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liuffernnn Terrace Toboggan
Slide is a Brilliant Spectacle
These Nights.
Quebec is beautiful both in winter
and summer, but possibly its charm
is greatest when King Winter has
spread his ermine over the historic
heights and the Citadel and when the
great ice fleets flow and ebb each day
in the majestic St, Lawrence.
For a month Quebec has been re-
veling in winter sports of all kinds,
The old city has real winter weather,
with dry, hard snow, On Saturdays
and Sundays pertloularly thousands
of its citizens don their skis or snow-
shoes and take long trips through the
picturesque country or throng the
great toboggan slide on Dufferin Ter-
race, Hera they enjoy the wild rush
from the top of the slide, near the
king's bastion of tate famous old fort
which Montgomery and Arnold vainly
endeavored to capture away back in
Although the Norwegian ski has be-
come very popular in Canada during
the last few years, the snowshoe still
numbers its devotees by thousands.
The American Indian is generally
credited with having devised the snow-
shoe; the early French Canadians
were not slow In adopting it as a
means of crossing wide stretches of
deep snow, and their numerous des-
cendants in Quebec are experts in its
use, to -day.
Two Thousand Snowehoers,
One of the most flourishing organi-
zations devoted to
zatiotts in Quebec winter
Q e
sports is the Union Canadionao des
Racquetteurs, which was a conspicu-
ous feature of the great parade
through the city on February 14, when
two thousaud anotshoerawere in line
and of the church parade February 15.
nn de
The sport loving people of Quebec,
Hire those of other cities, have their
work to do each day, and such big
.snowshoe parades to that of February
14 aro staged at night. On this oc-
casion an army of suowshoers formed
In line at the drill hall and, dressed
in their picturesque costumes, paraded
through the principal streets.
One of the favorite resorts Is the
Dufferin Terrace Logoggan slide, The
big slide is a beautiful spectacle at
night, when It is thronged with pic-
turesquely costumed tobogganists of
both sues and when the brilliant
lights are reflected from snow and ice.
The total length of the slide from
high up on the shoulder of the Citadel
to the snow embankineut terminus
near the Chateau Is a quarter of It
mile. There are three tracks, be-
tween which aro partitions of ice six
Inches high, so that no matter if the
tobogganist does the quarter a a mile
in twenty seconds there is no danger
of collision or of being throwm out of
the particular groove in. which he is
sliding. Every day eighteen barrels
of water are sprinkled upon the
tracks, so that each ono is a glare of
ice, and very swift. The toboggans
line up three abreast at the top ot the
slide, where they aro held by steel
triggers. Inert all are ready the
triggers are released, and down the
steep descent the three toboggans
rush at forty miles an hour,
Ideal Place For Skiing,
Because of its hilly character Que-
bec is an ideal place for ski running
and jumping. The glade of the old
Citadel is high and steep, and on Sat-
urday afternoons and Sundays is a
favorite rendezvous for lovers of this
thrilling sport. The pretty, rod -checked
French-Canadian girls are clever and
daring elders, Four of them abreast,
holding hands and looltiug like colored
paper dolls against the white snow,
glide down the long slope of the glee's
at high speed without mishap. Now
and then they get tangled up at the
bottom of the slope and tumble in a
Itsap, but this only adds to the Pun.
The only really difficult thing about
skiing is getting up after a spill into
the deep snow, for skis are very long
and unwieldy, and In the language of
the old song
When you're up you're up, .
And when you're down, you're down,
But whoa you're .only half -way up
You're neither up nor downt
Envied by all the other enthusiasts
are the ekt jumpers, who make long
and hazardous flights through the air
from some high take -off and even loop
the loop on (route slide particularly
fitted for this thrilling performance.
Lamps for Brides.
In early times the courtehip and
marriage custems anions the Green-
landers were simple and unceremonf.
OUs enough, elit00 wo are told that
When a lovelorn youth 'made up his
Mind as to the girl he wetted to adorn
and be usefut In his hut of lee and
,now. he went to her house, (seized her
by the hair or wherever he could se -
pus a good grip on her, and dragged
her to his own domain, where she was
expected'to remain, without any fur-
ther marriage ceremony, It an af•
eluent bridegroom Ile would porhape
Soothe her lacerated feelings by pre -
panting her with a new tamp or soma
Other article of household trinity,
Young birds can use their legs
ilrsoly long before they can support
$ihelusetve1 by their wings,
Particular Care Needed When
Patient is Convalescent, Says
The influenza convalescent who has
apparently recovered from the disease
and le yet in a strangely weak and de-
pressed condition should be the object
of particular caro, according to Dr.
Louis. I. Harris, director of the Bureau
of Preventable Diseases of the New
York health Department, In the
opinion of Dr, Harris the atter care
of the influenza patient is most im-
portant, The co-operation of the pa-
tient, coupled with the wUihugnese to
see that the weakness and depression
are a part of the illness, though come
ing atter the dlseuee itself has apent
its force, is a blg factor in effecting a
complete return to full health. 0n the
other hand, the determination to lg-
noro this debilitated condition and to
fight against it, will, Dr. Ilartis says,
frequently bring serious consequences
upon the patient,
After Effects Bad.
"Tho subject of the after effects of
influenza," said Dr, Harris, "is ono of
particular interest to trio scientist at
the present time.
"First, and perhaps the most mo-
mentous condition to be considered is
the striking depression, mental, nerv-
ous, and physical, complained of by
most patients- Those attacked by the
disease with moderato severity are al-
most always afflicted with this de-
pression, which should be recognized
and dealt with, Those who have had
mild cases of the epidemic ars little
affected by depression, and their quick
return to health and strength gives
rise to the belief that influenza is
trivial. On the contrary, influenza in
its after effects is anything hut tri-
vial application of
and calls s for the e
rules of conituon sense and sanitation
which are the fruit of years of ex-
"Tonic treatment, well chosen diet,
and great cure in not becoming over-
tired or allowing trio body to be chilled
are necessary. Eggs may be eaten,
but not more than two a day, for the
average adult. Of course, it must be
remembered that in many cases this
disease tends to direct its Corce
against the kidneys, and therefore we
instruct patients to avoid eating a
great ainonut of meat, eggs, or beef
extracts. Eggs, soft boiled, poached,
or beaten, raw, are advisable in limit-
ed number, The raw eggs should al-
ways be well agitated before taking.
When Good Food is Bad.
"With milk and eggs as a founda-
tion the patient should eat good tame
haling food, including meat, fish, and
vegetables, simply prepared. Frytug,
for instance, In out of the question.
Good food prepared in an unassimil-
abie manner beeomes bad food; es-
pecially is this to be noted iu cases of
convaleseence from influenza, for the
disease often manifests itself in
vomiting, and in intestinal and gas-
tric disturbances, and it is important
not to weaken the digestive function
by the eating of poorly prepared food,
or even the best of food iu ill-advised
quantities. The quantitative distribu-
tion of foodstuffs should be ao adjust-
ed as not to overtax the stomach, but
the patient should eat generously and
Aa a tonic to build up the blood and
stimulate the shattered nerves, Dr.
Williams' Pink Pite are unsurpassed,
These pills actually make new, rich,
rod blood, which reaches every organ
and every nerve in the body, improves
the appetite; strengthens digestion and
drives away the feeling of weariness
and depression always following an
attack of la grippe or influenza. Those
who give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a
fate; trial will be amply repaid by the
new health and strength this tonic
medicine always gives.
kiere wttera the suallght makes more
strangely fait
The little street, each steeple where
it steeds.,
Something like spring is blowing down
the air,
Touching the town with dear, trans-
forming hands.
Half shy and hesitattt, a something
Ona trembling instant where the eaa
18' sweet,
A quickening presence on those•
ter ways,
Haunting and swift—and gone on
shining feet,
Yet, in that instant, Aimee were daf-
And slender epoars uprising on the
And perfumed blosaontg oa the April
Only the timid prophetess, was gone,
Leaving a faith as gallant as the grape,
How that these things would mealy
come to pass,
Dogs as Vocalists.
Not all dogs have a "taste" tor
music, Only some of them will howl
responelvoly to a piano or other In-
The notion that a dog howls under
shah eirouristancos because the music
Wee hint a pain le a, mistake. He
probably ttnaghtos that he is singing,
The writer once bad a St. Bernard
that would run aeblock any time to sit
ftp in front of a hand organ and sing.
His le 'orlte tune was "There Is a
Fountain Filled With Bleed."
AIM far Isteard'e and take as °Ines.
Fate of Sea Cows.
The Mat Arotin "Sea cow" was seen
to 1854—about a century after the
first discovery of tete species by whits
men. Whon full grown, the creature
weighed ae much as 8,000 pouitde.
'Phase animals frequented shallows
at the. months of rivere in horde; and
while reeding they drove before them
their young, to protect the latter from
danger. So tame were they that one
could stroke their haeke without auy
objection on their part,
Unft}c'tunately, their flesh was good
10 eat, resembling beef. Whalers got
in the, way of depending upon them
for stores 0f fresh meat; tend so, in
the natural course of events, tttoy
were wiped out.
Gesture of the Tongue.
The tongue has a single gesture, and
everybody knows what it means, It
Is thrust out to express contempt.
The little girl who "sticks out her
tongue" does not realize that her nc-
kion, so unladylike, harks back to the
prehistoric. It is undoubtedly a most
ancient mode of conveying the idea ot
intensified disrespect. Everywhere In
the world, among savage and civilized
peoples, the lingual gesure has the
game recognized significance,
11 Touched Her Heart,
Naturally, when Ethel went on a
firet visit to some distant cousins in
the country, she didn't want to dis-
play her lack of knowledge of country
life, So she arcked questions which
she thought "knowing," but which
nearly made her hosts laugh out loud.
Ono evening, just at dusk, as Ethel
stood at the open door of they farm-
house talking to ono of the sons of the
family, there came to them the low
mournful note of a cow.
"Just 1leten to that poor cow," nigh•
ed Ethel, tenderly, "mewing for her
Lost colt]"
A Dominion Express Money Order
for five dollars costs three cents.
A Full -Time Job.
Well-meaning Old Lady: "Are you
going to Mrs, Smith's funeral, sir?'
Doctor: "No; I very seldom go
to any of my patients' funerals"
VTell-Iiteitnilig 01(1 Lady: "No; I
euppage yon night be doing nr,tliln'
else,' sir, 1f you was to,"
Fair Enough.
Pat went to a druggist to get an
empty bottle. Selecting the one that
suited his purpeae, he asked, "How
"Well," said the clerk, "if you have
something in the bottle it won't cost
you anything, but if you want 1t empty
it w cost you ou five cents."
"Shure, that is fair enough," ob.
served Pat. "Put in a cork."
Our Canadian winters are exceed-
ingly hard on the health of little ones.
The weather is often so severe that
the mother cannot take the little ones
out for an airing. The consequence
is that baby 1s confined to overheated,
badly ventilated rooms; takes cold and
becomes cross and peevish. Baby'a
Own Tablets should be given to keep
the little one healthy. They are a
mild laxative which regulate the
stomach and bowels and thus prevent
colds. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Test all field corn before planting.
Beep 1tlInard'e Liniment 1n the ]rouse.
For the Spring Wardrobe
1 'o. 9269—Ladies' Dress. Price, 25
cents. Two styles of sleeve; three-
piece tunic do two lengths; two-piece
underskirt, 88 or 86 -inch length. Cut
in 8 sizes, 84 to 48 inch bust, Size
86, longer tunic, 4%§ yards 40 inches
wide or 8% yards 54 inches wide;
shorter tunas, 4 yards 40 Moho wide,
or 2% yarde 64 inches wide; vest, 3,‘
yard 18 inches wido. Width, 1%
No- 9103—LJadiea' Dress. • Price, 25
cents. With vest; two styles of sleeve;
one-pleeo straight skirt with or with-
out tnimming-strata; 88 or 86 -inch
length Out in 8' sizes, 84 to 48 inch
bust. Size 36 requires, 88 -inch length
with tnimining"straps 3% yards 54
inches wide. Width, i% yards.
No. 9257—Ladies' Dress with
Cbemisette. Price, 26 centra Kimono
upper and lower sections; instep or
shorter length. Cut in 7 sizes, 84 to
46 inch bust. Size 86, with tucked
sleeves, 4% yards 86 inches wide or
4ye yards 40 inches wide; with wide,
sleeves, 4% yards 36 inches wide or
4% yards 40 inches wide.
around bottom, l'da yards.
No. 9327—Ladies' Dress. Price, 26
cents. With vest, two styles of sleeve;
three-piece tunic; underskirt having'
two-piece upper and lower section; 88
or 86 -inch length. Cut in 8 sizes 34,
186, 88, 40, 42, 44 40 and 48 inch 'bust
, measure. Size 86, without collar, 88
inch length 8% yards 40 cinches wide,
or 2% yards 64 inches wide; figured,
8 yarde 40 inches wide; plant 2 yards
86 inches wide. Widt spround bottom,
11 yards.
These patterns il!Cdy' be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
sleeves, or dropped shoulders with f from the McCall Company, 70 Bond
bell sleeves; two-piece skirt having; Street, Toronto, Dept. W,
Many a Tea -or Coffee drinker
doesn't realize that leis ill -health
or discomfort is due to his
table beverage until some friend
suggests a change to
The gtowir favor of this andhealth-
ful' .ear
ul tr
drinkers plainly shovers
driest' e$ a Reason"
It you have eathma, don'O
1 tnagine that you must al-
Ws a suffer untold misery.
Relief sure
worst oases by using
We aro so certain of re-
sults we will send you es
tree sample of these cap-
sules confldont that you
Will dud them all we have
nietone,142 King Gt W.,
bold by reliable druggists
everywhere for 01.04 a boo.
For fltteen years the standard
specie° for
Rheumatism, Neuritis, Gout
Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia
Manydoctora proscribe them.
Write to Tamctetcn,, 117 sing et, w., Toronto. for
R1�Ui,oId..�euld l y nitubS, druggist,' nrorywbore for
Foxy Pa.
"Mr. Blank must favor Tom's suit
for his daughter's hand; he's lotted
Tom to dinner."
"That's where you're n'istakou. Hie
daughter is keeping house now, and
he thinks when Tom Metes her cook-
ing that will settle il,"
We have been using MINARD'S
LINIMENT in our home for a number
of years and use no other Liniment
but MINARD'S, and we can recom-
mend it highly for epraias, bruises,
pains or tightness of the chest, sore-
ness of the throat, headache or any -j
thing of that sort. We will not be 1
without It one single day, for we get
a new bottle before the other is all
used. I can recommend 1t highly to
LaHave Islands, Lunenburg Co., N.S.
The Truth of It. •
Fond Mother—"t hope that the
young man never kisses you by
Daughter—"No, mother. He only
thinks he does."
Lei Cuticura • ;
Your Bddy Doctor
The Soap
to Purify
to Soothe
Your beauty
really does
something to
purify and
beautify your
hair and skla.
Bathe with
Cuticura Soap
and hot water
to cleans* the pores, if signs of redness,
roughness or eruptions are present, or den.
druff on scalp, touch gently with Cuticura
Ointment before bathing or shampooing.
For every purpose of the toilet, bath and
nursery Cuticura Soap and Ointment are
ideal. Absolutely nothingbetter.
8e,p Sae, Ointment 25 end 809 Sold
throuythouttheDominton. Csnedlenbepot:
Lymam, Limited, at, Paul St., Montreal
C,,tieura Soap shave* without mug.
SINCE d 1870
30 g"COg COU'b 1v1T s
You simply say to the drug atom
man, "C74vo me a quarter of an mines
of treezone." This will cost very little
but is sufficient to remove every hard
or soft corn from one's feet.
A tow drops of this new ether com-
pound applied directly upon a tender,
aching corn should relieve the sore.
noes instantly, mad soon the entire
corn, root and all, dries tip and can be
iifted out with the finers.
Thls new way to td one's feet of
corns was introduced by a Cincinnati
man, who says that, while freezone is
sticky, it dries in a moment, and sine
ply shrivels up the porn without in.
flaming or even irritating the sun
rounding tissue or .
f infection or
otat father die akino
lockjaw from whittling at his corns,
but clip this. put and make him try it.
Danger--- -
��� Colds
and more serious
\\'complaints aro
contracted in
'Mean weather.
,�8"""Ie rotected,Take
from the first sniffle or sneeze, Stop It at
tithe and do not gamble with your
health. Used over 60 years in treating
coughs, colds and aided complaints.
Everybody buys the taros Sia* el
Montreal 1). WATSON 64 CO„ Neto York
ED. 7. 15811E No. 70-x!20,
Look at tongue! Remove polw
ions from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California' Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child fa having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
Iittle stomach, liver and bowels. Ch11d•
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on each
bottle, Clive it without fear,
Mother! You must say "California-"
JLmerlon•o Pioneer Dog non:wales
Hook 0.
and Mow to Feed
Moiled Free to arty Ad.
dross by the Author.
51, Clay *lover ()o„ xao.
118 West Slat Street
Now York, 'U.S.A.
Need "Cascarets" when Sick,
Bilious, Constipated.
Witten pour child els bilious, coned
paled, nick or full of cold; when the
bad and
tittle tongue is coated,breath
stomach sour, get a box of CIascarets
and straighten the little one right up.
Children gladly take this harmless
candy cathartic and It cleanses the
tittle liver and bowels withoutri lin .
g I g
Caecarets contain no calomel or clan
gerous drugs and can be depended up•
on to move the sour bile, gases and in-
digestible waste right out of the
bowels. Best family cathartic be-
cause it never cramps. sickens or
causes inconvenleuce.
Comforting relief from pain
makes Sloan's the
World's Liniment
This famous reliever of rheumatic
aches, soreness, stiffness, painful'
sprains, neuralgic pains, and most
other external twinges that humanity
suffers from, enjoys its great sates
because it practically never fails is
bring speedy, comforting relief.
Always ready for use it takes little
to penetrate without rubbing and pro-
duce results. Clean refreshing. Made
fn,.Careeda. At all dreg gtores,
85c., 700., x1.10,
Ir izjilicri
The Cause of ]�
Heart Trouble
Faulty digestion causes the C
generation of gaooa in Oho
stomach which Inflate and press
down on the heart and interfere
vrith Ito regular action, emitting
faintness and pain, 16 to 30
drops of Mother SeISeI'rl Curative
Syrup after meals set* digestion
rIght,vrhich allows the heart to
beat full and regular.lirtakstiroplIVOINAVISIVSogit
C1a«aified Advertiaerr,onts.
*ammo wAnwao.
J)01t'rtsAvit AcJl6NT$ WA_NTINd
,rices on Prints aforhocataloirijM..
United .1st Co.. 4 Brunswiee Ave- Pon
Betio men, farmers' Sons, Carats
era or others who can devote some or
their spare time to represent us ate
Salesmen for Nursery Stook. We mule
ply up-to-date canvassing outfits tree 0;,
oharge and offer liberal remuneration.
Apply immediately to Maple Ctrove
Nurseries, Winona, Ont
a.79 wanted to handle mining stocks,
bonds and debenturesto represent To -
*onto Hellen Liberal commission, Ap.
ply Box 6. Wilson Publishing Co., To.
ton t0
`1[787111'.0 I: F 0 R INFOIIMATION
vV If about the new. modern way of
selling real ,,:.tate. Sell your property
yourself with our help. our method
only costs you 812.00. Why pay a
large commission? Write for full par -
Ureters, Real bistate Buyers atonthly,
781 Dundas Ht., London, Ont.
eon SALE
.L0 County. Splendid opportunity. Write
liox T. yr ikon Publishing Co.. Limited„
1* adobllde Ott W. T^ronto.
Ontario. Innond Job cencetcarrrintnied 21,600,lant in Will
go for 31,200 on quick sale. Box 82.
Wtleon Publishing Co„ 014.. Toronto.
C15 TJWJONS' c cetri'X,I;'ro FERTI0-
1:7 izer will pay you. Witte for prides,
flour, bran sacks to Stevens, I•Ilgh-
est prices. Cleo. Stevens. 364 Mark 8t.
I'eterhoro. ti
WOOD A.SF3215.
11 )i' Y,,LU IIA'.'1: A CAR FOR SALIII
write mo. rico. Stevens, 364 Shark
Street; I'eteri.or._•-
8OHAP 5.8020.
a car or more of scrap iron I will
come and quote you. where it lays. Gee,
Stevens, 364 Mark Street, Peterboro.
SaRna Sob SASE.
.X.4 oast Sasltatchewan, 425 aorea cunt.,
ed,good but/dings, abundance{Mal
Wing water, best of soil close market.Apply 42 Lindsay Avenue, Toronto.
71111,18 33OII485l.
M. farms. Clive description, lo-
cation .sl and c
n a rt rtes. Tames P tt'ht
P e,
Box 80, New Franklin, Mo.
.1L4 light sewing at home whole or
ear time. pare t e, good pay, work sant any par -
Centers. National
chargee paid. Send acamp for Cont.
many. e. Natlena7 Aianufacturirtr; Com•
many. 4rontreal.
N able to supply, advise ua. as we
will pay the highest p05000, dry ELM?. from trio 5Bw. Keenan Broa, Ltmttad.
Owen Sound. Ont
'8J internal and external, cured without
pain by our home treatment Write um
before too late Dr. Hellman Medical
Co.. Limited, Callingwood. Ont.
The 'balance -wheel of an average
watch makes 800 vibrations per min-
C iris'
'A mass of longs
thick, gleamy, tresses
Let "Danderine" save your hair and
double its beauty. You can have Iota
of long, tlltek, strong, lustrous halts
Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly
or fading. Bring back its. color, vigor
and vitality.
Get a 85 -cent bottle of delightful
"Danderine" at any drug or tolled
oounter to freshen your scalp; check
dandruff and falling hair. Your hair
needs this stimulating tonic; then its
lite, color, brightness and abundance
will return—Hurry!
'Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
The name `Bayer" identifies the
only gamine Aspirin,—trio motto
proscribed by pphyatelans for over nine-
teen years and now made in Canada,
Always buy an unbroicon package
of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin which
contains proper directions for ColdA,
Headache, Toothache, i"iarache, Vow,
valets, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri-
tis, Joint Paine, and Pain generally.
Tin boxes of 12 tablets coat but
a few coots. Larger "Bayer" packages.
'Fttenro la only one Aalhtr'ie*",Bltafsr"•-.'Ton Inst say "Bayer"
Aeolrin Is the trade merit trogiitered to Oaaede} of Rarer Manufacture et Mono.
acetleaetdenter of Setloyllut,'id, While It le well known that Aseirin moans Iihye't
ritanutncturo, to haslet the pUblie evilest ''irtattlittene, the Tablet* of •iartr campeuy
will be stamped with titer general trade Marti, t0* "ISayor Oros,"