HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-3-25, Page 1VOL, 48 NO, 39 01.50 Per A MUM 7:11 Advance
We invi .e Far-
mers' Accs nts
Our service to farmers is as com-
plete as 87 years of growth and know-
ledge of Canada's agricultural con-
dition can make it.
We collect or discount sale notes,
cash produce cheques -by mail when
desired -and make advances to re-
sponsible farmers.
We extend courteous, friendly ser-
vice to our farmer customers at all times.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital - - $ 9,700,000
Reserve Fund - . . 18,000,000
Resources • • • - 220,000,000
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
Mail Contract -Chas. E. 11, Philter,
Auction Sale -SM, 'Barnard.
Short Horns for sale -A. MK -Caroller,
Auction Sale -Solomon .T. Bell.
Palace Bakery -W. B. Willis.
Spring Millinery -Miss Inman,
Choice Millinery -miss Bose.
Come here -R. 0. Rathwell,
AttentIon-Mrs James.
Cow for sale -Walter Brotulfoot.
Auction Sale-Robt. McKinnon,
Spring Suitings-W. P. Fraser.
rtioulture-Walton Society.
Back to town -M. Yolliak.
For sale-narvoy Dobson.
Oats for sale -Geo. Whitfield.
Tenders wanted -Township of Grey.
Car of oats -Charles Garniss.
Oar of sugar -W. 3. McCracken.
Wall Paper -James Pox.
Auction Sale -Geo, McCurdy,
Millinery -Geo. Mitchell.
Regular meeting -Ethel Farmers' Club.
Bull for sale -D, Glassier.
Car of sugar -W, G. Neal.
London where bo will engage at his
trade as carpenter. His farming
operationa have been succeseful and
by hard wovk an1 active industry the
farm and its surroundings have bent
greatly improved during his stay of
11 years. An unreserved Auction
Sale will be held by Mr. Barnard on
Tuesday, April Oth, with T. R. :Sen-
nett, Wingham, as Auceioneer. Read
list in this week's POST.
Nomas. -S. Dobbs, Beaton, spent
the tveek end at the home of D. D.
Sanderson.-Charebes and schools,
have opened after being closed for
lout' weeks owing to the influeuza
epidemic. -John Rutledge, 13tettnpton,
was a visitor in the village last week.
Rev. Mn, Bradley, Teestvatere
preached in the Presbyterian church
,i5trirt gt.bas „ Ehuriston, is visiting her grand -par -
nu Sunday. -Miss Bernice Whitmore,
, etas, R. and Mrs. Black. -The ninny
friends of Thos. Inglia who was well
Jamestown', known here, will regret to leave or his
Ed, Barnard has leased his farm, ad-, death which took place Friday at his
joining Jamestown, for a year to hotne in Belmove. He had never frilly
Messrs. Simpson, and will move to ; recovered from an attack or pneu-
What services do your bankers render?
Do they supply you with sound, practical
advice based on up-to-date knowledge of
markets, prices and business conditions?
Do they help you to take advantage of your
opportunities and increase your income?
This Bank is prepared to help farmers in
every way possible. 80A
PAID-UP CAPITAL . $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND . $15,000,000
WALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager.
House CI
Large Stock of Wall Papers Sherwin Williams Paints
No. 1 Manitoba Flour $6.50 cwt.
No. 1 Blended Flour 6.25 cwt.
Hennie s Seeds Now on hand 13 e c rkvee
Timothy Seed
Now is the timeeto geb your Clover Seed
es the supply is limited.
Sugap, 50 bags White Sugar at $17.5o per cwt.
• so bags Brown Sugar at $16,5o per cwt.
Ten per cent off on Men's Mackinaw Rubbers. •
A. Leitch & Son
Phone 52 to
mania novel al weeke ago. Be WAS ill
itt hid 8101 year and was one of Oar-
riekai moid, respected resident RI, Mr,
Inglis was buried in the family plot: at
Meintoeli cemetery, Rev, Nhe Sin-
clair officiating.. airs. Inglis died huit
December, A gement family, conslea.
ing of a son and 3 daugheees, seevive,
Friday evening or this week the
Murtlison Concert twice postponed
will be held in the (1. 0. le. Hall here,
Plan of Ilall nt tioppel ore, Murd-
ison is well worth hearing.
The Anetiou Salo et P. laterow's
leek, Monday went with 0 good ewing.
T110114 lots 1)1+11 11...or vivo in St,
(temp:eat chureb for the pnet 2 Sab-
betas owing to the illnees 01Rector
Sin i th.
Thi H week Roy Renner rented t he
farm of W. Me ited.•, .4, 1 } miles
North, for the vow' .,g MUT/
He will not move to 1.4
handy by.
Robert, lairrest field his farm io elea
Killop tewnship teed lets irmiflit.
home iti ta tel 110
move]] on April let . tilt he- hot
not been any ton 1 ogged !nit r hope
the rest will do him wont.
A meeting for the edictal oreaniza-
Orin of \Vattern flortieultural Society
will he held in the A. 0, U. W. Hall
Friday evening of next, week. ex -Presi-
dent, Wm, Bartle-, Seefoeth will ad-
dress the meeting, See the nave
ThOMM Idamaimali anitonnee the en-
gagement; of their daughter H. Gert-
rude to Win. H. MOIlitt, non or B.
and Mrs. Monett, Blyth, Ont. The
marriage will Mkt] place early in
Fridny or this week a meeting will
be held at the school house to nee
range for the School Fair, vivre: 01 -
tiers, &e. All interested aro asked to
attend meeting at. 2 p, In. to give the
Fair a good initial end -off Inc 1920,
Funeral olthe late James Sinclair
took place to Oranhrook cemetery
last Monday afternoon, conducted by
Rev. Mr, Kennedy.
Jon. and Mrs. Bvay, who made an
extended visit to Hamilton, arrived
home safe and sound. WB ate glad
to have them back.
Ott the evening of Hester Sunday
the pastor, Rev. Mr, Kennedy, will
give a special address to the W. M.
of Banta clinech. Service at 7,80
At a meeting or the (Hifalutin Board
of )8dneationn the salary of A. A.
Naylor, Principal of Mary
school in that °ley, was increased te800
retroactive to January 1st, 1920. Mr.
George it Mitchell's
The Ladies of Ethel and locality
are invited to attend tele
Friday & Saturday
March 26th and lith
lIluhl line of Trimmed raid Ready-
to-wear Hats for 1, 1les and
Children et tight 01 nes.
and inspeet our Floc+.
Geo. PA. MKoliell
P... 3one 2215 ETFIEL
I have a choice stock of
that should be seen be-
fore you place your Spring
Splendid values in
Waterproof Coats
that are 6l119 SaIlbry,
W. P. Fraser
Tailor Brussels
Naylor resigned the principalship of
the Seaforth public school last; Sep-
tember to accept the ptincipaiship of
the Chatham school at a salary of
81,500. This was increased by 8100 in
December and again by 8100 in Janu-
ary, and this last increase now makes
his salary $2,000a yarn
PAY up.1-All accounts doe G. W. Pollard'
Ethel, not Nettled by April 1011, next will be
inward tete other hands to,. collection. Rs -
moving from Ethel hence necessity for closing
up books. G. W. PoLLARD, Ethel,
Mrs, Fred. James spent 'the week
end in London visiting her husband.
G. A, McLelland, 'Torolito, spent a
few days last week visiting his home
ar r Su or
Expected in course of a
few days. Special price
off car.
G, NEAL - Walton
Sale of Cattle
At Thos. Coulter's Sale Barns
AT 2 P. M.
rh 27
lo Fresh Cows
is Springers
10 Young Cattle,
Lott 8c, MacDonald
TAYLOR, AlICIii.1100t..
0+++0+++06+4.149+4+444.+4e+0+0+ 04 4,44+0+6+4Zer ;r -i-4+6 0e..14+41.1.44 4.
a 'Ver
wish to acquaint the people of Brussels and
locality with the fact that I have opened an •
up-to-date Bakery in the Garfield Block, Brus-
sels, and am prepared to supply your needs in
* good Bread, Cookies, Cakes, &c.
Will endeavor to please our customers and
solicit your hearty ,co-operation in the enter-
prise. A call at our shop will be much
Phone 32x Proprietor.
+'+4 444)+4.+4.+0+ 44+ 6+41 +40+,44+++++•+*+•+4•+.44+.+4.
Ramo-au all, 4' I I Viti Es
. Jae
from their meet], 111te H. Heil, el I riortioulture the
Mien el, Lenient, mei 0. Farrners' C I Li b
T'l :10, 11
tIO. I tI Balt
Smith,, Guelph eieited feer(
for a lew dare .;
Mrs, W. 1).
spending a few 41 .; at home ,f her
patty iinloatied a cat' of eVeetern ()ale
last week. The weir) wee fnir (nudity
and 1I.11.0 81113 ker(101.
A tleittlon tile puha., le ealted t
advt., tisk itig for tender:. for tat 1.11,11
the mail from Ethel poet epee; I, 4,i.
T. R. station and 'pilot..
Miss Elizabeth Hell, who tea, berm
in Torero te Wan 5. g000l 111.. Intr.
nIf. Ihtitueri-t)', C
Phe 1,1i1 llflCV anneeeeeteeet
Geo. NI. Mitele.I.1 and Mrs, .1 me
appeals elsewhere in this lean, The,
,viii be of special to
Epworth League meeting Thuteeley
evening of this week. -mph.. 1. 1.,
rge or Mist Boroleo Colo. SpoPiAl
nutubere et e fIrraligN1 Eceiy-
one ifi invited.
The Ltulies .Aitl tit' eh,' Metleeliet
ebutch ate making a celleetbai of
110 wopapors, me gazi flf.a, kr., for Ohio
mime. If people leering ;mei) weal
Jan up Mee. A. McKie] ei Mr, S. S.
Cole, Ethel, they would (entree it ate,
The people of fettlel roll vieieity
were delighted with the splendid play,
"The Country eliniste.," pue hy
the Ethel Dramatic ub on Friday
evening last. Everyone played their
part and aome were well worthy ef
special mention but to do that woull
be treading on dangerous ground
The melted 10193 larger 1 him expected
owing to ermelition of read, pia-
ceeds amoutited to 8.311 00 which was
handed over to the Lib. ,uian ar Pub -
Ile Library, Cleo. Mitch '11.
The latest:real estate deal on record
hew been put through between F. W.
Dunbar, Listowel and A.. L. ale Hee
ald, town when they eeeliauged teal
donees the change to take place as
snon as roads permit. 'lee are pleas-
ed to see Mr. Dunbar come to town
but; very sorry to see Mr. and Mrs.
McDonald remove as hay wet' ale
ways foremost, te take their share in
anything for the benefit of the awn,
either financially or otheeeetee.
McDonald will still continue to do
business in Ethel for some time as be
still owns ennsiderahle grazing land
conveuienb lo Ethel. The trade enemies
a triple unfair in regard to numbers
as we only get oue in exchange for
Township Council mer last Monday.
Allam and Mrs. Somers and family
have moved to the Steelton Del neve
farm. 5th line, lately vacated by Her -
bele, Manning,
On account, of the roadways being
inundated for a few days some of the
ratepayers were cut oil from Rued
mail service For a while last week
Miss Jennie Robb w a home from
her school near Hareiston, owieg to
the serious illness and eubseguent de-
mise of her sister, Nies. Augustus
MI's. HenryJackeno, Siltie
back from a visit of 8 weeks to Brig -
den, whither she went owing 1e toe
illness of Roy and Mrs, eleDonela led
son Kenueth with the lin. Mrs, Mc-
Donald is a, daughter, We 1111. glad
to hear of their reeovet y.
Choice Canadian Western
Chas. carniss
+ No formal Opening will bo
held but the Ladies of Ethel
and locality ato asked to call
and inspect the fine display.
Miss Iona Steiee is 010' Mil-
+ liner titis EINI.:1011,
Fashionable Goode at Mod-
erato Prices.
1. II I [ !
tiering Is at hand and so is
our choice 11131.1 stack of
Produce Taken,
÷ Mrs. James,
* ETHEL., ÷
,E. +
÷ .1.
there will be a public meeting for
the .ptierise of ill
the Walteei Blamer el the florli-
cullu. td kinti el y, welt ex4a-tai-
dent Win. Dewy, Sweet tit, in
elute go. All interested in Hot tie
tti Work 111 y pi'et:Ortt.
EVerybody wiereene.
It. H. II001e13ll,
t. Am Expecting a Car oil
in tlit near lettere.
A180 a car of
+ df"4!. W. OATS
Regalar lelouthly Meeting of Hee
body will he hold in the Township
Hall, Ethel, Saturday, Mar. 27th,
at 2 p. m. All interested are ask -
(el 10 be oil hand,
WALTER 1-1.51 11.1.113, Presider) a
1, K. HALlee, Seeretall.
Titeedne ereitiee t,t ibie week iteli
et 1- PP mt 5118. itretuuvy, well known
raed h. Con., eelebrated
areii (teak', eVelltling with a house -
felt a a es A 1 ',port of the gather -
lee ;eel it' greet. 1.1 ek.
t ilj.,111 Cnil
.aholl took pfm.
of ; ioqr form. 113.13. Con.,
+, .....tit ion t.tot-lori root 1 ,Loolor Bros.
,... 4-
4. FRESH! SEEDS ..1-*::
* Field - Garden - Lawn
+ _
W. J. McCracken •!'•
+ Phone 48 +
• - -
The 100 acre farm of the late Satunel
McCurdy, B Lot 4, Con, b, lute herit
sold te elute. Ontiltes,
flit+, for the stun of $0.e.00. ten .1.'-
0(10111. of having to give early 1)05KOK.
4011 a clearing Auction 'Sale will be
held Thursday afternoon of next
week, at 1 p. cu., with Jas. Taylor 05
Auctioneer. The list of Sale may be
read in this issue.
As will be HOPI] by melee elsewhere
Silas Untie, daughter of Meta end the
late Samuel Fear, formerly ul Morris
Lownship, where relatieus still reside,
was united in marriage. on the iith
inst., to Walter Ilarlocit, at the home
of the bricle'e mother. They all reside
at Munleo, Out. The friends of the
bride extend congratulations to Mr.
and Sit s. fiarleek.
Wednesday .tfternoon of next week
is the date of the Auction Sale of W,
Maunders, lie miles South or Brussels
on the gravel road. He sold his farm
but (lees not give up possession until
next Fall. During past. week he leas-
ed it, for the (aiming crop and will
make a business trip to the Western
States, hence the sale will be without
reserve, Mee. elaunderm and Misses
Margaret and Mildred will be remain-
ing here in the meantime. The fol-
lowing Reins weve omitted front Ole
Sale list given an- page 4 :-1 Short
Horn bull, 12 months old bred by
Oliver Tarnhull, El tons hay, 250
bushels barley, 150 bushels tints and
some household effects.
RESULTS.- Word has been received
from Tisdale. Saete.. aer to Mrs. Peer
Jackson's demiee. Site ;yes attacked -
by the the went te bee. ear Feb. fete
and passed awey en the tleale
daughter ,lettee - wee niareiree et
Peinze Albert a. T. P. Leyezek area
they wee e eeeitiee at eee eraleee pat -
mina: I; lee Arid s erte were le.a.e, e.
tang- r : hem en the tea:tutelar
evening. jaekeans
death. ora.f, the aed ;laugh-
ter of cee late :Henry Ti,?, ean aol
1.1115 1' 0 tan- Preeeeta Ora, Oee
Whet' whir w leeve
her itt he: erteth year' wee]: rite .1
away. Het termite -1110,0a
Hluttt townehip, Perth Coo, when Ate
'MIS 5 years old atal afterward to ties
7t1i line, Moreie township. Mn. Tier.
luau eked in 1877. 87 years ego leer
January the subject of this netiee wee
united in imuliage to her now bet rea
paelnet and they made their lemie tm
the ath line. Movrie, 1111 til they moved
to the West 15 yeaes ago. 10 children
-.8 boys anti 2 girls were bine} to the
home, one daughter. being deeeased.
Mee. ,Ltelteou'e passing makes the Srtl
v em en t in the fe mily it, ahem, a,
year. Bezel, the 21 year old daugh-
ter, Ited teletenee Malepriee, wife of
Natemati Jeckson, predeceasing the
mother. Mrs. Noreuriu left a 5 day
old infant who has been eared
for. The subject of this notice was et
bright, thrifty, Wriest] ions woman of
good judgement and her sudden de-
- 'else is very deeply.larnented by many
relatives and friends, Bee health had
not been very rugged for the past
year. Mts. Thos. Alcock, of Grey
township is a sister to t he -dettearerti.
The McKinnon clearieg Auction
Sale will be held on Wednesday,
April 7th. List of sale may be read
in this testae
Oann Trteance,--We wish to ex -
prose out] thanks 10 neighbors and
friends for Omit never -to -be -forgotten
kindness shown to the late Joseph Me -
Donald duriug his illness and in his
demise and the sympathies tendered
to us. We also return thanks for the
beautiful ilowera. Yours gratefully,
Mate Joie MaDoetaart AND FAMILY,
(4o00 Oetan-A bine mouths old
steer, weighing 890 lbs fed by Wilbur
Turnbull and marketed through the
United Farmees' Coemerative, Co„
topped the Toronto merket, Tuesday
of last week at $151 per owe A.
couple of yotmg bulls of the same
breeding and 'conformation are still
for sale.
ViIre 11,-' ,t 1, the neighbor -
tee d
hit !bed. 1201 (tee., is home
tam, Tel .•],ta hoepital. where he
1Wti3 SOVOM, We414, 1 io improving
nr0 ham- he will 11416I100 1.0 re -
ware its hat health until he irt as
Meaty es iti days of y1,11%
II ha beIql l'eN,i1e,.1 by Mrs,
Atitliew Met eamiek. Wingliarn, of the
death of her brother, John Lamont-, of
Sitetiess, Seek. Mr. Lamont was rais-
ed itt Wing/tarn and went West about
7 yeare ago, A year later lie was
married to May Antietam], of Suceese.
tylo snrvives. The sad neve came
with a blow to Wingham locality for
Ire was ti man of good principles and
W13.8 respeeted by all who knew him.
Old has arrived as to cause of
death. Mr. Lantota was a cousin of
Norman, Win, A., Ches. A. and AlMo
Lamont, of this lottality. Fle leaves a
wire and three childven. Deceased
vt ae a kind husband and father. Deep
symietteiv ie felt for bereaved.
(iv noi al regefii, is nerve:teed over the
(lel LI 411. eirace L. Robb, belove,1
wife of Auguseas Wheeler, who pass-
ed away Wednesday of lust week, at
age of 25 years, 9 months and 27 days.
She is survived by her husband, 2
little sone and her parents turd mister.
The funeral was very largely attended
tarot Saturday afternoon, service being
tettelueted by INV. W. H. Stafford.
Pallbearers were Levi Parr, Jas.
Bryens, John Wink, Elsto» Cardift,
Leslie Thuell and CV. MeOutcheon,
Interment: was made in Brussels
Cemetery. Among the beautiful flor-
al tributes was a wreath from Green -
bush Patriotic Society, an organize -
tion that owed much of its success to
deceased when she was teaching in
that, locality. Mrs. Wheeler was a
daughter of Jtto, and Mrs, Robb, tith
line Morris township and was married
to her now bereft partner on March
Rith, 1918. She possessed a bright at-
tractive personality and was belovea
by all who knew lin and her death
cast a gloam over the community..
-Among relatives and friends attend-
ing the funeral were Miss Laura
-Wheeler, Haileybury ; Russel Wheel-
er, Kincardine : Miss Jennie Robb,
Evasion 1 Mrs. R. P. Brandon, and
Mis; Mildeed 11111, Moorefield ; Mrs.
'Walter Futien ami Albert. Jackson,
Barrister] : George Robb, St. Clathar•
thee. The itefaut SMI, who was born
on Match Srd, hue been taken to the
hem], ciJehr, and Mrs, Robb where he
will be Well eared r. The bereaved
are :arge enerere in community spin-
eeeeey Snrow that has come
eeera roe]; of their loved one.
Pecipte We 'Talk About Sit
See, Fetwares wes eetratford alt
a; re: 'Mos a visitor with
eeee aave
e; ere:. w e %%seer in
2.- .. A ttit,
.F; t;0.,41 health
ee. %v. e ee we, ereeeere
are. ea -e. aewet. a. not ns well as
91 ..5e'',;;IttiC,Tt.' the
ele itetkultit of tb., ill nese of her
"InNillIT.A NI McKay. who was renew.
old tr.endsbips here, lel, for her
tiert.,e, t 11,s‘: i yth 71 :tk
its. nont
Chielph Itiet
w, k, v Imr hes entisin, George
1.', laleamde, a Food Inspector
LoWry, Vto hit been ill.
to eity aurt State, spent the
wtek reel 1 '0 Methodist Parsonsige.
St.41'..rd 18 1. sister'
Mrs. r. L. Kerr, Clinton. and Mrs.
51 ore, of Saseatoon, were renewitig old
friendships in Brusselsthis week. They
were former residents,
Miss Vinie Bowtnau, Toronto, was a
visitor here for a few days. She and
her sister, elm, j, IC Galbraith, made a
brief trip to Kincardine to See their
other sister, Mrs. T. R. Wheeler.
Mrs H. MeQuarrie who is with her
daughter, Mrs. Frank Stretton, leaves
Meetly tor her home in Toronto, She
expects to return as usual to her home
in the country for the Summer months.
elm. (Rev.) A. 3. Mann and Mrs.
Jas. Fax are ta Stratford this week
attending the W. at S. Conveution as ,
representatives of Melville
Mist; Laura Amont is a delegate from
Mission Band,
Mrs, Teesdale Whitfield, wbo erne to
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Aimee
Brown, reth Con„ Grey township, to
terse sick members of the family, took
ill and while considerably improved hen
not got home yet.
LG. end Mrs, Jeanie mai little (laugh.
Ma Kathleen, who have been with Mrs,
Fallis' toolbar, Ides. 8. MaoQttarrle,
and iStet', Mrs, Frank Stretton, have
left for Toronto whero they have pur•
ehaSed a residence at era Jamieson Ave.