HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-2-26, Page 2'Good Quality' Tea, properly* brewed, taj4es away fatigilie, and is absolutely harmless, as a daily hevera.ge TRY ince, and you'll never forsake its use. THE EXPLOITS OF Lieut.-CoL e6Klondl e" Boyle BY POUCLAS WATti+.1 I Speiro explained that a local news - After a period or a:u"lified c'a'lm Paper had just annouaced that Bra •punctuated by teeing moments, tae tumhad made peace with Turkey; the kept at the work until the Russians British Fleet had entered Constantin - regaled an armistice. A'4 no otic epee, and was about to invade the' children a cup of cocoa or a glass of boys as they go, they are not worse than they are. OOPO t;. hit elle] l;unn:;palion. nevi' adlnaied tea p1a,•r.; ''hire h I r.„ 1 1 1 ,- la1.o•r acuons are permitted, m ttt,,) Father Brown •ii 1 with a lhuu, htic.: though t n• 1i e4, aell shralg' l i his shoulde4•,, but 1hi' .vi,„:‘, meaning people are e ln. l tntly seek, ramlly semis: to be heada,..oy and inlr to hi,ptove the en\irolunent of grouchy and out o 11' kilter: h•u's `"iris so as to keep their thoughts, $prong?'” ; feelings awl eonduct wholesome, Mother. Brown sheet; her ;wee des-�sevet unit Minya, but they let boys pairingly, I grow up under 41ele ling <omlitions "I can't solve the problem." ..Ice and then lament over the fact that said, "but everyone of us seems. to be they are not naturally refined and frightfully troubled with constipation, scrupulous about their speech and and that, too, in spite of course breads manners. Many parent:, expend more and molasses cookies and vegetables, time and money in getting nice clothes 1 Diet should regulate the condition but for a daughter tbi for a son and with us it doesn't seem to. I think then they wonder why he is not so I'll talk with the doctor this voryl p heuresult oflar t this ghis eneral indiffer- day.' And that's how it came that Mrs. I t enee to a boy's esthetic nature is, of Brown was seated ,in Dr, Tripp's of-: courser tnat ln the thboy, as spaec ule,l iss flee on a sunny afternoon, explaining' that she had conte on the part of the action than the girl. But is the def-. whole family. Terence due to sex or to the fact that He questioned her closely and dis-f we neglect the boy atuipermithimto covered that they rarely ata trait for look out for himself, with the result breakfast; that the older members of that he is often subjected to vicious the family had tea or coffee and the suggestion? It is a wonder that, take I List of Wal' Criminals Makes 200 -Page Book. 'i'11.+ oft, i.,f t'r: t or tbuan ci,+rtllans 'lose ex,,a Corn Is nonleaded by- the ilea$ 4ete r. ,•reit} 7s'snetl by the 'ereigu 1)0 4' at i.ordon. The 14. It the or:gle,t revor'.ur, 11(4le and of the new no . ref; ilia+1 lm ll.u•un von I cnsuerb u i, :iI id ae31e111 11n' 11•1l 111.14 nut made pub!ic, i paper bound book of more than 310 pages contains 114a names of the ;00 persons or groups, with their ranee :114a the ttectocqbals against theta. In ]Many eases whet a flames- ere not known a genital description of the ditties of the accused is given. Pour pages are devoted to Meld Mar- ehal von Iiindenburg and Gen. Luden- dorff, the sante accusations serving for both of tlneltf, Carries Speedy Trnln, A Swedish railroad has built a re- inforced concrete bridge with an arched span nearly 300 feet long, de- signed to carry trains at a speed of 00 miles an hour, Wanted to do any fairthtr work alter Black Sea for the purpose 0f crush- milk as a rule. that, Boyle went to Petrograd, anis Mg' the Black Sea Fleet, as a punish -i "It looks to me, Mrs. Brown," the was among the' ntesen,t when the memo for a. The herefore a heviks resolution doctor said, "as if the trouble really etarte wa Bolsaviks seized the *elle<l ante, hall been passed: to arrest all Allied is with your diet, and I am going to Started their joyaide. p• To a man with a natter ,t ?eve for suraestY, a0 that :or every sailor of recommend that each one of you drink moulding chaos, the Bolshe•ike offer- theirs tailed they might execute ten a glass of water the first thing on ed an enticing pro.epeet for further Allied p •ksoilere. They implied that arising in the morning. If you older adventure. There was .street-.figircung Bayle wcu1d moire a pleasant addition' people can take two glasses, sipped for six Hi days in 'deo$, resulting :n a to their list- I slowly, better yet. Then begin your freight blockade and a threat of gen- Stowe -ening lois interpreter, Boyle breakfast with either fresh fruit in erral starvation. Th • Northers Army addressed them he a very few words• .' was starting. f'r ?tone. anl:aaing it- but with plenty of empaasis. He season or stewed fruit. Moro are some = which are especially laxative—rhu- sea, il, destroy ing „etatee, burning explained that the whole thing was eepag'e=. and. e tabeeee the new untrue, that the newspaper was own- barb, figs, dates, prunes, oranges, fre,-l+.nm, neeteeecri•0; peasants en ed by German propagandists, and he: Plume, grapes, peaches and apples. route. called for volunteers to go and d•e-' Soak the dried fruits in water and Reait._u g that the pot of their moh'ch the 'aid newepaper. I cools in your fireless cooker over drama was beet nlieg bo nee;hat ob This appealed to the moo as an; night. Give the children a glass of setae,' ay the entnusia_nt of the idea of considerable originality, so milk except with their noon meal, but Actors, Inc Bolsheelies did 'i wise they adjourned to the newspaper -1 always have water on the table too, thing. They tonic. General Manielt- offi� arrested nineteen members of that they may drink this when they et..,ki ai , tet c) $Jar irom the the staff, and then wrecked the place.,.lvish - pt ,i i c 1 1;a,1 eareerated At the P nvit tion of the committee,I ?sial, a •r ,, nb one is Boyle waited until next day, when "You say that you gave them coarse foreal r •.c33)10,3e ' him in the larga m.-t,n s touwlace- Speiro; breads, Remember that all of the ter - w„ r ,1 _ , t.': 1 _ . ie,, eieea refcrea to Beita:o ae kussia's best: eats require long, slow cooking—four the aanv faced ;this •being^ received with wild, hours at least for oatmeal. Hasty —Tach!—i" - i•I ;J. '•.Ion*1 ujopl..asei. Later Boyle attended a; cooking of say a half an hour, makes pro - :Tor ,u1n , _ 1 me i tr o all t.,ee ennlmistees of they a pasty mass which encourages con- An apparatus which is said to pro - The metal i :_' 1. eeidee44 tine.e. Black Ser. Fleet, and 'through an in- duce artificial daylight was recently that the milita . i _insists d'nov- terpreter (Captain eF, A. Hill of the. stipation. In the same way, in mak- oak or cook exhibited at a meeting of the. Illumi- Ing eespondibility en the other pec- 4th iii n ester) he explained that: the cereelsg coarse boraelseesteamer sor bake the role'. shoulders. He salted Bo, to $rgta.in never fursooli her friends,' eating Engineering Society in London, DYED HER BLOUSE, SKIRT AND A COAT "Diamond Dyes" Turned Faded, Shabby, Old Apparel Into New. Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods — dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings, —everything! The Direction Book with each pack- age tells how to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have dealer show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Making Daylight. go to Moscow and untie the knot; and that alae did not want to interfere: bread very slowly, using molasses or Boyle. not aeilig a pucks soldier, with Beeman polities, but meetly wish- brown sugar as sweetening, Half - promptly agreed to do e. : ed to stop Russians from killing each, cooked cereal bread is difficult to di - Nothing daunted 1,G tea r''21'76 fr0111 other, u gnat they could deviate their gest. Among the laxative foods to that ri*.y, he catered its bulletrr t es 1 ie r,1 .i, _,vole) tall: of • use frequently are bran muffins, asses streets. In forty-eight hours; 1 'ln tg Germane., I whole Wheat crackers, gingerbread, freight was moving out of Illeaaa,' Tae Huns, he said, "are sure he honey, onions, spinach, oil -dressed and in a weeki things were ronnirg. advance -nto your country for the; salads, cream,pecan nuts fairly smoothly. - ( purpose of making you more their ,peanut but- fairly +iia 11e ;b; it? It Ir �iiffi•^u:{t slaves than yea have ever been be - to state, but nresumauly even a Bola -i fore.' sheme ik stand; 1;icie fora an who This atse4 a furore of appreeia- knuv:s nhe e he is going. What a' tion, and the appearance of a British pity the AIlies at large did not realise! naval officer in uniform was a signal that elemental oat of peyehologyll for wuv ild applae. In ease time hung heavy on ]tia The pisode is not lacking in humor, elands. Boyle was then placed 1n' but it turned the whole Black Sea charge of the protocol between Res -1 Fleet solidly pro -Ally at the very sea. and Roumania for both food and moment when it seemed to be assum- elothing. Up to that time Russia had' Ing an attitude of friendship toward' delivered only promises. The Wizard Germany. of the Klondike waved his wand, and 17. than two-thirds In the next and most Important In eight weeks more geeted. It simply ants as a body lvbri of the promised goods were delivered. phase of Boyge's labors, it win be cant, and after a few deys oils up the seen en that,largely through him, ease g yP a deof this h em func- o e idea of them meta t vmachinery so that the s at S m gI y y 'achievement may bo gathered whets it was arraged between the Bolsheviks Is realised that the protocol covered and Roumania. We have forgotten equipment for `350,000 men. too soon how pluckily Roumania Having performed this bereulan fought on when the Allies let disaster task, Boyle was just taking a prop her by the throat. Tortured, breather, and wondering whose robbed, betrayed, she believed in Bri- easily remember it and it won't cost stables would 'have to be cleaned out twin, and her gallant army was ready anything either. On the other hand, next, when he was visited by the to retire into Russia and fight on, it will have you money. Here's the much -perturbed Roumanian Consul-' even if the Germans occupied all prescription: General at Moscow. That official had 1Roumanthe pecla. And tle of then, 00 f i1l her raisedc its "`RX good common sense, oz. 10. received orders that he was to sella',"Take a tablespoonful three times to Roumania the archives of the For -1 skeletons grin on her borders, and sign Office, which had been deposited the Russia she had always known as a day with plenty of water," in Moscow when the evacuation of her friend became her enemy. Itonm:le.ia was contemplated; and I At the risk of his life, a Canadian Your Child's Eyes. also lee ems to send all the Roumanian from the Yukon braved rho anger of Parents believe, and rightly that paper money that was 'being printed. Racitovslci, the most powerful member there- � of the Russian Supreme College. This home lessons are ruining their chile The psopor,:tion was n difficult one,' `non who was himself a Roumanian, stem's eyes. Yet, there is no real as the he; weighed twenty tons, and would not hear of peace with Rou- reason why ,p boy or girl .should suf- it was neee.sary to pass through the mania; but by deliberate intrigue for any eye -strain if certain preemie - lines of the Bolsheviks and the Boyle turned the man s associates tions are taken by parents and if at- Ukranians, whowere fighting. It against him, and secured an offer of tention is paid to the child's complaint was at this stage that Boyle's admit- peace, which he took to Roumania, of headache, ation of Roaniouia took definite and assin•g through the lines, and being 1. Never let your child sit in his t ex -manager d t by B 1 Tt k gu In the England. The apparatus which is said to pro - The apparatus is surprisingly sim- ple, and it 1s possible to obtain re- sults with an electric lamp of 300 candle power. Below the bulb an opaque reflector is fitted in such a way that the rays are projected up. ter, and vegetables properly prepared. wards against a screen of various "It will do no harm for eaoh to eat colors arranged in small patches. The a couple of nice figs just before re- sents which falls from the screen pre - tiring, taking those with a glass of colored material In its daylight water. Then impress upon each the hue• necessity of having a fixed time every day to attend to the body hygiene, so that regular habits may be estab- lished, If necessary, to get the sys- tem into good shape, take a table- spoonful of plain mineral oil every night for a while. None of this is di - tions properly. "But oughtn't I to have a prescrip- tion?" Mrs. Brown asked. "Yes. I'll tell it to you. You can penile lent form, As an x . ire a o e evn nners- of a heavy -weight prize-fighter, "he subsequent negotiations Boyle had to had felt for a long time that Rot- act as intermediary; and on one 00 - mania was a ei1me little bantam, try- P canton, while he was flying just above ing to hold hey own in a ring crowded the Dniester in an aeroplane, a Rev - I' 1 with heavy -weights. From what he nla nnnan bat1,,y Jlrud 8t um, enc could gather, she was getting the death was missed by a matter of to see things, and in endeavoring to wort of it from friend and foe 811110, , inches• distinguish them they strain their so he decided to lend our tittle Ally i Eventually peace was signed, and eyes. a helping hand 1 Boyle's greatest achievement was 3. Don't let children read by fire. own light when he is reading or vent- ing. Do not let a girl do any sewing or knitting for• long at a tithe. 2. It is a great mistake to allow the children to sit in twilight. They want Having almost absolute authority' completed. on the railroads, he took charge oft (To be continued.) the archives and a vast sum of ; Stumped! money, and after twice passing through the lines where the Boishe-1 "it's no use," sighed the nature wiz- alks and the Ukranians were at war, • and "i may as well give up." he reached Jassy in safety. After "What is bothering you?" ashes his that he returned to Russia, and con companion, sylnpatlli,lally. tinued his work as chairman of the; +'I started a few years ago on a All Russian Food Board, which had whim of mine, i took a head of cab - been formed in November, 1917. I l 10 and crossed It with a white Po- tato, was during this period flat. tato, and grew eyes un it; then I Boyle paid a $tint to Antonof, the' leader of the Bolsheviks against the rammed them with a cornstallt and 'Ceesa41ks, to ascertain the exact states grew ears on it; then I crossed that of mind of that . evil-reputationed with a celery sins grew a neck on it; general in ease the Germans advance then I crossed that with a roto -nut ed. To the Canadian's surprise, he and grew hair 00 it, but hanged if I found the Russian an excellent leader can figure out what to do for a nose end decidedly anti -German. Boyle and moutlrl' '- • and he had a most amiable meeting, end on parting swore eternal hatred Incubate s should be ready. Clean et Germany. Anti history records and. distnfeet them without delay, Treat the brooder in the same way, The brooder ehould he ready and wait- ing for the chielte, ,tiih heat at pro- per temperature. 0140 ton of ureal will furnish 10: 000 gross of pen -natio. t2ftard'a ritalnteet Zeneves tteura1535. that as long as his men held to +„ether Antonof never went back on lris oath of war 011 the Hun. Armed with Antenof's authority, Boyle then proceeded to Sebastopol, As hies train arrived it was surround- ed by a Bolshevik leader named wlpeirn 01111 a comntitto6 of sailors, "What does this mean?" demanded Cvloltel Boyle. light, Each flicker means a fresh fo- cus. 4. Have a lamp suspended from the ceiling. This is an obvious advantage where children are allowed to romp. 5. Lastly, you, seeing your child at night, may be able to observe signs of eye -weakness not noticed by the teach- er. Inform the principal of the school at once. It will make a great differ- ence to your child, Are Girls Naturally More Refined Than Boys? From early ohiidhood boys are sub- jected to rough associations from which girls are protected. Boys are permitted to 'hear obscene language, which girls, speaking generally, never hear. 'Vulgar people try 0.0 restrain their coareeneas when a girl is pres- ent, but they nee -or think of doing so before a boy. 'Even in public perform- ances, as in the theatre, obsecuity gs often indulged i', if only leen nee pi-esent, who ;rias little if any ]ling of the l0r.nd tvo„ld Dam° before girls 0r ' 'women, Lewd aetleos fire e.c1ebitod before bi1$y and recce; while tido ia•e 1 Chilled fish from Newfoundland is prepared in a cold storage plant, which can deal with 200,000 . lbs. of fish a day. Minard's Ltnimeat for sale everywhere, Many a Canadian Beauty owes her exquisite complexion to the use of Own Soap' Cleans,",; a-coling'—Fragrant "Its Bari for Baby and Bea for You" Abort 6oa,s Unites, 010,., Moutrol. 410 The Beauty of The Lily cany b a ours. Its wonderfully pure, soft, pearly white ap- pearance, free from all blemishes, will be com- parable to the perfect beauty of your skin and complexionif youwill use I:m tN P•0� "'�0tt�'p "�'"`t " TWO PARTS OF in Ten Years 500 Dollars HUMAN MIND If ileposlted at 3% will amount to 3007,73 .-- If invested at 4%, intertest own• pnundod qI.I E CONSCIOUS N ID,u a1•ter1y, will amount to $744,29 TI -IE SUBCONSCIOUS. But if Invested in our 61/R% Debentures will amount to,. $860,20 Write for 11uol4lot, i The Great West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 King St. West easeemeematemeseerratteeerarementwaxamaaanseat ill grades. Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS J. CLIFF TORONTO Assessment System Whole Family Insurance. The Order furnishes Insurance to its members at Ontario Government Stand- ard rates. Sick and Funeral Benefits are also given it desired. The Juvenile Department furnishes the best possible insurance benefits to the children of our adult members. The Order has already paid over 0880,- 000,00 in Sick and Funeral Benefits, and nearly Seven Millions of Dollars In In- sur0nce, 800 Oounclla in Canada. It there is not one In your locality there should be. For full information write to any of 1110 following Officers: J. L. Davidson, W. 3', Montague, Grand Counclllor Grand Be]],M.O.er 'W. Campbell, J. N. ]], M,D, Grand Organizer. titans Mel. IIx, TIARltr.1' N - 0NTAR)o To increase Ute gieferisav forces of the body atjainA epidemics or illness take OVRIL 1104. 6"ddi,.9 power Proved to be 10 to 20 tunas Il1r .,roouni -talion jliati,met1111111111umullineim timittaluentamitimeniti 11itati nneteflteque alma iiilntnika'liliitatOt pleas l'llnlinitltti lntenlilllifltllillititpt I T MPERIAL Royalite Coal Oil is on sale by dealers throughout 1 all Canada. No matter where you live, you can get Imperial Royalite quickly and easily. And you will buy it again and again when you get acquainted with its great merits. It is highest grade, thoroughly refined coal oil, and nothing but that. Imperial Royalite meets every testethat can be applied for power, heat and light, It is absolutely uniform and dependable. Equally efficient for oil heaters, oil cook stoves or lamps. Imperial Royalite Coal Oil costs less than other oils and does give better service, ' For sale by dealers everywhere. COAL Former Receives Impressions and Latter Puts Them Into Cold Storage. To the majority of people tete mind is simply that pari of themselves that thinks about and remembers things. Ilut as a mailer or fact the greater part of the mind's work consists in enabling us to forget, for the time be- ing, all that we have ever known. Fortunately for our peace of mina we can remember only one thing at olio and the same 111011141110. At that moment, all that we have leaned, ox, perienced, and done in our past 112e is apparently obliterated. Where hon it gone? It is simply stored for nee, immedi- ate or future, in a separate part of our mind --in what 18 called the linemen:1- MIS or subcnuseiona mind. The con- scious part of tete mild is that portion which receives impressions from the outside world, feels, acts, and recol- lects from moment to eminent, and then --forgets by passing all 11eeo ex- periences "into $tore" in the suhcon Selena ---Where they wait till called for. An illustration of the relative pro- portions of the conscious mid :eubcon- scious parts or the mind is provided by an iceberg, only one-eighth 04 which is visible„ seven -eighths hemp submerged, It is "said that. this relatively vast subeoIieci011elleaa of 011ie remembers everything that has happened to us since the day we W1u'e born, and af- fects our lives accordingly. We 110 not at any time eonsciousiy remember, perhaps, more than a fraction of these experiences; but our sleepless sub- consciousness does, They are all there in cold storage, These experiences which our o011 - scions memory has forgotten, but oar subconscious users sometimes to our advantage and -occasionally to Dar 4111- i agoing, account for much In oar ('4141 - duct --our desires, our fears. our sue, ceases, our failures, and our ailments --which would otherwise be meepli4- able, Are You a Day -Dreamer? I Take, for example, on11 Rif those curious cases of shell -shook. A soldier suffering from this partly nervous and partly mental disorder cannot sleep and develops euictdai tendencies. On being questioned it turns out that ho always sees eyes watching him in the dark. By a process of mind analysis, this peculiar phobia, or fear, to traced back to the clrcumstanees connected With the death of one of his friends... Both he and Itis friend were blown up by a shell. When the seek plan carne to himself he stumbled over his friend lying face downwards. He turned him over. The man was dead, but his eyes were wide open. This gave the siclt man a terrible shock, but while his conscious mind had forgotten the incident, his sub- conscious had not, and kept the terri- fying apparition of the staring eyes ever before him. When this was ex- plainedto soldier, plained to the, be was able reason out the cause of his fear in a sensible way, and was speedily cured of 1416 dread, The subconscious mind, however, often does us a good turn. The brii- tiane ideas that strike us, the sudden jog 'to the memory, the overnight solution of a problem or difficulty that perplexed us the previous day=all these are the work of the suboouscious mind. It might be likened to a secret, silent -working dynamo, operating as- siduouslyadaY and night, and storing up electricity which, unknown, it ap- plies to all sorts of purposes. +'Such stuff as dreams are made of" is also provided by the unconsalous mind, which rhos and takes full con- trol when the conscious self sinks In- to slumber. Day -dreaming, reverie, and `uncontrollable mind -wandering are phases of subconsoigns activity which, if allowed to develop unduly, DSO likely to result in mental break- Build Houses For Birds. 33h'11s ore desirable to have about the promisee, not only on amanita of their beauty and song, but because of their e0ono01i0 worth. The little feath- ered songsters are especially uset"ltl as insect destroyers during the breeding period, when they have to work early and late to obtain sufficient food for their nestlings. One way to increase the number making your property their summer home is to put out feathers, ,lits of wool and twine dur- ing t110 nest building season for the birds to use in building their habits. aims. Another way is to, build sate re+ treats for them in which they cant roar their young comfortably. Most of the 11otusea will be oecupfed year after year, In fact, 110 attraction los 0na11ncr birds le more effectual than plenty of hmu]os elated to the needs and habits of 111e various linea of house bh•1a. During idle hours In the winter months the construction of a row o1' these bird dwellings is amylase time and 1108201 wont, Plaradox. The smallest malt I ever knew ;3toocl something 0 fr !ilx feet two, Jib f: