HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-3-11, Page 4.u..\y.'.1t�TF.SAGI�..afs, . ::F.aY:'•' - e e fees ,t ee "e.eeeie- ' iCe e'!mr tee,ee L .-at.'.,k..�b.+�+'-.�-w+ n� '
that a Wau could wllte sett into tile', w n riir COLD
lake flit• a quarter of a utile ul1h11ut. �lr3 (pt t" 1Se
be��ry�� yvp.tsst y�} N21v Proviegial Highway is going to
4 'lt'i y 1.br�i �7.1� . , uPlik he tl great comfort tel the lullriiug 44010-
�F - ^'. _ mobil1st hot what the thousands of
THURSDAY, MA RC El 111920 people who don't own a car and stay
---" wit] get out of it 'Will likely l,> re-
NItnEL\ $26o,00u has been eoutribttleft preen 011 at om,
so far by the Causal -al peepl:: to aid the
suffering Armenians and the fund Is f Joseph J the dream City of
still open as a *telt octal is is townies. ac-
cording tothe reports; front heath( Cart-
Moron Connty oo more.
awl swore. �A `ER BAD FOS
As workers ill the bid uellittl lift el ATER FOP
lite city -to -he, etelich t huuiiau•e wren
to he brought. from 011ie:me. el t:.
Came and the patt:h pi leei rl Ni,
Joseph's went to Ottasv t and '•x1,haia• ts,ztexszi 6S,Ast,trs'z 21be' nttxtttvrr
.'d the hniuigutlio'i n dietne 11 lea'4
21 reunite,' e'uld he bretighl remit
t'iliragu, it was expluwed, The di+ This story of Wm. Rogers, a seaman
trial sn•eoundi,g Si. Joseph h 1tl be, it 1' the Ida,. Sweeping I it 1. 101ch of Lh0
settled I'or do rears with l'„vu 11. 1t+,1'al Nary, 1,• chsolutely true and Call
C uuulinne but they lid e, ne 1',11111 to 1, tilts
1,111 d,
stet. d' Public \corks, 75 families -t:- t artedIil iteeitt,-tn. Ho was scut tothe
CANADA, neldebl jnlnped 810,u00,000
lastly c,1mo i'hum Chi0ag0 bol LhiH '!'oruutu< ucrldlloapital,whereforover
dairiug Irupruar,y, Thr net debt now Nuulut•ou; t'ar141 teaius, dt'ta\viug was disputed fly uthees ill Pu111141 le11t !'l months he nits apetient,Jiriallybeing
totals $1,915.945'923• those figmres betake flout the d. nollsuetl snWnu at the time the matte[' ,Clinic tip tee d hart 1 a incurable, in despair he
hotel of fit J lasr)b„u1 truettionds of ctdaeuas)on. r1`hc bit; bricl: [l ad,. •:u,l 1 ;•, f i' urtee,a-a tact l anr•ie-
eatlnot be comprehended by the majori- out ler froth the 131,19 8.•., ..., destined mill did
ty of folk but maty a yea( 9vil) pas by .flu' aitiptru'nt to the mt}, whe4p solid' tl'Phe illie,' r',ulrn1t l'erF1 tl418 14) ti. milt t e.I(1 a rt: t (4 thltr 7118 bo Wed lid„t .. in a ;Cort tnn0 l e tvn9
ell r.L
before a clear sheet will be presented, 1 ing material le t xptlt a take 6110reet.l these tufts hecauge the ritnapot (alit a 1'•teili- tth1 , l a lhr: sun ttxaluinni.iva s .t y
011 1,110 1.1041IS ti •s did not bec.nue 1(v,1liuhh. tae tia\y, anal bce.tme nu A,L, in the
the beeline was built res., is ,,,,‘,‘..:,11`;',i, Itlnm Sweep;ng 11100011,
have sailed 1•ron ',t. J0sejih 14,I90 liar 1711 ulontlls he did sen'ico in:1110
+111 Qnebee, r1,00,11 di1114 10 ll.p 11i1'i At-','att-.(i4. t, hp, 1n 1011, RogeTeeon^
and at present rate of increase even the
Methuselalls will al: be dead before its
too Raral School Sections have .p-
lied for the estable.luneut of Consolidat-
ed schools and the Provincial Govern-
ment will go thoroughly into the gees -
time, no doubt, and deal with it as seems
best for the communities interested.
Present situation in many a rural school
is far from being; satisfactory,
days They 40411 the romantic 1110.
tory of the dream city on the batik of
`Lake Huron, a city whieb they never
got very far lido the stage (45 reality,
but which 2,5 years ago, was expected
to become n wonderful ce11LVr of pupa -
latent and industry,
St. Joseph, the dream City ofNar-
eis8e OaoLin, i1 l'r'elie11-(lanndhlll, was
destined never to he one-tenth the
n1etr'opolis he planned to Make it,
The Summee Mittel, whieli was to
Mahe the eity famed far and wide,
teas built 1114 octet completely furn-
ished 11011 000 Ivied. Foundations
were laid lar other buildings of ins
pottance Its It kind of civic cotter, but
construction was 110VeL' started. A
harbor and clocks wase planned and a
pier that stood far out from land like
au island was the only product• of a
Government grant Ulla ever material-
ized. Streets were lair( out and sur-
veys made, but the promise(- influx of
population did not take place.
This was the stage at 00141011 the
"61agic City,” as it was co11r.11only
known, remained for a quarter of a
oeutuly, until a month or so ago a
weeekillg concern gut possession of
the big brick hotel and advertised its
material for sale. The interior [Wish
of the huge building was 11.10)0131 as
good as new and in the Heat place had
been of unusually high quality.
What fated u0e was in the old hotel
wag of costly and luxurious type. IL
had been planned to make the piece
the most attractive in the Province,
Tourists on their tray to Bayfield and
other p0it4t8 1001u Luudop and the
South Oftel( went to the Lake shore
road through St. Joseph and' the old
hotel 41)013(4(41)17 retina Itself a center
of interest (luring the years it lay nu-
used and neglected.
Balt it has disappeared now. Only
piles of brick and (imbet't•eutai(1, with
hundreds of donne teed window feam80
and these are rapidly beim; removed.
The fate of St. ]gse'pll is rapidly being
fnliilled neuohding to the prediction Of
Mr, Sherrill i\I P , North Middlesex,
who in 1002 opposed te grant of $5,000
for harbor works at St. Joseph, and
said in Parliament : "The time is
coming \viten the hotel will be torn
down and the bricks used by the falm-
ars of the township for their bank
barns.” That is exactly what is being
Molle now,
The original plan for St. Joseph was
to make it a center of hall stet' as well
a3 the m113t beautiful Summer resort
on the lakes, The uattual advantages
of the place were not wavy, but such
as there were made good capital in
the hands of the promoter. '21101e
was an excellent beach and pleasant
surroundings, and these still 18101110,
but they are not, unusual along the
East shore of Hgrol, As the indust-
ries, a brickyard and sawmill were to
be established. For au expenditure of
$5,000, the Minister of Public Works
'Pail assured he could make a harbor
at St. Joseph with about 10 feet of
water, though it was also boasted
All the profi'eers are nut out of busi-
ness yet and itis not :much wonder
Prices keep s•1 high in some Anes. The.
war is over but the grabber still does
business at the old stand. Another
Commission should be appointed to see
what the other Commis -ion did to help
out the present unsatisfactory condition.
WITH the three or four different par-
ties in the Legislature there should be
no lack of in','r'-et. Surprises may be in
store but the Drury Government tvi11
likely play a safe program as far as they
are able to control it. We look for pro-
gressive legislation, if not radical in
some instances. Now is the opportunity
of the 1? F. 0.
DON'T think it would be sacrilege to
Say your prayers to some of the new out-
fits'for feminine adornment. They are
not:like anything ill the "heavens above,.
'pule earth beneath or the waters under
.ttie earth:” If folk will per eiet in mak-
• ing guysof tlietneelv'es there will likely
always be solve promoter ready to show
the styles to outdo the past season for
these ceuniseurs of fn<hion. Alumna
mobile language might describe some of
the garments se "high gear" and "low
THS tree butchers belonging to the
telephone and telegraph gangs, who
'destroy many shade trees fn their care.
less, don't care style of pruning to clear
their wires are not going to be allowed
to carry- on in the old fashioned style as
legislation is to be asked to more de.
finitely set out the manner of seeking
permission, naming inepeotors and
thereby prevent the disfigurement of
useless destruction what bas taken years
to secure. A few pruning lessons
should be taken by the gents who under-
take slash ing at random ata fine tree.
No Britisher should find fault over
the prohibition of Ibe Hearst newspap-
eps from the Dominion of Canada, If
this well known crank is determined to
continually throw stones at tbe Nation
to whom we claim allegiance he sbould
be plainly taught. while we cannot close
lis mouth nor remove his vitriolic pen
from his hand, we can say "Your smut•
mill can send none of its production
. 1(pros the international boundary." We
jail fellows for sedition and banish loud
mouthed aliens but Hatter Mr. Hearst by
permitting him to circulate his blaek-
maiiiug. Why don't the Government
put on the ban?
Is the Powers had a catch aseatcb•ean
with the Turkish friends incarnate. they
would not split hairs over what should
be done with the cold blooded murder-
ers of the Armenians, The action of
the Turks in the massacres of the past
few weeks goes to show they don't care
a fig for the columns of advice and ar.
.guplentgiven to them. About the only
thing that will do is to take the low liv-
ed bounds by the throat and by a grip
[bat will shut off tbe atmosphere for 15
or 20 minutes tench a lesson that will
s1hoe,business is meant in earnest,
Present conditions are a disgrace . to
olvilizaton, The Turk has no claim on
anybody who loves equtty,
IT looks as if theTJnion Government
will not be able to haug on to office
much longer. There may have been
some encase for tbe war time Govern.
Ment, supposedly built on Union priori -
pales but that time is past and the
country should now approve of their re-
,: election or put others in wbore the ma-
jority may desire. Governments die
bard and by the way they set themselves
to hold power 100140 as if they were
anything hutsere of the verdict of the
people. If Premier Borden's health will
not 'permit his attendance at Parliement
why should not another assume tbe re-
aponsibflity of rightfully filling the post 7
No big contnietoial institution would
permit such a condition of Attire, A
nearby election is very properly de-
' handed,
Auction Sale
with bricks foe (lilieeg", 1, t'he' North Sea, On three occasions 110 was
tuns (tailed by Come with h idle ul 114 bat blown into the sea and remained in the
111411Y,_, people regal dpd 1114' PI"; as ,41,•-00111 wete4 as lutlg as eleven hours at
feasie, AN 1071110 eae4(04l), [bete t-satiarh. DespitethesohardshipsRog-
wns Houle dity with rata mater ed, is (rad 00 1111.111.11 of his previous
There tulle 111111 tracts of wooded land trouble, '1'ipuk about it. If T.I1,.C:S
of any eousegnence in the dieirlet it le (d nnlcll for Rogers—will they not
'Pbose whnee 0,11114111 bout. t,be big or
lintel were -\lull treat 111011, h'•ad rd ht' l 1cy^l. '1T 41 R1 tatiugn d costs you our
\it'. Vallee, of Il tat city, trllrr,.;e ,'.1 pit• t''r1 1,1 . 14 tint; we,t, Toronto), We
. .- <.. neve-11,1e on receipt of 81.04.
nl flananetel many big oude'rtakAruseats,
of the hind in Canada, •.:,tdnt,ins (pox's Drug 144000,
11'1(1311 the \ihIistet of Public \1'.dks
(1L Ottawn asked flit' 4111) OnO to 411111111 on
the harbor works at St. Joseph (here holy the rily being pt,nloted by YR'.
MLR quite a'lLotin. Chief' u11bntt lltt•.
critic.; was the member for :North 11i.1• (•1,441,) wag fi0ing to prosper, The
li lt('ayr:l.:-i POST 1 etn11r1ed at the tittle :
dlesex, Mr. 8herrit8 who explrhi'i4 to . Joseph needs a harbor as badly
the Hotl;1 the stage lvhieb the ('icy "f 44H 1t sp needs side•pOCkets."
St. Joseph 11itd then retie and, fu. • Alkali aventy the h+u'hpr [lid n„G
thee, what little, pi. Import. ttlere rues ,ri materintize lend the Cdtp t4ever became
industrial development. The Milli, -
ler was forced to defend himself.
"We ate paying inlg.• sully frit
people from ittt04ia and Poland.” he
81(11). ,11 •ti,1 <rn4t for you',
IM8,e11a4T8.—F. S. Scott, Atte., has been
instructed to sell by Ptlblio Auction at Lot 20,
Con. 16. Grey Twp., on Thursday, March 18471,
at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following property :-1
heavy draft horse rising 5 years, 1 general pun
pose Morse rising B years, 1 spall general our -
pose mares, 8 good dairy colas supposed to be
in calf, 8 steers rising 2 years, 7 heifers rising 2
years, 2 yearling steers, 1 yearling heifer. 1
yearlingbull, 16Spring calves, 4 brood sows
due middle of April, 10 store pigs about 160 Ibe,
5 pigs about 100 lbs., 2 ahnnks of pigs, nbeet
1150 hens, 1 Collie dog, 3000011140k binder 6 -ft.
out with truck and sheaf carrier, McCort/link
6.54. mower nearly new, Massey -Barris 18 -hoe
disc drill, 11 -hoe shoe drill, Nasseyy-Harris la -
tooth cultivator with grain box, l0fit,hay rake,
set 8 -section diamond harrows with 60 teeth,
Needier, pnleper, M5158r00al'r'ie wanting plow
new, Uookslkntt walking plow, Imperial 2 -fur.
row plow, truck wagon with box and spring
sent set bob -sleighs. gravel box, hood rack,
pulleys, scutter, 414. platform 'scalles r,1111 0)441ton
fanning mill, wheelbarrow, sugar kett'a, clean•
t(ty of salt, 100 cedar poets, about 60 Dods r,f
stove wood, quantity of hunt 011, Metope cream
separator, 8 -burner coal Ml stove. stelae grind-
er, milk call, quantity household furniture, 2
horse blankets, set double breeching harness,
set plow harness, set single harness. 2 rolls of
chicken wire, forks, shovels 145r1 other ertioles
ton numerous to mention. Positively no re-
serve as the proprietor has solei 1444, f8rn1,
Terms—All sans of $10.00 and under ohelh
over that amount 8 months' credit on furnish-
ing approved Joint notes, or a discount of 4 per
cent allowed off 144 1444 74AN P1'ool Proprietor,
gaidl "thin l .) b tog it would be a ty °o Ladies
good thing to bring +t -Vela French. SS3L i of
Canadians to inektde 0141n1i0," •\L
this Ume Lite hotel 1)111 been antler
eouetl'lietio, for two years and the Anaemia
This is a result of the hack of
the ,ordinary red corpscules in the
blood. The too frequent neglect
of title complaint, especially in the
case of growing girls and young
troinen, is fraught with the great-
est danger.
sawmill and brickytud we10. 111 Ilie
embryo stage,
People in the surrounding rm114t.ry
and pat tit -Mary people 4broughont
1-fu10)4 (booty, were at a loss to Cee
� 'Rthel
Poorness of the Blood
0141 ,-) lead t0 weakness of the body,
(1t.iierel flcbility and suob a rlin
004111 condition that the sufferer
tails a prey to almost any epidemic
disease — especially Influenza,
s Colds and La Grippe.
0 Fainting, Palpitation
O general disturbance of the bodily
functions. heartache, hysteria, pale
0 and Hallow complexion, pallor of
o the tongue and lips, puffiness un-
der the eyes and Heart Murmur
are generally associated with An-
Persons intending to
place Weather Insurance
• ackni gs Heart and
Nerve Remedy
on buildings would do 1
well to see
0@41#•.06000040,8404 06099 044341•
1 medicine e (r. tae mesa reliable mod to
a to
1 '" use, It will bring back the rosy
q l eiu'eks .nil restore Vitality and
lh'1 E 3'11 F RY Gil M • 1 t igen, Do not be discouraged and
4} ,p (lo not worry for you will only get
e worse. Placa your confidence in
Agent for the Ontario Farmers' ; line1tugs Heart and Nerve Remedy
Weather Insurance Co, :bfoeL is a
back the complete
Head Office, Grand Valley $ health that you s0 much desire.
e Buy it few bows to -day. Price
Rates : $'2.00 per iwoo p :100 1, hox, 6 for $2.60. sold by
all t:C"icrs or by mail, postpaid,
1I21'141:170 Limited, Listowel.
/'►, Itlrrltatsslrs, &o. -bit, 0. F. V0ndriok,
Auctioneer, has received instructions from the
undersigned to offer for sale, h Publio Auc-
tion, at Ng Lots 10 and 16, Cat, 19 Grey Twp„
Thursday, march 18th, nt 1 o'clock, ths follow-
ing valuable property •-1 general purpose
horse 7 years old, 1 gelding rising 8 years, 1
gelding rising 29ears, 1 filly riming 2 years, 1
aged horse, 17 fine dairy 004711 11.0 ere choice
DUrham8, some (rad], balance su p0sed 10
freshen), 4 Hiristeiln cows (I fresh), 1 steer tie-
ing 8,11 heifers rising 14, 4 heifers rising 1,1 steer
rising 1, I pare bred Durham bull, 8 sows to
farrow early, 17 pigs 2 months old, 4 pigs about
1401,x. oath, 24 hens, about 160 bets. barley, 102
bus. feed oats, 1:„0 1(118.800 oats, "0 bits. peas,
quantity of (hay, road wagon with hox, feria
wagon, oolnbinetion stook rook, scudter, flut-
ter, Floury ploW, seed drill set 10001b. settles,
set bob -sleighs with box, helper, fanning mill,
set double harness, 80 rods Wire fencing,hey
fork, rope. pulleys, &a, and otherar4iols too
numerous to mesion. Farm, containing 00
nares, more or lrsn, will also be offered for sato
the seine day, subject to reserve hid. 11 is well
fowled, all oleared and in ood state of culti-
vation, Abon 685 acres Fall plowing Clone, the
balance Seeded. Spring week runs through
Perm With wafer year round • orchard, &0.
Comfortable frame house with 08nar, hard
and soft water in house, Bank barn With
cement 8t8bles and water in stables. Light.
nine rods 06110use) 00111)1nm. Phony end revel
mail delivery. 91 litile to e0hool and 4 miles
West of Molesworth oft main gravel road.
Terms -1111 tams of $10 60 and under 08911; over
that amount 6 months credit given on appr00'
ed Joint'notes. 0 per cent per annum distraint
for dash en oredit amounts. Eeey terms fnr
farm, which will be made known on day of
sale 00 on applying to proprietor or eu00ionnet.
$IOEIARD ,70H151370Propriota',
Abstract of Accounts
'1')11: --
FOIt '1'11 l' YE.\lt IA1l)
^ 10E,E3PTi4
Cash on lunld' . 4 6404-:10
County netouni eiecent levied (41;6 50
Sohoot 841^.Unlit aalntila levied 871)o 411
Township or Grey 18 1st
Township of Morris 411 75
sotto& Loan account amount levied 871 .5
Township of Grey, school 1.,01, no ,,. 1 ail
Township or Morri', School Lean aa.,,. 4 7:,
hoes' A0Provenlent n1n0unt levied , 1772 17
Current loans 22.81:3 on
51111,104 Fund account....85[3 0:1Brussels, Morris & Grey Tel, account, 10770 42
Corporation electric lighting 2550 00
Cororation weed 0001111111 1725 80
Resident taxes 4880 11)
7,1em1200 80 00
Rents 518 86
Mi0oo11a nota receipts 4226 87
School Loan
Sinking Fund
Wood amount
Telephone System
g57e80 4.1
$ 21)12 7 171 School
onn lynccount
8816 Toed re '.(1111
701747 Telephone v, sten).
Locus Tulp, veulent
Wtllimu 14118, 4 Sewer.
111810eli.h Street Drain
Balance on 111,111
Salaries and allowances 1 1010 00
Printing account 00 50
Interose account 545 70
Law costs 1 00
(toads and bridges 1401 62
sob rel purposes 41100 52
Debentures, Coupons, &p. 1100 80
ail e proteetinn 1422 00
County l ate 21410 00
Current halts
Dler4rin lighting 8060 71
Town Mill and Weigh Scales 628 01
atisc,-dl an eons , , 60515
00,011 I4C,1 -1lo1 1608 86
William street Newer 144 00
Brussels, Morrie 418 Grey Tel. system11805 17
Pnbi10 Library 270 00
114(1001 Loan 007 50
Garside & Janes By-law No, 0, 1000888 60
Onolr on hand 1400 41
057080 40
$10(00 21
(lash on band $ 1400 41
Uncollected taxes 42.44
Gro added to un0olln4tn(l taxes ,,,.....,2 111
Wessels, Morrie & Grey Tel, 8yetom12040 O1
1.,0001 Foundry 1600 011
Dominion Permanent Dobenturee 4600 no
Mortgagee on reel estate ...... 225 IN
Municipal—Debentures 208 201 d)
Fishleigh Street Drab)
Corporation Street L441141ng 1.50 On
Town 131(11 '21100 011
Fire Department 4000 on
Weigh Bowles •100 00
TOwn Bell 1.50 00
PabIlo Sohool building 0000 00
$87480 78
$ 160 46
,,„„„ 808
”' 11420 06
5000 00
144 00
101 40
1405 41
412500 81
V.V.T : ' S3s",f Mrs's xf ,.;,N'•+Y? f t iz`s4•InvA?e,, t:S'#..'? r
If your floors
are hardwood,
Marble - Ite
The Floor
finish with a
guarantee. It
wears and wear;
and wears. 11
will not mar nor
scratch white
and is not af-
fected by water.
Feet That Never
Touch the Floor
A worn floor spoils the look of your home and
is impossible to repair, but if you keep your
floorsainted, feet cannot touch them. Let
ii 1:uu/t but save the wood. Save the
Surface and :,-cu Save alt
Floor Paint
is easy to use, dries very hard with a high lustre and will with-
stand a great amount of hard wear. No skill is required in
using SIINOUR'S FLOOR PAINT. Anyone can apply it,
The result r home aed
much labor
w111 lllliie saved for the floors willenhance the.ybe v of ryueasy to keep
Come in and let us give you full particulars.
We have a full range of shades 10 this and
every other MARTIN-SENOUR Product,
There is a MARTIN-SLNOUR Paint or
'Varnish for every need. We will be glad to
advise you.
George R. Weller
5 -6(1<<
the centre of populations for Western
Ontario. S0. Joseph is still on the
map, and is just like scores of other
villages airing the lake. shore, 13 M.
with the demolition of the big hotel,
the place has lost most of its glmnnr;
for 3044445 the building was never more
than the abode of birds and the rats,
it added lustre to the ennr1nni t y.
Motorists will miss rt wt'll knoll)
landmark on the litke shore route
this year,
Echlin School0 7600 00
Local Improvement - 11154 58
Brussels, Merrls & Grey Tel System14112 44
Amount In bolame 4086 55
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted for ti B. No 4, fiery Town,.
ship, Huron County Norlmdde and Protes-
tant, 1111 Ws to 00nllnen01' after Itae!4n•, S81.
81y up to 150000, according W qualification,
10401411131(8 cause of 13 vacancy'
N, Beet eta',y,
Brussel, Phone 4414 Bluevale R, R, No. 2 l fll p 1 e ni a Pits
187468 78
We, (he undersigned Auditors for the Corporation of 111e Village of Brussels for the year
A. it IWO, hereby certify that we haus examined the ln,u4o,, vouchers, receipts nnrl 0,05,41108 of
the Trenserer of the Municipality 01415 report the same nonce- n,1 Der the 10reg0ing 0 0(018eet8
and find the ens, Weller, in The Standout Renk aid The Bank of Novn SOste, nmol0Ling to
the sum of $1400.41, All of which is respectfully submitted,
Dated this Math day of Irehruary, A. 0).1020. rI,E ODIUM, t
M. SINCLAIR, Audltore.
Stock for Sale
Two young Scotch Short Horn Bulls lot'
One 10 months old aired by Gninsford of Salem
and the other 0 months old sired 1>.y Amine
Lad, Prime right. TF1O1. PID14414C,
Lot 6O, Con 8,Morris'Two.
Telephone 6010 Brussels 11 1t. 6.
Fla x Fx!
farfara' tette ition
The Huron County Flax el ills, L Lc1.,
e Bruseple, are open in 1'0111 14 liuliletl
41 41ettage 13
of No, 1 ,4) land foe Flex
f d grnwittg purposes, Farumel trill plow,
ff ffiffi�DD l�r�HYY disc, harrow and prepare land for
good level seed bed. Company will
1111'111011 seed and do the, Honing. Fut'
international particulate Hep A. 'l'. CU RUSH, ,r
leave word with the 61 ill Manse, 1', .1.
r 1 P Ret dela
f51.Natii / O u
L ,
Pasture to Let
Tenders Will be received by the undersigned,
pp to March 20111, for the pasturage of Lot 10
and half of Lot21, Con 7, 150 sores, in the
Township of Morrie, for term of 1, 2 or 5 years.
Renter to fix footles b tt necessary wire will b0
supplied. Rent dun November 1st.
.101211 107A13s, (Blyth
bU Fsem 'oreDAlf. Button es5. tate,
To the Farmers of Grey and Sur-
rounding Country 1
T stn prepared to take orders For
Me001 wick and Inteenalional Iutple-
ments,'reactors, Engines, Plows, En-
silage Cutters, Cream Separators,
\Vagons and Sleighs.
Pull line of Tillage and Haying
anti Harvesting I3upietuents. No bet,
Tenders tet' Binder, Mower or Matinee Spread-
er made than the McOormick,
l'3uy front me and save money as
Tenders will be ranched by the undersigned I can pay cash and Dan sell on terms
up to April0th 1020, for the oon,4rwotfon of a 10 Snit.
sewer on Yid lain Al•e111. hl the Ydlago of
Brussels Plans and specifications 100y be Will keep repairs 011 .gab them for
seen at the olfioo of the Clerk of Ole,\tuuicipnl• you on a day Or two's halms,ley' F' A' SCVilltlge Olerlc, Cell andsee rile tet 401110 before
buying and save Morley. -
Short Horn Bulls
Wu have won 1st P0100 on bull onlf at Bros.
8818 Ful1 pair fort) yearn ill 811000 04011 n11)0100
always somethingBgo�ra cm handl for 901e.
O. TUi.'4NSUi,r. & SON, •
P1101102914 hot 10, Oen, 18, Gray Tali.
Farm for Sale
and 114 144 1twee
1 L of 14,1717on, 7 1 ilibeing0 township,
100 sores are under onitivatnn with 50 acres
Cady lar seeding 4 6 acres ball wheat ; good
bush and (11101:40•e 001111 never failing spring
dinning through pasture Gond noiefnr11.010
House, bank learn 40 x 110 feet, am1(1 hey barn
and driving shed, pig pre, orcha'tl, well Wat-
ered, &n, 6 miles from town, '1'o be sold
of Remount of iii health For further portion -
tars 88 to prime, terms, ata., apply to N, S. Seett
Brussels or PRA NON J, 13T118,Na. 2,
20.07 Blyth Tete. it.
Short Koro Bull Calves for Sale
Undersigned afore for site 6 Short Born
bull calves, front the well known sire, Eyre,
field Stump, bled by Harry Smith land owned
by undersigned, A cow, Princess Pat from
sane boll, Rohl at Bricit0r's sale, 16bn3re re-
cently for 51000, the highest pries at solo. Re-
port says "oh815 n halter of show calibre and
5 eine old,” 'Har1E4d Stamp is 0150 foo sale.
L.1 no, Cnn, 0, Morrie toWll"hlp,
,INO G. 111810114,
Phone 160 Brussels P. O.
lull for Service
The undorsigned will keep for service, on 1335
Lot 50, Con, 2, Morris township, the't(l0re'-ht'ui
Abort Barn Ball, Gainford .of 1inlem, NO.
00418 Sired by (d"Inf n d Mercado 41088701 1
Dan Mildred V11 by Royal tinllnr 080601. Ped-
igree may be 088)1 01( nppheatlOw, Terms -
$10.00 for thor0-br01ia Uny able lit limo of am,
Vice with privilege to return, Grade acme not
T11.06. 71.02011,Proprietor
Monthly Horse Fair.
Brussels this se ash ,
THURSDAY, 1\lAlt, 1111, 1020
• APR. lot, 10020
Local and Outside Buyers will he Present
Ily 01•(lee of Oounen,
1+'. S. SCO'i:l`, Clerk.
�e +s
Ship y,i:iur Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques i'or tl:e pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, nth, pay-
atble at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and
will not Want to discontinue.
Brussels lr���
ward �
P c s,