The Brussels Post, 1920-1-29, Page 2THE ORCHID CHAPTER III )3y DANA BTJ'iNET. 1 his little clay pipe, downing his ;ma- .. sie,eal glass of whisky and gambling Two days later Ramon Alvarez ' v. as thousands eathont the slightest Made a emend visit to the great house a eve enee of excitement. On the eon - on the shore of the Si, John's. His Othenstble purpose was tO return the trary, he at last threw down his cards, els-vet Zacharias; but heconfessed to and looking across at Alvarez, re - Sophia, ith a charming, ingenuous marked politely that the game seem- wc ed be a trifle dull, "I suggest, sir, oir, that he bad come inchiefly in Vic thatto we eliminate the deal and cut for hope of seeing her aga, "It is such stake, ., a pleasure to meet a countrywoman ..tithe fraction eez hesitated for in this land which is no longer Spain," oe Alvan instant, then : "I be confided to her with his gleaming am at your seryiee, senor." said softly , smile; but his eyes said boldly: "You So they cut to.t.• stakes, wagering 1 are the most beautiful creature that , I have ever seen: I dream of you. 1 1 ugie sums upon the turn of a single ea , seeking to overwhelm .each other long ix) possess you." by the sheer magnificence of tbeir As it happened, the colonel was not folly. It became net so much a con - present at this meeting, having gone test of rielies as a tnial of nerve. They to ride over his vast estate. Renee, played all night, and Colonel Philip, it fell to Sophia's lot to entertain .by systematically increasing the size Ramon until ber husband should re- of his bets, won back all that he had turn. This she did by showing him lost. At daybreak a recess was taken about the premises, by conducting and the colonel, flinging himself down him through her flewer-garden and on a couch, slept.for an hour. by walking with him along the edge When he awoke, Alvarez was eh - of the river, where ran a delightful ting at the table, calmly shuffling little path canopied over with Span- the cards. "If you are sufficiently ash moss. Finally they came to the refreshed, senor," he said, "we will great oak, and Ramon letting his gaze eontinue our game." rove for an instant from the person "I regret. to have kept you waiting, of his companion, saw the marvelous sir!" responded the colonel, and Ms - golden orchid growing upon a branch ing he walked stiffly to the table. of the tree. ! , They cut, and the Spaniard drew "Look, senera! There is a flower the high card. From that time on, that might be your face reflected Ramon's luck never waned. Occasion - from heaven. Let me climb up and ally it fluctuated, but in the end he get it for your, ; won, The table before hem was soon "No, no!" erSed Sophia. in horror. heaped with colonel's 1. 0. U.'s, and "You must net! It is not to he picked; other promissory memorande. "The tbat flower! My ;husband would kill garlands of fortune have white us---," . leaves," said Alvarez, and showed his Then, rather breathlessly. she told teeth in a fleeting smile. Ramon the history of the Gardiner ...The colonel - thrust out his hand orchid. When the had finished he slotely, covered the little pile of paper, looked at her with his bold, flashing, and crumbled it in his fingers. His eyes, and said that a flower was a. eyes burned. frail talisman upon which to impose "We are wasting time, sir!" he said. so large a faith. "Eepecially," he We are not bold enough!" added, "as beantiful flowers are meant, "What do you propose, senor?" to be picked!" 1 The aolonel's face grew grim. "Is that true, senor?" 1 "You own property on this river. "Is it not, senora? Of w -hat use is So do 1. With the money that you a blossom that grows unnoticed in have won from me our possessions are the seleomy shade of an oak tree? about equal. I will stake my entire What est).•peose does it serve, or what hold'ngs, sir --with the exception of joy tis rc taste, hidden there in cold the oak that bears the Gardiner or- chas'ety 'rote the warreth of admiring chid -against yours, I exclude the oak for sentimental reasons. Other - Sophia elaneed up et him sidelong'. wise, iny whole fortune is placed on "AIL eet(-'r,::;io salii, veil a sigh, the board. Come. sir. What do you "hew well yol.; ,[!1.1,2r6.,-.,1 the nature say ?" of flewers.' , It is a heroic wager," replied Al this moment Colonel Philip rode Alvarez steadily. "But -since you have up, mounted upon a powerful white suggested it -I accept. h s , d th Mtergtine botanical - "Good!" exclaimed Colonel Philia, "saa..--.7,:'—e?'"'reseetOtste s „ea, • -- 14 ,<..:,,,,,,Ao,,f,, ,1 . :.,: ::.'4 i,1,....41..,40a,ij.vo.,..;<,10,0**rAv.::1,01.,11?.:..,A,404z.-.,f,..,4,..... 4.'•...:...:??. f •'n' ,'• ' ''' ' 11 ,., , ••• ,...,:.,,., .1 I. s,,,,:,;,,„,,, .:,..,„. .,.. .... :,:-....,...4!p+ P.14.:;1.!. . .t ,•..iz, eg, ,--- Vf; - .';'' • '';`..iNt';'4, -: ''' itt 4s...,reelese • ti.„J to1555 A , r Sesea k .::::::.:,•.:•:.:;:':::iiii..,..:,:,;',..:,:.....•,.,„, ::oi; 1;.'."'''''"'-',,,;.i'it«,..,'•,. , .:.,..,,,. ..,:::':::',':::,'::::::::::::::-.-...--::.::,...•'.:?::•,::::,.:..k.,1,:i!i.fi';.:',.-4, ',::".•:*'" .:•...,•.-...4....4.,,,:i,.'..!:,':'.:L......„:4: , .. ... , , . . . ! . .. . , . ,. .... . ,, ..,,,,„ ,,,„„„T, , ._,.,.....,..,.........„.*,,.....-......-- - ---------------- -----.-...--*41 ,.. OR. 2111,...........• . V NEW F. M. C. A:. AT CAPREOL. - - - - • . This neW $.16,000 railway Y.M.C.A., now under construction by Canadian National Railways, will mean tends to the inhabilauts of the little . Whets* town of Caprool, which has sprung up during the last five yeers, on the main line of Canadian National Railways between Toronto and. ,etienipeg, and novPboasts of a population of between five andesix bemired railway employees who with their families have located there. It will -provide a community centre where'tho people may meet together in a social way, and bold meetings and concerts. 4 The new "X" will undoubtedly ilIl a wide gap in the life of Capreol in providing a community centre or clubhouse, with its librory, billiard room, Writing room, cafeteria and large main hall or rotunda, which eeuld be used to excellent advantage for a lecture, concert, dance, or any large wenn/minty `.gatliTeihdleigb. ending has a concrete foundation, its outer walls are of brick enislica with stereo and the eloped roof is covered with cedar shingles. There is a large lower and tipper verandah across the front, supported by a portico of four pillars, and from the centre of the lower verandah one enters 'through a vestibule into the main rotunda in the centre of which and opposite the door, in a spacious alcove, is a largo brick fireplace. Suet to the left of the entrance the manager's room add office is situated, while immediately to the left is the,dihrary and reading room. Back of the library, 'separated from the rotunda by pillars, there is a large billiard room and a games room. An open writing room is also provided nt the back of the rottutda between the alcove and games room. To the left of the rotunda, between two columns, one enters the dining room or cafeteria, from whiell, ;through swing doors, access to the kitchen is obtained, The main stairs 010 situated at the bask of the main hall between the kitchen and an alcove, ,0 -here there is also a street entrance to the building. .e. -A. simple treatment of stucco beams with a plain Cornice mould and plaster columns is used throughout the main floor. The floor is finished with oak, while partitions and trim are of Georgia pine stained and varnished. On the second floor there are 18 bedrooms, a sick bay, large toilet and bathroom end linen closete, and from the corridors there are exits to four ;balconies, which may be used as sleeping porches, and would prove useful in case of Jiro. On the third. iloor there are,also 18 single rooms, a double teem, largo toilet and linen closets and access to balconies from. the corridor. 4.Troyision has also been made for two bowling alleys, which will be put in later. Oritorpon:9 Girls Who Make Mischief. Ming the lovers by "chaff," either "I can't make out what I've done to spiteful or otherwise, you are taking alseussion eame to an end. It was re- end taking pencil and paper he wrote 0 end Jim Dawson," my chum Doris a great responsibility on yourse treated with the fir tree oil suds, but into the vessel. These will rid plants of aphis, red spider, scele, and any other insect that will be likely to at- tack house plants. For Beale or mealy bug some extra care is needed in ap- plying it to ntake it penetrate the covering that protects the real insects. A stiff brush works well here. Begonias are not much bothered by insects and in a dry 'atmosphere they will not stand having their leaves wet. For keeping them clean a soft camel hair brush is best. Mealy bug does ff attack them, and then they must be Burned. however. on subs'eauent occa- out an informal deed ee gift for his confided to me one day. "He seemed And there is the law of retribution to do it carefully, ami then rinse the sions, for Alvarez demonstrated that ancestral estate, making reservation so interested, and now 1 really think reckon with. One day you may be the 'cultural adventure merely becauee ment he placed in the centre of the We are both ' leaves with clear water and be care -1 he wee not the man to abandon a nor- only as to the oak tree. This doeu- he goes out of his way to avoid me." victim of "fun" just as innocently in the same office, and meant as your 0W11. fol to get all surplus water sponged' the affair presented difficulties, He table. Alvarez did likewise; then tak- Jim is one of the nicest -looking men off. If they tfre dried M a still, cool became a ireement visitor to the Gar- ing up the cards, hshuffled them diner home end was always welcomes1 and passed them to the colonel. The there, and I had hoped that the inter- A Family Scrapbook. place it will be best for them. I have e with cordiality by Soishia, who said latter, deliberately drewWe are a large family, one. It was! est he evinced for Doris might one washed my begonias over and over artlessly that she found Iiiin very the jack of clubs." I day develop into something more seri- i and we have without trouble, but I have seen and h,ad the leaves badly hurried when not ; tl ' • I "That is excellent," said Alvareen ous, had good times together, writes a _ . subsceiber, but it vvill not be long careful enough about it, alma it is hard to get rid of, es -n The eolanel. for his part, continued He extended his hand, looked straight to treat the young Spaniard with im- into the colonel's eyes and turned up- peccable consideration and regard, the king of hearts. Alvarez had been presented to him by Colonel Philip Gardiner rose from his life-long friend. Judge 01)in:seater; his chair with a dignity that would therefore. the former was entitled to have graced the coronation of an em - all the privileges and immunities that Peron Placing his right hand upon the latter might have clamed. Colonel his breast, he bowedsuperbly to the true. I found out afterwards that Philip Would have felt it a shame and; Spaniard. "You have won, sir. Our ; Mabel, who was very keen on Jim her- e degradation to betray the slightest game is finished. If you will call distrust of one whom circumetances, upon me tomorrow -shall we say be_ self, had, with sugar-coated cattiness, lied invested with the sacred mantle tween three and tive?-1 will make; chaffed him about Doris, and the ef- of friendelap. ; arrangements to grant you full title to' feet on Jim, who was only beginning But though he conformed punctili- my poesessions. I wish you a very' to be attracted, had been to Lighten ously to the code of his day -and it good day, sir!" was a very punealious colo -he could So saying, o one Philip, o ing! him off. not help but feel within himself those hanself proudly erect, passed froml I wonder bow many romances are mothers' and great-grandfathers and impI ee and emotions which no; the room. He walked at his usual spoilt in the early stages because earls great-grandmothers' pictures. Then amo-ant of social discipline could era-! leisurely pace down the stairs and in- of one's acquaintance, under the guise there is a brief, typewritten history dicate from his heart. Beneath a to the street. His dugout was wait - of light-hearted banter, are deliber- calm and imperturabable exterior he ing for him at the town wharf. Hel ately spiteful, and'tease a man out of concealed a dislike for the elegant ' stepped into it, and in due time reach-; bis fondness for another girl by mak- Alvarez that grew f-lhortly to absolute, ed home. Ile went directly to his ing him feel awkward and shy? haired. The cleverness of the man 'in' wife's room and knocked on her door.' avoiding any suspicion of impropriety,; Sophia herself opened it. She was! There are so many ways in which girl can easily make n-tischief if the cool impudence with which he in negligee, and her hair hung down a wooed the colonel's wife under the her back in two long braids. A won-, she wishes to. colonel's very nose aroused in the aerful Spanish shawl of heavy silk em -1 She may put into her friend's mouth "What about Mabel?" suggested. "I know you will never listen to me when I try to tell you site's not a true friend but I think you'll find that she's at the root of the trouble." And what I said turned out to be now until we separate; so we are mak- When. scale gets a start on ferns or ing a scrapbook to help us remember P what our parents have told us about pecially on the ferns, as every scale, the family and what we want to keep must be disloaged for positive effects.! fresh in mind of our own days in the Still keeping it up even without much' old home. We are using a spring brushing will finally get them all. cover and loose leaves, so that at any Some may be secure each time, but at time any one of us can take. out cer- some time they will be so that the ! tain pages without interfering with oil will penetrate to them. '- the important part, which we intend to keep together. In the front are the genealogy and copies of our grandfathers' and grand - Gasoline sold for ti cents a gallon in 1908. SCHOOL for NURSING Tho Jordan 3scoeptted., Ply -month, ream Beautifully situated in 12 acres of laan,,cleatoevacrly000ll,c,i,ngg Wt,,,hene,s,eat;. twaffoers,...tvo and six niontho, course in nursing, two to four months of which are spent in a large Boston hospital. Jordan Irospital harg a capacity of 87 beds. Modern Some for Nursec, separate front the hospital. Cloomeg admitted February and October 40.. nasals.. Proopootun of School cent o. application. 1 -sura E. Coletnan, SUpt of the few family relics -grand- father's hunting knife and Great - Aunt Editha's beade, and the rest. Next come the pictures of father and mother, and the printed accounts of their wedding and of other important events in their lives. Then come our own pages, on which an of our photo - Red spider is probably the most de- structive house insect, as it is ao min- ute it is never noticed until the plants are so bardly infested that they are almost past savieg. When the leaves begin to look rusty and yellow, and to drop, then they have about finished the plant Because of this it is beet to give the plants a thorough clean. ing every week or two. . Cards Worth Keeping. ;I Are many people preserving au Christmas greetings which they re. latter a dewire to destroy Alvarez broidered with crimson 'flowers, fell, words Doris would never have dream- graphs are kept, so that here and eeived from the front in 1914-18? Tboy Philip evas tortured aborninebly by was inexpressibly hemitiful, things that have been told her by an of us: John when he was a curly- toricai, no less than personal, reasons. there are groups of snapshots of each are certainly worth keeping for his- bodv and soul, In addition, Colonel from her shoulders to her feet. She ed of saying. Silly little intimate • • In 1014 there was a run on cigar - that baffling sense of Sophiato eve- (To be con mue . tery, by the enigmatieal smile flint ; — --a--- was like a veil upon her spirit. At times he was eonsumed with horrid , The Chinese Way. - fears and would have taken a grim joy in nnestioning her outright con -1 The inhabitants of the Flowery cerning her attitude toward Alvarez; Land, it seems, are not immune, any but that, of course, was ,imposelble.! more than the natives of less -favored The tremendous strain of repression countries, from the attentione of cer- under which he now lived found an tain very active insects; but they are outlet in but one channel,Since In- be. math nage ingenious In dealing with could not, employ his strengthete They have invented a kind of dulged hie weaknees. Ile would go to theal• town and play for due's. His skill at little trap, which they place in their the gaming -table, however, had en- beds and elsewhere: tirely deserted him, He played reek -1 The main principle) ot this trap is him cool off, our old home. lessly and lost large aaniSegaiMeat ' that It contains a sticky surface, which And there is nothing annoys the girl over-conitcling Dons and exaggerated headedbaby,0001 .1000911 ricting tenfold. cultivator, and Clarkson in his new boxes, and many people in this come She may say something in the most ,euniform. There are our graduating try had delivered to them finely - subtly innocent way possible which ProgrOmmes, and the poems we wrote carved llds of such receptacles. Coins conveys to'him the idea that the girl in college -and laugh over now! There were subsequently need to the same in whom he is interested hut been are snapshots of the house and the end by some of our soldiers, and maty bragging about his attentions. She well and the road, and of :some of the a bit of aluminum was beaten out and may hint that she is already "booked," :trees We loved best; and there are made to bear a Christmas greeting to or may leave the impression in his Blackie, the horse we rode, and Villa, the folk at home. mind that he is being made fun of, our dog. It will be a very interesting -In some units the men combined There is nothing the average man book to look at years from now; and and produced an annual, on the front hates more than being laughed at, and I think, too, that it will help us -to of which was printed the old, old wish, the natural effect of this is to make keep up the traditions and tht spirit of which, One was the Winnipeg Rifles, for at least two years in succession, brought out the "Trench riche." Another device was to send home the inenu of the Christmas dinner. ---- invariably to Alvarez, for the latter , effectually trammels the feet of the who is beginning so fall in love with Insects on House Plants. strongest and ',met active insect that someone more than to !eel that her Plants grown in the house in win- 'Usually, though designed on the spot, alone would gamble for the stakes he' named. So overpowering did these ventures mum it. There aro eharit. every attitude is being watched. She ter do not have the vigor they have become, indeed, that one night Judge , it was printed in England, and only bl societies In China, instituted for feels self-conscions and shy, and the in the summer or as the days get Oldmaster, taking his courage in his " needed a few words scribbled on it to purpose of supplying then traps result of being "chipped" is that she longer in the early spring, and they e hands, ventured to zuggeet a limit to tha rake an interesting "card," In 1918, the wagers -a thing without precedent to poor people, and many persons gain will be cold and frigid in her manner are much more subject to insect at- at Steenbeeque, the 2 -lith Transport i tit histo of the Planters' Hotel, their nvelleend by railing round re. and a, misunderstanding may arrive tacks, oe rather they are much cagier Section, R.A.S.C., did an eight -page Colonel Philip, sedate and scif-pos-: gularly to renew the kicky surface of which will never be cleared up. 1 injured by them. Insects are always sensed as always, agreed without pro- the traps. It is not only girl friends who make ' present inmost collections and it .is test to the new ruling. In the morn.—.4,---- mischief. In many, many eases sisters the constant attention given their ing. however, When the game wag con- Thrift in the Sanctuary, eluded, he drew Alvarez aside and proposed that they continue to play An English periodical tells the story alone.; of a 10111 113101 who was naked to supply "You, sir," said the colonel blandly, for a Sundey or two in a quiet country ' "Inc a sportsman after my own no- v -- When he went to the chureb, tam. Let us sit down together, with- Me-te e too whom: the verger met him and asked him to out limit or restnietion, 'aid good fortune will favor." . preach from the chancel. "Dbat is !agreeable to me," returned "Why, my good man?" he inquired. Alvarez, meeting the colonel's pole.; Well, it's like this," said the verger, trating glance with a cool smile, ; .1 'tote a duck in the pulpit Hitting on "especially as fortune i 60, wording; fourteen eggs," to the writers of mythology, a goddess! or great beauty." ; Thereupon the 1 5,4 olwageu a. To Promote Legibility, private room end they began to piny." le ale interest, of legibility come Al the end a ,,i1 a00,,; th ,01011al.1„m1A, talionis aro teaching penman. had lust heevii:v. His ,uielPesim!!! Atit p13)1 IM V ni()(le I'll refill of the print however, had not been disturbed ; -II ; A H1m! wool inille fifteenth century, UM least, nor atteerchtb; had ho en f- , :fered the slightest physital fatigne,1 oll,e tea, laze tt man In 11 ua, etneli,;t:g , Minard'e Dinisuent Clung aiphtlierie, are behind a broken romance. It is, plants by some growers that keeps 50 easy for a sister to find the weak- them healthy, rather than the lack of whole divisions went In for a develop - est spot in a girl's armour, and if she insects. They keep the insects redue- rant of that great Army Institufion, menu which thua served a double pun, pose, When, too, the war seemed "to have slatted down into a permanent thing, doesn't approve of her, use her knowl- edge for all she is worth. If she is really out to end things, she can, with the help of a mother and few relations make things so un- with, and if wo will give the plants pleasant that, in spite of a dawning that permit it a geed washing every fondness's for the Man, the girl is only wash day we will not be bothered too glad to see the last of hint and much by any of the common pests, his people. As this is a busy day many will prefer So, girls, don't be catty! You may to make a suds just for the purpose, try to appease your consetence with and for such I would suggest the use excuse that you were only joking, of whale oil 50a9, of lir tree oil soapy as I la es vial value as insecti. Plenty of fresh air is necessary, cidoe, loir tree oil hes the same oval. Keep the hens busy to keep Mem Hies, and is t-entewhat easier to handle, warm ttltlp, 45 1131110031 with water' ing in a budding Immense and sepal,- htt the s.mme pro.:qvs 0r pouring it zatuardee fainirdent tinges Colds', inc. ed to the minimum by preventive the regimental Christmas card. Some measuree. of the divisional greetings were real Hot soapsuds is the handiest insee- works of art, ticido which most of us have to work Perhaps the most singular Christ - ms "card" of the war was one print- ed at Salaam It was a four-page leaflet Netting forth the achievements of the British forces there, With blanks at the cliff for the name of the solider and that of the addressee, All grades. Write for prices. TORONTO BALT WORieti G. J. CLIFF • • TORONTO never really meant anything, but you know,gulte well. that you did. Even if you are jealous, try to re- member that by deliberately hamlet,. DYED CHILD'S COAT AND HER OLD SKIRT "Diamond Dyes" Made Faded, Shabby Apparel so Fresh and New. Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed !" goods, - dresses, blouses, stoekinga, skirts, 'children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings, v erything‘ The Direction Book with each pack' ,ge tells how to diamond (lye over any _aloe To match any material, have dealer .how you "Diemond Dye" Color Card. 4,44,4 51 Ass3ssrilent System Whole Family Insurahce. The Girder furnishes insurance to its onembaus at Ontario Government Stand. and rates. Sick and Puneral Benefits are also given 11 desired. The Juvenile Department furnishes the best possible instiranoe benefits to the children of our adult members. 'She Order 1111H already paid over (080- 00000 in Sick and louneral Benefits, and inearly Sevon Millions of Dollars in In. surance. 000 Councils in Canada. 11 there 18 1101 one In your locality there should be, ' l'or full information write to any of -the following Officers; J. L. Davidson, W. V, Montague, Grand Councillor Cecina Recorder W, Campbell, J. H. Boll, M.D. Grand Organizer, Orand med. 111X. AM II4TON ONTAI1IU Whe4 Fatigued AcupofOXO is both re- freshing and invigorating. Ready in st min - site -the minute you event it. TO I 10., 7,74,, ;1,15, K2,. CU C41 'antic ay, be Typed in Canada, eA boy tretched himself on the banks of a secluded pond. Picking up a pebble he threw it in. to the water. As it broke the emootb, still surface, little rings began to forna. They grew into ever -widening cirelee, clewing each other across tho pond, eventually disappearing, as It seemed, into the grassy bank. They continued to form and to chase each other until all the energy created by the stone died away. The incident did not Itrouse more than idle Interest in the maid 01 (116 boy, yet it illustrated a scientific prius ‘31pla which may revolutionize com- merce in the near future. When commissions °emir Ii, the air, however small they may be, little waves run out from the centre of Ws. turbance and chase each other through space, never halting until thealled by some more potent force. Human in- ventivenese has discovered how to harness this mysterious force. Wo call it, tor brevity's sake, wireless. We have been able to sent wirelese telegrams for some years, and also wireless telephone messages pyre 'short distances, but the sending of e verbal message across tho ocean is another proposition. A message has been sent in this way front Canada to treatise Imagine what it meane. It means that when the system is perfected it will bo 908- sible to carry on a conversation across the ocean without the use of wires or any other visible agency. Now that the method of utilizing this force has been discovered, ono wonders why it was never found out before. It is all so simple. The voice vibrates a metal disc which disturbs the atmosphere, or something that is in the atmosphere, and little waves roll outwards, like theeittle waves on the surfisee of the pond when the stone fulls upon it. These waves, or impulses, go away with lightning epecti, and their mess. age is picked up hy the aerials, such as were stretched high above the buildings of wireless stations during the warConversations In the Clouds. The public have a vety raw, idea of tile marvels which wireless teleplinny achieved during the great W a r. In the early stages of the big aerial tights, the Germans wore puzzled and not a little alarmed by the evidence which circumstances provided that the indi- viduals composing our squadrons were able to communicate with each other with comparative ease, even 11, the blackness of the darkeet nig,ht. As a matter of fact, they were epeaking to each other by wireless telephony. Each pilot wore a leather cap or hood, O11 the ear-tiapt, of which were telephone receivers arranged to cut out extraneous sounde. There was no mouthpiece, but a cell)), 0'3s I closely to the neck. This collar contained the transmitter. The spoken went& were transmitted from the throat of the speaker instead of the mouth, tied the other pilot received tee nteesnee with- out the accompanying 11011e of the en- gines. M. Abraham and (Meerut Ferrie, who have introduced an improvement in wireless telephony which proved valuable to the Preece) aviation per - vice during the war, predict that be- fore long wireless convereatious be- tween France and the Dnitea States will be an everyday oeourrenee. So far the typewriter has not been coupled with the telephone wire, but It may be scam for experiments have already proved that the idea is a prac- tical one. There appears to he no reason why, in the near future, a speech made on the other Ado of tee AotITIoaneetic should not be typed in n a Ottawa office without the aid of tele- gsjurgIg0ersttlyAist..that photographs might be telegraphed trees overseas was once regarded with scepticism, but to -day photographs are being so conveyed. Soon a system may form part of the ordinary organization of every illustrated n1„...___wspaper, Welcome, British Emigrants! Weloome, thrice welsame, Britons, to our shores! ahlairtdo(11e,a1v000: have crossed) Your Your kin, your native land --well That Isle whom 617017 every Britisher naadl:h.et,slytou grieve! Bitt be consoled, for in tide now home A blooming Land of Promise you will find -- Th° jellOil)td- etof Y00 1' compatriots left b 1 Whose day of radiant greatness is to ! All, whtonwtilliltiny elittll dasvu, as dawn i Thatinttigthougerrboowedaughter shall the Your baltesrtind,eseendante, With bosomsOthrlll, h Will crpoosisnetahwiiten e to sires who Se loltiliisiali lanaLl.,.seeve 'her With mind lit when you serve cioutga you serve eid Emoting, -Wilfred Arthur Hunter,