The Brussels Post, 1920-1-1, Page 8.+410•41+0'Fe+ed,O+4404.01.10r44,444•400'h04.41+ 4.44'014.1.0 0+0+44`
DIN tom ThLht !
.� .,.,....n , y momma ruIN I'� -3�-� ...,. . � i'.. ,
3 ' ti.nni
Iffin l 1 L fit lwi II
Kodaks from $10,0 up.
Brownie Cameras from $2.90 up.
Fine assortment of Snap Shot. Albums,
Your Holiday Films Developed and Printed.
New Year Post Carols, New Year Calendars.
New Year Booklets.
Good Choice in Holiday Goods for New Years and later,
�R e,
Th s;xc L Store Druggist and Stationer
fo+.4'ee l•®'1 6+e)•h0'F04,,44,4•,+ +8 •roe' 4•44®4®4.8-1.0+494.0+044+u4'4P
%.1.1.115RItGULAO passenger train and mal ser-
�xaaI • eW s . g!vice was resumed on Mlooday to alae
satisfaction of the public.
Car of No. 3
is expected to arrive at
!McNaught Station
THIS 1VEEK, For further peeticu-
lets apply to
Ed. Fulton,
Sec. -Preva. Ch'anbrook Fanners' Olub
'Phone 286
ceased was uutuarried and lived with
his mother and sister.
LILIOUKALANI Flawaitatl Male Quer.
tettewillbe the rex' group of enter-
tainers in the Chautauqua Course,
Brussels Town Hall. Saturday evening,
lauuary 17th. Don't miss hearing
AT the Sabbath School rally in the
Methodist ohm ell Sunday afternoon
the choice program was presented by
holiday visitors former members of the
school and was as follows:—Recitation,
Mervin M:('aulav ; readings, Miss Car.
rie McCracken, Tnrouto, and Miss Mae
Skelton, Stratford ; duet, Misses Sparl-
iug, Toronto ; address, Dr. Fyet1 Gil-
pin, Milwaukee, and Rev Dr Hazen ;
solos, Mi -4 Jessie Cunningham and
T.tord larkson. 'I'nrnn•n and i Leslie
Kerr, Cli,itnn, I' was a real ret tnbave
them here atone with a nnnitwrof other
o d pupils who did not take part. Offer-
ing was uva, IN $LI 01
— _ ' - - BRUSSELS Continuation and Public
HAPPY New Year. Schools will resume next Monday moro-
Goon skating at the rink. ing with the same steft of teachers.
Now square away aur Ig2e. IT is said Alex Roe has disposed of
CHRISTMAS trade was good. his home Flora street, to James Arm -
:READ THE POST clubbing offer. strong, gth Con., Grey township, who
MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of sold his farm. Mr. Roe will move to
next week. the farm he hought from Nesbit Hamil-
PAssKNGER traffic on the G. T. R. was ton. Brussels South
immense during holiday seaenu
POSTOFPICE hours on New Year's Day Nomtce.—I will not be responsible for an
at Brussels office will be ti to to a. m. debts contracted by my wife, wtthont a writ.
and 5 to 6 p .m. ten order from me and hereby notify the public
to that effect. FRANK M. SMITH,
$RVSSor hes entered a Hockey team Morita, Dec, 27th, 1010, 27.2
in the Northern League. Schedule will 8Durbam heifers rising 8 years old in calf
be announced sbortly. for sale, A heavy draft brood mare and a
AUTOMOBILE, continue to run but Of num erof good cedar posts. BORT. BARER,
course in reduced numbers from thePhne 0 pigs 5 weeks old for sale. JAS. NseaoL.
"good old Summer time" record. Phone 5014
FAMILY HERALD, Montreal, has ex-
tended the $1.25 rate to January 15th,
atter that date it will be $1.50 a year.
THE comfortable home of the Misses
Hunter, John Street, has been purchas-
ed by Thos. Davidson, Con. II, Grey,
who has disposed of his farm and will
move to town.
REPORT says Brussels Skating rink
has been taken over by Robt Trench,
of Teeswater, who built it several years
ago and his representative is now in
charge as manager.
CaRlsTsias Eve the night train arriv-
ed at Brussels at 1 30 Thursday morning
s hardly
This t .
I Ifs
Or about 41 lours ate,
giving the travelling nubile a square
deal. More trams to meet ilte rush of
travel is a necessity on such nceastous.' ALiex. Sat 1TR. Brussels.
• SOME idea of the anoint of mail mat -
Fon SALE, -2 comfortable dwelling houses,
ter handled at Brussels postoffice may I i, C. RICHARDS.
be imagined When it is said $8o 00 Tonto girl wanted tolearn part and vest
worth of stamps wire sold in (me day on t making. WAppl$5.00
tori. vein to FERGUSON.t
outgoing lettere, parcels, &c. The in� DR. PAttLcaR, Osteopathia Physician, visits
coming qnota gave the st,;ff a "jam till Brussels Monday afternoon of each week.
time., I Chronfo and nervous diseases successfully
UP Go 'rue RATE:,—The Farmers i treated. Visits resiidences. Oonsultetion at
Sun bas increased its sshscrip ion ra'e , Queens Hotel.
10 $1.53 Tttii•;'nun'ermanda our Club-
bing offer of course as that was based on Airr°MOBILE license plates for 1920
the $t,00 rate. New rate for Tag Posr for Coterie will be a combination of
and Sun will be ?a3 0o per annum. bine and white, both letters and figures
Mull' BE PAID.—A large number of being painted on a Field of white. At
small accounts due Tee Post' must be least this was the plen of the Depart.
paid, many of them arrears: for subscrip' meet of Public Highways before the
tion to THE Pn:T for several years. change of government, and it is possible
The cost of paper Mounts tip steadily,
2 eeote a quire added nn January 1st
and eve wilt be compelled to hand over
to other hands the job of collecting if
amounts am not mit"ue1 off by the close
of January. This 's no joke but straight
business Don't le tine us it costs of
collection are added, Consult address
label' on your paper
Thee AT A Gcnn MO Aux —Wed-
nesday of last week Huge Williams, a
former resident of Brussels for years,
paid Na`ure's debt at Woodstock, hav-
ing attained to his 93rd yen'. '1 be cas-
ket was brought to Brussels by the
'1I0on train Friday and luterment was
Made in the cemetery, Rev. A, J. MaunHamburg, Mrs. Patterson, of Grad's
I conducting the service. Deceased was Hill, and Co., Represeptative Stothers,
• born in Wates, learned the carriage of Clinton.
-building . and followed it for a good
many ys.trs, living at Hsysville and R, C. WYNN DECEASED —Last Stio-
(rattbrook before locating at Brussels day Robt C. Wynn, passed away at the
family home, Detroit, from an attack of
apoplexy, /teed 48 years, The burial
wife left $ dot itrers. Mrs Saunders, took place at Brussels, 't'uesclay, on err.
Mrs; W. A. Grevenr at dMrs FI, R, Brew- rival of the noon trete, alongside of
er, alt of whom are deceased aid a son, father and older brother, Masonic
Riobard,• flown' the West,:. Miss Grace Order was in charge. Mr. Wynn was ah
,•Aldridge, Brussels, was the second wife, old -Brussels boy, youngest son of the
' who''stirvive5 her husband And bestowed late. John Wynn. He became an expert
faithful care and attention on him as his ' wetobmaker and held a responsible posi-
'advanced age made necessary. For 'tion in Defoit for a number of years,
eeveral. years Mr, ted Mrs. Willlams "Bob," as he etas familiarly called, wag
1.iived at- I gmondville after. retrieving a general favorite and his early demise
;•;;frore,stnssels. He was an active man • will he rkeply regrette(l. He issutviv-
e:for bis yeare'and ever ready .for a chat ed by his mother OA sister (Mrs, Shenk)
onef the days gone by. who ars.deepty Sympathised With De -
YOUNG Cow for enle, due to freshen In about
10 days. Taos. I501.75, R. R. 1, Monkton,
Pion, AAO,
PORTLAND cutter, almost new, for sale. Ap-
ply to JAB. HICNDELSON, Brussels. Phone 40.
We are now prepared to repair harness and
shoes quickly as we have securRenders help. extra CO.
Fon SALar—Beavy cant iron range with
reservoir, well constructed and in good con
dltiun. Burns hard coal.
JNo. A. SPEIRAN. Phone 010.
Fon sees—en oak dining table 5 hoards,
also a white enamel brass trimmed bedstead,
springs and Entaat cess, all In first-class order.
keep the hens laying. Feed ground bone
Bttos and
Bolles and lot for sale, with stable, well, cel.
lar, &a., located on corner of John and Jaynes
streets, Brussels. Immediate nossession can
be given. For further particulars apply to
W. J. Sharpe spent a new clays in
Goderich reuetviug old friendships.
JUo. 'Thompson, St, Marys, was a
visitor with the honer circle of Archie
and Mrs, Thompson over Christmas.
Brite mid Mrs. Scott and daughter
were holiday visitors from Toronto at
the home of P. and Mrs, Scott, Qeeen
MissNellie 11 tmiion and ('lark Hem
ter, both of Toronto, were welcome yid;
tors with N.' hit and Mrs. ilemilton,
I People We Talk Abouti
tt tt
Wm Clouse was home for Christmas.
Bobs Campbell spent the holiday in
Harry Fox was home from Toronto
for the week end.
Stewart Good. Kitchener, has been
visiting Merner Wood.
Joe Wilton ate his Christmas dinner
'leder the parental roof.
Frank Bryans has been home for the
holiday. He is teaching school.
W, H. and Mrs Merklinger, Hanover,
spent the holiday with relatives in town.
Also Mann, 'loronto, has been holi-
daying at Melville manse with his par-
Mliss Sarah V. McLauchlin, 'Toronto,
was a holiday visitor with her sisters iu
Will. Henderson, of Port Colborne,
was a holiday visiror at the pateotal
Alex. and Mlrs Lamont, London, are
visitors with relatives in Brussels an
"Ted" Grewar of St. Catharines, 1
visiting relatives and old friends in
Miss Beatrice Curry is home for her -
vacation from Sheffield, where she is
Mrs R Bell and Miss Cherry, Hamil-
ton, are visitors at the home of G, A
Miss Gertrude Deadman is borne for
the holiday from Queen's University,
Miss Vinie Bowman, Toronto, was a
holiday visitor with Brussels relatives
and friends
George and Mrs. Eddie and D. Poun-
tain, London, were here for Christmas,
visiting relatives.
Roy Burton ate his Christmas turkey,
mince pie and plum pudding with rela-
tives at Elmdale.
N', and Mrs Longfoot and daughter,
were visitors at the parental home of
Mrs. Longfont.
Jno. McTavish, Ripley has been visit-
ing Walter and Mrs. Rose. He is an
uncle of the latter.
E. J and Mrs, Bell, Toronto, were
holiday visitors as the home of Jas and
Mrs, Speir, Thomas street.
Harald Currie was here for Christmas
He is in the optical department of the
Simpson store, Toronto
Eli Smith spent Christmas with his
mother and sister on Princess street,
Brussels. He is living in London.
Mrs Wm. Robinson has returned
from Clinton where shea•teneed theftin-
eral of her late brother-in-law, Wm
Miss Emma Colvin, Tillsonburg, Mi•s
Lin, Stratford and George, Toronto,
were visitors et the parental home- over
the holiday.
Wm. and Mrs. Perrie pur nose remnv•
ing to Iunisfail, Alberta, next Spring
where they have purchased a farm
Their son, David, is now on it.
Jno. Henderson, Glen and Harold
Armstrong, Charlie Richards cud Misses
Serve, Eva and Laura Brvans, of the
Queen city, were visitors with relatives.
In Brussels,
that the new plates were ordered some
time ago, The Oalario Motor Vehicles
Act requires; that the new tags be fixed
on January r Motorists are advised to
do their license shopping early—as soon
es the application blanks are issued.
—Public meetings in East Riding of
Huron will be held Se follows :
Fordwich, Tuesday, Jan. 13.
Molesworth, Wednesday, Jau, 14
Blucvale 'Thursday, jan,t5.
Brussels, Friday, Jan, 16,
Ethel, Monday, Jan. 19
Warm', Tuesday. Jan, 20.
Speakers will be A. R. G, Smith, New
He was twfee married to Miss Mary
Marks of Ne v Hatnherg,ancl by hie first
Will, Cook, who waa ovet'sese, hsg
taken ei Government voSitional cnnrae
and in etnploverl by one of the telephone
;Teems. Tom' o
W. F, oil Mrs, Coletenn and eon,
of St Thomas, were welcome visi•
tar at the home of 5 Wilton and family,
Mrs Coleman was formerly Miss Elsie
A card from A. C. and Mrs Dames
says they a"e eni ,yfng the gnnghtne of
Lakeland, Florida THE POST hones to
Ii•'er From the visitors for the benefit of
our reed'' i
Mise 1Ta2'rie Perrie win is teaehitio'
near Listowel, and Leslie Perrie, of
Flint. Mich„ hove 'von hone fnr the
holiday 'Phe latter is engaged in an
automobile feetnry
Richard McFadden, Swill Ste Msrie, is
a visitor with his oriole and aunt. D. end
Mrs Welker, Kelvin Grove, B"uaeels,
The visitor ri'd eln'y overseas 2 veers
He is a son of Barrister McFadden,
Athol and Mrs McQnarrie. Toronto,
were carnet" relatives and old friends
in Brm se's and Inenlily fnr a few days
Thee were 01.11 hoiddavinp with relstives
at Goderich, Mrs Mc'QNArrie's home
i T Wn-d and ramily were at Wrn¢
eter Wednesrlsv of this week as guests
a, the marriage of the fornter's nenhew,
Dr R G. Wnnd, Erin, and Miss Lulu,
daughter of W. A and Mrs Rutherford,
W rnxeter.
R. 1 McCracken. of St Peels, Min
was a welcome visitor for Christmas
Brussels relatives, He is a brother
to Fred, and WM. and the Misses Mc-
Cracken and has lived in the West for
the past T8 years
Dr. A. W L Gilpin, of Milwaukee
arrived Wednesday night of last week
and spent several days with his parents,
other relarive; and old friends Mrs.
Gilpin vas unable to accompany him
owning to the poor hesith of her mother
who resides in Milwaukee.
Those who have heard the celebrated
baritone, H Ruthven McDonald, sing,
and there are few who have not, will re-
gret to learn thst his wife, who. was n
Miss Eleanor lane Wilson, died on Sat-
urday, Dec 20, at their residence, Aven-
ue Road, Toronto and funeral took place
to Prospect cemetery, Toronto.
A letter from Mrs Louise Lunn, De-
troit, says her little daughter, Dorothy,
is still in the hospital where she has been
For past 5 months, and has had 4 opera-
tions The young lassie is allowed up
d now and in a wheeled chair but is not
permitted to put her feet to the grosud
yet. We hope she will soon be convales-
s cent.
Robert Habkirk, of Neepawa, Man„
for' nerly of this locality, has been renew-
ing old friendships in Brussels and
locality. He isa cousin of R. Hender-
son, Brussels and a brother of Wm.
Habkirk, Kincsrdine. formerly of town.
The visitor hes not been here for 15
years and is as stel.rirt as ever. Weighs
about 23o lis, and is 6 feet 4 inches in
height. He met trimly old friends while
here on the short call.
Municipal Nominations
Mourns TowNsreIP,—Reeve, Wm.
Elston, Councillors, Waltee Yuill, A.
Procter, Hal•ry Fear and 11.. Short -
teed, ell by acclamation. Rh:hel d
Johnston WAS nominated for the
Reeveship and Wm. Taylor as Coun-
cillor but botch. declined, Speeches
were ni,ule by the nominees with W,
H, Fraser. ex -M, P. P., in the °hair,
GREY T1wxsmr.—Reeve, R. W.
Livingston and ,Tin. McNabb, Coun-
cillors, O Il,u'ris, R. L. McDonald, F.
Collins, Them. McDonald, R. L. Tay-
lor anti Jun. McEwen, A lively time
is expecte(' next Monday,
urn Turners
and Save Coal
SAVINGS, Thrift,
Independence — all
these are the out-
come of the same impulse _
and attain the same objec-
Standard Bank of Canada
can help you to attain it. 802
Campbell, W. Currie and R., Buchan-
Oouncillot 8, J. Gillespie, W. Robinson,
A, Ooultes, W. Leislunail and W.
WRooETER,—Reeve, J. Douglas,
Oonrtrillors, F. Davey, Geo, Leckie,
Donald Pope eel Merton I•Iowe, The
latter takes place of Jun. Adams -who
derlined (all by acclamation.)
BRtisst Ls,—Reeve, S. '1'. Plum and
W, 11. Kerr. Oouucillote, A. L, Stety-
art, S. Wilton, M. Fraser, J. Gnl-
hrail9n, G. 0, Manners, W. 'William-
son and 1 O. ]tinhards, feel
ool Tens -
tees thy acclamation) Jas, Fox, R.
Leatherdale and D. 0. Russ.
In order lo -dispose of all our Turn-
ers before Christmas the tare ofer-
iug almost double quantity for the
HEMS money—B:150 per load,
Phone 10 t:3 BRUSSELS
ALD as the World ; old as- the Prophets of the
VV World ; old as the beginning of Time is
the Spirit of Veneration,
To -day Institutions and the Public Venerate.,
the names of those who served andsacrificed in
the World War, I am making Honor Rolls and
Memorial Tablets that fit the spirit of the times ;
that tell simply and elegantly the story of service.
Made from the best Vermont Marble, suitable
for Churches, Schools, Lodges and Clubs.
Brussels Granite and Marble Works
.; a'k• :YJrsKFa's:.�vvr� �`0.yx^a' .....+,—. .y
a•�Ieaaceseaveeecesesruseutsislflts W�, eacee'si(�ci(at'".aeorgeoetiocea0
Belgrave Farmers' Olub put pose go-
ing into the cattle andhog shipping
usi n ess,
People about here are glad to have
the regular train service restored on
the L. H. & B. both for mail and pas-
senger service.
On Wednesday evening of last week
the officers and penile of the Presby-
terian chinch held their Christmas
tree entertainment in the 0. 0. F. Hall
with the usual excellent program.
There was a full house, 1The receipts
were nearly $00 for the use of the
The L42ethndist Sabbath school te-
centdy held an "At Home." The pro-
gram was produced by the, children
with an address by the pastor, Rev.
Sydney Davison on ..The coming of
the Christ child." Solos by D. M ctGill
and by Mr. Davison and Mrs. G.
Walsh and MIrs, Olayten Procter were
Tuesday afternoon the funeral of
Jonathan Crooks took place here. He
died at Clinton and was 46 years of
age. Rev: elle. Boyle was in charge
of the service and pallbearers were
W. 3,, Et nest, John and Wm. Geddes,
John Stewart and Joe Miller.
SURPRISE PARTY.— Monday even-
ing, Deo. 22nd, a number of Sunshine
Church congregation called at the
Belgrave Parsonage with the inten-
tion of spendicg an hour or so with
Rev, and firs. Davison socially at
the close of the year, After social
Fox's Drug Store
T I -I E STO RI !en'
Weekly Store News
• g
e For 1110 Children
with a Cold
I'lere la one of out' very best
Tonics and Builder. Rich in
Tonle -food properties that enter
readily into the blood, carrying
with them elements that
strengthen the whole system.
Very palatable to the most deli
cate system,
50e and $1 00 per bottle
The Bottle •
Carrying Comfort es
Beeps Ihlnids rocked at break-
fast tints 10 setae hot or veld at
11111(•11 nr dinner.
Exceedingly useful for the
home, farm, mutiny or sick
The name "Therhlns ' is staulp-
ed nn all Tile genuine Thermos
products. \`;7r have a tap le did
195807tment of them 1 'rl11 ling the
"1'hermoe Kit" to $'l,25,
Hot Water Bottle
is one of the very best friends in
the home at the present . time in
many ways. You will always
find our stock very complete and
strictly first-class, both as to
quality and price. Dur pet salmi
guarantee accompanies each
is the best. 001)-
1111115 110 opiates of
any (laseeiption and
can be given to very
young children
without any un-
pleasant rea11115
25e per bottle
CorresIo uienco
When you 1117 fltah711 for time
to write it letter a OM respon-
dence Caul 3,1,1 fills the hill.
Nicely packaged and splendid
stook. You will find them rrost.
convenient. 867 and 75e.
"Dear Olara," wrote the
young man, "Pardon toe, but
I'm getting so forgetful, 1
proposed to you hast eight,
but really forget whethrt you
said "Yes" or "No.
"Dear Will," she replied be
note, "So glad to hero' from
you, I know I said "Yes" to
someone last night but l had
forgotten just who it was."
Rani -flush
10,,1' title pltrpnse
n"1y and the un-
it one thing foe
t lac pn: po5o —
Keeps them
elrtnr and
llu•y. Lair!. imus
t ir• ec11•11,
e eeseees••Oege•easeeeseseseg•••viieggeecgaeoo,$oel Gi7at9eg
chat of a hour, an impromptu pro -
grain was presented, consisting, of
vocal and instrumental lance ; rectta-
tations, etc. Mrs, Wm, Cunningham -
tvas called on for a solo but preferred
to speak a few words of appreciation
on behalf of the congregation for Mrs.
Davison's faithfulness in the church
where she is oganist and a willing
worker in every department. At the
same time Mrs. Ounningham handed
Mee, Davison a mice sutra of 20011ey
from the congregation as a small re-
ward for her services, Mr. Davison
thanked the friends very kindly for
their gift and their words of apprecia-
tion toward Mrs. Davison assuring
them that her work in the church was
one of love for her Master as she felt
it a great privilege as well as her duty
to do what she could in Hie vineyard.
Refreshments were then served and
after each guest had personally wish-
ed Rev. and Mrs. Davison a lrleery
Christmas and a Happy New Year
they separated, agreeing that the
Belgrave Parsonage was tin idetyl
place for just such a gathering.
OUNNrxnll AM —In ltrnt+.ola, on December 211111,
1919, to Mr. and 11 re Earl 0osn, ngham, it
son—Jahn Dougloa tram1.
floOAn —Hi How ick, on 11, r. 21st 1919, to 111,
and Sirs. Gurdon Edgar, a son.Gmn.—At Ethel, cot Den I t t,, 101U, to Mr. and
SIra. Grover Gill, it daughter.
NtottoT..—In MoMMSA tows ,1i1Pp, an Deeetnbnr
26th, 1019, to 511, and Mrs. Jas. A. Nichol, u
Dots,—In Grey Township, no D,.,'. 211th, lien,
Margaret, daughter or Peter twig, its, ,1 7
WTLL'Aats.—At Woodstock, on December 1.1111,
1010, Bugh William., formerly of liras.: a,
In his 118rd year.
WYNN•-1» Debrntt 511 1, mi Smldoy, Deeom-
ber, 2stlt, 1010, Robert 11, Wpngr.'t
son el the lata John Wynny,nn, formnuerly rf
Brpeaels, aged 48 years,
Ethel Farmers' Club
Annual Meeting of Ethel Fanners' Club will
be held in aha1'owtt+Uip
January Ord, nt a p, m , tohaalolsE4701,1t 11a(0a, rshle
Oflioors and receive new ni"mb"i-,, A tars
attendance asked for.
WATA'NR SM ILLIE, Ptusideat,
T. KEFt'ER, Secretary.
In your home bear the voices and instruments
of the world's greatest artists reproduced on, this
wonderful instrument—the
Plays all makes of disc records correctly; abso-
lutely perfect tone reproduction. Made by master
workmen. Seven different styles and finished in
either fumed oak or mahogany.
You owe it to yourself to hear the Brant•Oia—
and toown one. There's one made expressly
for you.
Ask your dealer about it.
Sales Ltd.
Brantford, Canada
John Oliver