HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-1-8, Page 5"IFI
r...r� -�w•j�.::it'ratj?`g-•.•,.-�pr,..�«mrgg11jI�i�1+...
iD�AY71YrYlib s liAp bs.
p 7t�.t, p�r� �y�/p LIMITEP
ISissiness OardB
inn,.. graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
1r le o.1 .y 3)i night calls. Cacti opposite
T. T. M' RAE
M, s., M. O. P., ,9 S, 0,
M. O. H., Village of Brussels,
Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur
Oahe at residence, opposite Melville Church,
Witham Htreet,
OR, J. H. WHiTE, B. A,
Graduate Toronto University of Medicine,
.Apeelnl attention given to disown of children
and Surgery,
Offices Dr. Bryans Old Stand
Phone ,46 Brussels
licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co,
'.VIII sell for es good piques es any other 4ue.
tlnneer or charge nothing.
BEL(+ItAVS P. 0.
.'iarristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
011E1;0 Mliaare, 2nd door from Hamilton
(4611111H1('H, OMT.
Private funds to loan et lowest rates.
'V. 1't,reloor, 1:. ('. .1. L. I1.IntoRAN
H. J. 0. Cooke
dill Weinstein
3 Is Prepared 10 pay the •
highest price for •
Scrap Iron, •
Rubbers, ••
L 2
Rags, &c■
Highest price paid. See
the before you sell,
111; brei Cash Price for e
ire Poultry add Bides
Wille or Phone 62x •
tares• ea a 4C w• p••4•••44•••
A.1 I I.1, ST1t I'1 hl'l' BRUSSELS
The Brussels Post
For 1920
• 'Fin: 1'r+r1' and Daily aloha $ 5 Oil
[fail and Empire 5 00
'l.`ul onto World ,. 6 01)
Toronto Star 4. 25
learmel" s Advoo'o 3 00
Family- Herald ,. 2 65
Weekly Sun........ 3 00
London A.dvert'r 5 00
" Free Press 5 00
Weekly Witness 2 85
Nor. Messenger2 00
World Wide. 3 25
Youth's. Oomp'n8 75
Presbyterian 310
Above pieties are fdr'addresses in
cattail or Great Britain. If publica-
tion yon want is -not in above list; let
is know. Family Herald $1.50 after
New Years.
Remit. by nodal Nnte o1 Express
(bare, If Bank Cheque add ex-
I'u)1 Poises Brussels, --
t Select a School
With your ayes Wide Open. All
Business Colleges aro not alike.
Yong° & Chariot. Btu., Toronto
la ?lobed throughout Canada for high
training.t rgraduatesare in Y
greatad. Our t5
cc great demand, GSE our CREal rt
• read our records, 'then decide, Enterutur ,dry'
) any Eime, ;g
`r - ;FA Y . r
�V - FCtP�'4iv1aYROi�'PAR7,f�a FPa
Taal 11 etas Items
MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of this
Improve your penmanship ?
"Cut out" profane lauguage
Read a good book every mouth ?
Gu to church and Sunday School ?
Throw away your "coffin nails ?"
Write to the tolks at home regularly?
Study the art of public speaking, recit.
Mg or singing ?
1920 S'I'ANDS FOit;
Hest year in Cauteliau history. •
Lowering the high cost of living,
Hydro coming for light and power.
The year othe aeroplane for utility.
Leap year and raids on old bachelors.
'resting out Government ownership
with G. T. R.
The Drury Government Out for On-
sloughts on old usages.8
Have you been vaccinated yet?
Is this the open Winter promised ?
DU yoti see the hockey schedule ?
Will you joie the Horticultural Soc-
iety ?
Are your Good Resolutions still bold.
ing out ?
How are your hens laying ? Neither
ore ours.
Can we count on you being one of too
to boost Brussels in 1920 ?
The following is from The London Free
Press. "A Missionary from Bonen, a
deaconess from Toronto, and a young
poultFryman from Brussels all carne to
the Royal City on the same train from
the North, The deaconess and the mis-
aiouary sat together for part of the way
and the poultrymal„set behind. The
missionary got talking about economic
conditions in the Far East and mention-
ed the fact that the meat diet was un•
usual over there. "I have been iu
China 25 years and most of that [fine our
only meat was chicken." he told Ole
deaconess, who was listening in rapt at-
tention. 'But chickens are away up in
price now. We have to pay about to
cents a chickeu now and that's it times
what they used to cost." Enthused
And somewhat carried away by the
strange tales of the missionary, the
deaconess turned around in her seat and
said. "There, now young men, if you
would go as missionaries to China you
could have chickens for to cents each."
"Well, madam," replied the professional
poultryman from Brussels, "I guess I'll
stay away from that country. I hardl
ever' get less than $o apiece for mine."
Cherish Chimes
Monday eveniug a Dickens program
was put on at the Epworth League.
Rev. Mr. Mann preached last Sunday
in Melville 2110121
t on the
'First Judgment'and iu the evening on
"The Great Divide,"
Last Sunday was the monthly
Missionary program in the Methodist
Sabbath School, It was supplied by
the Young Men's class, of which Mrs.
Alfred Lowry is the respected teacher.
Labe annual Sunday School officers and
teachers' tea was held Mouday evening
of last week in Melville church school
room. Following supper came the elec-
tion of office bearers for 1920 and the
discussion of Sabbath School topics,
The officers of the Suuday School with-
in the bounds of the eougregatioo were
also present and a good time was en-
8 On Christmas eve the members of
the "We want U," Sunday School class
of the Methodist church waited on Mrs.
I. Patker, their teacher, and present-
ed her with a fine Jardiuere. A box of
handkerchiefs was made as a Christmas
gift to Miss Mary McNaughton, sister to
Mrs, Parker, Both ladies appreciated
the kindness and said so.
WERE or PRAVRR.-Union services
are being held this week in connection
with Melville, the Methodist and St.
101015 churches, commencing Monday
eveuiug, in connection with the Week of
,'1'O =M.1
'ream Wanted
Sip ycur Cream
Direct to the
russels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges, Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able At par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not want to discontinue.
russets Creamery Stewart Bras.
Prayer. The thrt" lnialor:; Are giving
addresses and large eongregatiou-; 1112
atteuding. Meetings sire Ilel(l le
Melville Church Mundity and Thursday.
he Metlho(list'1'uesday and Friday and 1
the Anglican ou Wi(hlesrley and sem,
day evenings. Serviac at. 7.30 u'clOrk..
ANNIVRRRARY --5111111 ty 2gttl 111[„ .at
the Methodist ell Well Soul [meaty was a
day at good things. Rev. lit. Hazen.
Listowel, was the p1, letter and gave
two Splendid scallions, the tn'.ruiuti one
�a gent 0 1(t o.
the Christmas 1Oil: 1 , a
On 5,
things and to the oveuing a most pi;Il ti
cal duieourse on "1 was gh.rl w1100 11)0,y
111-1111 111110 me let 02' go i1( to the house or
the Lord," showing Mu value of (be
Christian church. Choir sans; "'i'he
(list 0urtstlnas morn" in the -morning
and "The Anthem Celestial" in the
evening 11011 both were well rendered,
under the direction of Mrs. Stafford.
Misses Muriel and Addle Sperling, Tor-
onto, gave a duet with good effect
at morning service and Mrs, 0. Walker
and J, Leslie Kerr, C1iutou, contributed
well sung solos in the evening. Finan
elat proceeds reached the :6ruo asked.
Audited= was decorated with Howets
and evergreens.
Northern Hockey Schedule
Repeeseutativee from Brussels, Itip-
i1'y, Luck now and \Vwg;haut 11101 in
Winghaln on Tuesday of hast: week on
1.11e ca11 or R. A. Owrie, of that town,
3)e convenor of the committee and
drew up the following schedule sur
the Northern Senior Hockey Lieigue :
Jan. 6-Brusoolg at Ripley
8-Lu:know at 1:IJnuln
" 12-•-Wiugham at 131ussels
" 15 --Ripley at Ln'know
" 10 -Clinton at 1Vitghtuu
" 10-13rusitelo al Clinton
sal-\Vinghaoi at L tekuuw
28 -Look now at 111 ogee!.(
213-I3ioley at Clinton
27-\V iugha,n 111 Ripley
211 BI tisel'Iu at 1\ illgl111111
29 --Clinton at Lneknow
i-Lucknow 3)t Ripley
3-01ioton at Brussels
5-13ru0se1, at Leek now
(i -Ripley 3)t \Vbighorn
1U-Oliuton at Ripley
111-Lnekuow ,al Wiughane
13 --Ripley at Oto -001'113
13--\Vitghuul at Clinton
Schedule arranged sur 1131' ,junior
players is as follows :-
.tan. 12-\Viugitauu 3)t (pluton
" 23--Olioton at \Vitig11a11r '
" 20-\Vinghaur at Oliutuil
1,'1'11 4 -Clinton lab Wingliurt,
(Hp this 1ist, out fon' further refer-
Oranb rook
Misses Lavinia and.Bessie Alderson
anti Janes Duncan all of 'Toronto,
spent the Ohrlstnlas holiday at the
parental hone of the ladles, returning
on the a'londay morning following.
John Rant], of this place, met with
a very paiufnl accident on Sunday of
last week about noon. While untying
the animals to let them get a drink
the 110I 11 of one gave hint a lei tilde
blow. He left on Aluudlty morning
train for Guelph hospital. 11e was
etrnuk on the cheep hone crushing it
i1( but we hope It will not prove tan
serious a matter.
Senior toonl for November and De-
cember. Pupils were examined in
Hygiene, Drawing, Literature, (*mig-
raphy, Writing and heading, The
average mark is given. IV Class -
Jam es Keys 74 ; .111102[ t to iti cNttbb 8 i ;
Lilly 13erfelz 85 ; Eatti
tnn si;
Sr. III -Ethel Leitch 78
Soalldof 82•NBetty 79 . Frank
1lunter 77 E111111 5111)2101011
75 ;
Lorne Cameron 74 ; Tour Pen ningtou
74 ; Irveeett Wright, 74 ; Mister J
Bled 72; (',uric 12,tlIt 71. Jr. 111'-
111ctot Knight 85 ; Iva Brown 70 ;
Irene Thom 77 ; Edith (*msnlily. 77 ;
Kate McNabb 75 ; Lydian Jeschke 74 ;
Alma Qnr'reugdssnr 7.4 ; [van 1,011e),
73 ; Paul Herfele 73 ; Jack Noble 72 ;
Willie Locking 50 Junior Boom re-
port for Nov>triber and i eeen)11er.
t xaminetl i1( Spelling, Recitation,
A1'it1nretir, Geogeap11y, 1h -awing and
Reading. Jr, II -Jean Cameron 01 ;
81111412112 13rown 88 ; Jean Noble 87 ;
Jack Oamerou 86 ; 1.11.1)11 McNltbb 82
Ross Lowe 76 ; Hold win Knight 75 ;
John 13rity 57 ; ('•hat lie 11 udson 56 ;
Jinn Penniegtuu 531 Johnnie Lock.
ing 41. Sr, 1-Itetla Doxey 81 ; Aimee
Huether 81 ; Archie Campbell 81 Jean
Smaldon 73. Jr, I--Jahnnit' Penning-
ton 85 ; Rmelyne Sleiss 78 ; .Icasie
Knight 75; Glen limiter (i9; 1011111
Brown 68 ; Earl 1)[11111 07. P1151 )'l' -
Mai lIl'd on daily work. Leon1ird
11udeon, 1hu'vey Uoxe'y, 1111111a(Zner-
eugessrr, Knl111rrn 'A quiet',
it MvN:utt" 1 Triu'hrrs,
11', A, 111>1 0 rli, I
Plnt$ONA1,3 -Rohl,, and :lira. iioe-
man,'Lealuingt111, epee( a few d•.)
with relalivee in and al timid 1•ill';;P
Miss Helen (4 /L1.111.98, 'fill l alt", w11.0
home for the holiday. -R, Bloomli Ad,
.\Vingharn, spent, n. fees days
with H. Powell, -Mr's, Burgess and
danghtee, Miss Belle, spent Cel iotmas
at Listowel, -Wm. McKinney hes re-
turned home ream Tin -- Roger
Oke spent the holiday at his home at
Listowel, -Harold Ilolnm'S, '12o10111,0,
111 home for to 00111)1)1 of weeks, -Wm.
and Mrs. Thornton visited 01. AVrox-
eter,--klttrold and MPS. Ilanlounul
spent Christmas with Atwood friends,
-Albert Jackson, received to message
that. his brother at Hepworth was
very low and left I o see 1)110.-.1, and
Mrs, Olarniss, ulster, spent a few days
with Wtn. and Mrs 0arnis',-Wtxl.
and Mrs. Johnston, Reyes, Mtul„ are
at present visiting relatives here,
They both looi( 120 if the West ttgeses
with therm --Miss Eva J. Dalt Wel-
land, was home for the holiday. -(•1, and
Mrs. 'Hall and 11. and N)>. Sill 00131011
spent the holiday with Wrn, 14011 Ml's,
McMichrlel,-Miss Vietta ('m•tis,
Toronto, was home for a flaw
Miss Alice Alice Duff visited 111011(15 at Lon -
dot and other poi nts.-•Mrs. dile. (leg -
holm Port Ooilorn2', was home foe
the holidays, 141111 Attcltigor, Stoney
Greek, was home for a few days.--
ays.-)Vilfred McIilweu spent a few days
with relatives here-liowla1 and
Mrs. Stewart, Iienfryn, spent it feW
days with relatives bore, -.Jahn and
Ales, Anger, B'ordWiclh, spent, (JhrWt.
mas at the home at A. Mar.(lee,-4117,
+F•�:,.+.'+n,.p..<..,.,F,„..sz:x;,-.r.ic,.w...> aR,c.':a..i,s.w-..rxuaa:.+'+.a�::.,-,:�M:xv..aw::�kbaa,urow.,w.-'xeu--,wrA:atisFuiw:a..-:,x11111.-111112;-:,i-+±u,saaw.fv,a;wrtc..,c:wsa„•r«nac...,,.. ,:
RIE�'rj`�J� .° k
Until' He Took "Fruit -a -fives"
The T=rait Medicine
R. !t. No. 1. 1.15.5, Otr1,
"For over three years., I was
confined to lied with Rhrnnfalism.
l troutod with doctors, and tried
nearly everything without benefit.
Finally, I tried ''Fruit -a tivcs".
I'efrlre I had used half a bar 1 sera
iIItftrovemef1L; the pair[ was 050>1'r
and the swelling started to go down
I continued. taking this fruit me -
(Leine, improving all the time, and
noir. I can walk about two miles and
do light chores about the place".
600, a hos, 0 for $2.50, trial Rize 250.
At all dealers or sent pootpaid by
i'ruit-a-tives Limited, 01 tat{'([.
Size, \Vingham, spent Sunday with
his slater at the Pa,Snnago.-Plu'ker
Srnellzor wet' 1101110 from (Inelplt for a
feta days. -Albert Thomas 011(101 [vent
another operati)tu a1'1'Orornt° Hospit-
al and ie get ling along as well as can
b( eXpecLed. We 11o11 he will soon be
better again, -..Sirs. W. Clarke, \\'ogal-
stork, Wl114 h1•u1P for the holidays.=
Mev. L. 111clS9nney, of Toronto -pent
few (lays at the home al' dos, McHiu-
ney,--Beeves• 1\10500r, POI lo, was
haute for b'lidays,-air9,-Plaint... 10.
touted to her home at Kineal dine
al'let sp•ntling last few weeks with
her sister, Mee, J, W. King -airs.
Brucke and Velrn(2 is -queued home
hast week. Mr. Brooks is very 1Uw at
London hospi Lal. --Sl iss Glary Mansel,
Guelph is violling her sister, Mrs,
Ruhr. Aitl'heeon,-Mrs. Flank Nichol,
Brussels, spent the holiday with
001 parents here.
Samuel Vipond, of Ekon townohip,
died \Vcdne's11ty, [)Prrmher 2-41 h, i11
his 87th year. 'Phe 1'001'1111 tans held
on Saturday, from Lot 27, Oon. 9,
1,111111, 10 Donegal cemetery.
A utertiug of the Directors or the
Elmet Partnere' insurance Company
was hells in the Sect etary's "Mee on
Tueedliy, Decenmer 16t11. Members of
Board esent except Mr. GI leve. A.
cl(1fn] was presented from Ruy E.
Walker, of Morniugtot, for damage
to his house by fire on Nov. 28, 1019,
ad,jnsted at $620. Appliealinus for
insurance were accepted [amounting
to $226,850.00. The meeting adjoNl s-
ed till Tuesday, Jan. 27th, to meet in
Foresters' Hall, Atwood. This will be
the annual meeting.
Board cif Education has engaged R.
H. Atrhibald, Dunnville, as Principal
and mat honestheti master of the Listo-
wel I3igh School, at a salary of
I-I.9(11L. Bamford, organist and choir-
master of the Listowel Methodist
('.hutch, when on Sunday evening be-
fore 001iF1111as, at the conclusion of
the service, 1111 going to the basement
Lo get 1115 1161111' fouled it Tined with
15 now crisp dollar hills, a Christ Inas
peeeent from the members of the
1'he many friends of Major A. E.
A'icl<eevet'- heard with regret that
he died in the General Hospital, Tor-
onto. Ile 116)1 his log re-bt'nkell and
Monthly thirsts Pairs will he meld in
1lr,5sels this season es follows :
'1'>lt11RSI)AY, JAN. 8t11, 1020
FEB. 510, ]920
• el AR. 4111, 1020
APR, ]A.S1, 1920
Local and Outside Buyers will Ile Present
By order t F Ole melt.
h, S: SCOW, Clerk.
a ?direr plate put 11101)1111 thf bon., to
k+1'p 11 in place. '1'11(2 a telalitln ne,•m•
ed very sl(201'13 l Ille patient did
nal ;ally
the way it teas 1111(21111 1(3)11
w('s"llges from the hospital stetted that
his 1:" 1 ' ' n wits esti imply ruts
lie was given It military fftni't•al
Dolor] meeting of the \Votu•n
5orilies of all 1111' rhnrthi , 15!)) he
held i21 Knox elan ii-lgrave, hr1
day, .laolary 9111. Proglant lets h1.eo
prepared by It 11,21(niut1' tem N.1,111.
ing the \Vnmeri„ Alfs.iwl 11041 11,4 of (til
the chnlches calling for leie ih nlllil„1)
wide day rf prayer. 1Ve ion Molly
invite 1lie other emesregali oS la 1.110
us in this meeting. Addresses by
1tevila, Davison, Bonkina nod Boyle,
Huron Co. Children's Aid
Christmas Eve at the 1101110 County
('11111111'11'0 1 10111 911 0tderieli was a
tittle 0f greet, expe0l.ations toad' when
13(2111)' of these were realized Ihete had
passed into ter rmemotles cif those pal -
Llcipatiug i(1 the vigil, of Santa Claw.
1r1d the friends Who assisted in the
feetivl 1100, PXperiel)el"i 011101 11111 111'1
80011 he 21)1141)) 1111, Pew if any of th.•
10 children now in Hu. [foul' 11:u1 „'1'r
known what such :1(l "erasion Inert ,2'
and When at hast they 'beheld the
Patrol Saint of childhood they el Cud
anent:wand with Mingled feeling. of
wonder, fear and delight. '1'ILUIk" to
the rH'ools of friend of the wn111, 111,'•
response in gilts Por the 1it11'' 1%.114..
wore very generous in the ertl'eIlI(•,
and under the skillful lllanagelllelit 111
alis 13entley, the matron, her 81gter,
MINN Lottie Bentley, and Aire, 110..s.
well Held, the deem totting and the
prngraln L11101Ig110111 w'ele N0)7)1 as t"
make the orrbtsiu. a charming sueeees.
Dr Hellmann (tetra its chair man
anti the (210g)'0>I1 of songs 1[011 >124)11.-
110,15 was most ereditahly tendered by
the children. '['110(1, in answer to fn-
eistPllt Galls flout the little (111tw, (1
real live Santa[ appeared front the
chimney, with sleigh -belle and silents
to his reindeer, and with word, .1
greeting, he began the di1M'iltt1inn of
gifts, till each little wondering Heure
had their arms filled with such toys
and gifts as their' wildest fancy had
1lot received. 'Pia wag followed by
an invitation to lunch, speeiaily pre-
pared for the little folks, and they
sat down to a tempting and pi ettil3
at ranged table, the dishes on which
being the gift of the pupils of the Col-
legiate Institute, who deserve hearty
praise for s" acceptable and t.hongh1-
r1'' 11(:11(21 ion. It. uta )sell lie said wide vnele1,1 friends, are all grate.
- fully 1 r (1'w oc . 't r
I t k l 1( n be
Iwo :, r s „' cl I Imre, told will
111 1111 the (list alt t 1 visit It ,
Santa Onus to Ill. ihhild,s'a's 11111' p0lticni(ltly mentioned at the next
1( tlodel1"h w(ts It (l'-ligItl'ul '110.1,+.,, !Wet lug 1(1 the Soviet y.
and a epll'liilel test i0I''l 2' 1,1 the t;i'n-
r•1"IlssympaLha u 1,11.11 so amid} of Ih,•
people of 1111' 1' 111,1 y 11,, •11'
'•110iv11 In Ihr• ,art,; a 3!>-
11(15,4.10 11 It bed l,, fete 1, 110 11)
„ give here eilhl, th. tsitio li,-
d„tllil 111 11tei1 1111 ' 1,1 it..11 '.
I). 11,22, ((Ik w1.1 10 of •.i„ 1.,I 1111'„1 ,,3)l :
\Y ('.'1' I".
111,+,til, u, 1>111 : A1, rho 1'.vnip!". 1.'"I
1 m, 52/ : Audi 11(3,). ('I,o!., 1310,, '
$7 ; ft icnd•. 122 n 11(1.11cin;r 1.111 r., (Jud+'r-
irb, $17 ; Airs. CMOs., eel tthd arise 2
2101:12o.leit•, v. AV rel, •*' .. Is, .11 11,11
1,1„1111, 1 1+' 11 .dl I1,- Htv+
i *5:.1. A9 11 b,(( 0 111 le .1.
I'. 1.1 haw. •5 , (i.,/ I . ' ll,:•
I( (1. l(ey111l0 82 • 11, P. .A121'11[- 2
100, : 1. a,, ti_. 5 Ia'-,.
111 Itivi0, ox,' 1,• , 1(u•. .1 1 •
2 b
li •l,l d'.'.Il folic 5> ,•"•t y, ll ,i•it:- '.1 HMI ;
Sit. (hedge': ',mi'
,'•.11,pict' sq•2 '-1 vii•: , 1 1 l lir ,101,1
fru. OI h,l trill' 1 l'-'"-,
01,400 ,p., 11,., 1. ,,710/1: , ' 1• „ 0,11, ,.
Car of Corn
0A11 t)1,,
Halal Household flour
'1'(1 ,11101\'1, SOON
Spccial Price Oft' Car.
Phony -l:i
W. J. McCracken
,ra4nsROCa..'•7+:,;n.,k;:�. '" RC';. -."iiia[' "'fir ".a.:Si6 -
OLI) a.,, al -„1 \VIa'Icl ; old as the: Prophets of the
t . 1
t�, 1111;.[ ; Idtt as the. beginning of Time is
the Spirt of
'1'1)-doy,Ith0tit>111,rns and the Public Venerate
the nam(ss 1,f those 'Who s,trved and sacrificed in
the World War. I am leaking Honor Rolls and
Mem,lriai 'Tablet,. that lit the spirit of the times ;
that tell slnlf,ly and elegantly the story of service.
Male frltnl the. bust Vi-rm1_,nt Marble, suitable
for Churches, :-+chs v1s; Lodges and Clubs.
Brussels Flraaite and Marble works
This wonderful instrument plays ail disc
records correctly. The tone reproduction is
perfect. No limit to the variety of music at
your command.
The Brant -Ola meets every requirement
in style and price. Made in seven different
styles and finished in either Fumed Oak or
Why postpone the Inevitable? Arrange for a
demonstration and you'll buy a Brant -Ola. There's
one made for your home.
Sales Ltd.
Brantford, Canada
$ +e6G,••••04,?••4P••••••s40 ”mea'®o444so••a•••e>•®•e4.0•,00G••4040 o•,@O•t1+311•00,>••45404•0•4,4•••u44.04,04.04,04114•44
aThey are rich' in AVAILABLE Plant hood -are made from materials of Highest e
Quality, Their mechanical condition is unexcelled. No clogging in the drill. a
• STONE BRANDS give results and Government Analysis run over Guarantee m
p H. w WALKER, E , Phone 168 A
0 MANUFACTURERS Wm. Stone Sons, Umated, Ingersoll, Ont. ••
• S
: "For the Land's Sake" use Stone's Fertilizer a
• ••••••••+$+••404•••••••4••4 ••••••••••••M•••••••••••••4+4144.44.0'AO•0+40+4;••••••,••••••••••••••••••@00040.01► °a,
Y*' r'
.4 UR
Will Yield Larger and Better Crops
if you F L E Yotar Lands with