HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-1-29, Page 1g-
10111104 111111'04
,m,.0(•,. -epi 111111111111111111 111111
in Advance
'l? I y:20
lllllllll I ll U
aveAgai st the
"rain da f9
The thought of being dependent
some day, when illness or old age takes
away one's ability to earn, is rightly
distasteful to the Canadian mind.
The simplest, surest way to offset
this is to open a Savings Account and
add something to it every week. Come
in and we will gladly explain.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Capital - - - • 8 8,700,000
l0., serve Feud - 18,000.000
Rcsonrors . 220,000,000
•'--'•� 1111111111110.
Iiruisela Branch
resew Advertisements
•t- J. P. Molntoah.
',anted -Mrs. W, F. 8)0)1.
a.1r sale -Wm. V, .oto.%ay,
-,L00 dntly-H. V. Martin,
Purity Flour -A If, Leel(er.
A rrivo.l-W, J, Mn'reoken,
C,a• for male-Ceoll Bateman.
t. tri gig Nolo-'0t, L, Stewart.
I,,.—blanket loll -Taw P088,
Nur( Snle-div, Armstrong,
i + 1414 for solo -Thos. Stewart.
other I 1ig rrsmsn1011,I -H, Patne' Stewart.
,1 istrirt .civ
day afternoon Rev. Mr, Seel1, Wing -
ham, gave a very preriical address in
Trinity rllurch here ''i the :Forward
,Movement. Rector Jia,vkins also took
part in the set vice. Richard Prnrter
wits chosen chairman for the congre-
gation and the following nollert.ors
" were appointed )-Gilbert Nethery,
g.,i.-Nd"N •1•+.N.N.N •0."N ti -•F •y, a•.I.'a.p"i' •1«A q' •b •h ql
Anniversary Services
+ 4.
+ �m
y o crlle
d' The Anniversaey Services of �' r
Knox Church M i '
0 1c1 iefP, will be
eoudncted on
. Sabath febraar 1st
et. 2 3)1 mond 7 p, in. by
Mr Moffatt, Millbank ,+-„
nt•eiet Music by Choir. +'
Speriad Offering.
Illustrated lecture
•ye?e'l.ing following, at
''+nbj"rt • "The Way
tie) A`liee." Rev. Mr. Mof-
.vrl1 worth heal r and
n'ulte view's tare fine. 1,
••i^.k t
e s 25 and
15 C ^ 0(t ..•pejo.•,
9 .L
,le and
Attend the
tar .�.
4,4,441 trt =tars
\\'w. Brydge, Chas, Johnetmt, Fleet
Ii.-l.Ivvio and 1I, Johnson, $925.00 is
set its the objective fur the congrega-
'Pile senior room of Public School is
closed, Miss Murray, teacher, 18 on
the siok list.
1Vo,nen's Institute will Meet Satur-
day next, Jan. 31st, at 1). 0. Pope's
ae 8 p. m. All ladies are urged to at -
Lend the Institute,
The play "Green Stocking" was giv-
en in the Town Hall, Faiila 7 evening
last by the Literary Club of Berriston
Collegiate, the Women's' Institute
having arranged for the aln,ve, in
oder to use the proceeds as a nest
egg for the Skating Rink fund. Per-
formers were handicapped by an ac-
cident to one of their number earlier
in Lhe (ley. However the others s1 tick
to their guns, secured a substitute and
carried on, They are very marsh at
home on the stage and take then'
parts well.
•1' +
3 • Town Hall, Brussels +
i Monday, Feb. 2nd
+ +
+ . +
Jas. Fox's Drug g Store
+ +
the Scottish Comedian
The Real McKie
No need to say more.
Murdison is a scream.
Read the letter in this
paper from St. Andrew's
Scottish Society, Buffalo,
N. Y.
Tickets al
(• t n sale
As at 30th November, 1919
Paid-up Capital
Reserve Fund
Loans - -
Total Assets
$ ,
479,644,205 .7
PAID-UP CAPITAL . . $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND .. $15,000,000
WAF,TON I3RANCI, ]', M. McMillan, Manager,
TELEPHONE MEETTNO,._ljlle annual
meeting of , Lfe? Wroxeter x I(r Mural Tele.
phone Go, was held Wednesday of
last week, Di,unlnrs xepo'ted all bor-
rowed money paid mud the (ionipany
free of debt, Wieh primes advancing
this has been a co )
rw cul Ilshecl by all
annual payments by each shareholder
of $10.00, the enmpany paying for
bat cuee111'd
2years ago.
'1'019 roma
Lion of enntinllulle eeevi a wee dismiss-
ed aoi carried. 1'b,‘ vete being 42 for
38 against, Oen tin unus service be-
gins Feb. let. As soon es Spring
opens the Company will erect n pri-
vate line to Belrnore and connect with
South Bruce et that point•
The chopping twill is in running
order Once more,
Miss Bernice Cole is home from an
enjoyable visit at Grimsby and Strat-
ford for 3 weeks,
Rev, Mr, Kennedy visited at his
parental home in Ripley community
[luring peel week.
P, J. and Mies 13i'htp have gone t'e
Weston where they eepect to spend
several menthe with rt•lalivee.
Wil teed 'Wendel., HIra11'ntd, was
here for the week end owing to death
of his grandfather, the late Wm,
Good progress is being made with
the play "The Country Minister", to
be presented shortly under auspices
of the Library Board.
Tenders are asked by the Postofce
department in this week's POST for
the conveying of the mail from Ethel
poetefli.ce to the G. T. R. and return,
Read the advt.
'A. special collection will be taken in
the Presbyterian ian
church, next Sunday
afternoon, on behalf of the starving
Armenians. Those contributing ate
asked to place their offering in an en•
velope and sign name.
Me. McMillan, a student from Knox
College, Toronto, occupied the pulpit
of the Presbyterian Atwell last Sun-
day, and gave a' most interesting dis-
course. He also took charge of the
Young People's meeting at the even.
ing servioe anti gave a splendid repot
of the Student Volunteer Convention
held at Des Moines, Iowa, he being a
delegate. The meeting Sunday even-
ing should stir up the Missionary spire
it among the ynnng. Mr. McMillan
will be welcome bats(.
Ethel Circuit of the Methodieb
Church purpose hold ing a fine Banquet
in the school room of the church on
the evening of Tuesday, February Bed,
when tea will be served at 0 o'clock.
Program of inspiring addresses on the
great National Forward Movement
will follow by Rev. E. F. Armstrong,
Chairman Wingham Distriob, and
Rev. (Capt.) Frank Raycraft, Gode-
ric11. Suitable music will also be pro-
vided. Rev. F. S. OKell, pastor, will
preside. A fine time is expected.
Word has been received that Thos.
Welsh, youngest 5011 of the late
George and Mrs. Welsh, formerly of
this locality, was recently married.
Mr. Welsh went to Austria to study
the language so as to engage in Mis-
nionary labor's amongst. the Austrians,
He was made a prisoner clueing the
war and must have au interesting
story to tell of sights and scenes dur-
ing this experience. Old friends wish
him and his bride prosperity.
Car Royal Household flour
Bran and Shorts
Special Price off Car.
Car Good feed Corn
Car No. 1 White feed Oats
W. J. McCracken
Phots 43
eeteeb86N0@eees ®CYo6Q e•••••4y®mN
a• •eather
4 ,l0. ,ri.{ i•
•e.• n
• a 0•
i o•
O 0
3 q
® e
1111C4'l Q
4 t5i Irl. Q
aPersons intending to":
o place Weather Insurance $
® on buildings would 'do
Pwell to see
s Agent far the Ontario farmers'
• Weather lasurenae Co.
+ Head Office, Grand Valley
Rates : $2.00 per i000
o .R
Winter Underwear
e lfi}iOar
Flannelette Blankets
and Shirts
to make room for new g'oud'a
Underwear, Fleece Lined, reg.
$1 25 for . . ..... ........ $ 1 10
Flannelette Blankets, ret, tel 20 3 r/5
WinterShit'ts, reg, $250 or...... 2 25
Winter Shirts, reg, $2 00 for , ,,. 1 80
Men's White'? Rubbers aL Prices to
itedur'tions in all the rest of eloek,
Sale to Commence February 2nd
For Hut following.* weeks
Terms strictly Cash or Trade,
o L Stewart
Look out for the Literary Concert.,
the date will be aunouneed soon.
R. Barr has bought S. Howleit's
dwelling on Main street. We under-
stand Sat'. Howlett intends movng to
Brantford. We wisle them well.
Goon DE33ATE,-Friday evening of
last week a debate was held at the
Epworth League meeting, Subject
was "Resolved that travel is more
beneficial than reading." Misses Rhea
1)1eLellend and Myrtle McKee had the
affirmative with John 11. and Mrs,
Slemrnon as opponents. Judges were
Miss McMath, W. H. Love and
Charles Cleaver, who gave decision in
favor of the affirmative, The meet.
ing was also favored with a reading
by Miss Bernice Cole and a solo by
Rev. Mr. OKell. Chair was taken by
Oecil Bateman.
MATRIMONIAL --A wedding of tench
interest took place at Binkley Union
church Dundas Road a1 Wednesday,
January 21st at 8 o'clock, when Miss
Mary Icene, eldest daughter of the
late Charles and Mrs. Pratt, Hamil-
ton, became the bride of Wm, Husk-
ing, Dundee Road. Ceremony wee
performed by Rev. J, W. Cameron,
pastor of the church. Bride, who
looked charming in a gown of ivory
crepe de ohene with tulle veil and
briquet of white carnations, entered
church on the aril of her brother,
Emerson, to the strains of Lnhin.
grin's wedding march. played by
bride's sister, Miss Margaret, The
bride was attended by Miss Lena
Brightman, who wore pink crepe de
chime, with black. picture hat and
carried pink and white carnations,
Groom was attended by his brother,
Jack Hoeking. Wm. Lyons and Eric
Ellison acted as ushers. During the
signing of the register Miss Grace
Burton Bang "Because." Being the
first couple married in the church the
bride and groom were presented with
a Bible from the Wardens. Groom's
gift to the bridesmaid and soloist were
gold brooches, to the best man gold
cuff links and to the organist a o
g gold.
ring, After the ceremonya 1ere1Lio1
g t
was held 0(t the bride's hone where a
sumptuous supper was served. Bride
and groom left amid showers of con-
fetti and good wishes of the 5,45 train
for Loudon, the bride wearing a blue
silvertone coal and black hal with
piak ostrich tips, Oo their return
they will reside at 21 Locke street,
The numerous gifts revolved showed
high, esteem in w 1' t
the atg n• 1st 180 t ch the young
couple is held, The bride is a tudee
of Geo, W. Pollard, Ethel.
D 1 ra-a, 1s stated
in last week's Baaoss010s .Posr 11111•
liam Lake, an old and well known re•
sident of Ethel locality, departed thie
lire ae the home of his soar -in-law,
Christian Eeltlnier, on Thursday of
laet week, January 221 d, at the ad-
vanced age of 84 years, after at 0111)0.
p6001190- short illness, although 111s
health 111Le not been very rugged for
the past year when he rause to live at
the Erkmier home here. Deceased
was born in Devonshire, England, and
when about 8 years of age come to
0aumada with hie parents. They set.
tied in the township of Wilmot,
near Haysville, Waterloo Co. In 1855
the sub ec t of his noire was married
t t k
0.,o Miss Elizabeth Uudmore( {800111 pre-
deceased her husband by 80 years) and
in 1501 the family movedto Lot m y .' t 25,
Con, 9, Grey township, then a bush
farm on which they resided for ninny
years and by industry, thrift and
n tl'm0i19 OL'lr ed tate 11(1 el' . , n
economy f 1 l p 0.y L
broad nares of crop. 20 years ago
farm Was sold to Won, Strachan, the
present owner and Me, Lake retired to
B1'neseie where lie continued, to utake
his headquarters until his health fag.
ged. Thie was a new experience to
11hn as he had been a remarkably
healthy man. no was a, n embee of
the Methodist churoh for man s
and a Conservative In polities.
. Mr,
Lake is eurvived by 8 sans (Isaac, of
Grey township, and Levi and Just 08,
Of .'Hamilton) and 0 daughters (Mrs,
August Eckmfer, Mrs. Ohrie, Ib k mler
and Mrs, Jim. King, of farther ; Mrs,
Douglas and Mrs. J. Iyalph, of Nee.
pa\va, Manitoba • and Mrs. Gen. Ox-
toby, Inniefail, Alberta,) Deceased
children ambles. Roble .Lindsay, Gar-
rto, Wm., Russel and Ethelbert, 13
children in all, At 111001oi Saturday
afternoon, Rev, IP. S. OKell, deceas-
ed's pastor, onduoted an appropriate
service. Interment was made 211 the
family plot Brussels cemetery, along.
i„ t 110 1 ee
lie. rt1
P m 11.411” I a # n 1 1
III a ter 1 (111 of 0.)r y 11 1 .! ea
,tit epi1.-,t l u r,hl teal ,tri 801
tinerve.Py 1 0. •)1y t 0.1,
rt ,t. 211 nil l yes!
I 10 el 111e 1,a 11+1 deeee sets, y• ttlit
u(anh'd ill tht ir,r.ahrc, ill
trot (101(1'1,7 llavng su 'd 1,a
u,nefnm {,h 1, hit tracer , r
101 II,. 1,) Ill('' r,•.p4 ,I . 111,11 0
and weve gash to Were {t, 1
000oihy 1 f 10110 at ion and cranialion,
Ethgl ,9
g1I�FiCI,� �gggg
-ter 111 i(r';'1t11,, 11.N;11PINI,,
Ethel 1 oiu,-, ;' Club will
in• held 100 001.• '1'otvna11in
I Hall, Mlle]. till So '((11ay, Jan.
:list, -.t,nirg el 2 w. :ms's
Stamm uth.r• len'iu''1 are the
, ri,r4'41'11,, of imyo•g ( lover ',teed,.
,i_at,zioganEgrChide. All
101'.111b, 1+3 int'•, -ked sh't11d be
a li.'s''.
rill on 01'1 efF
Tilt' 2110111,r of 111', 1), If 1.1't
',ton, 11') - . te•r, Bird u,reutly lt1 Bel -
more, ')rade ing ,t r.'•ya1l old age. she
wa a that. old Lady.
Retm'o,1,00' I he Alnliyeeetrev ' "0'.
Vir.0s in 1CW'3) ('11Wle1, td'sr 8utday
rtfterun„0 uud 0.01'2110(, whoa Her.
1Jr•. Moffitt, eliilbeek, ,till 1n.•,1.01
Monday evening a most et'1' tahb'
and instinct lye pt• "1:001 !-, pl ❑ -(',)
in the illu,(,410A Ler,. • (r l'il1•
R'.u' and our .licit•,. The ,n e., •,n=
line Keil leerure reveller, t. Read advr
Fu1ln:ving air
the 0r,tees tit' ll,,. Vale.
et'9 0(l' A.10)1 Ranh• rhos, 0,.' 10.1.1 ; -
Hnn.-Pte+, Neil SI4la;g"tit t,+,t-
'1'z. t. 241,'9, Jas. O. MtKCaty ; Via' 1'..'"4.1
dent, allot l y Lu.ldingtuu ; '1 a i, '0.s,
Marshall Har 1 i„•n mai 1Viu. 11 ,i t e y ;
Iiee,-Treks ..10e. 0. McKay ; Collect.
or, James Baillie : Look -Ont Gone, T.
Inglis, W. Struthers and \V. Havey ;
Organist, Mts, G. Rr bw( Isom,
Appeases aem Pitt s1e:TA'rl°:o --
Tu".day evening, January 0.0111, 10 10-10'
of Miss Ar011e Forbes'. ueighbole ;10(01
friends assembled at her home and
presented tier wit It a hand—beg, t rese
oftit met'nand a Vert. utnicuresete ,, . e•1.
m,u,', Id.eui leenultaln pen. Pol-
bevieg .C1,114,001 Wats teat! 1-
DEArt FRIEND :- Having leats(ta1.
web sin,?,',.• 1'-gret, of your intended
(tepielnre f, mil our ooi14hll r10)n:l.
We, your twig 100)01,0 and friends,
•(t "o ulblyd (h(, ev'-1)ing to r))press ,0111•
P0' )"'0'it) 1' (0 or rhe services you h;aye
1 cud„( ell as as neighbor and frientL
Ai,vt 1010) s hah ova s 101 the good of the
010Ig lo 1,, 1 1,,',! always had y1n1' hearty
•uppurt. We will no .': son Lely
murk sear we hope that y„u 11111.8 have
many happy and prnspe)ou, years ill
your new house. As a smell token of
out estp(-iJ) tool a reminder of the
township or (t rev, w e ask you to man-
oept this hand -bag and contents rind
may you long be spared to eojey the
use of thele. As you depart from nue
midst it is our sincere wish that suc-
cess and 1 -leaven's choicest blessings
may test upon you. Signed om be-
half of the neighbors ate i taleod..
MRs 1 c ou..
� DONALD ,1 l.0. .\RT,
N1211. 141(' 1:tO1ART.
Miss Forbes exprese(•ei her thanks
for the kind welds and p10001leel gifts
and hoped that the good thirties wish.
ed foo' her in the addre.,s would also
be showered on the heads of (hose
who bad so generously 1(.10110 b••lyd
1)01. Grey township w''uld never 1,e
fo'golteu by her as a' many inrf-
deuts clustered rental her resident., let
Council Minutes ou page 5.
Reeve McNab is at Ooderich [hie
week attending Iimon C::, Cnme et,
Do you want the job of Asses:., .r in
this Township for 1020 0 If e' you
will have to get your application to
the Clerk by Tueeday noon of text
Last week Jno, P. Gaynor, wlmo
bought the faint of the late Cbevter
Armstrong, 10[11 Cmc,. moved from
Brussels to it. We wish 610. mud Slie,
Gaynor many happy, pm' .par :pie ,ears
in their new home.
A Clearing Auction Sale will be held
T the faro' r1 eLot
n m Lh f o f Julep. ArutOtrong,
8, Con. 9, mu Thut'sdmly, Feb. 12101 at 1
P. In, Mr, Armstlolig 11118 sold tat„
farm and intend', removing to Brine
eels hence everything has 1.0 g',
Road the lit in this issue.
fast Friday Levi Whitfield, 1211,
Com' Harrel w ent a suucesdfnl 1 potation
at Toronto and is doing ars well ee can
be expected. Rio Mall friend hope
he will soon be able to 1el111 1 h"one,
Last weeks item said Albert. Whit-
field but it should have read Levi,
Stanley Hemingway, of Reid (fill,
Alberta, foromerly 011' this township,
writes '91101 Poe•r its follows :-Jest a
(1110' 100(4',, 001 tehew my sohsmitei e, to
TITS POST. IVe are having (Mite to.
bard Winter here, Nnvembet •41+d
December were very cold and lough
0.v •1•s t s0.
Had iL few weeks mound (d Chr l t ua.
H td , t
of very fimn weather hitt it is I i
cold and stormy again, We to, nl-
tvay. pleased to see PRE POST.
Everyone thinks it a newsy ham
paper•. Wishing yott all a Pt'oeperots
Mr, Fraser returned thanks to ]us'
bride and himself for the heauules0
i address and he s lead d t' •
of the u t , p 1 gift
and hoped their Ise:meiations would al -
hays be of a helpful eller mem., After
tate light fantastic was tripped for
several hours and a fine lunch served
the guests retired to their hoomee
thanking 611 and -Mrs -Creditant. and
family fm' the fine Lime given t 1mem,
M00. Fulmer teats Mies Eliza Bishop,
only alerightel' of Abr,uo and lairs,
131,h'p, 8,1 Con,
0.t t :, ' +
A Toler. 1Ltr•n at ( abort' tan.
fratu cx (',,rlmriilor John FBrovn,
'1 e0iv' of e' ti / ip r,e '
imrut Ui v t(w101u1, say In
part 1--1 :um w'n(ling renewal fin' THE
POST as 1 etie't do without it. We
are having fine weather here but cold,
thermometer marking as low 68 37
degrees below Zero. Winter cattle nn
in 01011011er and 11(15 kept not. 1 pill ill
25 (lays threshing at $5.01) pier day.
Not. bad fee en old r11an. When
Diet j .I) wee throng)) T drove ma team
on it eniky plow for 21) days
at. 83 00 a day, 6Jro, Bergen and I
limp em remaining in this, could07 andandwtmave bought, a house in Neepalva,
which we 1vi11 (,mate possession of in a
few months. ' Are now housekeeping
for my cousin, Jno, Brown, of Gar.
\V.oLPER 1.2)itf
F reeiieet.
berry, 6 lie. 11 i- tt'it'r s.. id 2 soxs have
,agile Fee) vino at. (1 tit and 'Choi
is 21 yem siziee 6'• ,'(00010
'01'e's) oral this ;o his Host Viol) to
Uu[au'i". 0.l rs Brown ud 1 mora' I're•I_
nit gn+,d lite:melt 111 v„ hot!
FINE : l r it _.• (hi 1•'• ,1r r _
1 to Z1,.0), , 6;101, 117 0,, ,,l o[ Ie'ht-
011e •fli'o d•. 141141 111•11:101)10r,,•211 ,veil
0!,' heepitotlity of the h Inc 01'1 Mr,. If.
til, Quarts'•, 1r.h ('•t., 11,e eeettal pure
p.ese t eilig to pr sent a1 ' h'wel" In
the newl • male bride, 'qrs. Chas, F,
Lake, 0'ta•a Sties Je,ut L two 0o(.e,1 An
it(ip1uu1pt11 Metal 141,1 unt'Y,tai prO.
gram w•tw ltt'langr,[ ;01,•1 given in an
very interesting Weimer, Jos, ;,sues
acting as Chair'mau1. After the pre-
sentation, w'hieh was responded to on
behalf or the reelpleoi ill mph -troth],
style by I1•• grolnn, luoelr wns sewed
and '11 her I,'l000 of e, 11,tiet•111r•nt• were
taken up, the rwp:u,v helm; highly.
favored by having rtes"ot will' them
Mrs. Nletio.0 t'ie's d00)121t Mo, 1,',
wlm with 1101 lulsh0auei, (o, Pahl.,
and daughter, Katthlet hail lost e1 -
tired from England. Hiss ha,hlcen,
It1ough only 10 ycat o1 age, 114 111
era, tit A:00. raellf
itee -)el; 0 ti0080 See is , (.'ata . ;lapis:
Every pence❑ wa'. ,lel ghte1 and 211
p811i006' were I111rt11(LWet1-: in thanking
Mrs, ,ilrQnau10 for the ell; 00bie
time spent bo her 111001.'.% in extending
congratulations and 11'0t wishes to
Mr. Lake and bride arid pleasure in
again tueet.ing Air, anti Mrs. Faille
and family,
very pL'Iwaot tact was eojoyrtl at the
holm' of R. and Mrs. Cochrane, 5)))
Con., en a recent evening when a
largecotnpatly shared 'licit' hospital-
ity. One of the special features of the
evening was the presentation of m0
tddtese, read by Erato C1a1'diff, to
George and 1Irs. Fraser, of the same
line, and the presentation of a tine
1ee(thee upholstered ch -dr, by Russel
\Vilber auul Elwyn Somers in behalf
of the company, Addie ss was as fol-
lows :--DISAle FRIENDS --We, a few
of your neighbors and friends, have
met here tonight to express nor con-
gratuhttiooe over gnus recent matfi-
Itlol0ial alliance and wish you many
joys for the years to 0010e. '1t is not
good for new to be oath e" LS at state.
mein from gond malignity and prob-
ably it is 110 Letter for woman to be
alone Melee the good example set by
you should r1c11urage other young
people we : AN WHOP Ill this neigh-
borhood to do likewise. -As a token
of non' goodwill we ask yam accept'
once of thie leather uph.lstered rock-
ing chair and our hope, is that you
11 be spared both Lh may l a atony a year
to enjoy its comfort and remember at
the saute Lime that warm friends are
not far away, We welcome Mrs,
Fraser to the neigbbnlhood and trust
aki)ally Providence nary guide you
inn t}0. pathway and us .a a at a c f life t
!~ 1 Y o
its close. \ye are yours, Very truly,
Nr0000noots AND FRIENDS.
Morris Council Minutes on page 4.
Reads u a had for hauling loads.
This week terve Elston is at Godes
fell attending the seesiono of the
•1 n (
Ct liilty (. I 11,
\Vii Ir:117i,81 d lino', 11000 purchas-
e 1'hevtt let ret Fenn Am del snn Bros„
lees) agent:,• tleuesels.
Applications asked Im the office of
assessor' 10.' Moms 0 pwent-hip, also
tenders for di ahl contracts of the
Mills, Slathers, Kelly and Sellers
()mine. Folk who want week need
net be long without it this year,
Rea11 0he: advr., nn page 1..
1t tit.' annual School 0ncttiWg of S,
9 No &F. homrau was (sleeted Pius.
tee sueceediug W. Wilkinson, Wend
contract swot to AVO, S hers, at $2.75.
Was (,lea1 H: mile 1 soli , its chairtnau of the
meeting e . J Shaw is caretaker of the
0, 11001.Walter r Yuill has given (11)
the past of Searotat3' Treasurer and
Thos. Bou has been appointed to the
nflice, .
Read the ()easy Walton notes
page "o.
Rev. Ml, Lundy assisted Rev. Mr.
Mann this week at.Stavin' Reuters be•
lug held in Melville thereat, Brussels,
Ladies' 'lid of lllethodiee Church
meets at Sits Duncan Johnston's on
Thursday afternoon of this week, in-
stt.n(I of 'lhtesday as reported in last
A tmerming of the Red Cross tvorkees
ie to he held et the home of Mrs. A.
Gatclinet. Saturday, also iust, at; 2.80,
fm the purpose a of
f h ort s0. ( deciding what is
best to acro l w *tit funds and surplus.
Full meeting requested. Tea served
at 4,30.
A popular Lecture will be given un-
der the anspioes of the young people
of Duff's chine:lt, Wednesday evening,
Feb. 4th by il,ev, Walter Moffatt on
Africa "Prom Cape Colony to Cairo."
illustrated by 185 lantern views, Take
it its.
At St. George's Church 10,90 Sunday
aft(erinlon Rev. 611'. Roberts, Mitchell,
explained the Forwet'd Movement
Campaign. Jas, I.Im.tlnphries was ap1.•
pointed Captain and Chairman ; H.
Hoover and Il, Hoy Col100)00 a for tate
W. 11. K I.RR, Proprietor
Allege er r . d
14(l ,plR .r arid ;tlat'yp
tor the 'Seale! and 71iou, and Haral:3
Bolger f.e the '0111,
'000 A rt0it.), Sale •,1 Garro ;hurl., 140
Inleuxut' Le., 1, aummin:ea by C. 13.
Moffatt to . 10, eon. A. Turnbero'y,
ler Wedireelay of next week, He
0e ld hie Lu ml a21)1 will remove L0
'0Vo 0.1000...1, The list of Sale may be
teed (01 this issue,
A ' l, ' ..all from 10 bad lire was run
i(- le ,.t :'ludo ew and Mrs,.
1 e e, 1r? V. 1,, Ti, i vapposed n
tl,,00, d in,l'l, ,I, fIle 11an'1-. r)1 a 11111,1
t tire 01, no of the !'nl tn1114 a11(1 c010
“oeralIle damege 07(09 ilium before the
011:• WW1 eethigiesh0d. 51e. Jaeklin
•.+1s imemet i1, tate Hewlett Mutual.
11 0eetlil be .t ' 1 l time to be waited
foon1 borne weather like this.
1.4:111 p rly taut we
n) e ars h4.00(18 ae eeer,
air. .IeSi Tor took service
iW t.a4 d` mr•er lee) ,,). Sueday 0nurnfng.
quintet by t' enuuoien will be ob.
a0t ve•) 0 ,, .dt,a011 aflel'n,nn in the
le! b(d. t K!Ape :1,.
T'rid:0.y site)100000 a delightful time
was spent at the house of Andrew
and Mrs, Pebbles, nth Con. Rime,
when a number of their friends gath-
ered at then loon,'. the occasion being
the 14)111 unei,er.�aty. Among the
gtl.ala 07101, f>•.o. arld firs, Hamil.
ton, 1. moil Mrs, 1. ett,m, Walter and
.Hr.Hamilton, u
Mrs. m e u. M,, 11, Switzer and
111',..1. A. Porter splendid and ap-
1)1,'P"°"1.c' program wit:, giver!, and a
sumptuous supper served. Among
Die many gifts were team beautiful
oak Minim. Otey 0-iteide guest was
their ,i,ao ;'0(t.-) 'ill:, David Altar,
Port toil rut',
ill. 'gee .1 ou: T ieL C iz ti, Stssetaeexee
Animal meeting of Eimit Agriauleural
Soelety steel held Saturday .afternoon.
17th lust. t;wing to stormy weather,
only small attendance. A. 115. Sweet -
00 ,vas Chairman and T. Ratcliffe,
Secretary. After adoption of minutes
and reports, the following business
wa-, 11111)141(10011 Holding ofa Spring
Feil lett in the ]rands of Director's.
.i. field crop eompetition will be enter-
ed iotas and, oats the crop selected,
entry fee to be $l, Prize list on
horses acrd cattle to be revised, not
to exceed a total increase of 50 per
cent, in each case on the present
amounts offerees, John Cowan and
Ivy Snaith were appointed to inter-
view' Young Coulter and Geo. Gordon
with view of ascertaining feasibility
of securing land for use of Society.
Dates of Fall Fair for 1920, Monday
and Tuesday, Sept, 20 and 21. Mr,
Ratcliffe who has been the Sec..Treas.
for a member of yeare and proved to
be very efficient and oblidging, re-
signed thepositionand it was lefb to
the President anis 1st. vice President,
to secure nue at. a salary of $75. 10
was requested that each director 6e -
Mire a8 many new 1110111he19 las p0e-
Scottish Concert
Murdison, the famous: Scottish Com-
edian is making an Eastern Canada
tour, and is booked to appear in Bins-
seas of the evening of Feb,
orchestra, Prof. I. T. Cowell, ing-
ham,organist and leaderof St. An-
dre's Presbyterian Thur
ch choir, is
responsible for this world famous
Comedian appearing in a number of
the towns in Western Ontario,
Professor Cowel, melee whose patron-
age the Concert will appear here, is a
Veteran of the war, having enlisted in
Whitehall', leaving a wife and family
to g' mid fight the Germans in their
vain attempt to gain the world power.
Pref. Cowell, is to be „ongratalated
on hie enterprise and deserves the
plattotagt of every citizen on the
,'0;1111 0 of February Intl.
1ltodton,'the halal MoKie, Scottish
Comedian; 0.n: tabsolu:ely to seream, (lean,
is the ct'itici-an of the Prince Albert,
Herald. and the Leadereays, he took
Regina by sto) in. At Buffalo N. Y.
he again tool. She city ley Storer. The
r,neption which Mr. Murdison receiv-
ed and the e111.00'014 wi.1I'
Ch he was asks
ed to respond to, is sufficient to re-
commend his gift 00 as an entertainer.
His portrayal of the "Rollicking
'ice ” together erthe
L „ 1 with numsrous
b' ouish krises, made a great impres-
sion on Otto vast audience. This will
be oho ono big treat of the season and
citizens should arrange at 00100 to se-
cure a V' seat. lie
t will be snpported Orte
d b
orchestra and
able sts tff
0 entertain-
ers. The, admission has been placed
at 115 cents, reserved seats 50 cents, on
sale at Pox's Drug state.
Huron Co. --Goo. 0. Petty,
Perth Co, -.J. '4
t W. McCallum,
Bruce Cn.--'D, D. McDonald.
Wellington Co.--Jno, Campbell,
Middlesex Co. -Thos. Clark.
4110 Division Cou,t Friday of this
week, owing to postponement owing to
snow blockade,
Boson OF DATES. --
Fall Firs' Convention, Toronto, Feb.
Hortionl0ural Convention, Toronto,
Feb. 5 & 6.
Mei dlse n Concert, Iirnssois, Feb. z.
Illustrated Lecture, Melville chareh,
Feb, 3,
Leap Year Skate, lirussolsrink Feb. 4.
i0'lorentiue Musicians, Brussels, Mar, 3,
Test Huron Fall10ai0', Br'usseis, Sept,
14 at (5,