HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-3-18, Page 51115; .1158
. . .
41, gi
GrALS,P11 f L;17
moo hi the Yost ogre, th. 00.1
Honor graduate or the Ontario Veterinary
College, Day end night calls. Mice ogee lite
'flour Mill, Sahel,
m. G. P.,
ci 0. if., Village of Mem It,
Physician, Surgeon, Aceui
°Muesli residence, emanate Mehl Church,
willIton strout.
OR. J, H. WHITE, +C.. A.
Graduate Toronto University of 111i.e.icine,
Special attention gtvot; to diabillail3 of children
nod Margery.
office: De. Bryant Old Stand
Phone en Bruepotc
Darielstoro, So•fcitora, Notarloa PubFic,
Ofnae on the Square, :too door front Hamilton
0ODE1110/1 ONT,
Private fund:, to loan rt lowest reties.
W.PHOIMP002,1/, 0. ,T. 111 [MORA N
H. J. D. (Metro
Sail Weinstei II
: Is prepared to pay the ,
• highest price for 4
• 4
: Scrap Iron, 0
0 94
0 Rubbers, 0
4 Rags, C.
Highest price paid. See
• me before you sell,
Highest Cash Price
I' MILL, wrimit'r
0,0 0.044,4,0•00600+144.00
for •
live Poultry and Elides
Write et Pheme 02x
The Brussels Post
Clubbing List
For 1920
Tu R Pow and Daily Globe ... . .$ 6 00
Mail and Empire 6 00
• ToLooto World .. 5 00
Toronto Star . ... 4 25
Fortner's Ail vim% 3 00
Family Ilnld .. 2 90
Weekly Sun .......3 00
London AdverCe 6 00
Moe Press 0 00
Weekly Witness 3 00
Nor, Messenger.., 2 00
World Wide, 8 50
nut h's Oompin8 '75
Presbyterian 3 10
Above prices are foe addresses in
Canada oe Great Britain. 10 peblioa-
lion you want iti not in above lin, let
tin know. Family Herald $1.50 after
New Yew's.
Remit by Postal Note oe Express
Order. If Talk Cheque add ex-
W. 11, KERR.
TM; POSIT, entssels,
Weary Tramp—Can't yer help an old
soldier, ma'am?
Benevolent lady—Poor fellowl Here's
a shilling for you. Were you wounded
Weary tramp (pocketing money) —
No, ma'am, but 1 was among the mIssin'
Benevolent lady — How terrible!
When was it?
Weary tramp—Just afore the battles
Of the Somme and Vilny Ridge, ma'am.
liave you it pair of Shoes that take
creaking spells much too frequently
for your comfort and pleasure? It
you have, simply put a small quantity
of linseed oil in a Sandi shallow dish or
pan and stand the shoe in it for a few
house. This treatment will not only
effectively prevent the shoes front con-
tinuing in their creaking ways, but it
Will also make the soles last longer.
' Yong. it Charles etas Toronto
Olves high grade Instruction for post.
ti011eii Stetiogratthers,_PriveteSene.
Monook keepers, Met, alsi..itintu
.4 Bull (1111111110r0111.1T4SCSOI. bennd for
onvgradniqcs nisrqui
e n ten tues npfr
tatoltit, atm sebum. eluorti u wit
, hp1.010). patronage Open 411yr/tr. 6zi
7). tor any Mint Large ihteloguil mailed
Qii request.
N W. J, aw-rorr,
'AM% P'Alf2i7o7.4,71VtitiVeAr&ilitbtrov.5L405
Mks NI y Joh est o n,
estimable cleught ei of lk Tn. awl Mrs.
.Johnston, Gude: kb, end 14, H, Bisset,
Trowbridge, wet e milted in marriage
Wed»esday eVteflit.K Of last week by
flaw; SV Stediligi Methodist minister,
at. LON home of the In ide's sister, Mrs,.
14 5(15 Taber, Teem bridge. They left
next meriting for Goderich and on
return will reside in the village,
occupying John Tughen's house.
MrEl. (Cr ) L N. Whitely k improv-
ing tther /t, -I' recent severe ilbutsa.
Geo. Towneerid and family lc'rft for
Portage La Prairie, Alan., n here he
ex peel h 1.11 slwnd it 1 ew months,
a, ism P. J. Stringent left for She'.
beetle where she will again take
charge of a !urge inUliiiery establish.
men t,
Mrs. Robert Hays, for many years
a resident of this village, died at her
home at London. Remains were
bc oughi Corrie for had taunt;
1.).EcEd41ei ot' Attu.; tinxii.Y MATH -
51114.— Death relieved Al is. Livery
Mothers or a long and h ying sickness
on Saturday, Mat eh 5118. She had
been a sufferer from cancer for over. a
year and bore her s 01 mini) with true
Christian fortitude and patience,
Her meiden name was Miss Ella I. E.
()welly, and she was horn near
grave on Sept, 70i, 1878 Funeral,
which was held ft out the bite resi-
dence, Lot 10, Con, 1, 1110rils, to
Bluevale cemetery, on Tuesday after-
noon, was one of the hugest ever seen
in these parts. The late MPS. Mathers
was a faithful number of Ebenezer
Methodist church arid the Dine/ al tier
vices were condueted by her pastor,
Rev. Air. Burgess, assisted by Rev.
Me. Tate. Besides her sorrowing hus-
band, she is survived by 2 little sons,
a sister, Ails, Geo. Brandon, of 13e1 -
grave, and 7 brothels, John, W. /1,,
Matthew George, Charles and Bent y,
of the \Vest, and Robert Owens, who
resides on the homestead near Bel.
grave, The family have the sym-
pathy of a large Miele of friends,
Pallbeareis were R. Johnston, Henry
Hopper, Ed, Johnston, Lew. Jewitt,
Aveh. Budges and 0. B. Wilkinson,
The beeeaved are deeply sympathised
with Iu the great loss suffered.
,I, A. AleBitin left. 'rile:Any nn hi;
weed businees trip thinugh t he Weet.
Robot t Clehoid, 41(1 Con. lilirit,,111)8
installed a Fah Iteks•Alorse typo "10'
electric lightning plant.
Jas. Outhbertson has purchased the
property on James street from Len
Coghill', known tie the Abbott prop-
Alex. Robb has returned home
after being on an extended trip to
California and Va5couver.
The repairing gang at the station
vete called to Landon owing to big
fire there which destroyed the large
freight; sheds.
A t a meeting of the members of the
Elam Agricultural Society it was un-
iminiously carried I hat Diretoes be In-
stenet ed to pureliase Si tough land to
fulfil the growing requirements or the
Society, in making Ills necessary i151.
movements in keeping with the ad-
vancement or exhibition.
A. '1'. Onoper, wits in Toronto at-
tending the Provincial Temperance
Con v en lion.
3. A. Irwin will move his dry go) (1)1
stock to the store re0511Lly occupied
by (Jonah & Son,
Os. Richard 'rasher was galled to
Owen Sound, owing In the denth
her' !neither, Belli t(11111 1./Il01.1 111, who
died of 1 he flu.
Mr, Moser, win, pui eliased the
Couch & Co's sleek is ititeltiug up and
11105(1144 11 1 o Kitchener, where Hwy
are opening a large dry goods bike.
Perry Ormeh will go Le Kitchener,
whit the Moser people, taking a. posi-
tion as buyer and whelosv dresser.
Mee. Conch and family 15(11 remain it;
town for i he (inc being.
&Has Grainger reported 158 pati elite
ail n( 810 dining the year, 153 ills -
chi ged ; 12 hirthg, 5 deaths ; 2 hes
p locom Clinton 11101.0 were
47 patients, Sod/wilt ; Blyth 11 ;
I ow i of 14111011 80 told front out-
side the :empty 12.
A t the meeting of the varintie or-
nimatiotis the question of perches -
g the hospital wag left in the hands
the Hospital. Board. A. veey credit -
le report Wan in 5550 ted by 'Atka
5515,0, the l'reaoiret for the Beard,
De, and Mrs, Key, Lapeer, Alich.,
'PO guests over 1 he wevit..end al; 1
11(11 ol' the lad y's bb ri
Clinton's 11115111, eittive.horn
zen, who Me/heated Itis 81st 81)111-
y, Monday 00 (1(41 week, Ntr. Gib-
igs was hetet) 110 the fat 01 taken ep
his rather, the house oven pyieg a
not fats ftsen his present residence,
11 this has been his home ever einne,
'he htneral of the late Hattie Lavie
s held on Satorday afternime, 71.11
1.itt family residence end the eel,
A man who loses his temper always ins
manages to find it again. vie
Soma men, like mules, do little head lir
work and are always kicking. ,N.
An average man is one who thinks All'
he is away above BIO average age. lift
os were aoudad ed net,. Aria
ibbilbte of 11(15 deeetterd, Pall-
aretsi W,'('$ R. Plums,' vel, P. Couch,
Messes. Seett. aiid Lee and
Ptigh, Niagara Valle, About'8
eke plior to her demise Minn LIMO
110 attack of the la grippe and
1111.111.1.s StS.;;•./11•11,141.1,14.,11,114.11 .11,11.101,41111. -.• ar,-.4.. ...,...,...- ,ramir. '" )%... ....;.,-V..I.''..,,,•Lii,'"Z„
1.4641iLtennt in:ioWtei 13:11., la, it t -1
whi-li .11e never :ailed pier -'leg :tea
%Yr -Awe -day eveking, Beeiele: he
mother mill. in 41111Vial -I Hildiern 1111154541'
itonm, 141.111111M] : BlVa and li;l11111, 0
1 TOrotlio ; and femme Itt lunge, am
2 holt liet s, Lantw, W_itighain, an
lino t nt tetvii, Silo', j Int e In WaN at
relive W0I ker an the Omni ie 141
League arid. I-qui/lay School mut :11so a
• - - •
ESS 011611§MTMI
Check Chapman Bra% Cash Shoo Store
(.1 RHE1,11111111311
I55111-.41 member of the Gbh? Auxiliary
The parsing away of Alke heels 1
ileetp4sr rie;ret tiel and ey utpathyIt,1.7.•
pressed 1'1,1. those called upon to ser.
4 Until He Teolf "Fruif-a, fives"
The Fruit Medicine
A, 1'. A. of Christ clateeli were
01(151 willed on Monday evening by
the Guild of Knox 011111c11.
Two r epeeseetati yes of the Fire
tinder w ri s assoulation were in 11.i4-
1 oWel and made an inepection of the
linainese sem lee.
N188 Pearl Ordelaed WaS fiti Pet,
Ville at tending (ho f noel al or 8.-q.
datighler, .1111,,, Annie Atkinson,
G. Murton, eat neuter, 1110.1
ellased the pt eperiy of John (label
jeweller, Wallace sti eel., and Will re-
build the n1.1 ucturo that %vas deetroyeil
by fire,
11. Al. and MM. !McKay visited with
the rin nivi's mother in Shelburne.
James Taman lel) for Walkeelturg
where he will engage as del k 111 hie
uncle's groerry,
Mrs, (lathe; Inc Reynokk, Detroit,
Alicia., eister Oen. King, lilyth, pa',
tied away on Vet). 28. ta also oi 80
Mr. whose 88111 birthday wail on
Mandl lyt, now I 111' only one living
(Mt; id a family id M.
Slight dalliage wan done to the
home of W. /1. MeNliny on Monday
night 00 last week, when his residenne
eattght Bre, Min brigade was called
but Monet' were soon extinguished
without the aid of town eystein.
Mrs, Wm. Jackson has moved to
her new hone: on 1)itisley St , recent.
ty put chased 11e0t1 Mrs. Laidlaw, and
A. 'I'. Cole fuel fetidly, Morin (.050
ship, are now comfortably settled in
their new Innate on King street,
which they bnught fi 010 Ales. 1011(-
P. AleIntogh and Ale. AleOluvleie, Al-
goma, 515(14 visiting in this neigh8111-
11. DONA: was taken with 'a stali1P11
attack of appendicitis, He was ()om-
itted on in his borne on Friday even-
ing, 5th inst., and is doing 1511 well as
can be expected. We hope for him a
speedy tecovery.
Glad to repot 1 that Mrs. Henry,
Sanderson, who underwent an opera-
tion for appendicitis in Fermis hospi.
lad, is doing well and has returned to
her home on the 2ial line of Wallace.
Presbytery of Maitland
Presbytery or Maitland met on
Thursday afteenoott, March 41.14, in
St. Andrew's chaech, Whighani, with
Alocleeal or Rev. N. 1(, D. Sinclair 111
the eliarie. Rev. A. M. Hoyle and.
Alex. Alealtirelly weep , appointed
Presbytery representatives on the
Synod's delimit tee on bine and over-
turee and Rev. I), A. NI Witti
noininaled 1111 OM Pre.Mylery's ilepre-
fientatiVe on the ANNeilibly'4 (No1111.111-
lee 1111 IAN 1(1111 O5'0I4111 l'OS. SM./641h
schools repot bi preeented by Rey, A.
Alanti, showed a decline in the num-
ber or pupils for the year,
A gearit of 4800 was asked from the
Augmentation futicl rot Dungannon
and Port Albert, and a grant of 4400
for Ai mow.
Oil the remits sent down nom the
General Assembly no /reticle was
taken on the fleet, In lImit the term of
the ehlerehip, The second remit was
approved, rechanging the calling
system of ministees,
Following ministels were appointed
Dommissioriere to the Generel Aesem-
bhy: Rev. C. A, Malcolm, Wroxeter ;
(tev. I). A. McLean, Ripley ; Rev. 0.
Tate, Blietvale ; and Rev. R. McCal-
lum, Leek now, and representatives
of the Sessiong of Kincardine, Pine
itiver, Whitealturch and South Kin-
lecomplete totems hien the eon-
gregations canvassing for the For-
ward Movement. drive 5(0,11, '(1 ; Ash-
field $729 : Belmoi e *822 ; McIntosh,
Sots Limovalei 41,108; Haines, $483 ;
Ethel, 41.040 ; Kincardine, 40,100 ;
Welton and Motierletr, $5,500 •,
Wroxoter, 41,050 ; \Vhiteehtireh and
tottlftbide; 81,800 ; Teeswei.er, 47,400 ;
Kilns, Ripley, $2,200 ; Ph ie River,
*2 500 1 lielgieve and Calvin, $2,600 ;
St. Helens, 41911 ; Avid -kid, $187 :
1/3eered:de, $503 ; Moleaworth, $2,010 ;
Ti. R. No. 1. Lonee, ONT.
"For over three years, I was
confined to bed with Reruentiiste,
I treate,j with doctors, and tried
nearly everything without benefit.
Finally, I tried "Fruit -a -lives".
.71ePre 1 hart used half a bar 1w,'
inifiravemciti; the pain was ritier
and the swelling niariJA lo (Iowa
I continued taking this fruit mP-
dicine, improving all the time, and
now I canwalk about two miles and
do light chores about the place",
Mc. a box, 0 for $2.50, trial size 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit a-tivos Limited, Ottawa.
with Fit ussely, Orauhrook, \Vingliwn,
Lnektiow, Arrnow, S,
Chereb, Ripley, Kinleegh end Her -
vie to hear ,nu, Mo. 1! ard10 submit-
ted the report; on the budget, It
ohoweil 111 inel..51185 ill colarilnitionn
'0 4500 over lard .yettr. Rev. T. El.
Kennedy was lip/minted I convey the
greetings or 1 he Presbytery to the
Presbyterial of the Wemen's Mission-
avy Society in Kincardine.
Hae Ye Had The flew
DEAR, EDITTM hap guid at
maithe any player. but wall be nmek
obleeged La ye if ye wad gee wo
wee space in your valuable paper as 1
am saw 1188 the non about the no.
Last Winter Ina dander raised sae
high aw had nearly lain the train tan
Ottawa Me Rea what th, Government
Wile gaein' ta don about he epedentic
but the nal wile fairly 11'w 1(1me, like
itn ant hen prnteetiug her chiolcene‘,
and scared me fat' mule than the flit
Sae tit come e'en wi' her tre went out
and sat in a snaw wreite until tte cool-
ed ar. I'd like tan kick myself or len,
for nae gttein'. Last Wintee the flu
raged free cost to cost, takein' 111516
human life free but and hell and
»ast,bin' dime to etap Ole spread o' it,
only steekin' the doter of the kirks
and skates and sic like by the health
inspectors, thousands fleeing wee it
inakeing • sair hearts all ower the
waeld, The bairns' were nae sooner
oot frac the flu than they were lieeln'
about thee tootle, sere .eli»g it. free
ya end of thee emelt tee the ither.
This Winter the flu is akin' its teill
again of humanity. Doctors nod
nurses and Inane folk weering LIIPM-
selves doom feichlin' wae the fiii.
Wad ye ea' it wilful murdsr. or wilful
negleet by the Government at 01.
(1151(6 ? There wits thousands slain by
the bloody War and tee thousand by
the fiti. Am woonerin' why the heeds
at Ottawa Are tiOnqig something
tae try and peevent the epedeeinic or
are thee been up SW: m(101(10 wee
thienselves t hey eannalet Netted was
ithers 7 10 that is the nye, ills a
peaty the pewee 18no' in ither hans,
that wad use the means tee try and
protect the warld's population Aw
ant a peeceful ant chap 10 ye rub me
the right wye, Ina if yen don't aw
wad like fine tee hae a few o' not
politicians that Mak LIMO laws o'
°or kintry the noo tee lute e crack
aboot the prevention er thee thi and
gas them a piece of me Ttlin' or wad
just like them in a equate spot fin. a
..1O.1111shity has '6,c;.,1e
VI,,,,' Iteg,
,a 11,0 ,.1011;8, 1/.opt
0,11 old' )..4 1 ,/tt• r n• 41114 wo
achiev,1 riv/It at timer.R,C.'s "the
sew rir.,rapnre c01.
and remits with I PI nt
Ile out drwgis.
'ora••,o 4,o:.'..;; it is intorest
411/.1'1 y011.''''.11,,11,1',11S, 112
Sing W., TOro1110). WS 01.111 i;.;•ycerivee on
1,.celpt of aux
Mold at Jas. Irog's Drag Ptoro,Brousula
. _
....a.tows/eattkoaszomepaserelonourrumrcerannaramrtm ..troccouncuit.ena. 1/1111694111611924101•1011e
Now is the lime to Place
Your Order for Early Sum-
mer Delivery.
MONUMENTS are some-
thing. which take much
time and care to properly
produce. Each and every
detail means infinite care and
attention— that the finished
Masterpiece may not be lacking in any of those things
which make for a lasting Memorial. Place your order
now and be sure of having it erected early.
Brussels Granite El Marble Works
TI, ptoi• ..1
10"; IP
0'.1 1.2",
rtiarnples :Lily 1. ' r
((1 (0'' ttneri tallied by eitillog
al 01W 011 e.in Joy
as 'glean rio, tis ,,s fr, in
any C11011/
1,11 11. 1,111 ol11..1'.
sveei wee %virile, A W. fth.1 0/1 4/ 11.:11/ 1 4(1
01311' 115)111 I WS. 1110111 11, '1, Until i
recovery sieLer. ,
wad like (0548((11'. 010' )11...1h I- if
4(1(155 11111. 811,1.01.1 1 1' (104 ). 1
OW 1111011 5)111 11 lid Wild 14. to speek
aliont them some ithe; 1111(8,
The (11(1 wife eon, along the not., 111,,
e'en '55(114 too ken ern deeit,t.
Ma a telt. her 1(1,11 '911111 Psi" fmi•.0
Me. My ldle vl.rwrted
(Mein' tap Matra HMO 4114, g -et
there doors hatiged 111 y 0 el dui late, 11.,•
p151tierete time for sax tontitti- .11
then gatig if ye is 1111. 'Ali 111V dVive
01110 ll(,' 11, 1 11 I11.14
WOO /111. n1.0 151. f
All tit1 ye ythr is et 010,s am!
Haile, the meenit Seale on 5118
fin, for ir ya gang tha nee ye, -1
quer:twined Inc tire. (1111(411,8 0,1!: ,1/111
VI' ha a lived on pot. rod 1 v,
Woli iptate Ora Sineeiely y• •t11
Perth County Clerk Passes Away
Death 0a1n0 will, rell111.1 k aide :AO
denne88 In SV ((1(10(0 retet.
an Could y Clerk, of P51111, at his
Janne, Stratford, Monday evenieg .0'
last week, Be was 811 y eau; 1.1 .
aut.! bad been melee 111 tnunieln,:i t:fo
sinee he was 20 y,}1.1.5 of ago. Re hail
beep Country Olerk ei tee 1078, i;,.1
only last year 1, his ikon's
an tieeretat y of the Pnblie Srletol
Beard rater 13S OM of 1151.11/111.. Mt.
D1.1,VIC1 9011, who was a big 11111(1 physi•
ce/ly, suffered a bad fall ahout a week
previous to his cleitth front the
of which he failed to reeoVell,
maiden death clone is evidenced by the
fact. that Monday ;Mei noon he at-
tended a meet ieg of the Perth Mutual
Insurance Company, of which be wits
Born in hinaghatt, Ireland, in 1833,
he came to this unwary in 1844 with
his parents. He walked ft oni Toronto
to Stratford, beine. then 13 years old,
trip occupying 5"days. He entoed
on 8 is pioneer life in Folltu ton. In
1857 he wee nu...tried : 1800, he was
Clerk of Fullerton ; Ism) to 18110 to
1878, Reeve of Fullerton ; and War-
den of Perth from 1875 to 1878, a re-
cord probably never (543111ill51 i11
Perth County.
He WAS tendered the Conservative
nomination for the legislature in 1871),
hut deelined to accept it. Iti addition
he was Postmaster of fleeting fie d few
8 years ; Seeretary S. S No. 4, Ful-
lerton foe 17 yeave Ti (15105 and Mee-
retavy-Treasin el. Mitchell High &hid
Boatel for 8 yea" s ; Trio/tee of 8trat-
ford Public School BoalA rot 4 yogre ;
Secret:ay of the Board for 18 year:,
for intieli of which Lime he WAN Chair-
man of the finanee committee ; May-
or of Stratford 1895 and 1800 ; Trus-
tee of General Hospital since its SATO-
11011 ; Director &high Mortgage
Loan.Company for 15 years and its
President for 26 Venlig,
Mr, Davidson' death climes a life or
activity in municipal life unique iti the
peovince. Beeides several brothers, a
sou, .1. A. Davidson, managee of the
British 511/1 igage Tortil CompAlly,
Stratfoed %revives.
St, Joseph is Still intaCt
A news deep/teat renently cart led a
story 111 effect that the phantom city
of St, Joseph, Oet , was in prounss td
demolition, This repin t is denied in
•[1:10 following hitter ft otti Narcisse
Cantin, of Montreal, founder of the
city 00 Lake Huron :—
Sii,—There is no wrecking company
engaged in the demolition or St,
Joseph, luta iny son r00 ine has had
charge or delivering the mat eeittl. St.
;Joseph was founded at the tittle I
flee1 agitated for. the cough twirler of a
P1111141. LO connect the Ors at Lek
the sea and, at t time, endeavored
In centribute 00 the progress and de.
velopmetit of that part of the ceun-
try by the p1 °motion of 111,1,e1,0
rin railways, better tram -mot lotion
facilities end other beneficetit 1.10-
(11 OVeilleIlts.
IL might, interest you to )(now that
then public 111515 used to scoff at the
feasibility of stroll a :areal 111 watet.
101111' 1511 woald being tweet( Heves up
the Great, Lakes, Progress, like of
which Canada Ilan expel hewed seemed
heyotut their concept Me inid then as
today, what, was beyond their 110111 501
had to no bitterly 11p1016.141. The
poet Lakes to ocean WADI Way Will
soon become a :petit y, The public al-
though emelt belated, is awakening
to the great urgent need of the very
snme deep, speedy and safe route to
U10 BOA 551111011 1 B181. p1.0p0s0(1 end
agitated for when I started to build
St. Joseph and demanding its con-
struction, When engineers were do-
ing the preliminary totivevs of the
metes of my proposed otocitic rait-
yowls, inhabitants or the loettlity
undee, mind you, public men but ig-
norant leadership, pttflsd the pegs es
the engineers wont along and, by
every means possible, opposed the
construct ion of any railway. T.,day
the inhabitants of the distriat tiff, ''1 051
are sending deputations to Toronto to
urge the nonsumetion of those same
railways they eould have had 111115,
years ago, at a lesser cost and iretler
much more favorable circuitenanees,
1 state these facts just to show that;
the prion of foresight and endenvor
E tra Val
in Shoes
PRING Goods are to hand
and being opened out,
and one of the pleasing feat-
ures is the, price. Through
many lines. They are in:anti:1u;
givt.: you kis( }5r11 (''3 1,11
early buying w.1 are able to
inspec) ion of them will please .
Harness Deps.rtmopyti
1.4411 and fl,' -,,v y Hartle0, 11M0-:. "
proof Gmals, Whim., Trunks and sioehel.";
Repairs in Ham er-e: mei
Su:weenie to Hielields 8 Co. Next it. 11-.0, ,.;
for progre4... 1(1 110)5 (1(10 individ mem e. Ike: "garden"
lese be rep overcome till pr.ielialicer, 1 ef ..1 eertain
ignoranee and even the physteal int- 1 of thr, 1 1 ,„-live years
pedimentg of OP communities he hits ago o n (lreett
to deal with in the eat rving out of his Lake.: I . • I t.
ideag. 15 etibiect to ridlimle and where of elecl 1 1. . • better
it allems mean, miserly and ignorant transo..i ne!
1,4001111illies to bit, ter a itagonistn. . 11 the 4 , eople that
The destination t.tf o•te building hi 1 there ar, o 11 p....strnetire,
Si, Joseph not the destruction Clf 1104114 11115. , s'
Sr, sj1/11/CPlis o. Joseph 14 tnore asear- pea V. t; 14, regal
its phi,. on the (nap than ever I lost: of a t .0, 'Tem 0 my
berme and LIU one W110 1411 forla4e (be Off,,, -l , to, 1,1,, 1'1110111a ss4
3118 001001V' cial d,•velop- tr'• •
Winter Underwear
Flannelette Vlankets
and Shirts
to make room for new - goods
Underwear, Fleece Lined, reg.
$1 25 for . 4110
Flannelette Blatiketg, reg. $ 420 3 85
Winter Shief 8, reg. $2.50 for 2 25
Winter Shirts, leg. 42.00 for 1 80
Aletee Winter Caps, reg, $2.001 69
Boys' Winter Caps, rug, $1.301 35
Alen's Winter Rubbers at Prices to
Retinctions in all the rest of stnek.
Bale to Commence February 2nd
Por the following 4 wtioltS
strietly Cash or Pilule,
1-1 L Stewart
! ; . 1-14-Ietatt+++
1 .41;
• *
John 01:iver
taken over I(1' Deering Ag -
+4" envy and 111 111i0', 0 full line of
Farm Implenielite inelnding the
1 C. Cream Separators
+ The ouly Cream Separator with
.1", two wide Open 00011.11.1 outlets— 5
Tip Creatil ',STOW in the path of 4"
•I• the cream. S50 (1 when in town, +
I The 1. S.C. 8-10 and 10-20 Tractors T.
1.1 11100..; ilil..
+ The Snaring Manure Spreader 1.1:
+ . 4.
-). with (iv, ,,),i,• ,pre..Iii 1,101 l'ul'y el.
. e• 1L;311 ie di.. 5.
1 johrt CNiver T.
. .
ON'T wait until your leet get \t,;; thrONV-
ing away those old Rubbers an,/ repfieing them
with new ones. We have Rubbers to III Ail the
(ElMily. Our ''Monarch" brand Lintg Rubber Boots
cannot be beaten. They are absolutely :-.1.Tiai-anteed,
Men's Black Long' Rubber Boots, regulai-
$5.00. While they last, very Special at... o54140
A look through our Shoe Department '61 ii reveal
some excellent values. We have a mei] ct,,;,,orted stock
of good Shoes for old and young at wonderfully reason-
able prices. WHY PAY MORE
_Iblit"rt' .1„1111-1'5-.."""11..
tr ..etish9031•0419999009h999099000 4.7041 'NefT' , 01 4 1)..11044,1 1;
May Enter ict\nv Time
We give thorough Courses ; Wive Experienced Instructors
who give individital attention to pupils. Our pp:Wm-anti are
meeting WW1 1410(10B14. We are training 1"»ddiers under t.
Soldiera! Oivil Ba-astablislament
Address the College for Pratt botologuto wow.
Stratford or Wnngham
ilK.**** 40 ** 01, ee'c' 40 4 e33‘0'0I159 04404 6016