HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-1-8, Page 4e 11 * 1t Asst % �tte,�hs I� 1 � U R s) N '' I' i ii LAY. 11 IAvR .. t420 S _ a Northern Hockey, } 1Qorthern lirtelcey Lene.,10 this seas- on .willnave ono oflie, biggest. you ! in the history of ries, 1e4;55e, lie. ) Gween 40 tttul 50 t••ni :. have entered (. e i and the c mp , 1 t, 1 tu tut°,Ns to he very keen in every t i, et. The ex. eeutive scrunch L itt •1. int Prtituetslut Friday, Dee. 26 it, ;u p. in. to group the clubs and appoint. conVel s c bs a r l .t it tv nit and 1 1 i the schedules will be drawn up this week, Following is the list of In teams en- tered : Lucknow, Wimghaut, 't'illsonharg, Mount Forest, Durham, Ailsa Craig, Stratford, Ripley, 1•'etgus, inure, Olin - ten, Harristiiii, ah+teae, Galt, Han- over, 11louut Royals, SViart"n, South- ampton, Chesley, Otvem `,actual, Brus- sels, Mildmay, `\Valketton, Palmers- ton, Waterloo, London, Sarnia and Elmira. The entries for the i,mieet• series in- clude : Mount Forest 1t ham, Preston, Wtngham, 1 dt . n ,ar_. 'Stratford, Fergus, Clinton, GAP, e''t-u sound, Flora, liar vision, Palmerston and London. The tate John Perrie Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs. The Edtu+nttn:: U'.,li.•sin speaks as follows of the f.r r ti ,f :.he Lite jun Perrie, forme: ip f this locttlity:— 'One of the hugest attend -id and most notable fnnerlk in ell:' I.i=l:ory of Ed- .. mouton, w.ts :h:.; f the int,+ John Petrie, whip! i,,,d: pl;,re t•r,:nt the family resid,e‘ee,!1vF•? 1 115 t ,greet, on Wednesday :t;+ • *:,, ':'1st• ertluvt,,us gathering et the ' I,ur, ie r rvii•t•, to- gether with ih•+ .,1,o,a-ti n*• beautitnl floral tribute,. n'-c.•,i. v, .5. in than sufficient to t f„r ,ho utmost re. spent in whir{ t l:e• !L ,•eaa•al was held by everyone w1u, h,,,. +- lien. lie was a highly valued ctrl, „ t,. this e'ity as well as to the l” ,c;,,r" through- out, and his great i• s,. sill undoubt- edly be felt with the very deepest regret. .A. private n l.',• t.,,,k place at the residence :ti S 1:. 'clock, and was coutlneted 1(. v. 11, G.Mc, Queen,pastor :•f 1le.-?'5r". Presbyteri- an church. 'I'ii-+ -m ler at the house was a vets I,ri, ; „n-. and et 3 o'clock, the oet•n.ge pi to the First Piesbvtet i -t :hutch, ten 10501 street where to curdle sercice was held. The mull,. Pi WU • f tIn. church was thronged with :; larg, gathering. His Honor Li -1)t.•( o•; ••rn;,e Brett and several tnetull •rs of the Provincial Government beteg in attendance to pay their last te-.pcet.. Some of these nottned were Pi i,inier ('Mutes Stew- art Hon, Daimon Marshall, Hon, Mr, Cote, Hon. A. G. M::ieliav, Hon. Geo, P. Smith and 11,m, A. \feLe:tn. Some 80 employees of the ,I..leart Deet of Municipal Allah., ul •uhlih depart- ment the deceased held the office of deputy minister r f.+r many Yeats, were also in attendance. staving beim grant- ed a half -days at.enee feotn their work in order that they could attend both the service and the funeral. The funeral ptoe„ssh,o was a leng• thy one, anti enrrxi.1id of between twenty-five and thirty autos, The customary servit'e was held at the grave -side print. to the casket being lowered. The pall heave) s were : Captain A, (Hiatt, T, hl. '1'uribull, D. S. McKenzie, L. C. Charlesworth, J, T. Ross and J. H. Lamb. Some of the Maty beautiful floral offerings wet e made by : The mem- bers of the pr.'cineial assembly, the staff of the department rd. Municipal Affairs, Beddington municipality, town of Gamrose, the hoard of the Hall Insurance eeipany, the mullei- cipalitiesunion. ''The Western Muni- cipal News," Shepherd municipality, friends of the puilie set vire, the se8- sion of the Fit nt P.•esbyterian church and tate eat tide ladies' aid, east side Sunday s•'hr.ol. Beaver Camp of Trail Rangers. .a A. and Mrs. Carpenter and Mliis Jessie Short, as well as nutuerou+, others. The immediate rrhttious from out- side points who ,tt !ended the funeraI were: Mrs, Perrie :1 brothers and her 2 sisters ; Harry Ai matrong, of Regina ; Edward, of -\Jidi fir. ; Law- rence, of Edmonton and Ai.ss B. Arm- strong, of Edmonton and labs, ,i, H, Laycock, of Airdrie. One nephew of the deceased, David Peri is, of Innis - fail, and Rev. D. Peri it., U. D., of VPinghani, Ont., ,v1u, i:: a brother of the deceased, cid tittle associates and friends from 1)ifereI1 putts of the province at the intimal to pay their last respects. Besides a widow, the late Mr, Per- rie is survived by 2 rine, Alex, and Donald, and one d.oghter, Jean, all of Edmonton. 11 • also leaves to Mourn, four knit l i and one sister, Alexander, Willie and .f+unes .Pett'Ie, of Buron Como > thea : Dr. David Perrie, SVinghtin, 1)ut..: and Ars. Jas. Grant, of Hit, 11, Comity. The late all'. Perrie was horn in Grey township, 1111ton County, Ont„ in 1873, and received pet t of his edu- cation at Erns -e1 Out„ finishing his high school e• tnae. at Calgary, Re then taught rhool tet (lamrese, e after which he weld ' t1), 11 lien service of the N. W. T. government, In 1906 he married Miss taloa Armstrong at Regina, who is a daughter of the late Thomas Armstrong,, e,f':ire/ph town- ship, Out, In the sate: year, he pro- ceeded to Edmonton where he was employed in the capacity of tax com- missioner for the Province of Alber- ta, after which he was appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of the Department of Municipal affairs, which position he held until the time of his death. l'he late Mr. Perrie was a very active and Val liable member of the First Preshvtetian chttr•eh, and Was a member of 1)11 session as well as Superintendent of the East Side Sunday School. The late Mr. Perrie lett Edmonton about the middle of November for Vancouver for the benefit of his health, but after a week's clay at the i - Chautauqua Brussels LYCL; U M CO U RSI; ci e ng l.ne't r' it i Program rain l" h The Lillou o Ka ani Hawalian Quartette JANUARY 17 Vissochis glorentine Musicians MARCH 3 1 Coast, 11e decided to go to Rochester, Minn., for a medical examination to ascertain the exact nature of his ail- ments. It was while he was on his way 10 Rochester that 11e was seized with a sudden illness, and he left the train 01 St. Paul, at which place he was operated on within twenty-four hours, and where he died Peritonitis tend acute appendinitls were the immediate cause of his very sudden death which urcnrred on De- cember loth. He was in his 4010 year. Egg Production and Electric tight The place of artificial light in the !natter of egg piuductinn has been re- eoglized in the poultry world for a long time, hot few people in *Ontario have put it to the practical test, One of the First to experiment in this locality, 11r in fact in the Province, is Walter Riese, Brussels, whose poultry farm is ehietly noted for the produc- tion of baby chicks. 11r. Rose has thousands of White Leghorns, and ,luring the season he markets chickens just out of the shell to farmers and others who du not go Otto the hatch- ing business themselves, Egg production however, is the chief item of business in connection with Mr. Rose's Leghorns and know- ing what has been claimed for the use of electric light, pa brutally at United States agricultural colleges and ex- perimental stations, he decided to make a test or hi+ own. This test is now under way and after weeks the result already ,justifies the slight effort involved in installation of elec- tricity. The use of the electric light to lengthen the working day of the hen not only means more eggs, but it means eggs at a time of year when there would otherwise be none, when eggs are selling at their top figures. The advantage of this from the stand- point of the pouittyntat is obvious. ,air. Rose selected 700 of his laying hens and remodelled their time table for them by use of electricity, Rut for a careful test he chose 210 of the hest aotl put them ttt twn pens, 125 in each. The pens ole alxnit 20 feet square. In one of Lhern the hens get tip and go to bed as the daylight dic- tates. to the other a 75 -watt nitrogen lamp adds several hours of "daylight" and the hens scratch around long after their companions in the next pen have gone to roost, In one pet 11)5 working day is about seven hours, because the ordinary daylight of this time of year is a little longer than that. In the next pet) the ben works for 12 hours. They are fed the same except that one pelt Is fee and n n Il lar 4 D a u the r t 3 other not 1 7 30. At 8:i0 the big nitrogen httup is Wined out, leaving to only eight candle-power lamp bunting. This is enough h in show the befis to roost � g and they lose no time int gp ti g there. 1hey get accustomed 10 sltty- Ing nk1 the roost almost at puce laid work by the light. without difficulty, Tllr Hoek of 125 under the nitrogen lamp started to lay at time. After 3 Wee les 10 per relit, of them Were lay. iib every day. They are haying better as time goes 011, The lens in the other test pen are antn laying at all trod ail u. t u' nal [' Int )e for months" lit. Rose says. The value of the seheme will be easily admitted byowners f larges dockwhich are nolaying at all r o)resentingftheir Owners with about ne egg aday during this particular season. It would be unite possible to overdo the thing, as Mr, .Rose points out. The hens could easily be overworked by the extension of the artificial light principle. It must not be overdone now, be. cause too much activity would result in a falling off in the Spring, when eggs foe hatching are more valuable even than the fresh eggs are now, But it is believed that the "forcing" of eggs can be wisely canted nttl• dur- ing Winter months to a certain ex- tent, chiefly for the reason that eggs at that season are commanding high- est price of the year. 16,001) BABY CH1(118. Hundreds of fanners around here depend nil the Rose farm for replen. fishing their fl icks in the -Spring, They kill 1,1f the iron-pr"1111,+510 and ever) the layers bit the Pill in large numbers, noel instead of baying eggs and using an incubator in the Spring, they buy the baby chicks a few days old, and save themselves the trottbleof hatching. Thele iv often risk and bother with eggs, and they can buy all they want of the chicks at 201'.e1118 each. ittt. Rose disposed of 15,01)0 within 10 tulles of his house last. Spring, Mr. Rose also conducts tests of his own with the individual members of the flock, By 11150116 of the trap -nest he has isolated 10 hens, which laid a total of 2,828 eggs in a year. The principal of the trap -nest is that a hen cannot get out after site has laid an egg until she is let nut. A tag nn her leg establishes her identity, and a careful record can be kept nf the per- formance of each layer. The non -pro. dulcet, can then easily be culled nut and the Rork adjusted to a profitable crnndition. Not the least important of the uses of the trap -nest is to indicate which pen produces the laying chicks. .:ti - cord of the whole Finck is a valuable part in the matter of making poultry pay. Car of No. 3 American slim Feed Is expected to arrive at McNaught Station THIS WEEK, For rutther particu- lars apply to Ed. Fulton, Sec. -Treats. Cranbrook Farmers' Olnb 'Phone 285 04+0.00048080.•0414,000•0•808,0 0.880.14,4,440400.0•44,004,0,..04.-0•8,4 Winter Term from Jan. 5th We give thorough Courses; have Experienced Instructors who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with ,success. We are training Soldiers under Soldiers' Civil Be -establishment Commission. Address rho College for Free Catalogue, to either Stratford or Wing lam s s G s 4r 9 6 m ••0 e N•P OC,800O48409900000080044,04096 . A404980e00 i• A, + " t 144444 44 4+40+®•4•. tu0,1,40P40.4+,+4+11,+04,4880,1.8+5.+08•+b49•1,4,4,e'8O+4,8e4••4 The Seaforth Creamery •r a• ream Wanted 9 9 Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly + d established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can ' g you ou thorough satisfaction, :y • We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test 4 • • It honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- + pies and pay you the highest market prices every two • weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. aFor further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. + • MCCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to + 4. • The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. +4,+.44+644141-0414.44.44444 444$4,04.•4hOMV!!4DO4Ntddm �;,"`..�t,''�-,,.£.,d,...;k'.4•.w^''Sl'.'.r:a+`4;;r•:;F".a;•. a,s:5A>f,..:x..:.:,+t•. Perth Ot9Nnt Y 1' $1 t o , will Jammu l it h ue ui I r l t, 1 t 1 a t 11 1 } e held ' 1he alio•h+ I b ledu 1h Opera house, 1 1 )1' the 1 Y) f' + n ' f.0 1 1Oh ' )di t In i is '•1)i1 m L f lei I 1 Y TW" tl n c tint cnlS\nllu•e OW t i s tl street Listowel, are sufferitig from broken a1 ma, lir. Vines and ivl s Fth- rnnndA, Inco11 of whoa slipped on sidr- walk. r EMPLE1 '01'4°8 ,e Y B1.__l�l\�: 1'ilJ �p FON T 11 ' F S .� -C Rt MA i M NEUgII 15 � A LU i3AGO,NEURALG't t O 1 r ASIN'. RELIEF FOR THE WOtiSt EA5:LlE 81M PER SOX TC'-iP .tTONS L" Mro s,142NING 1LW 70?l'!i:pj Taut antty has lacked a practical rh uatntie. tout ys we time Ltt , F.,511511011 al 55 ei..•u year Y all .,t spinets, etc etre .:ales t 1 tale o of r in relief, )rt 1,5 r re '•Its ar-e. lichees rdveil ttethomeleyusing'1'.k.l` 1 `•(1r Cont +n - +: a treatment.•' .lust cowl e.11 cu,.t and re•eul i. with any other Y. ..,.1)r at ter you vi 11 h.• toud1eed. ::kYAW, 11• sre em. '-o• our ll w 1•oo:.1ct5 1. t fugsod c a you nothing ;'i 1 +1•aria 112 Kung tV route), we mail an:. where oil 1'eeetp of ti1.04. Sole 1 gent r1) Brussels, JAN, Fax, Druggist, W 13 Ii+uta principal of the Lista- well high sehuol will go to Outran 1 chits. 1 its tinu-s ' rbbrrt lute soldi bis 111 hied. Sfipoud, of the same m ti iv 1, fol the stun of 78111. The 1 rarm rounx ?fale - well Unproved and has Nlsl, elasebuildings, (`mnitt•is T•'nli. lio:a• !', Soiree, Nola hbol': and I'elenda to the number 111about LU go))tel•ed at. I.10 home of lion. Peter Smith in Downie rei'eilly and pt..•'+nted hint with a lane upholsket„1 rattan rocker aid Ilse, urgers and Save Coal older to dlspnse of all our Turn., 10-, before Christmas we are offer- h+g almost doe hle (llttLtltity for the .1ne money—$2 50 per load. P. AP/VENT Plume 1)1,3 BRUSSELS Smith t')tt rattan table. John aaY+ u Ak ,lr'rir1 h anti itti I Address of a 1 seri it delivered pi t at n was ( ht by John Erb. The nddrese voiced the , 1 regret of the c uunmiit 1)l. losing it g Y tine neighbor, bot nongratmlated lion, M1, Sttiith, nn his important appoint• encu!, wishing lin) Mile)) 611011535 as Provincial 'Pi ensurer, Ptesentatitnn teas rntule by Clots, Ballard'yne and Mrs, duo, McEwatl, Ilan. Bir. Smith and family have moved to Stratford, Short Horn Bulls W,, have von101 P11,,), boll oiilPn t Brits. 1 seta Pall Pali* for it years 1)t sucoeaalon and boyo always somotbing good on hand for sale. 0,'TUIRNBULi, & SON. Photo 2814 Lot 10, Oma 15, (}ray Twp, Bull for Service The undersigned will keep for service, on 13,4 Lot 80, Con. 2, Morris township, the tboro'.bred Short Horn Bull, Gainford of Salem, No. 00918. Sired by Getnford Marquis (1008001 Data Mildred VII by Royal Sailor (10060). Ped- igree may be seen on application. Terms— vice 0 th pr rivilege to return, le p ade ctimows not allowed. 91300. 911(0019, Proprietor. Short. Horn Noll 1M Sulo '.r 'o' mils 6 r. Horn sirs ills( offers for 1 11 II[1 1 1 6 111 selves, from the well knowSiulth Boni- field u dorsi , bred by lions Month t i sword by undersigned.. • A cow, PcooIi,, Pat 1 one 1,1.• sntnA bull, solei n•• lirlcaar'x HMO, 1:4en•n rro costly far $1111111, 111. lughost price,,) - , :+. 11- 1)1,1181)518.5111,1» a buyer of ,haw rai,cep and 1) Yon PA (lld, • 1lereilnl l Mtelllp Oa sale. w Il also sett 811,5,1.111 not 15.11i1'r 1 g• Bp. Not SO, Con, (1, ;hi ori,. t1w n her. ,1111 (1 •.t'Is1: , PJunn.1)411 • 11,11esel..1 n Faun lea r S al e 13t•1 t Morris t o hl) Il Being Not 11e tt utIt thin; good 101 mesa 1, good Mate of 1 ou, eon. veiniest stud'tiiool li ilediate abundance ao r Pet1lAflt Ge school. immediate Ne 1 i . N further pnrtlealars ninety to ROIilOitT NEW DOM 1 hi, 31.1f Blyth R. t: Wo, 2 For Sale Iiousonnd lots, confining 03 ace'--, In the Village of Oranbrook, the property et the Into Mrs, Agnes Brown, is offered for slml Froom house, barn, fruit trees Hib. Pa8bet.•i,.n 00111d, be given at once. icor further lu•tieniare rm. ply 10 11158.trims.n8, trims. CAMnti ( or WM '.57.1 NAM. Executors eatote of the late 11)18 ,Agu'- Brown, Ornnbrook, THE STAR is sometim es described aR a Radical. Without admitting all that the term sometimes involves, The Star regards the description as a compliment rather than a criticism ---for what it really means is that THL_ is in the forefront of progressive movements. '!take the Farrncs'o' Movement,• Its, city friends used good-naturedly to chaff the titer when, on oc- casion, it suffered di. reat fighting the Farmers' cause. Now, when the Formers' movement hits 11.3 any friends, Tile Star dues not so often hear tint it is an extremist nn this issue, With Labor. Chitlings direele1 -tet the Star for its sympathy with Labor, arc 1111 old story, But point • of View 1. changing,(mu.ili•ttlon now the 1 >n tConciliation, consideration for Noe 1111) fns of Labor, are the phrases on every lip. The Sten' no longer hears so mueh of being a IE.lidictil. Far from the stew's attitude being revolutionary, it is the. attitude that, on rile Labor question`, is now being universally adopted, This attitude of sympathy and understttudi)1o, toward .file reat movementsn t R f the dad, permeates the whole paper. The Star is not a. supporter of Socialism -- but it is Progressive, After reading The Star for a short time, you will admit that it is rightly called CANADA'S GREATEST N }'' WSPAPER The Stier is supreme in Sports—with a group of Sporting writers suet% as no other ('a)ladian paper has gathered together,, it is also dis- thlrtive amen„ (,analliati newspapers in the number and quality of the humorous features it prints, A live newspaper—full of news, full of ideas, 11n(1 with many good pictures to add interest. to its news, The subscription rate is f>Oc phr month -•$1.25 for three months' subscription --$2,00 for six months and X13.00 for twelve months, Fill in the coupon below nn(1 mail it to -clay. To Publishers: Toronto Star, Toronto: Dear Sirs: Please enter mo as a subscriber to The Toronto Star for stamps or monoy order for $ Name anti address in full r months—for which please find encloses) Please v,:rite plainly, anti say whothor Mr,, Mrs, Miss or Rev. 9