HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-3-4, Page 4Ebe'rtl, sd5 Past Walton
TIRU1(81)P Y. 91.AI((,ll I le:,,
WHole. be tIl.. nem Premier of the
Dominion ? 'i"n: uht war Nurse, Hun
, n lull f
o hu.+,ch tri 11 d h
•re eF 3
� t,
110110 dttnuh ll. I lee el lIon 111
Borden.who d,. . , ,. jolt 00 eeeeun
of impaired h.r:atl1.
"I'r never races 1'01 i1 pours" is an of
saying exsmpii.`i. 1 it tae hums ul Judg
Doherty, New t tit, who has been nine
Ilett to }eet4anti in that time present0.
no less than 5 times with twins. `+ u
re children are Hying, Mrs Doherty is
surely entitle,' to a bonus,
le the squirrel hemily dou't plan their
domestic 1ttaire ally better than they
,did their 1Vi11'eit', -felder" last Fall
they will it noel .. . rl,atroo of being
placed in catezt ry tree pr 3 )h, t4 as
far as weather p', ei-e diem: ate con•
cernetl. An op;:, ',13Ilio.r t;ue,.s it was
open alright .and .'. i:.3th euds.at that.
Nw Zealand esehl read their
rabbis o .t in the, +ton they
Inaltr.) *.h.o, i leigiug 1 y
tate ball d 4ot . 'u' 13I 01 these
days. The t-'1ue rain .:y 1,1 this laud
must be on tech best belaviour day
and night or matte a ,remonstrator of
furs will be ,i:e;,i v ,1 T(bl,y ruffs
and snuffs "r pet -Imes
Farmers' Club
ti It 19 given that Saturday
t 4, y
I melt 10.013 will he bog..hip-
t 1 doll tiny (el the Pat mels ('Inti
from 1Valtnn au.1 they are
asked to govern themselves
e etord111g10.
11 1 W. H. Shortreed, A, MaGavin,
e i Ner.•Treas. President.
1 l 1 I \I,,11,111.r, `111ppel.
D >su\lox Parliament convened
Thursday of last week in the Brae new
building erected to replace the one des -
tuned. by fire iu tyro Speech from the
throne contained wetting unexpected.
Tue farming cuertuttnity of several
Municipalities in Huron county are
rousing up to the adventegcs of Hydro
and are canvassing the rate, payers to
se rt.l the per •r tt
a e t u le a (n . ( of mese who
l g
would use it. ata taw price bl.lore going
before their respective Councils to urge
them10 i ¢ • 1
t m fu t ter the . e 1 rnu• before the
Commission T vie i,, 111 ear opt aims, a
sensible nte3br 1 o going :.bout the se-
curing of tbis er.,ctieal laity. We
huge to see a :let rate seemed fu (bat
both town and country can take ad•
vantage of its use for bght and power.
Here's a task for the Farmers' Clubs.
BAILEylWRy, the prettily situated
Country seat of Timiskaming, is very
heavily involved fllancially. D28,000
due in fleeted taxes looks like gross
Mismanagement in' their :•ITairs by the
town daddies An ovetd sift of $25,000
is one of the unpleasant features the
Couucil has to handle. The bailiff and
Courts are to get after the deltuqueut
taxp{vers to make them puny up. A
private debt is bad enough to have on
your hauls but to he saddled op with
a public incumberance such as the
above i•• nn very desirable poeitl00, By
a hearty buckling into the situation
would soon Krieg better conelitions.i
THERE appears 10 be
:a migc of thiev-
ery on the pregrar0 whiner both high
and to o, m , e I f,,,,2,3!, are taking a
part. '1'111, 3,. •'•-Plave31 by some of
the brazen tn:c s'. is l,evond any yast
experience and . . corresponding
punishment is m'='. ',r' 1 ilne ,,f tie•
tense will have t,. 1'-r;b'iseed that
may save the, ;urrb,an.u:a 2 '.' 'rouble of
dealing with 1!,' reef, '1116 de of pen
haps burying 1(3-0(
PREMIER Da0133' 4 I:!e '1'. Y N. 0.
Governmenia, s 1 1 bextended
from New Li,kea, 1 t 11,A11 .f Lake
Timiskaming. It ,3 ..nr 11,3 i'4 pos•
sessions are to be tics ,'loped let the pub-
lic facilities to get in :feel come out be
completed. Snot: ,i'cker ng as has been
carried on for ye9R i:: no compliment to
the Gove nm n' hor the Minister
whose rrepar r._ eld .lave 'clone
things, 1 s here Ontario
should be the s , .:rd spell Boost
with a capital B
Rr. Hoe, H. H. A= •+nit was elected
in the bye .leen,, 2 at Paisley, England,
in a 3 corueretl ti :'1t by nearly 3,000 of a
majority. The Han. gentleman still re-
tains a strong 13(1 i on the electorate.
His return to the Huse 1vi11 he welcom-
ed by Lloyd George. These two leaders
in political affair., while rivals in asense
set a good example .o public men by
retaining one smeller's. friendship.
There are some lnament'1us problems
before the parliamentarians of the Old
Land at present time that are not easy
of satisfactory solation,
BREWERS will fight the "dry law" in
United States. Of course they will as
they went permit the manufacturing of
millionaires to be interfered with by the
saving of the Nation to sobriety if they
can prevent it. Mr. Brewer, you have
the biggest coutreet on your hands of
your life to prove that intoxicants are
one ief tete essentwls to good citizenship.
The intelligence and outspoken charac-
ter of the American and Canadian
people shoal,( in stentorian tones affirm
"You cats feel os n•' longer " Hurrah 1
for Total Prnilihiten and fair play to the
boys and girls.
Ttrntoi.O by ex;,?t•ss-"»s from the lips
of that somewhat le e ,lee politician --
Hon. "Bob" R•, :: he :aa nn 005 for
Union Government. Many another
mai shares in tee same opinion but
wottirt think twee • at leant before
tbey would (rad.- •:t .,11 toe one led by
Hon. "Bub," Like 113 -'.hazier of old
he was weighers in tho balance and
found wanting and .00,114 be scouted by
1315 Own former menet:a: seep: eters '1'o
deservedly gain and reta111 the confi•
deuce of the fair miurl•.'1 people of any
country is a feather 11 silly mat's cap.
Hon. "Bob" lot? ,-3 mil, of him plumage
and by his own act, ins ,1' t hat
FOR reasons that loot themselves'
pretty well in one slut', t tee sinless) all;
Rinds of men have tried in all sorts of
ways to thwart th•s benign
and to limit and ,poil tete work fMet
Prohibition tries ie do, This has meant,
inevitably, that up to the present it has
not bad anything like a fair chance.
Butsueb chance as it had it hila made
use of with suet] tlfcrtiventss char the
great majority of inn' minded and right
thinking men are convinced that the
thing to aim to do in human his'ory it
one day will actually accomplish. Op
ed add hint e, ed and
pas p n thwarted
though it has been, l'rohihition on this
continent, has, we believe, cut the crime
of the continent in 2 .11 , and has helped
incalculably toward Inc htliith and bap-
phless of the people. Everything in.
dicates that we ate ,iultifild in giving it
z1 better trial,
The Standard Bank of Canada
The statement of the affairs of -the
Standard Batik of Canada for 118
financial year ending `ilst of January,
1920, whirh has been submitted to the
shareholders at the Annual Meeting
hell( at the Head Office of the Batik
ou 1Vednesday, the'25t15 lilt., reflects
ayet} satdst
and healthy con-
dition. n. In every department c aruneut sub-
stantial gains ate show(( and the total
assets of the Bank have been inertias.
ed doling the year by about et10,00(>,
The net profits foe the year minutia
to $776,310.19, an increase of 1178,860,
48 ter over 11%1 mm a titan those of the
previous year. The deposits amount
to $73,019,1122,1e, of which $24,078,045.
20 is non -in [west bearing. The in-
crease in this item of 158,049,403.71 is
over 10i. The cash on hand and
quick assets >3111111111 to 2137,412,187 40,
being civet 45)e of liabilities to the
public. The activities of the Bank's
•mmea'clalts'1 s-'
bt I ie s 1H et -fleeted by the
current loans and discrnwt0 which arc
shown as $52,40:3,278.50, an increase
over Ulnae of last year's statement of
some 210,869,400. The usual quarterly
dividends at the rate of Ilie per an-
num were paid, and the 911111tarltial
sum of $360,537 09, or over 10;0 of the
paid up capital of the Batik, has been
carried forward in profit and loss ac-
The result of the year's business Is
very satisfactory, and creditably re-
flects on the teanagelnent. The repu-
tation which this Bank has long en-
joyed for solid and substantial pro-
gress is fully justified.
Do YOU Need
Feed Corn
illy sl 01.1‘ 14 t0 baud 1,33,1
I ('1111 supply yell.
Flour and Feed
11 fitly flu y30. .U.•„
Timothy and Clover Seed
r 15' own lodgement in this
? , "tet tit' is e. ten.,(, •ru:,t the judge-
, .,i ,.,t ,n ,.) , ,,,,,,,1 1.3, ,,.1. 31, .?ll
1 , I•.",
Folsort an hihl,leltt Quality
1 1•. r kids the 4ucsteh) of the pud-
ints iiioporties ul welled alcohol it is
1113. !wets n ll I • 23.31 an ordinary intelli-
gent poi h '.,111 it.'w he ill doubt 011
till. ,uhl,'ct, 111 clew et (he hundreds
Si ,r•,• 1 death A,1141 'limbless result -
1 noel it u-,. I1lellt1 tears ago,
he., : est, 3,,,:, rust began to be re -
1 orte:I there was some reason for a
Auction Sale
W. J. McCracken I STOCK
Phone :; Irat,-,t10se'311y?nWaH Brown has been
11 l
ulcta•nrtod to sen b Public y
Pu roAnay, !Unroll nGT.otUI
,Uon ee telt, ihar un 4Vellowin y,oper1001,
' Ht i 1 It sharp, the r Il i E 1
dot the folluwinc may be. mentioned.
\1x113 3'Usunlers and perhaps some
of those who sell drinks seem to think
!hat wrrod alcohol ha, incl( cha,1r.ler-
1ci11 11•,911,21 I that. 1.1', l I -: '3 .3 h.,
re uitls d"h•,te,d he' 111.. oder -, ras•..
1 in the other 11.1101, these who 11131,,'
such drinks knee' tint this is not the
4" 1
case, but either Feeley,: h3 the +tis
I that d )
',111 us meth n itis been ee lcgerated or
that the chances el detectei31 ;Ire re-
latively slight.
ll' r •"ser testinle my was offered in
-1 court number , i �
,1 t y Ir Ike 1 the eel•
e't that the»lanllttet ell I:t , I flavor-
ing extracts had been approached be
dealers in weed alcohol and urged h1
stake their preparations with it. The
fact that already at that time the bottl-
es bore the label 'poison' was explained
as a ruse to prevent the Government
from placing an internal revenue upon
wood alcohol.
Cannot Trust Anybody.
"It cannot be toy strongly empha-
sized that there is not a single pro-
perty of weed alcohol except its pain- ;
.,nous effect., which any one but a
chemist can distinguish between ptull-
ied wend ;lcnho! and ordinary 'grain'
alcohol. 'The appearance odor and taste
of the two are so strikingly alike that1
even chemists who have had experience •
with them are unable by their proper-
ties distinguish between them with ser- i
tainty. The difficulty is, of course,
greatly increased when essences, flay-`
ors or coloring matter are added,as is .
the ease in the spurious drink now 1
being offered ler ;arc Not eel a01 the
consenter, him ever greet his familiar
its with ala,huli0 hevera;es may her,
p, ,e n oe nf,� property y 1-
9•ycnr.,ld draft brood raglctnred mare, 1 5 vier
, old Moo) registered mare, 2 Standard bred
'eerie, 1 driving 11mtt• in real, 1 blood uuru 12
y e 111 s n,l. t td1,11 Rue volt rks1ng a, 1 draft mare
rising 1 years, 1 0bm line volt rising:' yearn, 1
t +ori rob n•ing 2) ears, 2 draft registered
cults visa,:t 1 3 ewe, tui goo,( ewes a»d 3 ram,>, 1
arms binder nearly new, Deering
r •lv,a, lay a lie, filet 'trete iok sen tiler. 2 smell
singlets •� an hong plow+, Gale harrow, Deer.
hay Inndnr, 1)11)31 roller, dhu harrow, bean
en ,riveter, 2,44 iron borrow'., 2 wagons, net of
sleighs, cutter, fanning 1 ,ill, oat of Ilan lb.
weigh seal lay mek b ) 01'
t cgs, hey Park, slings.
tante ,sett p un v agar kettle, t driving lad.
dal set t n harness, 111 double set driving Lae•
trees, 12, n[ htuvels), orks and , he,' whiffle.
r r:,vwiles. (lave la k
n forks and other ar-
li,tin. too 1 luueru 1s to mention, also tin a1'about ,60
len. 3)I summit ,nn of $19 and under cash;
over that au1 put +totes o' credit an r f.1 per
In"n1•ee approved In101 ,,,«1 or mer oa +),,' par
0r,u per uminm onoµ 1 off for °11411 on c+t•atlit
amounts. aOBN fileCALLLaL
Annual Telephone Meeting
The Postponed Annual Meeting of Brussels,
Morris .l- Grey Telephone Company will be
held in the Team Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday,
M4rnh 0th, 19x3, nt 2 p,
01. Business, to receive
rite Anmu11 taeement, elect Ulreltura mud nt•
(3,13,1 to luny other huffiness.
E, S. SCOTT, President,
M. BLACK, Secretary.
Stock for Sale
Two vmuig Scotch Short Born Belle for sale.
ono 18 months old sired by Gainford of Salem
and the other 9 months old sired
ieInd. Prices 1(13ot 90.TUO)P1RCT,wpp.TeIeptmm isle Brussels
It. R. 6,
Short Horn Bulls
We have loon 1st Prize on brill calf at Brus-
sels Nall Nair fora years in suecesnien and hove
- - -----. ----- always something gaud on hand for sale,
Phone 21134 Lot 10, Con. 15, Grey Twp.
1 Re 8
o ther o
i etA
• e
• 11151iraral
i p
t► eJ
0 !-1 E N il= RY N
Agent for the Ontario Farmers'
• •
Weather Insurance Co.
te Hood OfHce, Grand Valley 0
Rates : $2,00 per I000 0
Persons intencling to
place Weather Insurance
on buildings would do
well to see
L Stewart
Farm for Sale
Gond 180 acre farm for sale, being Si Lot 15,
o) accres alit aider ultivation with 60 acres
ready for seeding ; 11 acres Fall wheat ; good
In1s11 and
ue with
failing spring
grenning throegrpasture. Good comfortable
]louse, hank barn 40 s 00 Peat, main hay born
3 sh
and ltr0' ed, pigpen, orchard,well watt!tired,rvd, c. s miles from town, o be mold
To account of alt health. For further molten.
jars as to price terms, ate„ apply to N, 5, Scott
Brussel ot• FRANCIS d. B1IRN25
Blyth R. R, No, 2.
Short Horn Bull Calves for.Sale
Undersigned offers for sale 5 Short Born
bull calves, from the well known Hire, Bars -
field Stamp, bred by Barry Smith and owned
by uudersig3ed. A cote, Princess Pat from
sante brill, sold at Bricker', stile, Bimini re-
°wetly for %31004 the highest price at sale. Ra• 1
nett says "She 15 hailer of Show calibre and
5 earth old." d ' B3HrH dI
flet shone
Lot 80, Con. 0, Morrie township.
for sale. ,
I ,I N0. G. )PNI12
9110,3e 100 BrueselH I1. O.
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for service, on Sl,4
Lot 80, Cm,, 2, Morris township, the thorn' -bred
Sheet Born 111111, Galeford of Salem, No.
-430418--. Fired by Gainford Marquis `108800)
Dam Mildred VII by Royal Sailor (180091. Ped-
igree may be 4100 on application, Tonne -
$10.08 for thoro'•breda payable at time of ser-
vice with prtvilage to return. Grade cows not
Why W ood Alcohol CONSTIPATION
Always Is Dangerous
It Ought to be Labelled Poison to
Prevent Its Use Altogether
in Beverages.
A flippant paragraplilst remarks that
doubtless Cocrates drank hemlock be-
cause wood alcohol had not been brou-
ght to his notice. The many victims of
wood alcohol in the United States under
prohibition could not, it is declared, tell
the difference in appearance, texture, I
odor or taste from ordinary grain alcoh-
ol, not even chemists with certainty.
Owing to a lack of an apreciation of the
danger of the wood alcohol at the re-
quest of the American Chemical Soc-
iety, a bulletin on the subject has been '
prepared by Dr. Rigid Hunt an authority
00 wood alcohol, He is head of the De-'
partment of Pharmacology of the Med- ,'
deal School of Harvard University, was
formerly at Johns Hopkins, and was
chief of the Division of Pharmacology. ,
of the U. S. health Service, Ile says: • i
Prevalent Misconceptions
"The nllsceneeption of the dangers
of wood alcohol evidently exist not only
among those who drink or sell alcohol -
1c' bevdrages of unknown origin but
also those who prepare drinks contain -
Ing wood alcohol for stile, and perhaps
also to those who sell wood alcohol to
the latter class
'No other explanation of the recent
accidents is thinkable; for however sor- I
did the motives and however reckless
of human life the manufacturers of
spurious 'alcoholic' beverages may be,
it is unreasonable to suppose that any
one would knowingly incur the legal
and other responsibilities, for such a
wholesale slaughter as has recently
taken place.
' Among the misconceptions preval
By the term CONSTIPATION is meant either infrequent, difficult or in-
sufficient evacuation of the contents of the Lower Bowel,
The Symptoms are Headache, Dizziness, Mental Sluggishness, Lack of
Concentration, Lassitude or a, feeling of General Iutlispositioll, Bad Breath,
Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite, Sallow Skin which ratty become dry and
rough and Pimples may appear. Sometimes there is Heart Palpitation,
Hysterical Spells and Nervous Exhaustion.
IT IS IMPORTANT to treat Constipation promptly as this condition
generally leads to many serious disorders.
Careful judgment should be used in selecting a proper remedy; ordin-
ary Cathartics and Laxatives have a weakening infect upon the system,
others Gripe and Purge and Mineral Oils, if taken several times a, clay may
retard secretion of the gastric juice and also interfere with the obsorption
of food. IIAC'KINU 1,l KIDNEY ANI) LIVER PILLS form all ideal tonde-
laxative for Constipation and its evil results,
We give herewith the medicinal action of the ingredients of HACIi-
ING'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS in order that you may form your own
opinion as to the value of this wonderful medicine.
CASCARA - Laxative, Cathartic,
Tonic to the Liver and Intestines,
dues not cause Griping or unpleasant
symptoms, good for Chronic Consti-
pation when used in small and repeat-
ed doses for a considerable period of
MAY APPLE -Useful in Fevers
and Inflammations of almost every
type and for all disorders of the Liver
and Spleen.' kir indigestion, Jaun-
dice, Piles, Constipation, Dropsy and
Skin llreptinna,
and Tonic, useful in Dyspepaa, Senn-
diee, Piles, Dlarhooa, Dysentery,
rhulera. Corrects Liver Troubles,
Gives tone and vigor of action to the
it fire secretive apparatus of the sys-
tem. Also for Inflammation of the
GAMBOGE Used in Obstinate
Constipation and Dropsies attended
with Intestinal Torpidity. This acts
best When used in combination with
other drugs and herbs.
HYOSCYAMIIS--Holpful to the
Kidneys, stops pain, soothes the
Nerves, lessons irritability of the
Nerve Centres, For Functional Pal-
pitation of the Ileart, helpful to the
Mucus :Membrane of the Kidneys and
Bowels, Chiefly employed to re-
lieve pain and to quiet Ncrvoue ex-
CAPSICUM -Stimulant and Stom-
ache, useful in Feeble and Languid
Digestion, Dyspepsia, Atonic Gout,
Colic and Cholera,.
PI0PPd:RMINT--Useful in Flatuent
Colic to check Nausea and Colic, For
Spasmodic Pains of the Stomach and
Bowels, for Neuralgia and Rheuma-
tism, prevents griping and for gas on
the stomach.
These are the principal ingredients of Hacking's Kidney and Liver
p1110, yon will find that this (xtmhinat.don will produce a health condition
of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels.
No other drugs or combination of ((rugs, oils, laxatives, pills or pur-
gatives will have eueb beneficial effeet as IIAOKTNC4'14 KIDN11IY AND LIVER
PULS, bol you must, be sure to get ITACICIN(1'H as no other ktnet will 'do.
Pelee 25c a box, 5 for $1.00, •Sold by all dealers or by mail. Hlacking'a
Limited, Llstnwel,
little uncertainty an this subject net
only on the part of the public but 01
(Monist,- and id those Lh55tesin, who
wan' 111 1 111011i2 will[ certain 3)1111.
maria (;teal experiments on dugs. The
odor, taste and other properties o1' put',.
wood alcohol are so like those ordln-
lr). alcohol that chemists were inclined
to attribute the had el'teets from the
former to the presence • of tut urities
In the commercial samples, Ilei none'
of the iniputties in the latter ate ie.
poisonous of CaU'.e the same effects as
theself, absolutely pure wood alcohoi it:»
"i'uisnnnuaness is 'an Inherent qual-
ity of wood alcohol. It 15 as impossible
to 1"+pale, non poi'.onou. weed id, etr
til ars it is to prepare now p„isen3>,('
prussic acid," •
Exchange on Coal.
Exchange has had an effect on the
coal prices. C111 suit coal the exchange
makes a difference in the price amount -
Mg to 50 cent., nn autltracitc coal
MCormck md
To the Farmers of Grey and Sur-
rounding Country;
I am prepared in take orders for
MCCellmiek and International Imple-
ments, Tractors, lfngines, Plows, En-
silage Outlets, Cream Separators,
Wagons and Sleighs,
1,"1111 line of Tillage and Haying
and Harvesting implements. No bet-
ter Binder, Mower ill' Manure Spread-
er made than the MelOoeotick,
Buy from me and save money as
I can pay cash and can sell on terms
to shit.
Will keep reptile oe get.theln for
yen 032 a day or two's notice.
Call and see rue at Ethel before
buying and save money.
the exchange 1; r de1117'1 107; whea bra ' MONTI-1 Y
Ing lit .'113 and t"11^n real 111>: pot 03.1'.,+
through Iclbhv. eu .urlhtaritr the r* HORSE `°A/RS
chuli,e. is 01,40,
I III%i'i!ihlti: (;,S9'ti111.::s
1'rirdt I I I r..1,1dt1 i<i I (i,Cati it TILA
5I7Q P511 BOX
LTf,M,PL7TON1 L'Mr,as,142101.105TM 7050NT0
Humanity hs leek d 11 l,t,irllCfl eln'sanl:r
rent y sieve e n 1.7511. .,11, 1'11 m
n mea e moo
year( of but maitre,. a lr. . tuts ted host 1.
till o Ll tin 1 4' f stet 1 4 r resells me
+told ea right at h me by using 1.R.C.'s "tie
euuni a Ilse treatment, Just v 11lmre 111, ,1 local and Outside Buyers will be Present
and 'tin it.
t l.ss with am• Blit a ht is interests
111 d
3'312 )•I,1 h•• r.o,vi'. 4, ask 1•om (11123.011
,rl^rtr,u.,nronr32'. ,r lima IA; it SsinlcreHt-
hip'a ld re'+'s you not1h,,t ,r, mel.,1n,la, 142
Kut • R' '-OI"ull 3t'e 11
g O). I , 5 where as
feepipl of $LU7.
Sole agent in Brusaels,,Ina. Pox, Druggist,
BR Elf'S
Monthly tlur"e Bairn w111 be held in
fitlranels this Heannl aH follolvs
i'IIT91130UA1r, 11A1t, 411i, 11120
API(, 1st, 1020
l3y rd
order 11 Cce t
le, 8, SCOT, Clei le,
Cream Wanted
Ship yaur Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cana and Pay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques for tl:e pay-
ment of your Crean( twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yr,u
will not want to discontinue.
�- Stewart ierUYt
Brussels Creamer
Statement of the business of the Bank for the
year ended 31st January, 1920
Balance brnu
gh t forward and fl•nt n
January 3 1 1
n an are ]s 1
9 9
Profits for year ending for, 31st laniary, 1920, attar _deductingcovit expenses, d maks accrued on
deposits, ,,drebate for interest on nnualured bills;. Provincial casts, and making provision
for bad and doubtful deft+
tf1`inividenrl No. 114, paid 1st May, 1919, at the rate of 13>11 per annum No. 115, paid 1st .\nl:usl, 1919, at the rate of '13(13 per annum
Dividend No. 110, paid 1st November, 1919, at the rate of 13'?? per annum
Dividend No. 117, payable 1st l'eb[uary, 1920, at the rate er 13,,;., per nnnuln
Contributed to Officers' Pension Fund
Contributed to Patriotic end 3,ther )'tends
War Tax on (lank Note Circaletien to December 3101, 1919
Reserved cur Dominion Income Cas
Reduction of (lank Premises Account
Balance carried forward
$ 113,750.00
31st January, 1920
Notes of the Bank in circulation
Deposits bearing interest (including interest to date)
Deposits nut bearing interest
Dividend No, 117, payable February 23111, 1920
Former Dividends unclaimed
Balances dile to miter 11anks in Canal•.
Balances due to Ilanks and Ica, Jking Correspondents elsewhere than in Caned•(
Bilis Payable
Acceptances under Letters of t. recta
Liabilities not Mehidc11 in the foregoing
Capital paid up
Reset vo fund
Balanuo of Profit and Loss Account carried forward
Current colts held by the hank
Dominion Notes held
Deposit in the Central Cold Reserves
Notes of other Blanks
Cheques on other Banks 1,033,129,31
Balances Clue by Banks end looking Correspondents elsewhere than in Canada826,224.88
Dominion and Provincial Cnvrrenlent Slenrttics not exceeding 0143111 value., 4,145,309,53
Canadian Municipal Securities and British, foreign and colonial public
securities other than Canadian
Railway end other bonds, debt nturea and stocks not exceeding lea1ket value„
Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans in Canada ml bonds,
debentures and stocks
$ 1,731,285.45
$ . 424,380.00
Other Current Lonna and Dtsrnents in Canada (less rebate of interest)
1,iabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit' 00 tier contra
Real 1'stnte other than Bonk Premises
Overdue Debts, rthnaled loss provided for
Bank 1're111 NCN nt net more thin cost, less aamunls written off
Deposit with the Minister. fat the purposes of Circulation Fund
Other Assets not included in the foregoing
$ 6,766,218.00
$37,41 2,187,40
,,. 5-,46,,,278,60
Toronto, 31st January, 1920,
General Manager,
Auditors Report to the Shareholders,
7 have enn>peted the shave Balance 9been with the hooks and 0121104 a at the chief office of The
Standard hank of ('auado, and the eel titled returns received front its I1n3 eters, and after checking the
cash and verifyin,, the securities at elk chef office and certain of the premien! branches on 31st January,
1920, 7 certify that in my eeliiiail such Biolmce Shine; exhibits n true 1301 co'cot view of the state of tltc
Bank's aPlies according to the best of my information, the expbulalions given to mc; and as shown by the
bthe.00les 05 the hank,
In sdditi nto the examination mentioned, the cash and securities at the chief office and certain 1,1
princdpal.branches were checked and verified by me at another lime during Ike year, and found to be
in accord wh hlk,
Alt init7ormatelioni>ooks amof eatheplmlotlonans 1090152311 lute. 11000 give, 14 one, tote all i'ansnctioes of the Bank
ORM have conte undermy neioc have, le my 010'1100'
p (1100 been within 1)10 powers of the look,
0. 'r. ('LARKSON I'',C,A,�
of Clorkaon, Cordon & 1)i�worth, Toronto, Canada.
Toronto Pebruhrl6th 1930,
Y ,
3241 43"