The Brussels Post, 1920-3-25, Page 4i be ns~ els Irl t
TEIUI?:;!.l..r', MARCH 25, Igaa
eftaSTaa Sit'ulav collies on April 4'h
this ycer.
OWEN ki ulrM tt i .;rei(ing ulrurporat tart
ASA city. 'Pitts 1 i .r:r,ol at the North
while it h++ ti+1 .r lttr.t fivaucial
burup, , t 1 i and 113'5 many
evidenees and optimism.
Soreetin I,- is a detriment
to agtid ,rt r: raisin.
Nolronv tai be very sorry to say
Good -by t. ,d te.i n; Winter. It has'
been a long. eel 1 :and tryi•ng season with
much eek: t „ + td the genial Spring,
with i ;v. Xtra„i,t; sunshine and flow•
ors, will bra . ry e:.•home. Such a Win-
ter as reao doe:: much to pad out the
tourist tsar•. i tp, Cal:ferule and other
warm eht1it,
CITlzaNs' Luuary LsArus will tauter
Provincial politics it is sad. Well, that
will be fine as they will ascertain, as-
suredly,'irhtoff to, hat, how anxious
the thikin, re to have them
in their :votiaer.warl;:ng program, Our
guess is their tome will be "Mede,
mese, teak a- ueh o•siu," called after their
old friend H.:'. n: zzar. Nothing like
having ape goer cry out. Let every con-
stituency have a C. L. L. nominee,
IN some countries a new fad has been
put on tate bs•, v z to die the hair a
bright graen. Ws 'suppose it is being
done to a a+i :n !hi: verdancy of the indi-
vidnnl w•.:;• r.; hr tapilliary adornment.
If something si writing is really desired
why not mike !Ir coloring red, white
and blue. '!'ins ,roual he 'only national
and show th t the natriotie fervor was
not dying int Viten dye is to be used
at all :hit idicitild be bright and
Ix An♦+ t
er,cs name is m>
x to in the coming
o -tl' ear. d 1st
asap g
bye election :uTothato. as successor
to Rev. Dr. C, Tee former was de -
defeated ias' ad,rct'on in Lindon, His
active ate a ;n Hydro is given as a
reason Pl-eha,elOaes are that there will
be no sti,er Ininees whether he
runs or not, AS I ,;onto seems to have
nand Ma' es • ;, hien" although some-
times they nem to be badly frostbitten
by the c!,v has very correctly said the
world L : 1fF:icing more from the high
cost of loeti ;:; thaa from the high cost
of living. Everybody busy at some use-
ful avocati'•n keeps the wheels of the
world proving but every slacker is as-
suredly a brake on the wheel making it
run necessarily harder. There is a cry
about the shortage of men but it is only
a cry as scarcely a community can be
named where from a dozen to a score of
able bodied men might be available if
they were tie minded,
lalextco, by w.,;• of diversion, and also
to fatten their packet book, is kidnap•
pingAmeriean ci:,z_ns and holding them
in et) me mountain fastness for big ran-
soms. A good biff iu the ear by Uncle
Sam. might cure some of these crazy
notions. Olt course Mexico is built a
good deal nu L daredevil principle but
the ordinary individual looks to the
State to preserve their liberty and see
that the law 'Mealier gets what is coming
to him,
LEADING menll,ers are predicting that
the Dominion session will end by about
May rstit. Iu support of this contention
they point to the fact that fully two
weeks was saved on the debate on the
Address in i ep y 'u the Speech from the
Throne, which last year continued from
February 20 to March IS Then, it is
pointed out, there is apparently little
legislation of a very contentious nature
to come before the Douse, so they are
hopeful al reaching prorogation by the
above date.
ChM is an olid schemer. When hear -
ranges matrimonial alliances between
young folk well suited to one another he
is praised but when it comes to a hus-
band forsaking his wife and running off
with his mother -til -law the praises are
changed to anathemas, The long list of
divorce cases before Parliament at Ot-
tawa this year is no compliment to Cana-
dian home life nor recommendation to
young people to go into double harness.
That "Be it ever so humble there's no
place like home" is not on the program
of the majority of such homes is a safe
WHEREVER the blame rests there i8 a
long list of accidents. if not casualties,
chalked up It5ainst the automobile, es-
pecially in the cities, Calgary, for in-
stance, reported moo last year, with a
population of 7a,aoo, and scarcely a
Week pusses that somebody is not either
injured or killed in the city of Toronto.
48 were killed in xgtq, Where there is
congestion of traffic it is uo doubt a diffi-
cult matter to keep tine streets clear from
harm, especially ae so many folk are
either foolhardy or lose their wits in such
emergencies. Taking a little more time
and exercising considerably more oau-
tion would obviate tnany a smash.
Professes Occult Powers
Weird Story Told in Legal Case at
Oegoodo Hall.
Toronto Daily Globe of Wednesday
of last week gives the following report
coeceruiug a Morris township resi-
dent :-A tale involving eupposed
communication with the dead and one
which le in many 'velvets the weird -
eel that hers hurtle before the Ontario
Comte its litany yeals reached Ott -
pude Hall yesterday. It was orig-
inally told before.lndge Henry Dick-
son, of Huron County, and calve to
Oegoode Hall because the lawyer who
defended the principal in the trial re-
quested a stated mow to bring before
the Appellate Division, He wishes
tine court to determine whether the
evidence which had been offered was
sn flieient to warrant a t tnvictiou.
M iss Maggie Pollock, sister and
housekeeper of a farther near Blyth,
Morrie township, Huron County, is
the peranu about whom the case re-
volves, Through the years, she claim-
ed at her trial, that she had gradually
come to realize that she was possess-
ed with a peculiar occult gift, and
throughout tine country her reputa-
tion of being able to reveal the hiding
places of lost, stolen or strayed prop-
erty had become known. Consequent-
ly, if her neighbors mislaid anything
they came to her, asked her Inc the
Information they desired, and gener-
ally left a small monetary gift.
Not only is the case itself reminis-
cent of the days of witchcraft but
very indictment on which she was
originally charged conveys, with its
legal phraseology, snmething of the
atmosphere of the days when witches
were condemned to die in planners
most horrible.
It was charged that in the month of
December, 1918, she did unlawfully
pretend from her skill and knowledge
in an occult and crafty science, to dis-
cover when and in what manner cer-
tain goods and chattels. to wit, certain
gain and oats, supposed to have been
stolen from one, John Lienhardt,
could be found," and farther, "that
she did pretend to use a certain kind
of witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment
or conjuration."
During the trial several remarkable
instanced came to light, Testifying
in behalf of the accused woman, Mrs.
wife n4 a
Brussels bar-
rister, told of having consulted Miss
Pollock at a time when she had lost a
diamond ring, an heirloom from her
mother. Although her mother had
been dead for years, Mrs. Sinclair
said, the woman had said : 'I see
your mother standing beside your
chair." Continuing, she had inform.
ed Mrs. Sinclair that Lite ring had
been thrown out of a South door in
the house with some dust, and that if
patience were exercised the missing
ring would be found when the snow
disappeared. Mrs, Sinclair did not
wait, however, and, with her hus-
band, melted quantities of snow,
without finding the least trace of the
missing ring. Accordingly, she wrote
Miss Pollock, informing her of what
she had done, and Miss Pollock replied
that her message had been to "have
patience" and await nature's will.
After a thaw came weeks later, the
ring was found lying on the ground
in the position described by Mies Pol-
lock, during her alleged communion
with the spirit of Mrs. Sinclair's de-
parted mother.
Auction Sale
AU7 Taxi osreON Nme &c. -Thos.
vn. K
eer, has been instructed by the undersigned
to sell by Public Auction at S34 Lot 90, con. 8,
Morris. on Wednesday, March- 81st at 1 p. m.
the following property: -1 matched brown
team of mares rising 5 and 0 years, 1 perelteron
colt rising 2 years, 1 cow rising 8 years doe to
calve April 8, 1 cow 6 years old due to delve
May 16, 1 oow 6 years old dne to calve June 6
1 cow 6 years old, farrow, 2 heifers rising 0
years old due to calve April 16, 2 yearling
heifers, 2 two sear old heifers, 8 steers rising
2 years, 4 steers rising 8 seam cow with lit.
ter of 7 51 foot, 6 weeks old at time of sale, 1
brood sow to farrow June 1st, 1 brood sow
not with pig, 8 piss weighing about 60 lbs„ 9
pigs weighing about 100 lbs , 11 pigs weighing
about 1861be, 1 set of single harness nearly
new, 1 set of double harness, 1 Chevrolet tour-
ing car, 5 passenger, 1819 model, run one seas-
on, in first-class condition, 1 top buggy nearly
new. 1 Portland outter nearlynew, 1 eat bob.
sleighs, 1 lumber wagon nearlnew, 1 wagon
box, 1 flat pine hay rack with oar, 1 bloTaggart
fanning milt, 1 turnippulper, 1 wheelbarrow,
1 walking plow, 1 ridig plow, 1 gang plow, 1
steel muffler, 1 steel McCormick hay rake, 1
McCormick mower, 1 land roller, 1 disk, 1 set
iron harrows, 1 Noxon seed drill, 1 Peter Hem-
libon 12 hoe seed drill with pressure, 1 Dane
hay loader need 8 seasons, 1 Massey -Harris
binder 7 ft, out, cut five crops, 1 Deering man -
are spreader, large size, 1 Williams sewing
machine, 1 Mellotte cream separator, eoythes,
forks, shovels and other articles too sumer-
one to mention, Sala unreserved as propriet.
or has sold hie farm. Terme-All sums of $10
and under oash ; over that amount 9 months
credit given on furnishing approved joint
notes. it per cent diaoount for cash. on aredit
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by the undersign-
ed, up to noon on Monday, April Lith, 1920, for
the construction or the following Deana in the
township of Grey : Livingston, Hall, Arm-
strong, Burke and part of the Beauchamp
Cre.•k. Plana, profiles and epeoiflcations may
be Neon at the Clerk's Office, Ethel.
Tenders will also be received, up till noon on
Monday, April lath, 1920, for the painting of
the following bridges in the Township of
Grey : Grant's, Oronbrook, King's, Brem-
ner a, Lbrk'e, McDonald's, White's, Hayden's,
Duke's and Me(lartney'a
Township of Grey, Ethel, Ont,
For Sale or Rent
Lot 11, Con, 2, Grey Township, 100 acres in
good state 0f etiitivetion, 80 eines plowed for
spring crop, halanoa hay and pasture, conven-
ient to enhool and ehureh Bank barn 70 x 52
plete throughout, odimit
ment shed, gond hog pen, gond frame house,
two good wells and farm well fenced. ?Moe
and terms reasonable. Apply
13. Mc00101'0K, Trowbridge, Oat,
Work Horses and Bulls for Sale
I ani now offering one 0holoe Scotch Sell
color, dark roan ; s e,11 months ' dam, Mil-
dred 182052 ; tire, Sittyton Victor 121488. A leo
2 cheaper bulls, one roan and one red,
I have anything you want In Horses, MAres
and Geldings. THOMAS KEI186,
8841 Phone 859 Henfryn,
T F zlra:'M J• ••iF3di:Lv','9lCrSZILAFlC4i ra
�l kip, u11�8i� li
The Flat Oil Paint
For Interior Decoration
For the walls and ceilings of any room in your house, most
delicate and harmonious effects can be secured by the use
of NEU-TONE. It is cheaper and more sanitary than wall
paper and will last much longer because it can be washed
without injury. It positively will not rub off.
NEU-TONE is made in eighteen shades, and by the use of various tints
most pleasing combinations may be secured..1
NEU-TONE is easy to apply. It covers well and leaves no brush marks,
producing a dull, soft, velvety finish which will lend charm to any room
In the house.
Any surface may be successfully treated with
NEU-TONE-Plaster,wood, burlap or metal.
Call and let us explain the merits of this and
other MARTIN-SENOUR finishes. For every
purpose -For every surface. Our stock is com-
plete and we can give you full information.
George R. Weller
"10013 Pure"
Fur buildings,
outside and in,
It wears and
wears and
beautifies and
preserves Oil
Cloth and Lin-
rt Marble-ite"
Floor Finish
The one perfect
floor finish.
Wood -Lac "
Improves the
new -renews
the old.
d`"I• cpartmcit! of jfilltiltie
73eninicrt of t'allatia
our ifiC
Should be Filed
et at Once!!
All persons residing in Canada, employed in Canada, or carrying on
business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows:
Every unmanned person, or
widow, or widower, without de-
pendants as defined by the Act,
who during the calendar year,1919,
received or earned 11,000 or more.
Forms to be used in filing
returns on or before the
31st of March, 1920:
Trustees, executors, ad-
ministrators, agents and
assignees must Use F0r111
T 3.
Employers slaking a
return of the names and
amounts paid to all di-
rectors, officials, agents or
'other employees must use
Form T 4.
Corporations and joint
Stock Com pan i(•8 making a
return of all dividtnds and
bonuses paid to sharehold-
ers and members during
1919, must tete Forel T 5.
N01'P. -Ird vuivala aomhrno p.,rt•
melds must lila returns 10 their Indtvi•
dual capaoity on Perm T I nr'1' 1 A.
Every person who is required
to make this return, who fails
to do so within the time
limit, shall be subject to a
penalty of $10.510 for engin lay
during which the default
continues -011:101 su h pen-
alties 911011 he oast s't: r d
collected from the person
liable to snake the re'i•rn in
tate Kittle manlier in •thich.
taxes are -messed and col-
Address til li;sltettur of Taxation
All other individuals,
who during the calendar
year 1919, received or
earned $2,000 or more.
Time Limit
All persons in Class 1, as
shown hereon, ,lust file on
or before the 31st of
March, 1920.
All persons in Class 2, as
shown hereon, must file
on or before the 30th of
April, 1920.
General instructions
Obtain Forms from the
Inspectors o r Asltistan l
Inspectors of Taxation, or
from Postmasters.
Read carefully all iil-
-tructions on Form before
filling it in.
Prepay postage on
letters and documents for-
warded by mail to Inspec-
tt:rs of Taxation.
Llahe your returns
promptly, and
for this District.
Every corporation and
joint stock company, whose
profits exceeded $2,000
during the fiscal year end-
ed in 1919.
Forms to be used in filing
returns on or before the
30th of April, 1920:
All individuals other
than farmers and ranchers
must use Form T 1.
Farmers and ranchers
,lust use Form T 1 A,
Corporations and Joint
Stock Companies must use
Form T 2.
Every person required to
make a return, who falls to do
so Within the time limit,
shall be subject to a penalty
of twenty-five per centum
of the amount of the tux
Any person, whether taxable
or otherwise, who fails to
make a return or provide
information duly required
according to the provisions
of the Act, shall be liable on
summary conviction to a
penalty of $100.00 for each
day during which the default
continues, Also any person
making a false statement
In any return or In any
Information required by the
Minister, shall be liable, on
summary conviction, to a
penalty not exceeding 810,000,
tr 10 six months' imprison-
ment or to both fine and
R. W? , F? F,ADN1 R,
Commissioner of Taxation
0}0+0.1', 1.0+00.444 0444.44,4.‹.+041. 04.444 d •2.4,11,01,a+10.1. .1 0-0 40,01 °t4/Ir;7
The Seaforth Creamery
Cream Wz
Il i L'0.+ *160O1S7a*066037cla;
Send your Cream to the. Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt :: ivi,'.r and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using.the scale test to weigh Creams sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars sere our Agent, MR. T. C.
Mc.:CALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or writs, to
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
+•+®+04.0,4++•+•4+•+m-f.0I'ar••••t.e 444 44+4 0 404 $494.. 0 9 1: S41,1,4 04-40.;:
Tenders Wanted
Tenders for the construction of the Dolmaeo
Drain, in the Township of Ma tillop, and the
Dickson Drain in the Pownshipa of SiaKnlop
and Bollen will be received by the undersign•
ed up till .Saturday, April tOth,1940, at 1 o'clock
p, no., when tenders will be opened at Connell
meeting in Senforth A cheque for 551% of con•
tract price moat accompany , ach tender. Tho
lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
PInne, &o., may be seen at the Clerk's office,
Lot 24, (Jon. 7, al0E1110p.
(inerts of McKillop, Seeforth P. 0,
Farm for Sale
Good 150 acre farm for sale, boiug Si tot 15,
and 101 of 51 Lot 14, Cott. 7, Morrie townehtp,
100 acres aro under cultivation with 50 acres
ready for seeding ; 6 acres Full wheat ; good
bush nod pasture with never failing spring
running thr +r'h rtittore. Good comfortablemfortable
house, 1 br • + small hnv born
ends nark bare pt x e foot m t
end driving g511 ilea fisc , orchard, well we
1 a , ''a be sold
ore, Flu, 0 mils from town, 1
on account of til 'rids, For furtherparticu-
lars ns to mire, a ro ma, etc., apply tooF F, , Scott
Brussels or FRANCIS 4. l3ElBN
2&t1 Blyth Li15,. R. No. 2.
Short Horn Bulls
Wo have won let Prize on bull calf at Brim
sole Fall Nair for 6 years in eueceseion and have
always something good on hand for sale,
Phone 2814 Lot 10, Con. 15, Grey Twp,
Short Horn Bull Calves for Sale
Undaralgued offers for sale 5 Short Born
calves, from the well known etre, Hers -
Held Stamp, bred by Harry Smith and owned
by undersigned. A sow, Princess Pat from
[tame bull, sold at Bricker's sale, Elmira re-
cently for $1000, the hi 6ghat pride at sale. 12e -
port says "She is a heifer or Show calibre and
5 years old." Heradeid Stamp Is also for sale.
Sys Lot 80, Con, 8, Morrie township.
Phone 100 Brussels P. 0.
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keepfor service on /33-5Lot 80, Co. orriee townhip, the tthorn'-bred
Short Horn Bull, Gainford of Salem, No,
-90418=. Sired by Gainford Marquis (108850) ;
Dam Mildred VII by Royal Sailor 08069), Pad•
agree may be Been on application. Terms -
:MO 00 for thoro'•breds payable et time of ser.
vice with privilege to return. Grade cows not
Tend,. rx will he rye, -eve 1 by the underxign.d
tip to April 6t11, 101:19, f•'r tin• ort,,.+r ',etion of a
sewer on William ei re, t, i. fl.• V,lingeBrusse.f
Amin at the office ur Go, s and' i, d. r•, n- luny ho
I rt of ih1, lluniclpl ,
F. S. :WO IT,
V11a'a• Clerk.
Stock for Sale
Ttvo voting Sewell short 11 ren lin1L (Or sal-...
Ono 11 iunnihe old sired I,y G•,inef,-ad of Solent
sod the other 10 month- .,'a -ir.d br Amin,
Lad. Prices right. T1 a is, +'11010 10,
Let Ou, t',•„ 4, 5i'•r, is Twp.
Toi,,phen it 1,sto L', u+.Sts R. R. 5,
44.00+ia 044 etSee SOC+ to a 0040• se
Persons intending- to
place Weather Insurance
on buildings would do
well to see
H. L Stwrt
Agent for the Ontario Farmers'
Weather Insurance Co.
Head Office, Grand Valley
Rates : $2.00 per loon
x•••0•••••./9•••••••44••St* ••0•¢"o•••r,ea itcei ie sti 4-t
Students iMay Enter Any Time s
SWI /db71,4Jtet,
0C•00000004:44400•O.44)0•000054,•P8•• 494•Rr0i45.14,4404.4442
We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors
who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are
meeting with success, We are training Soldiers under
Soldiers' Civil lie -establishment Comtuission.
Address the College for Fro° Catalogue, to either
Stratford or Wingi'tam
Cream Wante
esemesseuseseeelemumenemes c
Ship y::ior Cream
Direct ito the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfact . ry Rett rns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges, Issue Cheques for ti.e pay-'
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one triai and you
will not want to discontinue.
--Brussels CrmeryStrvast ��ro Pros.
ry,.aai,re...,- ,