HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-3-4, Page 1VOL. 48 NO, 36 I.5o Per Annum in Advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 4. 1920 W. H.KERR, Proprietor a 1101111111111111 III s lot m GLtz es te 00 00 111111= 11140111 II 11111111 III iflfminiiinillillllllll➢I1mBBJlfflh1rfl lifiiQf)I 1 1 310 0III Farmas- Bank Here Mali B Mali. Just mail your cheques to us— we deposit them to your credit and send you a prompt acknow- ledgment. If you need cash we cash your cheques by mail, too, sending you the money in a registered letter. We understand the farmer's problems and gladly assist him in every way possible. We will welcome your account. —THE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital - - 0 9,700,000 Reserve Fund - • - I5,000,000 Resource. - • , - 820,000,000 F. H. GILROY Manager Brussels Branch New Advertisements Bay for sale—John Robb, Specials—A. Leitch & Son. Teacher wonted—B. Peyn. Tenders—Brussels Council, Auction Sale—J. McCollum, Extra values—Chappman Bros, Winter Pictures -11'. R. Smith. Cow for sale—G, A, Deadman. Annual Report—Standard Bank. Auction Sale—Rlohnrd Johnston. Sold Hardware—Gerry & Welker. Pasture to let—Alf. Button estate, The popular breeds—G. R. Grouch, Mist±xrt dears Gerrie Steve King has rented rooms over the drug store and moved his family in, Mrs. Douglas Kerr, who has been visiting friends in London and Dor- chester, returned home. W. J. Belson, who has spent the pasta months with Thos. Baird left for his home at Pipestone, Man. J. F. and Mrs. Cooper and children, of Tugaska, Sask., who have been spending some time visiting Mrs. Cooper's sisters, Misses Murray, and other friends, left for their home in the West. Jamestown Wm. Holt is home on a visit on the 2nd Con„ Grey township. Schools, that were closed by the Board -of Health to reduce the spread of flu, resumed operations last Mon- day. Ralph Shaw was home from Toron- to for the weekend. He it still receiv- ing treatment for the damage receiv- ed overseas but is improving we are pleased to state. Last week Thos. A. Grasby, 2nd line, Morris, disposed of a thoro' bred Short Horn buil and eow to W. H. Fraser & Son, of the 1st line, at a good figure. This will be the nucleus of a herd that you may hear more about. One inserlior of an adve, in THE PosT found a buyer, 1 UNPREPAREDNESS --FAILURE A bank account is an assistant in character building. It establishes the confidence, independence and pride which increases effort and paves the way to success. Open an account to -day and be prepared. 74A THE CANADIAN BANK V OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND .. - $15,000,000 WAL,TON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager. amiu,>a,xs.on - VIII!ImnIIINENE m(IIiIIIolniunIImon oIIII1111111pIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInmnIIIIIIIIIIImffloImII IIInIiIIIo iIIIIIIIIIIIIilllililllllnlif l!IIII9 Chapman Bios. Cash Shoe Store Extra Value in Shoes PRI NG Goods are to hand and being opened out, and one of the pleasing feat- ures is the price. Through early buying we are able to give you last Fall, prices on many lines,. They are beautiful goods and inspection of them will please us. Harness Department Light and Heavy Harness, Collars, Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Water- proof Geode, Whips, Tondo: and Satchels, Ste. Repairs In Harness, Collars, Hhoes 2201(1 Rubbers promptly done, your early Chapman Bros. Successors I:o Richards .!le Co. ill!II VIVVWIIVIIVVI . i IWlUU1 J111JJ1UU Next dome to Bank of Nova Scotia 1141V ISIS 11 I: ! 121111 111 IOwing to poor health the Trustees of S. S, No; 1 Grey, East of here, are advertising for a new teacher, whose duties will begin after Hester vaca- tion. Read advt. in ) itds i su t e e. CHANCE ox PrtonrR•r ,—T, R. Ben. nett, \Vinglam and Isaac Walker traded farms. Mr, Bennett's faro) contains 200 acres on North boundary of the Township of Grey and Mr. Walker's propriety is composed of 100 tome on the 1211r Con, of Binet Wawa - 110811, In the tdittilfer the 1:,'e u1 tt. Win is taken at a vahlata n. of Slr1 510) and the Walker far re at. ,uu. Messrs, Middleton etre the t nems ,:r the Bennett. farm and Wel tui.' 10::e crop off, The \VavaoOsh retro will be more convenient fit• Mr, Beene;1 to look after from gale him,' al Whig - ham, lefie Welker will live on his new possession.. Cram brook Goderiobwas the sunk,' of 1,1"11.4(1. lion this week, the Aeele ' bei, , et. Services were hold in the :ire :by. terian and Methodist e.huu•lu s here last Sunday. The Foerster fatuity hese. la1 •, me session of the Jae. Nee -, ,, 0,111: .,1 - joining the vrllel, , h,, ..Iy tee ,e,e ..'1 by them. We hope they will d„ well on their new pnseessinns. Herbert Mitchell, who has he•ee hero for some time, will return to ((Afield, Sask„ shortly where he still holds land. Mrs. Mitchell will not go as she is caring fou- her mother, Mrs, E, Dickson, There were 4 noticeable elements in Jim, Dickson's big Auction Sale last Friay. His stock was in good shape ; there was a good crowd 1 bidding was brisk ; average prides ruled high. Total would run up to about $7,000. F, S. Seott, Auot.toueer, put the big list through in about 2;4 hours. Per. Dickson will leave this month on a trip to the West. Wroxeter Rev. F. Stride was a London visitor on Saturday. W, Page nod family arrived from England on Thursday and are guests of Wm. Mitchell, (len. Westlake has sold his farm in Howick to Jno. Gowdy, general mer- chant of Belrnnr'e, Mrs, Jno. Young and Milton L1`d- mun80n are seriously ill. We trust they will still improve. Charles and ielre. Sanderson, Hamil- ton, attended the funeral of the let- ter's sister, Mrs. W. Rutherford. C. Moffatt and family, 'I'urnberry township, have moved to the house on Howick Avenue, r'ecetaly vacated by Robert Robson. fife bid thein wel- come, By a unanimous vote the Rev. F. Stride, pastor of the Methodist church, was invited to remain for a 4th year, at the recent Quarterly Board meeting at Salem. Herbert Edgar, Regina, Sask., eld- est son of Jas. Hagar, ilowiok, who has been taking a sold,etee vocational training course in Totem to, spent Lite week end with hie parents. Mary Andeison, relict of the late Robert Edmunson, passed away at the home of her son, Milton, with whom she had lived a number of years, on Monday running, Death was due to the infirmities of old age, she being iu her 7O1.1i year. After her marriage Mrs. Edmunson lived eevel•al years on the farm owned by Jno. Fitch, of Howick, later with her husband she moved to Mildmay where Mr. 1ldmuuson died. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Tom - linen!), Glenene and 4 sone, Milton, Wroxeter ; Rohm t, Sack, ; Wm. California ; and Jno„ England. The funeral took place to the Mildmay cemetery Wednesday aftec'noon. MRs. W. A. RtrIBIERFi»an DECEAS• Eo,—Neve of the death a1 Guelph on Thut'sday last of Mts. W. A. Riither- ford was received dere with great te- gret. She had nlway:. enjoyed zona health until the beginning or ow when she suffered a urrvoue teeme- d ow o :rl:- dowu and went. to "t Guelph h, del for teeat.tnent, !wilco lr, d,"il.1 vote , with ore.. great et chock to her Gamily and friends, I)eera:rd had lived all her life in this vicinily. icer tnairren mune wns Margaret. Mar I_ daughter of the late Davi,) and ,rine. Mar -tin, She was a devoted mother and wife and sincere sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband and 4 daughters, Mee. Wood, Toteenharn ; Clara, Della, and Kathleen, thlaen of Toronto, paw one )e son Raymond, ytn0ud, at home. Iutt'eweut took place in the Wroxeter cemetery Sunday afternoon, after a private funeral service at the home. Ethel (Poe SAt,a,—An organ, aeon's table, word.- rule, hed«tenrt, Imaging lamp, wood nook rove, 14 ft, !adder and a umber of cedar \v.• nr moving from Ethel, hence sale, S. C, HOWLe''T, I00lreh 01.,wo and hh,okenith Shop for este. Rosi - d,. t.. c, ro,ef, rtable brick -0111;4 of an sere f t o, shop is frame. Icor further portion. lar• 1,1 -ply fi, MHN, (1, W. PorrAlia, WID Ethel. i.h lute4 vielims of 11 t are J. T, and Mrs Nicholson, the \Vetdlaw family and MIs, W. J. Gill. lbeeoll and 1liee Pearl Love attend- ed the wedding of their cousin, Mise Dards ton. The Library Entertainment has been postponed and nn0unoement will be made made later. Oft , Adella McKee, General Hospi• tag, Bram ford, fur the peaty months, i+ ete- nlie;e, 111e week end at her home 1,,., Vree 'Jl :Monday evemor a meeting of the Royal Arch will be field in the L. 0. L. Hall of No. 301. Visiting breth- ren welcome. After the Vodden family have just passed through the flu, Bert had tak- en seriously ill• He wet operated on for appendicitis last 'Tuesday. CONGRATULATION AND PRESI:NTA- TtoN.—As Mrs. S. Cham+)ers has been unfortunately allowed 0 ily one birth- day every 4 years, she lees been delug- ed with letters and card, of eongratu iation from her relatives and friends far and near, An unexpected recep- tion was given her last Sunday in the Methodist Sunday School by her scholars and school in general. Mrs. Chambers, like many others, might have gut weary and sat down to rest by the wayside and left the work for others to do but site didn't and to her credit she believes in letting her light shine, Following is a ropy of the ad- dress accompanying the Life Member- ship and gold pin presented her :— DEAR MRS, CHAMBERS.—The Mem- bers of the Methodiet Sunday School were planning great things for this day. BuCalas flu has again beseiged the community and vety little could be arranged, But as many as are here today and a host ol others, who would like to be here, desire to con• gratnl'rte you upon the attaimuent of your 70 birthday, How mueb you ale the envy of all ladies. Just to think a birthday once in 4 years—the 20th of February— coming ouly :about once in 70 years on Sunday. So we felt we would like to celebrate this birthday with you. Weare reut nded of your - faithfulness as teacher in the Primacy department During the 25 years or thereabouts that you have been con- nected with our Mut yeti and school: There are few of our young people who have not had thei, first, lessons in religious training at your hands, and yam kindness as a teacher endeared ynu to them as children, Your humble, consistent, kindly, Ohristiau character, has attracted you to them and to us all. As the year's have flown by we are sure those whore you have taught will always 11,11d you in revered memory. Some will spend their lives in our own community, but many will cherish in their hearts the love of God and shed the radiance of a Ohrtstian life to those about them, Lhe first principles or which they learned from you. Now dear Mrs, Chambers we beg you to accept this Life Membership in the Woman's Miseionary Society, and this pin, as a token of our regard, and our apprecia- tion of your faithful service in our Sabbath School. Signed mi behalf of Ethel Sunday School. Rev. F, S OKell, Paster; Andrew McKee, Supt. ; Ohas. 11 Cleaver. Asst. Supt. ; Veida F. Pollard. See. ; Cecil Bate - wee,, Aeee-Seo. ; hliaPe'n'eon. Trees, ; M, W. Slounnou, Mrs. 11. A. illi. urre, Mrs. \Vm. Hall, Rims, S. 14, Vele, laiz,tbetb V, C. Sltvumon, rani 111», (0, Cleaver, Teeahers. Ari appropriate reply •.vas made by Mrs. Chambers who wa, very grate- ful for the address and much appeeoi- 101ed pail, For One Week No. 1 Manitoba Flour - $5.5:8; cwt. No. 1 Blended Flour - 6,25 cwt. I�Iienie's Seeds Now on hand Red Gover Alstke Glover Timothy Seed Now is the time to get your Clover Seed as the supply is limited, • Sugar We can supply Sugar by the hundred Cheaper than we can buy it Wholesale, Ten per cent off on Men's Mackinaw Robbers. Highest Prices paid for Produce. &tc Phone 5210 (t CRANBROOF The Bao Pods Beturday By decision of Bi ul aela Boa „ of Health the ban, peered opar the Municipality on acrnunt ol so tunny rases of flu in the adj"l, bng country, will eeaee Saturday df this e IL. Church services and Nubbal li ech(ula Will be field ne usual or, Sunday nod Public and Continuatin! SehuoL' . i11 resume work on Monday. They ,will necessarily 1motive to make up for lost time. Last Sunday the legman set vires were resumed in Ifthel r•hn, chew. Mrs. Chambers, who ,''labrat•d het 72nd birthday on Sunda), r,oteiv„u 37 cards on Saturday ['row re4'('1te,, and friends, se veral more 0r,,,ea atulatiotri arrived 0u Moi day. Melvin and Mrs Gilkinson have been ver y 111 with the flu. (loth have had a relapee. If„ is rec.,t -rhig. hot she is not 11!1 the mend yet. - theft' many friends hope they will (1 a, be about acretin, Thomas and Moo. D<nrrharty, 10e„- fryn, visited London la, -t we, 1 Ile attended the Clay \Vnrkers Cameo). lion and they v,stted fri,-,,,k 'rholmts and Alicia College whet Mre, Dougherty graduated in 1908, MAYreteroNlAL — A quiet weddi g took place Tuesdy of this week in the Anglican 00 melt, 5Vinglnun, when Rev, a Mr, Snell, niton, tied the matrimonial knot between \Vm. A. Coates and Miss Annie, •tuly daughter of Hugh and ll's Cunningham, all of Wingharn The irapp0 you',g e-„ arple left 00 a wedding trip to tit, Cathar- ines, Niagara and other places. \t.iy their joys be mueny. Old 'friends here extend enmrr•ttul ,' inns - LECTURER GOJIIN/e,—Next Tu„e,tay evening Rev. A. I. Snyder, Brautfrit d, will deliver his popular Lecture en- titled, "A Woman's Tongue,” in the Methodist ohuu•h here. Rev. Jno, King, of St, Thomas says, 1eIL is the best Ire ever heard.” \Vedneeday evening the sane lecturer will be at iJntun church when he will have for his subject "'the fun of being an Irish- man,' rich in humor, admission to each lecture 25o. Don't fail to hear Rev. Mr. Snyder. "IRELAND AND THE IRISH.—Ot, the evening of eloncley, 28rd inst., Rea. R. Fulton Irwin, of Lueknnw, hay b n seemed by Ethel L. 0. I.,, to deliver bis highly praised Lecture, "Ireland and the Irish" in the Mlethodlst rbttech here, Lecture at 8 and :dniissin.l fee 25 cents. A synopsis of the Lecture will be :—How Ireland came into ex- istance—Its great .beauty—Origin of present trouble—Land League.—Lord Leitrim—Reasons fat• his mnl•der Religious aspect—Faithful Catholics— Protestant objection to Home Rule— Tertible declination of priests—rhe Seinn Feinees—St, Patrick—Irish superstitions—His Satanic Majeety— Iriel Matchmaking and maLrimuny— Canadians in Ireland—hish hnnr r— Evils of Ireland and remedy Inc Fiume Rule. Rev. Mr. Irwin is m, Irishman, full of vigor and humor cold under- stands the situation well. Heat. biro on the 2S2.d, Grey It is said John Dickson, has (pux'hets- ed:the 175 acres belonging to ins moth- er, 1110 and 12th Cons, We expect he will do well on it. Doe't forget Ernest Isherwuod'e Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Friday, March 5th. He was the. 'en- ant of Dave Sanders' farm, 10th C,u„ lastthereyear, and the sale will be lc -1d While returning home last Friday from attendance at the Auction Sale of James Dickson, Oranbrnok, Ael de Hislop's bay driver felt dead in the cutter shafts, It was not a yen ug beast but there [vas no apparent cause. for the sudden quitting. DIED IN THE IN EST.—'Phos, Forst er, formerly of Minto township, Welling- ton County, father of RA's, Alex, Mc- Neil, of this township, paid Natuae's debt on February 17th, at Allan, Sesk„ where the family have tuade theft home for the past 15 years, Ile wa» 87 years of sge, Mrs. Fleeter died 5 years ago. 5 children survive, all h, the West excepting Mrs, McNeil, Ale, Forster was a fine man pnasessing the high esteem of all who knew him. PRESENTATION.— Before E1t111 and Mrs, Sericite moved l'rorn the 0th Con, Wtheir. new hlm 1, Wallace e (lace la rn- ship they wet wail ed on by 1\ m. Merlaivy and Wesley eleEacheln re- presenting the Committee i11 ch ge (on account of Mr, Beefier and family being laid up with the flu banter the company going to their ln'ine) and presented with the following and,eee aeeourpabied by 2 the oak chairs :— DEAR FRIENns— After to t,.sidence of a gassier of a century or more, we have learned of your intend. ecl departure front .the eommuuity, During the time it has been our happy privilege to enjoy your frieud- ehlp it has been edeeded honor to us, and we hope helms been a pleaere a to lire amongst us ;aid NP also b T.. it les been acceptable to ynu, Be 119. 1 Spred we deeply ttgeet that , nr Free en1 association is to be Loewe. rel 1 and on aeeount of your sociability clod jovial disposition always ['early to lend a helping hand whenever necessity demanded. We felt we couldn't allow you to remove from the township without romindleg you in 00me meagre way. We had figured nn spending another social evening with you which would have been much en- jnyed by the penple of the oanrmuji- tee but ee the flu epidermic pie ve..Is pithily and social gather toga we ask you 10 accept tide pair of eek e li ire, not for thait' lnteinsic value, hue .o 10 memento of Out ap preeletion of y,nt 1 R and your family. WVe hope you may be long spared to nee and enjoy them, We are sorry to lose you frau[ the 113 CAR Oi :arid Oats Price $1.15 years the senior, anti Jae, Meter Brussels, is the surviving brother of Mrs. Kirkby. THE POST feels sure we voice the hear congratulations c ce L y of man old friends far and near, 1'. Y a Mar worthy old 000pla a.13 ezrpreeu the hope that they may , outinue the enjoyment of good health fo, years to come. Mr. Kirkby was an o a number of years and Auctioneer fr e-lsosatin the Municipal and County g a C,:,n it tort a incl r La Iree,aura acquaint. A f Baeker ed •, ,! l' sle. will be glad Phone No. G r, t is , t :, u'o enjoying community but ;levetlhelesta we ran Iry ;. 1-ec0nnu:'od woo cu the people of Wa!- L,•t •, lo- c '_. lace township and Fey 111 least yeti til'. in „ 11-I ways tang true to the p'•nple of Grey, i „ • ) ° _ Signed cur behalf of the eolunnlnity. 'i 1, W. ''li .tutees 't',r, - 1 \V. Mt leAteiEI.N, j nu t11 ,1 .rt:o•,.. J. Go)(SALrre, ' ta,e, , 1 .c 1.1. L 1 AYL'l0 .1 a:. , , i,. Mr. and Mee. B,., fel'/, wi»h to heart „v e. thee]; the kind frier:do for (Reit .1,,• -1 „ . frinudty word,' and nyrfnl gifts ttud c, !• r much, apprec'inted 10,0 riOtioil with l., the fine peeper. ui (i:,•y township a:-, • , 1 , 51/1,11e negrc•tting to part foul,, th, m - 1, . ,,,,, we trust happineee and prosperity i tl , te, ,a; 10 , may attend each of them. We lr l 1,10,'.1 ant •; , gret that our sickness prevented ;,, ,i;,• showing the friends the ho8pitelity1 they deserved but if a visit is made to Wallace township the lack may still ! wru<,sef,: be made up. 1, r Molesworth MA'rrtiMONt.'L.—At Molesworth, o Wednesday, February 25th, the tea riage of Miss Nettie, the seeon you�geet d.nigllter of the late Jno. 61 aril 1L9, Mitchell, to G. rdui, Cooper, of ,511. Elgin, was solemnized at high noun, Rev, T. A. Bell, of St. Andrew's church, Muleswort.h, officiating. While the S.dtea wedding march was being played by bliss Marjorie Strachan, cousin of the bride. the bridal couple took their' places under an evergreen arch. The bride, who was unattended wore a white gown of eilk crepe de chetle with lace and bead trimming with the customary veil and orange blossoms and cat vied a shows bnquel of roses and carnations. Due ing the signing of the register- Miss Strachan sang very acceptably, "The voice that breathed o'er Eden," Anse the ceremony the guests, who wee the immediate friends nilly, repairs to the dining room where a daint luncheon was served, Mr. and Mh Cooper are leaving in a few days fo their future home near Mt. Elgin The best wishes of their mane- friend follow thein to their new house. ...,,teat*e of `nal •u •• ,n„lih,fltave had } : ! opal or any auto. . „lr sed here on a..y ,t few cases „op,,.: .�, iluinal ease ir_ ,tills[ a Brun- ,— ... run- , .: t 1 , at wink ore e,i�or making .. i.l,. tn-w work is 't III-• s,unty, Dan ;ua , the work. ., 1:+ -:-led. here ,, ilny will also ,,r, and how work Council the, "f Brussels \iaatlay even - 1 ilia. a-,• t;resenr, the r I R"et c v0. , I. d • :\lin . , t,t,>: read and pass.'d. • 1 4 , rx .!u i, a 1a s.aO neral from the Hyd1 i ti:e t0 the 11'- wirh rt: r1 !a cmti'nr)o to thet ',' u, ! r « „ ''t, . Left over, , Audita.:' nee,/ i was lmesented. 1, Moved hy' Cu dit:Mee M. Fraser, see- , tended by J. C. it.iehaads that Audi- tors repos be reeopted and abstract I published in i.ile '('iib' 131WSSRLS POST, Cart•ied. . Fulluwiug aeennuts were present - ' Derry & Walker, coal Stc....,...$ 121 40 - Rnbt, Oliver, ochry - 60 00 Robe. Thueil, yalat•y and rent145 00 7 00 r, It i'1I I3 .Iii.,1:100 e , N. l° t ,? a .i. , .... .... , 10 00 d \V, 't e .ilei , au,ii[nr10 00 y Jas, 11 I , o,,c 1t 1 �ellaneone 2 39 Mrs ............ 116071 17128 160 6; , -9.,Sttu•h:ut,sa.lary Treasurer (1700 o Mrs. Ichei 1nrotl, nerse at (len, Iiaist's 15 fro • Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by J. 0. Richards that accounts be paid. a Jno. Long, Assessor, applied for a raise of 815.00 on his salary and a lengthy discussion ensued in which the Treasurer, Clerk and Utility man thought if increases were going to be made they were entitled to increases too. On motion of I, C, Richards, seconded by A. Stewart, Mr. Long's s request was granted. Councillor - Fraser proposed ele.0f increase an t- round but got 00 seconder, The (,1_n�es- tions of town wood supply, the WiS- Iiam street server. nil on main street. Fire Depar [merit and purchase of more hose were Pieforo the Board Band action derided upon. Board then ad- journed. And 1 , a1,.- n, ills Morris Miss Gray, 7th line, has taken position in the tailor shop of Robt W. Ferguson, Brussels. Robert Anderson, Lockwood, Sask. was a welcome visitor with his broth er James and family, 5tli line, Aimee McCall, of Abernathy, Sask. is visiting relatives and friends in Morris and locality. It is 8 year since he was here before. Peter Mc Call, 7th litre, is an .uncle to the vis' or. Thursday afternoon of this week an Auction Sale of Farm stock, inrple- ruents, ua, will be hold at James Laidlaw's, 8th Con., at 1 p. m. IMr. Laidlaw has sold his farm and will re- move tc; Blyth. The 9th line is losing a fine family in the persons of Robt, and Mrs. New- combe, who having sold their farm to Joseph Ardell, take up residence in Blyth, We wish them an enjoyable stay in their new home. Dit:n IN LONDON, ---Margaret Scott, beloved wife of Frederick Treadwell, of London, died at her home rn that cityyon.February 18, and was buried in Mount Pleasant cemetery on Satur- day. She is survived by her sorrow- ing husband, 3 brothers : Adam Scott, Clinton ; Rev. Andrew Scott, Cedar Falls, Iowa ; and William Scott, Saginaw ; and 2 sisters, Mrs, Camer- on, London ; and 1VIl's, Jos, Harris, Petrolia; all of whom attended the funeral. As 10cnntiibutor has pn1 it : 'Mrs. Treadwell was a beautiful Christian beloved try all as was shown by the very large ful,eral and the beautiful 11rel oll'eringgs. Her pastor, Rev. lir. Wr ight, oon(lur.ted the fun- eral services, the bearers being members of her church. "Blessed are the dead that die In the Lord," De- ceased was a daughter of the late Adatu and Mee. Scott, 41.1 line, Motr's township, and is well and favorably remembered, DIAMOrn ANNrVERSARY.— Laet Monday, March let. was the 00th an- niversary n niversaa y of the marriage of old and highly esteemed residents of the Ot.h lint., m the persons of George and Mrs, Kirkby. They were married in Ilsborne township by Rev, Mr. ,Logie and have spent 40 years in the town- ship, first 9 years on the 5th line, when they bought their present homestead fret, Mr 1)01111,1d Bros,, lat.o of Walton, Few people would think Mr. Kirkby to be in his 83rd year and his partner in life to be 80 eats of age, as they are so active and bright physically azul mentally end take such a live re lot e'F) in etu'ren• events and affairs, Mr. Kirkby was born in Canada but bins. Kirkby, who is the eldest doougbb a 0f the Iutt,e Henry and Mre. Master, of this township, first opened her eyes in Glasgow, Scotland. They have the unique and unusual pleasure of having an unbroken family circle, as far as death is concerned, The 10 children are hearty and pros- petons and were all home 3 years ago, They are 1-- Jonathan, at home Harry, V, S„ at Belgravn ; and Her- bert, 00 7111 tine, Monica. Daughters, Mrs. T Cl. McCall, Bt•ue-ely; Mrs. J, Caistor, Mich. ; Mts. F. 61eArthur, nth line ; MIs, Robt, W.dt, Hullett Mrs J. 1I. Shor'treed, Grand PIairie, Albeeta ; Miss J. E., Kitchener ; and Miss Fllen, at home, Mee, Bentley, of lyth, le a sister of Mr. Kirkby, 8 --•--weasom•,- Church Chimes Maitland Presbytery met iu Wiugnanr on Tuesday. itev. lir. Mann and Ride James Grant attended, Monthly Missionary program will be presented next Sunday afternoon to Brussels Methodist Sabbath School. Mrs, Parker's class is in charge. Regular preaching services and Sale bath School will be resumed next Sun• day in the chnrehes 10 town et the regi• lar hours, at';r a bull t:ty or weeks. There s see . t i,.• ., •,,...d telly on the part of rte to r -e•t", Rev '0:10 took charge of the bi: la„ l :,-renew at Lista- veli.lt., tree withdrawal of the a ,1 i -: in Brussels giv- ing 111,11 „ t:,rist a brother pee.. , . 1 i ; up by the mark, A. .alae ,v n ,.c.z truant made by Rev, t) • 1". 1 1 .. i '„) i'b.e.,'Oary of the I7ot.ai!1',•', .'\ 1, 111111 1,, I, ave eVery Prot - &vent fuel.,. I1i tete ,'rn0ince occupied t on Sandie Ate e 11 11te, with repteseuta• fives , 0 1,11„1 n u phial ce with the 1 l,it, el , , ,l :t, , reitllar temperance 1 c ,n, >t , A n uu 1„ ,lu Int at'1V official hoard of• at 'Ma, da t Church, S1r ltfet t o tit, . tt1 to invite Rev. W t 1. ob a. co, p 1 el, to remain for tate re u, 1. .+ Irported that $13,a08 r r..,u 1:, ,ed in the Forward Muveiu ut 1 . P.,cas ate tinder way for a 011' suit.,114.„1cm , ql for members in the coin:veva,'u \ver , till itr action, The itolucl,.❑ or Iv v. K. A. Gollan, of Morewn. le pstoral charge of Balt h t.s 1`hu,sday, February .-f 1•••,,e .ion sermon was preached o, 11; Jamieson, of St. Helens ,' n 10 the newly in- ducted 11110 , r tc 1 ...ryes by Rev, Mr, MeLeete Rev. Mr. Me - 10 i+ d 1, a ,sed file people. At ,her se. ui' 111 ,.ivies Rev, Me, McKenzie ,v:Iv pa,,s00quid with A hand - 501111.7 eh(gm- for ter services as inlerint Moderator, and Rev. Gonna was made the recipient of one covering n quarter's stipend with Selo toward the expenses of the removal of himself and fancily from Battens (tntale% The homes: of Mrs. Jno, Downing and R. F, Doweing'rave been wired for the introduction of electric lighting. 'Newer:, Daffy Glebe bas increased its 'tub crintion price from 84 00 to $5.o,•. , , n. 1 18..-11 gat, The ex- tr'n, y ,1t,e, t •verythttig in the 100011,•1,; r 1 new eerier rs the 091110. Paper t wn , o;, a tan ;Willett Wes $39,60 in tote) l.:,ng ,)sty one of the items, and even scarce at that price. Clubbnig rate with 'Geta Pcps'r will nOW be 414 ate