HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-1-8, Page 84 b 014a+itilliatias :benea0+10+44444O'!4+4811•+4b'r'®'r•0+4,•i'f1J•i•4•'t•d'lry'1",pTJ,`>v
What is New° s iii R Ii i s
by Kathleen Norris $1 6o
The Young Visitors—
by Daisy A9biord
Burned Bridges—
;by Bertrand W. Sinclair 15o
Joan ot Halfway --
by Grace M. Rogers 15o
Io Secret—
+ by R. W. Chanhers 1 5o
A Damsel in Distress—
by Pelham Grenville 1 60
0 •
Blood Root Cough t tire -
250 and 500
1 00 Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Ex-
tract— 350
Vin of—The Modern Tou ic—
$LOo bottle
Clterry Bark Cough Cure -
250 and 5oc
Scott's Emulsion -
751 and $1 so bottles
Golden Dickey— Rexall 'tasteless Preparation of
by Marshall Saunders 1 5o Cod Liver Oil— $t.00 bots.
Author of Beautiful Joe Formant) Throat Ease—
Rainbow Valley— toe and 25c pkgs.
by L. M.alonigo!nery 1 5o
Janet of K''•otener.— Paraformic Throat Lozengers—
by Evah McKowan 15o 250
Mist of Morning— Camphorated Oil—
by Isabel Eccleston McKay t 65 25c and son bottles
The Girl of 0 K or in bulk, rye per ounce
by Robert Watson I 5o Menthol Cough Drops—
Sky Pilot of No Man'a Laud— Cblorodyne Cough Lozengers—
bY Ralph h Connor 1 50
Same Old Bili, ell Mable— Horehound Candy,
by Streeter 75 &c., &c,
New Presbyterian Hymnal
Limp Cover
Stiff Board Hindi fa;
i Leather Blu,liD„t,
I.•atlurr t1.id
44. The
Fi44•F0+4,4,bk•IDti-o?-0oeo4if•F•+404444+0+044E•I• +11+.4444+0 Obi
Si 00
Stiff Board Binding 550
Leather Binding. Gilt Edges
Hymnal with Mute $1 25 aud up
^t7, CMS 1
Druggist and Stationer
rata'e1Ica harvest comes next,
.�:'�► �� tete j
BEAUTIFUL moonlight nights.
LOCAL news on page 4 &so, Did you
read it?
LATE trains owing to heavy snow fall
for several days.
e a f0 organize-
C anize-
' isms the t u r
NEW f.01 g
'e k at Ix a. m.
of next A e
' n Monday tto
HAWAIIAN Mal, inartette Saturday
evening, 17th inst., Brussels Town Hall.
New Year's Day '.yos inclement
many a plan for the holiday bad to be
NELSON CARDIFF has been appointed
Secretary of Bruseis Farmers' Club as
successor to Elston Cardiff, resigned.
EAST Huron Agricultural Society An-
nual meeting, Council Chamber, Bras.
sels, Wednesday January 21st, inst., at
1 p. m. See advt. and mark down the
A $Io.00 award was won by Jno.
Duncan's pen ot Rhode- Island Reds in
the Laying Contest now in progress at
Ottawa Experimental
Farts forbe best
record for past 2 months. His birds are
doing well.
STATEMENT of arrearages to THE POST
are being sent to those who have per-
mitted several rears to slip by without
remitting and we hope it will have the
desired effect. If not—w.11 the sub-
scriber knows what will have to be the
next move.
Buchanan vent to Guelph 'ase Monday
to take what is termed the Short
Course in Butter inakiug at the OGtario
Agricultural College. he summing under
the special conditions offered by the
Government to those who rendered
military service. He was engaged dur-
ing the past season with the Shamrock
Creamery, Brussels, hence the present
traiuing should be easily understood by
him. About 3 months constitutes the
period of the Course.
BOARD of A it
lire meetings (more
- s , 1e F.irrners'
r known a. I N r I
familiarly y
tote will
be held 111 the Town Hall
Brussels, on Friday t6 inst.Speak-
ers will be Mr. Smith, New Hamburg,
Co. Representative S o [tars, Ciintoo,
and Mrs Patterson, Se -stens at 2 and
8 p. m Women's Institute will have a
session of their own in the Audience
room of. the Public L,b•ary in the after-
noon to be addres-etl by !Vire. Patterson,
of Gad's Hill. The ial ter will speak at
the joint meeting i1( 'Town Hall in the
evening, when musical numbers will
intersperse the aditessei:. 'there
should be a large attendance as thi; is
Farmer's day
Cox—Buaotss.—Ott 'rueWrtay, Dec-
ember 23rd, a ve.y petty wedding took
place at the hotno o[ Jas and Mrs.
Burgeas, Brussels, when their daughter,
Lilian Florence was milled ,n holy bonds
to Richard Frederick Cox, son of Richard
and Mrs, Cox, Grey township, Rev.
'A. J. Mann, B. A., officiating, Bride
looked lovely in a gowu of white georg.
ate over white satin and long bridal
veil and she was given away by her
father. Eler only attendant was little
Miss Greta Burgess, wile made a charm-
ing flower girl. Miss Margaret Procter,
Belgrave, played the Bridal Chorus,
Atter the wedding ceremony the guests
retired to the dining room where the
wedding dinner Was •:t vasa Misses Ida
Rands, Bessie Jordan and Myrtle Wheel-
er, girl friends of the bride, assisting,
Groom's gift to the bride was a lovely
set of coon furs ; to the pianist and
dower girl beautiful pend ants, The
wedding gifts were metal and well
chosen, The young comp10 start mar•
vied life amid tete best wishes of a large
circle of friends, on the groom's fine
farm, tgth Con. Grey township,
you ou been vaccinated?
CALENDARS are scarce this year.
DRY wood would find a ready market
in Brussels just now
THE unbroken roads barred the way
of the Rural Mail Couriers for a day or
two last week.
CoAr. heater for sale nearly DON.
y e
Phone 1214. Roam,(:R 1 URHtR 9th line Morris.
B : ,K oysters for sale. '
1'1 y 8.L. W ILaoN.
OAR load of Western Oats will arrive at
Brussels station sonn. Any person requiring
some should phone 219. RICHARD JACRLIN.
SHAWL lost, between Brussels and Wesley
Stephenson's, 6111 Con.. Grey. Will finder
kindly leave at TEE Pon, where they will be
2701100-1 will not e responsible for any
debts contracted by my wife. without a writ-
ten order
tonoader Prom me and herebynotifythe
to that effect.FRANK M. S\ITR,
Morris, Dee27111, 1919. 27.2
8 Durham heifers rising 3 years old in calf
for ante. A heavy drnPt brood mare and a
number of good oeclar poste,
Phone607 ROBT, BAKER,
BOGS 760. n dozen, Feed ground bone and
keep the hens laying. BAEKRR BROS.
Hoven and lot for sale, with stable, well, eel -
lar, &o., Located on corner of John and .fames
streets, Brussels, Immediate possession can
be given, For further particulars apply to
ALRX. 551100, Brussels.
Fon SALe,-2 comfortable dwelling houses.
YOUNG girl wanted to learn pant and vest
making, Wages 56 00 a week to start with.
Apply to It. FERGUSON. Brussels.
DR. PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, vieits
Brussels Monday afternoon of each week,
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
treated. Visits residences, Consultation at
Queen's Hotel.
CARD OF THANKS.—We wish to ex•
press our thanks to the old friends at
Brussels for the kindness shown and
sympathy expressed in the demise of our
son and brother, the late Robt. C.
Wynn, It will never be forgotten,
Yours very truly,
SHE 'NE GAME. —The first game of
Senior Hockey in the Northern League
will be played oa Brussels rink next
Monday evening When Brussels w
cross sticks with the hustlers from Wing -
ham, A hot match is expected. Play
will commence at 7.30, so 50 to permit
Wtngham boys to return by night train.
Admission 25 cents, Attend the game
and give the boys a boost.
MATRIMONIAL,—The home of Juo. and
Mrs. Hewitt, Brussels, was the scene
of a quiet but pretty wedding on New
Years eve at 5 o'clock, when their only
daughter, Rhoda Msry, was united in
marriage to Thos, Willis Mitchell, only
sou of the late John and Mrs. Mitchell,
of Grey township. Ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. A. J. Mann in the draw-
ing room which was gay with Christmas
decorations and Christmas cactus in full
bloom As the wedding march was
p'ayell by Mrs (Rev) Mann the princi
pals took their places before a back of
ferns and ivy. The bride, who was
given away by her father, looked very
sweet in a white silk dress trimmed with
silver embroidered lace, She wore a
tulle veil with pearls bandeau, carried a
sheaf of roses and also wore the groom's
gift, a laveldlere set with diamonds and
pearls The bride's going away dress
was of grape satin trimmed with gold
embroidered lace and hat to match.
Rev. Mr. Mane sang twn choice and ap-
propriate solos A fine dinner was serv-
ereed in the dining room, to which all did
justice. The bride received many hand
some gifts consisting of a fine Bell piano
from her father, Ont glass, silverware
etc After a short trip the h a
dhina c n
will reside on the room's '611
Con, 11, Grey township. They
have the good wishes of a wide circle of
friends for a long, happy and prosperous
COLD -blustery weather.
HOCKEY match next Monday evening
Wiugham ye Brussels. fo and cheer
for the hays
OWING to the increase in the emit of
(Ictus print the F arlllel's' Sun at tons
raised its subscriptiuu price from $1 to
$1 50 n year.
A l)au ie is being given tastier the
an:picea of the Hockey Club in the
Torun Hall Brus,ehl, N'r.clay evening 01
Qua Heatley lost to Rlpiey Dia Tues-
day evening a, pa'p'aya The score Was
10 15 P ;'ain't erirlret you were play.
int; boys lyes u t
COUNCIL. ,c ill theft al 11 •1 in vex'
Monday Ml miters will he Reeve Plum
and Count:Haas Wilton, Richards, Fras-
er and A L. Stewart
I eat Smulay morning Rev, Mr. Manu
spokee on 'Motive, in Religion” in the
tuunliug in Melville (hurrh and "Link -
this week. Music by Lombardo ON Mug up wall ' he holy Spit it" at the even-
ebestra, Loudon. lug service.
Wosteu''t INS'raNaive —Eat' nitwit 01-n 1ioY' Rn.UNION---The guaran-
\W'omen's Institute will holes public tors Inc the Ohl Bove: Re -union last
meetings throughout the dl01riet as fol.. Summer are naked to meet next Monday
Iowa: • evening, in the Public Library Board
Ford Niel), Tuesday, January 13 rootn to receive the financial report and
Molesworth, Wednesday, Jan. 14 1 close up the year's business. 7 30 sharp
Bluevale, 'Thursday, January 15
Brussels, Friday, January 16
Ethel, Monday,January
J Y 19
Walton, Tuesday, January 20,
Mrs. Patterson, Vice -President of the
Federated Women's institute of On-
tario, will be present and give an ad•
dres at each of these meetings.
Co , while thanlcing the public for their
generous patronage extended to them
for nearly 30 years, would intimate that
they have sold out their business to
Chapman Bros., who will be in posses-
sion on Wednesday, jan. 7th, sod be-
lieve they can recommend the new Firm
to you as good mechanics in their par-
ticular lines—harness and shoes. Both
are ptectical men anti their motto will
be "Honorable Dealiug and Reasonable
Prices," They will give particular at-
tention to repairs in shoes, harness and
collars. RICHARDS & CO.
—Last Tuesday Miss Muriel Spading,
who has been holding a niilline'y posi-
tion in 'Toronto, and was bete for the
Christmas holidays at the home of her
mother, Mrs George Sparliog, left for
Albert College, Belleville, where she
takes up a training course to qualify
her for Social Service, Missionary V aad
Deaconess work in connection with the
Methodist church. She has been identi-
fied with Elm street church since living
in Toronto. The Methodist congrega-
tion of Brussels and many other old
friends very heartily wish Miss Spatting
every success in her work and trust she.
may in the em )1oymeut of her talent
may have a happy and useful career in
her labor of love to the Master's vine-
yard. She is industrious, affable and
well acquainted with meeting the public
so should do Well.
THANKS.—I wash to publtcally say
'thank you" to Ibe gentlemen who pro-
posed me and those who asked me to be
a nominee for the Reevesbip of Brussels
for 1920. I was too late for the Nomi•
nation Monday evening and as Reeve
Plum was the only speaker after the
Nomination hour dismissal was made as
I got to the Hall, hence had no oppor-
tuuity to express myself. TJnderstaud-
ing the present Reeve desired another
term and as I was not seeking office I
did'not qualify, so as to avoid neces-
sity of an election, as Coun-
cillors and Trustees were having
an aeclatnatiou. Some time in the fu
ture, if the electors de.ire , it will be a
great pleasure for ole to serve them. In
the meantime let everybody buckle
into doing their duty in rupporting
Council Board and School Board in fur-
thering the interests of one of the best
little tuns i1( Ontario.
Wishing one
's com litnents and
and all tete
season's a P
thanking the ratepayers for past honors
Yours gratefully,
W. 1.1. KERR
—Detroit Free Press says of the late
Robe C. Wynn :—"Robert. C. Wynn 45
Years old, promioentin fraternal circles
in Detroit, was a victim of apoplexy
Sunday morning at his home, 199 John
R. street. He was found dead in his
bed by his sister, Mrs. Frederick
Scheak. The deceased was a member
of Palestine Lodge, King Cyrus Chap-
ter and the Knights Templar. He was
interested in bowling and had a host
' the city.
For years he was
friends in ov
connected with Wright, g Kay &Cohut
in recent years was mauager of
jewelry department at Crowley, Milner
& Co's, Funeral services were held In
Frank J. Blake's funeral home, t3 East
High street, Mouday night, at 8 o'clock,
in charge of Palestine Lodge Iuter-
ment, Tuesday in Brussels, Ont•• his
boyhood home. He is survived by
his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wynn,
and sister, Mrs, Frederick Scheak, form
erly of 'Toronto." The casket arrived in
Brussels Tuesday noon. accompanied by
Mrs, Scheak and Miss Iva Wicking, and
was at once taken charge of by the
Masonic brethren of St. John's Lodge
Service was conducted by Rev. Mr.
Stafford and the Lodge. Pallbearers
were W. Gillespie, W. Wilton, '1'. Bone,
H. Hall, T. Armstrong and 1 C. Rich-
ards. Interment was made in the family
plot. Many old friends expressed their
sympathy in the sudden going out of the
earthly life of one b
of last week the Dr. was called to the
home of H. L. and Mrs. Jackson. Mill
street, to see their son, Lloyd, who is
teaching in Toronto and was home for
the Christmas vacation. Said M. D
summoned the Medical Health Officer
who confirmed tb e diagnosis as small-
pox and at once the home was put under
quarantine, the inmates vaccinated and
later Harold Armstrong, a 4th year
medical student, arrived front Toronto,
and took charge of the case. It is a very
mild type, and we trust when the neces-
sary course has been run, normal condi
ti0us will be resumed and the ban lifted
Board of Health issded Proclamations
ordering vaccination of any who had
been associated with the 'salient and el -
so that all pupils of Continuation and
Public School present cerUfi:ate from
Motor for same before being permitted
to return to school. By way of special
precaution the home of J. H Hoover,
irtb Cou. of Grey township, where
Lloyd Jackson had visited the Mond iv
previous to his being linen ill, WAS Plac-
ed under gdarautiue for a week, Up to
the time'I'HE Pos'r went to press there
is no appearance of more than the one
case, and everybody sincerely halo; this
will be the sum total, but it is btt'er to
be sure than sorry, particularly at Ilse
holiday season when there is so Much
extra intermingling. Lloyd had not
been vaccinated since the outbreak of
the diseaso in 'Toronto. ' The jewelry
store of H L. Jacksou has remained
olosed as he was a prisoner at home
under the quarantine, 'rhanka to the
telephone the situation is push improv-
ed for those shut i1 as compared with
such experiences years ago.
is the hour set for the meeting.
LAsI Monday 10099 Vaccination ].Meld
day in Brussels The three doctors took
their turn assisted by Nurse Deadman
at the Public Library audience room,
and attended to all those who presented
themselves A goodly number visited
the family physician at his office, "Keep
away from my arm" will likely be the
wateliwurd for a short time,
#1 People We Talk About #t
# D. M. Scott, of Niles, Mich„ is here
for a holiday.
Ernest Lott, who was home from
Brantford, has returned to school.
Mrs Agnew, of Clinton, was a visitor
with Mrs Daviel Haiste, Brussels,
Thos. Ross aud daughters, Chesley,
were visiting here during the past week.
Jos. and Mrs, Fox, Stratford, were
visitors with Mrs. R Harkness over the
Reynald Barkley Toronto, was a holi-
day visitor with Jack Ballantyne, Queen
Mrs. W. J. Huuter, of Oshawa, is here
on a visit with her sister, Mrs. Jno, Bal-
Wm. and Mrs. 'teller have been visit-
ors with Jno. and Mrs. Ewen, daring
the past week.
Misses Cola Bell and Hazel Lowry
spent a few daysa very enjoyably, with
Atwood friends.
Stanleyole Campbell, be11 London,nnt
and Fred,
of Sarnia, were holiday visitors under
the pae
parental roof
in Brussels.
Miss Margaret McLauchlin, nurse,
Detroit, has been enjoying a holiday
with relatives aud friends in Brnsaels,
R, M. and Mrs. Williams, Loudon, ate
their Christmas turkey with the latter'a
parents, Jno. and Mrs, Watson in town
S. C. Wilson was able to get to his
store on Monday after an undesired holi-
day of a week or so frotn it severe cold.
Mrs, John Manning, who was called
to the West owing to the death of a
daughter arrived back house before
W. J and ars. Delntage and son, of
Trochu, Albetta, have been holidaying
with Mrs. W. W, Harris and family,
Queen street.
Miss Lizzie Speir and Mrs. Garfield
Duni) tr left last Monday for a visit with
relatives at Guelph, Hamilton, Toronto
and Cannington.
Misses Jennie and Annie Budd were
visiting in Hamilton with Mrs. Thos.
Haycroft. Miss Annie is exteudiug her
stay for a few weeks.
Juo. Duncan, Turnberry street South,
has been ruler the doctor's care tor the
hope e he will soon
past week or so int 100 U
' e i'.
be ashearty a e
Holiday visitors at the borne of A and
Mrs. McGuire were T. 't and Mrs, Ma-
son, Merlin; G. R. R.inkiti, PAore ; and
Mrs. Dodds and alms F.nrm't, London.
Barrister S. B. Lamont, of Avoulea,
Alberta, was a welcome visitor with re•
latives and n',tl friends in Brussels and
locality. He left for h, :n • on alanclsy
E and Mrs Holmes anal sou, Are•ile,
01 Stratford, were here Int Christmas at
end Mrs \ VA S I
ol o.
the home
of u
Reg, Watson, Wiudsor, o'deat sou
Was also home.
The following have been truesls at the
home of IL ht. and Mrs. Ti ,n1,s'n, Mrs.
Jas, K41ca rl Kelowna, B. C. ; MIs, N
t • inof
L. Fry and ' itis Elizabeth Gilchrist,
Wingbanl : :int) A. K Zipfe, Toronto,
George 14, )). St. Catharines has been
spending a w ek in Brussels and local-
ity. He ism ,king a big success of the
Insurance business. Miss Fairy is
soloist io the Methodist choir in their
Miss Sacl,e McDonald, daughter of
D. B, and Nlts McDonald, was operated
on last Sunday at Wtngham hospital for
appendicitis She is making favorable
progress and will soon he its hearty as
ever we 'lope.
We are sorry to heat that Getrge E
McCall, William street, is not enj-Iyiug
his customary good health but his many
friends hope he will soon be al hearty
as over. 'rile doctor has prescribed rest
for patient—aa bitter a dose as he could
advise to G. E , who is a horse to work
Miss Addie Lott is melting a visit at
the parental home, Mill street She,
vilhhundreds ofobers
in Toron-
to, had a sLinniah with smallpox but
11e siege o.k, au
she came through t g
was grouted release from the hospi'al
with the oesessat'y certificate from that
busy lestltution,
Allan Lamont, book keeper at the
Central Telephone, has been rattler un•
tier the weather for the past few weeks
but we hope that title enforced vacation
le ready for termination. He's a good
bit of stuff and sticks to his post well
uotwithstaudiog his handicap from
rheumatism and sets the pace for more
than one
CA er
1515,1019,pto Mr, and Mtn, W Grey township., J. D Ca duff,
a dnnghter tall'' h0r0.)
WATseN —In Morris township, on Deoember
Rath, 1919, Mr. and
hrs. Bert Wntaon, ao,,
Cox--Sundae.—At the home of the brlde'a
p 151115, on Dec. 20rd, 1910, by Rev, A. J.
Munn 13 A , tilt Richard F. (lox, or Grey,
township, to MISS LillianF., d,tttghter of
Mr. and firs. James BurgePS, Brussels,
MrronaLL-•-BoWI'rm.— At the 'home of the
bride's parents, by Rev. A..1 Mann, B. A.,
on Dnoa,nher 91st, 1919 Mr, Thos.. Willis
Mitchell, of Grey township, to Sltna Rhoda
M., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Hewitt, Brnsaols.
Mol'1Ar.t,--MOLAUGHT,iN,—At tho home of rho
hride.`S patents, by Hey. A..1, Nauta 8, A.,
on December 81st. 10111 Mr. Jno. Arthur
McCall to Miss Martha Irene, daughter of
Mr, and
Mr . Alex, MaLanchl1n, all el
1' ..
7. N G . —The
:.1:clatioii of almost
r .y successful
. t't•,1t11re is built on
I it r ;i: andard Bank of
t can. be of great assist -
in 11::1ping you to de-
bt \",>lir business. 203
rinr' '" BANK
G a ty G.t1;i
THURSDAY, Jon. 151h, Farm Stook, grain,
hay, &c., Wan Lot'' 28, Con. 5, Morris. Sale nt
ta. F. S. Scott.
Bros. Y
1 m Thuall rap
Ana. _
Hiata': -Ia Grey township, ov January Ind
1020, Andrew 'halon, Aged 80 yenta, 7
months and 14 days,
1<fassry 4th,1 20. Frank 1 MoOuwtdhoon, oaged7103
years and 27 days.
Cnu¢mSaLL.-1n loving memory of my dear
husbend, Harry Churchill, who passed
away, one year ago, ,Ian, 911,, 1919.
silent graveyard,
near but Wile
Inn ea 6 y
Where the trans Choir branches wave,
Lien n tree and loving husband,
Ina acid and silent grave.
You are not forgotten Harry, clear,
Nor will you ever be,
As long ea life and memory lasts
I wilt remember thea.
The happy hours we once enjoyed.
How sweet the memory stili,
But death has left n vacant piece,
The world can never nil.
Wife and baby—LAvtN1A AND NDRENil UHr1R•
Fos.—In loving memo'h of Albert Harold Fos,
who died Jan. 0111, 1919, of Wil!eu, elan.
Just when his hopes were brightest,
Just when his Rays were best,
He was called from the world of sorrow
Tom Home of eternal rest.
Oft times alt and think of yen, dear
And our hearts are filled with pain;
All the world would be a "Heaven"
Could we hear your void° again.
We lovedyou,sad' miss o1(
itda,e you,
As it downs urs oo year:
In the lone of
of our thinking,
Thoughts oP you are always near, •
Anchored by love death cannot sever,
Sadly we mise you and will forever;
Too far away til face to See,
Not too far tothink of thee.
: know we'll sleet again
'Tis sweep to 1 v
Where parting hefri is s lovmoree
And that the friends we luvtd 00 'sell
Are only gone before,
Inserted by
Jan.Oth, 1020.
Manson—In ever loving memory of Hartley
Menzies who died Jan. 61111 1910,
One yen' now has p080011,
His memory 01111 as sweet and fresh
An when we saw him last,
011 I Hartley dear, one loved by all,
How oft we think of thee.
Fall t E106 51 95
Wheat 2 U0 2
Spring 10100
Barley 1 260
1 25
EEggsser 75 70 5
Hays 20 0 00 20 00
A uction Sale
Ilk RAY, &o,—F. R. Scott, Auctioneer, has
been instructed by the undersigned proprie-
tors to sell by Pnbllo Auction - at
NI Lot 28, Cnn, 7, Morrie, on Thursday, San,
16th, et 1 o'cleak, the following property 1
1 aged mare supposed in foal, 1 horse rising 6
years, 1 mare rising 4 years, 1 horse rieing O
years., 1 horse rising 7 years. 1 colt, 1 Holstein
now rising 0 years, 1 thnro'-bred registered
cow, 1 grade now auppneod ill °elf, 1 grade cow
ruing 8 supposed in oalf, 2 grade ee;ya rising
8 supposed In calf, 1 grade oow rising 4 suppoe-
ed in rale, 1 grade cow rising 8 supposed in
cnlf,1 thorobred bull rising 8 years, 7 spring
°elves rising 1
r old, 0 pi
weight 150
50 1hs„
oats bus. mixed grain, 176 bus. bark 178 bus,
Hata, fia bus. buckwheat, bus, 0tone
hay, gasoline a enin horse Power. Tenna,—
, 8
10, and under
oath ; over that ha
a itame5ths of 1' given o furnishing
nprosd joint notes. per tient ori for nosh
on credit amounts.
THtrIDLL Pam, Proprietors,
matter of the estate of Geo. Pierce,
tato of the Township of Morris, in
the County of Huron, Farmer, de-
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario," that all creditors
and others havingolaime againet the estate of
the said George ierce, who died on or about
the 20rd day of JNy, .A, D. 1919, oro required
on or before the let day of Feb,uary, A. D.
1010, to send 52 poet prepaid or deliver to
Thos. Estado, tete Administrator of the estate
of said deceased, at Brussels P. 0., their Chris-
tian and surrnanes,.addre+sea find descriptions,
the full partioultus of their claims, thestate•
meet of their 000051,1,, and the maitre of the
0ecnri000 of any) held by thong.
And further take notice that after much latit
mentioned dote the said Administrator will
prooeed to distribute the onsets of the deceased
among the parties entitled tiler eta, haying re-
gard only to the claims of which Ile shall then
haVonot100, and the said AdminiatraLor will
not be liable for the said assets or any part
theroof to any porton or persons of whose
'clntin settee ellen not have been received by
him 01 the time of such distribution.
Doted this 0th day 01January,
28.3 Administrator, Brussels,
East Huron agricultural -Society
The annual Meeting of Bast Huron Agrtont-
ture1 Mealoty will be held in the ,Town B,tll,
Brussels, on Wednesday, January 2101, 1020 at
1.800'elootep. in. Brininess of 111e meeting .—
Iaeetving the An,iunl 5t06e01esl and A111(1011'
11oport, appoittthng'Ofnaers fortheyear 1040,
M. BLACK , ft
J. FEtiL1tJ9�ISN, :eldest,
41l6004A9599 0MtliDSOB1y'f;Mill'®it5DS l Atli lvnPRO tf4>t&iggt€IG7rr1419t fyt7 �1SE
a Fox's Drug Store
a Y g 1 r7
• p d 1 L }t r42
Oy,i gIt1 13
le 4
• p d 1 • a
e•o l 1 1 11 d 53
• I l y 1 1 1 05
• to
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g 00o0ws0.0e•e®0so0ssen•••••• seseeecteraeee00000000,ose,,
THE 04rlpw STORE
Weekly Store News
Ext ract
Here Is one of our very beat
Tonics and Builder. Rich in
Tonic -food properties that enter
readily into the blood, carrying
with then' elements that
strengthen the whole system.
Very palatable to the most deli-
cate. system.
60c and $1.00 per bottle
The Bottle
Carrying Comfort
fastKeeps liquids ranked at l t a
fast lime to 50109 1101 or cold at
1111(011 or dirnter.
Lrxceedingly useful for the
home, fat'ui, !misery av sink
tam W.
The name "'Thermos" lt, sramp-
od on all the genuine Merinos
products. WP have it splendid
assortment n# theta inehuliug the
"Thermos Ki'" at .+.1.23.
Hot Water Bottle
is one of the very best friends in
the home at the present time in
many ways. You will always
find our stock very complete and
strictly first-class, both as to
quality and price. Our pet sorrel
grantee accompanies each
When you are 'trailed fur time
to write n Ie)tet ri Cot 1,-opnn-
dence Carts just: f11i.- the hill.
Nicely parlcuged tont splendid
stock. You will find ; hem most
convenient. 112,, cud 7 ar,
For the Children
with a Cold
Y p
is the best. Con-
tains no opiates of
any description an
Can be given to very
young children
w t'mlt an un-
pleasant results
25c per bottle
"Dear Clara," wrote the
nn me but
nun man "Pardon t
I'm getting so forgetful. T
proposed to you ase night,
but tea
forget whether 1P
r you
said "Yes" or "No."
"Dear Will," she relied by
note, "So glad Lo heat. from
you. 1 know I said "Yes" to
someone est night 111t had
forgotten just who 11 lusts,
Pot tlr' par H1se
ttiiy tu„t 1 hr on.
It• mile 1111.1gL 1
Cl,) Set
I,t Rt is
lee,' ,v 1 Irr111
Clean 110 lrttu-
11u'v. 1441t;,, ra.n'l
.13i' en,• t,
Crash! S
Goes the Price on
all Winter Gar.'. ds
For the Next Thirty Days
our newSpringGoods,which will
To make room for
soon be arriving, we will sell Below Cost all coni stokes of tSs
Men's, Women's and Children's Heavy Wool Underwear
Men's, Women's and Children's Sweaters and Pull -avers
Men's Heavy Wool *Sox, Mitts and Gloves - Winter Hats
Children's and Boys' Heavy Overcoats
flannelette Blankets are also included in this Great Redaction Bale,
We will still continue to give the 10%10 on all 0111e1. liner; ea ,ut-
vertised before. Come early and come often and buy Io your fullest
els these goods must be got out of the road to make romp for the new
Wishing our many customers a Prosperous and Happy Year.
Halls & Son, Ethel
THE MGLAGAN Fletcher Repro-
ducer means pure, full, round,
natural tone in the highest
notes as well as the lowest.
There is entire absence of the buz-
zing break in the shrill notes so often
heard in ordinary Phonographs.
It brings out details that are lost in
ordinal y Reproducers. Musio and Art
are included in the McLagan,
Every McLagan Phonograph re-
fleets Lhe authority of more than
thirty years' experience in the produc-
4.1011 of Elite Period Designs. These
include William and. Mary, Queen
Anne, Chippendale, Brothers Adam,
Louis XVI.
McLagan Cabinets are fashioned in
rich woods with rare delicacy and pre-
cision of wordmanship and finish,
The McLagali is sold by
14. .. _...
�c1 t Love,