HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-3-11, Page 2Poison Barrage Por Orchard Pests Unhappily, there is an tweet, fun - gas, blight or pestilence of some sort likely to attack alruo..t every plant laid that grows. This IF especially true of fruits. The experienced fruit grower is well acquaiuted lath title fact, cote sequently he his conte to regard pro- tective measures against insects and Success t Turkey Raising. This can be fed dry in hoppers, Ot disease as being of as much import- At no thee in the history ot the . In earl) ones toward lurcess as the work of v1Orld has it been so neeessaly to give thought and diligent care to the rate- ing of turkeys aa the spring of 1320. All reallze that the duller has de- creased in value. In turkey raising We must manage to make more money by losing as few young as possible. The past water the top was reached in the price of turkeys on the market, and the demand for breeders has been greater than the supply, Now Is a splendid time to commence turkey raising. The reports of the turkey market show tremendous sales, and great numbers of egg orders. If or twentydy eggs onthStr ' Set two <r anyone fails to make money with tui three chicken hens on nine turkey keys, or in raising a gond flock, it is eggs each, when hatched give all the poults to the turkey hen. It takes four weeks for turkey eggs to incubate, and the setting lien must be fed anti watered. Here let me Say to those who wish to be economical: buy some first-class eggs, and raise Your next year's breeders, mixed with itilk or swing 50010 time put'two tablespoons planting and cultivating. Usually he destroy the foliage. Therefore In of doesn't wait for the appearance of warm weather a 11111der spray is em• abov1eS mixture t hle,•I to a gallon of the these pests, lie assnn es that they played, such its Bordeaux mixture, a We are 0,1w ready for eggs, which are "on their nay,' aid phius to greet compound of lime and sulphate of cop - moat be handled with clean heeds, utero with the Most inhospitable per, given the mune Bordeaux mixture and carefully put in baskets or boxes, measures at his command—a poison- because it w'ae first used in the vine - and turned every few days. Once the ons barrage. yards of that district in France. nest i5 selected, the turkey will usual-' lis general, they: are three ways of It is impossible to give any Axed 501 1y lay the entire litter of Eggs init if + preparing t113e poisonous reception: of Pules for a spraying schedule. Some unmolested Place the ilial eggs laid t aprayhig,,dusting and gassing, Spray- orchards will yield a crop of Prime under the firsthen that goes 10 setting, l ing is the most widely used treatment, fruit o0 two or three sprayings a year; first freeing the hen from lice with in-' the most convenient, and probably the others may require a half dozen. sect powder. Place straw in a barrel- only mottled that should be considered Generally speaking, if a dormant or box or A•shaped house; put eighteen ; by the hone gardener, leastways in winter spray is thoroughly applied connection with trees and bushes. every other year it will control scale Dusting vegetable Plants is another Insects. Then the first summer spray matter, which will bo taken care of in is applied just before the blossoms a later article, open, and while the leaf buds are un - Sprays for. Different Purposes. folding. This spray cotitrols the cater - At the outset one should remember Pillar, scall and leaf eating insects. Trees should,never be sprayed while there are two classes of sprays: those they are In full bloom. Not only will which are intended to control insects, this interfere with pollination and m commonly known as insectprobably destroy any bees, valuable those which are intended too a es, check and or agents of the orchardist, but 1t is like - event disease, called fungicides. ly to destroy the blossoms themselves. The solution intended solely to hill When the last of the blossoms have insect pests rarely has any value as a fallen it is a good time for the second fungicide, and the out-and-outfungi- summer spray, to control the coddling Bide seldom has any virtue asas an in moth or apple worm. The sprayer secticide: There are compounds, how aims to 511 the calyx cavity of the ever, ever, which are designed its a combine' Young fruit before its lobes close and tion spray—for both purposes, A render this safeguard impossible. As lime -sulphur solution is the foremost. a rule, the next spraying is given Insect destroying sprays must be when the fruit is about halt ripe. considered from still another angle. The lime -sulphur sprays, Bordeaux They must be selected according to mixtures and other compounds may be the manner in which the insects do prepared at home, but unless the fruit - their feeding. Certain species feed by grower has a large number of trees, it Uittng and chewing; beetles, Gator- will be better to buy the commercial pillars and worms are in this class. To brands sold by seed firms and farmers' kill them we simply distribute a supply houses, all ready to be diluted, poison on the foliage or other parts of the plant on which they feed, and Select Suitable Apparatus. In this way reach the stomach of the Spraying apparatus, implements for pest, hence the term—stomach pots- applying the solution, are required, of ens. Paris green is the old stand-by course, a selection of which depends of this, class of poisons, though in re- mostly upon the amount of work to be ceut years arsenate of lead has grown done. The hand atomizer is the in favor, because it is less likely to in- simplest device, but this is out of the question for anything but a few small plants. Pumps which are carried about by hand coma in three types— the bucket pump, automatic sprayer and the knapsack pump. There are useful in the garden, and are practic- able for a few trees, when a greater investment seems unwarranted. Then there is the barrel pump outlet, which is mounted on wheels, or intended to be loaded on a cart. These are used in small orchards, Large orchards demand a power out• fit; there can be no question on this score. "Such equipment comes in varI- ous sizes. They consist of a tank and motor -driven pump mounted on a spe- cial truck, from which one o1• more hoseconnections are run withfitted spraying nozzles. These nozzles are mounted oe spray rods or poles 02 ten or more feet. while trees are dormant, at which time it Is absolutely safe, killing all forms of scale inseete, the eggs of plant lice and so forth, 1t the same time It is an excellent fuegicitie. In the eine rater it is used in a more diluted form, as at fungicide, but not as a contact spray, because to matte a tints -sulphur solution of suflleient strength to net as a destroyer of insects it is like' to because they rely upon the birds to do all the work. Don't eepect returns with little 1110nes and no labor in- vested. Special care• %booht be exercised 111 selecting the breedhtg stock. No mat- ter what variety yeti choose, it is al- ways advisable to secure pure-bred, • When the turkey eggs are set, the vigorous and !earthy stock. To do this we must ret took at the price tee date should erecorded, al laao when the e 1eng. The best le eerie ton good when time for hatching buying turkey,. !!void baying to -bred the following method most satisfac- stock and using reales for more than havetory, and increased re. tem to breedte` ers one season. Yell rig Stook are not their from one hell best the first year. Hen turkeys are hens and four toms. at theta nest Prom two to six and seven Take a piece of poultry netting years. Toms do well until four or abut thiy rty feet w feet 10 g; nail laths to to Ova ,ears. it this around the nest of the mother and The will thrive i- as nyla d, bird, young turkeys. Pat before her a shal- r'CW will thrive In any land, will low vessel of water, oyster shell, and prow r any sail, areor used. any climate if hole corn. Take the hen from the proper methods ods In these tsrcgresslve Lime^ study of conditions nest—she will drink and eat, and the 11!11tbe given in all Iines of business babies will drink and eat some grit iso order that the greatest profit may They do not need any food, as they are be realized. Raising turkeys is no ex- l=atched with the yellow of egg in 00511100. `Item; this 10 nourishment enough t:reeding time is Nee here; turkeys i for them for three days. The grit is commence to lay in March. A. teat can , their teeth, and goes to gizzard and is fartillee the eggs of twelve hens, so , ready to help digestion and grind their first food. Indlgetlon causes bowel is r,oee;hk a-eeir rout mans. Pttre sleet. to et1•ouger and better in every : trouble, which generally results In Way tines scrub or sm ell stock and' death. The morning of the third day, jure the plants, also because it is not and Gives hatter na,i11151ior.. Se,tie ..0=1 an egg for the brood, squeeze it so easily washed off by rains. * 11 This Can be given R * ROBLE Address all communications for this department to Mrs. Helen Law, 235 Woodbine Ave„ Toronto, Anxious Parent: You aro not the lengthy drives and staving outlate at Arst parent who has faced this Prole night should never he permitted. 113' tem. The quaint, oid-fashioned phrase mean- of meta and early training "keeping company" is no longer used to toll that a young man Is pitying at- tention to a girl, but no matter what Phrase Is used young risen still call upon young women, and every right- minded parent worries more or less at this period. Intelligent and far-seeing parents de5lre to have their sons and daugh- ters mingle with refined, well-bred, sensible associates, and in time marry worthy mates and set up happy homes of their own. Sometimes this desire takes the form of over -anxiety; the parents wish to choose the "inlawa," and thus they place difficulties 10 the way of their children, The wise attI- yore mind on the bread n,osr ad^pied up, seen and & . to yo'ie locally sed tl.' rel:=,go el land , ere'; few hours for several days, ytlu wi-h lheot to titre; m•er. Select Then b'.sclrlts ciambled and some cd s.ioolc flew breeders wen can for.: chick feed fed. 111 This chicle feed mash 1 min in pro - The LOU:to t,' o•rtueds to' y001. 7oci1 Portions as follows: by stomach poisons. Plant lice are A fewesira a 'tar< c1^±. for biro will bag of Uran, about SO Pounds typical of this class. They must be ne a ea.ying ieves'•nent.. If her is rile beg: of ground wheat.,330 pounds errdestroyed by so-called contact sprays, the ell �tou'"( tent be:, avid it is 1 hag rf yellow feed, corn usually caustic,liquids, which are aim - W Were;,i.r. ie + 1 r lease ' meal or corn grits.. , , 100 pounds ed to stripe the bodies of the pests .cc:„ ,,e• , Fine ground bone meal 35 pounds and to cause their death by absorption t . t fov Sited b; of scraps 65 pounds of the poison. t" Clock size granulated char• i.1^ ewe r on , en!ontl. 1 1.011( 20 pounds Fess sees:- en. thy.: win. not • ; o i Sifted oil curie meal 17 pounds 55 0 _,!c ,1 .;1(15 to lay. 5 !calf 3 pounds rc', il, 0•:1(0. . la-'r.f .'rue . e 1 r. thee . ru s is Ike:, t 660 pounds ear ,, - ee "01 1_tore wirer, the • t'1 irep the roulte are two weeks old taeat r r, t+,^*;•. Flaoe Cleav siraw,l give them a wet mash once a day 'in them. orad 01110,1 neat egg. In shed. Insects which have no jaws, but which do their feeding by means of piercing mouth parts that suck the plant juices from beneath the sur face of the leaves, are seldom affected rod other out-butiefnge 5Y comfortable tartsta. Tltia will solve the time often onset in huutiug turkey fleets, Tltis pis•, eaves eggs Iost by crows, rate. end other pests. as well as the chill wl,teib kills the embryo. Por health and comfort of tho hens, by using this same mixture, but moist- ened with skim milk. They like this food this way. For the third weak I mix one pound of cracked wheat with every two pounds of the regular com- mercial baby chick feed and for the fourth and the fifth and the sixth weeks I use one-half cracked wheat dest them thoroughly with insert pow- dento rid tient of lies. Leave the and the other half chick feed, feeding fear times a day, tem alone; don't ram the risk of At five weeks old I increase the forting him by handling, as ba is amount of beef scraps to about six- tsaiirward and his 1,ig, heavy body 3s I teen pounds in each one hundred Sable to hurt his. hips. as the leg pounds of the mixture. At this age pocket to re.y shtttllorr and easily they have free range; first they are °Pomined, let out of wh'e enclosure, at the end To purify (ate yards ready for of a. week they go into yard, and from itpring work—use seine good disin- yard to free range. By nature they tectant. Whitewash the fences and are wild, and have been domesticated nests, also eprirtkle lime around. I wonderfully, yet they cannot stand too Dave vessels fill of water. Place two much confinement. lenses on sides of buildiug for oyster you will find they return home nice - Mee and charcoal. Keep these liked always, as they play a large part la the turkey's diet. increase oC egg production in turkey hens can be done the same as with thickes,e, by feeding ground oats, ground cern, 1:hfl'• meal, barley meal, wiseai li:t=eed meal, and snn1cwee seee. 111 equal euattieties. If the wing feathers grow too r•apid- In short, when we apply stomach poisons our object is to coat the plants; in applying contact insecti- cides we aim to coat the pests them- selves, Lime -sulphur is one of the best con - teat sprays. It is widely used by or- chardists at this season of the year, the idea that "nice" young people do not give occasion for tally should be well established, as we11 as the fact that weir -bred young men and women are careful of their conduct in public and in private. Long engagements should be frown- ed upon. The greatest tragedies of the Country have come about by per - nutting a young n1a0 to monopolize the time of a young lady for years and years only to cast her off to marry some younger person. Just why these cases are more common in the country than in town no one can explain; nor why, if marriage floes follow a long courtship, it is rarely a happy mar- tude for the parents to assume in this liege. delicate and critical period is that of But even if the interest in courtship sympathetic, quiet, non -interfering In. is belated it is not worth while to give terest, with a real desire to be helpful up In despair if John begins paying and considerate at all times. Much of the trouble lies in the fact that parents too often, before becom- ing interested, wait until their children form friendships that bid fair to ripen into love, then ruthlessly lay down laws that, in the light of their own youthful experiences, they know will not be obeyed. Prevention is better and surer than cure in dealing with unfortunate love affairs, particularly between young people who are 5t111 under twenty, INTERNATIONAL LESSON. MARCH 14. John on the isle of ('atmos, Revcla- tlon 1, Golden Text—Hebrews 13: 8, 1-3. These verses contain the super- scription and the original title of the book. It is the Itcvelatton of Jesus Christ, that is, "tire revelation which proceeds from Him." So also in the gospel, John represents Jesus as re- ly, and are gentle, expecting to go to eeiving ills teaching from God and =- roost early—that fs, to sleep under ' parting it to men (see John 3: 32; the mother's wing, for 1 do not teach 6: 20; 8: 28; 12: 49; 14: 10). them to roost until they aro about the Must Shortly Come to Pass. The size of a partridge, Then I make word "shortly" contains the meaning roosts out of 1x03 inch strips, placed both of. "Soon" and of "swiftly." it flat so 00 to provide s. three-inch fiatemphasized r'eci'ting siefsee, about Otte foot from the ground. . i _ CAN EIE v,.. �' CURE EYES EYES I have cured bol. hundreds of cases, and all without pains ancd 10 nearly every case, in ono irla t Ito rimy office. Write to MISS R. KNORR, 97 Joseph Strout, Kitchener, Ont,, ono oe my recent "patients. Ask her about my aktlt, (Iettelose.stamp for reply) If', YOU need my services call or write, foil an overnight trip from Ontario. ®Rs FA De CARTER Eva, llfs5, (Ness, Throat 113 V•OSOS 011 OTAr0 0742®sr 11219) S. State Sen,Cl1ICAGO.ILL. tleedee • to 14 etmeeys 10 #e 1e ly 111'td snake the wings hang down, they should be cut off so that they will not sap the vitality. If some appear not to be doing well, put whole grain black pepper down the throat, and dust the whole flock with insect powder. A tablespoonful alt n a allow of wateronce a ors salts o e g month is a good bowel regulator, Any , growing grain while soft, or in the milk, will cause ptomaine poisoning, and is the cause of many dying when half-grown. If you expect to succeed, study your ground -don't depend upon luck; it is cheaper to learn by reading the ex- Darlene° of successful breeders than by personal, costly experience. Turkey raising is a family business. The tralniug and experience which the children get is helpful in develop- ing a love for country life, In no other way can the wife better help with family expenses•, and she should be as interested in helping with the family Income as the man. X SS 38 iEtte.E fJh t It t! b t 11 h Even before the first boy and girl at- taohments are formed—attachments that are usually nothing more titan the passing fancies between school child- ren—fathers and mothers should be on the ,alert to form little congenial groups that include only boys and girls of clean, wholesome character. Once the group is formed the y0ttng people themselves become very criti- cal as to admitting newcomers into it, but the whole matter can be so quietly and carefully manipulated that the children think they aro doing it all themselves, when in reality the parents are baclt of it all, although out of sight completely. to the grave, Ile has risers triumph- ant over death, So also He is ruler of the kings of the earth, because,He is blaster of truth, and Victor over death. There is in Isa. 55: 4 also a combination of these two ideas of the Messiah, who is to be both witness and ruler. Unto Him That Loveth Us. There follows an ascription of praise and glory to Jesus Christ, who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood, etc., etc. Instead of hath made us kings, we should render, as in Rev. Ver., he made us to be a kingdom, to be priests, etc., etc. Compare Exod. 19: 6 and 1 Peter 2: 9. The apostle thinks of all those who believe in Jesus Christ as forrutng His Kingdom. They are seeking to do the will of Clod as revealed in Him, and like priests they have access through FI11n, who is their greet High Priest, to the inner sanctuu:;; ci the presence of God. Behold %ie. Cometh. tempera Dan. 7: 13 and Mark 14: 62. There is n re- ference in this verse also to Zech, 12; TRAINING IN COURTESY My text Is the manners of two little children who culled upon rue, melt with her mother, When Tbreo•year-old was introduced, she put out her tiny hand and said with a charming smile, "%low do you do? My mamma said you lilted little girls." "Mamma" open- ed her bag and otrt 0am0 1.13 1708103,1,, old'e boat beloved doll• in two minetea Three-year-old was playing 1taPplly 1u the bay window, while her mother and I had the long talk that we wonted. When Four-year-old called aid her mother said, "This is my little laugh, tet," she made no response to my greeting, but promptly seized my pret• tiest sofa pillow, threw it on the door, and trampled over and over its deli- cate silk with her dusty sandals. Her mother said nothing, but when she rose to leave, aim was quite severe with little Fdur-yeal'-Old because she neglected to niake the formal courtesy that she had been taught. "Evidently her home training in good maniere consists in learning to make that courtesy," said a friend -wee was pre• sent; but I fancied there was some. thing more than that back of the dif- ference between the 1920 children. 01 course calls on grown ups are dull matters for small folk, lett little Three- year-old had, by the thoughtful word of her mother, been put in a mood to please and be pleased, which is the foundation of pleasure in society. Poor little Four-year-old was "at odds with her environment," end her mother had not said the thoughtful word that might have helped her. Whatever life may bring to a Per• son, there is one thing certain, he will have to mingle with other people; and good manners which have Mete rise in a kindly feeling toward others will be a great help. 09 whatever follies kings and queens have been guilty, they have generally realized that much of their popularity must rest upon the impression that their manners make upon people. Long be - tore Queen Victoria could speak plain- ly, she was taught to make a little bow and say, "Morning, lady," or "Morn - fug, sir," when anyone approached her little carriage. Years later', a sailor lifted her small daughter on board the royal yacht, saying as he set her down, "There you are, cry little 111dy." "1'm a prinrose," the cltilii retorted. not a little lady," Tho watchful mother said, "That is true. Tell the kind sailor that you are not a lady yet, but that you hope to be one some day." How eau children be taught court- esy? The foundation, of 00111%0. !s to teach them by word and example to feel kindly towards the people around them. Show them the little ways of thotghtfulness by which they ran me press this kindness of feeling. Trach them not to save up their good man- ners for strangers, ancl..emphasize this by treating them with the same court- esy that you wish them to manifest. "I like to have the Blanks ceree to play with my children," said a mother, "for' they are never rude and rough in their games," 1 was interested to ask the mother of the Blanks how site had brought this about, "I really believe it is due to our after -supper hour," she replied thoughtfully. "For an hour after supper I do whatever the child- ren choose and as one of them. We read aloud, we go to walk, we make candy, we snowball one another, we Play games, sometimes wild, rollick- ing games, and I do not ask for any special privilege on the ground of be- ing a grown up, But of course the children would not think or "tagging mother" too roughly or making hard snowballs when one might happen to be thrown at her; and they won't quarrel about who shall sttr the candy when they ltnovr that mother is wait- ing for her turn. If they practise self- control and courtesy with m0, they will be more likely to practice it pith ethers,' The Fremserlt-Day Fe nlel'. atteltion to a girl who is unworthy, or Mary persists in meeting a young man who has little to commend him. Do not use harsh measures and so defeat your cause forever. A visit away from home, or the introduction of some out- side interest that brings Su other young folks, may cause the headstrong son or daughter to begin to contrast the loved one with more attractive companions; and vrhen once a good, healthy criticism is established there ie hope. One young girl who '00115 bound to throw herself away by marry ing a drunkard, was forever cured of her fancied love by visiting at the home of a relative who came home iu au intoxicated condition and abused the family. The almost distracted parents paid the girl's board in title wretched home while she thought site was visiting, the unhappy wife having consented to the plan its order to save tke girl from a fate worse than death, She came back to her home thorough- ly cared and in time made a happy marriage, but opposition would have driven her into an elopement. Encourage the worthy yeah men and women by inviting them to your home, but do not show your hand in the game of match -making. If you in- vite the girl you wish your son to pay attention to. invite other girls with Iter and sdlow that you are interested in all alike. 1f a worthy young man thaws au. interest in ycur daughter, do not consider it net much trouble tit matte up a little feast accasionally and invite him in company with outer Young people of the neighborhood. The slightest suspicion that father or mother is trying to 'match -mane" will work the wrong way, but a be sure tow t g kindly, active interest in ell worthy Young folks will give son and daugh- ter a chance to choose wisely. After a short courtship following a long acquaintance, there is every chance that a happy hone will be established and father and mother can enter into that state of Indian summer enjoyment that parents know only when their children are well married and settled for life. And that enjoyment may he the portion of all parents who use dis- cretion, and tact, in managing their young folks (without seeming to do so) in their love affairs. A good way to begin is by having Ilttle Friday evening gatherings, such as taffy mullings or similar entertain - meats, having the young folks come in groups, gathering together as they come along the road, and always keep- ing the group idea prozuiuent. The 5 active h non. games should be healthy, y, and gay, and there should be little or no pairing off. These "small and early" affairs, over by nine or nine - thirty, will not interfere with school the way for the work and wit 1 pave e w wok exclusion of undesirable companions later. Once the unit Is well establish- ed the young folks will be rather jeal- ous of their good times and will not open the circle to unworthy com- panions, As the years fly past the pairing off will come, although It should be post- poned as• long as possible, and then the old-fashioned phrase "keeping com- pany" is in order in the minds of the grandparents. The young folks must bo trusted, of course, for the chaperon idea has never gained much headway h1 the country; but prolonged visits, in Exod. 25: 31, He sees Christ clothed in garments which represent both royal and priestly dignity, the long, flowing robe, reaching down to the toot, and the golden girdle, such as a king would wear. Tho detail of the picture is drawn in part from Dan. 7: 9-14 and 10: 9-6. The sharp two-edged sword, which proceeds out of his month, no doubt represents the pene- trating and compelling power ot His sword, compare Hob. 4: 12. It is important to observe that in can not be too strongly v, I7 the apostle hears Jesus saying 'who would get a right under- of Idio15e1f the very same thing which by those God says ot Himself in v, 8. It is standing of the boort that the apostle 10, witch was supposed by early quits evident that He believes Jesus was expecting the great changes which Christians to be a prediction cf the Christ to be enc p1111001, and eternal it foreshadows to take place very soca, suffering of Christ. The common es- as God is ctetnal, That expectation was shared by the pectation of the early Church was that ':.not vine• one. He 15 whole Christian Church of the first Jesus would soon apltEai' in heavenly Jcrns is the 71 oeuury, That the coming of Christ's glory and power to establish His dead' Ile lives and shall live forever more I'cr those teho believe in I1drt1 Kingdom and Ills triumph over all op- kingdom, and hence there would be . posing forces was to be by the slow mourning over all the earth, the. and follow Ilion He itis 2110 keys vvhielt of grain for every 100 pounds of the p will unlock the prison lienee of death. 1 horse's weight, If horses are idle for processes of the Spirit, and not by mourning of penitence or of fear. Only spectacular and catastrophic change, those who believed in Him and ex., d f l' (v, 13) sh'oalc b.. rendered 1 11 day after tile} are on full iced, cut they°dtd not fully realize. That lesson petted His coming world rejoice. Hades, It is the Greek want for the the grain in half, 19 the increase of an export trade. Farming is a real it has taken many centuries to learn, 8, I Am tine Alpha and the Omega. Brava, or the underworld, tlrn world r gratin for spring work is snddrn, colic business, successfully carried en by It is God who is here represented as °f the dead. Christ !s the• deliverer 1 and other derangements gill omen', and it is not yet learned by somemen Bate women who aro 11l only among us, speaking. Compare Ina, 44; 6. Alpha from death, exalting through roma blares foal may ha kAnt t i ?• These verses Contain the ad- and Oznoga are the first turd last let- rection to eternal lIlo all those who tit ti work to wlthln a. taw duv5' uI ekillfu! in the alt inti practice, but 4-7. Th are His the tin of Malin.' if the driver is 1 alt versed to tin snience of :wallet*, or salutation, introdnictory to the Letters to the Seven Churches, and perhaps intended as an intmduc- tion to the entire book. The apostle overt angel It is ss oug invokes grace that is the loving favor about fifteen miles from Ephesus, used di stood sponsor Yor ion abort the Same e.9 t_ '� ' y ife A soft horse cannot stand hard work. Horses which have been loafing along on conservation. rations all winter need to be changed to a full ration and put at bard work gradually, else moth trouble will result, Sore shoulders aro caused by pushing the horses sud- denly into spring work. By the middle of March the wont "Organization, co-operation, and ecru horsegular should be on light work or ro- cation aro going hand in hand through- shoel exercise. The graingradually rebel out tho agricultural districts of the that t be it amoundts s guntil by country," to the opinion et! W, J. Ilutlt- thut t5 daily, It amounts ofto ethreht or ten erford, Dean of the Saskatclewan Col- Thec rdivided into three feeds- lege of Agriculture, who expresses the The Choastraw, rouwill ,such as bre- following views in the .Agricultural or oat will need to bo re- placed by good clover, alfalfa or mixed Gazette. Ile says; "I anuniug is not e cr- hay. 'When heavy work has, started, lite independent self-contained oc t allow one to one and a quarter pounds pntlon that it was a gekeraticn ago. Conditions have changed from the pioneer Clays, and production has not t demands • r the ict v to o with sn rat 11 e only d v 01 3 g P_ of tho home but it meet situ to arcate tern of the Greek alphabets The verse, 10.20 The Seven Stars. Iu its is au assertion of the eternal being 09 vision -parable the apostle sees each Gal. church represented in heaven by Its 9-18. Patmos is a 0011111 rocky Leland,' th it these 1111' careful one. Alfalfa or clover hay, a tare. Ferieteia to-d.a, are not cot - tent bran or oil -meal, will furnish the tent to know only how to grow gond extra protein which is necessary hi craps, they want to know also how to 1t ration, Otherwise they ,nay br market them to good advat:l:age, 'l'htey get10 guardians • other vverlt are hnt1 tLeId in the economic prole of God, and peace, from Goa, who 1e in those days as a plaoe of banish- their respective churches, and answer+ horeos, Was of their customers in the city. represented as life Eternal One, which intent, and where offenders were made "-_.•._...,r•_.�, — Agricelittre. i" beltli industry and com- es and which was and whiclf is to to wont in mines or marble quarries, ed for them before the throne of God, mere° and affects built the rural and come, With Hhn are identified the (See Century Bible on, Revelation), � The entire vision presents in a most , �111{Jbrr%1. the aif.y population. 'lite agri(utt stat • Impressive way the interest of Christ of today is ratio merely a p,aotJoat Plan to have early rhubarb by pro- farmer, but 15 nemerel'11y a Scclal tenting a flaw et the plants from cold worker. Rural communities have seven Spirits, which no ,doubt stand for the one Holy Spirit of God, in His sevenfold perfection, and glory, The figure ratty, however, have its origin in tho Jewish idea that there wore seven chief angels, or archangels. See Tobin 12: 15. So also, in the invooatlou, is the name of Jesus Christ associated In iho spirit 010508 piobnbly not11• 1n Itis churches. Ilia living presence ing mor° he - !n a spirit of mediation and 'Amer, and the beginning of Hie iwhichi i ftri i n 0 was 001)50 0115 o e m• kingdom whtoh i5 to be estabUehod mediate presence and illuminating in - The Seven Churches here named were all in the same part of Asia both in earth and heaven, nights and bad weather, Oe a ° ' problems which require college irnlned over the plantwith s abouts the tfmoo the; n1011.'''':: aalvel` d out bcome up Out of the ground. Spread- nr .rang on n rata 1 ono, The morn°. nnrta a,nr a. 0r els Wrier and formed a group of which The teats of a newly-ealy°d heifer lug manure about the plants will be an to most the The dorm :mealier rllscaso muni beadditional aid. I from the body of Lite animal, 4e ureveut tee. with that of God, as though egtuilly al/Aimee Was the chief, The apostle are likely to be sero during the drat trouble the. same must be done, from Ilim also were grace alul pea0e to in hie vision sees their counterpart in day or so; therefore they should be BPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND flow, Ile Is the falthhll witness to heaven in the seven golden candle- rubbers over with mains or lanoline Buy lhrl20 stamp9, . the truth which He Proclaimed, and sticks in the midst of which Christ is after each nutting, as this helps the. Tho practical farmer mires hotter will ha both—euro s,, tee aisaunn•srs le. by pewees uggist. rssn°sed He Is the first born of the dead, be standing. Icor the figure see the des- skin to become lobs sensitive to the swops than the theoretical Itgrioul•• snseree VMS/Men 00., sure., (lessen, Ina,, w. s, . cause, first of all veto have gong down os-lptlon of the seven -branched lamps touch. wrist Parting with the beg females id the Hord is like stilling the goose that lairs the Golden egg, If you lose the corp to the glue bola the or It it etieke and annoys you, use a piece of a tallow candle, anti diet will not stick, 1 d b. a Pe