HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-3-18, Page 4Gee i3russet5 tiost
THURSDAY, .,LAken r?, tete
SPRING is on the way. Oboe,. up.
eSHORTAos of t:elac.t1 ltiaehe•ry is till'
the bugaboo of many a Tlt:,tee Board.
WONDER wily Cilleago should set the
price of mamasurea for Cnnadiaa
iror table it
5/TANTItAa•TUx5)S who are boosting the
price of paper and pissing many a news-
paper in a tight box are malciug a grab
that proves them to be entitled to join
the "Scoop'° society,
No Domini n L'kettou likely until
igar. It's a dead cinch to be an M, P.,
the linea have tulle:+ unto them in pleas-
ant places. Their to t. e;'y is abnormal-
ly developed, r...
FIFTEENTH Ontario Legislature got off
Tuesday of last week to a goad start,
under the Caleaincy of Premier Drury,
It does not look as if rtes e will be much
coalition Government by the Dewart-
Ferguson forces :u the House. It may
be lust as well.
PEOPLE who have tears in their eyes
regarding the high cost of living bad
better wipe them away and brace up to
make the best of i. for a year or so yet.
We are finding out -,vital the aftermath
05 a world war ie.
NET 'evern • el „:•ar 21?1, million dol-
lars is ann.ut•,.:n1 fro. the past fiscal
year by the D lee .,.t Peso.iffice authori-
ties. There a-, n•v..'t is,000 postoffrces,
460 having be,m by the extend-
n.1g of rural mail ,,,Lit -s
'rUREISH WOldite2 y+ IO prey ripen de-
fenceless Armenian women and child-
ren are hounds wl.' tte::erve to receive
as their rew.ird tit -:aro e. kind of inhum-
anity on a 50-50 i,nais .at least. What cred-
it is it to the pnw_rs that while they are
bantering and jo,acey'ug to obtain small
advantages that the atrocities people
shudder to even read shout are in prog-
ress 7 Mercy caunot-.vt ely be found in
the Turkish vocal,,tlasv
A flue man went tate way of all the
earth when William Davidson, Strat-
ford, County Clerk of Perth, went to his
long home. He served his day and
generation and his name for probity will
live long. His Pee was a busy, honor-
able one and his death, even at 87 years,
leaves a most noticeable gap and the
man who undertakes to outdo his record
has a super -human task. It is a real
national legacy a life :so well filled in,
THERE appears to be a noticeable
change Foreshadowed in the choice of
Winter locations as between California
and our own Pacific Coast and the ten-
dency is that for more than financial
reasons the trend will be to give the
latter the preference. Many a million
dollars of good Canadian money bas
been spent in California and it would
mean a vast saving to those who desire
to skip the rigors of an old time Winter
to secure the immunity from the same
and still live under the folds of the
Union jack.
WE would liked to have seen Rev,
Mr. Cody retained as Minister of Educa-
tion in Ontario as our school system has
lost, to a large degree. the prestige it en-
joyed in the past, 'rine is too import-
ant to spend maeh of it in experimeut-
iag hence the advantage of a eeholasti
catty trained maty to take leadership in an
important department for the Govern
ment. It is to be hoped the new Mini -
ter of Education will he able to mould
and fashion the school system so that
the youth of the lend will be given the
hest possible advantages.
'puuke is a :strong disposition on the
part of many people to give every mar-
ried woman a Munld p. i vote In 'this
proposal THE Posr heartily conettrs If
a woman's judgme t t is Of real value le
e ,
the managem.n'of the home, and the
carrying on of lines of activity in the
church and the community they should
be entitled to tact .. -r more than a mor-
al influence when it came to the choice
of municipal authoritieg, They are juat
as competent to express an opinion in
suck situations as "the lords of creation"
and in a good many cases, we have no
doubt, would mak,- a better job of it.
ADMIRAL. JELLIcop favor's a Canadian
Navy --such as might be maintained at
0o0 000 a year. f course t
$52 Y O , e here
Would have to Lea Navy Board and a
Minister for such a department with the
successful advent Lit the submarines.
A new phase of defence and attack has
.come into effect and combined with the
knights of the air puts the program of
to years ago astride the pale of modern
methods. We don't believe,however,
w r
that miiitarY rule is desirable bl
or teCe4-
sary and the less it is pushed to the
front the more liltely is Peace and goods
will likely to flourish.
9 �? N
r N
J Tle.t N
W. J. McCracken +
°Plum3 4.
4.4. t•.5
C. n
HON DR. CODY's t'esignatiou as M.
P. 1'. for North West Toronto, will
mean It bye election to hit the vacaucy.
LONDON dai.y newspaper;, havefol-
lowed the testi of their Toronto Con-
freres and increased their subscription
rates $r.00 per annum. White paper at
$80,0o per ton don't leave many options
to the Fourth Estate if they, expect to
continue their post office address as at
present, One advantage the daily press
have over the publiehet's of the weeklies
is the pay -in -advance rule but more and
more is it becoming the practice of the
latter to strive to adopt the same meth-
THE wordy warfare carried on by
Hons. Messrs. Murphy and Rowell in
the Dominion House is no recommend
to either and is of no value to the land,
although the time taken up in oretori-
°aliy pumnielliug arm another is paid for
by the country. This thing of going
round with a chip on your shoulder
looking for a scrap may reflect credit on
a pug but has uo merit iu a legislator
seat to do business for the State. If the
Speaker, instead of trying to control the
disputants, had ruled them out of order
good would have been accoropliehed,
It's baby business.
Grey Council
Municipal Council of the Township
of Grey met in the Township Hull
Monday, March t&th, 1920. Members
all present except Oliver Harris,
Minutes of previous meeting wet
read and adopted.
By-law No. 2 for 1920, appointing
Pathinasters tinourhont the Munici-
pality for the year 1020, was put
through its several stages and finally
Clerk was instructed to advertise in
THls BRUSSELS POST for tender's for
the construction of the following
drains: Livingston, flail, Armstrong,
Burke and the upper part of the
Beauchamp Creek Drain. Also for
tenders for the painting of the follow-
ing bridges: Grant's, Oranbrook,
King's, Beemuer'e, Fol'k's, McDonald's
White's, Hayden's, Duke's and Mc-
Thfollowing accounts were passed
and ordered to be paid :--David F.
Brown, gravelling on sideroad, Con.
18 and oil Maiiltop boundary,
$391.45 ; Andrew Machan, gravel,
d42.70 ; David Smith, putting in over-
flow pipe Coit. 2$3.00; Municipal
1Vorld supplies, 40'52,02.
The Council adjourned to meet on
Monday, April 12th.
A. 11, M.a.cDONaLD, Clet k.
Senator Proudfoot, in Moving the
Reply to Speech From Throne
in Senate, So Declares - Can-
ada Must Maintain Status in the
League - Declares .Himself in
Favor of Proportional Repres-
entation and of Divorce Court.
(Special to London Free Press)
Ottawa, Feb. 27.-A ringing declar-
ation that Canada's status in the League
of Nations nest be maintained, the em-
phatic assertion that only when 'Cana-
dians ceased buying luxuries and non-
essentials from the United States, would
the adverse exchange rate with the re-
Ic be righted,
Pand an opinion in fa-
of prop
0rti ❑al representation were
features of Senator William Proudfoot's
address in the Senate chamber this af-
ternoon in moving the reply to the
speech from the throne as delivered yes
terday by the Duke of Devonshire,
The former Ontario liberal leader,
who was brushed aside by factions in
his own party because of his sympa-
thetie attitude towards Union Govern-
ment in the war, was in eloquent fOrnl,
and while he read his speech, it was
an inspiring utterance. A strong pa-
triotic vein ran all through the address.
Change Within Empire.
Senator Proudfoot, in opening, refer-
red to the Dotninionts effective Contri-
bution to the world struggle, and de-
clared that changed intercinpirc rela-
tions had resulted.
The Paris f
thegreat Brit-
ish commonwealth had become better
acquainted, more intimate, and a new
foundation for the development of Gan -
45 Mill Uit:ti lobi 1 ii-;te i l l+la
opinion, danger ell tett'ogreeeptit iu tits
old colonial idea.
ritsming to tit, wit. : U" ?1 the
League of Nations anti Canada's
,L- ,t. t; li) �, a.11lib'tlili•
,Is to proportional rept t+setitatlott,
the senator event• on record as being
pers.uitily lit fated' of this system of
election. lie had given the matter ser-
stai ig ttella Senator Proud.- tOus consideration whilei1 the Ontario
foot - effectively answered lite ar Legislature. and If the Government did
gument of those who, mute certain faC not give a lead in the (natter at this
tics in the United Staten, icired the se.iilon, hiltsclf proposed to have
re. por,aibilities incurred by the nation the ^ubl'.,.t brought before the Cont.
With all difference to their attitude, he moire Ile believed it to be the only
felt that they showed a lack of fore-
sight and conviction in the future of
the Deo -anion,
"Was there any forcing of Canute in-
to the late war," asked the senator,
Senator Wm. Proudfoot, who in the
Canadian Upper House, declared him'
self in of favor of proportional re-
presentation system of electing mem-
hers of Parliament.
"How much less then," ire answered,
"will l':an.ada he lurerd into other
i'he League of Nations, he declared,
recognized the autonomy of Canada,
and he ;added, with emphasis, "Cana-
da's status of independent co-operation
in the affairs of empire must be main-
tained." This position was now fully
recognized. Senator Proudfoot, evi-
dently referring to efforts being made
in the United States Senate to curb the
Talus 01 Canada in the League of Na.
lions. declared that tate Dominion's
newly -gained position had recently been
challenged, and in this regard he quot-
ed from Hon. It W. Rower's recent ef-
fective pronouncement in answer there-
The Veterans,
Coming to the re-establishment of
the Dominion's war veterans' civil life,
Senator Proudfoot declared that a great
deal had been done, but there was still
much to be done. The wishes and de-
mands of these war heroes must not be
lightly put aside. The dependents of
the sten who had fallen should be the
country's especial care. The returned
soldiers claimed that they should have
the opportunity of making a living.
Senator Proudfoot gave praise to the at-
titude of the members of the Govern-
ment towards the problems of the re
turned men, terming it generous and
Sir Robert Borden's personal solici-
tude for the welfare of the veterans was
also appreciatively referred to.
Corning to the matter of exchange,
Senator Proudfoot trade some striking
"My personal opinion," he declared,
amid a clutter of applause, "is that the
permanent solution of -the exchange sit-
uation lies in the consolidation of the
British Empire."
He added that If Canadians ceased to
buy luxuries from the Milted States
and imported nothing but strict essen-
tials it would not take long to con -
Vince the United States that our trade
was worth having and the discount on
Canadian money would automatically
What Would Result.
If this policy were diligently carried
out, he predicted that it would not be
long before our trade with the U. S.
showed a balance in our favor, when
our exports to that country showed an
increase over our imports therefrom.
Referring to the coining franchise
bill, as outlined in the governor-gen-
eral's speech, Senator Proudfoot made a
declaration that brought approving ap-
plause from both sides of the House.
"As for myself," he declared, "1 am
unalterably opposed, for the present at
least, to the franchise being given to
any alien enemy, slacker or to anyone
who tried to evade their duty to Can-
ada itt the days of war."
It was the speakers conviction that
the people of Canada felt similarly,
11 declared that he had; felt for
years, he said, that the federal and
provincial authorities sh
get to-
gether on a franchise coveringthe
whole Dominion, which could be used
for both federal and provincial elections.
The preparation of lists should be left
proper and fair mode of representation.
Ile regretted that no mention was made
of the matter in the address from the
Favors Divorce Court,
Referring to possible • Governmental
action in the improvement of the coun
try's divorce laws, he went on record
es in (nor of it mouton divorce law
in Canada, with a universal court, The
Targe number of divorce applications
bel,-,rc the Senate this session should
be an object lesson to the country, and
he felt that unless some such action
as he referred to were adopted there
would be a repetition of divorce con-
ditions ;ts they now obtain in the
United States,
conclusion he regretted the ab-
sence of Premier Borden,
Senator Proudfoot, of course, occupi-
a seat on the Government side of
was not a full attendance of
Upper 'Chamber by any means. Sen
the Senate
Jumpy Nerves!
If you get startled easily or
"Jump" or "scare" at the least
little thing, it means that your
Nerve Force is weakened and
Your Nerves control every Men-
tal and Physical process that takes
place within you --if iSte the
Nerves were cut loading to the
Heart that organ would never beat
again. Without the Nerves you
could never Soo, Taste, Smell or
Bear again for it is upon the
Nerves that every sense depends.
If you wish to build up and
strengthen the body you must put
new life into the millions of nerve
fibres that lead to the Heart, the
Stomach, the Kidneys, the Liver
and the outer organs. This you
can quite easily do by taking a
six box treatment of Hackings
Heart and Nerve Remedy. It will
take away "that tired feeling,"
banish those pains in the head,
increase your appetite, help you
to sleep better, eat better and live
What is a few dollars in com-
parison to your health, we offer
you a sovereign remedy for your
illness in Hacking's Heart and
Nerve remedy. The road to Health
and Happiness is yours if you will
but believe it. This wonderful
preparation will change you from
a Weak, Nervous or Anaemic per-
son to one full of Life, Vitality
and Animation. It will bring back
the hoses to your Cheeks by in-
creasing circulation and purifying
the blood. Better get a few boxes,
now, when you think of it, but be
sure to get Backings, Price 50c a
box, 0 feel 2.60. Sold by all deal-
ers Or by mail, postpaid. Hack-
ings Limited, Listowel, Ont.
Farmers' Attention
The 11 on Onnnty Flex Mille, Ltd.,
Ill'utsels, are ',pen t rent a limited
crenae of No. 1 end land for Flax
growing purposes, Farmer will plow,
dila, ltart'ow and ptepnre )and for
gond level seed bed, Company will
furnish seed (Idol the sowing. For
ltarticulais see A. T. DUBBIN), or
eave wand with the Mill Manager, .1.
EIS ION1-iOF R, 13tusst+ls,
(+es.'.e:aas.e4er firer neo P'S5,400.4
•®• 0
3 t
.. y.
D we
• e
9siirance 1
• , •
: Persons intending to m
O place Weather Insurance i
a on buildings would do s
o well to see `s
N ft
z i
bent for the Ontario farmers'
• Weather !neurone Co,
P Head OM'Hoe, Grand Valley
•4 Rates : $2,00 per 1000 i
sots, minister of Labor', anal Hutt, Prole
I`. Blandin, postmaster general, wet'e
among the c)nver'nmril chieftains ;n
the front benches,
Auction Sate
PheM se" tlot.sener.n usele's's„Pa
H, Scutt, Ana , him been tt instructed to tali by
Public Auction et N+ Lot 26, Oon 14, SteF11-
lop an Mouthay, 6lttreft,llnd, at 1 o'oloolc, the
following property, -1 gray mere to years old,
1 gray horse rising 5 mire, 1 cow in ea Ie 7 yeine
old, 1 cow milking 6 yen re old, N Itelfera tieing
2 vets, I steer rising 2 yearn 60 Blared Rork
Inn .a. was in, top buggy, (+nater, set bolesltdghs,
nit double herniae, set single hareem, set plow
harness, Massey -Herrin binder, Doering mow-
er, hey rake, (Use harrow, walking plow, set
Irene borron's, aonnier, fanning mill, sob of 2.000
ib 'R.411(23,154'0. ladder, grovel box, algae lee.
t'e ;pulper, grindatoeo, hey leek, repo+ and
relieve, bunch of bet'rels, quantity of barbed
n Ira, 'motility 05smooth wire. number or 01'16
Lir pasta, Vuuutlty heelball( lumber, 8 MI lichee
'Mingles, °oat range, wood ,.love, base h enter
u tth oven, extensloi lobe., 2 kitchuu inti-,,, 0
1.i Helen situs, rocking choir, 2 bedroom suitor,
s„rit,. and tnattrarses, els'- nepb,ei d, to ueh,
2 ,•mall 'Mem, w'a'lling maritime, wringer,
t'i'ara, butter bowl nen prints, gn^nttty of
U r hu-, (identity of °tweets and nts, kitchen
utensils, S;o„ Yorke, shrivels and other urtioles
ton numerous to mention. Positively no re-
s +v ns the proprietor has eold Itis farm.
1 ern„ -.All same of $10 05 and under stab ;
t err :11, 1 amount 8 months' m•eSit on fnrni-h•
1 g BIT, Lived joint notes, ora discount of 1 per
°u.,1'Moved tiff for meat on credit nntonnts,
AU ereiot SA Lit ON` P4 it Al HTO' 0 IMPi.0-
rattt:'re AoU-t"-itoLe RuoNi'ru .r:,
Seat A net Meese lm- received 1os, rset,lons
to sell ht t'r.bit. Amnion at l.n'. A. , .n 11,
Grey raweehto, on Tue day, Match ':a ,; et 1
p in, the following valuable Property -n
horse rasing 9 yenta old, 1 mares ,t -tot: 5 you
old, t hors' to yet s old. I cow due to „nave
May 271)1, 1 caw dna to calve .I hey 19,1, I into,
due to valve May 411,, 1 sou' doe to calve Mu
0th, 1 fresh cow, I cow milking, 1 steer 2 yenta
old, 8 heifers rising 2 years old, 2 yeerlin +s, 8
enlvea rising 1 year old, 1 miff2 menthe old, 1
sow due to farrow before sale, 8 pigs about 160
lbs., 2 pigs about 100 lbs. snob, e number of
young hens, good young collie dog, Deering
Weiler nearly new 0 ft. out. Massey -Harris
mower 5% ft ant nearly new. Deering rake 10
ft, Ma.eey-Harris seed drill 11 Ines, dee,
Ad ,,,no lumberwegon, nearly new, pair 1.1,-
1,.eloighs nearly new, 2 top buggies one nearly
new, open buggy, light wsgen, cutter, 2 seta
iron harrows, set team harness, set plow her -
ease, new Fleury wanking plow No 21, stone
boat, wheelbarrow, hay reek, gravel box, pig
box, wood ruck, water tank, pulper, Brinton
fanning milk, set scales enp. 700 tee., roll chick-
en wire 110 rode, 25 gni. 'nal oil tank fell of
American oil, galvanised pig trough8 ft long,
sandier, about 18 grana bags, oak barrel, , np-
erior croon separator nearly new, then coops.
Reveled wagon tongues, 2 winter barrels, cross-
cut saw, buck saw, 2 Means of timber, 2 seta
single harness, about 4u0 ft of flooring about
220 ft of ceiling, 15 hemlock planks 1-t ft long,
n quantity of hemlock scantling 12 ft long, a
gimntity Elm plank and Other lumber, number
of cedar posts, crowbar, a quantity of wood,
ehntna, Shovels, forks and other aettnles, a
quantity of hay, 100 hue. D. A. t'„ 72 Seed Oats,
quantity 1000 head ants, 00 bus. barley, some
pens quantity of potatoes. Rhein, 80 lbs. fencestaples, severe' horse blaeliet'a, 0 sets double -
trees, 8 neckyokes, sprinkling can, ahnto,.
airovete and other urtioles Garland mega,
heater, kitchen tnpbcarih 2 fall -leaf tables
lounge, abont 15 chairs, kltehee tnblo, 2 parlor
tables, 8 '.berry bednteade dre.set', 2 wadi -
stands, 2 chirdoneera, 8 bed prlugs, 2 met-
traoeee, Singer Sewing mnnhin', 2 reeking
ahnies, stove board, 2 pieties uile'elh tiyerds
each), mats, washing machine, wringer, 2501
facets wa-h board, boiler, churn, milk can,
iron pot, Rat irons, pulls, (reeks fruit jars,
poultry water can, pair skates, baskets, win-
dow screens, 2 screen doors, 112 -dos, egg orate,
steam 000ker, sausage eteffer, buggy duster,
large buffalo robe, email robe, step -bidder, 1
mantle clook, alarm clock with hunt:mug dial,
doable rowed keys eeoirdimt and outer artic4l-
es too numerous to mention. Sale without lie
serve as the ferns has been sold Terme.-
erme;Sums of 51000 and under cash ; over that
amount 10 months credit given on furnishing
approved joint notes, 4 per cent off for easli
on credit M11011110.
F. W. JESCHKE, Proprieto',
Hovennonn Erraoga, - .lames Taylor,
A uetloneer, has been hlatt'ueted by the under-
signed to nail by Public. Auction at Sty Lot 20,
, Oen.0, Morris, on Wednesday, Murch 2414i,nt
1 o'clock, the following property :-I impored.
mare 18 yours old, 1 male 7 years old eligible
for registration, 1 tayrbnalele cult tieing d
year, 1 blood colt rising 2 yea's, 1 blood °Olt
rising 1 year by Ebner Diohao , I registered
Shot Horn oow with bull calf nt her side. 1
registered heifer 1 year old, 1 cow due to calve
April 5th, 2 resell celved cows, 1 8 -year-old
heifer calved early, 8 steal's Heine 0learo itt
for gra-a, 8 heifers rising 2 years 05 for grime,
8 steers rising 2 years, 2 heife t rising 2 years.
5 calves rising I year, 2 yowl calves, 1 now
due May let, 5 chunks' of pig-, a quantity of
11otatoea, new De Leval cretin, a, (mister Nu.
2, 13,11 organ, refrigernto', Daisy churn, bet-
ter mixer, box heater, washing msohine had
wringer, perlo' tamp, .Aladdin long. Sale
without reserve as the proprietor iv giving up
farming Terns -All suns of 810 and ut,de'
cash • over that amount 0 tnonths credit given
on furnishing approved joint notes, 4 per eent
discount for cash on credit amounts;
Tenders Wanted
Tenders fomite ootatruction of the Detainee
Drain, in the Township of McKillop, and the
Dickson Drain in the Townsblpo of MoKiliop
and Hallett will be received by the undersign-
ed up till Saterdny, April 10th,1020, at 1 o'clock
p, m. when tenders will be opened nt Council
meeting in Senforth A ohmic, for 5% acme
tenet price must neconpany , sett tef8,-r, The
Inwret or any tender nob neves-si9ly accepted.
Plans, &o., may be seen at the Clerk's °face,
Lot 24, 0011, 7, Molillop,
Olerk of 140K1110p; Senforth P, 0,
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted for 14, S. No 4, Grey Town-
ship, Huron County, Normnlite and Pi°tee-
tnnt, Duties to count etioe niter Eante'. Hal.
ap up to ffi e 00, according to ganlioontion,
sickness cause of vnennov
B, PAYN, Swot pry,
Brussels Phone 404 Bloevak 10,10, No. 2
Pasture to Let
Tenders will he roomy ed by the-undersigeed,
0p to Murch 2011, for the pneterege of 1.05 20
Mid hell of Lot 21 Oen 7, 100 aerie, In the
Township of (bleed''rte term of 1.9 or 8 yews.
Renter to rix fnneee it it necessary wire will be
supplied. !tent dun November 1st,
1011N 151005, i Slvth
DUG 41,0 MaDONALD, s it. R. 2
• Name ors Alt Button estnto,
Tend'ere will be received by the nnSereigned
up to April Oth 1020, for the eenstroettonof
sewer on Wtdinn street, in the Village of
rt els. Pian. and a souls ons may IM
ti tan a nti v
poen at the office or the Merit n4 the M lulalpnl•
try, 11'. S. SCOTT,
Vilhaga Olark,
Farm for Sale
Good 160 wore farm for sale, being S5 Lot 16,
and El of B! Lot 14, Con, 7`, Morrie township,
100 acres are muter ouitivettot with 50 antes
ready for seeding ; 0 not es Poll Wheat ; good
hnsh ei'l postero with never falling spring
,' tonin hror 1 n -t re l n
u a t i n d ta
bout, Ibank ltnrn p15 R 00 Prot,, oma :1 1 hat barn
mid driving oiled, pigpen, orchard, oral wat-
ered, Ste. 11 mlloe from town '2,. to solei
oar account of 111 health Far Nir bee partite -
litre e, to price, terns etc., imply_ to F, S, Scott
or F1tANIMS 1i31111 R2q ,3, No 2•,
i`i1i0,'�¢1'0. �� 1t.T4-t'rk..4 ,S1.). 4..4.441 i +mlv' v7sDe
The Sea,'forth Creamery
t7'end your Cream ream 5.1
established and that gives
Satisfactory Results,
\+Ve solicit your patronage
give you thorough satisfaction,
Creamery thoroughly
Prompt Service anti
knowing that We can
k We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
a• it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Creamsam-
•t, pies and pay you the highest market priceseverytwo
T. week:. Cheques payable, at par at Bank of Nova S':tttia.
For further particulars See our Agent, MR. T. C.
• McCALL, Phone 230o, Brussels, or write to
4. The Seaforth Creamery Co.,
I, SEAFORTfi, ()N'I'.
.,,, ..w9. 1117
Short Horn Bulls
WO buys won let Wien ml hull onlf at Wee-
nie Null Fnir for 0 yours In succeanion nndilnve
always something geed on haul for sale,
Phone 2814 Lot 10, Con. by, Grey Twp.
Short Horn Buil Calves for Sale
Undersigned altars for sale 6 Short Born
calves, from the well known sire, Hera-
field Stump, bred in -Harry Snaith end owned
by undersigned, A cow, Prinenos Pet from
same hall, Sold lit lh9uiter'a ante, Ramiro re.
°mals Yoe 51000, the highest price at Sale. 14e-
onet says "She is n heifer of Fltoly calibre and
'; yetu•n old." Serial, II tamp is else for anle,
g,0 eat• a0, con, 6, Morrie town -hln.
Oboe, 166 Bruesot, P. 0.
Buil for Service
The undersigned adll peep for service, of S3'
Let 80, Con, 2, Morris township, the thoro'-bretl
Short Born 1301, Gainford of Salem, No.
-00418' Sired by Oainford Miocene 1100800) ;
Dan Mildred v11 by Royal sailor 1180091 Pott-
igree may bo neon on npplicatinn. T01.11114-
$10 00 for thoro'-breds payable nt time of ser•
vine with privilege to return, Grade Cows not
Stock for Sale
Two young Snotch Short Horn Bulls for sale.
Ono 18 mouths old shed by Gainafot 5 of Salem
end the other 0 months old aired by Amine
Led. Prices right, THOS, PIERCE,
Lot 80, Oon 8, Moria Two.
Telephone 6810 Idruseele R. R. 5.
McCormic k aDd
Implements ,
To the Farmers of Grey and Sur-
rounding Country:
I stn prepared to take melees foe
McOot niick and International Imple-
ments, Tractors, !engines, Plows, En-
silage Cutters, Oream Separators,
Wagons and Sleighs.
Full line of Tillage and Haying
and Harvesting Implements, No bet-
ter Binder, Mower nr Manure Spread -
el -mule then the McOornlick.
Buy from rue and save money as
I can pay cash aura can sell on terms
to cult.
Will keep repairs or get them for
you an a clay of two's notice,
Cull and sea me at Ethel before acini and Outside
buying and save money.
To Ladies
This is a result of tate lack of
the ordinary red cot'pscules in the
blood. The too frequent neglect
of this complaint, especially in the
case of growing girls and young
women, is fraught with the great-
est danger.
Poorness of the Blood
0)5501 lead to wrtlltncss or the body,
General Debility and surd a run
down condition that the sufferer
fabs a prey to almost any epidemic
disease - especially Inllueuza,
Colds and La Grippe.
Fainting, Palpitation
general disturbance of the bodily
functions, headache, hysteria, pale
and sallow complexion, pallor of
the tongue and lips, puffiness un-
der the eyes and heart Murmur
are generally associated with An-
Hackings Heart and
Nerve Remedy
is the most reliable medicine to
use. It will bring back the rosy
cheeks and restore Vitality and
t'it'er. Do not be discouraged and
do not worry for you will only get
worse. Place your confidence in
Ifackings heart and Nerve Remedy
ror it ie a complete tonic that will
bring back the happiness of good
health. that you so much desire.
Buy a few boxes to -day. Price
50c a box, 0 for $2,50. Sold by
all dealers or by mall, postpaid.
Backings Limited, Listowel.
Monthly Horne Fairs will lie held iu
Brussels this season :s 1'11110wo 1
THURSDAY, Mr11't, 'Ith, 1020
APR. tat, 11)20
Buyers swill he Present
I3y miler of t,nunrll,
1!. 13, SCitrl."P, Clerk.
Ship yevs.sa• Cream
Direct lo the
Brussels Creamer~
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and t'ay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques dor- tl:e pay-
ment of your Creast twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank,
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yCU.t
Will not want to discontinue,
ar� HMS'
Pro s