HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-1-22, Page 1VOL. 48 NO. 30 $1.5o Per A 7111101 in Advance
W. H. KERR, .Frofirietor
1 I, rn11n (feffiai"
Iii,iil(111ililiTllGIISaTl I1iffPt 1 »Dar=Qi
Invite Far
-. aers' Accounts
Our service e to farmers is as com-
I)'-2te as 87 years of growth and know-
e of Canada's agricultural con-
dition can make it.
We -collect or discount sale notes,
cash produce cheques -by mail when
desired -and make advances to re-
sponsible farmers.
We extend courteous, friendly ser-
vice to our farmer customers at all times.
Bank of Nova Scot
Pold-up Capital - -; 9,700,000
Reserve Pund - - 18,000,000
Resources • - - - 220,000,000
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
Concert -M urdteon.
aowe for sale -Jae. Rea.
t'wning-. W..T. McCracken.
Applications--TwVp. of Gray.
A notion Salo -0. B. Moffatt.
Word for sale -Mrs. Fraliok.
)„r ,+al:.- Gordon McDonald.
Au.••t,,a sale -Win. A. Barron.
We. 1,la• .torn news-,1an,es Fox.
A to.; versary-Dlcncrleff Church,
7:a.1 contract -Chas. E. H. Fisher.
Principal Advantages -N. W. Love,
Make yenr stook pay-P.R. Smith.
Iner.•,sing rates -James Henderson,
] istrict .etas
Anniversary services of Knox
church will be held on Sunday, Feb.
1st, at 2.80 and 7 p. in. On the follow-
. ing everting an illustrated Lecture,
entitled, "The war and our Allies," by
Rev, Mr. Moffatt. A choice lot of
views will be shown. See bills for
further particulars.
Ati old friend and neighbot passed
away on January 13th, 1020, at her
late residence, 2222 Queen street, East,
Toronto, in the person of Mrs. Jane
Walker, (Jeanie), widow of Wm.
Walker. who predeceased her almost
34 years ago. The late Mrs. Walker
was born in Wallace near Molesworth,
on Oct, 81h, 1859, and spent the great-
er part of het life in that locality.
She was married to the late Wm.
Walker in June 1884 and one daught-
er, Mts. R. J. Davies, (Agnes,) sur-
vives her. Mrs. Walker moved to
Brussels and afterwaids to Ethel in
1001 where they lived till 1909, when
Farmers with Sales Notes will be well advised to
turn them over to this Bank for collection.
The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak-
ing presentation, and payments will be credited to
your account promptly. SSA
Sales Notes supplied without charge.
;AID -UP CAPITAL - - $1 5,000,000
;..i?SERVE FUND - - $15,000,000
T,TON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager.
Principal al Advanta es
P g
let -It will play any Record.
Do not
deliberately buy any Machine which
will only play a part of the available
store of music.)
2n0-McLagen Phonographs are 110pies
of beautiful old Furniture and yet
they 0001 no more than ordinary
3rd -Yon can regulate the volume of
• 41h -The McLagan Phonograph is equip -
ed with the McLagan Fletcher Reproducer which brings out details
not obtainable in ordinary ljteproduoero.
Accept this as a cordial invitation front
to hear and insect the Aristocrat of Phonographs
they moved to Toronto whet their
home h10e been till the Heine of her
death, Besides her daughter, 0 sietet'e
and 3 brothers survive ---Mrs, P. M.
Stewart, who at 1110000( is here from
Edmonton on n visitMrs. S, C.
Sangster, Mnleswortli ; Airs. 1t, A.
'1'honlpson,',Newel t MPH. 'l'. 1), 101'
14U1' 10101 7l]'n. Wm. Plot once, Edmon-
ton, being the sisto, s and A, 51. Pat-
terson, I3raull'ord ; Jame.; lit own, Ed-
monton, and (leo. Brown, Moles-
worth,the blotI
e1.s Panel t
l se-
verwere held at her home in Torun:
to and 9l Andrews church, Moles-
worth Interment uses made in
Molesworth cemetery.
Mee. Jon, Mulvey visited friends at
Loran last we.•k.
Mrs, A. Fitch byent 1 tet week visit-
ing het. parents at \VitlgbanL
Mrs. Fred, FIyndtuan, Gorrie, spent
the week end with her parents here,
Mee. Jun, Abraham is holding an
Auction Sale of Farm '.Cork and it0-
plemente, Th 1! 001(0)', ;in u. 22,
The Foresters held their annual
oyster eupper at the home of Alex,
Stewnt't, 17th Onn., 'Tneeday night.
All report a good time.
At the anti unl sleeting of the
Wroxeter Telephone Oo, on \Vednes-
nesclay areangentents were made to
have connection with South Bruce 00.
It will be quite a long felt con-
DIED. -One by one the pioneers are
passing on to 1110ie heavenly rest.
Friday morning last, one of the old-
est and most highly respected real -
dents, passed away in the person of
Janet Patterson, beloved wife of Jo-
seph Murray, at the ripe age of 90
years. Deceased had been in declin-
ing health for some time but the end
Dante very nnexpeetecliy, pneumonia
setting in. Mrs, Murray was born at
Loudon Hill, Ayr, Scotland in 1881,
coming to Canada 25 years after.
She settled in the township of liowink
of which she was a resident tot the
time of her death. Deceased was n
loving wife, kind mother and always
a friend to help those 111 need. De-
ceased leaves to Mourn her loss, her
husband, 5 daughters and 1 son, who
are :-Mrs, S. J. Nichol, Regina,
Sask. ; blrs, Jas. Elliott, Arden,
Man. ; Mee. Wm. Milne, North Bay ;
Mrs. David, Liviugston, Teeswater ;
Mrs, Wan. Irwin, Belmore ; and D. J.
Weir, Teeswater. Deceased teas a
member of Belmore Methodist church.
The funeral was held to Wroxeter
cemetery, Monday afternoon. Rev. F.
Stride, assisted by Rev. R. N. D. Sin-
clair conducted the services at the
house and grave.
HER REWARD. -The people of Trow-
bridge and vicinity feel most keenly
the passing Wednesday morning of
Miss Jennie Oosens, second daughter
of Charles Cozens, of the village, in
iter 54th year, following confinement
to her bed with heart trouble since
October last. Mies Oo.ens was a gen-
eral favorite in the village. There
was none held in higher esteem.' She
was ever pleasant, kind and thought-
ful. These and other admirable quali-
ties greatly endeared her to the folk of
the community where she had resided
and where her influence, particularly
in church work, has been a great fac-
tor for good. Trowbridge people will
mise greatly her helping hand and the
sunshine of her presence. Ever since
she was a little girl Miss Cosens has
been faithful, energetic and effective
in those activities that make for the
betterment of the life of the com-
munity. Foe many years site was an
efficient teacher in the Methodist Sun-
day school and Since a girl just in her
teens, has been to the time of her ill -
1108S, a member of the choir. 810 .was,
also for many yew s President of the
Epworth League Society anti it is to
her credit that during her term of
ntfilce the Trowbridge Epworth
League was the taunter League of the
Car Royal Household Hour
Car Good Feed Corn
Car No, 1 White Feed Oats
Order early.
W. J. McCracken
Business od
e••1.•+a••1.••1•,.•s••1•+44•a4.r•ra,l,..•leeeetee'I' I
y Services l 'a
F Anniversary ,
'4F• r
Having disposed of my Butcher
business to 1MIr, Cloward Bolger, of
Walton, I wish to Heartily thank
my numerous customers for their
support and at the same time to
recommend Mr. Bolger to them,
He will be with me daring Febru-
ary to got acquainted with the
people anti gets possession Meech
1st.pp�� B. Yl,N 1.^a es, a pq,
D. B. 1- scIL.+•O1WALf ..
Having sold my business I wish to
have all outstanding accounts in by
end of the month,
Sabbath, February 1st
The Anniverst11 y Services 1l'
Knox ()buret), ilonr.rieff, will be
conducted on
•i- at 2 311 and 7 p, In. by
• Rev. Mr Moffatt, Millbank
•; Special 1111811• by Choir.
• Special (Meting.
• F• ine Illustrated lecture
•3 Monday evening (meowing, tit 8
d1, .• ,'hock, Sub1 err. ; "The Woe a.
,l. told Our Allies." Rev, Mr, ,1101'-
•1- fate is well worth hearing and .
i'1*- the many views are fine. _
Tickets 25 and 1S Cents
• Be Sure end Attend the Anniversary +
44• +++++++ +.H.
Stratfoatl Distrint. Beceuee of the
great affection felt fnr her, the funer-
alon Sunday Wass in charge of her
pastor, Rev. \Vm. Sterling and was
largely attended, There was a priv-
ate service at the house followed
by a public service in the chntch tot
1,80. Interment was made in Fair-
view cemetery, Listowel, Morning
service and the Sunday Srhonl was
withdrawn. Besides her aoged and
venerable father, one of the 0010-
mnnity's earliest pioneers and splen-
did stalwarts, Miss Omen. is suevit'-
ed by 4 sisters and to brother : Miss
Emma 0080110 at home ; MI's. lineeh-
tel and Mrs, McCrae, Dnrlttuit ; Mee.
(Rev.) A. 0. Tiffin, \Vntfoad ; and
Rev. T. Wesley Cosene, Cornwall.
Mrs, Oosens passed away in 1908.
Mrs. M. McLennan bas returned
from a holiday in Toronto.
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather on Sunday the services in
Presbyterian chinch in the everting
and Anglican in the afternoon were
wi thclrawn,
Robert Black is confined to the
house with a very sore Fane. While
working in the flour mill Tuesday of
hast week a belt broke striking hitt on
the face. While the in ju1.i0s 1109 pain-
ful and necessitated a physician to re-
move the pieces of leather, Mr. Black
deems himself fortunate in escaping
so easily,
Oco'ge Wearying died at 1118 090i -
donee Tuesday afternoon of IAot. week
after a brief illness. Ile !nitrated a
paralytic stroke the previous Friday
from which he never rallied. While
not a robust man his sudden death
came as a shock to the community
and his passing is a distinct Inas tq,the
whole neighborhood, \1o'. Weaning
was in his 55111 year and a native of
England. He carne to this afloat
when achild and spent his early days
near Sunderland. He engaged in
farming there until about 0 years ago,
when with 1110 son, he opened a butch-
er shop in this village. He was an
Active ..icer in the Presbyterian,
church, a man of excellent reputation
and his thoroughness and straight-
forwardness won 111111 many warm
friends. He is survived by his wife, '2
stns, (Arthur, Toronto, and Aldt'ecl,
at, bane) and a daughter, (Mre. Jnn.
Drew, Oannington.) A private Funer-
al Wee held Friday afle'nnol, inter-
ment* taking plane in the \Vrnxetee
enletery, Rev. 0. itholeohn officiated,
Pallbearers were Alex, Gibson, John
Gibse11, John McNaughton, Jas. Al.
Ian, Fred, Davey and D. M. McIntosh.
Miss Pearl 7'hamee is '.Mending a
few days visiting at Unclench.
J'he tveaal.her and bad roads last
Sunray grove the respective nongrega-
tions the bump,
Ladies' Aid of the Melhodiot ebnrch
will sleet et the home of Mrs Duncan
Johnston Tuesday a.fle'nnn') of next
Next Tuesday afternoon will be
0 -Toward Bolger's Aum' ion sale, N;
Lot 2t, Ono 14, McKillop. Sale list in
this hone.
Mission Band will meet. Saturday
afternoon of this week. This closes
the contest tend the Purple side treats
the Gold.
The Farme's' and Women's insti-
tute meetings humped into their usual
01011ny spell of weather on Tuesday
and were cancelled.
Oaving to the storm host Sunday
Rev. Me. Robes (4, 1\lit.ehell, was 110 -
able to get here but will speak in Sl.
Geot'ge's next Snnday instead,
Mrs, Jno. Morrie, who was taken
suddenly i11 at her home, beteg me
001180i005 fol' some time, is gel tilts
along quite nicely and we hope she
will soon enjoy 1100 11011111 'health.
Illustrated Lecture in Duff's nitnrch
Wednesday evening, Feb. 4th, The
Interesting subject will be "Fran
Oape Colony to Cairo" and the lectur-
er will be Rev. Mr, Moffatt, See the
Duncan end M1.s. Johnstonpm
taking 10 well earned holiday in the
early Spring, nothing less than an
ocean voyage to Ireland, the other
British Tslee, llra,oen and Belgium.
A ve'y pleasant time and safe retarn
is the community wish.
1.1100181 ... ,•,',it,: 11' 7to0 toe It .1........144...1.6•. •r•b•tti•id .,^«•d •11 i',.o.o, li0ot,ds thea.appy young coupgle will
will be tacltold11.c lays 1 n, t err., ..i • •t• have for theirhome (srliddeu
2 ::0. Seaairn meet e t.t .+, es .10,010. I
NuL 1L., is c,,'
I. .+ 11 1 ,
11W1/ lop. fl -r 1. 10 1.4, luno
0th, \V1. N,•I,-, n,.• the t, ant,.' lady I-.
this cenitnuuiLy,
An Ansi ion Sale i .un, un,"',1 1,s'
Wu,. A. /Luton, l.'I 1, (1,, 100, 11111
lett totvns11ip, fur mood 0c it ,••, • ,,,
next 100 1'p. ut. 1''. S, Sr. 00 10011 0, ,he
Au,ifooror, list may Is. (erne in thus
David 51cLeart and -.SD', II. gg;
the week end tont, old neighbor, at
Seaforl11. ?'
Wallace Agtu' and Will. Brom 0,0•1.
spent a few days leet week with the .t.
1 t '„oil.
, •nt Mhttl
forme] 's brother, r .1., t 4.
Isobel, the 2k vette old deughle' "1' I
Bicha1'd and Sir-. Alcock, haus been ,i,
setiensly ill with pnru n,,, t,. nod t
br,nl'llitis. We hope the youni, las- X
ait• will be real hearty.
Etiwiu Batee, Toronto, spent hitt
New Years tad a few dots with it i•.
mind tool eauae, ,Vis. NV111 1'', l;
lad Mks :\bre. 111, Iletee is a silo, p.
merchant in the city 1011d it is 1 :0o
years 01098 he was 1191.0.
molo.tzie Shurrto trod \Valtva' 4,
Sharpe, of Bruosels, at tended the t
funeral of Fat tlit1 t \1eCFru9es, nt ••*,
Loeknow, on True -day 101 this week, iI •H
1Ie was a relative. Iii' wife and a lure i t•
family survive, living iu Luckuow to-,
Toren Hall, tyrussels
r ed ty, 1 b0 `LS'sd
The Scottish Coaled'an
TMit 'Thomas mucus one of war twat1• 1.,1, hey oe"prrt ..d r•.e,dentc nI (,)res
d• 111 1,eeA earite :01 Y-e('eittl'yy at h"o
Mane itt itru -t 1 t tubed( tall,' purview
of.,i 1.4111110.l1111r ftp,,. lien wally old
104011), aro, ,and h i"nds hope she will
• ,.,wn l.n ''y hr r 11-1,011 health. Her
+ Ieon, Will ., i.; now living on
, 1.
t ire• l l',orio'+lr 1�l.
t Brussels llorticuitural Society
▪ f 1 u • tu.nnal 101881 tot; of tb, 13rtleael0
Hol ticnitural Society wee held in the
1.1;00rI ,,.'m of the Public Library
1'1111, d+ay 1 vetinp:. t.eudaitce was
7. '
1), L'. ItisA.t,, f tesnleut, iu
of last meeting read and
and annual repot t presented by
1't tturea 13. S. Suet t. Among parti-
el,l v, rt. 0loo 1.0l10wing o --Receipts
f., Hi ble nee en hetet, member's fees
at ,
No need to s:'y more.
i\iurdisnn is a Scrteurt. .
'011.1 1.1111:0.111 giant. $210.70.
Is('i'id t1ia' letter in tilis t.I. l 11..,;(11•( iu, lelod $185.Ut1 for
t f -I' i1<,Cn ?C. Andrew S 4' i! .i t, ((haat gifia io members;
[�� W t u auu; f(t town heals ; salary n1'
Scottish Society, Buffalo, ;i '.10)1 4 ,.--'1'tew, and incidental ex -
sr penses totatl 11 in all $191. Balance
N. g' 1,1 50 00 1 in .CI'eiisairy. Report was
£ l( 1„0001.1.
it. ()direr,, wore elected 11,4 follows
i1 w: Prer.atetrts, 0', S. Soot(, W. I3.
Karr, James Fox and D. 0. Ross ;
President, A, Strachan ; Vice Presi-
dents, Mr-:. J. 1). Warwick and Mee.
11. 'I'hoteson t See,-Treas.,B. .5.
Scott : Direetr•re, Mrs. A. I, Currie,
\ire. P. St et i., Mrs. Alfred Seeker,
Airs. Jas. Ballantyne, Mrs.. R. F.
Downing, Misses MaryMCLatichlin
and (,race Stewart, and F. H, Gil-
roy, .1, T. Wood and I. 0. Richards ;
Auditors, (7. fl. Mamie and H, L. jack -
A canvass of Brussels for new mem-
11, ,'s will 1111 iu th, haitdc of the ledfee
c u+ 1 -i. `d with th.: Society, Walton
has been :r. oeititcd with Brussels for
the past s 5+'418 ,l' 1101.E 100w organ
lees] a bra neii, We must have 50
tueurbtr.s to retain our standing. Fee
"rly 51.0011.r which sum a ehoiee
as000111uo111 of shrubs, plants, bushes,
&L. ate all given each member.
A meeting of the officiary will be
held, 1•'t iday. February lith, at 8
„'('inrk, in the Bo.ard r,8.in to receive
r,garis of the canvass, draft out op-
tions, strike committees and plan the
work for 192U.
By Beatty co-operation the Tiorti-
eultural Society should do well. It is
probable a couple of free Lectures on
phases of Horticulture will be ar-
ranged, of which due notice will be
Tickets on sale tit
Jas. Fox's Drug Store
motley. ,+4.4,4•h!fa 4' Ott -•1(•(%1'1$11
ST. Meal's New Mayon --The St. t
Mai y's.1°metal of bast weer( op tks of -
fonter Morris troy as follows :-"St. t
Marys lots a ynwug, en199tie 1l,Ly01' WP rue plensr0 to Iearo he will not.
in N. L llt'andon, who will 110111111^.t leave town, \\'e mode; st,and that a
the town's business In a business -like
way, Mayor 13rantlnn was horn in
51.0118 township, Huron County in
the year 1877, fie went to school 111
\Vinghanl, just to few miles from his
birthplace. In hatter years he event
into bnalnees in that titan where he
learned the foundation principles et
the furniture tuui,11.1111.4 1,,tel-
ness, From ',Vi ng}null he 01010.11 t
St. Marys, where I'ur to 11010010„r of
years, he eoudnetell to prosperous fnr-
n(uu'e and undertaking bnsitles' to
queen til, Mayo._ lirttn,inn is a mot-
tled man , his tulle being Miss An-
nie \Veen, sist 00 to Rev, I). Wren,
forme'ly of I3ruesels, and the fattier
of two pretty little girls. lie is to
Methodist in religion. When Pa o-
vincial or Dnmiuion elections are held
Mayo! Brandon usually votive for (`'ln-
servative party as he sees best. Out
new Slaynr is a member of 4 lodges,
viz :-A. F. & A. M., L 0. 0. 1•'., L. 0.
L., end 0. O. F. It tnay be seen from
the foregoing that St. S1,u•y'e citizens
have Chosen as their Mayor for 1920 to
man of varied intetests, who eltould
conduit the doings of this new Conn-
ell in the beat poesible way. No 11001)1
he will do his best to accomplish this."
Ohl friends 0) this community wish
hint to pleasant tidal pros pet 0015 reign.
W. Love is an authority on pbnuo-
grapbs, lteacl his advt.
Presbyterian (dottrel) was not held
last Sunday on account of the stolen
and uubtoken roads,
Epworth League will meet Friday
evening of this week. Helene -Re
solved that Travel is a greater edu-
cator than Reading."
The new otliems of the Endeavor of
the Pteeby1erian Church are, Hon.
Pres., Rev. T. E. Kennedy ; Pres , I1,
J. Falconer; Vire President, Mrs. P.
Lamont ; Sec.-Treas., Mise Irene
Mantes ; (los.-Sec,, Miss Ida Seems
nes 1 Treas., (teed lick utter ; Orgao,i'l,
Mrs. A. Dunbar. Meeti1190ole held
Sunday evenings at '7.110 ;o'clock. A
tine program has been issued,
The Board of A\gtirultutto called oft
their tweeting for t.ha men in the
Township Hall last Monday Int the
Women's Institute wa'ra bette stuff
and had a good time at the home of
Mrs, R. K. Halls, when Mrs, Patter-
son, of (lad's Bill, addressed them.
She is a good talker as most holies
are if they get a cbtuloe to have their
P0LI('E V0LLAt7E '1'I UsTEEs.--Last
\lo .clay was the date 890t , the h:lec•
11"'' or 11111 Hest tato of Police Village
Tenstees for Ethel, A. H. MCDorutld
was the Returning OtTice• and the
voting took place at the Towr•s11111
Hall, lt'9ult of the poll Wile as 1'101-
low9:-\V. T. Spence, 19 votes • A L
McDonald, 18 votes ; 1 S. Orale, 1.1
votes, 1). Al line was also in the 1 an.
ring hut. only :3 are tellideed this year.
l+irat . Parliam l0•y 5(098100 was 01 •
ganized Wednesday when the pro.
gram of the work fol 111201 was sketch-
ed out \Vetch Ethel du 1ttthgs.
liyMt.Niseit-'l'hursdat, of last week
Chas, E. Lake, of .Glidden, Sask., and
Miss Jean Law 'e, were 0nitel in
tnarriegp, Rev,' oa1r, ()Mall perform-
ed the eeretnnuy at the Pnrsnnn.ge.
1$(11.1 Mr. anal sits, Lalte will leave
shortly for their borne in the West,
where the fnrnu'r has been booming
for 80ve•al years. The young Couple
have the good wishes of a wide 1.11 eh'
fit• a happy useful an,1 1110spe'ou5 life.
The groom is a 0011 00 ,Too. and Mee
Lake, of this townehip and the bride
le a daughter 0a Mr, Lawrence, i0lo
Aiios Jean lee HtlatIon, of ilatleeirh,
is visiting 4tyi he 11110111' of het' ft lends,
J, J, and Mrs, iMcOUlehenn,
WIngham Advance Bays .-After 5
y1)08 ex)10tletter 0tH Meal agent for the
Massey-llarlis Co,, T. it. Belmont,
Wingham, has accepted to position ata
salesman 111 this territory, Ile has
built up to [iterative boniness by write.,
intel'ity and honorable dealing With
the public and Ove bespeak fit' 111171
C0011n1110d success in this, his new yen-
tute, one step higher up the ladder,
successor to Mr. Bennett will 610 ap-
pointed 111 a few days and farmers
can be assured m' alas-.'-Heti'tis set,
We are sorry to state that the con-
dition "f ,tut,. (loinge Johnston, 1st
(.'tut., (1,1.1-y, is aur{, as 1„ 1'010810 anxie-
ty t1. ter 01.410)' ft iett(1" SI,.' (11111)'
`rrtpr,... )110':11 alter hot 4)1.c0,t;.lou lust
Fell len lee, 01.,1 been holding ir.•r
own ,.f I ,te.
.Ismer, 0l,ts,,o-i'.tsso' AWA'..... An
obi tuui highly esteem. d 1 ,•sident o4'
this locality. in the person of James
Sinlson, paid Nature's +lebt Oast Sun.
.hay at his haute het e. Ile had been
in failing health for the l=ast yea; but
his demise rano, quite a ,expectedly t0
n110113., t)eroaSed (vee 111 lde 19th year
and was born at Galashiels, Scotland,
in 1811, ,outing to Canada with his
falheds family in 185.4. After spending
3 years in DuOnt'; ies township, \Valer-
Ino (10., they moved to Jamestown
locality in 1857, taking up a nouple of
farms on which they spent their lives.
On (in, Uth 188(1 Mr. Sinnott was
married to Miss Jessie McDonald, of
the North Grey Boutidary, who Rm.-
deceased Ilitu by 10 ycat's. Smelt -mg
children are :-Robert nod Oswald, at
home, and Jas , of %elaodia, Peak. :
Mrs. A. \Vitus, Bright Sand, Sask. ;
Mrs. F. Wright, Howlek ; and Mrs,
Levi Parr, (trey township. An older
brother, Audi ew, a well kn0Wn man
in this Cnn1I1111inity, also 9(11vivee and
is remit) kahly steal t foe 82 70are of
age. The subject. of this notice was a
Ohl•ifty, honorable man, a g1 eat lever
of geed sheep and farm life. He was
a PtesbyleIan in religion and a Liber-
al in polities and enjoyed the respect
of all who knew him. The funeral
1 ("Id place Wednesday afternoon to
f31 ❑9sels ceniet(a•y. Sympathy is
rendre ed the bereaved in their sorrow,
Mr, Simeon san many changes dur-
ing Itis lift' time lute of ever 1311 year's,
ve'y few of th,• piom<'ts remaining
\Vedncsdaty of nextweek is the day
land Bei ft•Iz Auction Sale. L,+t 1..,
Con. 0,
John Stood, has returned to Tor-
onto, after a short holiday. His final
examinations come this Spring. Best
8uic9804 Jelin.
Ralph Conner, of Saskatchewan, is
here on a visit. with his ‚0)0,0011910! and
810101', 0111 t. he 111111 0011, 0118 311 years
since th, visitor was he• 9,
Mrs. \Vtn. Strath, Id,h Com, had
the misfoo tune to fall tend break her
right even near the wrist, She is get-
ting along as well Its can be expected,
Advertisement appeals in anuthef
column a0kiu1 fit applications for the
niliee of"1'otvu,bip Asa1.081)1' for 1020.
Ernest 110ny 1001 1','! tnet'l the duties last
Rob, 11 I(oust on, whose health lately
is cttttsiug 1)1ulself and I'ricude some
anxiety, altbnuglt 1100 laid up his
frielid8 hops h, will saon be n, k,
Bette lr,ke (cork a 11 tit' easier.
10,1 1'8 Andrew Tuonball, stn old resi-
dent of the 15th ('t n., 1,,004 heed quite
111 let some lime, tier many friends
are pleased 10 hem' she 15 imprnvitig
and hope she will soot enjoy Iter usual
heals 11,
We are 5(11'1'y to state that filbert
Whit Held, 12th, ('on., whose health
has not been good r0' some rim,', is
nil 4111(11119 es lois numerous friends
would wish, An operation 18 n,c0s-
8a1y it le staid. His complete t'eenvey
would he it great j 1y.
L \l.in---L.(w RrNa'l,: --The marriage
tool. glare, very y quietly, on Thursday,
Jamie! y 121.11, at the parsonage, 10)11 el,
of jean Lawn once to Charles hl. Lake,
Rev. F. A. OKKell °filtera.ting. Bride,
who tf10.9 ;44 V011 away by her father,
wore a dainty dress of navy blue vel-
vets and satin combined, which Was
prettily beaded. 00 the 09101'n to the
home of the bride's father a sumptu-
0us wedding; breakfast was saved,
'Noble Wae nicely decorated with
carnations and ferns. Bride and
groom received (darty costly and use-
ful presents from their friends and re -
halloos. Groom's gift to bride Was 11.
llanden1110 set of fare. The br'ide's
travelling snit was navy blue serge
and 111400 beaver hat„ After spend-
ing a few weeks with relatives; end
Letter from fort William
DEAR EtITns,-It is some time
since I sent yon news of any kind and
would just say that Ohrietmas and
New Years have e1lrMP and gone and
have caused loamy a joyous laugh and
rainy a falling tear and the world
moves on just the same, the morning
•Lod evening snake Ole day. Men may
divide the day into 8 hours and 10
hours as they can but. 24 hours is their
limit and less hours and more pay
will never redeem the time. We aro
having fairly goodi Winter weather.
Some sharp days of 10001 but not much
snow, bright weatbee with a few
nights 18 to below aero but rnootly
about zero or 10 to 15 above, We
never have any big :vin,' '.toms such
as those in Huron County. Price of
coal and wood are much the saute but
the wood is nos so }rend, .lark pine,
tamaruok anis some biroh. Wood
runs from $9 to *11 a cord. Business
woe good for the holiday time. Ali
the Gerry's sore well except my wife,
She has been very poorly but is note
able to be around the home but not
able for much work. Mrs. W. H.
Willis, \Vingham, has been with ns
for the last month, I don't know how
long .she can stay but hope for some
time yet. This is the opening of the
new rink and Ila and Minnie are tak-
1119 in the show. It is a large building
140 x 17:1 feet., finished inood style.
January 13111 was my birthday so you
mils! 0xenee all nlistokes, 86 years
ago a little boy rime to my •pt1'ents
home in Did England and notating to
Canada in June 184.(1 spent the best
drays of my life in liruesels. Ant pleas-
ed to see by 'far; Pus'r that everything
is moving- along so smoothly. We
have both Provincial and Dominion
members of Parliament in the city.
'''here is lots of 1,0000.4 that might be
written butyour readers might
ewe fnr Weimer!' news, Some think
Font William is away in the frozen
regions but ave think it is just the
centre of life. All Western railroade
call here and all the principal steam-
boats came here also mad they must
conte for here is I.he head of the Lakes
World. A9 time rooves on it mast in-
crease. There me thousands of farm
bonds in this district but the big grass
he of t10 West have taken
farmer's eye and that has left the
wooled (and idle, I did not mean to
say 100.111 when 1 stcarted but. you ale
not supposed to print any of lids or
very iitt.le of it, Wishing the old
(Lome town a prosperous year,
Vont'. truly,
11. bileRR'or,
Perth County
W, D. Martin, Stratfo>;d, was again
elected Director of the Western On-
tario Traavelieve Assooiation, which
(net at London,
G. D. Lincoln Rice 11108 been ap-
pointed representative of the Deppart•
twill, of Soldiers' Civil Re•eetablish-
tnenl at St. MerJre,