HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-3-11, Page 5a•
iwsuitady EN s
ormaif lrJ.W4'a'dtIO
M, H„ M, 0, P„ .5 S. O,
M. O. if., Village of
Physician, ;Surgeon, Aral, u1,
Ofttceatresidence, opposite Moly . Ohur.h,
William street,
OR, 6f. H. w/-IrEr r, A.
Graduate Toronto Unlvarsity at Rle,i.aac
Special attention gives to diseases of ahil•tran
and Sorcery.
Office; Dr. Bryans Old Stand
Phone 45 Brussels
Select a 'School
); With your Eyes Wide Coen, All
? puniness Colleges arc not alike. Y
t%9.5iLt1 ,crap
}� Ger:
vongo.& Charles pts„ Toronto i7
0 t' noted throughout ffinuds tar Wall
wade training. Our graduate:. art, in 4,
1?Int demand, (let oar Catalogue,xf
Teed our rrevrds, itteu decide, Enter
! any tiros. p
.''i, 5r^'Sv.`n'S:V.'.. :•,,V;.,..X,,.... .,1,R%-.
Barristers, So''citors, Notaries Public,
Onloe un the Etgnare, Loa door frotn Hamilton
Private fund:, t0 loan et lowest rates.
W. Paouoroor, JIM ,T, L, Knits:ltn s
51. J. D, Cooke
Sam Weinstein
• Is prepared to pay the
highest price for
Scrap Iron,
• Rubbers,
Rags, 81.c.,
Highest price paid. See
me before you sell,
Highest Cash foPricer
f r
Eine Poultry and Hides
Write 'hone 62x
The Brussels Post
CIubbinj List
For 1920
THE Poem and Daily Globe .$ 0 00
'• Mail and Empire 0 00
Tot mto World .. 5 00
'• Toronto Star .... 4 25
Farmer'sAdvoc'e 8 00
Fetidly i , 2 Het 90
weeklySun 3 00
London Advtrtr- 6 00
levee Nese f1 00
Weekly Witness 3 00
Nor. Meseenger,., 2 00
World Wide....... 8 50
Louth's Oo1np'lt, 8 75
•• Presbyterian 310
Above prices are for addresses in
(impede tee Great 13ritain, If publica-
tion you want is not in above list, let
us know. Family Herald 91.50 after
New Years.
Remit by Postal Note or Express
Order. If Bank Cheque add ex -
PosT, Betlasele,
Jumpy Nerves!
If you get startled easily or
"jump" or "scare" at the least
little thing, It means that your
Nerve Force is weakened and
Your Nerves control every Men-
tal and Physical process that takes
place within you—if the the
Nerves were cut leading to the
Heart that organ would never bent
again. Without the Nerves yeti
could never See, Taste, Shell or
Har again for it is upon the
Nerves that every sense depends.
If you wish to build up and
strengthen the body you ratist put
new life into the millions of nerve
fibres that lead to ,the heart, the
Stomach, the Kidneys, the Liver
and the other organs. This you
can quite wally do by taking a
six box treatment of Iiacicings
Heart and Nerve Remedy. It 'will
take away "that tired feelieg,"
banish those pains in the head,
increase your appetite, help you
to sleep better, eat bettor and live
What is a few dollars in com-
parison to your health, we offer
you a severelgn remade for your
illness in Hackittg's Hoeft and
Nerve remedy, The road to Health
and Happiness is yours if you will
but believe it, This wonderful
preparation will change you from
a Weak, Nervous or Anacnt&c per-
son to ono full of Life, Vftepity
and•Animutfon. It will bring hack
the Roses to your• Cheeks by in-
creasing circulation and purifying
the blood, Metter get a few boxes,
now, when you think of it, but be
sure to get 1•fackings. PI'ice 60c a
box, 6 for $2.50. Sold by all devil -
ere or by mall, postpaid. )Lack -
Inge Limited, Listowel, Ont.
is.t.rt.Ct ..elti
Moaner —Following 18 the
l'epert for S. S. No, 8, Cit ey for Jauu-
u y and Pohl nary, Oleins V—thujol y
b'u1111 80; Jetties (1cTaggart 83;
Alargaret McNair 70, (Teo, A1eN(tir
75 Sr. IV --Olive alcHwen '75, Jr.
IV—Annie MtTaggart82; Annie 611•
lntoeh 70 ; Gordon 31oTeggare70, Sr.
Ii1—Felgum Mc:Taggart 80: Howard
.\I i echel l 75. J r. 11.1•-Olilford 13rntvu
85; Stewart ,McNair 83 ; Edith Mc-
lewee 70 ; se. el_eeeliel were 8L ;
hilien bfelt wen 711. Jr. II—Jetek 11'111 -
ton 74: (1buhgs Ward 70. Printer, ex
eellene—Blair Mclrttosh, Fred. Mit-
chell. Good—Eddie Blodgett, At
ALICE J.-FORREST, 'reedier,
Pfla NTATI0N,—Atwood [Bee re-
ports a presentation made to John
and Mrs, Wilson before their removal
from Elena to Grey township, as fol-
lows :—The 1.0111 line Baseball Club
met at the home of Mrs, M. Steven-
son on Thursday evening and spent a
very enjeyable Gine Ju games, music
and, dancing, ti 1 the course, of the
night following address Was iced to
Jno. and Mrs. 1,17 1180n and Art Lo
ART LOVE :—We, the weathers of the
13,csehall 01111) have assembled here to-
night desiring 10 spew you 111 some
waythe high regard lu witch uu
1 bY
Ire held 1 hi community.
a l e d u L sYou.
have always shown a been interest in
o111 baseball sports anti have proved
yourselves kind and obliging neigh-
bors, We true'. that you w= ill conte
back (requenely to 1 en1.w eld acquain-
tmice.. and ' assureyouthat you
tances we }
will receive a hearty welcome. Your
departure is fell with dee) 1,r• tet and
111 presenting rhes.' gilts las et nark of
our esteem, we would ask bits. 'Wit -
sun Lo accept, this out glass water net,
Jack, Lhis shlving outfit, and Art,
this ring with thm very best. wishes for
su0Cess and happiness which we hope
alLenl you in your future homes.
They will also serve to show you the
many friends you have left behind in
the neigh bothood. Signed on behalf
of the Baseball Olub.
House and Blacitslnith Shop far sale. Resi-
dence Mx comfortable brisk with offl 11 Rare
at (and. Situp is frame, for further particu-
lars apply to 111103G. W. PoLlatto,
Phone 1010 11thvL
FAus'r—BOWES.—A quiet but matey
wedding took place at the home of W.
D. and Mrs. Bowes liarriston, Feb.
25th, at 5 o'clock, when their daugh-
ter, Elizabeth Ruth, wits united 111
marriage to Harry Faust, both of
Harriston. Oeretnony was perforated
by Rev. J. \•\tight, the wedding
marC playedby
h being = N9 Pearl 1,l L yr
of the nide The bride
was attired 111 a handsome white
duchess satin gown, and carried n
sheaf of carnations and fern. During
the signing of the register, Ilett old
Love, Ethel, sting •"L'he Bells of SL,
lelary's" The pretty and costly gifts
received slhow*d the high esteem in
which the young 001(11111 is held. The
happy twain left,ou the evening actin
fur it shut t honeymoon and on their
return will live in Harriston.
The T1 ustees of School Section No,
5, Morrie, have par chased a beautiful
famed oak Mucic Cabinet for Weir
Beamed/1,, from John 1'. Bell, 5th line,
Morris, who 'nukes a ei eielty of
nsanufactuting music eabiuets, Mt.
Hell's 13111s00 cabinets shote exception-
ally tine workmanship and ate at-
tractively finished. Any one wanting
music cabinets should consult der,
Bell before buying,
Sotacor 1IsooR'.—The following is
the tepoot of te. S. No, 0, Mortis fur
the month 01' Fein easy; tuarlts being
based un daily wink and examina-
tions in (0eogt•nplty, Arithmetic and
Spelling. Jr. IV,—Katie 15111(1004 75 ;
Geetge Kirkby 69. Sr. 1t1—Katie
headman 78 ; Bert Kelly 03. Jr. 1 I 1
—Leto Kirkby 70 ; Mary Kelly 65
Fleet Olass--Frank Klett by. Printer
—:Mabel Beaky, 13eL 14p(911111' 1',11' the
month Katie Eeudrnau.
N. E. HLAItu, Teacher.,
Miss Aunioe Bartliff left for Toeonlo
where she will nurse in Wellesley Holt -
pi ltd.
T. J. Lindsay, of the 13ase Line,
wino soli his farm, has bought the 27
naivesonthe London Ilona, ownedned by
Bart Lewis. He takes possession
April lat.
J (sept Wheatley has sold the house
on Victoria street, to Sir, Holloway,
(3. T. R, baggegemaster, who gets
possession shortly.
W. 3. and Mrs. Paisley were in FIen-
sall attending the wedding of their
eon, D. Clarence Paisley, Montreal, to
1bliss Limb P. Rennie.
At midnight Wednesday, of lest
week, Mies Hattie Lavie, (haughle). of
the late George Levis, passed away et
the family home from it serious illness
of pnepmonia, She was taken bad on
Sunday and the family wee called
home, The funeral wail, held Salm-
, day afternoon.
That business ;then appreciate hard
work and ((110005(4 even in preachers is
prove) by the attitude of many
prominent: citizens of London. In ap-
preeiato11 of the well; being done by
13,ev, Mr. Agnew, formerly of Ontario
Street church, Clinton, but now of
i Ridont sereet, London, a number of
business then a few weoke ago sent
him a cheque for $140 and last week
the down town 1. 041. e0 preeen1e,1 hen
with it rht(Jue tut '112U(1.
flitzeue of Clinton will have an o11.
pnrtunity of voting 00 tttreu by-laws
0o Monday, Apt 11 5th, when the
Tl ether k'Iex liy-lacy will rule" up
Byelaw No. (1. ( e 1(1100 $15,000 1'„r-
Aluulcipel F0,1 1 vatd 1 111(11 13y lets No.
7, In ;pimp 810,1100 rot 8, 1d 111 e' Me -
Mrs, (llev ) Ste•licg W11(1 Vtlltlllg
friends in Onttetm,
.1, R. (tad Mts. Oudn have ;"!apnea
after spending several weeks in
'101'011 to,
Members of the families n1' John
Heath and Robert \V}Ilntvby were 111
with the flu.
Btuee 81111 lb, Red Com, 1+.110,1. 010v.
ed to the elc0orrnick farm in the vil-
lage, which he recently put chased,
el Ise, 111a11lia (Oehl IN, dearnneml, ;tow
borne from 11E41,011 uu a visit, look.
the eel'Vleem ill tiro 31,1 1n411 11 ('((11)
timidity dui leg the eb,:enel• of the pas..
tor, who preecIed uun}vermttry NE'r-
1110118 et Cotton),
Arthur Lyle Ihadford, sun nl Ar-
lhtu' and Mir,. Bradford, 211d Don.,
T:Itna, and Mies Elizabeth Ha Medd,
eltuaglieet of Edward and Mrs. Medd,
4111 Con. -Wet0 united in Marriage
\Vednesdey afternoon at the jail son -
age, by Rev. Wee Sterling, Metho-
dist pastor. They were 1100,111011 by
,tiles Margaret. Thompson end \Vilfred
Medd. Heeepti'n weir held at the
home oi' the bride's parente, 1011011
many friends gathered to extend
congratulations and beet tvisleem. Mr.
rued 61 vs, firadfOrd will reside on the
farm en 1110411)0011„ Elute, which the
genteel recently
), purehetsed from bIrs,
Hobert Perrie,
Elma Council will meet on Hattit tiny,
March 13th.
Sties Mary and Agnes Morrisni
moved trout Newry to Listowel to
make their' future hone'.
John A. Wilson, 10th Onn. has mov'
nil to his new farm in (-trey township,
(aruham Bell will move 00 the farm Ire
Win. Blair bait sold Lot 10, Con. 14,
Nina, 100:tcree, 10 Hartwell Speir'tul,
(Trey township.
James Henderson, sou of Peter
lle11deesou Maitland, has
secured a,
position as wench; at the Trowbridge
Cileeee faltor') for the coining g season
11,1(1 was moving ving his household effects
ftnln Brunner.
THE LATE W;,t. 130)311—There pass-
rcl away at the Geneva! Hospital,
611)11 ford, Monday, Airman lst., Wil-
liam Rabb, at the age of 03 year,., 0
months and 3 clays. 1)ereelsed had
been in failing health for snore tint('
111111 W0113 10 1 h hospital l0 Ifyt 1111111,
til to undergo an operation 6 weeks
ago, but his condition gtadnail y Im-
mune worse and he passed away on
above date, He was one of Ehua's
pioneer residents, living in this town-
ship and vicinity all his life• and rip to
a few years ago, wag a prominent and
successful feigner. During his stay in
Atwood he always took an active p3r1
in things s lertttinin , to the welfare
b pertaining
of the village, I3e leaves to mourn
his loss, a wife and 4 sons, ,Jamul A.
and hlendereon, l6l,na ; \Vootison,
Mitchell ; and Doctor Melvyn, of tj„•
\Veer. Mineral wart held Wednesday
afternoon from residence of 111'ndrr
son Robb, 10111 Con, Elena, conducted
by ltev. \V. 1). McDonald, 1rapt meld
was made at 1)oot gal et (11181ery.
DiA1(IINO 1VenDIN(e --Jno. and Mrs.
Grails in. 1 t Atw• .1 erlebrated their
diamond wedding Ft of lost- Week,
110111g married on 51/11 ell 5, 1860. 111;
(Graham, who is of Irish extraetien,
was born in (1lasg0w, Scotland, }al tl,”
year 1811'), and carne to Canada in 1660.
Mrs. Graham is a native of 1'eebt€N,
Peebleebire, Scotland, and t11i'ivecl iu
Ibis country in 1853. They were the
earthed e01t001 in Eine; township,
1''t'th Conty, and helped to hew out
a hinny 111 lip dense forest, in r0li•
Kiwi they are Presbytellanv, Th•:•
ebhidi'en are Mr's, '4? llian Bell, Mt,.
George Lochea(l and Mee, \V, R. hr
ski,, , Atwood ; 311-4. 1V, 0, Anglia,
Huaqui d, and Captain J. b1, (3,ahsrn,
Leveler, Sask., who served uvl'Iwpas
111111 }u Oann.da 0:- 5 years dining i. h'•
talc, teat, Ali s.'1', (4. 110101i(T'', anutir
SI' daughter, died some time ago. A
good ;Widow (wure 111' this worthy old
temple appiewid iu last Ftiday's 'l',e-
onto Globe, \Ve extend emiglatula-
W r ngham
A. Is Poslilf has been appointed
Tteasurel' of St. Andrew's Presbyter.
Tan church.
J. H. Boerne'', who has for some
years been the efficient agent at the
C. P, R, depot here, has decided to re-
tire and will probably locate in Hamil-
Miss Marjorie Haines, daughter of
Arthur and Mrs, Baines, has accepted
a position as Librarian, euceeeding
bliss Annie Cunningham, now Mrs,
W. Coates.
Mrs. Robe. Day, while down town
on Tuesday afternoon of last week,
slipped on the, sidewalk in front of
Caen, Mason & Son's store and broke
her eight. (01191,
Messrs. 11a»n,er and Rin tont, horse
buyers, purchased a Percheeon team
feoln Alex. 51c1.anl111in, of Brussels.
Pt ice was $700, and weight 3400.
SLANDER SOIT,—Tho Spring Aseizes
opened in Goderich cn. Monday of last
week withi i
Ch et Justice Lennox prm
The filet ease I)Pat'd occupied
all day. It wn
s a case
n1, shwder
brought by the Seafurlh (Ireamet y
against the Clinton Orearnet•y. The
Judge declared it a 0019 that should
have been settled between the patties
and never brought to court, and ad-
journed the homing ilenniny evening
in order that the parties might get to•
gether anti settle it, but 1 hey failed to
agree, and healing was Tuesday
morning. It was handed to the jury
at noon, Defendants had a counter-
claim against the Seaferth firm charg-
ing libel in a Circular teeter fur which
they claimed damages, The jury
brought in a verdict awarding vont-
plainant and defendant $200 damages
he second case heard at the Spring
Assizes at Goderich was 1 'n
a Il action f(1,
damages bre
t by
Peuhule of Bay-
. field, against Brenner,, of Grand Bend,
which the plaintiff sued for etem-
Yr gry
fF, wish to state to the Public that we
have sold our large stock of Hardware,
Tinware, &c„ to
�a Ire R, Weller
who is now in possession. He is a competent
young mean, thoroughly acquainted with the
Hardware business and we have much pleas-
ure ill commending him to Our customers and
the public. generally.
Card of Thanks
Indro in'outofbusiness, the th e
in� 1,l.
time, we wish to return our hearty thanks to
the people of the locality for the generous sup-
port accorded us in the various lines during
the years we were in the trade and hope the
same may be extended to Mr. Weller, our suc-
cessor, who will, we believe, endeavor to look
alter your business with neatness and dispatch.
Wishing one and ail prosperity,
We remain,
Yours Truly, •
Gerry & Walker
,arrW.r.n sMslllr1101
THE 'Fill
Serious Outbreaks of Influenza
e.11 over Canada
"FRUIT-A.-TIVES" Brings Vigor and
Vitality and Thua Protects
Against Disceso
There can he no doubt that the
situation regarding t110 spread of
1ulluenza throughout Canasta Is one
of grave concern, It is quite true
that the number of eases does not
Ulna ttutean Opidenlinsuchas caused
rho suffering and sorrow during the
terrible days of 1918. Yet there is
no disguising tho fact that everyone
should be on their guard against the
In Montreal alone, from January
20tH to February'2Ist, three thousand.
one hundred and twentytlro C01(1$ of
Influenza and 189 deaths from the
disesee -sere reported to the Health
Departmen 1.
If the outbreak had oome at the
beginning of the winter instead of
the end, we might reasonably feel
that the very cold weather would
check the spread of the disease. But
0010111g as it has, at the end of the
winter, there is grave fear that an
ep}'lenlie may occur. For spring,
with il., sluell and min underfoot,
its d,unpn..ss and chill, its constant
changing from cold to warm and
back again, is a prolific source of
eoul;•lls end colds, pleurisy and
The hest protection, in fact, the
only snrE
uall against the Fu, ia
(100D 11E.\ P1!
Those who are not as well and
Strong 04 they should be; those who
are underweight ; those who are
"run-down" through overwork or
sickness ; should build up et once.
What they need is a Blood -purifier;
a body-builder, a strength -giver, like
"Fruit-a-tivey", the wonderful fruit
"rhruit-a-tIves " regulates the
kidneys and bowels, causing tt,'>,r
organs to eliminate waste )'egulaely
and naturally as natt;refateedcd,
"Fruit-reelvt)s" keel vi the st in active,
and insures an abundant supply of
pure, rioh blood, "bruit - a- tinea"
'tones up and strengthens the organs
of digestion, sharpens the appetite,
brings restful sleep and renews the
vitality y o£ the nervous system.
"Fruit-a.tives" contains everything
that an ideal tonic should. have ; to
purify the blood, to build up at meg? Ir
and vigor, and to regulate the
eliminating organs, so that, tlieevhoi,,
system would be in tin hest poeeibie
condition to resist diseue,
Now i5 the time to lguild up your
heal$li and strength not only as a
precaution against 'tire ravages of
Influenza, but also to protect you
against "spring fever" and the
n itabl
1 ev a reaction hie with
w hetem s e w th
the appearance of warmer weather,
Get a 'box of "Fruit-a-tives" today
and let this fruit medicine keep you
"Fruit-a-tives" is sold by all
dealers et 60e a box, 6 boxes for
$2,60, trial size 250, or stent postpaid
on receipt of price by Fruit -a -tinea
Limited. Ottawa.
ages of $2,000 for an accident in
which a horse of his, while in Then-
ner's stable at the Bend broke through
the floor and received injuries Which
resulted in the animal's death. Jury
was only about 40 11111utes out, 011(1
brought, in the following verdict
"That the defendant pay $400 clan -
ages, along with County Court 00sts."
There was no issue of the Record,
week before last as staff and 110uge-
hold were laid up with Su,
A sterling silver meri,tl- -one of the
many which at'e 1..0 be presented by
government: to the relatives ni' the
fallen heroes who gave their live„ in
the Great \Fac---1914-1018—has
received by Jas. and Mrs, Caltanach
It in the form of a cress, the frena
being nicely engtvwed and the fallen
man's initials, while the bark ran -
taint) his name and number, :It: is sns-
ended from t
p n a banger tuber n1 purple tab
There was laid to 1e85 in t110 Presbv
tel'ian cemetery on Monday aft venom)
of last week, 111P 10ulains oi' the }ate
Mrs, Margaret Boyd, who had lived
at Huh Edger's 4111 Onn. for past
few years Deceased wee in,
her 0tH
year and death was clue til the infirm-
ities of old age. Her }armband plt-clo-
ceased her about 8 years. ifuuernl
servicos ab 1101180 and geavle wore
ducted by hoe. A, Laing.
Firemen's salaries Have been Marque
ed to $86 a year.
Tho matt.et' of seeming a Street
sweeps; was brought, up at the O0011-
Simply through neglect deg tax has
not been collected ill Listowel for the
past your or 80,
Mrs, N. L, Scott underwent an op -
oration for appendicitis at tie Liata-
wei memorial hospital,
For extra tvot'k in enOtiection with
the local sale of town debentures,
Council voted W. L. Binning, town
teea50, or, $26.
Council has given the Pee mere
Olub an option on 111e town property
on Wellington street, abutting on the
C. I', R. airing. They wish it for the
erection of a etoeehnlee, -
0.3:4,45.0C .,
RilllimfIl i»IR lmm IN11a11131illil1 Il 111111i4lu'IIS ni g
11 1111111 tlIliil'.I,rif riff II,,.9:+�'�;
CIiapma Brill Cash Shoe Store
Extra Value
in Shoes
PRING Goods are to hand
and being opened
and one of the ple_a;ing feat
ures is the. price. Through
early buying W,l are able to
give you hist fall prices on
many lines. They Ore beautiful goods and your early
inspection of them will please 115,
Harness Department
Light Mid Hervey liatnea'., Collars, 11o1,,-';, Blanket, Hog: Water-
proof (.node, Whip'. '19uuk' And Hatchets, &r,
Repairs in Barnes., (7ellare, Shoes and 1iuI 1) -, promptly duo,'.
n Bros.
Mucep'ssnrs to Richards & Co. Next, door to Bank of Nova Scotia
I '
}I,htmJLIIV!IU1Vi9U(�IYIIIIII�UIIU�IUI� I I 116°I(ummamonmI I miJ I�IJJ�JJumusJIJU I I s
ii, 1., Adolph way fu C'hesley attend.
ing the funeral of am trade, Fred.
Adolph, former resident of that town,
who flied at. Bayne's Lake, British
Columbia, in his 63rd year.
F. vnl,7.uhen recently left 1e tape a
position in \Vinda0,'. At meeting of
Board of Ed ucatinu, his resignation as
cadet instteet,,)' at High Seined, was
accepted. He wall voted $40 lar ear -
vices and an cxpcession of appreniu-
Liou for his good work.
\V, Somerville, who ha, held the G.
H. and 0. N. W.,telegraph agent.
clew at Seaforth fc..' hp past :30 yeate,
is removing to Toren lnh having • o
pileitle» iu Lb e U N. W Snperiu-
tenrlerlt'e office. At et special gather-
ing held eft the main:'e on Thur oIny
evening, :Mr. and Mrs, Somerville
were presented by the congregation of
the Presbyterian Church with two
haildacine easy chairs. Mr, Gomel -
rifle ha; been an Elder of the churnh
for minty years.
A young son has arrived at the
home of Jno. J. and Mrs, (Elliott.
Mrs. Robert Mitchell, who has had
an attack of pleurisy, is recovering.
Little Dorothy, the daughter of Al-
lan and Mts. Mitchell, fell down the
cellar stairs
mid bloke her tight arts.
The Indies, of W. bis 5. were glad to
learn from a short letter of Miss
Campbell's, that the fruit, and honey
sent her from Molesem•th, last Fall,
arrived (11 Banswara in splendid
lIcwoor. REPORT,—Report of TT. S, S.
No. 4, Grey and Wallace for January
and February. Pupils were examined
in Spelling, Arithmetic, Geography
and Grammar. The asterisk marks
those absent for one or more examine -
Hone. I\I
Gass—Fraser McDonald
78 • Eva (tuum ing
71 • WillieMit-
shall 711 ; "Margaret bleDonedd 52 ;
Jessie 31at'Into,b 46, Si. Ill—Gordon
Mitchell 86; Bentiett Mitchell 51 ;
Guy McDonald 24. Jr. III—Ruby
M,Go1'fh, 77 ; Ruth Felker 73 : Marion
Sangster 69 ; John Brown 62. Sr. 11
---Gertrude bleIntoslr 94: Reuben
Ilerlett 90 ; Wes. Douglas 61: Eva
Sangster fel. Jr. ft.—*Katie Stewart
88 ; Aimee! Ellettt 8I ; Margaret Mit-
chell 71 : Margaret Sang0 e1, 58 • Bob
McN(•illy 55 ; Jessie Edgar 39 ; *Archie
Me00lItl'l 811. 1. Class— George
Brown 61 ; Gordon iierlett 78 ; *Josie
Cumming 75. Pr. --Archie Gumming,
Donnie Mitchell.
11. b1. SI=ExcE, Teacher.
'p •1'
$ '0
.� John Oliver�i0ver�
has taken over the Deering Ag-
+ eney and handles a full line of
Farm Implements including the
H, C. Cream Separators
The onlySeream
0 orator with t'
• Lwo wide open cream a outlets.— m O Ste•
— r
4. ne cream eci•ew in the path of
3' the cream. See it when in town. 'I-
•t o h n
• � Inver
44• ++++++++++++++++++++++++
The I, O, C, 0-16 and 10-P0 Tractors
are muting the beat.
The Deering Manure Spreader
With the wide spread and very
light in draft,
6044H•S••444.444.4.44404•0•:+,►0d+Q+•••444.41.••••••••••••••,, dr
StudentsMay Enter Any Time 1
tosal4'ofefie*/ 7"Pie
aWe give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors
who give individual attention to pupils- Our graduates are •
ex..etl-R•tl•ews-e> -ar.00e4 /e0a<aeoe. a•PO4O44445001 , 5 .• : `S 5+40.Seiel tri
meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under F,
Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Commission.
Address the college for Free Catalogue, to either P
Stratford) or Wingharru t
4+•444, ('4'l'4"1•++•+4+0+0''050.040 104.4'1•• f•m•i•444+4•1•6444,44••64•F•
The Seaf <rth Creamery
l ••.
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
ples and pay you the highest markt prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, MR. 1'. C.
MCCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth. Creamery Co.
44+4'+• b•
•6®a��atr(�•�eie .