HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-3-4, Page 8e— . •44444.00 , . .v.,...,4.&44,44+ *4 eiel-ta*. f 4 i • i4/4 44444 ri -1;;felt f er f t f 0 * ;,,,,,,.. e• J a A.SMITF1 . • 4e 1 •••el 'f dealt> "' 11'1004tttl- rthe:, !No. ures 7, .7 ¥01V1 --t the that 01 L7 2 pal% .I1,3ted •t . ei e. . ethar 9ELOPED • Store • • • • • t Protect Yourself From March Winds High winch play havoc with feir reimplexion. but there is a remedy -wort can keep your skin 5,-4 and smooth by using gooe`roi",,y, Cream An101/2; 171,3..12 We bavt, aro 9 Cream of Almonds 25C P 'ailing Cream Coe t.',olltMation Cream 60c r Rex TaIet Cream 25c Seely's eroson of 'cadets 35c Rexalf clrearn 20"k 35C • Honey end Almond Cream 00c Witch Hive! (ereem eee Nlittlati,t VitttIti ng reraen eee Deagett & learnsatere Cream hoe Ia•-oeldie Dry Cream ban 25C7¼50e Cocoa flutter Cola Cream foe Scoly's Parisian Balm tlee Recipes or Prescriptions For '1' ie.-, Preparations care - may :ilea. Spr 0( Pictorial Review Fashion Book ps, ei ce. 42.5 Lee Pictorial Review PAtterns. Mae °.1th1y Map:tine is a splendid number. Price 20C • Movie Moeteli this weee Pneese • - Monday A In!: by tine SOYA " s 1V1 [it T ; Stare Drtaggiat and Stationer 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 0 3 4. 4. 4. 4. 0 0 4. + • • a, efe-elIaeee-e4.t•04-0 aoa4.ti-e+eeeieeee-Efteeee4.e+41-1-4eleeee9 •-• 7. er l'eileelay of rear -den next be tail 112 now • •, 4.11,1e. . -u, .orm“ons to THE Po-, ' I10 hove done so. Baossie. ie, •• eed Public Schools e 3,1 •••••1 'y mem- ing after. Teovere • a v mere than one root e owing to ice and .• . ,,a - Tile! t'ay. March 23rd, To e .. , cleottauqua. The trio '2, •recamentied, REAP l7 .• 3 3 ,l!cilltur tl Premium List on i] t • P ever meiobersbip fee and 71, ay.!. b; fore March whuil ArYCTP3 ; • l!vc, 6,,di rigs, bousebta,' , eee., at A T. Currie's. Flora ] „relay afternoon of next week. ea ',ale as family purpose leaving fa, l'eretto. A petit r, bean circulated in town by the Mens' Association, and very wen , 'e -Igued, asking the Dom. iaiou G eie-et to proceed with the erection !3 7 ' ,3,nnised new Postoffice. 'rhe Hite ieeen and bought and money a , la House eime years -• • teaeon entirely ago, wh for dele, inadeqe., Demi ; ] rate --The sad new,. i go and Mrs. C.' terdey, that Efate •• e, t had died at H., 1 1 «.-.'ng an operation 1 , , 11'1 ,IthVICIllo 037In 01 111.7 I , .7177. and 3 tnonths. -;;; , .1 eears ago to Alitert • Seek" and her I, .1 are left to ner tun , • ., et: t ;ace at Harding. , eenee,,..1 ••• eldest sister, M. ali ''v -s) on Monday' , • ,mman had not v• : 1 , .• eitell borne here for past 9 ve ahe miended reining last year bet v;:‘,3 1f3^; -.33i of the Ila epi- demic. The aeleeved faieilea • eue the symp 1 ee Iat y 111 7,3p15, HENRY !Po ei,extatem .-After extended i ae,/ th past two roonths , • e. 12 11. itry F. 3rd gen 3 3:re bre David Heist, pe a • , ae, ea teal home Albert et- ;i -!..v after - 130012 et :3. 33: 3- 31 73' ears, 7 20001110 71.7 . . ,i-.7 held Weanesii ••• ! it, a- cenie. terse Dec., nth Cote Grey tosy., • 171s par • elite 's, Ho ateut to Grind: - i- ete-, where he was ward. ;3. ,t, lelln le Stewart, ‘,1 • - a, 1 y continte- ed their 1,.- meta,' to town last ()moo. . .1 . Flaist's poor health ••: ,e, lea 20 feet from the ; aod tee/Ile never recovered a .e. le • • 3,1 1 i.e.; dent, fie ae, hy 1.7 wite and tt Son, Het ry ! ., , Atwood and Geo ., r: re:manned Mother to a • -eiaect of this meta,. la, ot lee L 0 0 F. and K. , . • e.t.a Ile was an inaustrime e ,e11 and re- spected be I, .•i,.• Ilitn During his period e.• •, Ie. oe lovingly eared for aa•• ti a,;1 • wee pro- longed bs iiti,milon he received. The bereavial eyeipatlaieed with in their sorrow. 411111.1110916] Femeter trains have had their sched- ules badly mixed up by the Winter storms and the Met that in emergencies these trains were cancelled to give their locomotives to help out the passenger service. Another few weeks will likely solve the interrupted transportation and improve the sit uatfon. 81tatwill buy a cood stock and butter con-. Keep her for the Summer and if not ttlItisfittd return with her calf and get your money back. 0, A. DEADMAN, Annrr 10 tong lirst.class Timothy hay for male. Lot 20, eon. 6, Dlorris. P1200E1105. .Too. Roan. OFFica OrgN.—Aftor several months, owing thalP1'n-71-filcie''svIrtil'iunateovB1.1LancoluillsaltrtfillgtaaltS she will be able to attend to all requiring optical attentien GoLo cuff links Met on the street of Brussels. Will tinder Madly greatly oblige the loser by leaving them at THE PosT PUblialling Souse. Two York brood tonv!=, to frwrow in Month and .April, for sale Lot 15, ('00.7, Morris Townstap. Phone 4014. IP, SZIIMEN, Worm WANTEn.—The undersigned wishes to purchase 20 cords of cord wood or short wood, beech and maple for the Methodist church to be delivered before sleighing goes Cali en R. LEATIMUALE, Brussels, Phone37 Bcmc oysters for sale. S. 0. WILHols. Poe oomfortable dwelling house% LC. Marianna. DO, PARKER, Osteopathic Phytiolan, vielfs Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases suortessfully treated. Visits residentme. Consultation at Queer's Hotel. WM. DARK is Se'd to have bought wbat ie known as the McKenzie house and lot on Alexander street, nearly op- posite the school building. He will likely pre on improvements Goon Racoan -1. H. Duncan', Rherie Istami Reel hens in the Dona Mien Laying Lompetitine at Ottawa are etickitig at their job despite cold weather ntel last week were credited with a total 01 420since commeucetneta of the test, allele are 0117 5 pens who have pansed the 400 m it k so far. 1, E Rhodes', Ottawa, pen of Barred Rocks heads Ille Bet now With 475 A pen of White Leglionts produced 44 eggs for the week, the hest record of the eek. a Reek pen chasing this up with 42, 0071(4701 (1511,470 (14,01 November To hem; constitute a pen and there are 50 pens at work, so it is imme competition e'r Duncan has hens in bis poultry house, Bruesels, mates to those at Ottawa, which are chasing up their illustrious sisters; at the Capital Record is report • eci each week from Ottawa. It it car- ried on at the Experimental Farm. A SA0 DRATH,—After a brave fight for her life for the past couple of weeks elm lien, ledwarde answered the Roll Call of t last Suidav !about aeo p. to., an infant 0011 horn on Friday, also yielding up his hie. A compliention of troubles, bronchial pneumonia Rod heart failure being thief, rendered the CaSe poly swell0 from the early stages and ant tette hone3; had been held out for days before the end came. Deceae• eel's maiden name WirS Lillian D'ice Dale, da1133713331 331 George And Mrs. Dale, of Mateo town- hip, and she stae. married 12 year.; ago, to her now bereft partuet, Who Is !eft With the oare of one daughter and 1 sous. Funeral took place Tweet enrollee and babe lyitij in tne one ciethet ) Apprnpriaie service was Contl1103331 I'V Rev Mr. sfford, in terment made 112 Bre.isels C3.3/11 e• terv, Mrs. Edwards wait an ineltletfiells, good heatteri woman whose derniee le regretted, pm het -Mule over tbe feet 111s1 3 her little folk ale Tett nietherleee at period ulnen they are linable In care for themeeteee 1.3:111.4:11 Wle 29 yelta, 1 20011112 slot zo days old S11e receiveti , • every attention to the very lest. bereaved share in widespread sympathy, a Mgt etetelniug- Is the "IN" now (4772 7' hove, in town. Smicsa Assizes :Ire on at Goderich this week, (Toning; 'Priestley, ru)'. Met brooch advertised has been 174704'V7rt(1, 11 11,10 lat advertise ir 1 ANNUAL Telephone Meeting slay of next week, in latussels Town Hall, et 2 o'clock. 1,11WORN and other remdente interest - rel are asked o meet at the Con 1. ell Chamber, at .4 0%71003. Friday ',yellow of this week to disease tire protect ion, e Deem; to the continued shot tag: ot newsprint, the Winnipeg newspapers publishea slx page editions for the third day in succeesion. No advertisements are being nublieheil. lie, 1, Voir Gni. oet. -Tni. Post would like a voitple of copies of its 11) sue of November 237111. 1(19, anti would be grateful it folk who have Pose of that date would let us have them as it is necessary for us to have the 00711e, Ao AtInticIII Salt, Itt 11ttlise110171 is announced by A. T. Currie, at hie borne lora street, Binesea, ter Siena day afternoon. Match 13, at 2 o'e;ock. Mr. 311732 Mrs Currie. inteuri removieg to Toronto in the near fu one, lance Hie e. See the bole far mutter perticu- late 4 DaATfis --Death has taken 4 !Dein- bcrs of the !amity of Mai le %Value Deidni•Lo, 1.)471a,vare, Withw tee Leigt three weelts. 3 weeks ago her eleest 'righter. died in London. -nu ,c187 las! wt,ek her busbetid svas noried SaturtLy as het youugest dual ti ed and Monday 211 7rning zi claimed her 11 year-uld daughter, deetlts in each case were from beim lol• tweed by pneumonia. aii. stet members ot ate family ill n tae bowie with indaenz 0. This much cted woman is a 802101(1 to G. A. De Adman, of Brussels. BURIED AT 13 ItUsSEL.s.—Au alack of inf122e0274 followed hy pneumonia, brought to 0 premature grave Ede, 2ed daughter of Jacob Wilton, formerly of B nesels, and 10110of Joe. McNally, Port Colborne, Ont , 011 February tl, 117 her 215711 year, leaving her husband and a 3 year o1,1 daughter to neeurn her loss. The remains were brought to Bruisels and interment took place from the home of W. H. and Mrs. Stylaa relk tiyes, Rev. A J. Mann, Condit:ling the service. Mr. McNally Was two ill to cume to the burial. Relatives iu a•- teedance were i -Jacob Wilton. H. 1. Wilton and wife, Guelph Miss Mary Ben Wilton Elora and Allan Shoe maker, Kitchener. Deceased was born at Conestoga but lived in Britesele for a number of years. She was a neiee of Samuel and William Wilton autt Mrs Stylee, of town, and was esteemed by al who knew her. Her unexpected demise is deeply regretted. W AINLAY DIES ee CALGARY -- The report of the death of Wilbert, youngest son of Watson and the late Mrs. Alt:lay, formerly of Brussels, came as a great surprise. It occurred at Cal- gary on Feb toth. He had -an attack of influenza and pneumonia and was in the hospital. While the nurse was absent getting a drink of water for him be got out of bed, jumped from the Nind-nm to the gronad, a distance of 20 feet and died in about 2 hours. He was born in Brussels and was in his 28th year. A wife and son survive The funeral was conducted by Rev. W. A Smith, form- erly of this locality, Wilbur's home was at Lomond. Seek., where his fattier and raster Mrs. D. Munro (Vera) live. Harry Ainlay, his older brother is at Edmon- ton. Wilbur was a flue, stalwart young man whose sudden demise is deeply re- gretted and sympathy is expressed for those called (pen to sorrow. New Peoreteeme. -The well knieyn firm of Gerry & Walker, hardwate tber chap's, Brussels, is no longer in bItOl ness having sold their large stock to Geo le Weller, of Hamilton, typo ie now in possession. Mr. Gerry has bee., connected with the store, one way And another, for the past 36 years, he and Mr. Walker heing together for 15 years Mr. Weller 1150 11(1 a it, nod business ex- perience, both retail and wholesale and will haudle the trade with up-to-clate methods. We welcome him inlo the business circle and hope he will find Brussels and surroundings both congeni- al and profitable. His mother, who keeps house for him, is expected to ar. rive alertly from Hamilton. The 1101150 - hold effects came this week. Messrs Gerry and Walker will rest on their oats for a while, Iookitig after the closing up, of aeconnts, &c. in the meantime, Both have spent nearly all their lives itt the locality and know everybody, Ili',. 1 74,013 but cl woi quite reieored Seemor Preielfoot moved the. Aeldress in tile Dannnion t-lenabi and made 1(01 ,1 sp, eon. 712.10 Solo h. 1o1111 street, 101474 ''1(1(101' the we:ohm" during the pa,t weelc but in reeainton 1;10 iltd form 111.97 (1 1. 3 1, NI Mot,', Listowea WAS 42 vis,ang at the Milne of her neither, Mee A. Hamm, lirmaels, hen weelt, 71 W 413701717 and baby, 821'M. (7111, vere eigitors 01 11(37' parental hoine 0( 7111' former, las. K. and Mrs. Ireland; 4747.714,, 11.- 217;1 Mrs Payne, of were . in town last, week, The latter is an ; aunt to the late Mrs. McNally, who was buried here. W A Criete Seaforth, received Word 14 (0144710 week that hits Chester Crich, bls sister in law, died on Wednesday in the winelpeg host/Pal :1,,70174:1.)1,171!;''1;;'3:".11137ecnlii71114' ret7Tntboin'I`col rubt7ttinsilaess4t brought hin grandson, Rulph 1' 7047, xi; It hint for a holiday 0011. E,1;r70d Lowry, Toronto, Wan VIS (..Ig rt ial lees mei old I riem's in town. Ei e's 13 f Grerge eul Walter Lorriry and 'Ars A 1 a , BIVISROP, autl 22 titer restelent. I el lailleck we, mire front Toronto atraimine lee new home for the eoming of hl ra Yoe: el/ eel family in the tlear futtire. 11 !.34 2i r2ors since he 2(2ove,7 frem 12* )297$47997 tome Queen c ty, VV. 15. Dean, the vetern hardwere traveller from Hamilton, was here aseist- ine G 1.1. Weiler at taking stock at the Gerry & Salleer tiara .siare store, pur- c as- 11291 Mr. Weller, Both were 121 the enipl y of the Valiance wlealesale re Helve ou FOR Dietreeca No 6 ---At11 gatheri. e .1 the Royal Areh NI Miutle Torouto, 'I Manes Biacktnore, of Listowel Mesmer.: Lodge, wail elected Superintendent for Huron district No, 6, 121111 70 now known as Right Excelleut Cempanion Bro. On February loth lames Spading pa-eed awry at Meridien. 17 S front ileum) rhage of the heart. 111 only (7,17 71 few iniuntes. His wife and 2 Wm, eurviVe. Mrs, Sperli ng is a sister Of 11147 11(47 Marsden Smith, of this locali- ty, and known to a number of readers of THE ['Cr T Mr. 11 17'711111g was a eon of the lie, Rev Philip Sparliug. F. and Mrs La neont, Strre ford ; George Edwaids, Toronto Mrs Geo. Dale, Li uilett ; Mrs, McGill and James and Mrs. Campbell, McKillop ; William and Mrs. Churcbill, Clinton ; Sbepherd and IC end Mts. Dille were here attend. Ing the funeral of the late Mrs, Ben. Ed• wards and Beery Heist, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. A VICTIM TO INFLUEN4A-PNRUMONIA --Fred It Burgess, formerly of ties locality, succembed to the prevalent epieleatic, int-Irk:mei pneumonia and flied 'at Fort William Sundae, of last we lc, Feb 227111, in 4148th year Ile was barn itt Bruesele locality and Itt'AS the 31(1 son of the late Robert and Mrs. lainiese (the latter probably better 12110w11 11-1 airs. Wtn, Cornish, who passed away at Mit shell last December ) The subject oe this notice took up the photographie., art and lived at different periods at Eletnilton, Clinton and other petits be. foro locating at Fort Willianl 12 01' re Years ago. He was an expert at his business. His wife is Mies Rosetta Lane, Clinton, who was also ill with the flu and not able to attend the loot sad rites. They had no finely Cesket ar- rived In Brussels, Wednesday night and Friday afternoon R short service was held in Walker & Black's undertaking rooms by Rev. W E. Stafford after which the body was laid to reet In the family plot in Brussels cemetery. Pall. bearers were Wm. Burgess, W. J. Mc. Cracken, Jas Speir, Wm. and Jno. Robb and Wm, Ramis. 2 brothers Kir. vive, Wm of Guelph and W. W., Mit- chell. 'fare latter was iticlisposed and tenable to be present, Mrs, Burgess is deeply sympathised with in her sudden bereavetnent. tt 1 People We Talk About • tt MiSti Winnie Long is spending a few deyst in Toronto Miss latinna Colviu, of 'rillsonliorg, home fora week, Mies Zetta Ferguson, /Mete, is home on 11 visit at Teeswater Robe Douelm was 'elf duty last week with all attaelt of the (Intony. Miss V, vlan Harris was holidaying et Clinton divine the past week, :Wigs T.Aura firvans is home from the Queen's city for a few week.% - Jack Ballantyne is at Stratford taking course at Central Business College. 8014N BENT1,0`f.—In Blyth on February, 28rd, 4920, 40 201', and mi.g, narl Bentley, a soh. BMA/UK—In lirnseols, on Febrnery 27th, 1940,10 Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Edwards, a son—Istartnan. AICFAUlit,in.—Tn Brussels, an February 2Dtb, 1520, to Mr and Mrs. Wm, Moleadzean, Walton, n son. Wictocanc.-In 13331graye, on February 28rd, I1110, to Mr. and Pars, Herbert Wheeler, a A•tn, MARRIED COATES — 01155 — In the Anglloan Wingham, by Rev. H. W. Snell, on March 2nd, IOW, Mr. Wm, A. Coates to Miss Annie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. 0. Cuoolugham, all of Wingham. C001'22o-Die47Oism.4.-At Molesworth, by Rev, T, A. Bell, on February 25th, 1920, Mr, Gordon Cooper, of (22. 02510, Ont, to Nies Nettie, 211,1 daughter of the late Jno. G. and Mrs. illitobell, Molesworth. DIED AINTAY.—At, oeigary, en February 16th, 1920, Wilbert Watson Ainlay, in hie 28th year, BUM; atts,-At Fort WiLllout, on February 2111(1, 1940, Robert Frederick Burgess in his 48111. 0131410111e5,— Al Brandon: Men, hospital, on February 45t12, 12.0, Edith Colvin, beloved wife of Albert, Chopin an, ((514(1 20 years, 8 months and 1 des EnsvAitne.- 222 Brnssels, on February 20712, 1020, 141110n ,Olive Dale, beloved wife of Betd men Edwo de, aged 20 years, 1 month, met eu attys. HWY A lint+ —In Brussels, on February 20110, 1920, Norman, infant min of Ben. NV. and Mrs Siward.3. aged 2 (bus. EmettsroN --lp Wrotzeter, on unroll lab, 1920. wiry And preen, relict of the late Robert Hawaiian'', egad 78 yektra Jinn 0 months. J3Al11e.,-7n 133.0..ee1y, on February 28th, 1520. Henry le, flaiet, aged 49 years, 7 -months 43)1(1 (14 ders. JAellsos,-.At Tisdale, Hoak., On February 29711, 1920, Sutton Tiernian, beloved wife of Peter Joekson, formerly of Morris township, agelt 04 seam MONALLY.—At Port Colborne, on February 28rd , 1920, Ede Wilton, beloved wife of Jim. McNally, aged 28 years ItOsetelt reito.-In Guelph, on February 20111, 11'20, alergaret Martin, wife of William A. Rutherford, Wroxeter, (I) 11 '—'4AViNGS, Thrift, Independence—all these are the out- come of the same impulse and attain the same objec. tive—PROSPER1TY, The Standard Bank of Canada can help you to attain. it, 202 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - HANAcsen AUCTION SALES FRIDAY, 101A1,811 AT:L.—learn' stook, houare hold ;off 47010, 2510 Lot cen 10, Grey town- ship. sale unreserved at 1 p. In. Ernest Isher- wood, Prop., 3', N. New , Ann. Saseue may, Matteit 1.7 -1.1r,' stook, rige, 10. plements, Household lenruiture, Flora it.rt;ip.tOtifirrAi,,,ssti!er.op sonzt.tv-IlIen 2p. m, TonesoA4,11/An'on l nem, &cilia Stook, implements, ,te., Lots 1301,31 110,170,), 1 Grey '1,,0,‘,7a1101,11i,..t1,/101,01,11‘tiolilt,..kte..11-101.iard Johnston, Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for te 14, Nu 4, Grey Town. shit,' Huron County, Normalite and Protett, tant. Doti. to COmmenee 82007. Boater. Sal. egkitIsto.smo, 04, v::aconrerviing to qualification, 13. PAYN, Serretary, Brussele Phone 4414 131nevale R. R, No, 2 Pasture to Let Tenders twill be received by the undersigned, np bo March 20111, for the pasturage of Lot 20 and half of Lotin, Con 7,- 150 acres, in the Township of Biome, for term of 1,1 or LI years, Renter term fences bit neeessary wire 1411 1)5 elleinied. Rent dee November lat. JOHN EVANS, 72317012 DITGALD MoDONALD, 5 R. (2,2 Exeee., ors Alf. Sutton estate, A tIOTION SALE OF FARM, 107417(2 STOOK, trs1 Dremonektm, &0.-111r, (1, F. Vandrick, Auctioneer, has received 17114411tetI0nti from the undersigned to offer for sale. by Public Am" Mon, at 1134 Lote le and la, Coo, 1,1 Grey Twp,, Thursdny, March 18th, at 1 o'clock, the follow. ing valuable property 1-1 general n11113090 horse 7 years old, 1 gelding rising 8 years, 1 gelding rising years, 1 filly rising 2 years, 1 aged horse, 137 flnedeify cows GO are choice Durhams, IMMO fresh, balance supposed to freshen), 4 Holstein cows (I fresh), 1 'steer ris- ing 8, 8 Mifers risiug 11, 4 heifers riming 1, 1 steer rising 1, 1 pure Med Dorham ball, 8 sows to farrow early, 17 pigs 2 months old, 4 pigs obotot 140 lbs each, 24 hoes, 051011(1 160 bus, barley, 100 bus, feed oats, 150 bus. seed 0(0(0, 1211 bus, pens, quantity of hay, rend wagon with box, farm wagon, combinetion stook rock, ectiffler, cot. ter, Floury plow, *Wed drill, set 1020112, sonlea, set bob.sleights with box, pulper, 1,2110(05 mill, set double lowness, SO rods wire fencing, hay forlr, rope. pulleys, and other artiolos too numerous to mention. Fano, containing 00 mires, more or Jests, will also be offered for aide the same day, subject to reserve bid. It la well fenced, all cleared and in Komi state of oniti- vation. .A bout 82 Rues Fall plowing done, the halftime seeded. Spring meek rims through farm with water soar round ; orchard, Mo. Comfortable frame house with metier, herd and soft water 171 house. Bank barn with cement stables and water in stables. Light- ning 470210 011 house and barn. P110110 and rural roan. delivery. 714 mile te school and 4 miles West of Molesworth on 10010 gravel road. Terms -All 01.1019 pf $10 00 And Under oaeh; over that amount 0 mood's orodit given on secre0. ed joint note, 6 per cent per senora discount for cas12 on credit amounts. Riney terms for farm, wide' svill 10 =de known on day'''. tato Or on applying to proprietor or anotioneer. RICHARD JOHNSTON, • Proprietor, rHE POFOLAR BREEDS '94 '••=...." reiOft • ri Ackk. 6146 67.4 *fbw' in our EtaTes sI Fair Grounds, in London, we have a select 111 of Perch7ron atid Eclgian Stallions and Mares, and can suit the most crkical buyer. 'All aro pronoun- ced b parties who have seen them to he the be.it la Gf Stallions and Mares ever seen together in Canticle...The Stal- lions weigh from 1,900 to 2,300 and the Mares. weigh from 1,650 avite, to 1,500 lbs. All 711 pare:ILA and trill sell2111 time to rimsiLle parties. 71 you are in the et for a good or Mare come and see us. Don't Veit until ttley are all sold. Per further in- formation write us. ALL OUR HORSES HAVE BEEN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED 11. CI? 0 TT elf Vice -President La Payette Stock Perm Co. of Canada, Limited LONDON, ()NTA RIO The Company ie tomposed of I. Crouch, President, G. 11. Crouch, Viee-President and Treasurer R. G, Ivey, Secretary, Directere, Wm. Bernerd and .103. hkfariney, "e=elliaZfaMeeeealleeee.aeaeraemereeeerateateee'ra-"a"w7mal teiPaealatiotataateerecellekete4adeaetiaalValtikVadtetaitieetaaatOalwatteeteeteinateUtW 9 After the Flu C1 t.t a. I 10 9 71 (0 4. 4. 42 10 57, •st at Fox's Drug Store T11 E __40114,167,,p Frokv Weekly Store News G,Rs 3 4. 10 112 71 4. 0 0 9 9 71 12 115 (9 9 219 9 17041119 12a 12 12 4. This is the period that requires the greatest care. Systems are left in a very run-down condition and are greatly in need of a Tonic and Builder: To those in need of. such a Ton- ic and Builder we unhesitatingly recommend Penslar Palatable Cod Liver Extract With Hypophosphites and Malt Extract Those of our Customers who have used this excellent preparation cannot speak to() highly • in its praise. Easy to take. Satisfaction as- sured. Two sizes—soc and $1,00 4. 4. a 58 10 10 71 a a 71a 5,4.9 9 9 12 12 58 71 11 0 41, 10 ID 4. 10 4. 4. 4. 17) 71 71 12 4. Olive Oil aluele in demand these cold • Wintrydays. When you are buying it be suite and get the best. HEINZ is a very palatable Oil and quality the highest. $I,25 per Pint Penslar Tooth Paste Don't overlook the fact when you again require a paokage or Tooth Pasta that we are still selling this very popular make at 25c per tube JAMES FOX DRUGGIST 00 14 STATIONER "7 -3 .3 17) C) t (1 42 ft, 47) et 111 512 42 03 ED 20 9 4. 52 10 71 10 ameeeeaseeeeeeseeeeeeeeefie neeeeeeeeeegagmeeeeseleoes10 e Tenders BRUSSELS MARKET I Fall Wheat 01 90 Spring Wheat 2 00 Tenders will be reeeived by the undersigned Oats 00 up to April 5th, 1020, for the construction 02 11 Peas sower on William greet, in the Village of Barley Brnesele. 210110 and specifications may be Butter 0000 80 the Whoa of the Clerk of the Municipal. Eggs ity. F. S. scow, Hogs Village Clerk. Hay Sol o 85 1 25 00 00 17 CO 20 OU 51 2 10 ttO 2 85 05 1 25 00 18 00 20 00 Amemoksvmaisalassaryohavgkeaadalsemilell•••11/ so '7 Hardware Store WE wish to state to the Public that we , have sold our large. stock of Hardware, Tinware, &c., to Mrs George IL Weller HAMILTON who is now in possession. He is a competent young man, thoroughly acquainted with the Hardware business and we have much ph HS ure in commending him to our customers and the public generally. ,Card of Thanks In dropping out of business, in the mean- time, we wish to return our hearty thanks to the people of the locality for the generous sup- port accorded us in the various lines during the years we were in the trade and hope the same may be extended to Mr. Weller, our suc- cessor, who will, we believe, endeavor to look alter your business with neatness and dispatch. Wishing one and all prosperity, We remain, Yours Truly, C erry & Walker BRUSSELS