HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-3-11, Page 84.
el.•}•••*•F++44•9w4$4,,•eeetee Dd•O•FW'04•0+4.1'0•i•G444.44.4•*
I. 3 `iter
Every Outdoor
Sport invites
Your Kodak
11, r c1' c101ithtt Of more sun•
shiprays liove yoer Kodak
ready ar+p :orae et the
1.11.:1atilh ,ti r.er piehuesthat
t 1 11',1. Pictures of
w 1 411 130', ,r Skating
t L 11 epprkciated
,11.1 . re •.,,, r.t tak '.g.
Eastrl'-in h1111115,
• Veal, !X P:lper and Other
K od. k A ccessOrh s.
d• -- ---..... _
• Spring Quarterly ieof Pictorial Review fashion Book P,.1
1 ire leave the Pictorial Review Patterns.
•i. March Pictorial jt.view Monthly Magazine is a splendid number. Price zoo
Ore •
March Winds
High wind: play haVoc with
a fair complexion, but there is
t ruuledy-lou can keep your
skin soft and smooth by using
a good'1'uilet Cream. Among
those we have Sue
Rexait t1•e..m of Alutoutls 25e
Pond'. Vanishiug Cream t,uc
lonteel C'u+nb:uatiou Crane 6oc
Rexall Toiler Crean 25e
Seely's Cream of Violets 350
Rexall (Se,td Cream 20 dr 35c
Hiud's Honey and Almond Cream
Witch Ii:-zel Cream 35o
Mahalia Vanishing Cream 75e
Daggett & Ramsdell's Cream 6oc
Parades Dry Cream 6oc
Mentholatum 250 & 5o0
Cocoa Rutter Cold Cream 5oc
Seely's Parisian Balm 250
Recipes or
For 'Toilet Preparations care-
fully filled.
,eS 1111 1TH
' � D
Druggist and Stationer
Miss Zuesier, of Peterboro' is Miss
Mary Ross' new milliner, We welcome
her to Brussels.
- ----r!sl'-z-== AFTERNOON train from Kincardine, did
not get through ou Monday and the
evening train from Toronto was also
cancelled owing to drifting snow.
At the Assizes last week at Goderich
R. J. McLaughlin, Brussels and P. A
McArthur, Dan. Huether and W. Mc.
Kay, Grey township, attended as jurors
from this locality.
NEW r : 11 ' - -oth.
ST. P.Af•rt•I::--'s Dov next Wednesday.
AMSNT Vii-=-, s i, .ve a large stock of
logs, hese:fir_„ 1'..c., in their tnillyards
this Winter.
THE fellow with :+ "sweet tooth" is be-
ing cornered up fairly well with sugar at
20 ceutc per pouLd.
THERE will be eome genuine shovell•
lug to go'th- ;;lei -walks clear of snow
when the ';im,m' are at an end.
EDITOR's timid/S ere e.trned by a half
dozen wirer bent us COpiee of THE POST
of November zp.h rgig, asked for last
Tune lois been a great run of Auc-
tion Sales during the part 4 or 5 mouths
but they will slacken off now with the
approach of :Spring.
THE Carolina Girls will be here Thurs.
day, 23rc1 inst., under the auspices of the
Chautaupnc Circle, Plan of Hall at
Fox's drug store.
DON'T be in too big a rush to don your
straw hat. jack Frost may not be as
ready to abdicate as the people are 10-
sistent that he',honld,
"I alwars enjoy getting THE Bays-
sELS POST" is ill, expression of a Wrox•
eter subscriber in settling up for 1920.
We're grateful for the compliment.
AUCTION. Sate of Live stock, House-
hold Furniture. &c, at the home of A.
T. Currie, Fora street, Brussels, Satur-
day afternc•r+n • , gate week, at 2 pntn.
The family I: )r ^Sr town hence sale
will lea
Wr1'H :1 2. to„ons, a plow,
scraper S,1,". 't 440448 job was
done last So io•-iee distn Uniting the
big snow i, ties et, :.ho \fest side of
Turuberry = ,«„' 1'I:r, work Will also
relieve m Trete 0 supply of
soft water nen . A
e thaw arrives.
CARO 1, THAN 1'1' wish to ex-
press our h ate, H teiemle and neigh•
bore for meet, :nee of kindness and
thoughtful 1E11, 't'8 with the
illness and silos. meet' n ti -'vise of the Ire
Henry Heist. :too) t m the Moccabee Or.
der and Old 1 dIwe. for beautiful flow•
ers and b s : -lel f utherle attention.
We will never forget tt e kindness
and which 141-1!1 n
tnghly appreciated
t '-dally Yours,
Brussels' Maud) 4 1920.
SOMsTHINO:O WE'RF. 5i1RE Aaon'r.-
Many cisteres are dry.
Brussels Deed, e new Poetotfiee.
Doctors have Toren very busy.
St. Patrick's Day on the 14511.
March came in 1 do e lamb --cold lamb.
Forward M',ve,n,;.ut was a great sum-
Glad welcome awaits coining of
most spectacular Beale of Hockey was
played bet wet•n tiiit or the elite of Brus-
sels and 3 noun, tent:: Meinlay evening,
Phe Baine wa< trier and furious at times
and Referee Catnpb'•tl had a hard limo
to keep the I'i:ev (leen, having ID pen-
alize a p11: cr nu a ieh , isle, Misses
Laura An .,' a r1 ietn Fox played a
star gain 1, v' u't LW- 11 on the ice and
bttlnped -01.. Mrs Fred. Wood
and Mrs , t,1 S 1t need FI',re"ce Bueh.
an and splendid M e,. ii oeillml.»ell dealingsomt
50112e nwn;1 1,1+.,.,r to 500ir opponents,
although h r t . kippered. .1 no One had
to be carried ,i'r, i(1' Game resuited
111 a score 4,f tem' , nne.ln favor, of the
50250 consist Mg '•f Geraldine, Fox, Polly
Goyeniock and Harriet,Ament who were
dressed -iii n' la mode,. The spectntora
bed lots:of breutlltpg. space.
9 ?roc 0 weeks old for aide.
WiteoN 'Kamm, 55th Line, Morris.
Pea SALE -11 York Piga, will weigh about
100 ibs. Also 4 Durham cows to calve in April
and May, Lut 18, Con. la, Grey. Phone 4226.
8 Puts 5 week. old for sale. Phone 8518.
(9Eo. BATEMAN, Ethel.
Cow for sale. Guaranteed satiefaotory or
money refunded. Quick sale.
A quantity of feeding molasses for sale. Ap•
ply to T. A. GARE,.se, B1uevale,
Anowo 10 tons nrat•Olaas Timothy hay for
sale, Lot 20, Con. 0, Morrie. Phone 105
.111 0. ROBE.
OFFICE GEER.-Aftor several months, owing
t0 illness, Miss Maude Bryans wishes to state
that her office will now be Open as usual and
she will Le able to attend to all requiring
optioal attention.
WOOD WANTED, -The undersigned wiehee
to purchase 20 cords of cord wood or short
wend, beech and ample for the Methodist
church to be delivered before sleighing goes
Call on R. LELTRERDALE, Brussels, Phone 87
BoLK oysters for sale. B. O. WILSON.
FOR BALE. -2 comfortable dwelling{( houses.
DR. PARKER, Osteopathia Physician, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and ri8100118 diseases suoceeafnlly
treated, Visits residences, Consultation at,
Queen's Hotel.
1r is reporter) in town as THE POST
goes to press, that A. McCluskie, who
reeently removed from Brussels to
Moleslvorth locality, has passed away.
His health has been very settle
for sge
BLAME IT IC/ '1'r E G 'r. R, -For the.
past 2 weeks '161E Poss has been delay-
ed in its issuance on account of the uoto.
arrival of our paper supply from Toron-
to incident to cut off train setvlce owing
to snow blockades bolding up transpor-
tation. We hope this drawback is at an
endsnd that normal condition will now
a a t
'lig thaw.
ore Winter.
• rolina Girls.
e Shamrock.
;ter Millim ry.
3 ring chirkene.
Sulphur and me -lasses,
TEI.ErgoNF. Meemi2(1 -Tuesday after
nose of tli's week the postponed annual
meeting of Brussels, Morris and Grey
Pelephone Company was hold in the
Public Lihrere Audience room. F. S.
Sentt. Pre sleet) t, in the chair. Min•
Utes of last Annual meeting were read
and passed ,incl the remittal audited
report of the Company was presented
and adopted. The retiring Board was
re-elected, consisting of F, S. Scott, R
Procter and W Camerae. This cm
pony does a large business and with the
mounting prices of everything it is no
cagy job to keep down expenses. There
Is continuer) tivo,vtb in telephones mak-
ing a service of greatly mole value than
when organized The ann2alreport was
published re few weeks ago in 'fits POST
hence particnlore will not be repeated it)
this issue. Much of the success In the
of the s a'em depends on the
Y p
individual 112818s to the way they do
their pert. Prompt attention in answer-
ing awl just as prompt in quitting will
work weeders in keeping everything
moving smoothly With tyle hells of agree..ability Red tact at the Central office,
. 1 s. S:s1Tir DsceAssi,.-The farmed
of the late Jason's Stuith, who died at
Galt last Sunday, tools place lute Time.
day Hterno a to Brussels tet1etc11'.
Mere extended notice next issue,
The Weiland. Tolcgrnf.i eaye 1t a
torr 1'r 11,0elite -Rev. II W. b vi' -
op peeve Of. the Methodist C:Iturr.h has
received n call to the Metb0politltu
Church, Regina, Seek., one of the most
imp -alum 11111rehee 01 the Methodist
hotly in the 'Weer. Mr. A vi*On iv cin-
e ndillg the third year of a remarkably
sucees fel pastorate here and it is the
wish ut Wollenelers, outside as well as
inside WS church. that he will make his
Wellanil term not a 3 year one but a 4
of 5 year period. Ile bas wired accept-
ccept-an a of Pall however, and will terminate
hle ministil here al the clone of the
present ('onIereneo year. Rev. M.
Admire, of Saskatoon, will be trauslerr-
ed from the Westel'u Conference. to
Paris, Au able preacher, a large mind-
ed and enthusiastic worker, and a valu-
ed citizeu, Mr. Avlsou is one of the best
of Wella'lders. His removal from h -re
will be kdenle f. It." Old friend, in this
lot:aloe will be ;lad to hear of Rex Mr.
Avison's progress and wi•h him tt,e
success he desires, •
Aiter a
prolonged fight against failing
health 1
• i + •oder 1'k Ross H
aye roft the
s t
only eon of the late Geor,eand like,
H•tycrott, ac11hew nether lint ss,•t les,
passed quietly to the Great Beyond last
Friday morning. in his 3(oh ye tr Fie
paid Nature's debt at the home or D.' 0,
and Mrs. Ros1e, his uucle and atilt, with
Wheel he tl:ld beeu making hie home
since retnrtltug Crum doing duty as a
machinist lu England during the 1011'
At Danford, in, be OM L'mdilie stiff red
in being: knocked clowu by •i me t
truck to Which he hod a leg broken and
his spine injured from Which he never
fully recovered, anteing!) able to get
about last Summer and Fall, when lie
assisted 111s emcee in the Gent's Furnish
ing department of his stores. But de-
spite the hest care bestowed and the
plush shown by the patient be gradual-
ly wasted away until the end came as
above stated The funeral took pare
Sunday afternoon, Rev. A. 1. Mane etre-
ducting the service and speak g brie fly*
from the words "It is finished." 1.1 H
Gilroy appropriately sang "Peace ! per
feet Peace" •tier the address Pall-
bearers were Gordon Roes, Glen,' Roes,
Will. Hayeroft, R 1 idef., ehlin, Flar-
vey Milligan and Rey Burson. In rr•
meet was ankle in the family plot, Brus-
sels cemetery. Fred was beim !a Bre,•
sels and 00 attaining young manhood
n 'd
c 1; apprenticeship in the tt nn
serval h1
Fire Engine Works as a machinist, Af-
ter that lie was employed' at ver ions
places both in Cvoada and the United
States, goiug overseas in Summer of
1915 at the call of the Empire. His
parents and 2 sisters pre -deceased him
by many years and he found a good
home at his grandfather Ross', in town,
while he remained here During his ill•
ness be received every attention that
willing hands and loving hearts could
devise and which was much appreciated
by the invalid, w110 always desired to
avoid being a charge ou those who car-
ed for him. The subject of this notice
was a good-hearted kindly turned per•
son, fir51.051ss lnecbanic and wideawake
to his surroundiugs. He was esteemed
by a wide circle of relatives and friends
who deeply regret his early demise.
'1'be flowers on the casket were beauti-
ful. Fred, had many an odd experience
one of which was being iu the San Frau•
rico earthquake in which he lost all his
$ People We Talk About tit
tf tt
bliss Kathleen Wilton was a visitor in
Atwood hast week.
Roy McKay, Toronto, was here for e
visit during the pastweek.
Fred. and Willie Edtvarcls returned
with F. and Mrs, Longfoot for a visit at
Mrs. incr. Mauning is back to town
fora short s ay from an extended vita
with her daughters.
Sirs Neil McLaucblin and her sister,
Mrs Kinceld ane visiting with relatives
and friends at Ch:sley
The Yollick family nre Duce move set•
tled in Brussels, Mrs Yollick and child
ren arriving on Monday.
Miss Margaret Hirons, of brussels, was
at Blyth waiting on her mother. Mrs. G
Hirons, Who has been quite i11,
Dr T. T. M.Rae was laid aside for a
few days last week from an attack of
tousilitis. He he able to be about as
usual no ,v
We are pleased to hear that Mrs R
H. Green, of Cayuga, formerly of Brus-
sels, le recovering from a serious attack
of ptleumenia
Miss Wilson, at Owen,.Sound, has re•
turned 50 Btu -sola to eontintle her pest•
tine as milliner at Miss hnnan's store
'n01a band recommend,
A letter from Mrs Grabill, Toronto,
remitting sub to Pos'r, Nava she has just
returned froth a visit with relatives and
friends at Montreal, New York and
Old friends of theLEWIS i Clin-
Era Lays amI u
ton here learned with dee regret of the
decease of Miss Hattie fron an attack of
pneumonia. Funeral took place last
Mrs. J. Mclntosb, Toronto, ie dere for
a few weeks owing to the ill beelth of
her sister, Mrs Procter, Alexander
street Both ladies are daughter's of
Mrs, '1'huell sr of Brussels.
J. H. Beemer. formerly G. T'. R.
agent at Brussels, but for many years C.
P. R. stationmaster at Veinghnm, has re-
signed and will enjoy a good holiday.
Report says he May locate In Hamilton
Litet week Robert and Mrs. Shedden
moved to town from their farm, 4111 line,
Morris, and took possession of their
home, on Queen street, pt 110125 ed from
Robe. Dark. They require no introduce
tion to Brltayellres.
Phos. and Mra Ross, Ches'ey ; Will,
Hayeroft, Hamilton ; Gordon and Miss
Gladys Ross, Kincardine ; and Dr Geo.
11, Ross, Winglram. were here on Sun-
day attending the funeral of the late
Fred. Hayeroft.
Elections for the University College,
Y 141 0. A, Exeentive, Toronto, were
held Friday at the University of Toron•
to 'l'he Executive f 1r 1020 21 will be
;t s
constituted fn 1 S' f
c a lid v. , President, H. A.
MacMillan ; Vine -President, Rn ' Stew-
art, Brussels ; Secretary; G. Graham ;
Treasurer, J A. Stone, We are bleased-
to Dote 'that Roy Siewert, son of P. and
1, Mier. Stewart, Brdgsele, 9hoves1,1 SO much
intereetIn this good work,
Telegram wee received from the West
epprieng IO C. Denierd, Brussel';, of
• the err eeee of his brother, Thomas, e
former resident. F uneCAl took place ou
Mon l.ty le is a 111111111e11 of years sure
6ir 17nnf ltd eielted 1n 14112 locality,
Mrn iRe.:.; tivoy Smith arrived
Irene 'l'etiedey of last week from Fes.
gue It ,.petal end i, making favorable im
prevenient we 111e pleased to state. tier
1 o10311te tun ilescence wdl baa cense
of ie.ensttre to her many I(lends,
11 W F Beaver:., Reeve of Exeter,
line neeepted 11 position ns travelling
aleem:eu with Coates, Burns and Wan-
less, wholesale shoe merchants of Lou-
don, and is at present wotklug Exeter
i io the place of A. Coates who
who has been indisposed and is now he
California in the interests of his h04lth.
Ohurch Chimes
S"e Babb kt11 School Lessen Notes on
page 7 of this week's issue.
Next Sabbath Rev, W H. Graham of
Stratford, Presi,leut of London Coufer•
,ace. is rep toted to occupy the pulpit of
the Methodist church.
Rev W. E Staff ,rd preached two
gaud seromas last Suodly 1n the Metho•
drat ti il'ch, "'aiming text was
"Whatsoever ye do whether a eat o
der c o all t for f tot "
i i a o the v o Gocl g
1 yr lingsttllject was "Thepil ar of 2101111
and fire,
W 11 S., of Melville church will meet
'Pnure]ty afternoon at 3 o'clock. Pap.
ere: pre pared by Mrs, Walter Scott and
1116. Harold Speer will Le given As
tins is the end of the [Srst quarter
the members are reminded to
hive all she money in the hands of the
e '
Prta..ul , lu ti:
der that it may be sant
away y
At the Missionary ;grogram last Sun-
day afternoon in the Methodist Sabbath
Saloon Mrs. Paiket's class was in
ch:a'ge. Interesting readings were giv-
en on Chitin by the teacher, Mildred
S1aui:de're, May Armstrong and Margar-
et Maunders and an appropriate duet by
Muriel Hower and Dorothea Stafford.
Offering totalled $5.26.
REV. DR. MCRAlt RasioNs,-The re-
sigiiatlou of Rte. Dr. McRae from the
enlarge of Mitchell was presented to and
Meet)! ed by the Presbytery of Stratford.
Rev. Finley elatheson, Stra'ford, was
appnlntr'l to dee'nre the Igulplt vacant
on April 2, and act as interim nloderat•
or, Dr McRlc will speed two year's in
study. 1: tvay decided to unite St,
Andrew's and North Easthope churches,
At n congregational meetiug held in
the Methodist cburch Lucknow, it was
shown that while the congregation had
undertaken a charch renovation pro-
gram, involving about $4,000, yet the
financial objective of the Forward Move-
ment has been over -subscribed by some
hundreds of dollars. The pastor, Rev,
R. Felton Irwin, has beeu invited to re-
turn for the and year with an increase
111 salary of $3,o, to date from the be.
ginning of this present Conference year.
Chi, makes the salary now $1.3oo.
Now A CANON -A district honor and
one which will bring genuine pleasure
to Sttitlfortl people generally, has come
to Rev. W 'P. Clutl, rector of St. James'
Anglican church Two new 001011s
have been appointed by His Lordship,
the Bishop of Huron Anglican Diocese,
in connection with St, Paul's Cathedral,
London, and one of these is RIO. Mr.
Clulf, The other is Rev, J. B Pother-
ingham, of Grace Church, Brantford,
Rev. Mr. Cittff was formerly Rector at
St. toile's church, Brussels.
DAVE/MON,-In Brussels, on March 5th, 1920, to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davidson, a eon-
Prereis Scott.
ANNETT. In Grey Township, on March 4112,
1920, Whitton Annett, aged 01 years, 9
months and 8 digs.
01108• -In Olinton, on Feb. 20121, 1910, Whit.
fiald C'rieh, brother of the late Beene Crich,
of Brus.•els, aged 02 years,'
nueverrtl,-At Doom,. Sask., on March 8th,
11122, Thorns Dunlnrd, formerly of Brus•
oslo, in hie 031 d year.
HAYoaner--Ie Mussels, on Manch 6th, 1900,
Prederielc (toss Bnycroft, only son of the
late wenrge and Blanche Hayeroft, In hie
0011 ya01'.
Jnnnph,-In Bewick. on March ltd, 1920,
H„011,8 Ort 11112. rollot of the Ince Christian
Schein, Heed 60 years and 20 days.
LocelNQ-1n Grey township, On March 5th,
1020, Effie Fox, beloved wife of Robert
Looking, aged 97 y ears, 8oionths and 8 days,
MA Rant DL,-ln Turnberry, on March Oth, 1920,
5114 25ret Boyd. relict of the late Juhn
Marshall, aged 77 yearn.
Surra -In Galt. o1 March 7111, 1920, James
Smith, in his 70th year.
WRirelktu.-In O,ey township, on March Otlt
IU -0, Tllmuas, dth son of George and. Mrs.
Whitfield, aged 18 yea's.
YOUVO.-T11 Pnreborry, on March 2nd, 1920,
Jennie Miller, wife of John Young, aged
59 years.
Nmwsoit -in loving memory of our dear
i', Win. Newsom, Brussels
0,,mother, 11 1 N . ,
Ont., who die 1 March 4th, 1018.
In tbo graveyard softly sleeping,
Where the dowers gently wave,
Lies the 011e 111e 1000 deafly,
In liar lonesome milent grave,
But the love we have for yon, dear
2601115,', will never fade away.
q 1 • ohf 1 .'rig Dep int
1 0l r f ;John Pet
I r ,
' ofMunicipalities, Province of
M �l
whodied Dec 10th
Alberta, , 1010 :
A wafted breath of Winter blossoms,
Out to die this sombre day,
His soul has passed the gates of
1 fervour
And left to tis t.hie mold of clay.
Bots hail the thread that binds our
To the piece 111111 gave its bulb,
Lova, 0atefgll from friends and family,
Melees nue pilgrimage on earth.
Fie whir passecl beyond, the portals,
Won esteem from all he knew,
Truth and Justice bore a meaning,
Giving every matt, his due.
Life to him had all one bearing,
No clouds nbscere the name lie
IIolrn'erl father, loving husband ;
Poi Ihful, faithful, work well done.
His spirit bids us follow onward ;
Our ccunLey's gnln, our highest
Noblest aspirations claiming
Duties more than personal gain.
Honored wife of such a being ;
PProud '1 that bears 111s
t< (11 Lite child t
Blest tete land that Claims his birth.
Might public life have all sunk
11.1AL0oLM 141leLv1LLE,
'id 5.1,t�!3"t!rtT1"
-L�'d fpr
(( �-a -A V N G. --- !" li e
I") foun(lationof�alinost
C: l' Ea f "V' ill t. t` t' S444.11 12 1
hilsiner•s \•entnre is built on
11'he Standard Bank (-:f
Co pada can 1111 of " 'at assist.
;tu''e in helping .you to de-
velop your business 2113
'11 t'
n'r° t?a Aoa'
r ;i��r Al�a
--ll i i
e �r5 s`i i' � 1 tl r: 3 VI
('5 0- 1'i r.
G. H. SAMIS - - MANAocn
Svl1RAN-1,075.-At is;hod, on March 10111,
1920, by Rev. 'ter. Offen, 11r. G. Alexander
Spetran, of Grey township, to Miss Annet.
10 Pearl, daughter of tier. and MTS. tWm, H.
Love, Eth 51.
ROa- March 2nd,
the Personage 1n Myth,
on Morels 2nd, 10:0, by the Rev. 1t J. 1Ic•
Cormick, Mr. Lorne,. iron, sou of Alt. 0110
Mrs. Edgerton Edgerton 110e, to Hasa Anne ,Tole,
5111y daughter of Mr, and AI re. Joseph
Nicholson, all of 1r0K111,,.
WESTLAKE-WADE -A t 1118 Pat senag1', Wrox-
rex'eter, on March 8rd, 111:0, by Rev. 17 Stride,
51isa Emma Wads England, to 11r, Wm,
Westlake, Wroxeter.
FIIDA,y, 21A11011 12'rn --Therm" bred cattle,
Yarm stock, implements, &c , Sit 1.011, 0011 4,
1T01•rlctowltahip, No revere' 04 proprietor
Ilea sold farm, 0t 1 p. tit. Jolla Armstrong,,
Prop.; Jas. Taylor, Atrn. '
SATURDAY, 1f211010 115 -Lire Hioek. Piga 1111•
tit Iioneobold Furniture, ,411 Sora
Arcot, Brie, Prop.els Sn . .:Vet Au nL'ep. .
A.T.1200Ar eP 8 Scott Atte.
THURSDAY, Mnnpti 78 -Warm Htonk,imple-•
menta, &a., Lot 25, Con. 1e, Grey township.
Sale nnrnaerved at 1 p. m. G A. 110011011,
Prop. F. B. Scott, Ann.
Tn120DAY, 2(611Cn I8. -bane, Farm Stock,.
implements, &c., Lots 15 lid 10, tion. 1 Grey
Townehlp. Sale at 1 p. 1n, Riohard Johnston,
Prop. 0.P. Vend rick, Aue,
TU1BnAT, MA non 201112 -harm Stook, ample'
meets, household furniture &o , Lot A, Con.
11, Grey township 11;5 anile w1 eat of Oranbronk,)
Bale unreserved et 1 p,111. P. W. Jeschke,
pr_opp. ' F S. Scott, Apr..
WEDNaEDAY, 14121,011 24TH: -Faro et00k and
household effects, S', Lot 20, Oon,9 Morrie.
At 1 o'clock, without reserve. Wm, Taylor,
Prop, ; Jas. Taylor, Atm,
Tenders Wanted
Tenders for the colntrnntinn of the Dnlmage
Drain, in the Township of McKillop, and the
Dickson Drain to the Townehlpa of Moiillop
and Hallett will be received by the undersign-
ed up till Saturday, April lOth,1920, at 1 o'clock
p, m., when tenders will be opened at Council
meeting to 13enforth A Melee for 6G of 0011•
11e01 price must meomnpalg ' 111111 render. The
lowest or any Lender not ne00aea ily Hearted.
Plans, &0., 111119 be seeI1 et the Clerk'n office,
Lot 24, 001), 7, McKillop.
M 21UROIF„ '
Clerk of Mel1lllop, He0(0rth P. O.
MEETS 910016111101,D Pmesim nsn, &e. -r'. H.
Scott Anettoneer buy received inetruottons
to Bell by public Auction. at 1.01 A, Con. 11,
Grey township, on '700+day, march 25rd nt 1
p m, the tollowing valuable property. -1
horse rising 8 years old, 1 mare tieing 5 years
old, 1 'terse 10 years cid, 1 cow due to calve.
May 27th, 1 cow dun to calve ,Tuty lerb, 1 cow
due to calve May Eth,1 pow doe to calve May
Oth, 1 fresh cote. 100w inning, 1 steer 2 yoalre
old, 8 behave rising 2 years old, 2 yen rllng., 8
pelves rising 1 year oil, 1 001E 2 mouths old; I
sow due to furrow before sale. 8 pigs about 100
lbs., 2 nlgs about 100 lbs. each. a nunnber of
young stens, good young collie dog, Doering
binder nearly new 0 ft. out, al asaey-Harris
mown' 554 I't tint nearly new. Droving rake 10
ft, Ma+say-Barrio seed drill I1 hews dies;
Adams lumber wagon, nearly new, pair bob•
aleighe nearly 115W, 2 top buggies one newly
new, open buggy, light wagon, cutter, 2 sets
iron harrows, set team harness, set ploy her.
nese, new Fleury walking plea, No. 21, stone
boat, wheelbarrow, hay reek, grrvel box, pig
box, wood ,•aclr, 10111e1• talllr, pnlpar, lintnn
fanning ,nils, set Reales cap. 7001bs., roll 0111511.
en wire W rods, 26 gal. oval oil talk Poll of
Amerionn oil, gnlvnetzed pig trough 8 ft Ione,
confiner, about 18 grata 6084, ooh barrel, Sup•
erior cretin separator utarly new, 221on coops,
several wagon tollgues„2 water barrels, cross•
ant saw, hook sew, 2 pieee0 of timber, 2 sets
single linene00, about 4110 ft of flooring about
220 ft of Gelling, 15 hemlock !links 14 fie long,
of +Hock scantling 12 ft
4ao quantity ty 1 hr n p, long,
c and other lumber, number
quantity lost ,101,1 n 11 t
chains. pests,5, nil'. other of wood,
gienbtlt sof bay, torr" and other Naeed 05, ,
quantity lO toy, d oats,
0, 1, (. 7:1 Hoed Onta,
quantity 10011headutte f0 bps burley, Rome
pees,. g.treoe y 0250tut .e.: about L•0 lbs. fence
101180 blankets, 8 soft doable•
trees, 0 andlrytkea, articles,
(i 1(21)1, eha1111,
01100.048 and mhos HrUtoies, 14arlanl ear 90,
omit banter, 1dtehamoupbolu•d, 2Yall•leafl tablbe
lounge, nboct 16 chairs Jcitchen table. 2 parlor
tables, 8 Cherry bedsteads. Ore- ser, 2 05111 -
tress e, 2 ohig2l' lrw 8 bed )springs,2
t1•as9ee, `v1' •P.1' Serving 111110111 110,2 (rooliIng
6 yards choirs, sats, board, - idotIR , Wringer,
face , meta, boartng oiler, a, ,m glnaa
faced wash board, hullos, churn, milk pan,
Aron pot, flat iron0 palls, crooks fruit jars,
poultry water can, mile skates, baskets, Win-
dow eoreona, 2 Remo d,o•0 l 1d•doe. egg Orale,
steam cooker, memo stull'er, buggy dilater,
large buffalo robe, 01111,11 mike, ate 'ladder, 1
mantle cloak, atom nlonlr with Inminnoes din1,
double rowed keys ul'00, 01mi and usher .nrt(al•
00 too nu neetniv to ',tendon. Hale without re,
serve as the farm hos been Hold Terms. -
Burns of 11000 and under 0,4611 • over that
amount 10 months credit: given on I'01'nishing
approved joint mites. 4 par cent off for cash
011 credit amounts.
F, W..10, 6(:B10.6, Proprietor.
I� Rouseomn 11'110010 -•'.110000 Taylel',
Auctioneer, has been inetl'00ta11 by the under..
signed to sell by Public Anntion tit 246 Lot 20,;
Con, 0, Morrie 00 Wednesday, Ma'a n 24th at
1 o'clock, the 1o1 owing 'operty I-1 imported
marc 18 years old., 1 snare 7 years 0112 eligible
for rcgistentlon 1 Clydesdale colt rising I
year, 1 blood nolt rising 8 years, 1 blood colt
rising 1 year by Elmer Diaie0011, 1 registered
Short Flora oo1 With Lull calf at her side, 1
regist0'od heifer 1 year old 1 odw doe to hive
April 61h. 2 fro+li oohed rows, 1 Il•yenr•Old
heifer calved early, 8 *tees 01011,08, 0111'7 flt
for grass '6 heifere tieing 8 01018 fit for prise,
0 steers rieiug 2 years, 2 heifers rieillg 2 years.
6 enliven riving 1 year, 2 yoli+lg calves, 1 ROW
dna 11ny 1,4, fi 1111100- of pigs, a quantity of
potatoes, new De Laval mneme slpnrnt0r No.
le, nen organ. 1'' rlper,l 11', Daisy ehnrn, but-
4hhl ' mneh leo and
box 1118.11' 11, 1
1niRHr, h F
1. Sale
• e l un 1 Aladdin inm S 1
rvvitherrala 1
W I I, t
farming.re lrvees the pro );11111 5 1/1 (0191091 ep
farming. g. That Al 011 1Nn1e l l s Or MR(
0191 ;over that anoalt 1. lhnl, hs crcdtt given
011 fnrnieldng approved t1110I notes. 4per cont
discount for dash en reedit ancon(.
cJeteasi'Awaataaaaaa.`SSr.trete"cia0tDaaaat.4sawid'tiaataiti'aaeleataa ell Vi
• Foy s Deux Store e
O L9
0 '1'1-31'' STORE o
Weekly Store News
• 0
CS 0
111 intlivlanai moral,
elinin attachment.
The beat merle ;
ti tested atill 11110111•
atete. I foal 2
• minute readings--
• 51.25, $1131.1 1 51761
Sulphur Candles
The vet beet foe
Disinfeeltng the sick
room after the flu,
Deet totality Veg-
etable Pltrehtneut
"Dairy Butter."
Held in any (mann
Lily, •
Never Grow Weary in Welltilg
\V1' 'levee grow weary in telling our customer.; that
Pensiar Cod Liver Extract
is the very best builder to use after "The Flu," \Ve 1111' rleihttuly
proud of the minty unsolicited Testimonials We receive Truro one cus-
tomers who have used it. All of the sante mind ---the bent they ever
• Hot Water
0 • Always (1 splendid stock in
• hand unci quality puerto-l-
a teed, . Our personal gunman -
• tee. accompanies each bot-
• tle.
Epsom Salts
A 0eey superior
• article, mttnnfae-
a lured by the well
• known Chemists,
e . Hnwald R Sous,.
• London, ling.
a Ore .0 100 pkgc.
Uon'I forget We Sell 11 Witter -
111/111%1 Idrnl," one of the vary
best on the market -always
n good assnrtulene to choose
His Bad Habits
A Henpecked little roan wee about
to lance nn exanlimatton for life M-
n -
You don't dissipate do yen 7"
4,611010 the Pbvsielat, "Not n feet
liver, are yon 0"
The Haul 110001;11d a »lemeat.
looked n hit f1 igldened, then , epiiod
In n small piping voice
tones chew little gunk.•
Hydrogen Peroxide
of except i o nal
strength and
lteepitlg qualities
front the karma -
tory of the well
knownfirth of
Pollee Davies 1
Cue Denied te
Reg. site 26e.
00OAlesgt?•O®O6@9s®1(5219C8ASn'dinelS oeasaaa ,I11aaaae00,3000eAAA•®
John Wright, of Granton, met with BRUSSELS MARKET
a painful accident the other day while Pa11 eveeet
starting the windmill on Morley 1 Spring Wheat
\Vass' farm. While niling the pans
Machine one hand was caught 1n the , Bnrloy
cogs of the fan and the Angers were Butter
badly crushed and torn. No bones Eggs
W ere broken, Hogs
91 05
1 85
1 1110
18 00
20 00
42 10
2 85
1 25
18 20
20 00
Now is the Time to Place
Your Order for Early Sum-
mer Delivery.
ONUMENTS are some-
thing which take much
time and care to properly
produce. Each and every
detail means infinite care and
attention- that. the finished
Master iece may not be lackingin any of those this
p Y.
which make for a lasting Memorial. Place your or ; :.
now and be sure of having it erected early.
Brussels Granite and Marble lnrlts
;.,... ................r..
For One Week
No. 1 Manitoba Flour - $6.50 cwt.
11 lo. 1 Blended Flour 6.25 cwt.
Bennie's Seeds Now on hand
Red Clover
Alsike Clover
Timothy Seed
Now is the Bute to get yomr Glover .Seed
as the supply is limited.
.. u arlw
aA goodaYS Osutt hanpply do f
of Sugar
Ten per cent off on Men's Mackinaw Rubbers.
Highest Prices paid for Produce.
Lkto.. ,,. ,.'iii/
'Phone :21o' CRANI ROO
5 K