HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-2-26, Page 3s
Why We Raise Our Hats.
I)o you know how it came about
that a Man (niece, oft !lie hat when he
meets a lady he knows.
In the olden days, when a knight,
arrived at a nelgltbortng oastte, h0
took off his helmet to ehOW his holt
and friends that 110 did not su0peet
them of ulterior motives, and did not
anticipate a bang on the head with a
sword or a mace! To enter helmeted
amounted to sa)1 g that he preferred
to run no risks,'From this has come
the custom of a man baring his head
as greeting.
That a man should take off big
right glove before shaking bands with
a woman comes from the same period,
when travellers Wore iron gauntlets,
which were removed to avoid injuring
an uncovered hand,
The custom of firing artillery sa-
lutes 0011108 tO 149 from the time when
guns were first mead. It was then corn
entered polite and courteoue to any
great personage who happened to ar-
rive at your castle to load till your
guns with ehotted rounds ---not blank
-•-and to fire them off as he arrived at
your threshold. The reason for Being
this was to show how you trusted yottr
guest by emptying all the guns just
before be carte into their range.
This practice was not kept up vory
long, Blank rounds were soon fired
instead of real ones. They were not
to clangorous!
Tho origin of saluting the quarter-
deck when ono boards a matt -of -war
is that in days gone by, when a cruel -
fix was always placed at the stern of
the vessel, it was, of course, saluted
by all who came on board, Though
the crucifix has disappeared, the cus-
tom remains, and men still salute the
place whore it used to be.
The custom of offering the right
hand is the same practically as that of
baring the head or of firing salutes.
When one man met another in long -
ago tines, be held out his unarmed
sword -hand to show that his inten-
tions were not evil.
The habit of mounting a horse on
the near side canto about because as
a man wore his sword on the left he
could not very well mount his horse
on that side,. This must be a com-
paratively recent custom. for swords
wore worn quite short and on the
right side even in the first years of
the C'hrietian era. t •
The wearing of trousers is niece a
recent restate. Even to this day tine
greater part of the human race' -when
it is not uncliitlled--wear's skirts or
dreperi'•s of some sort. The cassock,
or soutane. as worn by Raman Cathie.
lie priests, was the dress usually worn
by gentlemen up to more or lase re-
cent tineas,
Perfume Manufacture a Most
a Poetic Industry.
The history of perfumes is a part
of the history of civilization itself.
Froin the perfumed sails that Wafted
pCleopatra down the iiVilo to the scent -
Id bath of milk that was the daily en-
joyment of the Empress Josephine, or
the sweet etnelling fountains in the
royal palace of St. Petersburg, in the
days of the Czars, the essence of
Rowers has been indispensable to the
luxurious existence,
The perfume centro at the present
time is the quaint old French town of
Grasse, in the Maritime Alps, the poet-
ic industry of which is the basis of its
In ascending to the town of Grasse
from the picturesque little eiatiou, the
visitor finds his path lying through
beautiful terraced plantations of jas-
mine and the lovely Provence rose,
and past orchards of olive trees, be-
neath the shade of which are culti-
vated violets, The area devoted to
Rower culture 00v01s 1422,000' acres.
During the months of April, May,
Tune and July the fields are literally
alive with sunny -faced men, women
end children gathering the fragrant
harvests, They pink the blossoms by
hand into baskets and then carry them
to the factories, where they are di-
vided and sorted,
As the women come in from the ad-
joining fields they empty their loaded
baskets out on the floor until it is
kueedeop in flowers, and td walk
across it Would mean the crushing of
thousauds 0f 1'05es, In One season a
Dingle establishment uses 1,900 tons
of orange blossoms, 030 tons of roses,
147 tons of violets and 127 tons of jas-
mine, to say nothing of great quauti.
ties of scented woods.
After the sorting, which Is done at
tong benches by scores of white cap.
ped girls, the flowers go to the distil-
lery. Some yield 111011 perfume after
distillation with venter or eteam;
others undergo what is called muerte.
Von. 111 this process the flowers are
steeped to heated fat, Where they aro
tett uutil all their fragrance is ex-
tracted. Next they are drained off b1
w'oodon trays and fresh flowers are
added to the fat. The fat that 1tas.OJy-
eorbo(1 the essence of the fiowere is
called pomade, awl is sent in this form
to performers all over the world, who
by manna of alcohol extract its sweet•
The jasmine, tuberose and violet are
50 delicate that they scarcely give out
any essence by cltet111atiou and must
bo subjected to eufieurago.
The most expensive perfume is of
course attar of 10008, for it requires
n0 less than . forty-eight pounds of
rose leaves to snake ono gran. of ell.
Photographs Stomach,
A cancra small enough to be male
lowed and photograph the interior of a
810ma011 le the invention of a Danish
Do not delay, Dreading a task is
miueh harder than doing it.
Rich, Red Blood Necessary to
Health and Strength.
If more people knew how many 1110
and pains are =teed by thlu, watery
blood a great deal 0f sufferiag would
be avoided. Mon and women- often
suffer for long periods from stomach
trouble, headache, palpitation of the
heart, and nervous complaints such as
neuralgia, without suspecting that
anaemia or bloodlessness is the cause.
The blood goes to practically every
part of the body, carrying oxygen and
nourlehment. The efficient action of
every organ is directly dependent up-
on the quality of the nourlslunmtt it
gets from the blood. If the blood is
thin it becomes weal[ in nourishment
and health fails. The best way to
keep the blood rich and red and thus
enjoy good health is through the use
of 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills. At the
first sign of weakness these pills
should be taken and good robust
health will semi follow. The state-
ment o1, Mre,>_J. J. Murray, Corbetton,
Ont,, shows the value of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills in cases of this kind. She
says: --"A few years ago my daugh-
ter, Lillie, was in a very badly run
down condition. She was pale, thin,
and scarcely able to go about. The
least exertion made her heart ladle.
tato so violently that we were actual-
ly at:raid Ot10 Of these spells might
carry her off. She slept so badly that
often she would Ile awake until morn-
ing. Treatment did not seem to help
her and we wore almost in despair
when a friend advised the use of Dr.
Williams' Ptak Pills. A few weeks'
use of this medicine showed a decided
improvement, and a further use of the
pills fully restored her to health, and
she has since boon a strong, healthy
girl, Some time later I was taken 111
myself, being badly run-down from
household care. A doctor was called
in but his medicine did not seem to
bring back my strength, and remem-
bering what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
had done for my daughter, I decided
to drop the doctor's medicine and try
tltenl. The results that followed were
like those in my daughter's case, and
through the use of the pills I was
soon a well woman. I am glad to give
my experience in the hope that some
other eufferer may find, the way to
You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any dealer in medicine,
or they will be sent you by mail at 50
cents a box or FAX boxes for 52.50 by
writing direct to The Dr, WYiliams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
Conference on the Fur
Under the auspices of the centrals.
skin of Conservation and of the Ad-
visory Board 011 Wald Liee Protection
the Second National Couf0 melee on
Game and Wild Life Conse:vaiIon will
be held. at the Windsor Betel, Mont-
real, February 19t11 and 20th. 41 re-
presentative gathering of fur fanners,
fur dsalere and administrative of-
ficials will assemble to discuss the
various phases of the fur industry in
Canada and to pronate the fullest and
wisest development of the valuable
resources of the Dominion In fur bear-
ing animals. The rapidly growing in-
dustry of fur farming has become
thoroughly established h1 Canada and
It is acitticipated that many fur farm-
ers will attend the Conference. The
programme will include papers and
discussions relative to, (1) The care
and management of foxes and outer
fur bearers, (2) Registration of silver
foxes, (3) The roaring of fur bearers
other than silver foxes, (4) Methods
of marketing furs and their improve,
meet, (5) Canadian auction sales, (6)
Trade names for furs, (7) The sale
of game, (8) Game protective legis-
lation, (9) Game protective associa-
tions, end other kindred subjects.
It is confidently expected that this
National Conference will be of the
greatest service in bringing together
representatives of the various inter=
eats engaging in the exploitation of
our fur resources and will Iead to a
more thorough appreciation of tho
problems to be solved in placing all
lipases of the Canadian fur industry
an the soundest possible basis,
]Butter Churns Made in
British Arsenal,
Even the great Woolwich, arsenal
has turned from the manufacture of
war material to the peaceful pursuits
of trade, says a London despatch. Ten
thousand butter churns have been
manufactured in the great building
which during the war sent out vast
quantities of munitions for use
against the Germans.
The nickel purchased to manuface
tura bullets is being used in the ar-
senal to make flvecent pieces for Bri-
ritish Honduras currency. There is a
world shortage of locomotives and
railway cars. To meet this it has been
decided to manufacture these articues
in the arsenal and work already is un-
der way there on orders for 2,500 cars,
1,000 locomotives and for repair work
on 700 cars.
This serves a double purpose. Thin
ty thousand persons now are employ-
ed in the arsenal wheee 110,000 were
at work in wartime. Thousands of
these men are skilled munition work
odes for Children's Wcar
No. 9317—Child's Rompers. Price, to waist. In 5 sizes, 6 to 14 years.
20 cents. Kimono sleeves; dropped Size 10 requires 2% yards 36 inches
back, with or without buttoning under wide; collar, cuffs, belt, % yard 36
the leg. Cut in 5 sizes, 6 months, 1, inches wide.
2 3 and 4 years. Size 1, with long No. 8808—Child's Coat, Price, 20
sleevoe, 1% yards 32 inches wide; with cents. Body and sleeve in one. Cut
short sleeves, 1% yards 32 inches in 6 sizes, 11 2, 4, 6, 8 and 1G years.
wide. Size 4 requires, one material, 2%
No. 9325—GIrl's Dress. Price, 20 yards 86 inches wide, or 1•'4 yards li4
cents. With or without collar and inches wide; with contrasting collar,!
peplum' two-piece • straight skirt, 2% yards 36 inches wide, or 1%
Cut in 5 sizes, 6 to 14 years. Size 8, yards 54 incites wide; collar, % yard
with peplum, 2% yards 36 inches 36 inches wide; lining, 1% yards 36
wide; without peplum, 17 yards 36 inches wide.
inches wide, No. 9054-13oy's Double -Breasted
No: 9226—Girl's Dress. Price, 25 Overcoat and Cap. Price, 20 cents.
cents. With or without oohlar and Gut in 4 sizes, 1, 2, 4 and 6 years.
belt; straight pleated skirt attached to Size 4, with notch collar, cap, 1%
waist. Cut in 5 sizes, 6, 8, 10, 12 and yards' 42 inches wide, or 1% yards
14 years. Size 8 requires, wall belt 54 inches '`wide; with round col
and collar, 8% yards 32 inches wide, ear, cap, 1%14 yards 42 inches wide:,erI
or 2% yards 36 inches widle; without 1e yards 54 inches wide.
belt and collar, 216 Yards 32 inches These patterns may be obtained,
wide, or 21 yards, 36 (inches wide. from your local McCall dealer, or from
No. 8810—Girl's Dress. Price, 20 the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto. i
cents. Straight gathered skirt attache Dept. W.
For your table drink
the safest, satisfying beverage is
!nsta'n:t Fostu
When tea or coffee disagrees-.
where fussed -up -nerves tell you
that either is harmful—
ar rn ul—order a tin of this rich, whole-
:5olile, satisfying drink.
'1'1i11 find it both econortlicad
and pleasing.
"Therles a Reason
ere, By "•t,iuti lee-, 11 - ..., eti I
ineo outit,' And other ((''1 ' 4 l+rn
4111.1 Ileo t'ut,a•mnent bol o1,1S tt,• ''
!bout work, but retain', their see ea,.
111 eventof smellier war Ihey teeill
retire inuue,llat'•ly to the bti,,ii41.
ttol'1114 in wheel the;' ere skilled.
Qnu ui the i,hlr.lii- onetime. et' the,
..tillert the ermietice Wel 91!41
the otrihing of (;unn,non nird8le
The Right Hen Raion.
If you will feed the following ra-
tion to your hens they should not get
fat if they do, I would advIee you to
get some ether lcintl of fun: Scratch
feed, equal harts b.y weight of vert,
wheat and oats, 10 pounds to 100
birds per day. Three pounds in the
morning and seven pounds 1.1 night;
mash feed, equal parts by weight
wheat bran, wheat middlings, a I'n-
meal, ground oats, and meat scrap,'
fed .in self -feeders and jeft before
the lairds at all times. Being dry, I
would feed all they will oat.
" It will be necessary that you give
some kind of oyster or clam shell to
your birds. If not, I would give
granulated bone. The best kind of
grit is a hard limestone grit or heavy,
coarse sand and gravel.
The well child is always a happy
child --it in a baby's nature to be hap-
py and eoutented. Mothers, 1f your
little ones aro cross and peevish and
cry a great deal they aro not well—
they are in need of medicine—some.
thing that will set their bowels and
stomach in order, for nine -tenths of
all childhood ailments arise from a
disordered state of the bowels and
stomach. Such a mediecine is Baby's
Own Tablets. They are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowers, sweeten the stomach, and thus
drive out constipation, colic, indiges-
tion; break up colds and simple fevers
and make the baby healthy and happy.
Concerning them, Mrs, Albert Hamel,
Pderreville, Que., writes: — "Baby's
Own Tablets are the best medicine I
know of for little ones. They relieved
my little girl from constipation when
nothing else would and I can strongly
recommend them to other mothers."
The Tablets are sold by meeicina
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Willisms' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Rebuilding !Belgian Roads.
In its reeope traction program, Bel-
gium is preparing extensive road im-
proventeute. the announcement com-
ing from the Minister of Public Works
that it is iuteuded to make the new
Belgian roads the finest, if possible,
in the world. The present program
includes the remaking of a network
of roads which will connect Brussels
with all important towns and centres,
and will afford communication by
meaneeof good cross-country roads be-
tween various tourist resorts, the
principal devastated districts, and the
battlefields of Flanders.
The cost is estimated at 60,000,000
francs, an indication that good roads
are regarded as a valuable national
Fairville, Sept. 30, 1902.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs,—We wish to inform you
that we consider your MINARD'S
LINI114ENT a very superior article,
and we use it as a sure relief for sore
throat and chest. When I tell you I
would not he without it it the price
was one dollar a bottle, I mean it.
Yours truly,
Just a Waste.
As the wagonette from the village
inn swung round a corner, with a deep
drop on one side, the visitor involun-
tarily drew closer to the driver,
"This seems to be a very dangerous
precipice," 11e remarked, "I wonder
why' they have not put up a warning
'Yes,' answered the driver, "It is
dangerous. They kept a warning board
up for two year's, but no One -fell over,
so it wee taken down," .
The safe way to send money by mail
ie by Dominion Express Money Order.
Neop Minard's Zinbneat 14 the 1101 106.
Stones Natural Magnets.
In Nevada are found curious miner-
al spectutens known as "sociable
stones." No better name could be
given them, since when a few aro dis-
tributed over a level floor two or threw
feet apart they will begin to move to-
ward each other to :a common centre
with an alacrity that is ludicrous.
Campers drat noticed these atones.
They had used wrapping paper for a
table cloth and weighted the corners
with some of the stones spread over
the level top of n boulder. A few 1110.
stents Intel' one of the men noticed
that the paper was flapping in the
breeze and that the fou' or five stones
were huddled in a group in the middle
of the paper like a nest of eggs. Ile
thought the wind 17018 responsible,
straightened them and added more
The next time he looked around the
Stones wore back in the heap again.
Onee'nebre he replaood the stones and
eat (100111 to watch thele. They began
to roil and hitch along toward one an.
other again Until they were in a pile.
HO 10574* !levo Nepsittn,
that pelrtut, pereayzln7
thtlamznitt,nn of the
nerves. 1)o notr,niter an.-
n.other day. it you are a
vlotlut, try
Ca gpu
Nothing Oise brim, :allot
s0 qulcitly and so euro!!.
Send tor free s t' 1 I, t
rempintt.ns, 112 P.ing';t..
W.. Toronto.
Far Malo at reliable dr',: --
gists for $1,04 a bee.
Temoleton's RAZ- f11A14 Cap -
ASS 11 MFA. Den's sufferban-
aim. day.
WriteTempletons, 1428111 St.
W., 'Toronto, for freesample.
Itellable druggists soil them at
51.0-t a hos.
997 Tools Needed.
Nine hundred and ninety-seven c'ute!
ting tools alone aro required in menu•
featuring a modern rifle. The twist ,
drill is One of the busiest of these.
To supply 1,000,000 riti'o . 04,000,000
holes must be drilled.
Minard's Ziniment Lnmberman's Priend.
Women Labor In Japan.
Twelve hours a day is the shortest
working day Japanese women bave
and that, although they work seven
days a week, seldom overage them
more than $4.67 ii. week.
Laugh When People
Step On Your Feet
( Try this yourself then pass
It along to others.
It workal
Ouch 1 ? t ? 1 1 This kind of rough
talk w111 be heard less here In town If
people troubled with corns will follow
the simple advtce of this Cincinnati
authortly, who claims that a tow drops
of a drug called freezone when applied
to a tender, aching corn stops soreness
at once, and soon the corn drips up
and lilts right out without pain.
He says freezone Is an ether cam -
pound which dries immediately and
never inflames or even irritates the
surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter
of an ounce of freezone will cost very
little at any drug store, but is sum.
[tont to remove every hard or soft
corn or callus from one's feet. Millions
of American women will welcome this
announcement since the inauguration
of the high heels.
Tomorrow will be clear
and bright, if you take
"Cascarets" tonight
Feeling half -sick, bilious, const!
gated? Ambition way below zero?
Here is help! Take Cascarets to -might
for your liver and bowels. You'll
wake up clear, rosy, and full of life.
Cascarets act without griping or in-
convenience. They never Outten you
Itke Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh
pills. They cost so little too—Cas-
carets work while you sleep.
Mother's Coughs' and
olds Go Quickly
She cannot afford to beside !
and neglect her household
duties. At the first symp-
toms she prepares the way
^s, for quick recovery by the
immediate use of Gray's
as syrup—a housrhold
preparation of sixty
tzN. ears standing.
,I■ Mathe oheti Sts.ra
Slonn's Liniment has tate
punch that relieves
rheumatic twinges
warmth -giving, congestion-
s1'attcri0g circulation -stimulating rem-
edy penetrates without 1uhhing right
to the aching :mot and brings quick
relief, surely, cleanly, A wonderful
help for external pains, sprains,
strains, stiffness, headache, lumbago,
Get your bottle today• --costs little,
means !much, Ask your druggist for
it by nan114. Keep it handy for tho
whole fancily. 'Made iii Canada, The
big bottle is economy,
Ole., 70c., $1,10.
!7�`,.lF Ili ,,• '§"—' gwn..n
71x%xR rde'rti ;.
ED. 7. ISSUE No. 8---"20,
r ?naaf ed Advertisement&.
Au11,11.1s WANTING
J. 1;000 prints and 8alshexe—IOwei$6
ireo en frae--a
sslc for catalogue,
United .lett Co., 4 IsrPnswlek Axe., TIM
♦ A "hart's. tt.1N'1'1.1'l I.1
�$ 3
<a m 41 •i.lh,, , vis,: -
3 SPEEDEItA'ORS or fords. Stops
Ina Wore Plight �,;.itu , -. b;u;,: u;, ,lmt;lne racing. Sella
t , ' ,,t, i! '144 u1'l , r'rrt':,4 1 .11 71,41 , a, TOi?D 13EADLIGfl1' £EGTSLATOAI
t tot:,: i 1-••lel:•d t., tlunf 1 i., tuui."e i,,. i ! it rd., l,ighl 110111'00 ail
;40011 :1 1114 r lie • 1me11 lt'1'! :,tient 0. sZ4.3aac -„Luc+ TItA.4'OPO6FLM}3>z$ for
lhIn doing i11 f''a,.Ido. ”hr. 'X•; dl r- Vit e'' plug 5.10 twopl:ti^"d (1m„ „mrtbnll t�1 hi., lumu,l,nt,l t''it+5 1 me 1'00000. '1. Y .merited
p„r, -! it 0.111.01, IC. v, 4,,; `s101'1144.
tltrl Boo. 4. POUTS STIINEII74 cO10T)tOL. No
hill. 111 , ,,rtt.hto r•i.,,11111h 7:„111
i c d resp, re'nr,"1 111. n, Old Bots dol
hr. host, lint ,.r,r','''! 411101;), to
n:to tint fief /maleic„ a w'il,l grab 1411
lee 1414 ee went. 11' tried to lift
Iiia ,O11 .41 Ga the l.>g attd ee he 111
of lu . 00;14 ft01, ta_irh
h „1 ri:+'alt to the eurietee tat ih,' ,,tl,oi'
mite of 1!, let;,
lit It) eta :"C. Ilam!. 'l'he othtr wolf,
taef, rote 1 bnt, rued rowed to 1114 tee•
entre tint. ('01 }tub 4u•roicaily waled.
if n,
r,'t' utind n,r I run heir ee'
he 11•,:•1. "Sava Ill..,. r t.,crl' h .p
inorl ml 4 . Ie f b t eine • tering
ran• i and tires.
13A01o-nW,,UTO 1,811P.1ECtITTrl-.,nlEa,
11:r42.1•e,.1 14. 11.,
t 1l'71 -+41.41, I IIT -1';:7 MIN-
1• , lututltu on Metro-
lir •,, i mil, Pr 111 Si to 1 .•1=ty arrea,
a ti' ltt,11 11 11,ota dawn.
1 ..�_-.,..._._.-._I i x T;m„m,to.
111 1 , 1' u l IN1•'ta1t1IAT10N
i1L IIs t n -i ,"dell! tt ty Of
"...1!/.71g r a- rL syur I'methoy
df v 4 -.0 t ip, Our method
mi co,t.13 4 ,4 of a why pay a
a+ head first''' ria+• . t 4, 0 1st„ fur full Pitt -
II ,�-lin,v ,,: 11,lt,. Yin. fu11 Par-
.__.__ 1111. ,.__ . --t1 r r Il -t1 1 to i agora SMonthly.
Ask for Minar:d'e and tate no other. ,.�- ; 0 1,, Si.. 1.a,dn', „rite
"SYRUP OF II,i.i'1
Look at tongue! 12 mnov.
sons front little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept. "California” Syrup or Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, Liver and bowels. Child.
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child s dose on each
bottle. Give It without fear.
blether! You must say "California."
Amorioa's Pleneer Dog aemodiss
33008 0n
and Now to reed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
Ii. Clay Clover Co., Sao.
115 West 31st 1401'e81
New YOrk, U.S.A.
Use Cuticura to Keep
Your Hair From Falling
How many times have barbers given
this advice to men who are losing•
their hairs -because of dandruff and
scalp irritation. At night rub Cuti-
cura Ointment into the scalp, Next
morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap
and hot water. A clean, healthy
scalp means good hair,
Soap 25e, Ointment 26 and See. Sold
throughout the Dominion. Canadian Depot:
L mma Limited. 54 Paul St, Montreal.
dutioura Soap ohavea without ,tug.
POE sane:
ll�� Ceunty, Splendid nppmrtuntty. Write
Publishing Co.. Limited,
,3 Ado -la 1e St, TS'.. Tc^onto,
`1T 1t'.L F.r.da1Ii'I'10O N11WSf'APEse
anti jnh Printing plant to Eaxtorn
Ontario. Insurance curried 21.600. WIR
00 for 04,9 ,0 .a, ,!nick tats. Box 52.
Wilson ; ubllfihing Co.. Ltd.. 7510346.
(y HOICE Slf.V171-1 BLACK 711001r)INrs
•vv boxes. Also, we are buyers of Raw'
pare, What have y'ou--what price:
Reid Bros.. lfrthw rll. Ont,
(101,101N STUCK. WANTED. 00' YOU
l� are able to supply. advise us. as we
well pay the highest prices, dry ar green
from the saw. I:eenan Bros„ Limited,
Owen Sound, Ont.
internal and external, cured without
pain by our home treatment, Write us
before too Iate D. Beeman Medical
Co., Limited. Coiling -wood, Ont
Habits are like porus plasters, easy
to acquire and hard to get rid of.
GIRLS! _A r1? fta;✓
Let "Danderine" save and
glorify y.our hair
In a few moments you eat trans-
form your plain, dull, flat hair. You
can have it abundant, soft, glossy and
full of life. Just get at any drug or
toilet counter a small bottle of "Dan-
derine" for a few cents. Then moist.
en a soft cloth with the Dandertne and
draw this through your Bair taking
one small strand at a time. Instant -
lee yes, immediately, you have doubled
the beauty of your hair. It will be a
mass, so soft, lustrous, fluffy and so
easy to do up. All dust, dirt and ex-
xcessive oil is removed.
Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor and brightness in your hair.
This stimulating tonic will freshen
your scalp, check dandruef and falling
hair, and help your hair to grow long,
thick, strong and beautiful.
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no name "Bayer" on Aspirin is of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which,
like Sterling on silver. It poeitively contains proper direction for Coldels
Identifies the only genuine Aspirin,— Headache, 'roothaelte, l,;arache, Newt
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for over nineteen years and now tie, Joint Pains, and Pain generally.
made in Canada. Tin boson of 12 tablets cost butt
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aootlaaotdostor of Snitoyllsooid. While MI6 Molt 'known that Aoirtn nioone Mayon
tnahutaoture, la assist the public armholehnitntlonn, the 'Tablets of Payor Compaayi
tyllz bo stampod with their sonorat trade markt, the "!gays: Crosa."