HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-1-8, Page 1Y'OL. 48 NO, 28 441.50' Per Annumn in Advance t:RUSSELS. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, ;fANUARY 8. 1920 W. H. KRRR, Proprietor II 111111 1011111111111 111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 11111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIII11111(A 11111/1111 uccessful Aiwa s Saved They were thrifty. They were shrewd enough to see that the habit of saving meant the strengthening of character. With the money saved they were able to take advantage of opportunities as they arose. resolve today to open a Savings Account in this Bank, THE ank of Nova Scotia Patd•up Capital - 11 9,700,000 Reserve Fund - - - 18,000,00D Resources - - - - 020,000,000 88 F. II. CILROY Manager Brussels Brand( pa�OVA gum /VII, onnoig- New Advertisements t'a r.la of Than k,.�_ u ,t'a'w -9. (1, Wlleon. New B'wks—F. R. Smith. Shawl lost P. Stewart. ('oro—W. S. McCracken.' Auction Sale—Tltuell Bros. tire•h, S,nash—Hails& Son, r.t.,v^ for dale—Robb. Currie. Vv ,.-tern out'(—Richard Jaokiin. v err ings—Board of Agriculture. r1"nr and Feed—A. Leitch & Son. ,tial. aean Phmtogrnphe—R. W. Love. A mount Meeting—Agricultural Society. Not o,• to Cr edi torn—Goo. Pierce estate, Bistri.ct ' ,Ie.tus Molesworth Geroge Menzies, Bedford, Iowa, and Ott 111P1'011, Manitoba, are home. 111'4. Oakley, Blank Creek, is spend - lee the holiday with her sisters. Burnett, trod Mee. Snaith, Stratford, were Citristulas guests at the home of James A. Elliott. The atorlt visited the village early last [week and left a young son at the home of Allen Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell, Toronto, and Mr, Cooper, Wuodsto,'la were guests in the village tet Christmas time, Hiss Florence McDonald, of the Coui.incntel Publishing Co., Toronto, is spenlIng a few days at her father's ha01e, From 811 hens Chester Adams, 11uwhritlgc, received $325 for eggs during the past pial, and also raised 1li0 chickens. lenrmoie' and Women's Institute will hold public meetings here Wed- oeeday of next wcelc 14th inst. A. R. G. Smith, New Hamburg, Mre. Pat- terson, Gael's Hill, and Co. Repre- eentative Stothers, Clinton, are ex- pected as speakers, FLOUR ADVANCING EXPECT TWO OARS OF Choice flour and Feed One this week and one next, to unload •ab Ethel Station. Speelal prices off care. Send ov'ders in early, Phone 5210, A. Leitch & Son 18EERC(IANTS ORANBROOK G. A. Menzies, a former Motes - worth boy, rammed at Christmas Hine from Bedford, Iowa, where for past 16 years he has been managing a creamery and large farm, 70 mules were kept busy, he said, drawing the cream and territory at many miles radius from Bedford was covered, This time Mr. Menzies doesn't purpose ramming and his plans for the future are indefinite, he says. Ethel GET your harness repairs done now for next Spring at Goo. Mitchell's shop, Ethel. Now for our local Parliament Election for Police Trustees. Miss Ethel Dunbar was home for Ohristmae. Morris McLellan was home for the Christmas vacation from Kingston. Miss Myrtle Bowes has returned to Stratford Normal after the hnliday. Rev. Mr. Kennedy was at Wingllam last Sunday supplying for Rev. Dr. Pude. Farmers' Club met here teat Satur- day, Some new methods on foot. Report later. The new Township Council will hold its inaugural meeting for 1920 next Monday at 11 a. m. Mr's, Jnn, McDonald, Mise Dorothy and Rose, Listowel, were visitors with Ethel friends during the past week. There was no service in the Presby- terian church lust Snuday afternoon on account of the anniversary at Oranbrook. Ethel L. O'. L., No. 631, will hold a Royal Arch Degree sleeting on Jan, 12th in the Orange Hall. Local breth- ren aro cordially invited. Next Sabbath evening Rev. Mr, Brown, of Toronto, will speak in the Methodist church on the Educational phase of the -Methodist church, At the annual School meeting Ro- bert Bremner was re-elected Trustee. His esso0iatee are Wm. McInnes and T. Vodden, School affairs are run- ning along o, k. Mrs. Joseph Whelpton, of Agassaz, B. 0., and her sister, Mee. Jno. Cal - brick, of Victoria, were calling on old Mende in this locality last week. The former lived in this community for years. Are you looking for bargains? Halls & are offering the very op- portunity in throwing open their big stock of Winter goods to people who wish to save money. Read their new advt. Monday, 19th' lost., is the elate selected for the meetings of East Huron Board of Agriculture and the Woman's. Institute. Addresses are expected from A. R. G. Smith, New Hamburg ; Co. Representative Stoth- ors, Clinton ; and Mee. Patterson, Gad's Hill, THE MERCHANT The banking requirements of merchants will receive full con- sideration by the officers of this Bank. Arrange to open a. current account and every banking facility is assured. SSA THE CANADIAN N L7IAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID,UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND • $15,000,000 WALTON 'B12r11`TCI, J, 112. McMillan, Manager, ]Misses Merjurie and Floreuee Me - Callum were home for Christmas. Miss Florence le extending iter visite owing to poor health. 1lel' many friends, hope she Won I n h 1 will t ,t 1 0 1 i O. k, l again. She hag a position with 111. G. Rankle, Stratfuld. The modern phonograph, of good manufacture, is the producer' of the best musical and literary sel(eCfos of the day. H. W. Love can give you the lateet and fullest (0rOL' nation, Read his adv11, and call and see Alm. Thursday afternoon, at 2 30 o'clock, a 11111011 meeting of th0 Wurnen'o Miesionary Societie0 (11' the 8 appoint- 1ueuts on Ethel Circuit will beheld in the Methodist rhu(ch here and will be addressed by Mrs. (Rev,1 Brown, Toronto, The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian clnu'0h has also been invited to this service. Wroxeter MVeal stoNoAL.--A very interesting event took place at the home of Wm, and Mrs, Rutherford, at high (,con on Wednesday of last week, :when Orel!: eldest daughter•, Lulu, Was unit- ed In marriage to Dr. It, G, Wood, of Beira. Rev. Mr. Keir, Gorrie, uncle of the groom, officiated, only the hu - mediate relatives and friends being present, Bride wore a becoming gown of blue silk also the groom's gift a rope of prods and was given away by her father. After lnnch had been served Dr. and Mee. Wood left on the afternoon train for a short trip after which they will reside in Toronto. NOTES.—Wal ter Stafford 10 0011fiued to hid bonne in Howiek suffering from blood poisoning in his Pont,—Thus. Brown and family have returned from a visit with relatives in Toronto.— Thos, and Mrs, Juo, Henderson, How - ick, who are retiring from farm life, had to successful sale (1f et(n'18 a1111 im- plements last Tuesday,—Mrs. George Leckie and little daughter. are gneste of the farmer's sister (u 1-31 newts. --- Arnold Edgar, Sherrie Gibson and Jas. Middleton left tide we, k fur De- troit to take to course in nulunulbile repairing.—Jas. Musgrove, London, Wo8 among the1'eeent holiday visitors. —Ed, Lowry has sold his livery busin- ess to Leonard Brown who takes pos- session Feb. let —Arthur Westering returned to Toronto on Monday. -13y - law authorizing the village to issue debentures to the extent of $5000 fur building cement side -walks, and a Hydro By-law were voted on here Monday, bolls passing by large majors. ties.—A. Lamoubv and family have moved to the residence on main street, lately vacated by C. D. Simpson, —Arnold Edgar and Lawrence Hislop have bought out the Livery barnin Cards of Thanks LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— I wish to very heartily thank you for my victory 10 winning the Reeve - ship last Monday. It will be my ear- nest endeavor to promote the best in- terests of our municipality and I tisk your hearty co-operation in the stone. Yam Truly, JOHN MCNABB. LADIES AND GENTLI11MEN,— I am indebted to you for the sup- port amended me last Monday, result- ing 111 my election as Township Coun- cillor, and I thank you for the favor. I hope to merit a continuance of your confidence by stowing a live interest in 001' municipal affairs and assisting in transecting pubite business wisely and economically, and yet not in a penny-wise and pound-foolish manner, Yculs Gratefully, '.['1105 cDONALD, %ELLONV EL ECTORS,— I would be ungrateful if I did not acknowledge, with C0ilrte(nn thank- fulness, your hearty support given me last Monday at the ballot box by which I was re-elected a Councillor for Grey Township for auolher year. I tenet my words fUl(1 act101(0 will prove your confidence has not boe.41 mieplao- ed, Hoping 1920. may have many hap- py, prosperous days for each of us, I subscribe myself, Yours Sincerely, J, 1+'. COLLINS.,' r %ADI11S AND GL`NTLEMEN,— In a few sentencesI wish to heart- ily thank yon for sharing your vote with me at Monday's election in sutli- cient numbers to return me to my Chit(r as Councillor at tate Township Council. To the beet of my judgment I will'eudeavor to grated your inter - este and forward every endeavor to better conditions for the people gener- ally in tills year, of grace; The rate, payees have a large share, as well, 01 tiding Advance movements. Your, backing wire appreciated by Yours Truly, 0. HAI1.RIS, • ELEO'I'ORS OF GREY,— . esteem the honor conferred upon the to my election as Onunclllor, at your hands, last 1\Ionlay, and wish to arty "Thank: You 1" Have Only one object in taking my place at the Boatel viz., to help Col' a while in managing Municipal hesitaters in a way that will benefit Grey, and, 1 trust, meet with your approval. Yours Tinily, 11. L. McDONALD, Meetinge of EAST HURON Board of Agriculture Will be held es follows : FORDWICH Brown's Hall, Tuesday, Jan. lath A,lt, G. Small, New Hamburg 13801 Cattle and milking Shorthorns Evening A. R. G. Smith Problems of the Your Mrs.,Ias. Patterson, Gad's Ril1 Agrj Address MOLESWORTH Orange Hall, Wednesday, Jan.14th A, R. G. Smith Plaid Crops and Rotations Evening A. R. G. Smith Problems of the Young A grloulturist Mrs, Patterson Address BLUEVALE C. O. F. Hall, Thursday. Jan, 10th lir. Smith, Beef Cattle and Milking Shorthorns Evening Mr. Smith Problems of the Young Mrs, Patterson Agriculdd rlss ddrest BRUSSELS Town Hall, Friday,Jan.ieth Mr, Smith, Field Crops and Rotations Evening Mr, Smith, Problems of bhe 70011" Agriculturist Addrose Mrs. Patterson, ETHEL Township Hall, Monday, Jan. 19th Mr• Smith, Seed Control Act and In- spection Work Evening Mr. Smith, Problems of the Young Mrs. Patterson, Agriculturist Addresslot WALTON School House, Tuesday, Jan. 20th Mr. Smith, Seed Control Act and In• enaction Work Evening Mr. Smith, Problems of the Young Agriculturist 0bw, Patterson, Address County Agricultural Representative will also be present end address the meetings. Musical Program at 1110 Evening Meetings. Women's Institute will hold meetings in the afternoons in each place. Meetings will open ab 2 and 7.80 p. m. AMOS SMITE, President. P. A. MOARTEUR, Secretary. Wroxeter with the intention of start- ing a garage in the Spring. We un- derstand Arnold Edgar has gone to Detroit for the Winter to take a course in the automobile business. We wish them every success. Grey Old Probs. piled up some great heaps of snow in places last week. If it were spread more evenly the sleigh- ing would be better, At S. S. No. 10 Harty Speiran was elected Trustee Wednesday of last week to succeed Richard Cox. He will also be the Sec.-Tre(as. At the School meeting in S. S. No. 2 Fred. Oster succeeded Jno. Kirk - 0°11)011 as Trustee. The vote on the Consolidated School question stood 18 for and 10 against. Miss Margaret Grant was operated on at Wingham Hospital , Tuesday afternoon of last week for appendici- tis and grill stones, She is doing as well as could be expected. Mrs. Jas. Grant, her sister-in-law, accompanied her to \Vingham. Wo hope Mies Grant will soon be.as hearty as ever, The faintly of Richard Cox. 11th Oon„.has been under quarantine ow- ing to one of the daughters having scarlet fever. A sister, who is tl 0111 - tug for a nurse in Toronto 111111 130011 ill with it and came home to recruit tend is supposed to have carried the infec- tion. We hope they will soon be o. k. There was a fairly good attendance at the annual school meeting in S. S. No. 3, R. Jacklir, was cheirtuan, Chas. Lemon succeeds Geo. Turnbull 'a0 Trustee and A, Yuill was le -ap- pointed Auditor. R. Jacklin's bid of $5 00 was accepted fot' 22 inch: wood, W. H. Stephenson is Sec. -Treasurer of the Board. - One of the pioneer settlers of the kith Oon .departed this life last Fri- day in the person of Andrew Hislop, at the advanced age of nearly 87 Lgears, Funeral took place Monday to Bruseele cemetery, Rev. R. A, Lundy, Walton, having charge of the service, A more extended notice will be given next week regarding this fine old gen 8lema11, - Vv oN 2ND PRIZE AT WINTER FAIR, —We are pleased to notice thee R. L. Taylor, of 0rey township, took the 2nd .lrize at the Guelph Winter Fair for Oats gi own in the Standard Field Crop Competition, There was a large class and a lot of fine grain, By way of stimulating others to dip into these 'contests Mr. Taylor wen in 19190- 2nd in Standing Field Crop..... $15 00 1st, 13iuesel8 Fair for oats,.....,2 00 1st, Brussels] Fair for barley 2 00 2nd, Winter Fait' for °etre.,. 27 00 4th, Winter Nair for oats in sheaf 2 00 $48 00 In addition 11e has a good crop to dis- pose of to seed grain, 11e captured $23 00 10 pi 10110 laid. year. 50.10000, Reomer,—Pollowing 1s the report o1' S. S No, 8, Grey, foe Novr m ber and Ceeeulber. Examined in Hygiene, History, Spelling, Litera- ture; Arithmetic and Agrioultul's. Sr, IV,—Olive McEwen 80, Jr. IV— Annie McIntosh, '77 ; Anttie. MoT4tg- gait 77. Sr. III—Fergus 1l,Paggert 77 ; Howard Mitchell 54, jr, 111— (llilford Brown 82 ; Stuart McNair' 77 Edith McEwen 11 ; Edith Ptide, 07. Sr, II—Lillian 1(10EWen 77; 1111101 Ward 61, Jr. II ---Gladys Ward 641 Seek Fulton 60, PrimSu, Excellent— Alvin Pride, Blair Melntoeh, Fred, lllitcllell. Good --Eddie Blodgett, . A. Melfwen, Aleme , 170101011581, Teac;lcr, New Council will meet Monday at. 11 o'(tlnrk. - At the annual Meeting in 8. 8 No. 1 Oliver Hemingway teas 0lcrle11 'lino lee 111 sur0ee11 Andrew 14,111101/ 1, win de01fned 1'n-eler81(111 after serving 3 terms, The other 111(31ee•. are I. H. Hoover and R. Cochrane, \V..1. Hemingwayiu; ay WAS ammeter] the «iintrare for 10 coals of wood at $4.110 a curd Arthur ]lull is the caretaker at, $511.001. Moncrieff Mies Katie I-lowatrd and bike Isar. Mille McKay are vieieing Mende at Atwood, Hamilton and Tot'ynto, Jamestown Miss Zithers, Tnrvey has been engag- ed to teach school near Mt. Forest and should fill the bill. Miss Elliott, of Allendale, has (18.1'1( engaged as teacher in S. 8. No. 10, for 1020. We wish het 5111'0008, Miss Emma j011 1181011 returned to her work in Toronto after spending t he holidays ander the parental roof. Stanley Johnston, nephew of D-,1'('1 Johnston, from Scott, Seek., ie l'eneW- ing old ft tendshipe on the le of Mor- rie. Art. E. Shaw has, returned to his studies after spending the holidays at. home, He is taking up Medicine in Toronto. Mrs, H. Matters, who has Leen ail- ingfor some time is not impt'o vi leg a1' her many friends tvonld like but we hope for the better. Mrs, David Johnston, who has been very sick with pneumonia for the past 8 weeks, we are glad to hear has tak- en a slight change for the better. It is to be hoped she will gain speedily, The School meeting in 8. S. No. 10 elected Jas. Peacock as Trustee as successor to D. Ramsay, Caretaking of school will be looked after by Wm. Peanock at. 1$63.00. Trustees are Peter Moffatt, Anson Shaw and Jas. Pea- cock. Chair was occupied by Arthur Shaw, Wednesday of last week a well known young roan of Grey communi- ty, George Fraser, was Milted in mar. Huge with Miss Eliza, daughter of Abram and Mrs. Bishop, 8th Con., Grey. Rev. Air. Mann, Bruesels tied the bots. The young couple imm- inence married life with. the good wishes of many friends. Ml's. Duncan Stewart, of Victoria, B. 0., is here on a visit with her sister, Mrs. Jas, Fraser, and other old friends and is a welcome visitor. Al- though 77 years of age she made the long teip apparently none the worse of the journey. • It is 35 years 5iuce Mrs. Stewart removed from Blue. vale but she is well remembered by the old folk. This week 3, D. Millet• and family removed from this locality to Lieto- wel, where they purchase(( a business and purpose making their home. lir. Miller had lived on the faille he re- cently sold to Mr. Hastie, for the past 52 years, hence itis not to be wonder- ed at that the going away was quite a tug. He and Mts. Miller and family will be greatly missed in thio neigh- borhood as they actively snpparted every good cause. They carry (vith them the good wishes of the people who hope they will succeed spendielly in their new home, We commend them to the Listowel folk. AIr. Miller appreciated very mach the free ser- vice of neighbors and old friends in the moving to Listowel and heartily thanks them for the same. Morris I11 S. S. No, 8 3. 7. Sellers was re- appointed for another term as School Trustee, Mr, McLennan contracts to supply Ile necessary wood at $6.00 per cord. Thuell Bros.have arranged to hold an Auction Sale of Farm Stock, grain, hay &c., at the home farm, 6th line, Thursday afternoon of next week, commencing at 1 p. m. F. S. Scott, Ane, See bills and advt. The first social everting of the5rb line Literary Society will be held at the home of Elston and Mrs. Cardiff, Friday evening of this week. Mem- bers of the Society and their 5611 line friends expected to be present. Don't, forget. A 2 etoiy brick cottage will be er- ected by Heuty Bone on his farm, 3rd line, next season. Good share of the material is on hand and Geo, Heaney will have the contract. for the new home, We are glad to see these evi- dences of prosperity. T. W. Bon(', of 'Tisdale, Snot: , t5 been 031 a visit with relatives and friends. It is 21 years since he went West first and he was last home 8 years sago, T. \V. had a good crop last season but has no wife to keep him company but we won't say that this state of affairs is going to con• tinue much longer, Annual School meeting was held in S. 5, No, 3, Juo, McAI bet' and Jas. Kerney were re-elected Pinstees, the littler having moved back to the section, Wood 00ntrace was let to Thos. Clark at. $3,85 and Wm. Clark has the caretatciug of school house for 1920 at $81.75, Jas, Keryey wee appointed Sec, An old time Morrieite in the person of Robert Mc0utcheon, of Frobish- er, Sask„ Is renewing old friendships. It is 20 years since he was stere but time has treated flim so well be looks abent the same es the day he went away. The visitor was very glad to got here in time to greet hie heather, the late Frank McOutcheon, 61th line, in the flesh. Nobody 41'01111d here would do any kicking if Mac, would sell out In the West and locate in the old community. S. 8, No. 9 held its anntial meeting as per statute with alerts() attendance, Robe, Shortreed was palled to the chair and the business transacted was as follows :--•I'ierb. Kirkby was re-el- ected Trueteo ; Sack Evans supplies 10 cords of 2 foot wood at $6.00 per cord ; for cleaning school 3110. R. Boll will timely.. .12,Gn(l Gilbert Mr.. (Catlin( will 01(1111 the fire. al 331 route a (lay 1 13aXor !Bewley, lurnred,ei a). 1'r3.01). 111 81,'. volt. ort CO11,a'1i- e• (ht- 11 't' Ilonl4 (ill! 11LX[)aj'Nl'N gi(lrl No i)V a vote of 24 to 12. ells, :Mina heard, ul' Bayliel(l, luta been eng(tgnd as Ione}eel' at •$7(10. She Cotln7leW,ed wet k Tuesday. \VI' wl•le,one 101 to the rrn tminuv. Fli,AN (1. Mr 111 'r, 11131 e A 30werte ('Hi: C'.61.L Sun l+ y evening tint at 5.15 Weimer, the spirit 01' Frank 11cOut1'h- (700 tOnk its lligb1. ler pawend a.twny peacefully, enrt1ci'nr' almost to Ilit• 118111 minute on tl.e farm on [whirr be (was but a 03 71 r, ago, u Cause of de- mise was 11H11t(, and (+1 11or cumpliaa. !10114 ftonl which he tied been failing for peel 2 years. 11'• .vats the 31.11 sou ol'the late Jism 31,4;utchl'nn. 35 years ago he wits newrie(1 10 Alis. Mize Jane speilan, of 141,ey tuwn,1,1p, who with 3 sone i Win. ,1., Harvey and Wesley, all at, homer hind 2 daughters (Tic. It. (ir'aig, (31y111, ane! Mue. Will. Slloldiee, Wallol) •'otc•ive. A daughter aryl sun are deceased. Mt. McCuteheo,Pe rnvlviug brother's are Jno., cif La. nomi,e, Alta. ; David, Regina • and Reber[. Frobisher, Sa-lk. Alt's. Simon Forsyth, Frobisher, Seek., is asister. Deceased was a flue's meal, industrious, thrifty going and highly esteemed. He was an Aegliean in religion, a 0i,neeerati ye Irl 11,111tii''3 mei :a 1114(11• bee of the ()I•lln,oe Order. Fn.neral look plane SVednesday afternoon, Rev. H. 84101111, Mussels, einelucting . the set vice. Lttertnene. was nettle in the Meeutchenn ;Mt veva on the flu to. Phe- b"(',vn'e11 .;hare largely in the syneetthy of the enlmnuuity. Goon Si.:Nit 09'F -- Moirdey evening- about veningabout 1011 r.ei011hns and old friends ltseemh11d at the 11:,001 .1' 01i(t0n 30:31 Afro. McVettle, 3rd isle and prr0ela- ed them with a fie. Littvu y table and pedestal. etre. W 8. Forrest read the aranlnpan yi rig add retie 1'e el ft"beet and Rey Purvey peesenced the gifts. Mr. McVett(e made a (l(" "t appr]- priate reply. The company had a fine time and part with the hoot, hostels and fatnily very reluctantly, but wish there A 1 success (n their new home adjniltit,g Brussels :— Deem Mi ..ARC MRS McVITTIE,—On the eve of your leawieg out neigh- borhood, we have met, here this even- ing to express out' regret at your de- parture and to assure you of our beat. t 1011,0 for your future, prosperity and happiness. You have gained the es- teem of the community by your flieudly manner and conse(ent.ions life. \Ve e0e1. found you ready to raise a helping hand, and willing to respond and '10 render assistance. We will miss you very utu1'11 from among (1s b(rl. are glad yon are not going a long distance away and hope to have the pleasure of seeing your faces quite fre(jlentiy. May you all be spared to enjoy the beet of health and happiness. r1't a slight taken of one esteem we ask you to accept this library table and pedeotal, May you be spared for Manz years to enjoy their usefulness and we hope that in the years to conte you will keep a Mare in memory and affections for your friends in Morrie township. Signed on behalf of your f't(ends and neighbors, Rare. Teel 'EY, Roe: Treks ES, MRS. W. S. F(1RRtlsT. Walton Rev. Mr. Button took Rey, Mr. An- derson's work at (Aintnn last Sunday. A number front this locality attend- ed the funeral of the late Andrew Hislop last Monday afternoon. McKillop township will have Reeve McQuaid to sway t.he..e0eptre for 1920. His majority was 0 over Mr. Reid. Mee. \V10, Sholdiee's 0,111er, the late Prank Mc0utcheon, 6111 line, Morrie, wee buried Wednesday afternoon of this week. W. J. Campbell, a former resident of this locality and brother of II. Campbell, died on December 3td at Harris, Sask., aged 511 years. It is 80 o1' more years since deceased went West. Keep tab on Tuesday, January 20, as the date of (afternoon sessions of the Farmers' and Women's lnseititte here opening at 2 30 o'clock, The alert will be midi posed by Ah', Smith, of New Hamburg, and County Repre- sentative Stolhet's, while the ladies refit have Airs, Patterson, of Gad's 11i11, one of the prominent officers of the 01'g1018(z atinn. Joint meeting in the evening 1,1 (8111''11 W111 b1' added It must - eel p! ugt :1111, Quite a fresh interest wits aroused in the 0.0086100 of ("onsolidated Schools last. week by the call to vote at the respective school meetings of the 4 Seethes interested, While the joint: l'xpeession was not favorable some voted nay to leave the question in abeyance for the present o11 account of the high coot of building material, labor, Re. The question now will be what abort t•(• -building some of the present seined helms, Vote at Wal- ton School for the Coesolidltled question stood 84 to 11 for. Despite the unfavorable highways rem e5ei11(011 a congregations heard Rev, S. Anderson, Clinton- discourse last Sunday at the Methodist church nnnivereary last Sunday. The ser- mons were stimulating, earnest and praetieal Arid the parson will be wel- come back. '.l'he program Monday evening, while interfered with by un- avoidable absence of some expected talent was a genuine treat. Mr. But- ton was chairman and called upon Messrs, McArthur and Sawyer frit, well sung solos and Rev, R, A. Lundy fora timely speech, Rev, Mr, Mol ley, Toronto, Was the strong card for the evening and gave several selections that were splendidly rendered show- ing him to be an artist indeed and everybody was delighted and will be glad to hear him again. While the financial objective Was not attained a goodly etlrn passed into the treasury. 80f'1Al. E' amen—Wednesday of. le-st,t-e,'k, in the A. O. T.T. W., Ball, 181 14 p. nl. the let Soeiat Evening of Welton llnl'tienIturltl Society will be held. Program will consist of miner- cal and literary numbers, contests, r'eeltatione and a debate "Resolved that. Country life i8 pi efetable to Olty life,” Admission '25 and 15 cents. Everybody lo (medially invited. Miss Alautle 1 ,' .1'i ua (s President and R. H, 1 -louver, 8e0reter'y. Give the Soei' et.y a good hoose, Cranbrpok� Read the important adv[, of Lei tab & Mon. Addittnna1 Cranbrook news on page 5 1..hi8 week. Mr, Dales, Toronto, spent the week end with the Menzies family. Aliso Ida Hunter, who was home front Stratford Normal, returned last Monday to resume hes studies. Andrew and Mrs. Eokmier, Strat- ford, spent a few days at the home of Mee. Menzies during the holiday, Reeve McNabb we salute you and hope your term of office may be a prosperous and enjoyable one, His majority was 19. A gond vote was polled last Monday by R. L. Taylor in his initial run for a seat at the Township Council Board. He'll make the grade again. At the annual School meeting George Speiran was succeeded as Prustee by 0. Querengesser. The caretaking of school Was re -let to F. Jeeel,ke at 556.00. The anniversary services in Knox church last Sunday and Monday were a [puked succese, despite bad roads and cold weather, Rev. Dr. Perrie, Wingluun, preached thoughtful, well directed and inspiring sermons from lieb. 11 39.40 and Dan. 6.10 to atten- 1(vecongregations and never didbet- ter, Choir tendered fine service. Lec- ture Monday evening by Rev. .Mr. llulfatt nn "Scotland" teas one that will linger long as a pleasant memory. The views and illustratedbymns, were very fine and lecture and comments full of gond things, Financial pro- ceeds of anniversary were $110.00. Rev, T. E. Kennedy, pastor, occupied chair, Monday evening. Municipal Elections • GREY TOWNSHIP Following are the results of the !Mun- icipal ol8clion last Monday Reeve— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Livingston...83 10 28 67 67 38 27-274 McNabb .....39 46 23 18 57 45 65-293 Councillors -- Collins ........14 30 4 38 105 66 36-293 Harris .........10 37 43 68 89 9 44-245 R. McDonald 21 36 20 58 77 25 55-287 T,MeDonald 14 25 8 27 64 52 31-221 McEwan ... 71 34 1 11 31'24 16-188 Taylor....... 2 37 24 39 19 10 61-192 Council will be Reeve McNabb and Councillors Collins, R. L. McDonald, Harris and T. McDonald. McICILLOP Reeve --- 10. ,i. McQuaid ... 108 29 86 18-186 Robe. 1{eid ....... 18 41 42 81-177 Couue(1 for 1920 :— Reeve, F. J. Mc- Quaid • Councillors, John Dodds, Ed- ward Hotan, Daniel Regele and Johu Scott, Council meets Jan. 120, 11 a. in„ at Con.meecial Hotel, Seaforth. Church Chimes National Campaign Conference for Wiogham district was held in the Metho- dist church, " Ingham, Wednesday of this week. Representatives attended from Brussels, Friday afternocn of this week, at:3 o'clock, a union service of the Women's Missionary Societies of St. John's. Melville and the Methodist churches will lie bold in the Lecture room of the latter. A good time is being looked for- ward to and a big rally is hoped for. Sunday last Rev. Mr. Stafford spoke in the morning o1' Sbnial Service work, in connection with the National Cam- paign and in the evening its timely y theme was a "New Year Benediction." Miss Muriel Sperling sang a choice solo in the morning, A most interesting. r and wellpresented program was given Sunday afternoon at the Missionary service is the Methodist Sabbath School, rendered by Mrs. A. J. Lowry's class of young men. It con- sisted of a class chorus, "The Soug of the new Crusade ;" piano solo, Bert Selwey 1 Short addresses on New Year Resolutions relating to Companionships, Good Thoughts and Reverence, by Fred Wood and Bert Lott ; quartette, "Love lifted me," Bobs Campbell, Bert Selwey, W. 1. McCracken and Fred, Wood. Of. fering for the school was $6.55 for Mis- sleds, totvatd the $75,00 standard for the year, ADDITIONAL LOOALS Robert Keri', Brussels, spent a few (lays this week visiting in Galt. Wyman Sperling, Loudon, spent the week end with his parents in town. Mee. W. F, Stewart WAS visiting nt the home of het son, W, IL, of Fergus. Donald Me(Teil was a visitor with Wyman and Mrs, Sperling, London. Ed and Mrs. Garton, Brussels, spent Ore holiday with friends in Toronto. [Miss Jessie Hdrous, Toronto was here on a visit with her sister during the holiday, Mrs. Gordon McDonald end Mee M(a'garet Iairoos spent New Years at the rrroteutel home, 111711. Milton Riutoul, Brussels, spent the past couple of weeks visiting l'elatives and friends at Whitechurch. Mrs, :Ed, Wallace and Miss Margaret. Toronto, are visiting here 011 account of the ill heaith of the fortner's mother, Mrs, R. D. Kerr, We hope she will soon regain her old title vigor.