HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-2-5, Page 7THEY do not 3* i fear coughs, /-. colds and allied -• complaints. For •'e\ over 60 years they have relied on I for prompt results. With the lowered.' strength and vitality of age theyrealize more than ever before the importance of having Gray's Syrup on hand for immediate use. es Thos always boy 1b. L®rep she Montreal 0. WATSON & CO., New York `CANADA'S OLDEST A PHONIC En THE NERVES' �. SETTLEMENT The Only Rent Nerve Tonle is a ANNAPOLIS ROYAL WAS FOUNDED IN 1604. Nova Scotia, Famed For Its Beauty, Has a Long and Stirring History. Nova Scotia has been the name of a territorial division of North Ameri- ca since 1624. It was held by the French and einglieh alternately until 1710, when it was taken by the forces under General Nicholson. Its history is rich in pic'.ture sena incidents and etrihiug personality, The rivalry of La Tour and C'harnlsay has inspired long and stony. Longfellow, by his "Evangeline,' made Nova Scotia clas- sic ground; Annapolis Royal, found- ed 1604, is the oldest settlement in Canada. 13ut Nova Scotia was first in other things, Tt had the first news- paper, the first local legislature, the first college, and the first provincial history in Canada. Being settled first of the English-speaking provinces, it developed the first Anglo -Canadian literature. "The Clock -Maker" made Haliburton famous, appearing first as sketches In Ilowe's paper "The Nova Scotian." The Land of Evangeline. Nova Siotia has a provincial flag bearing the Arms or Scotland, a pro- vincial flower—the Mayflower, or Trailing Arbutus, and a provincial name for Its people, "Bluenoses." The province is made up of beauty spots, the most famous being the Annapolis Valley, traversed by the Dominion At- lantic Rahway, and Cape Breton, the scenery in the latter place being'11Ice the Highlands of Scotland. This, taken with the Scottish origin of so many of the population, no doubt in- spired the epithet "the Nova Scotia- ness of Nova ScotIa." The old capital was Annapolis Royal, In 1740, a new capital, Hali- fax, named in honor of the Earl of Halifax, was founded by Colonel Ed- ward Cornwallis, uncle of the general who surrendered at Yorktown, on the shore of Chehnrto Bay, "Chief of Havens," to counterpoise the French City of Louisburg in Cape Breton. The harbor is one of the beat in the world, and the fortifications the most important In Canada. The port was of immense service during the war. Its sea -borne trade is rapidly increasing. Its population is about 63,000. The increasing throng of tourists that yearly visits the beautiful Lanil of Evangeline ins recently led to the acquisition by the Dominion Atlantic Railway of a furtlier comfortable hotel, Tho Aberdeen, at Iientville, to those already operated by that Com- pany. Sounding the Skey. ' A French astronomer has proposed using solhe of the biggest gnus cap- tured from the Germans as a means of sounding the higher strata of the earth's atmosphere. He would take "Big Bertha," mount it vertically, and shoot from it projectiles carrying ap- paratus for recording the air pressure and other conditions at great alti- tudes. "Big Bertha" fired a shell weighing 484 lb., with au' initial velocity of over 5,000 feet a second. Such a shell, fired vertically would travel 258,000 feet into the air, or nearly fifty miles, says "Everyday Science." As our at- mosphere is believed to be only forty - live utiles in depth, some highly in- teresting facts might be recorded by the apparatus, provided that the gun oau be fired vertically and that the apparatus survives the shock of the shell's return to earth, when, it would be falling at the rate of 1,666 feet a second. The shell would rottirn to earth, although it did penetrate beyond the limits of the earth's atmosphere. But. given. a "Bigger Bertha," with a muz- zle velocity of 26,000 feet a second, or five times as great, a shell fired from such a gun would never return. It would become a satellite of the earth, revolving round it like the moon. • How Mr. Giraffe Faces His Enemy. The giraffe has neither claws nor beak nor sharp teeth with which to defend itself or to attack its enemies: so when it ie out of temper with one of its own kind it does not attempt to disombowoi its adversary, aa a rhin- oceros might, or tear it, as a tiger would. Bat nature hag given it a long and pliable nock, which terrain• ates in a very solid head, and 1t uses the upper part of itself like a flail, swinging its head down at each swing with a thump oh its antagonist. The othor combatant uses precisely the same tactics, and the two animals, planting themselves as firmly as pos- elbio by stretching out all four legs to the utmost, stand opposite to each other and hammer away with their heads until one or the other has had enough. Jews of the World. The Jewish population of the world is 15,430,000, according to David Trite - tech, the well-known Jewish statist, elan. Poland and the 1Jkralne each have 3,300,000, while there are 3,100,- 000 In tho United States, 900,000 in Attests, and 300,000 in the I9ritsit lesle9 Good Supply of Rich, Red Blood. "If pooplo would only a/tend to their bleed, instead of worrying them- selves ill," said an eminent nerve spoolallat, "we doctors would not see our consulting rooms crowded with nervous wrecks, Moro people ander from worry than anything else." The sort of thing which the special - let spoke of is the nervous, run -Clown couditioa caused by overwork and the many anxieties of to -day. Sufferers rind themselves tired, morose, tow - spirited, and unable to keep their milds un anything, Any sudden noise hurts like a blow. They are full of groundless fears, and do not sleep well at night. Headaches, neurits and other nerve pains are part of the misery, and it all conies Irene starved nerves. Doctoring the nerves with poisonous sedatives is a terrible mistake. The only real nerve tonic is a good supply of rich, red blood. Therefore tc cure nervousness and run-down health Dr, Williams' Pink Pills should be taken. These pills actually make new, rich blood, which strengthens the nervus, improves the appetite, gives now strength dald spirits, and makes hitherto despondent people bright and cheerful. If you are at all "out of sorts" you should begin curing your- self to -day by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mat at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. New Food Container for the Trenches. During the late war one 01 the com- monest difficulties with which the soldier in the trenches had to contend was that of preserving his food from the depredations of rats and the con- taminating attentions of flies. To overcome this difficulty, Mr, E, A. Dennis, who spent four and a quarter years with the N.Z.E,F„ has invented a tin receptacle for food which exact- ly fits into an ordinary mess -tit. The ends of this food -container are pro- vided with four lever -topped vessels, -for butter, milk, jam, and condiments respectively, while the middle porton is available for other foods. At the end of a march the new food -recep- tacle, which is called the "Campaign- er," could be taken out of the mess - tin, leaving the latter clear for the protection of the iron rations from rats. The system would also allow of jam, margarine, and milk being issued in lever -topped vessels which would 11t the "Campaigner," tincts arpreclabiy I simplifying having to servo out ra- bone Iran, bulli, he would sin'.ely is, sue the necessary vessels to eueli neap I every otto, two, or throe dugs. "Rejoice, and Again I Say, Rejoice." My song shall be of birds and fiowere And all the lovely thitge of earth; The little leaves that clap their hands, The health and wholesomeness of mirth; The wonder in a baby's eyes, The clinging chap of Loving hands; The glue of frolic waves, that chase Noah other up the golden sands. The morning stars together sang When this old earth of ours was young; 'Tis we have lost the 'hearing ear,' Not they who leave their songs un- sung, Some pouts dip their pons to tears, And some in wormwood and In gall: With ov'ry 'bush afire with God; And love the banner over all! Oh, were my quill a feather dropp'd From some bright angel to his flight, My muse might soar on higher wing To spread the gospel of delight! Canadian N. W. M. P. Renamed. Canada's famous law -enforcing or- ganization, known since 1873, the year of its establiehmont, as the Canadian North West Mounted Police, has been renamed, and is about to undergo other important changes. The new ap- pellation is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Plans are being made to move the headquarters of the force from Regina, Sask., where they have been located for 37 years, to Of, awe, and to increase the size of the territory to be patrolled by the scar- let-olad officers. IN EXCELLENT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES --- Baby's Own Tt,blets are au excel- lent medicine for little ones. They are a mild but thorough laxative which sweeten the stomach and regu- late the bowels, thus bringing relief in cases of constipation, indigestion, colic, colds and simple fevers, Con- cerning them Mee. L. J. Chiasson, Pa- quetville, N.B., writes: --"f have found Baby's Owu Tablets excellent for my young baby in the case of constipa- tion and colic and it gives me great pleasure to recommend them to other mothers." The Tablets are. sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Th rce S t.y}les o rees snit No. 9'3.32—Ladies' Negligee. Price, 25 cents. With angel sleeves, or sleeveless with overdrapery. Cut in 8 sizes; small, 34, 36; medium, 38, 40; 'large, 42, 44 ins. bust measure. Sma114size requires, with overdrapery, 43f yards, 40 to 45 indhes wide; with angel sleeves, 3% yards, 40 inches wide, or 8% yards, 46 inches wide. No. 9211 --Ladies' Dress. Trico, 25; cents. Inset vest, tucked or plain; two styles of sleeve; instep ox shorter, length. Cut in 7 sizes, 34 to 46 inches' bust. Size 36, ,instep length, with I plain vest, 2% yards, 54 ins. wido; with tucked vest, shorter, length, 2% yards, 54 inches wide. Width, 10201 8973 1' yards. No. 8973—Ladies' Tie -on Or But - tort -en House Dress. Price, 26 cents. Instep length. Cut in 9 sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 inches bust measure. Size 36, tie -on dress, long sleeves, 4% yards, 36 inches wide, or 3",y yards, 54 inches wide; collar, pockets, fie yard, 36 inches wide; button -on dress, short sleeves, 4 yards, 36 inches wide, or 2% yards, 04 inches wide. Width around bottom, 1% yards. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. I ,0410Y-r.'.x1 ee.:fa �y. 1;1W .n • the entire -food values. of wheat and malted 3w ley are found in.. tl; (Ie A' ,food, in every sense:' ouritt.'`"i.�,�'ng, ({ieCd 'Ci�ui�:o ecOnatnicod. ] asy to rte e t .aquae of twentyiours balding. .ina Ready -to -serve; r. '1.1..Ltle)1'!i STHIVIA, If you have Asthma don't imagine that you must als ways suffer un told roiser Retie quick, sure and natte is guaranteed in oven the worst cases by using TEMPLETON'S RAZ- MAH CAPSU LES We are so curtain of re- sults we will send you is free sample of these cap- salmiconfident that you will find Mem all we have claimed. Write to Tem- plutons, 142 King St. W.. Toronto. Bold by reliable druggists everywhere for 51.04 a ox, TEMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC., CAPSU LES Fspecior fififteencfor years the standard , Rheumatism, Neuritis, Gout Setatioa, Lumbago, Neuralgia Many doctors pro_ crib° them. Ono mewl,ts, to "�aule by rel,nbt th,gbits aving fit W, mrytther° ter 41.04 pot I... An Island Where Deer Are Safe. Tho deep music of a deerhound's voice came faintly down the wind, shortly it blended with the sharper voice of a hunting Airedale. Tho scream of a hungry cougar is not more terrifying to the timid deer of the British Columbia coast than the bay of the hounds on the trail. When they hear it they get up and go— straight for water. The little spike buck, born a few seasons before on the rugged, forest - clad coast of the Pacific province, lifted his head. His eyes and his ears, his very pose displayed the high ten - son of his taut nerves. He looked in- to the forest of the island on which he stood, and he saw nothing alarm- ing. He turned and stared across the water toward Nelson Island. The only thing that caught his eye that did not denote restful nature in primitive grandeur was a smudge of smoke that smeared the horizon and ahowed that a C.P.R. coasting steamer was out- bound from Powell River. Then the boons of the hound's voice rolled again across the waters, from Nelson Island. The deer moved nervously, looked all round again—and calmly hent his head to bite a mouthful of grass, He was safe, He Was on Hardy Island. Hardy bland is the city of refuge to all the deer that know about it. Three years ago it was good hunting grounds. To -day it is taboo to men with guns, and hell pops, as the say- ing goes, if mon with both guns and dogs appear. It is unlawful to bunt deer with dogs in British Columbia, but it is still done in certain districts, in spite of law. Two years ago, or Perhaps slightly more than that, Mr. C. J. Leyland of England purchased Hardy Island, a gem of land situated just off Nelson Island at the mouth of Jervis Inlet, Ho bought it to ex- periment with Iritish trees in the 13,C. climate, There were 2,500 acres of rich lands and forests, and there was a good orchard. He placed a watchman, Tom Brazil, on the proper- ty, and did no more toward develop- ment, preferring to await the end of the war. Brazil, a lover of annuals, caught two of the wild deer that fre- quently swam to the island from the other nearby lauds. Ile tamed them, They In turn brought other wild ones. Many of them had been run to water by dogs and took refuge on,Hardy Is- land. There, seeing how intimate the original tame pair were with the man who controlled the orchards where the luscious apples grew, the wild newcomers gradually grew intimate too. To -day a herd of thirty deer, moat of them born in wildness, re- spond to the voice of Tom Brazil when he calls. Some of them will step for- ward from the herd when called by name. They have no fear lit all of nhau, when on Hardy Leland. Some- times they swim to other parts of the coast, and range about it bit, but they come back, often fagged from some fierce run and swim, Tom Brazil's herd is hemming a by- word on the coast, but no dog and no man dare brave what might happen should he try to hunt on the island of refuge, So the deer are fat, are bring- ing new little lives into the world, and are adding to their numbers by recruit volunteers from the wild ranges where such safety is not known:--L,V.K. %mart's Sdpiment Cures Distemper. Ancient Falls of Niagara Found by Canal Diggers. Niagara Falls, nature's American masterpiece, is merely the successor to a grander cataract,tbat, mous ago, shook the forests about the present site of Thorold, Ontario. This °plat- en is held by several engineers who have Inspected the heal excavations for the new Welland ship chiral, 1:Tere, 10 miles south of Lake Ontario and the same distance west of the present waterfall, preoipitous ledges have been uncovered, over which water from Lake Erie Is thought to have poured In seeking the lower levet In eupport of this theory le adduced the remarkable evidence of the rooks themselves, these bearing nntuistak- able signs of erosion through countless years, "The world always listens to these who know how to be silent, A lawyer should never ilepise a horse. Both get theiV living by draw - 1 I ing conveyances, PirriC MUM 11 FilOM HERE &1ilERE Everybody Stumped, I'arson tat ebrietening): "What name?" Mother: " '11.1•ellarannn, sir." Payson: "H'tn! How do you spell it?" Mother: "Well, there, sir --I'm like yourself. I can't shell it, neither." A Cocksure Physician. "Are you sure," an anxious patient once asked, "are you sure that I shall recover? I have hoard that doctors have sometlnu+s given wrong diag- nosis and treated a putient for pneu- monia who afterwards died of typhoid fever.,' "You have been woefully misin- formed," replied the physician, indig- nantly. "If I treat a than for pnou- monle he dies of pneumonia." Need a Guide. "Um—yesl Ali! Urn!" remarked the doctor in his best bedside manner to his patient as they steed in the con- sulting room. "I'll give you the fol- fowing prescriptions." And he handed hint three small packages. "A. powder for my headache," he said aloud, "a pellet for my liver," he continued, "and a capsule for my gouty foot." Then he stopped, and pondered deeply for a moment. "I say, doctor," he querrled, "how'll the little beggars know the right place to go when they get inside?" Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited. Sirs,—I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT for the past 25 years and whilst I have occasionally used other liniments I can safely say that I have never used any equal to yours. If rubbed between the hands and inhaled frequently, it will never fail to relieve cold in the head in 24 hours. It is also the Best for bruises, sprains, etc. Yours truly, J. Cr. LF,SSLIE. Dartmouth. Smallest British Airplane Weighs 220 Pounds. Clearly inspired by Santos -Himont's "Demoiselle" of 1907, is the "Crow," smallest airplane on the English mar- ket. 10 both monoplanes. the twin - cylinder engine is set on the leading edge of the single piano, only a few feet above the tread of the pilot, who sits with his feet between the landing wheels. This new machine shows the modern tendency, however,. in the elimination of every possible stay and wire. The entire lifting service may, in fact. be removed after unscrewing a few nuts. The propellor, engine, and gasollue tank form a complete unit, which Is detached with similar ease, The wing span is 16 ft., :tad the over-all length 14 ft. The speed is 65 miles an hour, which can be reduced to less than 30 for lauding. The total weight is but 220 lbs.; the price is ex- pected to be $2,000 or less. The peak of Teneriff casts a sha- dow 50 miles long ori the ocean. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California" Syrup 0! Figa only --look for the name California on the package, then you are intro your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic, for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for obiid's dose on each bottle. Clive it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." ED, 8. ISSUE N0, 6—'20. SWITCH OFF! Put aside the Salts, 011, Calomel, or Pilis and take "Canal ets." Are you keeping your bowels, liver and stomach clean, pure, and fresh with Cescarete, or merely whipping them into action every few days with Salts, Cathartic Villa, 011, or Purga- tive Waters? Stop having a bowel wash -day. Let Casoarets gently cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour and fer- menting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the colon and bowels all the constipated waste matter and poisons so you can straighten up. Caseerots to -night will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep—never gripe, sicken, or cause any Iuconvenience, and cost so little tae. The Greatest Country. Two American sailors who had been Indulging somewhat freely ware sit- ting beside a kilted soldier nn the top of a tramcar in Edinburgh. "No doubt about it," said one of them loudly. "We come from the greatest country in the world." "Weal, was the quick retort of the man in tartan, "ye dlnna speak with a pure Scotolt accent" MONEY ORDERS. Buy your out-of-town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five Dollars costs three cents. Prolific Egg Layer. The female turtle usually lays at night in the sand, depositing from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty eggs, which she covers with sand. We should avoid personal extra- vagance if we would escape national poverty. LISTEN TO THS 1 SAYS MAINS LiFT RIGHT OUT NOW a Yon reckless men and women who are pestered with corns and who have at least once a week invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the momout a few drops are applied to any corn, the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out with the fingers. It is a sticky other compound which dries the moment it is applied and simply shrivels the corn 'Without in. flaming or even irritating the surround. Ing tissue or skin. It is claimed that an ounce of freozoae I a quarter of will cost very little at any of the drug stores, hut is sufficient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You are further warned that cutting at a corn Is a suicidal habit [1EMA IN RASII CUTLCJRA HEALS On Face and Head. Itched and Burned. Disfigured. "Last year I became affected with ;eczema. It started on the cheeks in a rash, and the water spread and made my face sore all around the ear and partly on my head. Tho skin was very sore and red, and the breaking out itched and burned so that I could hardly help scratching. My face was very disfigured. "Then I used a free .sample of Cuticura. It helped so I bought three cakes of Soap and one box of Oint- ment, and any face was healed." (Signed) Miss Martha Berger, Span. away, Waeh., Feb. 11, 1019. Give dtuticara Soap, Ointment and Talcum the care of your skin. Soap 260. Ointment 25 wed SOs. Sold throaghouttheintninion, CanadinnDepob p Lvmans. Limitxd, 5t. au19L, Montrcol, -Cutice r&boap shaves without mug. Cja iMtrrl Atly tt" e'uouotl.�* 461R-1110 1,VA143'11:0, ...• AU1tlI:A11' A+1IdNTC WANTING good prints lint hos---lowed,prints and Mnes ort frames --ask ter catalogue olted Art Go., 4 ilintnewlek Ave, Se' rOnto. PO8 eezy# N174VSPAP1711, \VE34KLY, IN 11R0Cl5 County Splendid opportunity. Write Dox T Milson Publishing Co., Limited, 72 Adelaide At, W., Toronto. WELL IOGIIIPPIOD N.1SWSPAI'kIIi and ,Job printing plant in Laster ontarto. Insurance e carried #1,600.. Will Wilson Publishing Cock Ltd„ Toronto. 62, , MMozz.DA YEO•rrp. T ADI77'S WANTIID TO 1)0 PLAIN A-.4 light sewing at home whole et' t.pat•e time. good nay, work sent any vis. tence, eh."A�Tes pall. Bend stamp for par- ticulars, Nattotrai Manubgoturlog Coln-, 111'ponr1eI, 0oMIx0wnthSaAet1i,i0V 0Rwe 3- LACIC BRIMMING Reid Bros., HstltwellayOroenutb—uwyehrastofprRaapw Ul'1"1N STOGIC WA,NT37D. I2` YOU V are abte to supply, ad.viso Us, as we '5111 pay the highest prlees, dry er green 1 foam the caw, Keenan Sros., Limited. rUwen Sound, Ont. CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, IOTC., 8p Internal and exiernai, cured wlthou4 uMn by our hams treatment Write ve peters too late Dr. I3ellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. Iron rust stains can be quickly re- moved if you saturate the spots with lemon juice and immediately hold over the steam escaping from the tea ket- tle. hif nard'a nlniment Cares C}arget In Cows. Be -fore the war Belgium was the third zinc -smelting country in the world, producing about 200,000 tons of unmanufaetured zine per year, of which 75 per cent, was exported. LET "DANDERINE" SAVE YOUR HAIR Get rid of every bit of that ugly dandruff and stop falling hair To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dand- ruff, got a small bottle of "Denderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub well into the scalp. After several applications all dandruff usually goes and hair stops coming out, Every hair in your head soon shows new life, vigor, brightness, thickness and more color. America's Pioneer Dorf Memediea DOG DISEASES 0n1 How to Peed Mailed Free to;any Ad- dress by the Author. 3d. Olay Glover Oe.. Sao. 118 West 31st Street Now York, GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF Ton don't have to rub it in to get quick, comfort- ing relief Once you've tried et on that stiff joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu- matic twinge, lame back, you'll find a warm, soothing relief you never thought a liniment could produce,- Won't roduce-Won't stain the skin, leaves no muss, wastes no bine in applying sure to give quick results, A large bottle means economy, Your own or any other druggist has it Made in, Can- ada. Got it to -day. 35c., 70C., 51.40. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at Alt without the "Bayer Cross" I Tho panto "Rayer" idontldos Cho contains proper directions for Cotdee only genuine Aspirin, --the Aspirin Headache, Toothache, Earache, .1•rono ; proserlbed by physicians for over nine- ralgin, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Mori- , teen years and now made in Canada, tis, Joint Pains, and 'Pain gonerally. Always buy en unbroken arka,ge Tin boxes of 12 tablets Dost but of "Bayer Tablota of Aspirin" which a few cents. Larger "Bayer" packegc e, There is (n1 ' one Atspir0n✓''iistyos"'.-You meet say "Bayox," A5511.111 id the +rade mark irogtoter"d to Canada) of Tlarer Wattmeters of:lttose- aeetanteldestsr of Sauey manic WI, ^_• R 11 writknown that Aoi3OtS mean) malar - memrfartar0, to nesi.x5 toe Loin,. rte -loot imitations the Tablets of lit,, t. 4'otenant. Will be stamped uuh ;.lett goearai trade mark, the "Inion