HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-1-22, Page 7JOY -TIME FOR ARE YOU WEAK STAMP -COLLECTOR AND RUN DOWN ? THOUSANDS OF NEW IS- In This Condition Only a Tenic SUES. Medieine Can Renew Your Health. Many Already Valuable Bring Joy to the Philatelist's Heart.' • One thousand and fifty dollen was paid at a London auction for the tint postage stamp of the Trans -atlantic airmail, presented by Hawker and Al- cock for the benefit of a marine chari- ty In Newfoundland. Here, of course, Is a relic of unique historic signifies 0.11.00, But all the new amps at our day are pictured history, Most of them are epecially designed -like those of Mucha, a Czech artist, Who shows a head of President alasaryk, the black- smith ruler of Bohemia. Many of the stamps are old issues, often "sur- charged" or "overprinted" by invader and new masters -like the Greeks In Asia Minor, the Roumanians M (Hun- garleur Trausylvania, the 'Ukrainians in Galicia, and the Italians in the much -disputed Dalmatian ports -es- pecially D'Annunzio's "Faithful Clty" a Fiume. In some cases, tho existing stamps have been so bastily altered that "ele rors" have arisen, and the Issue has, in consequence, been withdrawn, at - ter a very few exemples have been overprinted. It Is these which so of- ten become the colleetor's album prizes. Sometimes they are worth very large sures indeed, A one -cent "er- ror" of the British Guiana (1856) has made as much tia $1,250 in the sale, room. And a pair of the rarest of the French --the one-frano orange -vermil- lion of 1M -fetched, under the ham- mer, $2,800. This stamp was with- drawn. after less than a year's uso, owing Lo the confusion resulting Loom a etventneentime statup of the eatne eater. Invaluable Collections. Ceilleerions like those of Xing George and the Kieg of Spain are of inter- national freportanee. That of Ills Bra Gob. 'Majesty is en large and valuable as to call for a specie' teenager, in the pereon of E. D. Bacon, of the Royal Philatelle Society. To -clay strimp-eolleetore the world over - young and cad, rich and poor, of both sexee- are having the time or their Ilves. For never. surely, was there such a, flood of new stamps front new States, ,sr emit( a tide of fieakieh le - sue, and level mitheshifte. I 'wow a soldier who brought hack sre a seen, of "British Occupation of llag- dad" etanips, and made $110 each on them. He paid Met $1.85 for the lot. le the peer year nearly three thous - Ml new stamps have been poured out liy alt eatieng, from Ireland to Ethio- pia, The Cain Fein "Republic" has its ewer James; the rarest of these were seized by political officers at the fitorming of Liberty Hall, In the Re- bellion of 1910, •Poland lute portraits of Paderewski and Pilsudeki on her new national stemma to balance the rival claims of statesman and soldier in tbe State's regenertillen. Tile Republic of Es- thonia favor:, a design of birds wing- ing up out of a stormy sea. German Austria hoe a new series by the artist Josef Renner, Ceoelta-Siovakia stamps ▪ bear the head of Thomas Maearyk, the new president, whose career of ad- venture and persecution, from his blacksmith days until now, is as lurid a record as anything in a boy's book. This state, by the way, has separate issues for Bosnia, Croatia, Slavonia, and Dalmatia, since the "farallr or racial feeling 10 these provincee is still very strong, Some Freakish issues. Armenia, Georgia, and the unheard- of Republics of Ararat and Azerbaijan all tell exuberant tales of freedom in colored "eeraps of paper," whioh are now keenly sought by colleetors iti Western. Europe. As for invaders' stamps, these are either special aro- pageants. issues• -like those of the Italians in Fiume -or else overprints upon local stamps, often with the money value altered. Thus the Greeks -issued Turkish stamps in ABM Minor bearing the words, "Hellenic Occupation," .The .,King of the Hodjaz ordered new frtamps with his own portrait and that if the Emir Vague who played so ime portant a part in the Arab liberation. Serbianissues show the rising sun of a new day, and there are similar "cele- bration" issues by famous cities like Liege and Dentate. ' Very rare and valuable aro the freakish stamps produced by the West Ukraine Goverement, when their over- mitger forces invaded Austrian Galatia. Evon Schleswig has a new stinnp, This marke the occupation of a plebiscite that WAS to decide the future political destiny or a State, which German Macht wrenched away from Denmark In the sixties. Staunoh to the Eight Hours. Reilly• -"You'll be sorry to hear that Pat Donovan wee demented yester- day." Dooley -."But I thought he was a good swimmer." Reilly' --"Yes, hut he was a eintinall 1101011 men. IM Mani for eight hones; Lion gave it up --on principle." Work along the grain of the wood hen staining More The condition of being "run down" Is one that doctors do not recognize as u disease. Tho physician of. Lo -day who gets his training in a hospital where only severe disorders are en- countered knows little about it, But those who are run down he health know that It is not a fancied affliction. The expression "run clown" merited to health, meatus a condition in which all Lite bodily functions aro enfeebled, Appetite fails, the digestion is im- paired, the nerves are linpoverished, the complexion becomes pale or waxy, there is no animation, but rather worry and mental depreseion. Fatigue is a constant symptom. No particular organ being affected, you must look for relief to the blood. As it circulates through every part of the body, any improvement in the condition of the blood is quickly belt throughout the entire system, As a restorer of the blood and builder of weak nerves Dr. Williams' Pink Pills stand at the head of all tonin medicines. Every dose of those pills helps to enrich the blood and. strengthen the nerves, and time the various organs regain their tone and the body recovers its full vigor. Ample proof 'of this is given in the statement of Mr. William Trevino, Ger- rard Street East, Torouto, who says: "Two years ago width employed as a conductor on the Toronto Street Rail- way, 1 became much run dowu. I consulted a doctor who gave me medi- cine, but it proved fruitless, as I was constantly growing weaker, My ap- petite completely tailed and. I tell aneay in weight until I only weighed as pounds. I was sometimes taken with fainting spells, and finally felt compelled to resign mY Posittell• tried what I thought was lighter work, but with no better results. I was growing weaker and weaker. Ono day a churn urged me to try Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills, but by this time 1 was heartily tired of medicine, as nothing I luta taken did rue ally good. Finally ho bought me a box of the Pills, and 1 eould no longer rause to try Own. After a time I felt they were helping me and then 0 gladly continued their use, with the result that I was finally enabled be go hack to nie- old position fully restored to beanie I osve this splendid condition to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and eau strongly recom- mend them to anyone suffering as did." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eau be ob- tattled through any medicine dealer, or may be had by mail, post paid, at MI cent:, a box or six boxes for 89.10 from the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Beeckilille, Ont, The Rainbow's Sound. Incredible eget may ecan, a beetle of light can be made to produce eound. A ray of sunshine Is thrown through a lops 011 to a glass vessel containing lampblack colored silk or worsted, or any 11110 substance. A disk 'teeing slits or openings cut in it is made to revolve swiftly in this beam of light, so as to "cut it up," tines causing alter. nate flashes of Lhglut and sitatlow. When one places his ear to the glass vessel lie hears strange smuts SO long as the flashing beam falls upon the vessel. A still more extraordinary efCeet is produced when the beam at sunlight Is made to pass through a prism so as to produce what is called the solar spectrum. The disk is turned and the colored light of the rainbow is made to break through It. Now if the ear be placed to the vessel containing tile stilt or other material, as the colored lights of the epectrum fall npdu it, Bounds will be given out by the dif- ferent parts of the epectrom, and there wilt be silence in other parts, For instance, If the vessel contains rod worsted and the green light Bash- es upon ,11, loud sounds will be given forth. Only feeble eounde will be heard when the rod and the blue parts of the rainbow fall upon the yes- sel. Other colors will produce no sounds at all, Green silk gives out sound best in a red light. Every kind of material gives more or less sound in different colors aad no sound at all in °there. We must be doing something to be happy -action is no less necessary to us than thought.--ailazlitt. FASHIONABLE GOWNS 9261 5291-9145 9276 No. 926t -Ladles' Dress, Price, 2' cents. With vest; with or withou peplum; three-piece skirt, instep o shorter length. Cut in 8 sizes, 34 t 48 inch bust. Size 311, with peplum 41a yards. 42 inches wide, or 2% yards, 54 invites wide; without pep Luna 3% yards, 49 inches wide, or 21,a yards, 54 inches wide; vest, % yard 18 inches wide. Width around bot- tom, I% yard. No. 8291 -Misses' Middy Blouse Price, '20 cents. Suitable for smal women; with or without turned -u cuff at lower edge. Cut in 3 sizes 16 to 20 years, Size 16, without cuff 2$e yards, 32 ,inehes wide, or 2 yards 36 inches wide; with cuff, 2% yard 32 inches wide, or 2ee yards, 36 incite wide. scNATICA Would you he rid or that sickening peso that sharp galte-llgeMrtist al.ong the selatic nervo.course at every movement? Thoti- sands /aave found leeting roller In Templeton's • Rheumatic Capsules Many doctors prescribe Wrlte tnem. Ternpletons, 140 King St. w., Toronto, for Iree sample. Sold by reliable druggists everywhere for 81.1(4. ASTHMA 14 Ternpleton's RAZ -MAH Cap- sules are guaranteed to relieve AS T 1-1 MA. Don't suffer an- other day. 'Write Tompletons, 11211ing St. W., Toronto, for free:sample. Reliable druggists sell them at $1.04 0008. The W.ong Pipe, 11,414 41.144, !qv. rho trv'iiv: e • a:.; for ;lie net:Jive. trr oluttli-1. 141,1 t4..or.',•,. .114,1 01110. TO. thi:„ tidd of a itl"xly titan ieil dale's i.oltege I/1 CI ,1111.11111 ;It fc4/1 111,E 1,11.0 1 1!.11:4., 111 tic, 114,111. :•:-/Ivc, plete L,alisftelion, flat cite • the leviburel reiiirted rrne, inv,1 iiNgs re water niti- Writ 1.40111, 1.114 WUro 11;,- • !at ,• WU*. "W11:, 11i1111'1 lei;einer ii;; pipe Up? tee ; .1.•,:• • de it in a In:Winne,' (1,4,411' .01 ded 4,8 d ; lie: 4)41 1,141 p.1. ICI Cc, c 11'441111 c.4. 1,1.. 1 ..0144.. • 10.:; Iviru •At Illc, '1.14.00irJ‘ ' 41.1• ))4' gtttit• 4411 the eete, .or ping." il.. ,114. tor a I v- "iFff If CI ATICilrIPP) t Decorated by Both Sides. I It, ,,, r e One of the leading generals of Emir ' " Iseisars Arabian army is named Jae- ' BABY'S TIN I A irg F''S. , ,4., v, . .„--itL ' far, says a contributor to the Red I Cross Magazine. He is a huge Arab, Who rides a tremendous horse, and In the early days of the war he cum- , maucled a division that played havoc. with the British at Gallipoli. For this the Germans gave him the Iron Cross • and sent him to command the Senussi 1in Egypt, where one day the Dorset P Yeomanry eut through his troops and • captured the great Jaafar himself. a When he had been a prisoner at Cairo for eight months, Emil Feisal, 8, the Arab, decided to join the Allies, a, and Tearer begged the British to re- lease him end let him fight in Felsal's army, The plea was granted, and Jae- -I far fought as valiantly on the side of . the men whom he had opposed at • Gallipoli that the British gave him • the Cross of St. Michael and St. George, "I've thrown my Iron Cross a away," he said, when he Was awarded the British decoration. No. .142 -Ladies Dress. Price, 25 cents. Two styles of sleeve; collar less or with standing collar; one-piece straight skirt; 39 or 37 -inch length Gut in 8 sizes, 34 to 48 inches bust Size 36, with collar, dart sieves., 39 - inch length, 3% yards 40 inches wide or 2% yards, 54 inches wide; without collar, with bell sleeves, 314 yards, 40 inches wide, or 9% yard, 54 inches wide, Width, 1% yards. No. 9276-alimmes' Dress. Price, 25 Cents. Suitable for small women; with or nailed shirred Moque and vestee; Iwo styles of eleeve; four: - piece skirt with draped sides. Cut in 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 111 requires 8V,‘ yards, 64 inches wide; vestee, iiiryard, 18 inches wide. Width, I% yards. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co.. 70 Bond St., Te- rmite, Dept. W. The Landsman Afloat. Speaking at a dinner hi New York, Adm. Sims said some amusing things about the Turkish navy. "Wean° wonder," said he, "that the Turks failed to do muell on the writer in the war, The Turks were never a maritime people. The story goes, in fact, that when they' came to Set up a navy in Tarkey they were very much embarrassed by the lack of naval words in their language. They had no word for mainsail, no word for fore -topgallant, and so on. To get over the difficulty the Turks tied such things as vegetables to the die- ferent sails and twee, and the men learned their duties to such com- mands as: " 'Hoist the potatoi' Vow, then, my hearties, let go the tomato with a Willi' 'All hands aloft to reef the beef- steak!' " How to Do IL The °Mee boy came into the °Mee, hat on head, and slamming the door behind him, said abruptly, "Can I 'ave the 'ale day off to go to a football match, stivator7" "That's not the way 10 come In," said the boss. "Now, you take my seat, aud 011 show you the 'way you should enter," The boss went outside, and on com- ing in, again closed the door quietly, and in a meek voice, said, "Please, sir, may I have the afternoon off in order to go and see a football match?" "Yes," retorted the boy, "and here's a quarter to spendP The nut trees of the world, it is calculated, could provide food all the year round for the population of the. globe. -11 WY- rrnes......m.....monimmorlaamemonnosenc* Nacre QpriCAfr In The Cup 51 -the healthful table bever ge now used so much by former tea and coffee drinkers. Are Theres a Reason • Build UP Your Bodily Resistance, 1. Sleep with at letiA one window open in your bedroom all the year round. I 2, Eat !meas. of good, wholeeenne food. 3. Never allow yourself to become more tired by staying up late after a i hard day; make up for it by going to bed early. Mrs. A. Doc/lard, 1,a Peneenteclon, Que., Imr1Ie51: have Baby's I Own Tablets for my baby and ant well satisfied with them. I have reimm- mended them to several of my broods who have also 1.18U341 them with ficial regultg." The Tablets are a I mild but thorough laxative which ve- gulale the stomach and bowels aud thus Provo of benefit In cases of indi. gestion, constipation, eerie, colds, etc. They are sold by inedieine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box front The ; Dr. Williaine' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Alarm Wrist Watch. With an alarm wrist watch is sup- plied an electric battery to awaken a sleeper at a designated time by send- ing a current through and warming a strip of metal on his mete 1111merd's Linisneut Cures Distemper, Lots of land and big muscles will pay, but less land and plenty of active brains may pay better. Teach the chlairen to remove their overshoes before entering the house. Have them spread a paper down by the stove to set them on. It will save a tired mother mum unneces- sary ecrubbing. If you are In good health, if your resisting power is good, the germs. disease ere less likely to harm yuu. Nothing help8 to build up the resist- ing 9018 51' Su Much as proper fool, plenty of sleep, and pare, fresh air. alinard's Liniment Co., Limited. Sirs, -I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT for the past 25 Years and whilst I have occasionally used other linimente I can treaty say that I have never used any equal to youre. If rubbed between the hands and inhaled frequently, it will never fail to relieve cold in the head in 24 hours. It is also the Best for bruises, sprains, etc. Yours truly, J. G. LESLIE. Dartmouth, Britain's Newest Sea Giant, 10,15.8. Hood has Just left the Clyde, says a London despatch. She will re- place the Queen Elizabeth as flagship of the Atlantic fleet. Possibly the new Hood will be the last other kind; it is certain ne, other will be delivered in the next four years. The giant vessel, held officially to be a perfect blend of battleship and battle cruiser, represents the naval architect's idea of a practical realize - titer of an Ideal lighting ship. She em- bodies all the lessons of the war. She Is 860 feet long, with a displacement of 41,200 tons, has a horsepower of 144,000 and a designed speed of 31 knots. Her main armament consiste of eight 15 inch guns and her secorid- ary armament of twelve 5.5 inch and four 4 inch anti-aircraft gang. Her full load of oil fuel is 4,000 tons. A "blister" renders her unsinkable by any existing torpedo. When com- pleted for sea the Hood will have cost $30,000,000, and the annuab cost of her mainteuance in commission will be $2,5000,000. A Far Journey. The little boy who thought his Dither had gone to heaven because be had gone to Slcye is matched by nn aged cottage body of whom the Lon- don Morning Post tells, One 1110111 - Ing the old lady asked the Post's 0or. respondent, who lodged with her, 11 11 was far to Russlia. Ine said some 01 11 was much farther away than other parts and asked -why she wanted to (mow. She said that they had sent .her son --a fisherman who had Jollied the navY-there, and that she would never eee him again, and with that she tell to sobbing. Her lodger did his best to Comfort her and told he that people came back from 11.11f1Sla es they did from other foreign parts, "Not from where they've sent him," she said. "I shall never see him again, ant nll earth," "But -why?" "They've sent bile." said elle. "to the Arcinangele." Tissue paper, crumbled, 15 excellent et po'iething mirrors. Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares otic Because style decrees that women crowd and buckle up their tender toes in high heel footwear they suffer from corns, then they cut and trim at these painful pests which merely makes 'the corn grow hard. This suicidal habit may cause lockjaw and women are warned to stop it. A few drops of a drug called frcez. one applied directly upon a sore corn gives quick relief and soon the entire cern, root and all, lifts out without pain. Ask the drug store man tor a Quarter of an ounce of freezone, which costs very little but is sufficient to re. move every hard or soft corn or Callus from one's feet. Thie drug is an ether compound and dries in a moment and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding tissue or skin. Clip this out and pin on your wite'e dresser. \ Danger -- Colds and more serious complaints aro \ contracted in mean weather, Lag...oteeted.Take 14 from the first sniffle or sneeze. Stop it in One and do not gamble with your health. Used over 60 years In treating coughs, colds and allied COMP14.111t5, everybody buy. the Lame SIxo (41 Monfreof D. WATSON &CO.,New York ikuugausuugummuulv: WHEN NE BAH ATTACKS NERVES Sloan's Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pain A little, applied (1 4(7)01(5 rubbing, wilt penetrate, imcnediately and rest and soothe the nerves. Sloan's Liniment is very effectiVa in Allaying external pains, etvaitice, bruises, aches, still joints/ sore muse clest lumbago, neuritis, rhea - m(1110 twinges. Keep a big, bottle always on hand for family use, Made in Canada. Druggists everywhete. fffic., 700., e1.10. ISOUE No. 4--'20. ARriiiS'Ilf.:,E1 !I i. t. 4 . 4 c"..olis;i1n.tecn, iiienee, ,.1te, ;(oda, 1.10.1;,....•.;.,5...., :,...;;:it. ; 1 . render to `'(.....e,..,.er,e..," Ion ............0.4....,4......6..11..........0. f ....... 41,,,..............1 1i11.,1 V. '.1.).. ii 01'1 .111i tiet,e1 ,11).,,,r, e.(1,1t l',,,,•.u... ;i•iir ••!,..i, -,,lilie.,•. 11 I.CIIII0,1. 111,...,1, yol, ./.."II ;c) Icilhc, ,c.1.1. !..c.,),4 ccc..cc cc.i.I./itw 1114 lici "lg. t.H.,....•, t.,!,j 0,),!.. 1,',41 ,,;,4; ,1-0): ),),1. :'1,, 14•4..,:.11,1 ,,Itt;1)-, C*11:',•..."..1. ' •.,..• 4,.•cI: 11•ccy II,1 4'. ''01 I,rtccic"c..'• '..I. 1/04•10.I....11C1•• `i•Iii-;„ iii.v-..,e- ,,,,...1,ni :IccIl 111... V8ic.lIi. ....'...111,;, 1/II c4.' 11.-..1v 11:.iiI:-.1 1TI.'. '11,•.y ',, 1 1,r4 • DI:- tr,, C.',............,:.,, :,uk .•,-,,,,f,• y .rp -'"11 ...- . - ..,-...----........ - Dire Safe, 1170.11 4. et .. t 'Mee :14Y, ,11' 1 10.1 111110(411011tut! ,'11eation 111 1,, eete.1 epi., ,it;.h 04, 1i,, to,, ,nik 4; asrat iti at liablIty, b 5 tleinrit:..trAttie the ec.onomic Meg to the community elion, through 0.0 accident is inealvieitateif and unable to c. on his work. 511 the cutin of bin. 11.111 to the earning Flap?. le waste.!, 4101 hr. atrt)111 botoatt/tH a burden on eociete. MONEY ORDERS. Elerd a Dominion 140141144444Money Order. They are payable everywhere. Cape to Cairo R'ilroad. , The first time table prepared for the Cape-to-Calro railroad in Africa shovier that the 6,011 -mile journey the !length of the continent can be made In front 59%. to 62 days, =nerd.* Liniment Cur es Ga31tet Oovre. Lessens Alr Resistance. Gaeoline cars on an Australian rail- way have wedge•ahaped ends, it hav- ing been found that the air resistance to the old type cars caused the use of 40 per cent. more fuel. DOUBLE BEAUTY OF YOUR HAIR "Danderine" creates mass of thick, gleamy waves 71 • • In a tow momenta yen can 0(18418' form your plain, dull, flat hair. You can have it abundant. eon-, glossy and full of life. Just get at any drug or toilet coeuter a small bottle of 'Dan - Maine" for a few cents. Then moisten a soft cloth with the "DanclerIne" and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. Instantly, fes, Immediately, you have doubled the beauty of your hair. 01 will be a mass, so soft, lustrous and 80 eau to do up. All dust, dirt and exceseive 011 is removed. Let Danderine put more life, color, vigor, and. brightness ia Your hair. This stimulating tonic will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and falling hair and help your hair to grow long, thick, strong and beautiful. .“ 4.14 74 • 0:4 W.-,,NTINCi 111 ,4 :' 1,';-tow#e8 . 44 fur rittakalle‘ 4 44 n"4 il-leit.wha Ara, 'go. 100141 1113345 11s: BRUM P , eam onpertunity. writs • .‘etctice,rnriiti,,IntecT., 1.4intted., leise len 321 141) NEWlif'AliP111, l,1:11:;,..!0'14Tottheagrt12114"01i,10S5."weetril .11'1U,g TijolVyLtscal.l.e.Werjrnxte. 82. MOSORLX.A.NEOtTri. 1 4: ;44 ,51,'IA 1'11;141z:11:e b 18 001!It4.1 14,' v3.11?lin,2%17mries'01.11"ttr.ji'g. 4", D. In erutos or boxes. Albert 048 Ineelsa Weet. Toronto. 41.1Z12(101st;. 3151141.11Woltrtel!fi5Teiritl you -what price/ 1).4.1 It/ Ont. Pliitet,IN 810010 WANTED. 111' 11085i v..., are able in supply, advise us. 0.8 we • w1-11 pay the high-ist prices, dry or green .11,111 the sant. Keenan Bros.. Limited, ro tint, dr I ANtIlt. u1(.% LEM I'S. ET(., internal and external, cured without Pain by our bane treatment. Write ell bei -”re too late Dr. liellman bledical 1.imited. raillingwond. tint. 4 - 11111811 441)441121' 14.,T 140' 4.413 01111.1;1 111115 tt..rttlrtgtiltoW 1 (11.1,114 101 1.1,4 rtr for yoU is per. triarwt.t 1,4101 444,41 1.11111 pies t :rt.:1111Pd kttotrtt) tv't ean,o)toitig. Write to -day or enil at our „Judie. l!renna it $1..ow (lard 1.1!..,11em, 33 4!,4111e CI4c11,,gti ty..,1-„04o; open evenings. Dept. T. "641 -die UF HGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove polo sons from little stomach, liver and bowels 41±' Accept "California .ortnp Of rigs Only -100k for the name Calieornis, on the package, then you are sera your child is having the beet and most harmless laxative 00 ;Ms Ai,' for the little sternach, live, and bowels. Chinn ran love its delicious fruity taeee. Fall directione for child's dose ou each I bottle. Give it without fear. i Mother! Yea meet say "California." Amerlea's rioneer Dog Remedies Boo], on DOG DISEASES and How 10 Weed Mailed Free to any AA. dress by the Author. 10, May Gloves ON% Mlle. 118 West 3151 litre.tt New Took, 11.8.8. Cuticula Ointment Lo So Good For The Skin For eczemas. rashea, pimples, irri- tations, itchings, chafings and dan- druff an scalp, as well as for nuts, wounds, bruises and bites and stings of insects, Cuticura Ointment istruly wonderful. It is so soothing and healing, especially when assisted by Cuticura Soap. First bathe the af- fected parts with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Dry gently and anoint with Cuticura Ointment. This treat- ment is best on rising and retiring. Soap gge, Ointment 28 end Mo. Sold throtishouttheDominion, CanadiseDepot proitad, 58. Peel St., Montreal. tiouraSoapslowes • ONLY TABLETS TABLETS ARKED "BAYER" AE ASPIRIN! Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" 48,0 --Wseeitaeaneeedeneeeeelej (A\nosa •pAY 1 1 eaaneentertegentee.eateateliit Tho tante "Bayer" 11 eititiee the eenteine peeper diree(lon% for Cards, only genuine nepirim-the Aspirin Heed:who, Temthaelm, Neu- preeeribed liy pliyeielaue for over nine- minis, :Lumbago, kilientriatisra, Nenri. tren years and IOW made ni Denada. tie, Joint Paine, and Pain generally. Alwaye bey en unbrokelt vielcarm boxes of 1'3 tablete cleat huh of "13eyer Tablets e.1 Aspirin' Wiiieli a few ciente. Larger "Bayer" pactages, There is only one Aomilriire-e"Bayer"eeTott tenet lay "Breyer" anerin to tho 54,%,. 1,011 terelaterea Oftntls) of 'flavor Mitnntoolmoo id,mo- arertraoldestur ot eat.e4'Ittote14. 111/1111.. 11 TO won Inittalz tbItt. Mtptrip ploomq trtanufneture, 54(44i01 tue nubile spinet Indietions, the Tohlots of Da.ror Contottast, WIU bo otatapett with rear 5441t004.1 trado mince 4113 Atte nrees."