STEvEReoN. 8 Pros 5 weeks old for sale. Phone 8618. GEO, BATSMAN, Ethel, A2002 10 tons firet•einse Timothy hay for sale, Lot 20, Con, 0, Morris. Phone 105 am, Rolm. OF5'IOE OPEN,—After several months, owing to illness, Miss Meade Erynng wishes to state that her offioe will now be open as usual and she will be Able to attend to all requiring optical attention, Foo SALE. -2 comfortable dwelling bouges. L C, .R1OHARn8. DE, PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visite Brassels Monday afternoon of each week, Chronic and nervous diseases saeaesefully treated, Visits residences. Consultation at Queen'e Hotel, MAIN street received a scraping this Week by the grader and the refuse of the Winter was battled away, Last week Roy Burton, the well knowu teller in the Staudard Sauk here, was promoted to a position with the same Bank at Calgary and has gone to It, Good wishes accompany him. His place here has been taken by Mr. Daw- son, of Orono, who is welcome to Snot - eels, ILLUSTRATED ADDRESS,—Miss Russell, of the Zeuana Bible Mission, of India, will give an illustrated address in the Lecture room of the Methodist church Friday evening of this week at 8 o'clock. She bas an interesting story to relate. Nvive costtjnls exhibits, fine pictures and other features of interest will be pres•nted. Attend the lecture. Offer- ing taken for the cause. DID NOT GET HERE.—Brussels had a triple mixup this season in their Chau taugna Course of entertainment, The Hawaiian Quartette WAS Isuow bound and did not arrive, the Vissocht's were shut off 011 account of the Board of Health bail and this week the Carolina Girls failed us through illness of one of the trio, No one is to blame in particu- lar and the Committee regrets that these interruptions in their plans occurred. However, as ter as possible, arrange• meats will be made to keep faith with the season ticket holders The first blank to be II led is slated for Friclsv. April rMth, when the Jordaus, musical and literary entertainers, are expected. Their performance is designated as a joy program and will consist of Music, Art, Story anti Song drama, blended with pastel picttires, healthy htrrnor, sweet singing and costume creations. Talent consists of Piave) Jordan, T an Con- cert•Baeittlne artist and impersonator ; Carolyn Jordan, pianist and accompan- ist ; and Matttyle Jordan, Reader end soprano artist, Don't forget the date, April 16th, a 1 'ii�lkt s1 ''iii li^,).f+g1'r''•'"i: spring HWnery iNS'i'i AD of having any special day 01' days for an Opening we will follow the custom of past season, and, as our new goods are now ready, -invite the ladies of Brussels and community to call and see the new styles; get our prices and secure the up-to-date Mil- linery. This season ,iter showing tit the new Millinery modes representing the genius of the leading Millinery Artists, is well worth seeing. It is attractive, stylish and dis- tinctive. Both Ladies' and Children's wear. Miss Wilson is with us again this season. Cordial invitation extended. Phone 26x Miss Inman Brussels tli,I0ll415elli lI(1il!tl111111 ilkl4tit!! !!.71+i INIII meet 111',. li,! lll14l.➢.'I sUWUU(UUIaIWBfa18U4fmi1r e CAR OF e. w. Price $1.17 Alf. Raeker BRUSSELS Miss Ethyl J. Cameron, sister of Mrs. Hilton Bunter, Wingbam, died at Nap- aoee, Ont., Monday, March eeud. She leaves 2 brothers, sister and motbe*. Burial took place at Alliston, on Wed- nesday of this week. Deceased was in leer 24th year, She was n faithful mem- ber of the Methodist church and sang in the choir. bliss INMMAN and Miss Ross will not hold the old time -Millinery Openings on certain dates but instead have their fine new stock ready now for inspection and in their advertisements iuvite the fair sex to call at their respective stores and see the splendid display of the most fashionable millinery, The new styles show a variety that should suit almost any particular feminine fancy. Call at an early date and make your choice wbile the stocks are large. Easter will be a week from Sunday, you know. PALACE BAKERY—This week W. E. Willis, the nem baker, opened up busi• nese in the Garfield block and baked his first batch of bread in town. He has had 4 years experience in Ontario and 7 months overseas and is prepared to supply the people of Brussels and locali- ty with A 1 quality of bread, buns, cake, cookies, &c. A naw portable np•to date oven has been installed and the hearty oo.operation of the public is asked on the part of Mr, Willis. Brussels has not had a resident baker for the past few years hence will no doubt show their eppreeiation for the votnlg man who is establishing himself in hu.4iaess and belplug to provide for the necessities of the community. Mr. Willis calls his More the Palace Bakery, We wish him abundant success and hope he will be very heartily supported in his veuture. MRS N. FLA'rT ANSWERS THE CALL — After an extended illness of several months, from heart truub'e, followed by dropsy, Faith Robertson, beloved wife of Nathaniel Flatt, of John street Bt us - sets, passed to her reward on the 17th inst.. at rr p m„ in her 68th year, She was bora in Tecumseh township, Sim- coe County and was married to her now bereft partner 44 years ego Shortly after they moved to the 5th line Morris township, where they lived until 15 years ago when they moved to town Deceased is survived by her bushand, 2 sons (Wm, in Montana ; and Andrew in Sank,) and a daughters (Mrs, Chas, Davis, Monis, and Mrs. Lipphardt, of Handel, Sask 1 Mrs, Wm. Stephenson, another daughter, diel 15 years ago. Mrs, Wm. Cameron, of Owen Sound locality, formerly of town, is a sister end Azor Robertson, Tecumseh, a brother, both of whole attended the funeral. Burial Ma made Saturday afternona in Brussels cienetety, Rev. tt1r. Mann con- ducting the service, Pallbearers were S Wilton, S. C. Wilson, s. T. Plum, G. Muldoon, F• Sperling and W, Pipe. Mrs, Harris, Mildmay, a cousin, Geo. and Mrs, Daley and J. and Mrs. Brend- an, Belgrnve ; and Robert and Mrs, Young and Ivan were here for the funeral. Mrs Platt was a fine woman end most h,ghly esteemed by the com• munity. Mr. Flats, after a visit in the East, may reside in Oven Sound. Mrs. Lipphardt, took her neice, Miss Lillian Flatt, back with her to Handel this week. HORN ItOD A ni —In Norris township, en March 18th, 1020, to Mr. and Ctrs. Win, L. Ireland, a daughter—Elizabeth Ruth, Pavan,—In Toronto, on March 10th, 1020, to Mor and Mrs, R. A. Pryno, a daughter— Elizabeth Landsborough. SPsiR.—In Grey township, on Marolt 18th,i1020, to Mr. and Mre, Harold Speir, a son—Jetnes Robert, TUnNnnrL,—In Grey Township, on March 14th, 1020, to Mr. and Mrd, Thos, Tdrubtill, a son --Allan Thomas, Wnsoniea.—In Grey township, mi March Ord, 1020, to Mr. and etre. Augustus Wheeler, a ^..son, MARRIED (5211Lo00(—•1PEARS At the home of the bride's mother, on Morch 5th, 1920, Mies Elle Gertrude, daughter of Mrs. 8. Pear, to Waiter narlook, all of Mimioo, Ont, AUO0!ON SALES WEDNESDAY MAnun 51sT.—N'ann Stock, Im- plemonte, &s, m% Lot 00 (ton. 8, Morrie. Sale unreserved at 1 p, m. W. H. Maunders, Prop.; Tena. oW1, Auo. WEDNESDAY Arrur, 7211.—Lot 11,Don, 7 st Grtownship, team Meek,1,bent , o fico: Sale Prop. P. S. tonee H, MoKin• tion, Prep. Ir, S. 9oott, —Perin e4., 'tiate, e., ALot 80, Oen. 7, atoVIo 4.1 !town. vitiate, nbl8, 1p,m Morris town. nein, Bale op.unreserved1',S at I p, e. DRRRI(1 Me. Donald, Pron, F. 5, Scott, Auc. 4•+ rs••;•a'a••s •4..1• �•s•-1••r�•a'•r�••T•�•a••t•�•a•a•�1! + f 4. 4. Phone 2x I M. Yollick .T Alexander St. Brussels !4'! ►;.ck to Town r 4, 4. 4. As I have returned to Brussels to make my home I am prepared to $ resume business along the old lines and will handle 1 any quantity of Junk at h the best prices going. 4. d+ + Of ED FLATr,—In Brussels. on March 17th, 1920, 1Eaith Robertson, beloved wife of Nathaniel Platt, in her 08111 year. Ireland.—In Morris township, en March 15111 1920, Elizabeth Ruth, infant daughter o!? Wnt. L. and Mrs. Ireland, aged 2 days. INdr.18.-1n Belmore, March 19th, 1920, Thos. Inglle, aged 88 years, MOBAT,—In Brussels, on March 22ud, 1020, Janet Malay, - SINOLAIR.—In Grey township, on March 10th, 1020, James Sinclair, aged 8D years. 9TILER—Ill St, Joseph's Hospital, London, on Unroll 17111, 1010, Joseph Stiles, in his 05th year, Wnnstaa.—In Grey Township, on March 17t1, 1020, Grace L. Robb, beloved wife of An gustus Wheeler, aged 26 years, 9 months anti 27 days. Short Horns for Sale Two Sheet Horn hulls for sale. le and 11 months old, respectively, and ere from Proud Pieter=111100-a (200080) Priced to Hell. 430.4 A. MOKEROHER, Wroxeter, Auction Sale AIICCTION SALE, FARM STOOK, IMPLE- ataN'rs, Sia. T. E. Bennett, Auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned Proprietor to t ell by public auction at Lots 59 & 80.001.1, DI orris (net North of Jamestown) on Tu5sday, Anrlt 0th at 1 o'clock, the follow- ing property —1 heavy mare 6 years old, 1 aged mare, 1 mare rising 2 years old, 2 fresh cows, 1 Dow due April 27th,1 cow due May 20th, 1 cow dna July 11th, 1 farrow oow, eteera rising 2 years, 4 steers rising 1 year, 4 young salvos, 1 new with litter et foot, 12igs weighing 200 lbs., 7 pigs weighing 176 lbs., number of hens, 1 Massey -Harris binder nearly now, Mt., 1 Prost & Wood mower, nearlynew, 6 et oat, 1 MasseyHarrie 18 hoe seed dril new, 1 Massey -Barrio wide rake, 1 MasseyHarrie cultivator, 1 Flurry walking plow, 1lVeritY twin plow, 1 Bain wagon and box, 1 stook rank, 1 hay rank, 1 gravel box, 1 sot bob sleighs, 1 oyclinder ;turnip pulper, new, 1;wheel• harrow, 1 Verity muffler, 1 corn cutter, 1 tens sower, 1 creast separator, 1 side wheeler pulper, 1 wood rook, 1 dozen grain bags, 1 steel roller, 1 8.15 hay rake, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 eat double harness and collars, 1 set eingle herness, 1 fanning mill, 1 set scales 1200 Dm., a quantity of hay, a quantity of potatoes, forks, shovels, hoes, nocltyokes, whli fetrees and other articles too numerous to mention, Sale without reserve as the proprietor le giv- ing tip farming. Terns—Bums of $10 and under eyed ; over that amount 10 months credit on furnishing approved joint notes, 5 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. ED. BARNARD, Proprietor, AU(1TION SALE .0? FARM STOOK AND Itrl'i0142228, &o,—F. S. Scott, Auction- eer,has been instructed by the undersigned to cell by Pubno Auction at Lot 11 Oen. 7, Grey Twp. on Wednesday, April 7th, at 1 in, the following property 4-1 team horses p.0 oars Did, 1 Lorre t years old, 1 driving marc 110 years old, 1 driving mare 8 years old, 1 fresh cow 8 years old 1 farrow cow 0 years old, 1 neve nupposet to Hein calf, 0 years old, 2 cows due to calve 1n May(4 fat heifete, 10 steers ris- ing 8 years, 5 steers rising 2 years, i heifer rig. Ing 2 years, 2 Fall calves, 1 calf 2 months old, 1 brood sow due to pig April 15t1L 10 ohunke pigs about 140 lbs., Massey -Hartle binder 8 -ft., binseeyHel'ris stay lender, Massey -Harrill aide rake end ladder, MasseyHarrie cultivator, klesoey-Harris 18 hoe seed drill, Toxon drill 12 hoe, Deering mower 8 -ft out, MSCJormielr mow. or, 5 ft, out, Deering hay rake 12 ft., Kemp mnmtre spreader, lend roller, snuffler, 2 finery Plows No. 21 2 gang plows, lumber wagon With box, shelving rolller, turnip Sower,' hey set of bob sleighsdwith bunks 4.2 orubber•tith reil buggies, steel tiro buggy, get steel tiro buggy wheels, 2 onttere one nearly new, Stewart horse (dipper with 2 sets of blades, set Bowleg 1000 sbe„ sickle grinder, grindstone, 2 root Wears, Climax fanning min, Toronto fanning mill, 2 cern planters, auger kettle, sheep rack, riot team harness with breoohing, get plow Man emit sets light harness, 25 lbs. twine, enw 1111ne vi ee, 2 bus. Timothy seed, a quantity of hay,rave) box, number Of Wham, ton plea, a quantity of potatoes, fonts, (halite hens and other artielee too numerene to men ,ion Sale unreserved its propriotnr has sold hie farm. Terme—All sums of 010 end tinder oaelt ; over that amount 0 menthe credit given on furnishing approved joint notes. 0 per cent discount for melt 06 oradit amounts, ROST, H. MCKINN 019, tel \Rl?V.iC1.--'-Otir service s avile le at all times forthe benefit of our cus- tomers. Every well-grounded litlsiuess nlau appreciates the i tvportance of theco-operation, ff'•i(lance and information on ii a,l.ncialmatters of his 13anl:er, 290 THE MBAR!) Bg f+�7 07, CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAGER *tin:DQiiiito arta.Ci,o*ti TectilYtW(tiziogi wwav6i*Doei tl. eitif;%IBfAts50 &SD7t Guciitltll ti AUCTION SALE FARM STOOK AND IM- PLStInNTe.—Mrr Thomas Brown ben re. Delved instructions from the undersigned to sell by public neaten on Lot 6, (lon, 18, MaKil• 1 n. March 80th, 192 at t lop, onp, he following ID n4. 0 0, p Biome, the following ; years, more rising ti years, 1 mare Thong 9 yenta. 1 horse rising g tyears, earaolddriving Oabble 1cowtieing BarsoI So gelding Jolt' le old. Catye-1 cow 8 yearsocalve to Dove July let 1 sow 7 years old due to aatve at time 1f sole, l Dow 7 years std dudue calve May 1st, 1 Hol farm w 4 years old due to calve May 10th 1 farrow Dow 0 rears 1 I heifer a yearn did due to calve Apr Aphis 0th, 1 cow Ca 9 years old due g wave April 7th. Young years, steers rising 2 years, 0 rrising defile 2 yanrs, a steere. rising i brood 4 owdheifers to llt 1 year, 1 Fall t o. May, -1 brood sow doe to litter about drat of May, u young pigs about ed 90 lbs. eaarookhens. 80 058-0 geese an thoroughbred Burred Rein Implements -1 Geese -2 arose and n gander. es I with foe a-1 MneeeyHaran binder 8 -ft cut with Yore aur• riage truck and sheaf carrier in good repair ; Massey -Harris mower 6 -ft cut nearly new, Massey -Harris bay loader in good repair, Meg- s0y�Harris elde delivery rake in good combined 10y foot Frost & }good horse rake, combined 18 hoe Masse Harris drill, Frost & Wood cul- tivator and seedbox, new Massey -Harris corn and bean cultivator with bean harvester Door pleas, Massey -Harris manure spreader, pea harvester and bundler, new Massey -Harris Farmers' Friend riding plow, double furrow Massey -Harris riding. plow, 2 Frost & Wood walking plows, 2 gets iron harrows, root pal - per, high wagon, truck wagon, babelenghe, top buggy, cutter, hay reek, Panning mill with bagger, 2,000 pounds cepaciweigh melee. Mssaey Harris 500 pounds capacity Dream sep- arator, churn, kitchen stove, heating stove, 10 colonies Oboes and a number M new boxes, 2 gRravel boxes, wheelbarrow, about 10 tons of 1 hay, a quantity of seed oats and barley, 4 dozen dozen grain bags, n lumber of cedar posts, a quantity of lumber and pine earint ng, water trough, 2 auger kettles, 75 ear pails, 411 gallon galvanized coal oil barrel, l8 mink traps, spray pump, mandrill for sawing machine, new set sling ropes and look 2sets of heavy harness, sot of single harness look, barrel salt, cross cut saw, oak barrel, half keg of cut shingle nails, 2 grindstones, emery atone, spades, ehovels, forks, whifiletrses, rteakyokos and a boat of other articles too nainet•oue to mention. No reserve as proprietor has sold his farm. Terms—All aunts of $10 end under, cash ; over that amount 0 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A dlsoonnt of 8 per Bent per mono» allowed off for cash on credit amounts. Hay, grain and fowl to be oeah. BELL, Proprietor. SOLOMON J. E L, �N UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE CF FARM STOCK AND IM- PLEMENTS belonging to the es- tate of the late Samuel McCurdy, will he held at Sly Lot 4, Con. 6, Morris, on Thursday, April 1st, all p. m. Fol- lowing is the list :-1 bay mare 11 yrs, old, 1 brown mare 12 years old, 1 driv- ing horse 12 years old, 1 gelding rising 3 years, 1 filly rising 3 years, 1 filly ris- ing 2 years, 1. fresh cow, 2 cows due to calve to April, 2 heifers rising 3 years anppnsed to be in calf, 2 fat heifers, 2 heifers rising 2 years, 2 steers tieing 2 years, 2 steers rasing 1 year, 1 heifer rising 1 year, 1 calf under months, 8 hogs 4 months old, about 50 Rhode Island Red hens, about 20 Wyan- dottee and rooster, 4 pore bred Leg. horns, 1 pure bred Leghnrn rooster, 2 white Pekin dunks and drake, Mae- sey-Harris binder 0 -ft. cut, hay loader, eido delivery rake, steel horse rake, mower 6 -ft, cut, flay tedder nearly new, cultivator nearly new, Massey. Harrie seed drill, twin plow, walking ppiow, set iron harrows, wagon, set of boh•sleighs, top buggy, cutter, gravel box, eeufller, combination stock rack, fanning mill, bog truck, wheelbarrow, gi indstone, turnip pulper, rope and Wings, 2 sets doubletrees, crowbar, cross -cut saw, logging chain, . 2 sets double harness (1 Clearly now), set sin- gle harness, 1200 feet hemlock lumber, 8 cords wood, 6 cedar anchor posts, quantity fence wite, 4 elm plank, 25 - gal, coal nil tank, about 20 gale. anal oil, buffalo robe, 2 auger Mettles, 1 water barrel, National creat) separ- ator, churn, butter howl, repeating rifle, grain bags, some household ef- fects, 300 bus, oats, 70 bus, peretnes, 6 bus, beans, 8 tons hay, 1 Scotch Col - Ile dog, other artiolee boo numerous to mention. Absolutely no reserve as the farm has been sold. Terms—Sums of $1000 and under. cash ; over that amount: 8 motlthe credit given on ap- proved joint notes, 4 per cent oft for cash on credit, anloilnts, (4110, MuOU1IDY, Jae, Taylor, Auc, Manager. Mail Contract 88427,1412 TEN1284R9, Addressed to the Pont. master General, will be nimbi received et 01. taWa until noon, on .Friday, the 00th day of April 1020, for the oonveyanee of Hie Mnjes• ty'e thniie, on a proposed Contract for four yeera, 18 Minos ppe4.eek on the route Ethel Post Oboe and tOrelIti Trunk Railway Station, from the Poetmeeter Generals pleasure, Printed nstloos eontalmng further Informs' ionfir condi ions of proposed 0ontrbet mh be es t y p p » 1 I' forms of Tendon may be ob nee and blank Mined atn the Poet atucha of Ethel, he Post And Hen14051 mrd dthe olrioe of the Poet Ploy I l�S5etoaspoebso». Post Chloe02,las 0142 , OBloe London, 19th March 1020, CHAS, E H. ffIaHER, 894 PeHt Cade Inapeotor. m 08 m 16 0 m m 9t a u Fox's rug Store TI -JE! /14.' is asr STORE Weekly Store News c� W 0 L. PAPER • m 0 v, These bright days cannot but remind Its that Spring a time is with tie again, bringing with it the necessity a as well as the pleasure' of brightening up our homed. Aa New Wall Paper as a rule enters largely into the s proposition. We would like to have you come 111 and look over our samples. The lino comprises many at- tractive designs and colorings for Kitchen, Bedrooms, Bathroom, I•Ialls, Living Boom and Parlor. 0 iD e 9 Q a 41 a a 0 B 6 m 6 0 • 44 9 b 87 moss meetamo om®m®emact o3oaoimeckeameemertemeogica eeieeeeeseia Remnants In order to make room for our New Papers we have gone over our stock and made up a great many parcels of Remnants which we offer at Greatly i*eilttcrd Friees. You will fled them very suitable for Kitchens, Closets, Pantrys and Wash .Rooms. See them in our Window this Week Stick Fast The greatest cold water Paste known. Made in- stantly 1 with cold water, Put up in 1 pound packages enough to make one gallon paste, Full directions on each package. 25e per pkge, The young bride on esteem- er was very muolt concerned about her husband who was troubled with dyspepsia. "My husband is very liable to sett sickness, Captain," she remarked. "Gould you tell me what to do in ciao of an attack 1" The Captain replied, "That won't he necessary, Madan!, he'll tin 11," Cin 80 es 65 ea ea uo 3 m m e) 02 50 411 02 Et 20 49 0 C1 CS 9 a 9 9 El eolorite Q Onlors 011 and A New Sir illy Hata 0 and does "t t ight. q Great variety of 8, colors. 4.3 is T;anily applied,� you will be de- de lighted with the q r•esnitt4• f9 Cg C6 t00 © r +m 0 JAMES DRUGGIST and STATIONER X Tenders Wanted Tenders will bo received by the nnderaignrd up to noon on Monday, April 12th for planing crushed stone and gravel into the bits provid• ed for that purpose, Each tender to state price per cubic yard for crushed material, contract- or to pay all expellees in connection with crusher, or per day for power only to run crusher. A. H. MACDONALD, Clerk, Township of Grey, Ethel, Ontario. Choice Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for A. 5.1/o 4, Grey Town. ship, Hurotl County, Morntalita and Ptottoe tent, Duties to eonnn0noe after Easter. Sal. ary ap to $80000 according to qunlitiontlon, piokitena mum of mummy. B, PAYN, Secretary, Brussels Phone 4914 Blttevele R. R, Nu, 2, 'Vinery Our Spring Millinery display is now on exhibition at our Show Room and presents a fine, attractive show- ing of the most correct styles and shades, a stock of beautiful goods. There will be no Formal Opening but the Ladies are welcome to call any day, commencing this week, to see the choice modes. - This season Miss Zufelt is in charge and comes most highly recommended, It will be a pleasure to have you conte and see us. Miss M. E. Ross 'a ltrl .. , ,'d t , .e'efr ei'I el y 121 1R fel01* Richards' Block Brussels `� 3 I�IUiNll�6� COME HERE! If you want gond things to eat Take a peep 1 Or boots that fit your feet, Fine and cheap 1 Oe clothes that's trite and neat, Come t0 Motcrieff Store 1 IP your dish pans spring a leak 3i Call around] Or it' granite ware you seek, Piern and sound I Should the nab your eaueage sneak, ilathwell's keep some mom 1 When ynnr Rubber always slips Just drop in 1 Or your Overalls show ripe: Keep a grin 1 If in Prints your finance dips Step inside our door 1 Eggs we take, for prices rare, Chase thehone 1 h Butter quote that name a stare, Boost the tens 1 Poe all products you can sparo, Moncriee f prices /p .., q'4. HE fou, L soar. p �9 R. a RA "Al'` YOUR SERVICE" Sv1ONCRIEFF 1 r