HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-1-29, Page 8S • R. SMITH The Store Make Your Stock Pay bVtntar Lime r. .viten stock get out et troll, yet healtIlY, thrifts' animals mean nurse" now than at cry oil/r ca:, rt of the year, } Ness Stn + 4 4 + 9 vim, KODAh Ibums For Hogs, locis. Se; ep and Horses se cer,3 ewer end Worm FLl ,P., 1 . ateies tonics to mere., gerterte good, nils tiereeleu :Did en- ables them to go the full geed out of every leered nl r t g'': au ted. 25 ib. rails are $...o 12 lb. pkgs $r ; :and reevear.. a'su two smaller sizes tt fisc and :5e. Other He's Pr, patatiolis are Hess' Dip and Hisinfeotant i5 ries ;nu., 45e bottles Hass' Heave Powder see p:,c;ages Hess' Healing Powder Ness' Norm Powder 25e tills 41‘.1 eackages Hess' Instant louse Hiller •,t• i, „Nag,, Hess' Poultry Nana a. ,r SE,' neer:. Coupons Freed We can Down ue-:n= for free camp' • pa, 1see ; f Hess' Stock Toe 10. Pictiires neatly mounted iu a Kodak Album are safe against loss or iujury. Nicely displayed on the page of the Album and titled with white ink they gain much in nterest and effect. We have a fine line of Albums from 25e each up lo$4.00. Ask to see the Dry Mounting Tissue f:,r inserting Snaps -much better than paste. Films developed and Printed February Pictorial Review A fine number. NOW cm sale. Price 2oc. f S k1TH The LL .Store Druggist and Stationer 1 4 44+440@-9+4.94.4+4+4+0+4+4•1440044+0•1444+044+0+4,01.044+440 acct i13 tein LocAL news on pee 5 also, COUNCIL meetin gest Moseley even- ing. Co. Comm. is meeting this week a. Goderich. NExe monthly Heves; F.,:rThursday, February 5th. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursc:ay of next week in Bruscs, "MURDI90N is seeping all before him in towns recently , a,'rd A Leap yea eke: e i,t0gram at Brussel. Rink ee.xt 1,edeesdev even- ing from 8 to 10,3„ p m. WHAS' comity' tae & or teen on Feb. 2 . n Murdlson; the real McKie, at before the war prices. You'll like him. R, LEATHERDALE was elected Chair - mac of Brussels School Board for 1g2O. He's been a member for manv years. A consignment of new books has bee reeeived at the Public L,brary wbic will be marked and p aced on th shelves in the near future. A number of homes and other place are being wired or re -wired to be read for the coming of the hydro next Fal This is taking time by the forelock. HEAR Murdlson sing "Bonnie Luc Lee" in "Kilt, Bonnet and Heather, Town Hall, Feb. 2nd. The waggle o the KiltMurdison does make i waggle. SUHS0RIPTION rates for the Montrea Wituess acid Northern Messenger lav been increased, :t1.:e the Fancily Herald and Weekly Star The crrtected club- bing offer mar he read on page 5, MRs. Goox wie, timelier of Mrs. E. A. Kyle, has leased the home en Princess street, lately vacated Mrs Mrs. John Car diff, who went to Clinton to live with her daughter, Mrs. Hors' Bartliff. Tim balance 0f the woad supply, bought in standing timber 1,y the town Council from A. Berets, Grey township, is being cut and will he ready for de- hvery shortly. (?uvmisty wit; not uearly equal what was g, t .'it last Wilder. n i Rettxrd• .T, P. MoiNTean; b FOR SALE -A Dominion Organ, 8 octave e I Wit. V. MoHar. Phone 484. Feb. GOOD also 4 pige 4 weeks old. CEIoix BATE s I MAN, Ethel, Phone 8518. Y 15.00 daily the year aroundsend for yearly 1. oontract and sample case free, H. V. MARTIN, Windsor, Ontario. Y I FIVE good sown, Inc to calve, for cafe• GeaDON MODoa,&LD, . 1 Woon for sale by the acre also cedar. MRs W. FfALieg, Morris township. t 4 Pedigreed Berkshire aowa, 0 months old, all bred, for sale. Reason for selling am making l i an importation. Large English Berk. of the I Highaleres-Agusta strain, Phone 0010. ,TAE. REN, Walton Fon SALE. -28 ewes, 5 young cows with calf, 5 head of cattle rising 2 years. 7 young plge 24. months old and 8 pigs 8 months old, also sweet clover seed. Wit, HD'rOHxissoN, T,ot 17, Con, 2, Grey. Phone 2015. • 7 young pigs for sate from 72 10 00 ponnds Also a York sots due to farrow neat month. 1,ntrls HOLLINGER, 711i fine, Morris. Phone 455. iNCsaAs1Ne RATRs,-On account of the soar. Otto prices for hay, Oslo, e,, I end 5 longer hal freight nt the old rata of 40%4: per hundred This lo to give notioe that the rats will be increased to 8 dente, nom menoi this week. The charge per day's work with tubi and team will be 77 W, Thanking the public for past patronage, JAMRU HEN0EReoN, Drayman, cum. heater for sale, nearly new, Phone 1214. Room, °DAME, 4th line Morris, Brix oysters for nolo, 8.0. WILSON. EGus 75c. a dozen, Feed gRround bone and keep the hens laying. BAEasR Baoe. Fon SALE. -2 comfortable dwelling bowies, L O. RiOHARbe. I YobTNo girl wonted to learn pant and vest making, Wages.58 W s tvoek to start with. Apply to R. FnnOUsoos, Brussels, Houses to rent are a scarce article, NEST Saturday closes the month of January Time flies all right. NExT Monday evening ?dr. Mnrdison, the talented Scottish vocalist, will ap- pear re Brussels Town Ha:;, He is welt worth beari_g. Par. of reserved seats at Fax -5 Drug St -,re, A teem ire= Mr: H Bic bv, He'fi••:d, Sask.. cars -y. - fine ecic estd ;: . c P- .4 ware _ _ t r` ?. e -re aS. a .. �, r, "'Era set.:P D Ocher 2: Women: h:,rae blanket los: on the North ravel road, A reward will be paid on leaving it atZ H ' E POST, Brussels. W.4$750.—Experienced maid for general housework. Highest wages paid for a com- petent girl, Apply to Maar. W. P. Ztog, 102 Mornington Road, Stratford, Ont. Loom at Ethel on Saturday a leather covered mitt for right hand, with brown yarn cuff. Finder will please leave it at Poatoinoe, Ethel. THE 47th Annus' noel ,.s of the well known Hawick alu,u.il F,r,s Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Gorrie on Friday efteruoun, February x3th, at 2 p in. A goad report will be presented, which may be read on page 4 of this issue. Munn -sots will -appear at ('invention Hall, Buffalo, on tau. 30. Escorted by Pipe Major Theme .e n ail Pipe Hand of St. Andrew See', Buffalo Ile will jump from there te start his Nor' Ontario tour at 11 n .1-. Basing rela- tions at this poor 1„ eesve your seats now. Assisted be etrht•sira and solo numbers, Fel. c CHANGE of I ttn:n: iT : --George E. McCall has d; peeed t1 his comfortable residence ors Willi:,m street to D Scott, who moves ttr Brussels from the United States to take charge of the Ford automobile money. Mr. McCall has since bought the eligible property of D. B. McDonald, 'Ttirnberry street, known as the F. C. Rogers old home. Mr. Mc- Donald and fancily purpose removing from Brussels, wearesorry to state, 00 he has sold his besiness to Howard Bol- ger, of Walton lie doesn't know where he will move to yet. A letter from M E. Nicholls, Of Kennewick, W, li rgten, U, 5 , formers lyof Brussels, soy, ;—We siilt live in Washington, the. lave wh •re the big strawberries grow. We sold last year so tons of apples, 11 tons of pears and moo boxed of the finest peaches you ever saw, We would he pleased if some clay you and Mrs. Herr would take your airship and fin over and visit us. Thera is ah aeroplane hanger not more than e quarter of a mile from our door. De, ?Altman, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Uhronie and nervous diseases successfully (rented. Visits residences, Consultation at rittnen'e Hotel. A Leap Year Dance, under the direct tern of the ladies of Brussels, is being a" - I ranged for Monday evening February 9th in the:Town Hall, Raynor's Orehes- ' ire will snl•piy the music. alvenison, the Scottish Comedian, • was recently asked why he did not go ' on the lig circuits instead of playing the smaller towns replied, "Weel, I've got a wifte an' balms an' a wee hoose an' I ;Irks bac get time, at least, once a month Expenses are Po' sae big and the need is great for clean comedy in the smaller , districts." Town Hall, Brnssels, Feb, sad. New BARER.—It is said W. E. Willis, of Teesweter, has rented the store ite the GA1fteld block belonging to D. C. Ross Iand will shortly open a Bakery. Brus- eels has been without such a business for the past year or so but many believe a well managed business and a respectable output should do a good trade, Instead of building en old fashioned oven as in days gone by a portable one is now manufactured that fills the bill to a nicety. ofNo. 3 Americaneorn Feed le expected to arrive at McNaught Station THIS WEEK, For farther pail i t1 lite apply to Ed. Fulton, see,=Prenn. Oran 111.001; Parmot ('huh 'Phone 285 "UNDER Sons nt Scotland at Brant, ford Murdlson took the hotae down " "GET your reseryed seats'arly loi th 14lurdisoo Concert on He.b 2nd, Kilts bonnets au' e' that," EAST Huron Fall Fair for 1920 wilt b held at Brussels Tuesday and Wednes day, Septetnber 14 and 15 THE stock of goods puruha.ed a Dresden by I. Ferguson, arrived her this week. Death of Mr. Tassie was the cause of the goods being offered for sale en bloc. MUM:11E00'S program for Brussels, Feb. 2, will include one of the finest col- lections of Scottish stories ever gathered together and rollicking songs that Make you happy and young again. Reserve your seats now, HELP MAKE IT $to o -'Phe Fund for the needy Armenians contributed by Brussels and locality has nearly reached the $rood mark If you have not help ed pass in a few dollars and round out this worthy sum for a deserving cause, F, H. Gilroy is the local Treasurer. "BONNIE SCOTLAND."— Illustrated Lecture on "Bonnie Scotland" in song and story, by Rev. Walter Moffat, will be given in the Lecture room of Mel- vflle church, on Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, at 8 o'clock, p. m , under the ausp+cos of The Willing Workers. Admission, ad• tilts 250, children 150 MUST BE DONE. -Subscribers who are in arrears to THE Posy for $s.00 and up. wards, who have not reported to us will have to do so through the Courts as we can carry them no longer. Many hints have been given that unless responses come promptly the blame of costs being added will not rest on ns. We thank those who have responded very heartilyTo pay our way we must have what is. coming to us. INTERCHANGE OF TELEPHONE SERVICE, -Some time ago the question of the necessity of Brussels Telephone Co, boildiug a short line to connect with Wroxeter line was referred to the On- tario Railway and Municipal Board. The reply to the matter came last week and is as follow; :-"In view of tbe operator's statutory declaration relative to the traffic between Brussels and Wroxeter and Brussels and Molesworth 1 am directed to say the Board is of opinion that the subscribers are being reasonably served and there is no emces- sity to disturb present conditions. I have the honor to he, H. E, Steele., Secretary of Board." DEATH OE MRS. (Rev.) ALLISON, -The death occurred on Tuesday, Jan. 13th, Goderich, of Estherence, wife of Rev, Willis Allison, former rector at Dun- gannon and Port Albert parishes, and former Chaplain of the send Battalion. C E F. Death was the result of a seri- ous operation some weeks previous, from which sbe never b Tec ere ov d Com ing from Dryden with her husband to', the Dungannon parish, Mrs. Allison won her way into the hearts of tbe par. isbiouers by her kindly disposition and untiring efforts in her work. While Mr, Allison was -overseas she look up the work in a most capable manner. The family moved to Goderich Last Summer soft since that time she was an active worker of St. George's church Besides her sorrowing husband 4 child- ren survive, e , Sabbath morning uc><t the Ouoterly (Am ttmnon- will be otreervert in the e 'n t e• r. Methodisttt utc r atter the preaching service. Fellowship meeting at In 15 Purity flour Rai! 15 Tails Bran f '<i)ected this week, Ain't. Baeker Phone 5 Brussels ANNUAI. meetiee of Melville clutch ming! Nation tits held Monday `.vl siiup, A repoikwall be li ei uric week ° tt People We Talk Abocct t tt tt MEMORIAL CROSSES -London Adver- tiser, January rode, published the follow- ing information relative to a much talk ed of question and if correct, will be of interest to many homes in Canasta :- Memorial crosses, which are to be given to the mothers and widows of the sol- diers, who died in the services of their country, as a memento of personal loss and sacrifice, are now ready to be issued. This information was received 'Thurs- day by the Meal brabcb of the G. W. V. A. from the provincial headquarters of the assooiatiou. The crosses are de. scribed as a cross pato0ce in silver sus- pended by a purple ribbon, fastened to the end of the upright, a crown at the foot of the upright, and at the end of either arm a maple leaf, In the centre of the cross within a wreath of laurel, the royal cipher, G, R. I , will be en- graved. The name, number and the rank of the soldier oommemnratsd will be on the back of the cross They will be lssued on application, If the soldier who has given his life has boat a widow and mother living crosses will be given to both of them. Church Chimes Epworth League and weekly prayer meeting held a uulon service Tuesday evening in Methodist church. Last Sunday morning Rev. Mr, Staf- ford dealt with "Christian Stewardship" aid in the evening spoke on "As a man thieketlt in his heart so is he." Commubiou next Sabbath morning in Melville church. Preparatory service Friday afternoon et a 3o o'clock, con- ducted by Rey. Mr, Siuclair, of 1301' more, "Some new difficulties in the world situation" was the theme of Rev Mr Mano's address Net Sunday morning, In the eveuing subject was "The Pearl of great price." Special services are being held in Melville church this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, Revds, Messrs Lnudy, Walton, and Sinclair, Belniore, are assisting the pas- tor, Rev, A J. Mann. Rev. Mr, Robarts, of Mitchell, was in charge of the services in St, John's Church last Sunda('. He.dealt praeticel- fy with the Great Forward Movement and organ'zetlon was left to be consider- ed later. We expect St. John's will line up along with the other olrurOhes in doing their part. Ree, Mr. Smith took Mr. Robert's services at Mitohell and Dublin, W. 8, Scott is in 'Toronto this week 00 a business trip. Barrister Sinclair was at Go,letleft this week on legal business, Lloyd lack -on will return to 'Toronto this week to resit Ie leaching, mrxi Moo - day. Miss Addie Cardiff is visiting Nite,e Henderson at the lattet's pareutat home near Kincardine. Reeve Pimn was onside to atieud ritual Co. Council this Week owing io the home quaran'ine. Miss Addle Sparring is hong: ftc.m n''. Toronto for a week's h. r.lays to recuper- ate. She is a steuographer, Councillor Tom McDonald, of Moles, worth locality, was ceiling on old friends iu Brussels last Monday Richard Roe's condition has canard considerable anxiety to relatives and Needs. The old gentleman is up in the 5 o's, We are sorry to near that Miss Esie Sperling is ill with the flu at Guelph, where she is training for a nurse. Hope the till soon be o. k. James Irwin, who has been in Brus• gels for the past 1, ntontlrs, returned to Toronto last walk. We hope he will re. gain hie old hoe vigor, Miss Kate I1sacintawentto Guelph ph to nurse Rev. Mr, Hind. her broth- er•in-lass, tvho is ill with the flu and pneumonia, We hope he will be speedi ly restored. Teasdale Whitfield, of town, ttecom paniecr his youngest brother, Levi, to Toronto last week where the latter un- derweut a successful operation, Mr Whitfield has beeu in poor health for some time and this is the second opera- tion au,l we hope the last necessary. David Lamont, who was visiting bete, lost his furniture, clothing and other effects when the apartments over a store in Melita, Man., were destroyed by fire last week, 3 or 4 stores were huru• ed and but for the snow on the roofs and 2 brick fire walls a good share of the town would have beeu gone. Mr. Lamont tract a small insurance oft 1115 goods. A very happy event took plane at the home of Joseph and Mrs. Pugh, Patrick St., Wiugham, on New Years, in the forst of a reunion of all their family who had not beer) together for 14 rears The family are Cheater and bits, Pugh, London • Clifford, Mrs Pugh 1 anc daughter, Hames10u Fel, Mrs Pugh and 2 4cugbtet-s, Of'Tt r r • n, wlu, have just returned forte \-e,non, 13. C where they have lived Fur to years, also Paul, Mrs. Pugh and Bide see, fee, Wiugliom. Joo. Arden, Gerrie, falter of Jut Ardell, who was visiting he•e last week, is now Su years of age:, 1 i s is an old Crlmeau veteran, entering military ser- vice when only Is years of age, Mr. Ardell .also sets service in the Fast Indies where Joe was born The 'atter is married and has 2 children and 9s now entered upon his en' year at Colwell Board at Ca man, Man. It is II years since jne as here For a number of years be was in the employ of I Riebards, Brussels. He w s a welcome visitor. EMT HURON AGO!GOLTOOsaL 50C1[ JY Annual Meeting The annual meeting of f';ast linrnn Agriculture Society wee held in lire Council Chamber, fir n's 'l , \\'odors• day afternoon of last welt, with a fairly good attendance. In the absence of President Jim. Ferguson vice Pitreident P. Scutt pre- sided, Dlinntes of last mutual meeting wire read and approved, on notion of R, Nichol and P. A. McArthur. Treasurer Black pteeented the an- nual report for poet year showing receipts to be $2,684,20, which includ- ed balance hien 3018. Expenditure totalled,$1077 34, leaving the tidy bol. mice of $706 86. Repot ( was adopted, being moved told seconded by 11, 1,. McDonald and R. Nichol, Navies of 77 members were tend carried over from 1019 and 7 new ones were added at, meeting, malting total 84. Moved by W. 13. Herr, seconded by James Burgess that Society take rip Field Crop competition again fur 1920, Drop to be Oats, competitors to pa 81.00 sntt'y fee, 7 prizes to be award- ed. Carried, Secretary was lnsttuct.ed to send 82.00 rnetnbership fee to the Provin• Bial Fairs' Aseoeiation, Department Judges are to he asked for Light end Heavyq Horses:, Cattle, Sheep and Pige and Ladies' Work, Moved by W. R, 131ondfnnt, second ed by Walter Yuill that dates of Fall Fab' this year be Tuesday and Wed. sesday, Sept. 14 and 16. (lav led. On motion of W, R. lSrnadfoot and A, Lamont a prnteet was entered against action of Department in giv- ing preference t0 cereals' grslin and roots for Field Competition and aek- ine that a copry of the Ratite he sent to J,�T�ucltie Wiison, Superintendent of Pairs. Following Officers were elected ;- Hon. -President, A, Stewart; Fresi-, 1:-4,1,1R0 UGH good Li Iles and bad times for past 45 years this a tea d i l y given its bes t lila drvelopmeut and 1 -. c'f theagricultural, Ii i''' and om tliYlil„ d er- C Ili i e S Of this Country. :_, tt'ou-viceisavaiiable i ;l.fitofall customers. 207 THE' t1 .:I-; jam BANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH - G. H. SAMIS - - MANAGER dent, (len. Muldoon ; • let Vice- Presid,•i,t, P. Scutt ; 2nd Vice-Presi- dent,'1'. Arehibnld, Directors, R. L. 'McDonald, R. Nichol, R., 3, Hoover, 1`v'ttltry Ynill, P. A, McArthur, W. R. I3rosdfont, MOS. Miller, James Burgess, G. H. Sarnia, R. Downing, A. 0. Mercer and 0. Turnbull, Lady Directors, Mrs, Gen. Muldoon, Mts, A, Cl, Barker, Mrs. P. A. McAr- time and Mrs, If, Burchill. Audit t,tu, P. S. Scott and A. Stretch - cue Ne delegates were elected to at- tend the Fairs' Association, A Spring e Fair will not be held. Considerable time was spent in lis' cusuien over the winning of prizes at Fall Pairs by borrowed atock or goods, shown by other than owners of same and tnnreetteingont adherence to rules forbidding this is likely to'be adopted in justice to bola fide exhibitors, Meeting will be held before long to revise and improve Prize List for 1920. AL Black was re-elected Secretat•y- Treasurer, Brussels School Board The Statuto'y meeting of Brussels Srhoot 13nard was held on Wednesday of last week, at 11 a. to. All the mem- bers present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Secretary -Treasurer Black present- ed financial statement showing re- ceipts to be 86474 or 1919 with expel). diture of $8042. Repott was adopted. On (notion of Jas. Fox and Jnn, Lo- gan R. Leatherdale was elected Chair- man of the Board for the year, Moved by D. O. Roes, seconded by Jas. Fos that Rev, A, J. Mann be a member of Brussels Public. Library Board, as eueeessor to A. 0, Dames, (21111ied. Report of School Iuspeelor Field was read and adopted. 1t said in par t "The condition of rite 8010,01 ie a mat- ter for congratulation. All the teach - ere are doing excellent work and there is a generous response on the part of the pupils," A few more desks are needed in Miss Geddes' room. On motion of D. 0. Ross, seconded by J. Logan an increase of $25.00 per year was made to R, Henderson's sal- ary as Caretaker. He will receive 8380 now, Board then adjourned. e onto BALTANTystt.-Ia Brussels, on January 27th, 11120, to sot, and Mrs, John Ballantyne, a daughter, ,ToaNsmoN•-At Trowbridge, on .Tanuary 18th, 1024, to Mr. and Mrs, Richard Johnston, a 8011. DIED LAIr11'.-In Ethel, on January 22nd, 1020, Wil- liam Luke, aged 84 years. AUCTION SALES WHTNEen,tr, 1''Rn. 41,11, -Farm stook, iinplo- meats, &r„ 11.02 10, Una. A., Turnberry town. ship. vale unreserved at 1 p, m. 0. B. Mor, Pott, P. op., T. R. Bennett, Auo. TRttn,.nnr, Fttn,12em -Faint stock, imple. meets household fnrnitnre, ,be,, Lot 5, Con, 0, Grey Town-rltip. 1451, unreserved, nt 1 p. m, Jas. Ameaning, Prop., 8'. S. Soott, Ano. BRUSSELS MARKET -- Fall Wheat 05 Spring Wheat 01 20 51 10 OWPena 2 50 n0 BI25M Barley 1 60 5 Haus 20 00 Wool Potatoes per bag 85 " 60 1 25 65 20 00 1 00 Building MOM far sale Composed of the following Materials 12 pieces 10x10x22 feet 0pieces 20x10x20 Leet 6 pieces IIx12x26 feet 10 settees 8x10x20 feet 2 01E00E OzSiOD feet 10 pieces 8xtOx1O teat O plena+ 8at5a12 feet I piece Ox8412 feet 1 Wee 8x8xfeet 15 pier.,+a 2x10x18 feet 211 places 2x5xl8 teat 45 Pieces 2x0x14 teat PIP Atxtfee27 places 4l t 10 pleees 2xaxt2 feet 401 feces x,5x8x12 Not 1 pieces 25801a foot 40 t i. ons 0r l0*16 Not 5 nhutee 000x12 rent 12 Batted sleepers 20 feet 44 tattersl0 feet 10000 et. inch Also our shhnglae THOS. STEWART, Bluevalo, ss.tr.rwram,w+u?.�mw,�ws.-.ri-w�zv-� r • asiig@WieMOSIMISS"AO.9c1MSQd;'Ute.1109e-*-•lorry,. ,•��••-,:, aerate ' • • 'oN:9 s a D • 0 as 5I 55 a IS• 4, a 15 a m es O Save your hale and double • its beauty. Yon can have s lots of long, thick, luelrouu • hide by using r • Pensiar Nair Tonic • 0 Don't let it stay 1ifelees, thin • scraggly or fading, Bring • back its color, vigor anti vit- a HIity. Put up ht 2 sizes- 13 60e and 81.00 0 rug ,r1.1 is ; 'i•o I; slx�r� Weekly S'tore-,S Your Hair Needs a Tonic • it's that • • • "Extra Blanket" t5D • a • 0 m • d rs • •• • • At Night Because "Blood Root" Cough Cure brhtge comfort in midnight horn's to those annoyed by coughs and colds. It's our Best Cough Cure and Biggest Seiler Have it handy in your medicine oabinet. Many homes won't be without it. 25c and 50c per bottle Waterman's Fountain Pao, Noltut/ t t1 N••,,.,L, rynr,lei, .'.' year 1,10 RIue k y , 3 k Hear @;,M Safe '- Eves y .. Evesy l',•r Thev' r4 The article c.. :. flan he us. rl the family . l,.,. tit play- t, on. . age -un h,.1 ,1. (lays, P1,t• 11. 1-1 solid or 1',111,; bents11°1 , ,• , to t ?�rd) 1, Our • You can • depend on this • that' your 9 g Prescriptions 55 and • • Family • m Recipes • will receive every • le Ctll`e and b 0 a°991ttention if left at our Dispensary, • • • m • • • • e•coo•sseeeacoae• seemea•••essaeaaacrcra c., ,or. 1r75'Ord .s7. Qc :111 HIS MASTER'S VOICE„ Halting opposite the Ftennh Res It ,rl t ;11 tanrant, which be was want to pat- ronize, he invited his friend 140 eine ,lilt 1' " with hon. You knew," he said, 1 11 This place is Pomona for its horse ; i' ,i • , l i moat You'll Bud It a regular - 0551." 1 t(1 .110'2 , "florae meat 1" exclaimed rho r,a,• r . friend, in alarm, "Wouldn't tonelt 1 r it if I was paid eepeolallylsfwhat \. ,• ' happened to poor Doggie.' I 'o a v, nl•'-. "Why,what happened him :" ho was askd, "Choked loath n lwL b•Ur. 1 other day,"" answered d his friend i 1 n .,h.;• •ti - He was eating a piece of horst 1,1,1, t it n,. meat when scone one said 'Whoa' ur • .1' JAMES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER Caretaker Wanted Caretaker wanted for Melville Church. For particulars as to duties, Ce , apply to James [`ox, Seeretnry-Tt•easnrer. Also Organ Pamper wanted for Melville Churton, Tenders will be received for above positions up to Thursday,Jan, 22nd, JAMBS FOS, Seo: Treas, :1111M.,. -,,0V.. cwroca,--c.x r foe Good 000 a:n•e farm r,.r :..air, I,,,,, • •' 1. ceptin0, Con, 5, atonia re. of '. ,111 v•_:u.,1 house, ba k , aren of .•,din•. r' ,•„I„rtw,.:, watao, bunk barn en 1', ::. .,ua,,., „ , n:ud, tr, sIten. dr,cr lbu.u,l4 i., 1.�e,w,•.'-1 ,5%, 5 given. harm is moot::nolo. rem.,5 shoe r. front Birth and 7 from t''rns•,•le. „r rnrth,•r partioulara nt, to [ r e, tern , &r., ntply oh the premises nr 14 anon P. n R (t. DONAU) 1fi1.10N.1 La), I'r:qo felon. tillin1111111111111111111111111111111iI1111111111111111111111111n 111111111111ii1111111111111111111111I1I1111I11111111111111111111ii1 11111111116111111 VPII4aI ' 1' ChapmanHros. Cash if Enticing Values "In Shoes and Rubbers HAVING purchased the large stock of well bought Shoes and Rubbers of Richards & Oo. and adding to it daily values that are en- ticing and up-to-date, our motto will be to handle reliable goods only. Our terms being strictly cash will enable tis to evil gins as we will not have any losses to make up, mei tee . at all times the lowest at which reliable goods cart b,• Harness Departrrraei;rtt Extra values its Harrlces, Robes, Blankets, 7"n tie Whips, too, • 00 -Repairs in Harness, Collars, Shoes and Rubb,a-, Chapman r 11) Successors to Richards & Oo. Next door tin 11 •.,;'' 961iV1WijVlVIVIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIVIIIVIIIVIIIIIIIIIIV1IIIllIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIV�111!IIIllIIIIVIVIIIIIII Illlllllll III �I I IIII IIIII IIIA!, I ^!:'its "ii:':.; . Illlll I 11111111111111111111111 IIII IAV' ,,, ,a.,..... is what a Monunri 1•r a grave represenh-1 a b.eautiful thought talized in stone, ' show t'oOli1 W(; number of fine sj)t : inia rrs among which you will find some thought of yours for the loved one expressed in classic lilies and simple dignity. - Our suggestions will be of s m 'athletic Y I value, 1 M i a 9 M Brussels eels. Granite anile and �laa ALLAN E, HERSEY