HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-2-26, Page 1VOL, 48 NO. 35
$1..50 Per AitilUM in Advance
�f li�l7lPfit;rlL � LtQiLili�id�;iilj'
II " 1 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIII11i111111111114
Monerg Loose is
Moneg Spent
If you hope to rise 'above the
dependance on daily earnings, you
must learn to save money. Saved
money means capital, and capital
means ability to take advantage of
opportunities offering, until some
day you become independent.
The Bank of Nova Scotia will welcome
your Savings Account and give you every
possible service and attention.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Pond -up Capital - - l 9,700,000
Reserve mond - - - 19,000,000
Resources - - - - 220,000000
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
Notice—Morris M. O. H,
Office open—Miss Brynns.
Cuff links lost—Toa Poem.
Atter rho 8'lu—James Fox.
Early delivery—A. E. Hersey.
Annual Meeting—Telephone 00.
Stook for sale—Thos. A. Granby.
Auction Salo—George Snelling,
Oar of Ontario Oats—Alf. Banker,
Tho Star Grocery—W. T. Spence,
Shipping day—Walton Formers' Club.
Car of Feed Oats—Ethel }farmers' Club,
cmisixixt tbas.
The Annual Congregational meet-
ing of Knox church, Bluevale, was
held on Feb. 10th. All the reports
given gate very encouraging. Total
amount raised by the congregation
during the year was $2346, of which
$447 was given to Missions, W, M. S.
raised $133 Mission Band $21 ;
Ladies' Aid $94 ; Guild $86 and Sun-
day School $104. Arrangements were
made for the congregation's "Peace
Thank Offering" in connection with
the Forward Movement and already
the cum of $1468 has been subscribed,
about one third of which has been
paid in cash.
A wedding is mooted.
We're ready for Spring.
Maple syrup making will soon be
Samuel and Airs, Burke, now of
Wingham, were called to Goderich to
the funeral of Mrs. Burke's sister.
Turn and Mrs. Jacklin ha ve come
back to the North Boundary from
'Wroxeter, to what was formerly the
David Thompson farm. They bought
from J, Ballantyne,
L. Eckmier, who broke a limb a
while ago, is able to get about the
house but the deep snow is against
much travelling out doors, We hope
he will soon be all right.
The companions of Victory are
Work and Thrift. If the people of
Canada practise these essentials, our
great problems of reconstruction can
be settled to the mutual benefit of all.
Don't waste! Save and prosper.
PAiD-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000
WAL,TON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager,
The Star Grocery
The - Store - of - Quality
To also Good Groceries means Good Health ; to use Poor Gemc-
eries means Poor Health. We therefore advise buying your.
Groom les here. Our stock 18 always fresh and clean and of the
beet quality obtainable, Raisins, Currants, Det.es,•Figs, etc., are
all good buying now as the prices on these articles are bound to
SPECIAL—We are putting on a Special this week, namely
Eclsvardsburg Corn Syrup -5 lb, Pails 55c ; 10 lb, Pails $1,10 ; 20
Ib. Pails $2,20,
Our Meat and Bologna is always fresh. Try our Cottage Rolls
this week at 30c per lb.
FARMERS—Bring your Prelude to this store. We always pay high.
est prices for Produce, If you do not wish to deal allyour: Ptro•
duos in Groceries we will pay cash for the balanca.
BREAD—Try a loaf of our Bread and be convinced it is the BEST.
FLOUR—North Star Pure No. 1 Manitoba $7.00 per cwt.
5 PER CENT off for cash on all Groceries except Flour and Sugar.
Ns/Phone your order's, We guarantee prompt' delivery.
We are out for business and t0 satisfy 0114 Cllstotllersr
- Phone 229 ETHJ3 L,
The Amens snowplow kept the
gravel road toward Brussels to fairly
good shape during the Winter bet
there were some dandy pitch holes
North of their route that wero re-
minders of ye oldyn days.
McKillop 001811 meets at Seaforth
on Friday, March nth at 1 o'clock p. m.
Sunday without ehnrch meatus a
dull day for people accustomed to at-
tend regularly.
Duncan N. McDonald, and bride
have been visiting relatives and ftiends
in this community prior to removal to
Alberta where Alae. has it farm, We
wish them niecess,
St. Genrge'e ehurrh is doing well for
the Forward Movement. $800 was
their nhjecLien and already there is
about $700111 sight. 'When everybody
lifts the load lightens and the end is
Walton Horticulturaal Sneiety has
issued the Spring rimulae offering 3
options to each member and the prom-
ise of a bulls dietribullon in the Fall,
all for the email sum of $1.00, The
list may be rear] on page 4.
SALE,—Donald Mcnonald, who ri•-
centiq sold his farm, Atte announced a
Cleating Auction Salo fol \Vadneeday,
March 31d, with F, S. Heart, Brusselo,
as Auctioneer, It will be a big sale,
List may be read 111 this issue. AL'.
McDonald buried his wife recently,
will give up farming in the meantime,
Oran brook
Regular services will he resumed in
the churches here next Sunday.
Miss Madeline Braker, who ie train-
ing for a nurse in St. Joseph's Hospi-
tal, London, has been quite ill with
influenza but will soon be all hearty as
ever we hope.
Clearing Auction Sale of las, Die,k-
so1's Farrn stock, implements, &r.,,
Friday of this week. Sale at 12
o'clock, He has sold the farm hence
everything goes.
Wm. Brown, Miami, Manitoba, and
J. G. Brown, Carberry, have been
visiting relatives and old friends here,
The gentlemen are cousins. The
fanner went West in 1880 and owns
1100 acres 7e miles from Miami.
It is 24 years since the latter turned
his face toward Manitoba. This is his
first trip hack. Itis boyhood home
was in Waterloo County. Both have
prospered in the prairie Province and
were welcome guests.
PINE OATrrao —Jas: Knight & Sons
delivered lastSetulday 42 head of 1st
class cattle to Wesley Snell, Exeter,
to go to New York. They averaged
1350 pounds and sold at 15 and lOc per
Ib. realizing over $200 each rand totall-
ing the tidy aunt of $8,125,00 This is
one of the best loads of cattle ever
shipped from this district and the
highest priced. Messrs. Knight make
a epecialty of feeding cattle and look
after. it carefully and with gond judg-
MATRT1t1ONIAL,—On Satnrrlay, Feb-
ruary, 14th, the home of errs. Julia
Menzies was elle scene of a quiet wed-
ding when her daughter, Miss Mabel
B., was united in marriage to Dm :can
N. MacDotald, formerly of Walton,
now of Hayter, Alta. Rev. D. Wren,
el, A., Aft. Freest, a former pastor of
the bride, performed the ceretnnny in
the presence of only a few immediate
relatives and friends. The bride, who
was given away by him brother, was
becomingly gowned in pearl pussy
{villow taffeta with an overdress of
gorgette and beads, and carried a bo -
tenet of Ophelia roses and sweet peas.
Bride's travelling attire was a tailored
snit of navy Blue with taupe hat and
Hudson seal furs, the gift of the
groom. After a short visit among
relatives and friends, Mr, and Mrs.
ManDonald will leave for their home,
Hayter, Alta., followed by the good
wishes of a wide circle of relatives and
Dtrn AT Gatn,roi.—The people of
this community heard with un reigned
regret of the unexpected demise of an
old and worthy resident of this locali-
ty in the person of James Elliott. He
was taken with :something akin to
quinsy early in Jltnnary and not im-
proving went to Guelph hospital on
February 2nd for tee:lenient. Wed-
nesday, t the llt11 hast. he passed y,pl s away
quite unexpectedly. The body was
brought home and the funeral took
plane the next Sunday, the service be -
ng conducted by Moe. Stewart and in-
terment in Moleswore .h eeuletcry.
Pallbearers were Joh King, George,
Robert and Alex, McAllister, Win.
Melees, and Thos. lrlliott, Deceased
is servived by his wife, (who {vas Lil-
lian, daughter 01' the late Robert Mc-
Allister, to whom he was married 44
yenta ago) 4 sons (Tittle, of Keller,
Sask. ' Hn h of Ker' obcl't. S
r 4'i , tLeli.r
Jno., alolesworth ; and Clifford at
home) and 1 daughters, (Mrs, Jas.
Sangster, Molesworth ; ales. StuLtle-
bar, Delhi ' Mrs, A. Mitchell, Moles-
worth ; and Miss Nellie at home) who
share largely in the sympathy of a
wide circle of old friends, 617• ,Elliott.
was born near Ayr, Ont,, 03 yeare ago
and was the second eon of the date
Robert and Mrs. Elliott, pioneer set.
tiers, who came and took up hand slyer
60 years ago. The subject of this
notice lived on the 2nd Cnn, of Grey
township and was respected and es-
teemed by all who knew him. Hie
death came as'a•great shock to all con-
cerned and proves how brittle a thread
this tn0rtai life hangs on, 'Honorable,
kindly -turned, obliging, friendly and
industrious are adleotives briefly de.
snriptive of the man called away and
these, with many Lirtnes of herrn and
heart, coupled withe a traetfnl oonli-
deuce in the Alt Father linked him .
closely to the neigh hothead anti gave
hien many Mende all through his life
in the community, His name ad
character will live long in this distt'icb.
Surviving brothers of deceased are
Ontario Oats
10 Tans Corn and, Oat Chop
10 Tons Middlings 10 Tons Oran
Expected to arrive this week,
Alf. Baeker
Phone No, 5
Thos. of Molesworth, and Jno,, of Red
Deer, Alberta ; and the sisters are
Mrs. Robert McAllister, Mrs, H. F.
McAllister and Airs, A. Robertson,
Nev Westminster, B. C., and Mrs.
\Vm. Fraser, Dutton, Ontario.
(leo, Snelling's Auction Sale on
\Vedneeday, March 3rd, His Lots are
85 and 30 on 18th Cnn. See list.
(Ireyites welcome Sir, Parker and
family to the Toni Williamson faun,
14th Con., they having bought it a
short time ago.
The grass farm of Donald McNeil
has been purchased by George Whit-
field, for the soul of $4,000, This gives
the purchaser 200 acres nolo. We
wish hits success.
The line 100 acre farm of Mrs. Hec-
tor McQuarrie, 4th Con., has been
leased to A. Campbell, who gets early
possession, Mrs. McQuarrie may
spend her tuns with her daughters
during the coming year.
This week Emil and Mrs. Berfelz
and family removed from the 9th Con.
to their new home near Gowanstown,
Wallace township, where they will no
dour,t do well. ieh•, Hutchinson
bought the Berfelz farm and is now in
Friday evening, Feb. 13th, a few
neighbors and friends assembled at
the ll,ntle of Thos. and Mrs. William-
son, 14th Con., Grey, and presented
MIr. and Mrs. Williamson with a
club bag and Mr. Herrington and
Mr. Williamson with cuff links.
The following address was read
by Mrs. M. Abram : — DEAR
FRIENDS,—We, a few of your neigh-
bors and friends, have assembled hero
tonight to express, in a tangible way,
our Borrow at your departure from
our neighborhood. We will miss you
very muolt but hope yen have many
happy and prosperous years in your
new home. You have always been
kind neighbors, ever ready to lend a
helping hand in time of need. As a
small token of our esteems and a re-
minder of your Grey friends we ask
you to accept these gifts, Mr. attd
Mrs, Williamson this club bag, and
Mr. Williamson and Mr. Herrington
these Cull links. As you go from our
millet it is one sincere wish that suc-
cess and Heaven's blessing may rest
upon you. Signed on behalf of your
neighbors and friends.
WILLIAM 301100010,
A suitable reply was given by the re-
cipients. An enjnytoble time was
spent in dancing and games. Earl
Lowe rendered a few selections of the
bagpipes to which Miss Kate Steven-
son and Lawrence Lowe gave a few
Scottish quicksteps. 1u parting they
all joined hands and sang "Auld Lang
PRENTATION.—Tuesday Rvening
of last week a jolly crowd of neigh-
bors and Mende, numbering abort 40,
assembled at the home of Thos. 'and
Airs. Davidson, itch Con,, to eoj'y
their hompitalit•y once altars bef'or'e
they left the old homestead where
they had spent the past 34 years, An-
other object of the gathering was the
peesentatanu of a floe pair of uphol-
stered 0110.1113 to Lhe host and hostess
and fountain pen to Thomas jr. The
following address was rend by W. J.
Hemingway and the gifts were pre-
sented by James Dickson and Percy
Mitch ell :—
DEAN. FRIENDS,—Knowing that you
are about to leave us
v after matey
years of friendship
together, we, a few
of your friends and neighbors, have
met to spetnd a social evening with
you before ynu remove to ynnr new
home to Wessels. We will miss you
from the neighborhood but are glad
you are not going far from us. In tok-
en or the good renewable that has ex-
isted we ask yon Mr. and etre. David-
son, to accept these upholsLered chid is
and you, 'roma, this Fountain pen.
Our hope is that you may be spared to
enjoy. them malty years and that you
may in the future look back with
pleasure upon the days spent with
your old neighbors of Cons. 11 and 12
Grey. Signed on behalf of the neigh-
Ieerxe DlolcsoN,
W. J. HE9risuw.y,
Mr, Davidson, see made a brief, ap-
propriate reply, hearties. thanking the
visitors fol' the call, them aitdeees and
choice gifts, '!'hey head enjoyed the
years spent on the aid farm with the
ae8o0iaLion of A 1 neighbors and will
never forget the old friends of the past
34 years, Would always be glad to
meet them at Brussels and wished all
concerned Godspeed. The evening
was then given over Lo social chat,
vocal and instrumental music, speech -
dying, &c., after which a bountiful
lunch was served and the company
tie/wetted wishing those who leave the
farm, malty happy ye'1rs and these
who siteeeed, Milrnn and Mrs. Rands,
a prosperous future. ','lie Davidson
hone !vas algaye a pletisant place to
call on and no doubt the good fellow-
ship and sociability will be oo.ntt1nueti
no in the days gone past,
We are some, to bear of the severe
illnees of Mrs. Robert McKinnon, 6th
line, Wesley, sots of William and
Airs. Brewer, of the eerie. lire, line elan
been under the dor tr t e ear 04 Better
news is hoped fn} 1i1 Ilydr rely int•
An Auction Sale ie ttucuuneed by
Emmet Isherwood, w bo Arta had David
Htutdere' farm, 10th Con., 1eutecl, for
Friday afteruoou of next week. He
purpoees going to the West ',ext.
mouth, Mrs. Isherwood hum been
nursing in 1311199018 hitt has completed
her task,
Mrs. Ino. Duo:at:sun, of H e e e.
ville, who underwent an operation
last month tot :+t, Josephs hospital,
Hamilton, is able to get home and is
making favorable progress and we
trust, her health will -ROM) be fully re-
stored. Mr Duncaneot sold his farm
and held an Auetino Sale of Farm
stock, on Wednesday of this week.
Their poetofllce address will still be
Hagersville. Mr. and ,1179. Duncan.
son were former residents of this
township and are known to nutnl'eou3
readers of Teas Pour, They keep in
touch With what hi going on here by
reading 1t regularly,
FATAL A['CIDEN'r,—A sad aerident.
ocourret! at Cotcan, Sask.. of Thurs-
day night at 8 o'clook, when a 1 t tp
exploded and tanned the death of \Ira,
W. R. Davidson and het two riled -
ten, Gordon, aged 2 years, and Mar-
garet aged 8 months. Air. IDavidsnrl
was out doing the chores at time of
accident and on returning to the
house succeeded in getting thein out.
Mrs. Davidson lived until 3 rt'elock
the next afternoon but the children
were instantly killed. The foes of
the explosion was so great that every
pane of glass in the windows of the
house were cranked, The tenaites
were brought to the hurtle of Mrs.
Davidson's patents Jno. and Airs,
Oolclough, of Dinsmore, from m which
place the funeral was held on
Tuesday, Februery 17th, burial being
made in Anet'ley cemetery. F0'.eial
services were conducted by Rev.
Lockheed, of Dinsmore, and Rev.
Rawliuson, of Macrnrie. Mrs, David.
9011 was a member of St. Andrew's
ohurrh, Outlook, Seek. They are ling
safe Event temptation, safe from sin's
pollution. They live whom we call
Numerous changes in this commun-
ity owing to the buying and selling of
Church services were called eff nu
account of dealt ing to avoid spreading
the flu epidemic.
The Ladies' Aid of Knox church is
preparing a play which will be pre-
sented abort the and week of March.
As the ban will be lifted in Gtey
township Sunday School and church
services will be held as usual next
Miss Bessie McQuarrie is hone from
Linwood this week on account of her
school being closed owing to the fin
Domicil meeting will be held Mon-
day, March 22nd.
Bliss Dora Atinstrong wee hone for
the week end from Stratford Normal
The influenza epidemic, whieh has
been widespread in this township, is
well nigh cleared up, Fortunately
there were nn deaths although there
were some set ions cases.
Wni, Jas. Johnston, who has been
visiting here for the past few mouths,
takes a car of horses beck with him.
Mrs. Johnston was also stere and their
stay was 1110011 enjoyed.
Robert t and Mrs. Shedden, 4th line,
purpose eemovit)g to Brussels, where
they have bought a home on Queen
street. They are old residents of the
line and well known 111 the c0munna-
,ty, We wish. them well, Wto.
Henderson has taken their farm.
The 27 acme located le miles South
of Brussels, has been purchased by
Alex. Nichol, who soler his 100 acre
farm on the 6th line, from Win. Dark,
and will get possession on March 1st.
Mr. Dark may locate in Brussels, at
least for a time. Mr, Niched cotltenl-.
plates a number of improvements to
the property.
Robert Rotators
moved t0i
Its resi-
dence recently vacated by E. Lowry
On Monday.
Leslie McLaughlin and family left
for their home in Swift Current, Sask,
on Thursday.
B. Radford, Fordwieh, has been as -
slating in the Bank of Hamilton dur-
ing the past week.
Amos G0fto1, London, has dispos-
ed of his 40 acre farm in Howick to
Reuben Sandburn of the village,
David Barnard, Mich., and Jos. Bar-
nard, London, spent the week end
with old friends in the vicinity.
Mrs• Latnouby was called from Tor-
onto last week tn'n arse bee son, A. A.
Lamouby and family, who have all
been confined to the house,
Mee. Wood was home from Totten-
ham lase week nursing her brother,
Raymond Rutherford, who was
seriously ill but is now regaining his
former health.
Friends of J. J. Davis, formerly
manager of the Royal Bank here, will
regret to learn of his death from 111.1,
which took place at Drayton on Feb.
14th. Interment took place at Al -
Lot, Feb, 17111, from the home of his
FiRE,—Last Monday evening be-
tweet: 8 end 0 o'clock, Win Mebean's
residence, a mile North of the village,
was completely destroyed by fire,
Tho fire originated ftenn ae ovetbottle
ed furnace pipe, commencing in the
upstairs and had pined snoh head-
way when discovered, that only some
of the contents of the downstairs were
saved, There was some insurance on llaad
Uhl farmers' Club Norse; I
Fepect to unload
a oar of -
Canaaia Western
Feed Oats
at Ether Station next week. Please
notify Secretary at ten early date of
quantity you require.
President, Secretary,
Farmers' Club
Notice is given that Saturday
of each week will be hog ship-
ping day for the Farmers' Club
from Walton and they are
asked to govern themselves
W. H. Shortreed, A. McGavin,
Sec.-Treas. President.
J. J. MOGAVIN, Shipper,
Hon, W, E, Haney
Gets Acclamation
Last Monday the new 17. F. 0. At-
torney General, Hon. W. E. Raney,
was accorded an acclamation in the
Provincial bye election in East Wel-
lington constituency. Lieut. -Ctrl.
Pritchard, who contested the riding
last Fall as a Conservative nominee
and was defeated, was expected to op-
pose Raney but Monday morning de-
cided not to tun. This clears off the
slate for the Drury Or vernment and
they will now get down to business in
earnest. House is called for Tuesday
March 9th. For the "howl" the Lite
eery League set up about what they
wete going to do in the bye election
Contests it smacks quite a bit like a
big game of bluff.
building and contents but not nearly
enough to cover the loss and Mr. Mc-
Lean and family are sympathised
with in the loss of their home. They
have all been seriously ill since at the
home of Thos. Wright but are now
The W. 111. S. of Knox church, will
be held nest Thursday afternoon in
the class 1 nom of the church at 2 p. re,
No church services here next Sun-
Fort SALE.—An organ, oeutre table, ward-
robe, bedstead, hanging lamp, wood cook
stove, 14 ft, ladder nude number of cedar
posts. we are moving from gthed, hence sale.
S. C. HowLfrrm, Ethel.
House and Blacksmith Shop for sale. Res1-
dente is a comfortable brick with "yy' of an acre
of land, Shop Is frame. Por further pnrtlEthel,se'
lars apply to hMRB. G. W. POLLARD,
Phone 0010
Geo. Pollard is home from Mitchell
with symptoms of flu.
Wm. Slemmon is visiting his daugh-
ter, Mrs, N. Franklin, near Wood-
Noble MaKee has gone to Islington
where he spent hist Sunnner on a
Pouy farm,
T,ltrVotiden, Bert V"udden and A.
Dunbar are among the latest reported
t0 have the flu.
Are you going to require anything
In the implement line ? See D. Milne
if so. Read his advt.
Airs. Falconer, Culross township,
spent the week end with her son, D.
3, of the Bank of Hamilton,
Ed, and Mrs. Fletcher have gone to
Glamis, Bence Oo, to attend funeral of
Geo. Fletcher, a brother to Edward,
Miss Muriel Hall a 1 is home foe an in-
definite time oil account of Mitchell
Hdeigh School beiug ()lased over flu epi -
If nothing farther interferes with
ppresser arrangements look out for
Library Concert on March 5th, Don't
miss the treat of the season,
Mies Isna Mitchell left home last
Monday to take a position in a large
millinery establishment in London.
Isma will make them all take notion
some day,
All pal•tieo interested in Foot hall
will meet, at the Royal Hotel Friday
evening tat, 8 o'clook to organize san
appoint einem for coaling season,
A full attendance asked,
Lewis Whitfield's sale went fine al-
though the weather was rough, We
hear Lewis leas bought D. MoDolali'e
farm in Morris, \Ve are sorry to hear
of him moving from Ethel,
John McNeil attended the funeral of
his mottle' last Friday. She died in
Hullet at home of her daughter. The
remains were brought to her late
hone in Walton . and buried in Bross
eels cemetery,
Sc fete' the prevailing epidemic has
been confined entirely to two houses,
Jno, McNeil's and Grover Gill's, In
the McNeil family they had a !lard
time but we are pleased to report they
have all come safely to land,
Thursday afternoon of next week
at 2 rt'clontl, F. S. Scott, Brussels, will
offer for sale the 100 acre farm belong-
ing to the estate of the late VVtn. Pol-
lard, Itis lot Be on the 6th Con., and
is being sold to close the estate.
llo ,.4. Y Yr
The Schozlll, and Churches iii
the Township of Morris will
re -Open 9n Monday, March z,
l;ar order,
M. 0. 14,
''lfsi t ,t Art t. hit f tr.R."—The
1).'10.8,:/ht ( 1 Will present the
the COun1117
11i, t t11 :_< t t „{: :drip Hall Fri.
event, t {' ,rn. .Proceeds
ill its nj I,t:r a f:e 1,*t,tir. Libtary
Pool ?:; d, „ Litg, audience will
t, r rd tp, , this local entsr-
ini set.is17.j1 , u:i:o good.
0 l?t et t%i,•-- 1 Ihir year 'Witt
let, f t i:_• 1116 a•at., :i, eloAee, Vv',
.ttlit 1•x,1, i-,-.tl,a. A. He
deeald I 1t•1a4,, 'I'reaonrer and
Will Al.o to• :1 a;eL•r+utters. Most of
the r, Jr .1 l.'t milk hauling for
1902,1 air. -11 sr1 to ii1 re,rave $1.60 per
e.wt. t'n: r,t:, t.,Iseim•irt1; the cheese,
supplying !td 1i..• ;,i•et•aearies except.
'lig Do. :•osr:c- ;% good year is figured
1 'tttt I11iAt1 IN HER
11(070, %r'a' lain still in
dr,e i i • 111 ' four days
the s11. n M'tlnt, a widow
NEVI/Pt: g , F3 -1.1.,-1.0A. Srajley,
wart r r , '� t a, dl,l w 1411 Police
0111(•1 \ii• ,t*..e; ur-eddi"r entered
her le t>.••. Nile. aior had been at-
tends 'n :ter It, II. Saint ite
tc:wn here, , es , tr, his children had
been 711 with the i,tlael set for some
dogs, Halt when they were better left
iter ht:m' a ft+'v days: ago to pre-
pare for a v h,it to tact' son, Joseph in
\Vallant'Ittrt;, As his mother did not
arrive when expected, Joseph Saint
telephoned to Wingham making in-
gniries, and his brother, still nnable to
leave the ite.tee, tasked a' neighbor to
visit etre. seine's Amass and find out
sale. ,he had not51 rte 1.1 lVallaceburg.
Theheights, 1 It tit t., the house, and
ee•o'ing uc, iraelse ,:nucha.?eel that sirs.
:faint could net be in the house, buil
no return to town, at Mr. Saint's re-
quest he reported to Chief Allen, and
with. Lim returned to the house. No
tracks coule be seen leading into the
house, but on opening the door and
going inside the men found the body
of Mrs. Saint frozen still' on a sofa. A
Dr. was called, and after examining
the body expressed the opinion, that
overcome by her attendance on her
son and his children she has possibly
suffered a stroke and died three or
four days before, He decided that no
inquest was necessary. Deoeased was
75 years of age. The body was take::
to the undertaking parlors from which
the funeral took place on Tuesday to
Wingham Cemetery. Rev. Mr. Small
of the Anglican church. conducted the
Memorial for the Soldiers
DEAR SIR :-»The writer, whose let-
ter appeared in a recent issue, and
who signs herself "A Soldier's Moth-
er," is certainly showing the true
spirit of motherhood when she sug-
gests that our Soldiers' Memorial take
the form of practical benefit and up-
lift to our boys and girls. Robert
Service in one of his war poems ex-
presses the glowing truth that those
who will not come back to us in the
dealt, will. none the less continuo to
live. ' They- will live m all things
beautiful anti fair :inti in "the laugh
of a little oiled.' Surely nothing
would please o11r be y:1 more than to
know that we tc,'re showing our ap-
predation sC their 1 rest sacriflce by
giring the bops end girls of their own
village', in seine nabs- their own little
hast hers :tell 'anter r,,, b,•tte1 start in
life. We ea.n do 'ri., as: the Soldier's
Mat her8'Ige;e,t:, t'o supervised play,
and 11 t t •,ti ion ,,.r,1 reading ermine,
where the eineleen eau have tt goon
tim,a lard :! in it a+grooving, building
not only t..tt"ng body but a etroug
ch:utter rr where they can mingle
w'1111 heir 441111 women w110 will supper -
vise their. plat nett yet who under-
stand them, este 1'al:el whole-heartedly
into their fun, 'Phis would he a direct
impetus to the boy to be more manlys
and to he girl to be more womanly.
It seems to me tide Memorial Fund
should be permanent, an annual 8ttm
for the heur•111 of the youth of the
aemimed tee 10 he raised by whatever
means thought hest by a special coo-
ntil.te' but preferably by voluntary
subscription. Only i11 this way, I
think ren we trul,•mi'r fittingly our
boys net by t Community hall, a
tosyl! elon:1.14,1, it am'e'n 1i 1•:ew' of trees.
All theme sae too commonplace and
ten dt ed 1't'tn1 i'LI Inc such an in-
tetlse suprrult' and living sarritice, A
framed tial. ,'I t:he boys' names and
some 11 ief purl 1Cn1(014 Cast.^elnhrg each
and such lists hung in the recreation
rooms whero the boys and girls might
see aced learn to know thein and in
spirit thank them for added pleasure
and profit - ,,this wonlcl be most suit-
able. Ali details, must, of course, be
worked oat by a committee- I would
suggest that all tatting part in this
discussion sign their names. Not for
the sako of publicity but that we may
know who agrees and who disagrees
with us. This will pave the way for
getting together, turd doing something
definite, and it is high time we deol&
ed either to do satnething or nathittg..
We have been at the Latter a long •
time, let us all pitch in to the fortne,r'.
A Soldier's Bra„ot*h*e�,r,,',,,,�,
/i, �rY�NliY.