HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-2-26, Page 8eer -a."^,- _ ..., -- . „•.. eeeseeneneeeeeeeen.iiiey`s=efeeeet.'.ie..., ,...rat 41+t••8Pd'•te.14+(,4eeeer a ewe eel, 4444 ee+0+O+0+0+ +$+4H'i.0 444 + , 9 be ;1`t t anted Look Over the List Cor9'4tec- tYQ°isne yt' t' cndv Atter I)inne•r. Mints Hone, ,c i', re. Meisel i` F,t.c t vi•' D1+ Men Fhirt. Favored L,wtew"Fresh c.''.i,.,cc Iates Gerry Bark De V Ih ss Cough Cure Atomizer Will Relieve Your Cough LVP believe Rexall Cheery Bark '.',,u n Cure to be one of the',af- u i most effective of Cough e„n .:,.ties. Pleasant to the taste. with nosing to upset tbe stomach ,t will be found to be a valuable Preparation to have on band for the treatment of Coughs. Cold;, til Cherry Bark Cough Cure- 25e ure-.25e and ;ou, Sprays Nese and Throat Sprays any liquid —oil or watery It has two bottles —one ler cleans- ing sulutiou and one for r oil Easily d—. y cleave Metal part can be sterilized by passing it through a dame, Ila Vithiss Atomie:re— etc o0 laxative Rexall Paraformic hull Throat Brom Catarrh Throat Cold Ease Quinine Jolly Tabs Tablets 1Re lied ilk : 335c 2513 25c 25e +H • .g 3• ,6i • •1• ieo -1• A •f•411.1-o•1•0d•0+0+0.1.0+a+0•34'1•1.•••0•44•t44•004-04 4444++0444'• 11r9ort PACS E n1 tali l Lever Oil aft I t Topic 111 :0 bottles SCO i".- .,Iii tIt)N na,l $1.,9O WAturot.,E' <., OD LIVER OIL wt oo bottles REXALL TASTEL!:SS PREP, L01) LAVER 011 on bottles R. S z Store Household Remedies LISTERINE soc bottles HYDROGEN .PEROXIDE 250 bottles EPSOM SALTS settoe pkgs. CAMPHORATED Ol 15cP er oz KASAGRA 25c & soc bottles LINSEED) MEAL 200 a lb, LIQUID PARAFFIN OIL 5e per oz. 9TH Druggist and Stationer • • •1• • 0 A • 1etos tth1 M tr, :n euttrs next Monday. T,wN Cuaricil Monday evening next, How :e. ids th0 address label ou your Pose Some t:r..,e't, Curl a few robins are to be seen nct.T.O ,n •:.; I v. MoNarui.v Horse Fair in Brussels Thursday of next week. MRS FREit. I. 11? ..i; Will receive On the first and third Thursdays of each month, Din von loin the Horticultural Soci- ety h oR being dis- tributed is see members. HEAR the V 'ee VV rines.lay even. ing of next 't..:::,.. Brussels Town Hall, They Coln:; Wel, vea,mmended. Dieser lorZ'`t Tee Annual Meeting of the Rural Telephone in Brussels Town Hall Tusdiy afternoon, March gth. It was adjour;,ed on aecouut of the Ru ban THE ice 14, Thomson stored last week in East Huron Produce Emporium measured 2e inches ie thickness and it took some handling. Ice was procured above the mill dam. MAITLAND river has been so low in the absence of rain or thaw that steam power. had to he applied et the chopping mill as there was yet water power enough to drive the ntacitinery. No ! dear Fawner, the peculiar marks seen on tete ' 11 , w is not the footprints of some ,nota,",no wandering round but the impres. sio ,., Flo one of the many snowsh.:e•r. e! 1,-„si v aillo meauder about. T' :r ee no d.a ser. Me. Witt. '. roe yew baker. is here thiswetl eeer -set tit.5'ote n the Gar- field block t• -ads for t ii ineste His new portable ore' n 111,, 4.,t arrived yet but he expects it',lest-tie H.: nae overseas for a couple of 'nesse:, tot nrnin.g'':ast Summer. His parental isetne is liaaevbury, AN Aue'i'a11 Salt- of Household effects is announced by A. T. Currie, at his home Flora fi tea 11ru'sels, for Satur- clay afterlro,:n, °.lsrc1; 13, at 2 o'clock. Mr. and tits. Currie intend removing to Toronto its the near future, hence the sa e, See the bins for further particu- lars, DIED AT F',wr WleieeM.—We are sorry to slat:•':'' 1 .in FelnUM-V 15th, at Fort Wii; a;a, i) l , Preston R, the bright little art o' irr ai c1 Mrs. Gerry, formerly of 13ro..a,,,,:, oass'ed away, He woe 4 years ism! 6 monde; old. Old friends heat m t h w.th the bereav- ed in the lose. fir thee semi;. et laddie. Mas. Eit.eae,l, GARVIN DEAD.—On February 2211.1, :ills. Edward Garvin, formerly of Ibis locali-y, diad at Strat- ford, at the honer of her nephew, Archie Cline, in her ;;ta yea,- Her maiden name watt Charlotte Mo't'e, whose girl- hood home wt,e H hien County. Mr. and Mrs Garvin lived in this neighbor• hood for about 35 years, removing to Stratford fast year. Mr, Garvin is very frail HYMENEAL —A very quiet but pretty wedding was R010111,0'7:11 at the Mettle - diet Parsonage, Wingnani. Saturday evepiag, February 14'11, at 6 o'clock, when Miss Lniu M•ly, second daughter of Edward C.:tnd Mrs, Duuford, Brus- sels, was uuiteil in marriage to H. Mil- ton Lake, of M'rrie, township, Rev, E. F. Armstrong, 11 1) , officiating The bride, wlto w.: eniutended, wore her suit of ti.0.111 1 ';r Will, corsage boquet of eiveetheart rotten. After the wedding r„uuer the nappy couple left for their horse res the. groom's fine farm, 3rd line Morris r"wnship. That their joys may he many and their troubles few is the wish of many old friends of the oontrpoting parties, THE POST gives the news, Hover, to rent are a scarce article in Brussels. WHAT are yon doing to help Brussels grow ? THEM, has not been as much snow an the ground for many a year as at pros. eat. It is the accumulation of the Winter, It is to be hoped it will go MAN. gradually anti thereby avoid a big freshet. Sou) 1T.—Last week Geo. A. Murray, of Milton, came to Brussels and loaded the well drilling outfit of Geo. Edwards, which he purchased, and shipped to his home town. Mr, Edwards may constructt n a t ew one. C,i 'xv OpaN.—After several months, owing to illness, Miss Mande Br yens wishes to state that her office will now be open as usual and she will be able to attend to all requiring optical attention. GOLD cuff links lost on the street of Brussels Will finder kindly greatly oblige the loser by leaving thein at Tie PoeS Publishing House A 51711152 of choice books, in good repair, for ease at a bargain. See theta at THE PORT. Two York brood sows, to farrow in Merrill and April, for sate Lot 15, Con. 7, Morris Township. Phone 9514, F, BRUMES. WOOD Wellman.—Tice undersigned wishes to purchase 20 cords of cord wood or short wood, beech and maple for the Methodist church to be delivered before sleighing goes Call on R. LEATHERuALe, Brussels, Phone 87 Butlin oysters for sale, S. 0. W treoN, Fon SALE, -2 comfortable dwelling houses. I. C. litosARDs. Da. PARxER, Osteopathto Physician, visits Bruseels Monday afternoon of eeoh week, Ohreafo and nervous diseases successfully treated. Visits residences, Consultation at Queen's Hotel, INDREINITELY POSTPONED.—Owing to the Board of Healtilban being continued for another week the coming of the Vis. Sochi Florentine Musicians next Wed- nesday eveuing, in connection with the Ch autauqua Circle, has to be called oil for the time being Other arrangements will he announced later.. We are sorry to nti+s this troupe but it can't be helped this time. BUNCH OF DATES.— l;+ster Sunday, April 4 Carolina Girls. March 23 St. Patrick's Day, March 17, Provincial Parliament opens Marsh g Telephone Annual Meeting, Tuesday March g, Monday was George Washington's Birthday. Horticultural Society Directors, Fri- day, M web 5, Dominion Parliament February 26, leerm'r says Messrs. Gerry & Walk - en, Brussels, have disposed of their hard- ware business lo a gentleman from Hamilton. Stock taking is proceeding now and possession will follow its corn pletion. We understand Mr, Gerry will likely take it year's vacation and Mr. Welker, 111105• health has not been very rugged will do some building up Hope both will continue to reside in town. It is many a year since there was not a Gerry in the hardware business. DEATH OF Mai '1'RN:AntvEt,t,.— '1'Ite death occurred Thursday of Mrs Tresd- well et her residence, 15 Guelph street, London, at the age of 59 emirs She is survived by her husband, Frederick, and 4 brothers, David and Allan, Lon- don ; Rev Mr. Scott, of Cedar Falls, Falls, Iowa ; and Wlllitnt, of Saginaw, and oue sister. Mrs. Joseph Harris, of Petrolea. The fuueral was From her late residence on Saturday at o'clock. The service was conducted by Rev, W, S Wright at 2 o'clock. Inter. meat was made at Mount Pleasant. De. ceased was a former Brusselite and is better known as Mise Maggie Scott, She visited here last Summer at the Old J3oys' Reunion, RUAO tiles -Met and nave m,.,uey thele' by. CAI.L ftp Telephones 31 or 32 if you have n newsy note and nut time to write it Pitsste will be uu meeting of Mussels Women's Institute this mouth on ac- count of the ban egaiust the flu, THE quarantine on the Haist homes, Albert street, has been lifted and the services of lir". Ernest Isherwood, nurse, doing netel with now 19 tl a lime 1. 111411 for `erring work both on and r tt the farm Anoth- er month will bring the busy tune well nigh to hand. 11Rvsseers Shamrock Creamery has done a good hus'm ess (luring the win• ter, the high privet, for butter giving them a good boost. Cotniu}, of Spring wili largely increase their trade. ONE night last wee.c one of our young men, a modern lack the -Hugger, did some lively splinting down the stieet in pursuli ol a young lady. After a chive of 4 o 5 blocks be succeeded in catching her. So far no arrests have been made. PROPERTY CIANOIPL—Mrs. George Spading has sold her 2 story cement cottage, coruer Church aud John street, to Robert Dark, who disposed of his home on Queen street, to Rt,bert Shed- den, Morris township. 1. N. Goxoos, manager of the Stand- ard Bank, at Forest, formerly of Brus- sels, has purchased the ]antes Russel residence on King street at present 6c- cupied by Charles May. Mr, Gordon purposes remodelling the house belore moving in. SoMx Tsuns: '1'iar ai•,Uii. Hee- e1". — Thaw sotto •i'iJve. H. C. L. take a drop. Athletic chubs organize. Caned War Tax Stamps. Kick Turks out of Europe. New PostoH'ice erected at Blessels. Exchange even up between United States and Canada. RIP1.EY BOOSTS 1•oR HYDRO.—The Hy. dro bylaw, to vote $i5,000 to bring hy- dro power to Ripley, was submitted to the electors on Friday. About two- thirds of the available vote was polled. 'Phe result was 109 for and 4 against. It is expected that the town will be il- luminated by power generated at Eugenia Falls early in the coming Autumn. Wonder when the Hydro folk will send the promised information to Brussels ? Two DEA•rss.—From Fruitland, Idaho comes the sad news of two deaths in the family of Jno. and Mrs. Rands, Fruit- land, Idaho, and brother of Wm. Rands, Brussels, South. Oran C. Rands, eld- est son passed away at so 5o a m , Tues- day, Feb- 3rd. He is the second son to die within a week both having succumb- ed to attacks of pneumonia, following the the Franklin died at his own home at to so a. m the Thursday previous. Oran passed away at the home of his father and mother. The body of Frank was held pending the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Rands, who were in California, when Frank died but they arrived Sun- day evening in titne to be at the bedside of their oldest son, when be passed away, Impressive double funeral ser- vices were held at the church Wednes- day afternoon after a short service had been held at the home of Mrs. Frank Rands, as Mrs. Rands and other mem- bers of the family were tumble to attend a public funeral. Rev, Eby and Rev. Burtch look part in services at the home and the church atter which the remains of the two brothel's were buried in the same grave at Riverside. cemetery, Payette, the caskets being wreatbeded with Powers placed by loving hands. Franklin D, Rands, the first to pass away was born in Ttipp, Sruth D: kla, find was in his 32ud year, Orin C. was also born in 'Tripp and WAS 35 Friruds '0 Morrie will sympathise in Ibis sorrow as John is an old Morris boy, iI People We Talk About 1t 1'3 Miss Eva Bryans was home Iron] Tor- onto for the week end. Last week Thos. Ritchie had an at- tack of quinsy but is better again. Miss Margaret Ament is visiting bet sister, Mrs, John, Lynn, at Walkerville. D C. Ross was laid aside a fee' days last week by lumbago. Aa unpleasant companion. D. 13 and Mrs. McDonald were visit tug at Heusall and other points during the past week, Mrs (Dr ) White has been on the sick list but we ti nal she will soou be as hearty Rs usual Miss Mina Hunter 10 laid aside this week from rheumatism but the hope it Is only temporary, Archie Currie was Leine from Toron- to for tete past week, He has not been feeling very well. During the past week Mrs, N Platt has been seriously ill with heart trouble but we hope for improvement. Oswald Hentiug way has recovered from his recent illness and able to be back to the Benk of Nova Scotia 1. M. Goeenlock, M P. P. Centre Huron, called 00 THE Pos'r on Tuesday, Pal liament opens Tuesday, March gib. Mrs, W. 1. Hunter returned to her home in Oshawa on Monday after spend Ing the past two mouths with friends here Mis 0 Querin and family. Gorrie, who have been clown with ' flu" are. we are pleased to state, getting along nicely and will toon be able to be around again. We congtatulate Miss Helen Kay, Stratford, on passing her Primary piano exam. at Ki'ohener, taking 83 out of too and rat class donors, She is the only daughter of Posttuaster Kay, formerly of Brussels and a nelco of W, H, and Mrs, Kerr, town. The death occurred cu Sunday. 15th Inst , at Mesford, of William larnicson, brotber of Mrs (Rev,) 1.) N. McCamus, Clinton, and of the late Rev. Walter 5 Jamieson, a former junior pester at B!ussels where he will be remembered by loony Mr. Jamieson had been 111 for some time and his death was not unex petted ler, F. 'P Styes's, who its taking a special CODs: a in t1 nRe and throat t H 4a l a lir void, linatou, this year, sprat a fow dews at his old home in Brussels. His moiheris not eojeying her usual gond Health and ile cetne to see her, The Dr, is enjoying his studies and Was a wal. come visitor to town. Mrs Brvans and slaughter and Mrs, Meltelvey are also in Boston, Duel Continues Another Week Bri.at'h. Bcnt-nd or 11t lits met Tues- day eveeing and dt':,'uesed question of tvithdranutg the intlneiza blit. 1E WW1 ds,entttl to rnulii00 11 fnr another week, ht nes,'11ml-d us, will not be op- en [Iwo sabbath int' twill the Rohttn)R 0.01010 opt t u ion' n„Xt Monday as \ttts,•ipoet t 1 Pliers. are vet')' few e,isee of the epi - dumb, in 1otvu, 1)10111011y owing to the resl4•ietion but so many lioness Fire not iFleur of it in IhP rouotry the Ilo:O'd deehled it tt is be1.1PP to be sotto than eerry anti reettiet gatherings as lite steam emit tlhto Rtlssas, Some sulk say t:e\rrnl. ,ahtiPR, held n'ithfi 15 11111111a of 5 miles of town, have been first•inss disseminators of the 11n. 11 ,would be vrisdoii to call ''1f tit's as.ettittlies for elle Liuu' be. Mg If above etttIetoeit is true, Flu, plies pneumonia, is not to 110 trifled with aid 110 ounce of prevention is worth a ei it of Hare. •e. ' e b tt I 1 1 t i the ban may ) ineottttnadP but penbably thes'e's safety in following Ilse injunction. Councillor Stewart was away on a business trip and the factory here was iu charge of Is s brother, Ian, who was (here from Cltestty Mrs L C. L'ppli,ardr, of Kelfield,. eek., arrty •d this week to assist in Wailieg no her 1110' her, Mrs, N. Platt, who cunt susses veru pearly, Mtge Mande Billies, who has been told up a geed shnre of the Winter, is tegaiumg her former vigor and has re opened her office in town, J. A Glenuie, Lucknow, manager of flankuf Hamilton, who riederwent an operation recently, is improving and will be back on duty its a few .days, Alderman T. R Bennett, Wingbsm, was in town last Friday. He is now a General Agent for the Massey -Harris Company and thinks he'll like the job. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. (Reel Henry Smith, of town, is -making good progress at Fergus hospital. She underwent a trifle operation on the 13th o st , and the expectations are the re- sults will be a return to robustness of health oot enjoyed for a good many years. It will be some time before she is able to return home. Her many friends wish her speedy convaleecence. We bid 'Phos. and NR's. Davidson and son Tom welcome to Brussels, They moved from their farm last week after their Auction Sale. Possession will not be taken of their new home, recently purchased from the Misses Hunter, John street, until next Fall. In the meantime they will live with their son, J. L and Miss Mary in their home, Turnberry street. The newcomers are no strang- ers, DIED IN TORONTO.—The fuueral of Harold 13 Ransford, son of John Rang - ford, of Clinton took place on the arriv- al of the Toronto train on Monday of last week, The deceased died suddenly in Toronto on 'Friday of pneumonia. Funeral services were conducted by Rev, S. 'F. McKegney, interment be- ing made in the Clinton cemetery. Brussels friends sympathise with the bereaved, Last Saturday our townsman, Chas. Howlett, Queen street, celebrated his 83rd birthday, in the enjoyment of a good degree of healtb, THE Poses ex- tends congratulations and hopes be will be spared a good many years yet to relatives and old friends, Miss Mae Skelton, who M at Normal School, Strat- ford. was home to enjoy the t e week end with herrandfather. Mr Howlett !r OW IR real active for n gentleman of his years, Church Chimes Last Sabbath Rev. W E. Stafford was at Listo kel, supplying for Rev Dr. Hezen, who has been on the sick list. Young Peoples' Conferences or In- stitu'es were atrauged to be held in Winghcun District to connection with the I,iethed,st churches at Gerrie, Brus- sels, Kii lo•. rind Lueknow M February but the Board of Health ban on public gatheriugs precluded the arrange- ment being carried out at Brussels. Ethel and Belgrave circuits were associ- ated with Brussels in the plan, "'Pile Come -BACK BIBLE CLASS."—In cruutctbu with Melville Sunday School a young men's class has been organized well the following officiary :— A, 'L', Currie, President ; Milton 04iVett'e, Vice -President ; Harvey Milligan, Sec - 'I'reas. ; Mrs (Rev,) Mann, Teacher ; Milton McVet,ie, Asst. Teacher; Cap- tains—Alex Fox and Nelson Goveulock, 'l'lie class will hear the name 'IPhe Come -Back Class," At lho regular meeting of the official board of lathes street Methodist eburch, Exeter, two t'oune men, Linden Har- vey, B A., awl J Earl Southcott, were recommended as candidates for the ministry. It was also decided unani. Mately to invite the pastor, Rev M. 1. Wilson to return at an increase in salary EARN TO SA•VE.-- Every woman P.T'y man y ';': Olasan 7 and child can save. Every one should save. Every ambitious person does save. The Savings Department of the Standard Bank of Canada affords every facility for aid- ing you to save. 29) THE SIMARD D BANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH • v"e., Ft. SAMii - MANAt:r.n of el3oO, making it now $1,80o. Congre- gattou is looking forward to reaching the objective in the Forward Movement. OTTAWA CHnincst I xTENUB A CALI, 't'0 REV. '1'. W. Co.LNs.—Phe Cornwall Standard of Feb. t-tb, speaks as follows of a former Brussels Methodist pastor : —A unanimous invitation to the Pastor- ate of Eastern Methodist Church, Ot- tawa, was extended to Rev, T, Wesley Cosens, who is closing his 4th year -as pastor of the Methodist Church iu this town, Mr. Coleus ban accepted the invitation, subject to the action of the Stationing Committee. BORN SPARLINO.—Xu Brussels, on February lath, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Sperling, a daughter. MARRIED LArtt—DDNPORD.—At the Methodist parson- age, Wingitan, by Rev. 131. F, Armstrong, B. D„ on February 14th, 1020, Mr. H, Milton Lake, of Morrie township, to Miss Lulu May, 2nd daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ed- ward 0, Danford, Bruseelt, MAODONALD—MEN''zcse—At the home Of the bride, on February 14th, 1920, by Rev. David Wren, lel. A. of Mt, Forest, Mr, Dun- can N. MacDonald, of Hayter, Alberta, to Musa Mabel B„ daughter of Mrs. Julia Mon. 81es, Cratbrook, Ont. DIED DAvin0ON —At Coteau, Sask., on Feb. 18th, 1020, Jennie Eliza Cotelough, beloved wire of William Rainsford Davidson, aged 27 years. DAVLnsoN.—On Feb. 12111 1020, at Coteau, Saslc, John Gordon Davidson, son of the late Mrs and Mr, W. R. Davidson, aged 2 years and 10 days. DAVtnseN.—At Coteau, Salk„' on February 1210, 1920, Margaret Vietol'in Davidson,. daughter of the Into airs. and Mr. W, R. Davidson, aged 8 months and 8 days. DAvis —Entered into rent ou Saturday, Feb- ruary 14th, t220, John Joseph, Manager of the Royal Bank of Canada, Drayton, belov- ed husband of Ethel Barber and eldest son of the late John Davis, Gis iL.4 . GEnnY.—AtFmt William. on Fein miry uy 15th, 1920, Preston P„ anti of lrn and Mrs Gerry, aged 4 years and 0 months. AUCTION SAGES FRIDAY, Fan. 27.—Farm Stook, implements, tCe., Lot 19, Con, 18, Grev township, Sale un- reserved at 12 o'clock. Jas. Diolcson, Propriet- or., F, S, Scott, Auo, WEDNESDAY, MA11014 ORD.—Form Stook, im- plements, .&o ,Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris. Sale, unreserved, eel p. m, Donald McDon- ald, Prop., P. S. Scott, Auo. FRIDAY, 11f1AttOr1 Bele—Farm stook, house hold effects. ‘to , Lot 28, Con 10, Grey town- ship. Sale unreserved all p.m. Ernest Isllor- wood, Prop.. le. t,, Scott, Atm, BATIIrtDAY, MARon 18 —Live etoek, riga, int - street t Brus Household Sale cotnmencesat, 20lo`a A. T. Currie, Prop. F. S. Scott Auo. Annual Telephone Meeting The Postponed Annual Meeting of Braseals, Morris .k- they Te'e,hone Company will be Held. in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Tneeday, March 51.11, 1920, nt 2 p, nt. Business, to receive the Annual Statement, sant Directors and at- tend to any other basin 5.tsocri T, President. M, MACK, Seol'etary, Stook for sale One roan Short Flom Bull, 0 months old, sir- ed by Mount Royal ' also ono roan Short Horn Cow in calf to imported hull, Galesford of Salem, owned by't'hoa, Pierce THOS, A. 015A!•tBY; Lot 29, Con. 2, Morris Twp, 2 Phone 115 Bluevale R. 14,, No, Now Is the Time to Place Your Order for Early Sum- mer Delivery. MONUMENTS are some- thing which take much time and care to properly produce. Each and every detail means infinite care and attention— that the finished Masterpiece may 1101 be lacking in any of those things which make for a lasting Memorial. Place your order now and be sure of having it erected early. Brussels Granite and Marble; Works ALLAN E. HERSEY +,+ +. „r!_ ttt^ •-s-,`"`t %L " .vs 3c1; '%,7 "... 'rL..T.S «, .ta' ' r00,0 i00*0r.Q10011t 110141 St@ftCi0Q011® tleetC10800ined" iettle12 9M,Si8EYs nMeterfe0 Fox's Drug Seo to ® THE 5'I'OTtE G Weekly Store News s➢ • This is the period that requires the greatest m care, Systems are left in a very run-down • condition and are greatly in need of a Tunic and Builder. To those in need of such a Ton- ic and Builder we unhesitatingly recommend After the flu e Y m 9 ¢9 Y CD 0 to n tl a Ili rs A A • Those of our Customers who have used this excellent preparation cannot speak too highly in its praise. Easy to take. Satisfaction as- sured, Two sizes-5oc and $ t.oci Penslar Palatable Cod Liver Extract With Hypophosphites and Malt Extract Olive Oil Much in demand these colt Wintry days. When you are buying it be e111'e and get the best. HEIN'/. is a very palatable Oil and quality the highest, $11,25 per Pint Pens;: Toot Paste Don't overlook else fact when you again require a pacicage of Tooth Paste that we are still selling this very popular make at 25c per tube JAMES DRUGGIST and STATIONER Hog for Service -- BRUSSELS MARKET Fall :wheat 11 OS 11 51 Spring Wheat 2.00 2 10 Oats 90 00 Thoro'-bred Yorkshire Hog for service after ' Peas 2 85 2 85 March 1st. Terms, 81.20, paid at time of ear- Barley 1 20 1 25 vine, Return if necessary. Lot, 12, Con. 8, Butter 00 00 Morrie. A, H. MCN0IL, Rggo 00 00 18 00 18 00 20 00 20 00 84.2 Phone 8218 Proprietor, Hc^ Hnv Are o m Who spends carefully with the object of re- ceiving Value for every Dollar ? Have You Seen Our Bargain Counters ? Come and Inspect Oar St You will find goods at prices that will fit your purse—Goods attractively displayed—and a service which aims at satisfying your needs, c Do You Plan Your Owri Wardrobe as well as the Children's ? If so, you realize that planning is the hardest part of the work, There is the most wonder- ful kind of help where the planning is done for you—a book that appears four times a year, with hundreds of smart designs fol' yourself and the Children—a book that forecasts Fashions for the entire season—the Butterick Qu,;.rterly Now on sale at our Pattern CotThter, D. e. Ross Dry Goods Merchant Agent for Butterick Patterns