HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-3-18, Page 8d'4rRele+0.ataaisa ireeh4 irei l le1-44.4Aad
4 f" 444 tiff'aa-aa 1. h 'h!
Spring is the great renewing time for Making thing's look
bright and neW again. Nothing will AAO more in this
line for the came ontlay dean new Will Paper.
Tapestry and
Foliage designs
Plain Stripes
Chintz Papers
Floral Patterns
Cut-out Borders
SIIk finished
far Parlors
Plaster Effects
Moire Ceilings
Tan and Cream
Varnished Tiles
and Oil Finished
Kitchen Papers
Now is a good time to come in and have a good look at
our new Sampjt't. You Will be pleased with the new Patterns
and Colorings. We have Wall Papers at all prices, and even
the cheaper lines this year have a better appearance thau is
usually to be found in low priced goods- There is a very large
range to choose from so you are almost sure of finding just
what is wa:ltecl. Select your new Paper now from full stocks.
Cards & Novelties ties
Booklets, o
Easter, Easter Post
.1. F. R. SMITH 1
• :
• The c' 31'x- " ., Store
•4.O•i•Ofi0+0.1.6•i•b4•A•ra•!4+ 0•1.0'FO4.0 44.++4.,+,14. •4)d•O+044+1404.044
Druggist and Stationer •
Cal ' ::. `.i:3::i~v.-•rc'+wi.
GaSND Tanya a ' f11 Wgr
Expreae 7:U8 a m t Mail 11:82 a m
Express 8:58 u m I Express 9:07 pm
Cat,itilneN raez 'de
To Toronto To Goderioh
Express......... 6;47 a m I Express 11:41 pm
Express :.17 pmt Express 9:07 p m
Going East - 7.11 a. m. and 8:81 p. m,
Going West - 12:80 and 9:65 p, m.
A.11 trains going Haat connect with Cl, P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Bound, Elora and T
G. B. 81591058.
GEO). ALLAN, Local Agent.
RURAL Mail Couriers were unable to
make their trips on Tuesday on account
of bad roads, This obstacle will soon be
overcome now.
REPORT Says that J. W. Kyle, station
ageut here, will go to Atwood in the
near future wbere he will take charge of
the Express business as well as the G,
T. R. depot. We have not heard who
his successor will be here.
A Grey township lover of the Sabbath
says he wishes the Sunday hockey play-
ers of Brussels would do their stunts on
some other day, for his sake if not for
their own, or else choose ice elsewhere.
He advises the boys to read the xo Com•
mandmeuts and the law of this Dont-
.. .-.._ EXPERT piano tuner will be In Brussels Fri,
day and Saturday, March 19 and20. Leave
orders at Walker & Black's.
Wren to buy a Gander or will trade a Goose
alai .[ a "' s Vtein for one, RUSSELL ROBERTSON,
CROWS are here.
WHAT about a Foot Bali team ?
THE POST Telephones are 3z and 32,
Do 3011 take the hunt ?
W. J. MCCRAC(EN is expecting a car
of sugar and has corn and seeds on hand,
A. CvRRt a Auction Sale was held
last Saturday afternoon despite the cold
SEAFORTH Hockey team played a
friendly game here last Friday. Brus-
sels were victors.
HEAR the Corolina Girls next Tues•
day evening in Brussels Town Hall.
Children's tickets only es cents each.
THE first automobile for the season i
w8S mi the move last Saturday. It be-
Mugs to Howard Bolger we understand.
THE aCCltm111a•.ir',n 0f freight en route
from the cities gnee same busy days to
trainmen and terrnsters during the past 1
week on its arriv..'.
ST. PATRTCR'8 Day tock its accustom-
ed place on the o,,,cndar ednesday of
this week, 17th kart., despite the fact
that the typ3 13,.t week in 'THE Pose
said "z4t11" Sortie thought the Were
trying to fool the Seian Feiners.
HAve you handed in your choices
made regarding the Horticultural offers
g g
by Brussels Streiety Don't delay
4.T ie to forward
Secretary 13.
S t ttw.hea
the order at once •.o is to vet the shrubs,
trees, &n , back in good time for early
planting. Get bo.v to -day.
Dol'r MI88 Tni..M --Tuesday evening
of next week, ureter the Cbautaugna
series, the Carolina girls, a trio of high-
ly praised entertainers, will present a
choice program in the Town Hall. A
full house simnel ,;re,'t them. Plan of
reserved seats at 1. Fox's Drug store,
Phone 974 R. R. 2, Brevets.
9 Plan 6 weeks old for sale,
WILeoN MARES, MI Line, Morris,
Fon BALE —11 York Piga, will weigh about
100Ibs. Also 4 Durham °owe to calve in April
and May. Lot 18, Con, 18, Grey. Phone 42 8
e• ii:'M.
Price $1.117
.Alts Baeker
MARr.E'rs still hit the high spots.
SEs Lott & McDonald's advt. in ref-
erence to Cattle Sale at Blyth.
DoN''r be in a Roth to dissolve ptu'tutr-
ship with gnat' W inter garments.
FouRTn D4yision Court will be held
here Wednesday of next week, 24th
inst., opening at q a. tn.
Tux Maitland river is rufuling at flood
tide this week on account of the recent
thaw. It is to be hoped 00 serious
damage will be done.
FALL wbeat in this locality is said to
have come througb the Winter wed. If
it escapes the damage by heaving, &c.,
it will probably do well.
Goon sleighing is probably done for
this Winter. It has been a long and
steady period and noteworthy in the
fact that there was no January or Feb-
ruary thaw,
LAST Saturday reminded us of long
ago when people used to come to town
on foot. The roads were so full of boles
owine to the thaw, many did not want
to risk the lees of their equines oo the
highways, Travel improved the going'
however somewhat,
'1'1IE Furniture and undertaking busi•
ness of James Duuford, Clinton, former-
ly of Brussels, has been bought by
Messrs, Ball & Atkinson, Clinton, his
opposition. W'have not learned what
Ile purposes doing. He has been a Clin•
toniao for a good many years.
CARD OF'THA28s.-We wish to tender
our thanks to the neighbors and friends
who were so ready to assist
us by word and deed during the
illness and subsequent demise of wile
and mother, rile maul' kinderssen
were much appreciated and worths fail to
say how mu011, Yours gratefully,
Beet. W. F,nwARDe AND FAMT1 Y.
WOMEN'S Iustitnte will meet in the
Audience room of the Public Library on
Friday afteru0ou, March 1gth, 11t 3
o'clock. Topic "Flowers and sin abs
(het are easily grown,' will be introtlnc-
ed by Mrs. R. A Lundy, of Walton,
who is very much interested in Horti-
culture in ber own town, Roll call will
be taken, answered by talk ou noted
Canadian womeu,orpay a fine of 5 cents.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
ladies in the community. Music,
02NT Goya 'ro BOOMS.— A Harding
(Mama correepoudeut says of a former
well known Bruslelite :—"Miss Carrie
El. Hingston, who has spent several
months here, left for Souris. where she
has aecep'ed a position. While here
Miss Hingston was the efficient leader of
the Methodist choir, and her departure
leaves a vacancy that will he hard to fill.
She was also a worker in the Epworth
interest in
League. and took an active in t
all work for the welfare of the conimuui•
ty Her williugness, faithfulness and
efficiency won her great popularity, A
short time previous to her departure she
was presented with a ifurse by the mem-
bers of the choir and cougregatiou,"
The mauy old friends of Miss Hingston
will be glad to know she is sustaining
her reputation and doing eredit to her.
self and the old horse town where she
was well initiated Into the service. We
wish Fief abundant success. Mfrs, Hiug-
stop is also in the West, They s ill have
their home here.
8 Plus 5 weeks old foraide. Phu a 8618
CoW for sale, Guaranteed eatisfaetory or
money refunded. Quick sale.
A quantity of feeding molasses for sale. Ap-
ply to T. A, GAttNnse, Blnevele,
ADo0T 10 tons 0901•21558 Timothy hay for
Sale, Lot 26, Colt. 8, Morrie. Phone 165_
OFFICE OPEN.—After several months, owing
to illness, Mime Maude Bryans wishes to State
that her office will now be open as usual and
ebe will be able to attend to all requiring
optical attention.
Wenn WANT1D.—The undersigned wishes
to purohaee 25 cordo of cord wood or shot
wood, beech and maple for the Methodist
church to be delivered before sleighing goes
Call. on R. LeATHERDALE, Brueeele, Phone 87
BULto oysters for sale. S. 0. WILSON,
Fon SALE. -2 comfortable dwelling houses,
I C. RTOnA218,
Dn, PARKER, Osttopabhto Phyaicla5, visits
hr nig aMonday erousft afternoon of
f euoolhsweek,
treated, Vieite remidefOlffi, Consaltatiou nt
Qneen'e Hotel.
A good display of sidewalk clearing
of snow in the bu:,iness part of Brussels
last week was satiefaetory, An exten-
Bion in a wider area will be necessary as
streets become unfit tar pedestrians.
If you have no sitla.valk of your own to
look after a neighbor will permit you to
practice on theirs,
meuts have Piet been completed for the
appearance of Bort. lohnston, and his
company of vaudeville artists, at the
Town Hall, Brussels, Friday and Satur-
day,March le and 20. Bert, who has
beeoverseas for the past 3} years,
has brought beck mauy of the latest
tricks performed by the master magi-
cians of Europe and also performing
matey of the old 'rues with which many
of you will recall being amused with be-
fore the war. The company is cremates-
omposed of the following taient I—Magic
illusions, ventriloquism, singing, spirit
cabinet, hand cuff king, box mystery,
and the famous hand of Buda, who will
answer all questions asked. The pro-
gram will be changed nightly.
IT is stated that McDonald,
D. 8,
n e 1
r d to 1 cat u alt G
['her h
as locile
his bus.
and will m> eshortly He sold
iness here to Howard Bolger, who is now
in charge.
THE home purchased by Ernest Pinot,
known as the Striate property, has beeu
in the hands of the painter and paper
hti'lger preparatory to the family taking
pos.ssion We wish them many happy
pro perm years in their new abode.
Woe') was received lu town last week
of the demise of Fdwin McNaughton.
eldest son of Dau. MuNanghtoo, a form -
well known Bruselite. Deceased went
West about 20 reins ago, and passed
away at N•iknntie, Sask., on March 1st.
A wife and 3 children survive. Mr. Mc-
Naughton bel not been in good health
for some.tilne but pneumonia was the
immediate cause of death. He was a
carpenter and builder by trade and is
well remembered here.
A plate gitr'e'w1nd t s In S. C 'Wil.
sou's gr.+trry aunle to grief freak the
strong wind at 'l' wsitay. it was hadly
cv toot+d before,
Tills wet Alfred Baeker shipped 50
too ut baled hue to t oni0utl, Alberti, to
.tit in ndiug over the teed lannua there,
cream; to the 1811111'0 of crop last season.
Dieu IN 1802008,.—Joseph Steles, died
in Bt. I0.eph's Hospital, London, on
Wednesday, In his 65,11 yen^, The fun-
erel will tette place 1?rlday afternoon
from the home of his son, W. 11, Stiles,
'rllrnberiv etree, Brlteriels, all ? 3n
WEutE4UAY, T7111, was St. Patrick's
Day. This tact is emphasiz:d to :mete
some folk who wrote THE pori ns to
vhen the hi5tntic• fart was changed In
"Mei 011 14," es stated last week. March
17 is the correct data, Clear friends, so
don't worry any more,
GREAT fun wait ou the program last
F0oudav evening in a Hockey match be-
tween a team of young Iad+os and a veru
courageous male quintette who assayed
to show the folk how real Hockey
should be ;eared, The fair sex took
some of the conceit out of them by a 5-
2 defeat. The lite up was, Misses jean
and Nellie Fox, M. Campbell, L.
Ameut, I. Buchanan and G. Thompsou.
has. Fox, Jas. Ballantyne, W. F, Stmt.
ton, F, H. Gilroy and 13. S. Scott.
'!'here were quite a number of specta-
tors who enjoyed the match as much as
those who shinnied-on.thele.own•Side
and the other side as well.
Besets THINGS F,x1'imc'ritn 1--^
'l'up t
Hook ! Honk
Hnttee cltnniug,
Vaster vneet ion.
Spring al Winery.
Annual moving ep'demic.
HALF of March guue aid hundreds of
back suc bscrintious still due 'Ton- losT,
April 1 it will be the date for hauling
over a list of the lea Debi nders to a Coi-
leetlag Agency With mouutiog prices ie
everything in the newspaper busiuess—
paper at $8n oo per ton as against less
the $4o "o 4 years ago—it is imperative
to keep a paid -In -advance list in these
days. We thsuk a good many who stave
responded during the past month and
will regret 11 a list has to be collected
thr„ugu the Courts, Blame won't rest
on us, however, as we have given fair
Word was received byW. j. McCracken
ot the demise of his aunt, Mrs. T, G
McCracken, who has resided in London
for many years. The sad event took
place lest Monday. She is survived by
a son, Morrison. and a daughter. Mrs,
Wilkie. Miss Amanda McCracken went
to London ou Tuesday to attend the
Funeral. Mr. and Mrs. McCracken were
old time residents of Brussels and are
well remembered by the older people.
Mr. McCracken passed away several
years ago, Sympathy is extended to the
SPORTING NEWEL— Another lively
game of Hockey was. played Monday
evening of this week between the girls
of Brussels and the married men. The
girls showed more speed than in some
of their previous games and were able
to defeat the men by a score of 5 to 2.
Jean Fox displayed to the crowd a
couple of Dad Ashley rustles and scored
both times. Laura Ameut was trying
out some of Jerry Laflamtnes sensational
stick handling and was successful once
in notching a goal i0 one rush which
fooled the defence work of the married
men. Nellie Fox and Florence Bucban-
an both played a stetter game while
Marjorie Campbell and Grace Thomson
presented a stonewall defence game
The men's team, consisting of Messrs.
Gilroy, Scott, Pox, Ballantyne and
Stratton was certainly outclassed by
the girls and need a lot more practice
before they will ever be able to defeat
the fast hockey the girls display. The
girls were real rough at tines but the
men had to play at a disadvantage as it
is a mean man who would slit a woman,
therefore none of the girls were disabl•
ed in last week's PO=T penes Smith p is -
sed away at his home Cedar street, Gout,
Sunday 7.11 ins[ , in his rah year, He
had beeu a sufferer from asthma tor a
uutnber of years antl when seized by
pneumunia was unable to combat it and
yielded up his life ea the 8:11 day. The
casket was brought to Brussels on 'Tues-
day and the funeral took place from the
home of his bi other -in-law, Alex, Ste v-
art, Queen street, on the afteruoot of
that dal', Rev. A. J. Mann conducting
the service Pallbearer:, were 0. Smith,
O Turnbull, ea 1. Bryans, A. Fox (White-
church) P, Scott and A Hislop 7 ticr-
meut was made in the fatuity plot in
Brussels cemetery, Deceased eves well
known in tbis locality years ago and
most highly esteemed for lass integrity
Mr. Smith was born in Hawick, Rox-
borougbshiu', Scotlsud, in 1841, Came
to Canada in 1864 and lived in Galt for a
time in the employ of the firm of Goldin
& McColloch as millwright lager
came to Grey towutthip to the farm ROW
occu fed by
Oliphant Smith, b, 5
•h Con.,
with his
c ill business and started a awm
s brothers, er '!'hes, Oliver and Henry.
In 1872 he married MISS Mary McLellan
and 3 children were horn to the family,
Kate, James and Bessie (Mrs. Joo B.
McLaughlin, Salt Coale, Sask) son dy-
ing In childhood, Mrs, Smith passed
away in 1881 In 1868 Mr Smith mar-
ried Isabel. Fox, of ',Vhiteehoreb, who
pre -deceased hint 2 years ago in Galt.
For 6 years the subject of this notice
was manager of the Montreal City Flour
Mills and after the sale of. these, to the
Ogilvie Co ,1 he returned to Galt to take
up the position of milling expert and
draftsman for Goldie & McCulloch.
This position ba held till he retired from
active work 6 years ago, Surviving
brothers and sisters are Thos„ of Wrox-
eter, who is in his 85111 year; Johu,
Brussels 1 Mrs Andrew Turnbull, Grey
township, and Mrs Alex Stewart, Brus-
sels, all well and favorably known to
numerous readers of IN Posr The
late Mr. Smith was an expert mechanic
and an authority on flour milling mach-
inery. He was quite a student of hunt -
ab uatut'e and well versed in the 9re:s-
taous of the day Many au interesting
hour could be profitably spent in social
chat with him, Last luny be attended
the Old Boys' Re 1101011 in Brussels and
greatly enjoyed the gene wing of old
friendships Deeeaserl was a zealous
Presbyterian laid a staunch Liberal i0
his political creed. He was respected by
many old friends at Galt for his men-
hood. Bereaved share in the sympathy
of many,
1 People We Talk About i
t# #t
William A. Honey, Toronto, spent the
week end at the home of Mrs. W. W.
Last week 1 T. Wood attended the
big Temperance Convention in Toronto
and enjt yed the sessions.
W, Fi. Stiles has been on the sick list
tiering the week from tousilltis but we
hope he will soon he better:
Mrs. Joseph Guerin is about once
more af'er quite au experience with au
attsek of tht gr'ppe and shingles
Rev 11 Smith has been at Fergus
Hospital during the past week for an
operation His many friends hope he
will soon be home,
Misses Pearl Dark, Eden. Vera and
Verna McCall. of town, were guests at
Speiran—Love wedding et Ethel Wed•
n stlay of last week
Mrs Wm Martin celebrated her 80th
birthday on March 7th. She is a won•
clerinlly well preserved person for her
years. We ex end edngtatutations.
Robert Kerr, sou of Mrs, Robert Kerr,
Brussels, who underwent a successful
operation for appeuilicitis last week at
Galt, We teeth him speedy convales-
IJCCESS and. lade-'
pendence.--Do not
depend on what you
earn but on what you save.
The Standard Bank of Can-
ada can very materially assist
you to win success and secure
Last week D, M. and Mrs. Scott, t , sr-
rived is Brussels, from Niles, Mich.,
and will soon be comfortably settled -in
their new home purchased from Geo, 1,
McCall, William street. Mr. Scott has
been appointed local agent for the Ford
car. He is a former town boy and is
consequently well aqusinted with the
lay of the land and the people of the
community. His office will be at the
Frank Davidson garage, we understand.
Mrs, J.'1'. Wood arrived home last
Thursday from Loudon where she bad
spent the previous 6 wee'ts with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Macfarland, whose health bad
not been as robust as usual. We are
glad to bear of noticeable improvement.
iia' Vala..,;aa'as;;riilitoed}lateralaaat4?tawia,eirrl;r`..i!%vta4tb 4 R.
w �1., o
t+,w w'r." 7 pm Drug 7.yll'n `7d 1f0 �atatr. `' L+`"A i'E,i'� ,T�:.31 nt
Weekly Store News
zEo " S'l'01:1,
• in fndiyid tial nnson,
9 chain attachment,.
• 'I'Ite beet. made ;
Dtested and nectar.
• ate, 1J, 1 and 2
minute readings ---
$1.25, $l 50 Sr $1.75
Church Chimes
There was no service in St. John's
church last Sunday owing to the absence
of the Rector, Rev. H. Snaith,
Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Mono's text at
the morning service in Melville church
was "How much then is a than better
than a sheep." Evening subject was
"Daniel the hero,"
Next Sabbath Rev, Dr. Oaten, 'Toronto,
a former pastor, will preach Anniversary
sermons for the Epworth League iu the
Methodist church here at so a, m. and
7 p, m. Dr. Oaten is a good preacher
and will be welcome baclt to Brussels.
Mouday evening a Musical and Liter'ar'y
entertainment will be held in the Lec-
ture room, comtneneing at 8 o'clock.
Dr. Oaten will lake part. Light refresh -
meets will be served at close of pro-
gram. Tickets 15 and 25 cents,
The visit of Rev, W. H. Graham,
Stratford, President of Loudon Metho-
dist Ceufereuce, last Sunday to Brus•
sets was very highly appreciated He
carne 10 give the Forward Campaign a
helping hand as it bad been consider-
ably delayed by the withdrawal of ser-
vices during the ban. In the morning
Mr. Graham spoke with fine effect on
the value ot Faith in Ci tistian service
and in the evening dwelt pointedly on
the question of "Reconstruction and the
duty of the Church toward it." He's
done a splendid work throughout the
Conference during the Campaign in sup-
porting and enthusing the congrega-
tions in their efforts and a good share of
the advaneed position taken by the Con-
ference may properly be credited to him.
The Minute men took part in the even•
ing service. Good music was supplied
by the choir, Rev. Ma. Graham's visit
to Brussels was rendered more pleasur-
able by meeting with old friends. some
of then[ schoolmates in Blanchard town-
ship. The delight was mutual anti he
will be welcomed back
Mrs H. Churchill went to Stratford
on Tuesday to consult a specialist in
reference to trouble 10 ber ear, We
hope it is only temporary and will soon
George Manning, of Winghar(a has re-
engaged with Waller Rose, of Brussels
Poultry Farm,
He occupied led the
position last year and is s
great t fancier
01P ou
Miss Eva Bryans is home from Torok•
to for a visit and to assist in looking
eller her mother, who bas been quite
poorly but who is making favorable
progress now.
Wren 'est Sic( —The condition of
Mies lanet McKay, Mrs. P. McQuarrie,
Mrs. N. Flatt and Mrs. Procter remains
touch the same Its at last report and is
giving relatives and triends deep con,
Allan end MIs. Larnont and Miss Lily
have moved back to Brussels from
Wiugham and are making their home
on Albert street. Mr, Lamont is em-
ployed by Ole Ameut Bros. We are
glad to see them back.
We welcome to town the Connor
Bros, and Miss Connor who moved this
week from Con. 1b, Grey towuslbip,
They purchased the Maxwell property,
john street, from Lorne Pringle,'Toron»
to, and will have A cosy home,
A, S, and MPs. Crerar, of Binscartb,
Manitoba, are visitors in Brussels and
locality. It is 28 years ago this month
since Mr, Crerar removed from Brus
cels to the West. The visitors purpose
returning home in about 2 weeks,
Mrs, Too E Smith and Mrs. Angus
McKay were visitors at the borne of
their brother, Robert Ross, Kincardine,
test week. He has hall a long spell of
serious sickness but is on the road to
complete convalescence we hope, al•
though the process is not as speedy as
many friends would like to see, Wool
Canadian News
Frank Teabro dt'opped dead at Lind.
say shottly after eating a hearty sup.
Joseph W. Jardine, County Oletk
of Wentworth for 32 years, died at
Major T. F.I7lmttt, D. S. 0., Ot-
tawa, has been appointed Adjutant of
Canada's Bieley team.
Tenders are to be called foratao-
line tractor and light duty track for
Stratford board of works.
London Ministerial
n ' en
1 Association re-
solved ern
s ived t
n ask Ontario Gt v m
eat to
make the Ontario Temperance Act ef-
fective, taking the October refereu-
dam as a mandate
William Banks, sen., one of Toren.
to's beet•known newspaper men, died
Monday morning at the Wellesley
Hospital at the age of 73 years.. The
late Mr. Banks was for years a mem-
ber of the Globo editorial staff until
6 years ago, when he was appointed
theatrioel; censor for 7.`orontaa ilia
death followed the amputation on Sat•
urday morning of one of his legs, tierces.
sitated;by gakgrene,
P1Eno4. Tn Grey township, on February 17th,
1929, to Mr. and hfr5. Thos. Pierce, a dMtgh'
ter—Letitia Jemima,
• •eeearadaee•0at®®a•mea®e•tabee3 tesete••sea¢tetoseeeg ese a®ales®eleee
Sulphur Candles
idea do
folia y ,
The very beta. for
Disinfecting the sick
room after bile flit,
BosL quitlity Vag• m
citable 1'409111uen1 o0
printed is
11Dairy Butter." 61
Sold in ally Winn-
Never Grow Tearyin Fell-doleg
We never germ weary in telling our etlelomete 111111. p
Penslar Cod Liver Extract a
is the very best builder to use after "The Fl." We are cerininly
proud of Lite many unsolicited Testimonials we receive feein our ens- •
tamers who have need it. All of the mune tried—Lhe bent th'-y ever a
Hot Water
Always a splendid stoop in
band and quality guarau•
teed. Our personal guaran-
, tee accompanies each bot-
Don't forget 'we sell "Witter -
loan's Ideal," one of the very
best on tate market—always
a good assortment to cltooae
Epsom Salts
A. very 9upet [or
article, manufa0-
tared by the well
known ()herniate,
Howard tC Sons,
London, Eng.
50 & 1Oc pkge.
His Bad Habits
A Henpecked little man was about
to tante n" examination for life in.
"You don't disslpato do you 4"
Belted the Phyelelan, "Not n feat
liver, are you. r"
The man hesitated a moment,
looked a bit frightened, then replied
1n a small piping voice, "i some-
times chow n little gum."
Hydrogen Peroxide
of exceptionai
etrength and
keeping qualities
from the labora-
tory of the well
known Hem of
Parke Davies 80
00,, De.Lt-nit.,
Reg. size 25e.
LOve1t. Ill Wroxeter, of March 11th, 1920,
George Lovell, aged (17 years, on March
MODONAr418 In Grey Township,
12921, 1920, Joseph McDonald, aged 60 yearn.
OARDTFF-8TRAORAN.-"Ab the home of the
bride, on March 101h, 1940 by Rev, A, J.
Mama B. A., Mr, Nelson Cardiff , of Grey
township, to Mites Marjorie Alexandra,
daughter of Mrs, sod the late ;inflate
Strachan, Jamestown.
Il'6B wboat -^ 53 08
Spring Wheat
Oats ' - 110
Pelle 2 85
Barley 1
Butter 60
E6ge 60
20 00
Hnv 70
TUESDAY, MAnoR 201tn.—Form Stock, imple-
ments, household furniture &o , Lot A, Con.
11, Grey township tM mile West of Oranbrook,)
Sale unreserved at 1 P. m, P. W, Joeohko,
Prop, • F. S. Scott, Ant:.
WenN1BDAY, MAROn 24TH: Farm mtOcli and
household effects, 1554 Lot 28, Con.5, Morris.
At 1 o'clock, without reserve. Win, Taylor,
Prop. ; Jae. Taylor, Ant,
WEDNESDAY, 6121105 81Bm.—Farm Stook, Im-
plements, ase., S4 Lot 80 Con, 9, Morris. Sale TREMOR SALE O8` r'AItM S'1'OOfi AND
Thos. Brown
1 p, m, Rf. $. Maunders, Prop.; ItlpLtMENTS, Jia, --Thee. Brown. Anotiom
Thos. Ana. Per, liar been instreeted by the undersigned
Wv township, Amax. stock,
implements, 1 e.
Grey tower ie Ft t ntoalrbentEL591li to sell by Public eeday,tt nt rh Lot 80, Con, 8,
Sale n, Poop. 0. at 1 p, n1, Robert B. McKim Morrison Wed ropers, 1-1 1 01st at 1 P. nl.
non, Prop. F. S. Scott, Auctioneer. the following property era brown
team of noires ri�3i,g 6 told 09aers, 1 peroherou
colt rising 2 yeers, 1 cow rising 6 years due to
onlvo April 8, 1 cow it years old duo to calve
may ow X61 years old, sfnero e, 2L to
reams 1
years old duo to odye April 15, 2 yearinnr
heifers, 2 two year old heifers, 6 steers rising
2 years, 4steaw rising 8 years, 1 50w with lit-
ter of 7 at foot, 6 weeks old at time of sale, 1
brood 80w• 10 furrow .bane let, 1 brood nov
nob with plg, 8 p1 .s weighing about 00 lbs„ it
page weighing about 11101hs , 11 pigs weighing
about 10661bs. 1 set of single 1111 1,11131•19 nearly
new,1 set of doable Itan'neee, 1 Chevrolet tone.
Ing one, 5 mum ger, 1010 mortal, ria one awes
on, In lirst•elaes condition, 1 top buggy newly
new. 1 Portland entter nearly new. I set 17o1-
oletghs l lumbar wagon nearly new, 1 wagon
box, 1 flat pine hay rusk with car, I M0'000910 t
faring mill, 1 lural pillow, 1 wheelbarrow,
1 walkfu plow, 1 riding plow, 1 gang plow, 1
steel souther,1 steel McCormack hay rake, 1
M°Oortnlak mower, 1 laud roller, 1 disk, 1 set
iron harrows, 1 Noxon seed drill, 1 Peter Banry
mauls hoe trod drill with pre8onre, 1 Den,
For Bale or Rent hay loader nsod2 eans?.1
binder 7 Pt, out, out flus clots, 1 Dee,'ug wing
ore spreader, large size, 1 Williams sewing
Lot 11, Oon, 2, 0- ey Township, 100 acres in naaO1itne, 11Mellutte and Orelutilaltt15t' ter,too sonnites,
good state of onitivatian, 80 pores plowed for forks,
Spring crop, balance hay and pasture, woven- one to reentien. Sale unreserved as proprint•
lent to snheol and church. Bance born 70 x 62 or has sold hie Parm. Tot ma—All senna of 610
with trucks, hay forte, rope and pulleys, eoin. and under 00011. ; over that n,nunnt 0 moltha
1.1 100 95013100, 0011701111 throughout, good ample- credit elven on Itu'nfshing approved joint
went ehed, good hog pmt, good frame house, notes. '1 per cent di000unt fur oath 011 credit
ta•o good 898118 and farm well fenced. Price amounts.
B. MOCIORMICI0., Trowbridge, Ont, yv MAUNDERS,
and 109150 roneonable, Apply- Proprietor,
Work Horses and Bulls for Sale
1 nun now offering ono choice Soobeli Bull ;
color, dark roan ; age, 11 months ; dam, 11i1-
dred 182062 ; sire, Sittyton Pieter 122428, Also
2 aheaper+6alle, one roan and one red.
I have anything you trent to Horaes, Mares
and Geldings. THOMAS HERR,
88•tf Phone 869 Belfryn.
Auction Sale
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by the undersign.
ed, up to noon ou Monday, April 12th, 1020,
the construction of the following Drains in the
township of Grey : Livingston, Hall, Arm-
strong, Burke and part of the Bennchemp
Creels. Plane, profiles nud suocl8oattona may
be seen at the Clerk'% office, Ethel. .
' Tenders will oleo bo received, up till noon on
Monday, April 15t11, 1020, for the painting of
the following bridges in the Township of
Grey : Grant's, Oranhrook Iiing'o, Brem-
ner's, Fork's, McDonald's, White's, Hayden's,
Duke's and Mo0artney s
Township of Grey, Ethel, Ont.
tl 08
1 10
1 46
For One Week
No. 1 Manitoba Flour
No. 1 Blended Flour
6ennle's Seeds Now on hand
$6.50 smart.
6.25 cruet.
Red Clover
Alsike Clover
Timothy Seed
Now is the tittle to get your Glover Seed
as the supply is limited.
Sugar awe s on supply
of f Sugar
Ten per cent off on Men's Mackinaw Rubbers.
Highest Prices paid for Produce.
A. Leitch & Son
Phone 5210