HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-2-26, Page 4the trussets
Interesting Story of a
Wreck in Chinese Waters
'phut welt, or r. a i.It(•t• of air's. tires
Reycraft, (i'n1.iielt, and a anise of S.
13, Wilson, a fernier resident of Bru•1-
sels yea1'b ago.
Mtn, Reycraft has just received
front her Meter, Miss Elizabeth Wil -
eon, an account of the shipwreck of
e party with which she was roceed-
th p Gy ,P .
ing up river towards the missionary
station in the interior of China which
ie to be the eceno of her labors, For-
tunately the f i t f ctl1 o he mission-
ary party wer," e I Intl they hail a
very harrowing experienee, and alisn over Otte'ehoulders. They brought
Wilson suffered h, lee', nt the entire word that robbery were near, would
outfit with whir h she iced inovidell hear of the meek and be upon us.
herself for a Long tenor nt years in They tutted us to accept their escort
China. to the neatest town, where we could
arise Wids'nl writes fr',ltt Churg be protected, We decided to go,
('how, See, West China, ltecentt'er Care mete w,• went (Iowa to the
1919.;\'am ete and reel lowthel into small
Dear Mand. -1 do nut 11000' whet h- boats with a few s, Idiots no each, I
er you have heard whit has befallen at on the door and tried to eleep-
ue. This i, my first elle• to write, held the baby far a while and was mr
I posted a letter'." y u „ne dlty hast speakabty o eery, We were neatly
week and then theengh, u' wile soon two hou>•s going up the river and
to be in Ohnngking ,vi, ii nu''1 of out across the txatt-gia-din, t p a mud.
journey over. sly elem. Nye climbed and 1 hen up in -
On Saturday abort' 1' shoat„ tie we uttntotable ditty steps. Otte feet elate
came welly Ont tont wtterni,on tea, tee edon the bate ett (If the Steps
the Chu -clown •,tt!tek a reek, rearing and the d,ege wakened and boar \\e have had several requests with -
a large hole in the engine room. She Finally we were led into a t lllie 1n the Llst feu' months115 to how the
listed to one side ;1111e,1 intntediately. with stone 9onrs end gloomy recesses, :teen! gatc of the reports of fires sent
It was a few ee xni 1 before env he. There Was tuuch talk among the sot, in to r,tu• office, estimated from smonth
wildered sense e e t: 1 rt isp the idea tilers. They could not get us p0kais' to month and as published in the "Pub
that the boat woe going down. We we west go elsewhere. Led forth
went into our eee,it an,d put. on 0110 again through ditty crooked streets
things -coats aril hate. tee. Even we carne at last to the yamen, or
then it seemed to tie 1;1101y that we'd chief's (+tlieial's house, Here we sank
simply bet ken eehete and that our wearily hi chairs. The children
n t finally '
belongntl, Is„old he there stili. Took were laid down and h y 1n utter
my green bag and put in it what desperation futu' of us laid ourselves
money 1 had, stuck father's watch in ernsatvisc o(1 a Chinese bed and were
one pocket (1011 motive'. hrooch in the covered with 0 pwkai which seemed
other, and left the eetee, meeting the dean. I must have slept a little and
table boy, who (I •0 :1 life•i,eit on me. when I finally got up the dawn wee
By the time I left the 'ellen, the ship coming. We were a sorry looking
had sunk so far on 1 0e aide that eliutb- crowd -the captain in a long Chinese
ing up the deck was ansa difldcnit, coat. hie wife wrapped in a blanket,
I reached the rail 00 110' fat side and and the teat of 00 muddy, dirty, dis•
Mies Batetnne said, "Coyne all Miss bevelled.
Nilson," and with 'Airs. Walker's as- They brought us hot water to wash
sistance l swung ever the side. The in -aid we with neither towel nor
boat continued to tell over and we snap. I washed and felt a little bet -
slipped down the side ,1(,d partly on ter, There was talk at' breakfast, and
the bottom, r,ot kw wing what would we were told it wee being prepared.
happen next. '1'11e only available Miss Dale wrung shine of the water
small boat had been appropriated by out of the things in her trunk and
the firemen, who were on their way located soap and a wet towel. Abotit
to shore. ten o'clock we were brought heed
The water whirled and I oiled a- boiled eggs in a bowl and I ate two
round us, and far :-01 we saw the rap- without either thread or salt. Then
tain and his wife _uniggling in the about 11 they set tables with Chop -
whirlpools as they were carried down sticks and a Chinese spoon apiece.
the river. We were brought rice and liver and
Once the boat Teta completely an pork and ate as best we could.
one side. It seem •d stationary, which While we ate a Ftench gunboat ar-
comforted us great!_., Also we were rived and we sent to ask if we might
all there -even the littlest of the Tay. go ahem d. \Void carne that we
ler children. We waited very long, it might do so, sever will I forget my
seemed, before the cries of the feelings as we left that yamen-never
Chinese, "Wad sa," "Wad sa," will' forget the courtesy with which
brought any sight of it small boat. In we received on the French gunboat.
the meantime the ship's boat bad It was so good to hear our own
landed its passengers and was on its tongue again, though strangely spok-
way to rescue' the captain and his en. The Chinese were courteous, but
wife. Soon a small boat came to our they know so little of our needs ;
ship and it was
said that the foreign
theirs seem so different,
The gun -
women children and theChinese boat vete the DuLdalt de Ln tee and
women must go first. The Chinese on sailors and officers did their utmost to
board behaved splendidly -I'll never make Its comfortable. A canvas tent
forget the little Chinese Woman who was built for us amidships. We were
urged me to go instead of her. We brought tea and ship's biscuits and
scrambled alongway
on our to the
boat and passed the compradore and
two of his men who held back any
Chinese who might try to crowd. We
were soon in the little boat and 10 a
very short time on shore.
The captain had turned the boat
full on shore before he was thrown
overboard and the engineer had let
off the steam so that the boilers would
not burst. We feel that we owe a
good deal to him for his forethought,
as otherwise we might have been
blown to pieces,
The two men of our party, Mr,
Walker and Mr. Taylor, soon rejoined
us, We stood on the shore for a little
'wondering what to do next. A. poor
Chinese woman near us, wet and81:11.V..
eying was lamenting ovet the death of
her childten. Others who had been
in the water vete sick -nauseated by
water or chill. We were soon led to a
farm house -dark, comfortless build-
ings of mud where the people were
too poor to even buy mire,
There we found the captain and- his
wife -he wee almost gone from shock
Do You Need
eed Corn "
My stock le 1,1 hand 1111(1
I ran supply you.
Fkui raid Feed
l-1 •ady fat Non. )deo
Timothy and Clover Seed
r n
W.111. McCracken
Phone 43
1 went IL 101t110UUL pen, 1 dutl't sewed
Its if I were rei1lly glad that my life
Ito(' -.:11)13, bill l 111(1.
Ontario Sural School Fairs
During the yeee, 11(11) the Dotaliu
Depart meta of Agtietttlu10, throng][
its tooienttln'al representatives, die -
r 11
bl C I „e, V C E s 'n ' h. Il pit-
1 +
Ill 1 1 1 and I , ( 1
t. 4
111t. ,11 .i!tl117tl eellfinl I the 1'-
01 pro.
vine, 11, et. ilnn'au 13. S. A , wt it•
ani; in the Agrieullulal tiezelie for
J+umai•)' slates Istat the following
quiullaties were (nett Ibitted 1,590
ititsliele 1 )1111uei ¢30 hnsbels et
grain, 1",5;t, peel:nfe.1(l' rout s1'eds,
'1)1,7(111 packages of vegetable seeds,
21,000 pot ,(s oi flower seeds and
11,015 dozens of eggs of tt Le ed -to -lay
etrniu of Barred Plymouth Rocks,
Thee*, figures give some idea of the
magnitude of the School 1''air more•
(110111, h, 01114U 111,
Thr lits) School Leah' 10110 orgauie d
in 111111) With three setneds taking pert.
Tan years later 357 rural School b'airs
were held in the I'rovince and 1110.
pupil. had 09,818 hone plots and made
111,820 entries, ft is estimated that
+tfa Irl. 250 people saw the fleet Simon'
Pair ii, which :18 pupils took ptu't,
chile last Pall 92,1100 children and
107,31111 adults attended the Seined
Paine in Ontario. TIM: is wonderful
Fire Waste
and chill. alis Dale took charge of
hint and I lent illy sweater coat to
him and my pettic•niat to his wife. It
wasn't a cold night, fortunately and
we ourselves were Lot wet. Indoors
there was a fife huilr nn tate thud
floor, around which people Were dry-
ing themselves and talking everlast-
ingly in Chinese. We prefer ed to re-
main outside, although the r> owd n8
curious spectators drew close about
us and made us unrcnnforlable, They
tried to be kind ---brought 115 raw
sweet potatoes to eat, which they
peeled for us with their fingers.
It began to rain softly, and we took
refuge under a sort of veranda. The
clouds wet'e not very thick, and
through them the tinsel shone 20 that
we could see everything witli great
clearness. We made a bed on elle
ground for the children and the rest
of Us took turns in holding the baby
or leaning against each other trying
to sleep. I fell:clesper'ately tited after
the long strain, but I couldn't sleep, I
either felt cold or too uncomfortable.
We sometimes went indoors to get
warm, but were soon driven out by
smoke from various arnxt'oes, Some-
one found a beet for the captain and
his wife, The pilot sat in 0110 corner
with his hands tied behind him, his
head drooping sleepily. Two hens
stirred uneasily in It corner and near
" them were other sleeping forms -enc
that of the chief engineer•.
We bought a few oranges and sotne
one brought me a cooked potato,
Which I peeled and ate, A Chinese
evotnatt gave me a endo biscuit., too,
nom hunger.
Was not
We had no fnhtl for the baby and
tried to keep
hila asleep.
About 1 o'clock as als Dale and I
sat on hex' t•eeened trunk, some fifty
soldiers arrived, (mining tip from t11e
'1 i t1 00 11 ht With their gone
Auction Sale
wt,rs, &e. -F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, has
been mstrneted by the undersigned to sell by
Public Aueti0n at Lot 14, Con. 12, Grey, on
Friday, Feb 2711, at 12 o'clock noon, the bil-
lowing property: -1 mare rising 10 y sore,' 1
horse 10 yours old, 1 black Per•oherol mars ris-
ing 5 years, 1 bey mare rising 5 years, 1 bay
mere rising 8yew's, 1 driving horse rising
yews, 1 registered cote in calf, 1 registered
row, 2 registered heifer calves, 1 registered
heifer rising '1 050r0, 1 cow supposed in exit
due Marsh 20th, 1 cow supposed to calf Ane
April 1st, 1 Sow supposed in calf due Apri110(11,
1 cow sup lased in calf dna April 16111, . cows
supposed In calf due May 28rd, 1 Jersey now
supposed in calf due kitty 28111, 1 sow supposed
in calf due Mey 28th, 2 fat steers rising 8 years,
1 let ]heifer 2 years old, 20 steams rising 2 years,
410,110 0 rising 2 year.', 1 heifer rising 1 year,
1 steer rising 1 year, 10 pigs weghing about 175
018., 1 NOW 101111 8 pigs 5 weeks old et time Of
sale, 1 young sow with a pigs 2 weeks old at
time of sale, 50 pure. bred White Leghorns, 50
Barred Rock Pullets, MaseayWerris hinder 6
ft. cut, Deering mower 6 -ft rut, Deering bay
loader, Deering side delivery mite, hay rake,
steel land roller, Froot & Wood cultivator,
Deering Fertilleer drill nearly new, set of 4•
eeetlon Dimond harrows, harrow cart, disc
harrow, Oliver milky plow, twin plow, gang
plow, 2 walking plows, 1 snuffler, rubber tired
buggy new, cutter nearly new, an old cutter,
2 lumber wagons, Raft. hay 0001Enew, wagon
box, gravel box, slot hob -sleighs, grindstone,
elneryseiokl' grinder, set 1200 Ib. scales, hay
fork, ear end ropes, wheelbarrow, sat team
harness with high top collars, set platy har-
ness, set driving harness, 2 seta whiffietrees,
2 neckyokes, 4 loads hay, quantity of oat strew,
about 20U bus, seed oats, about 202 bus, mixed
grain, about 100 bus. seed Marley, heating stove
sideboard, ohurn, international creme separat-
or, water barrel, fork, shovels, elmiu0, pails
and of her articles too numerous to mention.
Sale nun -served as Perm hes been sold. Terme
-sums of $10.00 and under cash ; over that
amount 11 months credit given on approved
joint notes. 5 per eenTAS.DIOROO1N, credit
rLEtitlN'1a, Cc, -L', S. Scott, Auctioneer,
tats reeelved instructions from the
ed Proprietor to soli by Public Auction at Si
nt 28, Con. O. 51orris township, onWednesday,
larch Ord, at 1 o'clock, the following proper-
: -1 draft mow rising 4 years, 1 draft hose
ylei • 4 years, 1 driving mare dein 7 enc
Wing e a n e
owlsinglem• dmilole, 6 1 cow 7 genre old due
20tH April, 1 now 6 years old due 10th March,
1 cow 0 y 1old due 15th 51 y, I cow 5 7 0500,
Id doe 2417.0 21107, 1 farrow now rlsing U year0
fresh cow rising 0 years, 1 heifer rising O yrs.,
heifers risingt2 years, 2 steers rising 2 years,
yearling calves, 2 young cat os. 5 pigs about
60 lbs , oho tt IDS young hens, 400 bus. °ars, 60
us, barley, 50 bus. mixed grain, 2 begs titno-
,1 hy seed, abouts tonahey, Mol,ormiek binder
ft. m1A n5ariy naw, kle0ormlok mower 0.11.
nt nets, klaxwetl lies lander, 10.21. steel raltc,
klasssy'ktorria seed drill, Frost &oVoud draw,
et , milki diamond harrows, scorner, twin
low, milking plow, wy vee pair bob -sleighs
dotter, top buggy, hay rack with roller top,
homing mIllo, "0011 pillt,er, act 1200 Ib arales,
gravel box, pig bus, double
evat cream separator
nearly new, 2,010 double barnah8, 1 eat single
haruesx, )airy churn, Boss washing machine
sew, wringer new, about 2 tons chestnut cent,
about 10 Words wood, 40 grain bag=s, 2 horse
blankets new. a quantity of potatoes, about
50 ti;,ot inch rope, hay fork, car and alines, 8
chaffs, MoClnry coal or wood range, copper
boiler, forks, shovels and.namerous other ar-
ticles. Hale without renown as Proprietor
fns sold lila farm Terms, -Sums of $10 00 and
under cash ; over that amount 10 months eyed -
t elven bn opproved. joint notes, 5 per cent
off for cash on credit amounts. Hay, grain
and fowl to 1e 058)1, All accounts must ba set-
tled day of sale.
DONALD McDONALD, Proprietor,
were produced ed and we
then mattresses dtc
were urged to steep. The children- r
Evelyn and Fred -wouldn't sleep so g
Miss Batstoue took one and I the oth-
er and walked about the flecks hoping
that the others would rest,
The French certainly know how to
be polite, Every kindness was offer- 1
ed with an apology. They were so b
carry they could not do better. The
pilot went down to the wreck to in- e
vestigate the channel and with him
went Mr; Walker and air. Taylor to p
see if anything could be saved, They
brought back a couple of trunks, but 2
nothing for Mise Batstoue and mn ex-
cept our
ce tour camp
beds,which had float-
ed, You seeour abin was o11 the
under side ; the cabin walls above had
crumpled in and everything was a 1
hopeless mess. The trunk of the
Walkers which was rescued was a
heart -breaking sight. - We opened it 1
and the sailors carried the (hinge I
away to be dried.
iVe had a gold dinner and were
put -the wo11(511 of the party --in the
ward room to sleep. En the morning
the gunboat brought us here and we
are slaying with De, Berks -!\lies
Dale, alis Batstoue and I. The rest
at'e at Mac Smith's. We are hoping
far a steamer to tape us to Chung-
This is a long site y, but I must enol 1
it. Yes 1 have lost everthing. 1 have
on my oldest blue serge Gress, my
oldest shoes, my poorest underwaist.
My stockings use new and gond. I
have my red sweater, my green coat,
hat and fur. All the rest lies some.
where in the Vanetse-toll my care-
fully accumulated outfit, an my
beautiful gifts. I need not tell you
that, it hay been hard to face. The
things stand little chance of resew., '
for everything is in such confusion,
and it likely will he swept away by
the swift flowing Ytutgste.
alts. }Jerks has been most kind.
She has given each of us it nightdress,
Pitied UN 0 toothbrush apiece, etc„
1 and going 1,1 do as fart' US possible
with the things 1 ran get here. My
31115nediltl E! needs will have to be sat-
isfied 110(01 a you get this letter, I'll
get all T can in Cherigking and Chen
You'll think of little things to pal.
in the parcels -I hate to begin to be
so much t4'ouble right away.
Love to you all from a shipwrecked
Vow' loving sister,
P. S. -'-•Poor Mts. Walker has lost
practically all her trousseau, and the
Taylors the children's clothes and
everything. f forgot strangely en-
nti)h to tell y0tt trot( about forty
Chinese were drowned, caughtltunder-
ne1th 111, the ship 1111)011 over, I'll
get teady a long lint of things and
have sone come out with the Bur-
well's -I can't blink of everything,
'4'✓ 0,200 M']'nu8, INPLEtleN1'd, GRAIN, 00. -
lames June+, Aur.ttoneer, has been instructed
by the undersigoed to eon. by Fulda, Auction
at l.ot.s '4) end 00, Con, 18, rey, on Wednesday,
Welch Ord, at o'clock eharn, the following
property :-517 111111(1111ofland-Being the NI:G of
et No. 1, 0111100881011 15, lowuehip of bIo fl-
op o(1 the pt•otni.es are some buildings, also
80 stielts of timber, 150 lags old e011lelnh•dw0"d
hush, dril'ed well with iron Mono, 'bout 00
twee elenred, lb sort's sxtdtd 0011 the balance
plowed. IS horns -Being the South helves of
Luta 26 and 27, on the 18th Concession of the
Township of Grey, all °leered with the excep-
tion of a few acres and nearly all seededdown;
drilled well. 50 Dares -Being E;4 Lot 80 Oen.
17, Township of Grey, all seeded -clow n, drilled
well, windmill ; will Hell laud with buildings
or Without, to00(1 puroheser. Terms for above
to be ]Wade known on day 01 axle or by apply,
tug to the owner. Chattels -1 heavy dt aft
Dere 8 years old supposed in foal, 1 heavy
draft mo'(1 a yulus old, 1 heavy draft horse 4
yea re old U heavy draught horses 5 yelus old,
1 aged mar, , 1 vow supposed to be in malt, 6
tw0•yeet nidi helfurs anpposed to be 111 osil', 6
hot steers rising 6 years old, 8 fat hetfore visit'
0years cld,1 t)turoftghbtet holstein heifer
ysupposed 0, rs old 1 1
110 111 cith alf,(
'Lgeese numberree, 3 heifers
't 0f hens
4 horse Beatty engine, nearly new, 1 orttsher
mew). 1 Hower, O Oliver plows 11 new),end a
hoot of other acranias too nuulerens to mien•
then, A quantity of grain and shoot 40 tens of
good hay. Terms. -Hey end grain noe all
sante Of $111 and under cairn ; over that amount
8 months' credit will be Riven on furnishing
a 1prOved joint notes, m dleoontit of 5 per dent
off for cash °n all sums over $1000. No reserve
00 the proprietor le giving op farming.
GES, SNlir,LlNG, Proprietor,
1N E1111Y Towlse1111' 17. 8.,Soott, Aux.
Weimer, lies reoefvod Instructionsfrom the un- I
tlurelened Ext,utors to offer by Public Ana•
tion at 6111 tt Hotel, !Ethel, on Thnradoy, Ma r eh
4th,10..0. at 2 p. m , theta; nitres 0110'e or loos)
nwnod by Iho into. Win. Pollard. Perm Is Lot ,
12, Con, 0, Grey tawnehitt, end all °leered. On
the premises aro n. emnforinble frena house,
bank loon 40x1'0 feet, orchard, never fulling
welt, RN well ns n ranting spring that never
3 21
,esr oro" s Hilo front school, Ly I r ttv is e s o °1(l 4
7rd)es Irbn1 Possession elm
b and 7 mores from
ens sol.. Pomade 10 clot be given Marsh 15ths
f•sh, is being mete 8 close up the ms, & tl0(1-
further.00 SItuhtrsuet°pride terms, &c„ ap•
ply to A'. 3, Seca, Auctioneer, price,
or the,
G, W. POLLARD, Stretford, O1tt,
'7144.70.7.74104=13= "
Ile 5erelse B0111)111," eatinp1rs with Plte
16I011 rel11015 (if the various Insurenee
0'lnil units to the 1)oinlnk,n anti OM-
ta1,0 Settee ieletelente. led It may be of
seine ,e•itt: it tot' now• present a short
summary et the actual aSeerlllued fig -
will be noticed 111 the "Public Ser-
vice P Matin" that we estimate the loss-
es' paid l+v insurance companies for
the eer tete te aliment to 59,675,
set t,1t Will
i{;. and the following i t11 v) v
S 11 ,11 01.11 this is as nearly accurate and
complete a, it is possible to a wake it:
1 bets.,es raid by 11112 unmet! companies
as 0hu0111'y the Pontlnt reg
,..... , 57,500ister,662.
t. teeses paid be loulpvu(•s o11 the
tnta i1( register, including Stuck, Casl1
;netted, and Mutual companies
3, Losse claimed of unlicensed in-
surance companies, as per register in
aur office $7.15,955
We never expect to get any nearer,
u eontirmatiun of our figures than its
thus shown, and, in round numbers, it
may be accepted that the fire losses
claimed by all insurance companies, lic-
ensed or unlicensed is practically lett
million (collars.
The following farther information
may be of interest: Premiums paid to
companies on tite Dominion and Ont-
ario registers 51-5,275,416, but, of
course it is altogether impossible to
furnish any reliable estimates of Pre -
MI MPS paid to the unlicensed insurance
companies; but for practical purposes
premiums . paid to licensed insurance
companies may be regarded as 515,000,
00o, and losses paid by some compan-
ies, 59,900,000: This is for the year
1918, and is merely recorded as a mat -
ler of Merest.
The total amount claimed upon un-
licensed insurance companies, le 1915
according to our register is nearly three
quarters of a million dollars, and while
we have endeavored to watch this sect-
ion very closely we have not, as we be-
lieve, received all the reports called for
by the Fire Marshal Act, but the figur-
es of the amounts claimed are so att-
ract attention, and it is manifest that
this illegal business is carried on to a
much larger extent than most people
imagine. -Fire Marshal's Report."
Autlltars" Report
Brussels School
For the Year1919
Continuation School
Balance do hand from 11118 $ 1080 62
P117110 2e00 1123 00
Depertutoit Exam. fees 44 00
Government grunt 40817
County grant . 1004 UO
Tee°hara' S. A. band retained 65 00
Levy o11 town nue 00
Teachers salaries
om'etaher'e salary ........
Secretary Treitsurer's spiel's
Exit miltat1011 expeusoa
Supply Teneher's salary
$4042 66
0 2572 00
1525 00
60 08
271 05
10 20
180 60
01 00
14-16 67
$ 4642 06
Public School
Balance on hand from 1018 $ 170$ 28
Pupils' fees 277 2l
Government grant)... ...........
Teeehore' e, e, fund ,'etaioed 47 50
Levy on turn ' 5700 02
1.310 44
Teacher.' silt ries .. $ 20•: 1111
C'arelohe ., salary ..... .. 17e W
See, -atmy-Treasnre, )Salary ....., •••'• A2 00
Fuel • 74 40
Repairs 00.02
Supplies nsnrnn 00 00
upply "LILT.: e achers' salary 01 00
10 11 00
Balance •
$ 466044
appointed by
fl 01
t dltel'H U
rat n d An
We, the undo I
W g
1. te'VIl•
'oulicit oP }
resolution or the Municipal G
lags ae Rr sada, do he•obv certify s of we
ha re tars Trees rod nurthe the nooks of alta
Oonb aryTro 00)100 of the tl,s p laP0lnc and
Qontinuntion Rohool for the year 1010, with
the ve•ioux
aloe nes, bank 1.011 end other
vouchers, and find the same con en and that
there remains in the Striae . d Bank to the
the Bantiof1$027•It58.1 BA II ofs of which hi eo. l respect-
folly submitted
W. M. SINOT.AItt, Auditors,
SOnuary lSt11, (020.
Wait Horticultural Society
Premium List
0H01011 1-0110 Apple : Spy, Famuse, Ontario, Wealthy, Astrachan,
Golden Pippin.
2 -One Tree or a Rose from the following
PEARS -Bartlett, Keitfer, Duchess D' Anjou, Olaph s Fav-
orite, Flemish Beauty.
PLUMS -Bradshaw, Lombard, Reine Claude, Yellow Egg.
CHERRIES -Early Richmond, Montmorency, Blinds Tar-
ROSE -General Jacquemilot, Frau Karl Drusohki, Paul
Fou' ori
h Brunner, Hugh
Mrs. JoZi
Fisher Holmes, Crimson Rambler, Excesa,
3 -Hydrangea Paniculate,
4-Spirea Van Houttei.
5-Weigelia Rosea.
7 -Forsythia.
8 -Clematis Jacktnauni.
9 -Gladioli (eight). -
10 -One each Iris Phlox.
11 -One each Depheuium (Oriental Poppiee).
12 -White Lila°,
13-20 Strawberries (Senator Dunlop, Williams'),
11-'1 Raspberries (Columbian).
15 -One Gooseberry.
16 -One Black Durrant,
17 One Norway Spruce.
1S-Engelmanni Ivy.
19 -Sweet Peas ; trade package of Asters and Pansies.
20 -Canadian horticulturist.
By the term CONSTIPATION is meant either infrequent, difficult or in-
sufficient evacuation of the contents of the Lower Bowel.
The Symptoms are Headache, Dizziness, Mental Sluggishness, Lack of
Concentration, Lassitude or a feeling of General Indisposition, Bad Breath,
Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite, Sallow Skin which may become dry and
rough and Pimples may appear. Sometimes there is Heart Palpitation,
Hysterical Spells and Nervous Exhaustion.
IT I5 IMPORTANT to treat Constipation promptly as this, condition
generally leads to many serious disorders. .
Careful judgment should be used in selecting a proper remedy; ordin-
ary Cathartics and Laxatives have a weakening effect upon the system,
others Gripe and Purge and Mineral Oils, if taken several times a day may
retard secretion of the gastric juice and also interfere with the obsorptton
of food. HACKING'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS form an ideal tonic -
laxative for Constipation and its evil results,
We give herewith the medicinal action of the ingredients of HACK-
ING'S KIDNEY AND LIVER, PILLS in order that you may form your own
opinion as to the value of this wonderful medicine.
CASCARA - Laxative, Cathartic, with Intestinal Torpidity. This acts -
Tonic to the Liver and Intestines, best when used in combination with
does not cause Griping or unpleasant other drugs and herbs,
symptoms, good for Chronic Consti-
HYOSCYAMUS--Helpful to the
pation when used in small and repeat -Kidneys, stops - pain, soothes lite
ed doses for a considerable period of Nerves, lessensirritability of the
Nerve Centres. For Functional Pal-
pitatfoxf of the Ilenrt, helpful to the
Mucus Membrane of the Kidneys and
'Bowels, Chiefly employed to re-
lieve pain and to quiet Nervous ex-
MAY APPLE -Useful in Fevers
and Inflammations of almost every
type and for all disorders of the Liver
and Spleen. For indigestion, Jaun-
51ee, Piles, Constipation, Dropsy and
Skin Eruptions, CAPSICUM-Stiteulant and Stem -
ROOT -•A Laxative
and Tonic, useful in Dyspepsia, Jaun- ache, useful in Feeble and Languid
dice, Piles, Diarhoea, Dysentery, Digestion, Dyspepsia, Atonic Gout,
Cholera. Corrects Livor Troubles. Colic and Cholera.
Gives tong and vigor Of action to the PEPPERMINT- -Useful in Fiatuent
entire secretive apparatus of the sys- Colic to check Nausea and Colic. For
tom. Also for Inflammation of the Spasmodic Pains of the Stomach and
Bladder, Bowels, for Neuralgia and Rheuma-
GAMBOGE-Used in Obstinate tfsm, prevents griping and for gas on
Constipation and Dropsies attended the stomach.
These are the principal ingredleets of Haclting's Kidney and Liver
pills, you will And that this combination will produce a healthy condition
of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels,
No other drugss
or combination of T
pills or pur-
gatives will have such beneficial effect as HACKINGS
PILLS, but you must be sure to get HACKING'S as no ether kind will do.
Price 25c a box, 11 for $1,00. Sold by all dealers or by mail, Hacking's
Limited, Liatpwel,
" --1 - 'i l''IIIIIVIiCnVhl@IIIImIIIIIIItiIIIIIIIIIIIIl01TuiIllilfVfilluflidlnillllViiifif�iuilliiiiliii�,LI�1;1Iui i��l!i"i111lHPl�+d&GGtilufa
ulihll IU11T�11.111guuillllitlilllln I�mmimloltl�Ilmll11I1
Chapman ros Cash Shoe Store
High Qu ;,lityr in
Spring Goods Latest Styles
to hand
OUR Morro :
Outtlity and Greatest Value
for your money exemplified
in each]P air.
Your Examination of these
goods will please us.
Harness Department
Light and Heavy Harness, Robes, Blankets, Teui,lts tu't( s; Hebei:,
Whips, Ste,
1:Cepairs in Harness, Collare, Shoes and Rubbers pi imtpity dom'.
ewe \Ve are Shoe and Harness Maker's of Experience :old t;u„r;tu'
Lee satisfaction,
Chapman Bros.
Successors to Richards tC O0. Next drier lm 10111111 of Nov. Scotia
McCormick and
To the Farmers of Grey and Sur-
rounding Country:
I am prepared to take orders for
aleCoi lliek and International Imple-
ments, Tractors, Engines, Plows, En-
silage putters, Oream Separators,
Wagons and Sleighs.
Fall line of Tillage and Flaying
and Harvesting Implements. No bet-
ter Binder, Mower or Ma,tnre Spread-
er made than the ala0ornlick.
Buy from the and save money as
I ca11pay cash and 0011 sell on terms
t0 edit.
Will keep repairs or get then[ for
you on it day or two's notice.
Oall and see me at Ethel before
buying nod save looney,
m •
w O
4. •p
, • •
•' Persons intending to •♦
•• place Weather Insurance :
•• on- buildings would do :
v well to see
N. Ls Stewart
••• O
Agent for the Ontario Farmers' so
• Weather Insurance Co,
•_ Head Office,Y Grand Valle •
3 •
m Rates : $2,00 per woo 0
• 4
Monthly 'Muse !'airs will b1 held
Brussels this eeaenn 118 follows :
THURSDAY, MAR. 4th, 1920
API;. 1st, 19211
Local and Outside Buyers will be Present
Ry order of 00011011,
P. S, 14(10'1', Clerk.
Stock for Sale
Two young Scotch Short Holm Rolls for mile,
Ono 18 months old sired by Galnaford of Salem
and the other 0 nlmttlts old aired by Amino
Lad. Prices right. THOS. PIERCE,
Lot 60, Con 3, Morrie Two.
Telephone 5410 Brussels 0. II. 6.
Short Horn Shells
Wo have won 1st Prize en bull calf at BMW
sets Fall Fair for 0 years in sucoeaoion and have
always something good on hand for sale.
Phone 2814 Lot 10, Con. 15, Grey Twp.
Farm for Sale
160 acre Harm for sale being Sl Lot, 16
Good e g , t
and 16) o r unLoder cultivation
Con. 7, stole,
t 5)1 sot's
100 acres a e under d0 born 1',t frith 60 sobs
ready for wading : acres Fall wheat ; good
bash and modulo withnever tailing spring
running through pasture. Hood comfortable
house, bank barn 40 x OU feet, 111111411 lisp 118,11
and driving shed, pig pen, urrherd a' wet.
erect, &c. 6 intim from town. 1'o 1)0 bo Bold
on account of 111 health icor further earns e-
lan es to price, terms, etc., apply to F. 8. Scott
Brurfsels or FRANCIS J. BEtRNES.
2840 Blyth It. R. No. 2.
Short Horn Bull Calves for Sale
Undersigned offers for sale 5 Short Horn
bull wolves, from the well known etre, liaise
field Stamp, b,'ed by Harry Smith end own,d
by undersigned, A cow, Princess Pet trent
mime lord], sold at Brieker'e aide, Ehnira re-
cently for 01000, the highest price nt sale. Ire•
port says "She 15 5 heifer of Show calibre end
6 years old."- Herslted Stump is also for
Will also Il aregistered Berkshire hog. ♦n4LoE 80, Oou,•6, Morrie f oaadp,
Phone 100 - Brussels P. 0,
Stull for Service
The undersigned will It, on -for un 0
Lot 80, Con, 2, Morris tutvmslnp, ih, thnro'-Iw• ,.i
Sher) Horn Bull, Gaintor,i
=50410,. Sired by Gonnfnr 1 Mn - o0 (104850) ;
Dein Mildred VI1 by 140701 s,.it„r u>555). Pt i-
igree may Lo seen on epphral)tn. Torun.. -
$10.00 for tho'o -bred) talyltb.0 nt tint,. of No r
' vine with privilege to return, 61)311, cows not
1 allowed,
THOS. PI1110(111,
1,•°t2 d
�ear� -
Ship fru:It' Cream
Direct to the
Prompt Service Satisfacta,ry'Return
We furnish you with Cana and Par all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques for the, pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay -
:Able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Y Factory one trial and 61:1
will not want to discontinue,
�teWa�k �d'051f
BrussIs Cramery