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The Brussels Post, 1920-3-4, Page 7
ARE YOU KEEPING 11 ACCOUNTS? '1 "Take care of •costs and profits wi take es'.r*a of t}telneelves,' lies long been an Axiom with business men. I has only lately been applied by pro greesivo farmers to figuring out whether agriculture is paying them Even now 'farm women can nut be said to be .very earnestly engaged in finding out whether the housekeep- ing expenses are over largo, but here and there progreseive farm women have begun to study out just what the table coats and what the gener'al'rup- ning expenses are, with a view t0 stopping leaks and cutting out un- necessary charges. In these days of Inflated prices for everything we buy no woman can afford to neglect any chance to reduce living expenses to the lowest figure possible with good health and good living, It is not at ail desirable that we be niggardly, but many of us could live in better health with less money than we are new spending, if we would snake a study or balanced diet and along with it heap areount of expenditures. Some interesting findings have been made by a few w omen who have tried the experiment. One woman found that for her family of three a mouth's meals cost $31,77, or eleven -and one- tlsit•,1 rents per meal. Another found it cost $2.47 per day to feed four per- sons. two women and two active young men. Of this sum $1,61 was for food and the other eighty -sic cents for labor and fuel. Another found that three adults, all doing hard work, noel. her seventeen cents a meal each, or fifty cents per person per day, Perhaps ane of the most pertinent discoveries was made by one investi- gator in the matter of breakfast foods. Just how much we pay for the cereal when we buy a package, and how much of our purchase peke is ap- plied to manufacture, wrappings, ad- vertising and profits is shown in her breakfast which had home -cracked wheat as its cereal. The home-made product cost her at the rate of $2.30 a bushel, Shredded wheat, 'according' to her figure;:. costs sat the rate of 512 a bushel, wheat flakes, $18 a bu- shel, and puffed wheat $38 per hu-! she). 'fie. entire breakfast consisted mei by writing direct to The Dr, Williams' home-eracked wheat, corn muffins,I MedIciue Co., Brockville, Ontario. pea,nit butter, n quart of milk, and; pear:; and cost 'fifty-three cents. A� Murdered Classics. dinner of Irish stew—containing pe, I Time deals hardly with the wisdom tato,s, onions, carrots and tomatoes; of classical authors. —cabbage and celery salad, whole' Modern versions are invariably in- whent tread, and hotter, and chow correct. "When Greek meets Greek, late euetaetl and cream, cost sixty then comes a tug 01 win," is wrong. 1. TILE BEST �TII TONIC FOR NERVOUS PEOPLE Increase Yeur Nervous Energy by Building tjp the Blood With Dr. Williams' Pink fills. Nervous people who have not yet developed a diocese that can be re- cognized and treated by the medical profession have the greatest trouble in finding relief, Irritation, headache, sleeplessness, nervous indigestion, all these discomforts make life miserable but are endured rather than run a doctor's bill without hope of recovery. very such sufferer should know the danger of such a condition to the nor - roue system. Nervous debility end oven paralysis may result if the tone of the nerves is not restorers by band- ing up the blood. As a tonic for the blood and uetvos Dr, Williams' Pink Pills have been used with the greatest suceesa. They have a direct action on the blood and therefore enable it to carry to the nerves the elements they need to fully restore their normal function ---and at the same time im- prove the general health. Tho bene- fits that folihw the use of this medi- cine, Is shown by the statement of Mrs. Jenny Murr, it.R. No. 5, Port Rowan, a well known school teacher, who says: ---"Some years ago I became greatly run down, and was in this condition for nearly a year. -A doctor whom I. called In said I was suffering from complete nervous prostration. It would hardly be possible to tell all the symptoms of my case, but anyone who has passed through a nervous break- down will know what I suffered. As I clic) not seem to improve under the doctor's treatment, I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and the de- cision was re fortunate oae for me, as I soon found some relief through the use of the pills, i.ad after taking eight boxes I was fully restored to health. To -day I am strong and hearty, with- out an ache or pain, and for my pre- sent physical condition I feel I am in- debted to Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills, and can heartily recommend them to anyone suffering from nervous trou- bles." Yost can procure Dr. Wiliiamre Pink Pills through any dealer in medlc'ne or they will be sent you by mail at 50 rents a box or six boxes for $2,50 and there fourth :t cents. Supper of The original line written by Nathaniel creamed salsify, baked potatoes,Lee, one of the old-time dramatists bread and butter, oatmeal cookies, occurs in kis play, long since forgot - boiled sweet apples with sugar,- and ten, "The Rival Queens, or Alexander salted peanuts, cost forty-seven and the Great" It reads: "When Greeks a half Gents. These figures apply joined Greeks, then was the tug of C-8 solely to the cost of the food., and war" take no account of labor and fuel. In Similarly Milton's "fresh woods and deciding how much your food costs Pastures now" is invariably rendered the question at once arises, shall you "fresh fields and pastures new;" while charge it up to what the food costs another pitfall for the unwary is to be you to raise on your farm or what found in the well-known lines of you would get for it if you sold it. Kingsley, beginning "Be good, sweet Of course, if you eat your cake you maid." Nine people out of ten, if can't sell it, so you are out of pocket challenged with them, would repeat:— what you might have if the food con -I Be good, sweet maid, and let who will sumed were taken to market. On the) be clever; other hand, it really only cost in 00- Do noble deeds, not dream them all tual dollars and cents the labor of ay long, producing and cost of seed. Decide'Whereas what the poet actually did before you start your account books which way you will charge, Of course, if you are to keep ac- counts you most have an account book. Buy a blank book and make your own account'book, A plain writ- Tennyson has perhaps suffered less ting tablet, ruled, will do if it is wide from misquoters than most poets, lout enough. his "streaming London's central roar," The best account book tabulates which occurs in the "Ode on the the various items under the general Death of the Duke of Wellington,' is headings, food, ehelter, clothing, oiler- generally converted into "busy Lon- nting expenses and advancement, don's central roar." "The noiseless These go on one line across the top' tenor of their way," from Gray's of the page. These various headings i •'elegy," is more familiar to many as are subdivided as follows: Food, gree- the "even tenor of their way," • The more highly civilized a peo- write was: - 13o good, sweet maid, and let who can be clever; Do lovely things, not dream them, all day long• efies, meat. Shelter, rent, or if you own your home, taxes, payments, in- surance, repairs, improvements, in- terest, etc. Operating expenses in- clude heat, light, telephone, house- hold supplies and furniture, help and laundry and health, which would , in- clude doctors and medicines. Ad- vancement takes in education, periodi- cals, books, etc., social service and church, recreation and savings. A final column is reserxed for unolassi- fied expenditures. The family calendar curd for keep - 'Mg track of family living from the farm provides a record for batter, cream, intik, eggs, moats, vegetables, fruits flour, wood and miscellaneous items. With the cards and the book the task of keeping accounts becomes loss formidable. The day has gone by when we can discuss the matter of living costs with a shrug and the re- -mark that we've got to eat. Cheap 'and plentiful food is in the past. Wo anus, figure closely in we breajc even,, to say nothing about getting ahead. 'There is no better way to help thrift along than to keep accurate account of costs. Europe's poultry population in the -duration of the war, was reduced by 180,000,000 birds. The loss was heav- iest in Belgium, where the total stock is now only twenty per cent of its pre-war size. Holland lost sev- enty-five per cent of its poultry, Z'ranee fifty per cent., and Denmark fifty per cent. It it.any wonder that the poultrymen of 'these countries are interested in holding a poultry confer- ence itt ')the Vague with a view to considering ways and means et in- creasing production? ,'Mat Cheery Y4'or li.Ig Smile, SKIRTS FOR. TI -IE r r t t ,,,1,1, i,e '1 .iii, loopy, NEURALGIA SPRING WARDROBE p11, tion til the a 1 ,lrr- If you tri ow the llarvo- „ ^^ •.^ '.....•'...r..w.,+..r',n.�nr.•'.wvwwvV.,n 1 ' „ - rucking agonies of Neural- 111seE ou will mesa tragi cloy Tern Ri•ii'umat;ic Capsule, were (Uncovered. This famous (smarty le, ahem.1utely g'raranteed en hive relief to oufferors from N' uralgia. rend for free eample to Tompletons, 142 King ©t. W., Toronto. Doctors recommend them, and reliable, drug- gist, ovtrywhere;loll thomt for $1.04 a bub. No. 9285—Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt Price, 20 cents. Two styles of pocket; high waistline; 38 or 36 -inch length. Cut in 7 sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 and 36 inches waist measure. Size 26 re- quires, either style pocket, 2%, yards 36 inches wide or 2% yards 50 inches wide. Width around bottom, 2 yards. No. 9275—Ladies' Two -Piece• Skirt. Price, 25 cents. With or without two-, piece circular tunic; 38 or 36 -inch length. Cut in 6 sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 82 and 34 inches waist measure. Size 26, with tunic, 38 -inch length, 558 yards 30 inches wide or 3% yards 45, inches wide; without tunic, 2a¢ yards 30 or 45 inches wide. Width around bottom, 1% yards.. No. 9281—Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt. Price, 20 cents. Simulated panel front; high waistline; 38 or 36 -inch length. Cut in 8 sizes, 24, 26, 28, 80,1 32, 34, 36 and 38 inches waist meas -I ure. -Size 26 requires, 38 -inch length,; 2% yards 36 inches wide or 1% yards 54 inches wide; 36 -inch length, 234' yards 36 inches wide or 134 yards 64 incises wide. Width around bottom, 1'85 yards. These ,patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., To- ronto, Dept. W. Crossing the Bar. Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of tate bar, When I putt out to sea. But such a tido as moving seems asleep Too frill for sound and foam, When that which drew from out the boundless deep Turns home again. Twilight and evenin ' bell, And after that the dark'. And may there be no sadness of fare- well, When I embark; For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place The flood may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crossed the bar. —Tennyson. Ice a Popular Dainty. North Americans eat more ice cream and similar frozen desserts than the people of other nations, but the Jap- anese take first place as eaters of ice. One of their favorite dishes is small cakes of ice broken into tiny, pebbly pleaes and eaten with sugar and lem- on. The commonest way of eating Ice In Japan, however, is to shave it too snowy flakes and to swallow it It:; Hier to will 1 ,o;a. von ni'+• hr1 a P, All gloom and de iliac .Sia s et,rl:iK, f',r a nappy .,rel!,• tie flat, ltre 0t 111G111 I1111 !lathe the day feel il'''vy, And the Inters tali By t,S you tri y try To make this world less ,treat:,... &Wake Prone sl, -"1, veith a tteinkfui heart 'flea a new day is our gu(rdon; Ino forth In labor and do your p:'it To lighten someone's burden. To Weal• a :untie 00 your nu,rning fare Will maria the day teem brighter, As forth you fare to perform your shore 're make Lone trouble lighter. So fare ,;,ch day With a sunny ,mile, The day riew.born to great you, And sealant. sunshine all the while On all who chatter, to meet you. Go forth front home with a purpose high Some woe to he beguiling. And those who sigh will some good espy Because you go forth smiling. BETS U�V� 'FANJETS itr T � S ALWAYS S IN TIIE HONE Once a mother has mid Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she always keeps a supply on hand, for the first trial convinces her there is nothing to equal them in keeping childreh well. Tho Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus driving out constipation and Indigestion, colds and simple fevers and making teeth- ing easier. Concerning them, Mrs. Saluste Pelletier, St. Dumas, Que., writes:—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past ton years and am never without them in the house. They have always given the greatest satis- faction and I can gladly recommend them to all mothers of little ones," The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or direct br mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, The Years. When I was young and twenty, I'll run a many mile, And when I came to thirty I'd sit and rest awhile. And now that I am thirty-five I am the sleepiest man alive. But maybe when I'1n Ports I'll shake ley legs again, And walk from then till fifty With young and striding men, And hillward go in sixty's wear To see how yet the counties fare. When I am old and eighty All treasons will be done Of love and silly bitterness, And I shall watch the sun Go out, and little heed the fear That smote upon my middle year. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents, The Costly Garter. Lord Londonderry, being one of the most wealthy members of the peer- age, will be under no necessity of re - the Order of tho Garter, which the Ring has bestowed upon him, through lability to pay the fees en- tailed. Others have been less fortunate, and Lord Melbourne had more than once to refuse it from Queen Victoria, writing at last, in 1847, that he did so because he knew the expense involved by its acceptance would be about £1,000, and that 11e had never had with sweetened water into which fruit that sum conveniently available. juice or sweetmeats have beau thrown. Ice cream, milli and eggs shaken with lee and other kinds of cooling overages are sold in an ever Increas- g quantity, but the old style of eat. g raw lee, in what the Japanese Gait s korimizu fashion, Is still In the eatest vogue, b ple, the less cruel their jokes. A saw In age's sense of humor does not rise in above the torture of helpless oraei tri gr tures. Under the sheds on many farms may be found the running gears of one-horse lumber wagons. For a few dollars these wagons may be rigged up; repainted, and made to serve a fine purpose once more. There is no mole handy wagon on the farm titan a good one-horse lumber wagon. )(dower pot stains may be removed from the window sill with wood ashes. Nature may be slow about correct- ing mate's mistakes, but she never quite trying. Keep the lantern clean and well filled. You're liable to need it i na hurry some night. The Sweet Cereal Flavor of is not produced by addinR sug it to this blend of wheat; '; and malted burley The sweetness is due to ad tual rain suuar, self-devo l% ooedathe processingand t>b 11' oF this reafood. Thexesc� M a Reason" for Gra�' �Iias 9.'C;a.y,........,yq.""`^'.,��,'",ILFf'.`....q.Yw•waS..ti,.`.. Y__ - Mansonvllle, June 27, '13. Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited, Yarmouth, NS, Gentlemen,' --It affords me groat pleasure and must be gratifying to you to know that after using 36 bot- tles of your Liniment on a ease of paralysis which my father was af- fitoted with, I was able to restore him to normal condition. Hoping other sufferers may be benefitted by the use of your Liniment, I em, Sincerely yours, GH10. I3, IIOLMI0e. A Steeplejack in War Time. A steeplejack's life even in time of pence is liable to be unpleasantly thrilling now and then, but when a man follows such a vocation amid fly- ing shells the thrills are liable to be continuous. As I was a steeplejack, says an English writer, I was select- ed for observation work on a lofty chimney in the Ypres area, 1 had seated myself on a board that I had rigged near the top of the chimney when, to my dismay, a German ellen tore a hole through the brickwork about six feet below me and made the whole chimney away. The ladder by which I was to des- cend was smashed by the shell, but I had a rope with toe, luckily, and, fixing one end of it to the cltimney top, I (illicitly let myself down to the undamaged part of the ladder. Hardly had I done so when another ellen car- ried away the upper part of the elulm- ney altogether. ------.4--- „Mother,,' said a Topeka, four-year- old, "1 knew three kinds of livers, liver that you eat, liver stable' and liver us from es i1. ASTHMA Templeton's RAR.MAH Cap- su1,=s are t:'laranteed to relieve ABT II MA. Don't suffer an- other day. Write Terllpletons,142King St. W., Toronto, for fteesample. Reliable druggists sell them at 51.04 e bra., Where the Smiths Come From. An old lady, in London for the first time in her fife, saw a glaring sign on the front of a high building, which read: "Tile Stuith iilanufaet.uring Company.". "Lawks a mercy," she remarked to her nephew, "t've heard of Smiths all my life, but. I never knew where they made 'em." Ask for =nerd's and, take no other. The River Amazon and its tribu- taries provide 60,000 miles of navi- gable water. The population of Russia is estim- ated to have decreased by 36,000,000 since 1914, owing to the war, famine, and disease. LET "DANDERINE" SAVE YOUR HAIR, Hurry! A few cents stops hair falling and doubles its beauty A little "Dat derive" cools, cleanses and makes the feverish, itchy scalp soft and pliable; then this stimula- ting tonic penetrates to the famished hair roots, revitalizing and invigorat- ing every hair in the head, thus stop- ping the hair fuelling out, getting thin, scraggly or fading, After a few applications of "Dander- ine" you seldom find a fallen hair or a particle of dandruff, besides every hair shows more life, vigor, bright- ness, color and thickness. A few cents buys It bottle of de- lightful "Danderino" at any drug or toilet counter. Yee, Cold All Gone—Not A Bit of Cough Left Feel great this morning. As soon as 1 felt it coming on yesterday 1 used Gray's Syrup and nipped it in the bud. Just couldn't miss an hour at the office, we are so busy and short-handed. Gray's Syrup is a habit in our family, the folks have used it for sixty years. I Al ^eye 5.0 Om Largo Sl%% es fAia 'S• OF 1 FROM HERE &'I HERE ,. All He Knew About Planes. 'r'ewrttch -- "0 wanna buy a planer for niy d art' r.' Plain° Sal,' WELL "Cettttniy, sir. Ilya are >, ime beautiful iu';lrit kite+lair;.... • ;fit. t,r•writrll (After- several mut otos' ' .outing) _ Gucv.s Ill tale' this it !1n° 111): Most lr, ys nit 11 " A Modern Version. A )dile girl in Sunday school was telling the ,°tors of the ••r'.ation. "And so.” alto said, "Nye warn made out of Adam's rib, and "My Ma Sans, put in 1}rt•:r Harris, who was the son of the laziest man In town, "that she wouldn't so much mind being a man's rib. It's being a man's backbujie that makes her mad." Heap Minard's Selniateat le the house. Maple sr'gar and syrup production in Quebec in 1919 was 12,157,498 pounds, against 10,173,622 pounds in 1918. The production of maple syrup in 1919 was 1,765,371 gallons, against 2,814,420 gallons in 1918, 110-.--0--a-0--0— a • • It Works! Try It Tells how to loosen a sore, o tender corn so 1t lifts Q • out without pain. 0 y Good news spreads rapidly and drug. gists here are kept busy dispensing freezone, the ether discovery of a Cin. cianatl man, which is said to loosen any corn so• it lifts out with the Angara. Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter ounce of freezone, which will cost very little, but 15 said to be sufficient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You apply just a few drops on the tender, aching corn and Instantly the soreness is relieved, and soon the corn is 50 shriveled that it lifts out wlth- ont pain. It is a sticky substance which dries when applied and never Inflames or even irritates the adjoin. ing tissue. This discovery will prevent thou. sands of deaths annually from lock- jaw and infection heretofore resulting from the suicidal habit of cutting 5Orne. DON'T NEGLECT A RHEUMATIC PAIN Co after it with Sloan's Liniment before it gets dangerous Apply a 1i=`lF, don't rub, izt it Nth" - trate, and—good-by twinge ! Same for external aches, pains, strains, stiffness of joints'or muscles, lameness, bruises• Instant relief without mussiness or soiled clothing. Reliable—the biggest selling liniment year after year. Eg- nomical br reason of enormous sal. -rt. Keep a bigg bottle ready at,atl times. Made in Canada. Ask your druggist for Sloan's Liniment. S5e., 70c., 51.10. k•loaeer Dow Remodl^ra Book on DOG DISEASES and Row to reed Mailed Fred to,any Ad- dress by the Author. N. Clay Glover 00., Rae. 1I9 West 91st Street New York, U.S.A.. COAX j Stop Whipping Rowels into Activity, but take "Cascarets'5 I Put aside the Salle, Pills, Castor 011, or Purgative Waters that irritate and lash the bowels into action but which do not thoroughly cleanse, freshen and purify these drainage or- gans, and have no effect whatever up- on the liver and stomach. Keep your "insides" pure and fresh with Cascarets, whtoh thoroughly cleanse the stomach, remove the un- digested, sour food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system alt the con - stippled waste matter and poisons in the bowels which aro keeping you half sick, headachy, and miserable. Cascarets to -night will make you feel groat by morning. They work while you sleep --never gripe, sicken or entree inconvenience, ('aecarets, cost so little too. ED. 7, ISMOE 14o, 9---2 'd 30 OS•ni'OQS COUGHS CIasaitieci .Af.lvertisementar' %GEN31 1ve1l,F 93, ;�„1tfiltafT AtalW.I'20 WANTING, prices aoa framees nuuk Sforll catalogue,, Untted Alt Co.. d Brunowtok Av5,, Tittio rente. A()NZ,y WANTED, St o to 6100 w i easily rns, selling Aur$ hp", f t t "c, Write 1'Vr information. Lath t, it r. Aele Spr,faltles, Sae Rlolis. m"ultlinot, Toronto, Out. � P'Nriot+ - toaaLlA is t,f„ plNlilL+' (tS r'riltiltrtW110 CIa t'o to sons.00farm*4. tt,el: 1/:111.5 (101u 10 r •r're0ont OS an 551, u i tor Nurtfry vt:,rk. WO OUP* fly Op I - l !, eat,1-ai':ng outfits free 04 Nr,ri a 7,.i'ecr remuneration. A pi,t, i. r r1L1r,.1 ' to 91apto !irate rine: : , R in"na, Ont. r 00.011 1.1Nrltul.i7'jc -TOUNO Iv1Art' • n ar "d t handle mlnl'ng steaks„ hinds and itebr"vurns, to u'',e'ssa,,C TO - rent. Ilnu,se, Liberal commie/00n. Alt. ply BOX 6. Nilson Publishing Co., To. roue, e LEND SELLE11.6, W1T1. 1't7R 1NIPORMATION the new, modern way 012 ceiling roil eurate. Sall your 'wooerty 3•"urssli wu'h ,ur help. '7ur method only costs vmr 512.00, Why pay n 10(51 eon, heal,.,? Wrl to For full par. d(o)ors, It,•nl li tate es Hoyer. Monprly rDundas c(., Lemon, Ont, PO$ SALfG ATEW SPAI'Elt, tvl9i;1Ly, IN BRUCI® 1V County. Sp10nd1r! eppprtunity. Welt• )fox T. Mixon Pubttahing Co.. Limited. 71 Adelaide St, W., T, vont*, ( ELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAi'Ef 9 9 and job printlnl; )dant in Ea.stera On tart.Insurance carried 51,600. Will Wilson 3 ublIshtng Co Ltd.. Toronto 6y' MIBCELLANEO V s, COFFICOFFIN STOCK WANTED. IF TOU N able to supply, advise us, as w° u•111 pay the highest orleee, dry or greens fromOwen thSoeund,Osaw. nt,eenan tirosLUnlistedUnlisted.d. I{ CAN GER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.. �J interna, and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us betore too late Dr. Bollman Medical Co., hutted, Cotiingwood, Out "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels oC Accept "Callfornhi" Syrup of Figs only—look for the nano California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. 1'ulI directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother: You must say "California." FACE WAS FULL OF PIMPLES For Three Years. Hard and Awfully Sore. Disfigured. Cuticura Heals. "fI had been suffering with a pins. ply face for three years. My face was full of pimples and they were hard and awfully sore. They fes- tered and dried up, and were scaly, and disfigured my face. Theycaused me to lose a lot of sleep, and were awfully itchy, making me scratch and irritate my face. "I started to use Cuticura Soap and Ointment and I used two cakes of Cuticura Soap and. two boxes of Cuticura Ointment when I wao healed." (Signed) Clifford Yeomans, East Chezzelcook, N. S. Use Cuticura, for every -day toilet purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. Soap 2S0, Ointment 25 and See. Sold throughout IheDontiaion, CsnsdfanDepot.' ana, limited, at. feud St., Montreal. Cuneus Seep %have* without must. ONLY TABLETS MARKED (16 BAY_R" ARE ASP Rril Not Aspirin at Ail without the. "Sayer Cross" - For Colds, .Pain, Neuralgia, Tooth- ache, Headache, Earache, and for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sclatioa, Neu- ritis, take Aspirin narked with the name "Bayer" or you aro not taking Aspirin at all, .10copt only ('Bayer Tablets of :Aspirin" in an unbroken "payer" package which eontaine complete di• rection. Then you aro getting real AspIirin--the genuine Aspirin ppro• serlbod by physicians for over nine- teen years. Now cordo in Canada. Handy tin boxed containing 12 tab. lois cont but a few cents. Druggieta also sell larger "Bayer" l acltagom There fa only este Asnlmin- "Etayos."....;on sanest nate, "Sayer" Aspirin Is the trade nowt (t'agt*terod in Canada) of Slayer Manufacture of 9tonoo atetloa0tdooter of aelterticaet i, 'ivhlla If 10 well 'known that Aolrtn area* IfaW 0 ■ ertaraetere, to aetiet the presto afratns,t Imltatione, the 'minket of nayer finiceen1i, Mil to ak ,p5. 4 with. their general trace mark, .the "Barer Cross,"