HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-2-5, Page 5LAWS S CARR$, LINO. SUTHERLAND & STNS LIMITED .1Artglaleitif Cif WM. SPENQE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER op MARRIAGE 'LICENSES Moe in the Rost 8■loe, Ethel. Be -t OR. WARDI..aW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Usllege. Uay cud night calls, 011100 oppoalte Il'lour 4111, 8thel, T. T, N1" RAE M. 8., M. O. P.. & S. O. M. O. H., Village of lir • . 1 t Physician, Surgeon, Moo, . sr take .t rusidoncu, opposite Maly' Church, William street. OR. ✓ H, WHITE, a,1: A. PHYSICIAN AND sustain. . Graduate Toronto University of Me i,due, Special attention giver. to diseases of children and Margery. Office: Or. Bryans Old 8tan4t Phone 45 Brussels PROUOFOOT, KIILOOAN & COOKE narrloters, 80 ••citore, Notaries Public, &c. 1 flies •,o the Bemire, .nflduor from Hamilton Street, OUDERIOH ONT, Pril'cte fund:, to loan et lowest rotes. . Ps"nnrooT, K. 0. J. L, KIL1O114 e 8. J. D. Uooxlc +t , Jarn .:eon e st on .. 4 B • • • • • • • Is prepared to pay the highest price for Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Rags, &c. FURS Highest price paid. See • • • O 4 4 s O • 4 • • • • 9 • • • • ?•• me before you sell. o • • I-Iighest Cash Price for e • • • • • • • • • Live Poultry and Hides • • Write ea, Phone 62x SAM• o WfI9TEIN •• • • j, MILL STREET BRUSSELS e • • 404000•••••••. The Brussels Post Clubbing List For 1920 Tits Pos'r and Daily Globe 4444..$ 5 00 Empire Mail and 11(111p3111 5 00 Tntonto World ., 5 00 11 Toronto Star .... 4 25 Farmer's Advoc'e 3 00 Family Herald .. 2 90 Weekly San....... 3 00 London Advert'r 5 00 ' Free Press 5 00 Weekly Witness 3 00 Nor. Messengers2 00 World Wide 3 60 11 Youth's Oomp'n8 75 Presbyterian 8 10 Above prices are For addresses in Canada or Groat Britain. If publica- tion you want is not in above. list, let 11s knew, Family Herald $1.50 after New Years. Remit. by Postal Note or Express Older. if Bank Cheque add ex- change. W. H. K1GllR, Tito POST, 114 losels. o• ll. Vongo & Charles Ste., Toronto 10 noted throngllout Daniels for ht rW t.r hd etd.nng � Ouo raudrun(tln tnn aognen l,l raendt0im4'ereoordo,thou decide, Bauer )h" ) W, ea,. Et-L.IOTT; PRIlVPIFA1., '.0':(,41 11'7 ; r .;511`:;?..•:?t., Iva ,me'7E4 �' . f7 Select o School With your *yen Wide Open. All Business Colleges aro not alike. Huron County Council ,J an1114(7 sea 31011 of County 00011011 opened on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 27111, with all the members present with exception of Reeve Plum, 13rus- eels, whose house is quarantined. There were two aspirants for War- den, Ur. Clark, Gudetinh, 141(41 0. 0. Putty, Bentsen. Election is really settled ill 11111feren01' Or the members of particular political stripe whose i lll'll according to (n114441(•i tie" law) is t0 selene the Morten. All thta hap- pened it) open Council is, "Moved by W. 'F. Clark, 'seconded by Slartotx Elliott, that. 0. 0, Petty bi' Warden or Comity of Huron for 1920 'I'hei e being 4(o other uonlilativa C. rk de- clared Mr, Petty Warden. ltltt. i., the party caucus there W;18 a euro be- tween Dr. Clark anti Mr, Petty, 1'e- sniti11u in a tie, 7 W 7. The repre- sel,lai,ve of the municipality with the Lu gest assessment teas given the cast- ing vote, and Deputy- Reeve Spottol, of 1iu vitae, decided on Air. Petty, 1 'rd 1 es den elect Pett was C n meted PettyY to his seat by ex -Warden Campbell KIM His Honor Judge Dickson, ad- ministered the oath of office and 11011- .1le041ated Warden on accession to •113(.11 Mr, Petty's remarks were brier, ex- pres,iug his appreciation of honor of pus,u+l0, He and his rival for office were the best of friends, could not be Mimi wise. He expressed hope that greatest harmony would exist among the members during the, year. 1' mrnunications laid before Council iuetuded following ; 1.Ater -intim Reeve Phut], Brussels, '4 Messing his regrot.a1 not being able to uu present at Council this session. Prom Mrs. L. Greenway, London, slitting that a committee en behalf of the Children's i3lewurial Hospital wools wait on the Conned. Lotter from SV, A, McLean, Deputy Mb lister of the Itighwayv, acknow- ledge receipt of the by-laws of County adding cattail) (0.,418 to the Good Roads system, Conditions were approved Willi the exce tion that the pp '• roads in 1130 town of Go( u.tch were ( 1 excluded, and the matter 1(1 making the Lake Shore Road a Provincial Countyant Road was left in al) a,yaao e 'e = the 11110 5 of .the ov1 h w 11 } IINw Government as to do 8111.11. Deputy Minister, of 3lticlttiou wrote acknowledging receipt, of Comity's decieion not, to send repre- sentatives10 confer with reptesenta. lives from Lambtol and Middlesex as to the formation of a new inapeeto(- ate, stating that it wolild bo impos- sible to provide for adequate iuspeo- Llou of rte Schools uncle tl41' esent altoti enu)t and asking what, steps LolutY proposed of Huron ro posed to take to provide proper inspection. SeeeeLary of tate Trustees Ass111•ia- (iou announced the dates of the an- nual meeting for April 61.11, 7111 unit 13111, aud invited the sending of (.'le- gates. Raymond R. Redmond asked for lite fixing of tut Entflul0e exatninat inn in East Wawanosh, suggesting S. S. No. 6 school house. Seceetary of Clinton Collegiateiate In- stitute Board wrote calling atteullnn to omission of usual grant tn Col- legiate Institute and Fligh Schools last year. The grant used to be $2000 divided among fuer schools. Now with Exeter High School added, the letter suggested a grant of $4,000and urged division o0 the basis of the unmbee of country pupils in attend- ance. Communication from IVingham High School Board concurred in the request of the Clinton Board. Statements of County pupils, etc., were received from St. Marys, Sea - forth, Listowel, \V1ngheuti, Stratford, (3odet'iclt and Parkhill high Schools or Collegiate Institutes. Navy League requested a grant of $2,500. Requeeie For grants to East Hul•nn Wome('8 Institute, Zurich library 01341 Hospital for Sick Children were i'e- sfleffo seam Wante GilleNSPYGNSANIIINNIIIINANOMINIMIG Ship yc;ur Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for'tlie pay- ment of your Creoim twice each . month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and y1;l.t will not want to discontinue. Brussels CmeryStwartPropsHrast , eel4-ed, also 14 4 (4(uat fur a Kraut 01 8151)0 to the Chd,u'en'8 Aid Society, Dr, Shaw, physician at County tisane and J. It. Reyuolcle, keeper, asked eatery increased, The Wien. and matron also asked illeteaeea, (11.1) annual conference of Road Superintendent as a delegate. A comintin ea(iou ['runs 3l1'. Gaven- lock recommended the appoint Mani. 441 Rev. Mr. McKegney all Chaplain al. the Comity Heine. He lilts been 1e1l1)0r- arily appointed, the furiner Chaplain having moved from Clinton, I Communivati(11 from County of Perth naked co-operation 111 petition- ing Legieia1mre to amend Ael. 00 1.13141 County Councils eoulel, at their op. Lion, make remuneration of-(uucil- lot's, 811 much a 11eeeiml, instead (1f en much a clay, believing n his would con - (blue to epeed4(r lra1(M4etion of hied - nese, sugge8Ltug a fee or 535.00 a ses. sion and mileage and limiting the uuiuber of sesei0ns to d, A neither 0011)1111.1111011.1 100 1'11(111 same County asked Huron 10 Join in asking for aulendlnel1. of 1[ighway's Act, so that no municipality (.Quid be held 1(14b1e for claime for 'motor accidents where speed Wall over 15 miles an haul', One from County of Du1Terin along similar lines, but put speed clown 10 1(1 utiles an hoar. County of Essex wants assistance in petitioning Legistatule for amend - men 18 mendInen18 so dog taxes be paid to County Tieasure1', County of Bent and County of On- tario want to have grant to Provincial and County Roads in(914(4sed, and ask co-operation. An invitation wee received from Stratford to send delegate to meeting Jan 20111 t•e Toronto to Sarnia High- 4va7 . Ontario Hydro Power Uniform Rate Association asked County to be- come a member and pay the foe. for 1(1 i 1 ' 1 Applications t e1 or of County position Y Auditor were received from H', Met- calf, ]Myth ; D. F. McGregor, Sea- fo-th ; Geo. P, Gonici, G0(erich ; Thomas O. Allen, Ashfield ; Peter Cantelnn, Clinton ; John Cameron, Kilit4il ; John Wilson, Auburn ; A. Soott, Seafortlt and Robert F. Clark, Gode'ich, Something in nature of a bomb was exploded when it became known that debeutules of the County for $20,000, of which Treasurer kuew nothing}, and 011 which the auditors had made no report had become clue on January 20th past. They were paid, but there was touch questioning among the Councillors how it could happen this liability was overlooked. Present Treasurer of Ole Couety Said he had accepted statement of the former Treasurer that County was free, of debt at time debentures were issued for expenLlitneeq in connection with the war, and he bas 140 record in- dicating the liability. There seemed a disposition to think audit of County books could not be much good 148 conducted, if such a condition could exist, and this was the reason of a motion by Messrs. Tre- wartUa and T. R,W tall's that each year all the County Treasurer's ac- counts, also all highway- accounts, be audited by a chartered accountant. This motion was referred to the Special Committee, Other motinne were as follows : Moved by Messrs. Tipling and Bea- vers, that W. F. Vanstone be reap- pointed trustee of the Winghem I3igh School, -Sent to Education Commit- tee. Moved by Win. Elston and W. J. Currie that, as grant for High Schnois was omitted 1'or 1919, the sum of $500 be paid to each High School or Col- legiate ol- P isInstitute I to iu the count as er- gy reals, -Seat to Education 0o111mittue. Moved by Wm. .1. 6901(011 and A. Alitchell, that M.e8ers, Hackett, Bea- vers, Tretvartha, Laporte and Oho Ic be Striking Committee For year 1020. Moved in amendment by J, Al. Cult and H. Crich that Striking Commit- tee be composed of Messrs. Laporte, Moffatt Armsiron Mitchell and Hackett. g, The amendment carried by a vote of 15 to 12. Moved by E. 14 131811er and R. J. Miller that Messrs. Hackett, Doig and Neeb be the Road Comieeione's for 1920. -Sent to Special Committee, Moved by Messrs, Doig and Grieve Unit (1111681'8 Armstrong., Laporte and Hackett be the Good heads Coul(nis- sion.-Sent to Special Committee. Moved by A. Neeb and A. Miteltell that Dr. Clark and County 010014 Holman be appointed to the Borns of Crimi 4(141 Audit for 1020. Moved in amendment by Messrs, McNabb and Armstrong that Mr, 00011 and County Clerk Holahan be the (Minima auditors for 1020, Council adjourned 1111 Wednesday morning, Usual smoker 14-148 hell Tuesday evening in the Bedford hotel. Wednesday mutating a petition Nom over 40 ratepayees (comprising majority of the freeholders in the Le1.riIo'y affected) pettoue4i for the incorpo('atiun of portions of Stephen and Bosaoquet townships in Huron and Lanlbton counties respectively, as a police village to be known as Wand Bald. -Refected to Special Commit- teRw, eports of Inspector Field, inspect- or of jails, the ja11a4 and the Register were l'efet'i'e(1 to 001111113 tteee. The [allowing motion!' wove dispos ec1 or Its indicated STOPPFD NFA ECItCHES Years Of Suffering Ended By i( Fruit -a -fives 112 Haus Sr., Sr.lees, B. "It is whit pleasure that 115rite to tell you of til • gtr,at herslit I t4'_ ,1; ed, zrom the u Os Of y(1 i ,';) r '..P77[if•G-fi - ,5 , made juices. ,T zca, a ,1'/)at urirr,', many years from Nervous. !i, u,t,u•lres and Cousghalinn. I tried everything, consulted doctors; but nothing seemed to help me until I tried (°Fruit-a-tives". After taking several boxes, I was completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well mer silica". Miss ANNTE SVAP,in. SOc. abox, filer $2.50, trial size, 2:ie. At all dealers or sent postpaid ..by Fruit•a-tives Limited, Ottawa, 11 1111, (',4'(1(1 t r 514,500 1'11 (u,, mi , .(1 c -1 -.1' •,4.1.rlliy1+ing thruuglt'I X•rnyoutfit, me,,, were already well Iv le•te.. 1 ,.t„1, ti H 0 11;• L , )y^ 441' ,an ,pca +n01 i- ;Inde- why. I 1 1_..1.-«'�j 1-I 1 l 1," .!:•' t - lie.rpl _ .;1 .1,.A 'fr. 1.e (•.C' 1(t 1utscl;. 1 11 4 ( 11, 14114,' 4 41"+•1 •::ie1G.111,4' 1311. 11141141,41!0 411111. a 11'4, „•k ' w•1 e• rhlp mid a ,, (1111 County 1114ty its 11,.1)11,41 1 said drain. 1 `"peei,il commit. tee Ily 1'. 1 1(4,i nod (,n,, 111 1:3,14 t1) 11 Ilia, nmultl•u.two 1 i 113 +. 11'41- 1481115, (5'11,, 11:14 I f (t -+1.111. t4. 1lie sk.yllain 431. London is-- 1;3141 lig' fir•• ( '40.10y, ..310 1:-.•.(..,, ,..41+1 (,t' 1.4).• County. \Vitt, 11.3etilic • to Dr. (1 1, ! hi., 444(-',) tin,- A 11,.. 14144 ' 4 u .311/1.11.141 1 1 11.11 41 1 -„ it d,i4111 IP., i n , h ler i 1 (..". to (11"411111 a 11 4., .pent 40 1 r❑, C on1.191 nn (Ile (loud 11114.11- Aa o4.41 As to .111 13'',,v,''1((,1(31(1( 3',•4' t grant flan( 113,• (1, 1(„n; for ems.,(•t, 1 „x41 a to lc in I1X''tl•(, i h,• 1)1„4111 el+- pldiued 411 tt 11115 11111 0441 1111 ,111 it dor bir's exp+•us,• b, thn (',.l11r1y, 11.•31(,:, 44)1411V 11 0,111 to 8111 1111' 5. veremeet gr,181 1(1, 13(1. fol( ,•xp''",lif0 ''. Ila• (.11,118(7 111'14.'85 t II) t='1'441,1 (,.t t4,.• full ex,u'ndit(l( • in Ow fu 4'u+e, a4443 1r- 4e1V(n5'11,1 non let,h :4. It:'• • ti412,S00 v11t•,•: 111..1.1 t'05 -'l :.1,1 a 111.::1(7. 1( o, the .ill f I?�,•t'•l I i id;, . w e' suxr' I<•d 1(1 , , f ,.,, ,el 1, lir• Deputy 1131(3 (,•1 et' Ili;rh•.vais 1'13„t'port oftis M',iki-.g (:.•tr.o,lt ("1' d"sigiutling 111) 1n.r 01+11.•) "t Ila,• Stiunlitig 1'1.0+1(3" i . 131.1•, .1l follows : J(x••eu•ir,•('onu,,ilr 13.x, ti'4411 John 1L•Nalb, Run L4••t.m, lief» \1.17;111, Sper4al Commit tl•.'.._N. \\', '1',••- ;•,t'lhlt, E7 (.l 3113, .l,ll:u•ketl, .I !mite, ,1. (:1, i#'. I+'inunrP Cmm�liuet?. -,euro+ ('1111. 1)1w111 \V',•bh, I'tl"um,t• .1. ltiell1,11r:n(4, 1t Ateu.sirom•, 5 '1' 1'(ytn. ISdur•a1...11. ('olid1, Jas. ,11i1I1a, A. Ti piing, P. 11. t;u4iid, J (1. Pardon, t rdo, It, 1(d .ld Bridge C' n(m1'( lee.- 1A/w- ilful e.---Gor- ilon Y:,,,', , A \1i(ei,•ll, Peter N. Dills, 11. \V 1''. Mists' . .1. Dough), Clown y Property thnminittoo-_.,1.•Im Douglas, 11. Aie11e•r, \V. J. Cmril', W. 1l. Spot ton, Tin -,11. W.41hS, Huron Ouunly Iiuur•, --Dr 01(114, N. W. Tr,•wnrthrl, Jas 111 fi'Or, D1'. Grieve. SVnldeu's Cnlumitl4,•..- B. W. P. IHeevex's, A. 1111("1(4411, Dr. (nntk, 441eNahh, .1,111)1 Laporte, Om We1111P0dlty afternoon, J, W. Treleaven, B. A, pririaipal of the nit, tun Collegiate Jl:aiftrta, wag and spoke iu ( i1,4 Al) ref,•(„1(e„ If) making an incl,. ,.. ' :•..1 r a1+1• Collegiate Institute; :If.. i Sc 1311+'1: of Huron. 4411, '1',;den. ' •,'1''" ..•.1 app('l('iat1)1(1 of tale;. gem.), 4.- ,a'tnt,til(•) given these srho„h ut the ptvt, and bespoke an in(r11.: a• 4',u hers -unit at' the standing of tb,•,e schools awl the greatly ilie).lwd expendi tut. Of schools 111 late years. '1'1311 Coliegiale Instit.utes and High S,•11a01st ,1r the (+ottutry ,food second to none in the Pxoviuee and deserved every 444,e1w- agement. De, Emmet 'n❑ su 1 x 4 ellon 1,A:o l It ofttu'Gederl+hCl.11 i t, Walde„ 111,,1 triotun floor Stmt. foul asking fiuloo Count y (.'ruul;1 to send a4 deputation t„ 1(111. 1 11,•n, P. C. Biggs. C1( motion u1xSJ,sts. Laboile and \Vallis, Dr (ilauk end (4.,,d„n Young were appointed to go to Strat- Fnld to attend 0(11(1 tneeti 5. Notive of appli414ti"0 to Ontario Railway told 11uni(Steil Boas 1.11 be- half of County or Lembtou 4e the Grand Bend Midge was .1111'1141 ,1(1 the: County ("leek, lead by hint and re- ferred , the rood ' 14 i v Commis- sion, Li Li( (x I5 4th C itmr- Hlon, Judge 1icsot 11(1,11 e„se d • Ce uucd With lefer1.uce to the (11.411419' of a...1 in tiuiklMg and equipping 1m:911818 throughc.ut County, setting forth the Sent to Exec utivP. That gt'at(( of $1500 be made to the Children's Aid S. Piety, That we 51a01 $25 00 to 0,1011 Spring seed and live stock show held in Flew. sail, 8enfortb, CIin(((1 and \V inghain. rind also $25.00 to POPE), 13031(11 ('f Aerionl[11re 11( the county : That a grant of $25.0(3 be made to each Agricultural Stately holding It Fall Fair in County fru' 11(20 : That we grant. $10.00 to emelt SVo- Inrm s Institute in t.ixe County ' That we grant :115.66 for flowers 1'nr the Court House gram•.'. : That a grant of ;'::11.00 he made to every Public Liteary in the County That a grant be made to each School Fair : That the grant to Continuation and Fifth -class schools be the Hanle as last year. 8811t to Fineries Committee :- That auditoes be asked to Make a complete and 110(101011 410te(neor its 1'0 the assets and outstanding indebted- ness of County and that the sane he published with th0 auditors' repot 1. Sent to Education 0.4m(4)41tee :-- That Mr, Sharp be trustee of Clin- ton Collegiate That Judge Dickson be trustee of Goderich Collegiate : That It. S, Hays be trustee for Sea - forth Collegiate : That Rev. A. Tramper be trustee for Exeter High School. D. F. McGregor stud Robert F. Oleek were appointed auditors for Lhe coming year. Byh John Douglas and T. R. Wallis that Oounty Council regrets that Ale. Plum has been quarantined, and we recommend that hn e be u1. on the n I pity list. Carried. 13y Dr. Clark and P. Fr D444; that 11011. Air. Biggs be invited to (lode - rich to address this Council 1(tthis session, the Clerk to phone hint or make necessary arrangements, Car- ried. To Good Roads Commission : That es the village of .Exeter intends putting down 1F miles of concrete Toad this year and as this fond is al. connecting link in the designated nated scads tem of 130 nands s t Cunt n the. Y Y' village of Exeter has passed a by-law to raise funds for such al. road, than the County pass a by-law granting the sum of $32,000 fot• this put pos the village of Exeter to pay the 00011- ty the sum of $17,200 and the halftime O • 0 i 0 • 0 • • Weather • • • A • ® •• 0 a s 1 • In urance 6 O • 4' A A O • • Persons intending to ro o place Weather Insurance m on buildings would do t v well to see 4 4 4 4 0 aB ;< A i.Stwart s t, e o e e m HENFRYN o Agent far the Ontario farmers' a • Weather Insurance Co, y 0 Head Office, Grand Valley O sRates : $2.00 per loon • • SECOND TO NONE I• •• 4004 4,0A4•••4404444•••$4d•• 01,0••••O•.•••••••O••••••A•••••••••••A•••••44-1403•+P4a • 0 41 • • • 0 0 • • • A 0 Winter Term from Jan. 5th We give thorough Courses; have Experienced Instructors • who give individual attention to pupils. Our grttdu•ttos are • meeting with 'success. We are training Soldiers under Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Colnistissioh, Address the College for Free Catalobuo4 to either o Stratford or Wingham • • ••••••••••••••R••t••ib • .14 • N•000 i • tit ' 1 J •iti0000 4 • c O • 0 • a $ • • • 4 4 • t• 4. 4,4.S ( 4 f .„ ' , , a � 'iei � �w 4. . 4' I' 31.9° 1' ACENICY hn Oliver 4 + 4 .j. BRITSBEI,S 4 b has taken over rile Deering :\]r - 'a0, enry and hand0s it 1'1111 line of 'i• 4. Farnl Implements in('luding the ;1 4' noted i• 4. !. H. C. Cream Separators The only Cream Seim as or with two bride upon (ream outlets- nil es emu screw in the pant "f '• the 195)00. See 11 11'11(1 111 11(,' a •F 51. The I, H, C. A-18 and 10-20 Tractors atP em"l)}' 4144 1,11.!. 'l' The Deering Manure Spreader 1. with the tvi'1,' -7,10041 1110 4•t'la• 5' light 1, Ill aft. 4 {. J'• hn Oliver 4. +++++++.i•++++++++++++++++++ MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Monthly Horse Fait's Will be held in Brussels this se148nn ns follows : TIITTIISDA'\', FEB 4'11, 133111 MAR., 4111, 10"0 APR Ist, Men Local and Outside Buyers will he Present By order of Council, SCOTT, Clerk. I., l''' x-.1 t.. -.:}I lit . 11..: pi 4444 111, 1 4' 4 4,441.1.1 •: :41.111:1 lot , j.11111.4.1.1 r111'11it.t4, •14414titu)ut kin 1r,:.:,,: 1311' 6,11,,i,.(61 (l' 1111. 111411 1•1 )(11,)/t1h,•'•. -41" 11310* ,11.1.1 1)11410 1118 ,o"..t '3 a 1111"1'141 }tail, th44 snob institutions in tale , i (00411.7 Wuulc1111: 114117 egltipp+•et and j j �4 d , away with la'(,('). '131, 1.1 11111/1.111 (±1).. I. ..f. 1'10'1111,4 l (,ucn,ty. it 4:'as ; ,.!".,3 out L.' tit., .4epul8.. 1 I II 1;4441 + bit1 Isere was no Is 10111 114 present I l I, s.sh.».(.lal1'ut' 1111 ;n ray roo, u)' 144) iiiiil "-'(14144' 1 1 t..; 41,11111,111. i ‚''''114'414 1 , u pat .1. H 4 4',.1( , ',es 1 . „ , (,. 't . 1). 11...1 11 J 1411 .1 `�e111 1.1/1101:Ie.1, 11(1 ,, 11.10..:, i, ('114, ler '. '1„y (1' (.:1a, 4.4 , U„9 1,4111' 111 t''11i(b ih,. ;1te.'ill .04,11 /10.41/11111w ( 410.131.1 .44 a 1 '1. 1. "u h t I.+ l albry %Ill 11 1 51 11111 „1 ;315,1141 11„• (4nderi'•h 11,„113441, An 411,1. '44411,1(1111 r'. . enn1.1111.10;0 lu,•aby. x.1111 funds fn1' "1 4,4,. I 17 )j> 3 i - (f ..' t0!l1I (AP:�,I,i.I; x' F yR Piili m, t - t*•, 33I1IT15,r5CiATICA LU1 r40 NE' 1"";it(1A(OUT 7.TC fF1C [11111F0:ililt \'H1111-1C4lt';i 1109 PER BOX 1; TEMPI ETON 1 N' 7 r4', .r" A 1. •i 4 1'111-,1'd.,, Jas. Vox, Druggist. 4,11 ,. 14.i t6I- 1nt'I41 111 1 v d. 4 is , Cc4,t- • 112 (. . •' .1.1•4 1 . ' ..11C1'141111.1 1rP10w per cI n t,1( thl° Goods mentioned below. Mali, these to busy days flit' us a:; v4,u need the (.1(e -ids and wi: 1(11'•1 the room Men's, Women's and Children's Heavy Wool Underwear Men's, Women's and Children's Sweaters and Pull -overs Men's Heavy Wool Sax, Mitts and Gloves Winter Bats Children's and Boys' heavy Overcoats flannelette Blankets are also Included in this Great Seduction Sale. \V 44111'1111 of wine,togiv 111(' 1U'.33' .1(4 1ol1 011)8)' on linos as ail• 44'3 t, ell _ f (4. t 'me eII ly sad ,(.(1(4• oft en and 11111 to your fullest It. these ,00hs 111( 0 b:• 514 out ut the 11,11,1 1.4 1(011)' room fur the new goods. Wishing 001 (0.1,4' (rest „niers n. Prosnerons n.nd Happy Year. of 41' a 'ta -el 44.4e+. ,>•t-b+G•?•@d 4+44'Fdi••:-4.444. a• teles•a sows• O •4 •H-F••-e•+•+•+titi The Seaforth Creamery an(i ,rt . tl • ' 1. ed 0 0 .4. A '4 4 •OF e •r • a s T•he Seatilrlrth Creamery Co. • SEAFOR'i:'H, ()NT, Send your Crean to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing 1 na, that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather)p u4' Cream, weigh,1 sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to w'it'h Cream sam- pies and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Back of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. I ClLL, ne 2 1 o Brussels, a, or write to a•Aa•a+ rao-••t•t4=e'1•a�•Aoase�o a �t•,, 0t04•0re4.0*4t6e0s�e'r40 Pic; n; e t !Minster 'Endorses irs y~y_-.ckn>i;l 's Heart and Nerve Remedy ISVae:- almost a Nervous W1 . . from oven -work; 11iti won- ✓ 41011411 Pe,11141}' brought 4,;;, s hie old time Vigor and Vital- ity. Reed the story of a (;rest Medi,.ir ., i1, three letters. $100 in cath will l'' sail to anyone who ran prove that these letters are not genuine. The 11:' •.: Minister will be 514-011 la un4 1•1n' who doubts; thele roma [able Mate; ..s Her.• is Letter Number One "Please a sand me .11111 Ilex of TT SCTCING i ITPAR`.0 and NERVE REIS- 11)V, I 111(1 suffering trout a bad alta'k Mid 1)80' been unable to All sty pulpit for three months, doctors say 111:11 it In.0 be six months or more lea - 1(18' 1 out well again. 1 used to be 131110 to 1401,1 my large congregation lawn Mart. to 11111011, now, I Iran scarcely hold my own thoughts. My Heart Action is bad and I am subject to Paintings scald DlanImrams, and am very despondent, I hope that your remedy will help ante." We tient o,1 the one box of Tiacking's heart. and Nerve Bowe 4r and 11 days later we receive this letter. Letter Number Two "Please send me 6 boxes of Hacking's Heart and Nerve Ite*1ua49y. I have need the box you sent 111e and I feel that It has already helped :tela. My head is clearer and the pain that has followed the preparation of nay 8ermo1)8 has been greatly relieved and I fool that with proper treatinsuat I will again be, restored to (my old-time vigor, I am so pleased with the 8necnss of your remedy that I etre giving port of it to some of my friends." Now comes the proof in letter number three. a few 'a40•lcs l•ut■a, Lotter Number Three "Having used your me(Uc1ne,Hacking'4 Heart and Nerve Remedy t•4' a fevr weeks for Neurast'IPnia (Nervous Breakdown) T have bottoms as s now num, Per Ove month.a I have suffered I'roln Sleeplessness, Nervous Chills, 'Painting Spells, Severe Headaches end 1 could not place my mind on the preparation of my sermons. '004)ay, any old ambition and strength Is 4'r•s ne5',e,F-thanks to the use of your renx`(ly, which l' talc pleased to recotns mond 10 anSene sufreeln5 14'.m Nervous Diseases." Thi t-a[nlanl1 (1 "nue voluntarily trout nn.• whose reputation ie ptrt- tssnil: 111( ami is ito(1 tor thesole "'t 1n( of hoiping o(11)41s. The above tatements are 1'11l4''--'1('1'- n ,.'1. 10 (.ht, 11.11(1) "as the tarn of Benjamin eolild throw a stone .`ud, 2o 1 4 if YOT3 are 1111'''0 &Owe4 1(t 1101111, from shy' cause whatever we will guarantee that a silt box 114%10011f 13 of l?..A('i.i\441:$ HEART AND NERVE tt1.11 PIVI' 1':171 make a wonderful improvement in your health, but you must be 411re to get 1IA05U;(014, Prim, 50e a box, 6 boxes for 0..50. Sold, by all dealers, or by )nail. llaekiug'e Limited, L7atowot.