HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-1-29, Page 5UISINEES CAM, JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED ixszumres tiveltrAPE CM7411010 Business Garde , OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Collage. Day and nightealle, Office opposite Flour _Mill, Ethel, T. T. fl/'RAE M, B.. M. 0. P,, .5 S. 0. M. 0, 14., Village of Drum', • 1,311 . . Aroouttheur ,u• Melville Church, . a WHITE, B. A. • 1 I k:g AND SURGNON, t. University of Medicine. . of children rr. Bryans old Stang Brussels J .v21,3 TAYLOR .111tillner for HOOD CO. • • “.• /1A any abhor Ana. °Mint. nothing. :reel:AYR P.O. ito & COOKE xrr. lialleiters, !Vulturine Public, &c. 1100 ...liTtarco, god door from Hamilton •carrot, (if ,DRolt, 014.T. r1110.1 to Wan nt 10W0H4 rates. • .1,, .40T, r. .r. KILLORAN IL 4. D. 0000E et tt, or kin3tein Is prepared to pay highest price for Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Rags, &c. • the • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • FURS• • Highest price paid. See • • me before you sell. • • • • I I ighest Cash Price for • • • le Poultry and Hides • • 4. • • • • • 406444000004110400000,40,40e400 Write or Phone 02x SAM WEINSTEIN MILL STREET BRUSSELS • The Brussels Post lubbing List For 1920 Tom Pos'r and Daily Globe 5 00 Mail and Empire -5 00 Tomtit° World .. 5 00 Toronto Sear .... 4 25 Farmer's Advoc'e 8 00 Family Herald.. 2 90 Weekly San. 13 00 London Adverter 5 00 " levee Press 5 00 .*'11y Witness 3 00 eleseenger... 2 00 Covet \Vide. 8 50 Oinno'n3 75 eeeeyterian 8 10 • 1.,•- .0 for achivesses 1*4 1. Beitain. Ir petition - 1.1 not. in above list, let y ;•',,iiily Herald $1.50 after 'Peet al Note or Express ( fe leo.lt Cheque add ex - W. 11. KERR, Poe•r, Brussels. 11 gi It 11 • e.e.MereeleVemleeetVe•WerAISer.6e.c7....., Select a 'School With your Eyes Wide Open. All BUO111088 Colleges aro not alike. ELLIOTTp ) Tango &Chariot. et*, Toronto D. Is 01.4011 throughout Canada for high grathi training. Our graduataa are 0 tee great deunatet. Get Ottr Catalogue, IC/ 11 readout. reeords, 'then decide. Enter PA any time. W. Et-LIOTT, RRINOIPAL, OWAWR5SWO*7,50.7itiVX670.05ZAVOil "Mr. � bews litms Tens is an open Winter all right -the storms appear to blow right through, 'rue Farmer's Sun is now published semi-weekly and will probably grow in- to a daily. A subscriber in Saskatchewan writes : -1 always look forward to the arrival of the uld hotne paper with its budget of news. A Ci UV NoTe.--I ain enclosing stib- acription to THE BRUSSELS POST. Get my paper ieeularly and am always glad to receive the news from old Bruesels. (lave beeu away from there for a gooa nutuy years but always find something which interests me in the columns. Wishing you the very best of all good things for the corning year. 11 M. HEMSNYOBTII writing from Col- fax, Sask., says :--I always look forward each week for Tux POST whieti is just like a letter from home, Our weather has been very mild since Christmas, November *,as the coldest ever expert. eased iu this country, lor so early in the Winter. Have been running a lumber yard in this place for4 years and like it first rate. Aro enjoying the hest of health, hoping this finds you and yours the same. W ish you a prosperous year, SENIOR. Novertexa HOCEEY.--Friday evening of lam week the fast Lucknow sextette played their scheduled game in the Palace Rink here betore a good crowd of spectators. The game was fast throughout, and during the entire match both teams worked hard. 'rhe visitors, who anticipated an easy walk away, met with stubborn resistance and had to play their best brand of hockey throughout. Luckuow led by periods. Latter period being the fastest, when several home players were doing penalty during which Lucknow retained their lead. Throughout the entire game the borne boys played good hockey but lacked combination. Referee Reid. of Seaforth. gave entire satisfaction and will be welcomed back. Line up WES as follows :- Brussels Luoknow Lowry Goal Reid Govenlook Defence Johnston Fox L. Derange Johnston Bell Centre Allan Ament E. Wing McDonald Harris L. Wing Afallough Scott Sub, McDonald Score by periods-rst, 3.5 ; aud, o 2 ; 3r5, 3.1, Score 3 6 in favor of Lucknow. Refree, Reg. Reid. Seafortb. ENGINE TUBE BLOWS OUT SCALDING TRAIN CREw.-When a three-inch steam tube burst in a fire box of a Grand Trunk freight eugiue, standing near King street subway, Toronto, at to o'clock p. 0. Engiueer Harry Eastwood, 170 MacDonald avenue, Toronto, and Brakeman 1. Cruikshank, rt34 Dover- court road, Toronto, who were in the engine cab, were severely scalded by live steam and burned by hot coals, The two melt are in the Grace Hospital and their condition is "fair," according to hospital authorities, Fireman Nor- man Houlett, 71a Bleecker street, 'l'or. onto, escaped the explosiou as be had gone back to the Torouto shops at Spadina to get his lunch which he had left behind. Engineer Eastwood was firing up in the absence of his fireman when the tube burst. Eastwood had the fire door wide open when the tube blew up with a roar. The engine was battling tbe night freight to Italmerstou and points North. Brakeman Cruik- shank is a son-in-law to Mrs. Torniulsou, William street, Brussels, and she went to Toronto on bearing of the accident. We hope the injured men will soon be able to resume work after their serious injuries. Walton HORTICULTORAL.--The Social even- ing arranged fur by the Waltons new Horticultural Society was a great suc- cess, President, Miss Maude Ferguson and her staff of officers and dienotois made every effort to make the even- ing enjoyable to all. A. 0. U. W. ball looked very pretey, quantities of evergreen making a very effective ..exx,,,,ollagamtgamnamormaso..see SA. ..i,•......m.r.15setecnnit.mormonamairecemomamor Mraig2agNag Wante Ship your Cream • Direct to the V.,ruzscils Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques, for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels FaCtory one trial and you will not want todiscontinue. ausseis Creamery stewart stills, props. • t i , heekgrotInd fol: the liglite with all' ofdoloPd shades and LbP rasa and greet StrearlierS. The hall, for Ole night was it garden, and ot allard, and every body thoro Lo 000mpot to be 10 the night, a fiower, 11, 1 r111', KB .011111 1111,1101,1" riiIt op e weed. Theme 1411 mot into groul ,. to work. out lin, Politi,t ..A Jeive 'rale" and 'elude cal prinunees." The "Roses" and "An eutele" oat tied off the prizes whirl were butuiliee ot red retimatione. 11, Hoover, lieeyerreits., tIf liopiety, anted as Cilairillitii itild a Bile program ryas given. It emislat '5 of solos - 'Tho Rose of No Man's Land" by John Me. Arthur ; “My Little Rambling Rose," Mete Iva Herres ; 00 ! what a pat was Mary" eliss Plerencte Ryan ; inset, ti - men tal eelections.-- Violin, J. Liaoning and Month Organ by 11. lb:ever 'The Jelowel 141 4)4,' De elitrguerite ; 4, Hong," eight lite le Mete: ; ''114 2.1 eletion Song," e: -ev11111e airi1 "Sting or 111,.. T. fer the Miley gills and as every gal:lei, lo v crows a hained esv Mill by 8 bol., The relative of the evetiing wits the &- bate "Retail veil that Country Life 14 preferable to City Lift." A III tin/1M VO speakers were Grace Short reed, Lyla Lawson and Ten iSioe nreell and Nega- te ye -Margaret. Mei.-tel, Elm eeen Bennett and Been eh All the speakere did well. MO judger gave theft. verdict in favor of the negative. Proceeds ef the evening $32.00. Are yen a friend of llo? birds? Do you 3110W LIIN pleataire One e profit -in putting nut food for them in the Winter ? The vevanitae of two of our 1101008 here have dailyvisiters of chickaileee, downy woodpeekeis and other birds oil account of plocem of sleet and fat peak nailed up in eheltet- eel spots, A bird lover writes of the chickadee, "It fairly overflows with good saints and in never more eon- tagionely gay than in D, RIIMV [norm. So active, so friendly and cheering. What would the long Noetheen Winters be like without title lovable ileighbor ? It eerves a more utilitarian purpose however than brac- ing faint hearted spirits. There la no bite' that comparee with it in tlestroy- ing the female eankerworm, moths and their eggs. "Piped a tiny voice tear by Gay and polite, a cheerful cry- Oldok-ohickadeodeedep 1 saucy note Out of sound heave and merry thi oat, As If it said, "Good -day, good Siel Fine aetertoon, old passenger 1 Happy to meet, you in these places Where January brings few faces." -Eerreusote t Turnberry Council ,.....••••••TMO Minutes of Councilemeating Iteld 11* Bluevale, Jan, 120), 1920. Members all present viz, Jas. Moffatt, Reeve James I. Scott, Wtn. A. Mines, J. J. Moffatt and James Porter Counoillors, Each signed his declaration of quail - &Meet] and office and then went cm with the ordinary business, Minutes of last regtdar meeting and also Nomination Meeting were read and adopted on motion of W. A. Mines and J. J. Moffatt. On account of other important busi- ness John W. King handed in his resignation as Treasurer of the Town- ship of Turn berty. Moved by Jas. 5, Scott and Jas. Por- ter that said resignation be accepted, Oarried. Moved by W. A. Mines and Jas, Porte!! that Benson Ottiickshanlcs he appointed Treasurer to act forthwith, Carried. By-laws were passed appointing the following officers. No. 1 1920, The whole council Board Commissioners, No, 21020 Geo, Y. Oluiekshanks and Allan eleEwan Auditors. No. 3 1020 W. S. Kilig, Assessor, No. 5 1920 John Mulvey, Member of Board of Health. No. 5 1920 Benson Oruickshanks, Treastner. Moved by Jas. Porter and J. 5, Sett that the Auditors meet, at the Treasurer's office Bluevale on Jan- uary 22u5, at 10 a, rn, to audit the Treasurer's books. Oat•ried. Moved by Jas. I, Scott, and W. A, Mines that we advertise for tenders on the McMichael di ain, tenders to be in by uoon March 22nd, 1920. Carried, Statistics of Births, Mal tinges and Deaths fen the year 1010. T,,1 al num- ber of Birth:, 37, Males 15 Penial*, 22. Total number of marriages 13, Tot al number of Deaths 20 Make111 leemalee 10, Next Council meeting 11111 1)1' held. in 13luevale nn Monday Febriett y leth,e 1920 at 1 p. m, P. Powxrele, Grey Council The eineicipal Commit elect of the Township of (Hey metin the Tom: - ship Hall, Ethel, Jammu 12111„ when the following made end 13,41044 11)011 51111 neceseary deelaintione of q red i flea - Lion and of office ; viz : John McNabb, Reeve and Jas, Robt. L, McDonald, Oliver Harris and Thomas: McDonald, Councillors, 'Phe minutes of previous meeting were veal and adopted, By-law No. for 1920, appointing the various) Municipal Officers foe 1020 ea follows WM put thrOtigli its several stages and finally passed : .A., II, MacDonald, Clerk and Treasurer ; 13, J. Bishop, Colleceor ; Mrs. 0, Ohap, Mail, Caretaker oe the Township Mali; Edward Fulton and Jas. Mc- Nair, Auditors ; Fencevlowees : John Me Ewan, Amor; Smith, Cuthbert Hutchinson, Robert, J, Hoover, John Oliver, Richard Cox, Andrew Math/Ill anti Thomas Bowes ; Poumlkeepers Bernice Payn, Thomas Cumming, Win. 3. Gill, %Arm, Rands, Jacob Long, Edward 0. Collie, Geo, McKay and %Vint= a Sholdiee ; Ba -:'d of Health : ,John McNabb, Oliairtnan ; A. H. MacDonald, Secretaey, De. el, Ferguson, Medical 11011153 Offiner ; and George McFarlane, Walter Penning- ton, Sanitary Inspector. Olet'k was instructed to advertise for applications for the position of Assesser ; applications to be received U p to noon on Monday, February 2nd, next. Oollectoe's roll for 1919 was resolved and accepted and the Collector re. lieved from further responathility 111 tegard to the same, hollowing aocounts wore peesented and ordered 1,0 be paid delivering ballet boxer), $12,00 +1. IJMJMEINIATM FOR FJYE YE?il No Retum of Um Trouble Sine,. Telung "FRUIT-A.:FIVES" MR. JOHN C. GUILDERSON P, 0, Box 1211, Parrsboro, N. 8. "I soffered with Rheumatism for five yrars,11a1i0git 00 badly at times 144450 anelect to gel, tip without as,isturo.e. 1. tried different medieinee 1 sites itilserlised and 40515 treated by doetors in Amherst, also la taw home teem, but the Rheumatism came letek. In 1010, I saw in an advertisement 11, Lt `Fruit•a.tives' would stop Mims. metism, and took one box and got relief; then I took them right alone' for about six months and the Rheu- matism was all gone and 3 have never felt it since, Anyone who would care to write me as regards 'Pruit-a-tives' I would be glad to tell them what ee'ruit-a- clid for me," JOHN E. GUILDERSON, Contractor and 'Mason. 600. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e, At all dealers or sent postpaid by Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont, Thos. Clark, repairs to gt inlet and seller, 81.20 ; Edward Clatk, gravel, f134.7 ; Austin Raytiard, gravelling, *82.00: F. Balfour, repairing nulvert, 15500; Wesley Somms, gravelling, $58.00, and gravel, 1519.1)0; D. Ewen, repairs, 15375; Geo. McKay, gravel- ling Om 17, $534 80 ; Andrew Math - an, gravel, 858.00 ; P. J. Bishop, salary Collector and postage and stationery, $165.00 ; Geo, McDonald, MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSEL-S 2.1..tilbly 1 fors.. 1.7ai1's1,111 ls. 1,, , 11/,4 ; TIIVIV4f);.Y, p1:0 eth, Base u A /2 etle Pit Local 0111i Outside Buyers will be Present Ily order .1 P. S. SC( YrT, 1 l.'rk. gravel, i104.l5 ; I ii•tet riled Aid tioeiety, 151:.00 , (Irani lo Child [tom,' 41. Tot 0111 11, 151(1 tlrant to 11',1 he! 1'1110i, y. 810 14.1 ailjouriwa bl1401 Fob. 2nd nt•xl,. A. 11. 71 ‘,1 t'l Novick Courted Connell sleet For 19211 Mat in Tn. cite rite Jitiolary 12111, pureue t to statute, Ertel* membee leek tepee- eary statutory deelaration 4 "dim. led (ORA fl,ustioi, 14 follow', :-Poti..y P. tWm. 3. Spl•tioli, !Mt g.I4E.F.VP ; ThOU111. Osgli., John BeValle and GO,,l'gO 1111011:1.1(i, C4,1111- (411101.8. Itt..PV 4. I link Ilia dully. Min. otos of lest meeting rtmcl and on (no- tion of l' 110:) ittul fugl is 11.01-0 issl- 17p111l. Moved by Syolton atul 13ry. ane titer Coutwil go wt. emionif51-o of the Whole with CoutteIllor Inglis in rhair-Cat Ord. Conitnil ruse and reliortill pro. HS follows -Salaries, Ctte k, $475 ; $50 ; Ti P11.5111 Or, $100 ; and $10 for Financial Ste:, men! ; A *1(111(11 13, $20 10011 1 Mt-flit:el 14-44.111* Ofileee, $75 ; Caretaker of T, $41 ; Onneam. rm. leaatern 51 eiee.n, Vie • Wrsteln Division 70 : Aseeeettr, $120; Offiems appointed :-J. IL Iti,gere, Treaeurer •, C. E, eValket, elle* a Auditor., A. A. Grehron and 11 NV. Laird ; Dr. L. N. Whitley, 71, ilieal Health Officer ; Jame. Rime, Care taker To 11 til, Appointment of 808001 and Collootoo, will be notd,, September meeting, a byelaw to be (Iran n op therewith. Moved by leglie alai Hubbard 111165 time for Nam ning Eastern Colleet or's roll be extended to the February meeting.-Clarried. Proininent Minister Endorses Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy Was almost a Nervous Wreck from Overwork; this won- derful remedy brought bark his old time Vigor and -Vital- itY. Read the story of a Great Medicine, ID three letters. e100 in cask will be paid to anyone who can prove that these letters are not genuine. Tho name of Minister will be given to anyone who doubts these remarkable statements, H&c is Letter Number One "Please send me one box of HACKING'S IlEATtT and. NERVE REM- EDY, I am suffering from a bad attack and have been unable to fill my pulpit for three months, doctors say that it may be six months or more be - ton: I am well again. I used to be able to hold my large congregation from start to finish, now, I can scarcely hold my own thoughts. My Heart Action is bad and I am subject to Paintings and Dizziness, and am- very despondent, I hope that your remedy will help me." Wo sent on the one box of Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and 11 days later WO 000100 this letter, Letter Number Two "Please send me 6 boxes of Hacking's Bean and Nerve Remedy. have used the box you sent me and I feel that it has already helped me. My head is clearer and the pain that has followed the preparation of my sermons has been greatly relieved and I feel that with proper treatment. will again be restored to my old-time vigor. I am so pleased with the sneeess of your remedy that 1 am giving part of it to some of my firiends." Now cornett the proof in letter number three, a few weeks later. Letter Number Three "Itavirg used your medielne,IIacking's Deere and Nerve Remedy for a few weeks for Neurasthenhe (.7e r•vous Breakdown) I have become as a new For !4w menthe I have :queered from Sieeplessnese, Nervous Chills, Fee eOng Speffe, Severe ileadiece:ee and I could not piece my mind on the 01' my sernyans. To -clay, my old ambition and strength is re- ne:,,e1....-thaalcs to the 14.110*11 your t•ennetly, which I ant pleesed to retenne reend to anyone sufferitig from Nervous Disemees." This testiniontial comes voluotarily from one whose reputation is un- asseffable and is given for the stele purpose ot: holping others. The above et:WI:tents are true -or ae vele to t.he truth "as the melt 01' lienjtanin coviel Remy a atone" 1.8. If voir are broken down in health from any eattse whatever we will get r;.otoo that a six box tee:Rolm:I 1414 ziAt-.{..12...u,s elleAltT aNn scltvE will make a wonderful ituprovement in your health, but you must he sere to get HACKING'S. Price 50e a box. e ltoees (,', 14.70. Sold by all dealers, or by mail. Hacking's Lin:::ed, /Cloye(l by lipottou ails) Bryan that ; 4ja)1.1..11.1ftiv aNtiud lapfp'rj;intlit:2°,2f, orfleff,I.I.Idastitbt 1.0.41 LW third t.irne --Oar. 2.1,,61•41 I,y luctlitc -tot* II,tr,IliltI tttlittwi”g t-ittcts JOILO Tinny, 1), 11 O., )s11 ,-.1,11‘. fees $12; NV111. Grabion, 11. , i...11 *14! ; 54*04414. 11 0 1,41 k 41.11,3 $13 ; Isaac' tifintlde, I/. It. 0. 11011 derk foes .1.1.41 b.,,111 11,12: (1, W. ri• 11, 1..„ tun) t.01! 11O4.it.7 T1too. 11:011.1, 44.414v141 Jetties L)ttogitt,, itcra•er,,r 41,.14•It loll. ity Et:,S 4 .101111 8 togsl,i, :open glatit•r, ; I m vi,, -11,1 e 1.. Itot 4./1 1 1. !f1,1 laly ;.?7."0. ; 1Vuti S4111,1,14, v•Alf.e 11*14 ‘7 *74 : 1,0,1.- t (1 n. 11. '1'. /sty., '221.1 ; Al,att,s•iit.t1 I I • 1 4/14.5 It Ole. t 'fell; 11.11.1 T 5E, L f SObtry Witik••1, b.f• 1•.•15, $19 ,71is. It. 0. ‘Vidt.,,, it; 4.,11 S15. f (41)415414 14. I o /11. ,.. I 7% • giztry ;/144, , Avtitni t.miclets wilt he loceived.---(larli .1. (1. E. W 1 DON' 3UMP 220 001014178TONS. iThat is tiro difference between real. (.!,•• and cure? Any disease which is the to recur cannot bo indefinitely "t ured." You roan dispel the gonna the sydent.. lad, that is timely „ • ,„, 1 A, xson Wien for years With Rheu- , asatuas. trdia numerous treat - =outs *without success, Iia takes Tem- pleton, Ithounlatie Capsulcs, and ie re- loaltb. again. A 61 Rholao:ttie 0/111). `•44,3 irgain, Whitt 1'009 he 1111 4411414710 POW Tina 11 18 his Ohl 5 eeoee refereed; that the medicine ho ; . ; - ft Inporary- effect; that t -'• wolf This in. 1: one we wish to rad) ,14*---.1.oess4ct it is entirely f also. Tempi. ' on Rheumatic', .. 7. ;1.• ,t,',,Ivt•n a fair trial. they :•'!„. use); soistice Lon) 1,74 H nr any of oi ..4n1 4 10.10* you itnininio er,on the above diseases. They will r•suedv them and drive them from • ,1 1-nr rlenover you feel an 4441114 on, start using T.11.0.1e o, etito tvr AMP/ . .4 • ....out,. you not/lin*: • lorouto). We • t r,rtot ctt 1111,1. • ag, al Is, ItrusActis„las. Fox, Druggist, PLAY FMR. Goes the Price on all Winter Goods For the Next Thirty Days To make room for our avw Spnu, Gouds, which will s000 be arriving, we will sell Below Cost all our stock of Men's, Women's. and Childien's Hoary Wool DUMP Men's, Vionieni and Children's Sweaters end Puli-overs Men's Heavy &lel Sox, Mitts and Gloves - Winter Hats Children's and Says' Heavy Overcoats flannelette Blankets are also included to this Great Redaction Sale, ;on:, gwill „in 111' 141 - ,;11' on ell 0thor Iines atl- oods nuut gol '4111'4111oi 1111.1.:411 ritake room for the neve veriked berme. Pitt ly anti oftPti and LO your fullest as these Wishing nut many (11514.1114.IS It PrO,pei 011S and I-rappy AIGININGINIS107,1111,11tAIRMINIMII. 14 Son, Ethel 0+0+0+. 1•4+4•444040+4+4-14+04, The Se forth Creamery r ISIMICHEZENsamtnimiREELWACEMIZEtil 4. • Itilt1F32133;d1M1 IEWSIONMEZEBESI ÷e4.40 Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can .:five you thorough satisfaction. • 4. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test • + • it honestly, using the scale tes to weigh Cream sarrt.- . pies and pay you the highest mtrket prices every two ÷ • weeks, Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. 4. • • For further particulars see f.,ur Agent, MR. T. C. + McCALL, 'Phone 2,3-10, 811114.eel5, or write to • 45 The Sea -forth Creamery Co. , , • SEAFORTI-J, (NT. • • +0 + 0 44+0+0+000004•4 +04004114.404.e-000044.S•c/Ir0044%411•041, • ,4404440454.04.4•••4.44.40*) 00'444+44.4#444440445i'* .0000••4.4•••0•••4'•4•••••1'40 4.e,m44••••••••••+0.0.e40••4••44+ 0 ‘0. •0 0 • • 4. 4 • di! • • • • 41 Y R _tine' Will Yield Larger and Better Crops if you FEED Your Lands with • • • • • • • 40 4 0 4. 'tc 0448 RENtiareSinaamtlyME:5=BS•azEinglYMIXIMOIRMIMPAZGIVEIMNA They are rich in AVAILABLE Plant Food -are made from materials ofillighest Quality. Their mechanical condition is unexcelled. No clogging in the &Ill, STONE BRANDS give results and Government Analysis run ver Guaranto 814 SEE OUR LOCAL AGENT H. 0, BRITSSELS P. 0., R. R. ,2 ILKE Phone 168 • • • • 0 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• e4'*****4 4204111444•••••44.444 •••••••+***************4424 ••••••••••••••40•4241****04, t MANUFACTURERS Wm. ,Sto e Sons, Urnfited, Ingersoll, Ont. "For the Land's Sake" use Stone's Fertilizer ere