HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-1-1, Page 5�TI Ma= CAROL • • RIO. SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED zeirsetwrow ,Goa.I . etaa Wez ,Rzo L1usiness Canis DR. WARDLAW 1:on er graduate of the Ontario Veterinary 1 a)11nge. Day and night onus. Office opposite 1. mar AIM, Ethel, T, T. M' RAE M. S., M. Q. P., rF S, O, M. U. H., Village of Brussels. Physioist', Surgeon, Accoucheur Office at residence, opposite Melville Ohuroh, William street. f"114. ✓. H, WHITE, B. A. P13YSIOIAN AND SUMMON, Graduate Toronto 17niversity of Medicine, Special attention given to diseases of children and Surgery. Ofllce: Dr. Bryans Old Stand Phone,45 - Brussels JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, will sell for no good nines as any other Auo• finality or ollnrge nothing, BEI,GRAVE P.O. PACOOf0OT, KILLORAN & COOKE G.arrieters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c, 1':.`dao on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, (2ODEBTOH, ONT. Private funds funds to loon nt lowest rates. w, PltelrorooT, K. 0. T, L, HILLMMAN H. .1. D. 00oKn r .dv tiw.Ar<u'dvda meta Y Select a School With your Eyes Wide Open, All Business Colleges aro not alike. A• Tonga & Charles Sts., Toronto Is.noted throughout Canada for high QA ( grade training. Our graduates are in A q,s great demand Met our Oatalogne, yvL, read our reoorda, !then duelde, Enter yf any time. W. .1, ELL10rr, PRINOIPAL total iebni items Seso Tug Powr to the absentees for 19eo. WEDDING Invitntious issued lin neat form at Tae Poor. THE big steel plant thin made a fool of themselves and Gaderich will locale now of Sarnia, on au Indian reserve it Is said. DEATH or JAI. Hoot) —The George- town Herald of December 17th, speaks ss follows of the demise of Jas. Hood, a brother-in-law of S. Bailey, Brussels :— Death came suddenly to James Hood, one of Esquesing's best known and most highly respected residents, on Saturday morning last, Mr. Hood, who was at Alex Hume's, his son-in-law, had par- taken of a hearty breakfast and appeared in his usual health when be left the house to go to the stable. On returning he was within a few steps of the door when he was stricken and died in a few minutes , Deceased wasa son of the late John Hood ,vho came from Scotland and settled in Esquesiog, He was born in Stewarttown 73 years ago and had re- sided there all his life with the excels. 1 1 tion of 7 years spent in Barrie and Rockwood. Ha was married ears 'Amite 43 Y a o to Mt deline Baia who 't g ssA I web Y v n Is prt:parc(1 to pay the highest price for Scrap iron, Rubbers, Rags, &c. FURS • • • • ••• •• • •• • • • • • • Highest price paid. See • • Highest Cash Price for • me before you sell, Eine Poultry and Hides Write or Phone 621 ' • • • • • • • 1II1.I, STREET BRUSSELS • s:y •d•Aeeestsee a& e•0©•4.•♦•••• SAM WEINSTEIN The Brussels Post bbingq List For 1920 'I'til: Pos' and Daily Globe .$ 5 00 Mail and Empire 5 00 Toronto World .. 5 00 Farmee's Advoc'e 3 00 JPauilly' Herald .. 2 65 Weekly Sun., ..... 2 40 Loddon Advert'r 5 00 " Free Press 5 00 Weekly Witness 2 30 Nor. Messenger... 2 00 World Wide,...... 3,25 . Youth's Oomp'n8 '75 " 'Presbyterian 8 10 "Above pu0ee are ' for addressee in 'Canada 1(t (seat Britain, If )ublioa- t Ion you walit is not in above Fist, tet' ns knew, Family Herald 8;1.50 after New Years, Remit by Postal Nate or. lilxpresa Urger. 11' Bank Cheque add ex - W. 11, KERR, Tit to PORT, Brussels, 111 u one daughter, Mrs, Alex, Hume, and one son, J. D. Hood, survive. The late Mr. Hood was a good citizen and au honorable moo, loved by his family and esteemed by ailwbo.knew him. lin re- ligion he was a,Presbyterian and in poli- tics a Conservative, The remains were iuterred in Greenwood Cemetery, Georgetown, on Monday, the service being coudueted by Rev. R. F. Camer- on. The pall bearers were W. Lawson, J. Appelbe, Job Board, W. D. Johnston Geo, B. Thompson' and 'Goodson Appel - be, Clinton The Collegiate commencement ex- ercises were held in the Town Hall be- fore an audience that taxed the capac- ity of the building. Prizes and dip- lomas were distributed and the schist - ars of the school gave a fine entertain- ment, including several well-trained drills, and concluding with an amateur play. J, W. 'Treleaven, B. A., princi- pal, is to be congratulated on the suc- cess of the entertainment. W. C. Brown, who -has jnat retired from the service ofGu Trunk, he Tr nk oft he 35 consecutive years of service, has some interesting reminiscences of hie time asforeman of the Clinton sectional division of the LQndon, Hur- on & Bruce line. His first wages were $1,16 a day of tea hours, and there had been to his recollection about fifteen changes in pay since that time. When asked as to the condition of the road at present, 0e compared with former years, Me. Brown states that itis not in nearly as good condition as formerly. Wroxeter Arthur Wearying, Toronto, is home for Christmas vacation. Mise Agnee McKercher, returned from Kingston on Saturday, Frank Green has disposed of his farm to David Vogan, of Howick. D. said Mrs. Walker, Niagara Falls, are guests of the latter's mother, Mrs, Jno. Gibson, Mrs. M. McLennan, D. and Mrs. McTavish and Miss Maty Harris spent Christmas in Toronto. Jun. and Mrs, Hartley and little daughter, Vankleek Hill,are visiting relatives in Howick, Miss Mina Douglas and Burns Mof- hitt, of Mt. Forest Business College, are home for the holidays, Mrs. Inman left for her home in New York after an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. S. Rasmussen. A Concert tinder the auspices of the Wroxeter Continuation school was successfully given in the Town Hall Friday evening. Misses Mary Gibson, Lila Kaake, Margaret Anderson, Beatrice Howe, Lulu and Clara Rutherford, Jennie Allan and Ashton Morrison, teachers, are home for the Christmas vacation 11134011 am Wanted Ship your Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue." r ssels Creamery Stewart Bros' ). •r -«.�; . �; ?,&,.�::�, a+r,-x- .HiiN,� �. �-�„- •,+r�ilt:r-r'%5E, inr �' J. R. Wendt attended the funeral of his uncle, the lou: Henry%\'clone, Olir- ford, on Tnt'edtty afternoon (,f Mel CIES HER LIFE week. I 1 1)eue e as (I had been engaged il 1 the jewelry l reillesa ill Cli1Tw•(I for 301 years, "FRUIT f 99 A number from lieu' attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Inglis � F ITA—TI VE u•hlch Look place at Nlrtulosh's cemetery Monday 1(l• hest week. 1le- nloee,lNESinue)1(1 at lick af1loicios 1 13"1" After Years of Suffering with Dyn. pepsia, this Fruit Medicine Gave Relief dents EMI is survived Iy iter• huehand and grown-up family. - Moncriefl' (,3r'nael'1 11Igiis is 11o10)' trope Steal - ford honniutl and feeling fairly well. Mier Robertson, teacher, was at her. home, Wiughani, for Christmas yaen- tinn, 1.1(1(0), son of Will. V. and Mrs. Mc- Kay has been holidaying at home over the Christmastide, Smoot, Remoi'r.—Fallowing is the report for S. H. No, 0 Grey, for the month ur December. 1 V--Lorl'al110 McKay, Berlin, Seel van, Muriel Van '/lion, Leslie 51eKay, Leslie Machan, lavie McKay, Sr. 111—WVillie Mc- Kay, Willie Mantle, Kenneth Meehan, Arthur Munn, Marie Wesenbutg, Jr. III—Clifford Machan, Greta Speiran, Leon McKay, Marion McKay, Clifford Robertson, .Elton McKay. Sr. I1— Annie Robertson, (Mildred Plarvavd Myrtle Mantle,) WineiFrred Melville, Nlaujnl•ieSnlith. Jr, 1I—O)•val Har- rison, Hazel Spell+tin, Lawrence Macle- an, Bligllton Ferg. I—Verna McKay, Velma'Robertsoo, Lawrence McLean, Eliza Machan, Clarinda Bell. 1sa1)01 SlcLean, Kenneth Ferg, Pr. II—Erie McKay, Bob. Bell, Archie Mekay, Pr. I—WVillie Robertson, May 11cKay, Olen Rath well, Wilfred %Vickie, Freda Wickie, Flanuis Smith, Duncan Nie - Kay. M. D. Ronatursog, Teacher, Oran brook FARMERS' CLUB.—On Derenn her 12th Oranbroak Farmers' (club elected the following officers Inc 1920 :—Presi- deut,_R. L McDonald; Vice Presi- dent, harry Keys ; Secretary -Treas- urer, Ed. Fulton ; Recording Secre- tary, Allan Cameron : Directors, D. Huether•, Gen E Speiran, Neil 1). Mc- Nair, Albert Whitfield, Alex. Mann and Jno. Melville ; Hun. Directors, Mrs. 1R. L. McDonald, Mrs. Jae. A, McNair and Mrs. A. Whit field ; Audi- tors, Jas, A. McNair and It. W. Liv- iunston. Approximately 13140,000 business was transacted. About. 2,500 pigs and 280 cattle were among the shipments. Next meeting of Club will be held at Monevieff Friday Janu- ary 2nd it) the church basement. The•Ecirnontou Journal. says of the late Jno. Perrie, Deputy Minister of Municipal' affairs to whose death ref- erence was made last week :—The de- ceased was one of the best 11 I100/ fwd most experienced officials of the Pro- vincial Government, in whose service he had been since the organization of the Province. He came here from Re- gina, where he had served on the staff of the old territorial government; and originally he was from Ontario. A family, of wife and 3 children, survive hire, with a sister, and four broth- ers still living in Ontario, Nie. Perrie was recognized as one of the ablest municipal experts in the West, and in his long relations with the local and governmental authorities of Alberta he 1001)' 500.005, His last public appearance iii an of - deist way was at the time of the Municipalities' Convention Best mm)th, when he delivered a short address, 011 that occasion be seemed in his usual health, but shoetly thereafter the necessity of a rest and medical treatment became- apparent, and his physician advised a holiday at the coast, "The government service has suffered a deep and 80110118 loss," said Hon A, G. 'MacKay, Minister of Municipal affairs department, in speaking of the death of his deputy, "Mr. Perrie wan 11 more than ordinar- ily capable official, a man of sterling worth, a11(1 one upon whose word ab- solute reliance could always he placed. I reel very keenly the loss that the government, col in pard:Mlae my own . depattn)0n1, !itis ex- perienced in his, death," Mr. Perrie was an active member of First. Pres- byterian chin (.11 and during his residence in Edmonton had taken a large inter( at to religious an well as public affairs. Biuevate ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION .The Acton Mee Press of Dec, 25th in speaking of an At Hoene of the Acton School speaks of a for mer J3luevale Preeideut, W. IL. Stewart, as fol- lows :—"A. feature was inland creed which %vita the culmination of at very gracious act en the pal t. of the pupils ex -pupils and teachers who bad been assnriated with ❑:spec:tnt• 1V, H. Stewart during the 10 years of his principalship or the sohoels. This was the presentation of an address, which was accompanied by a runtgnilieeetly upholstered easy chair and a hand- some electric reading lamp, When called to the platform Mr. Stewart was given all ovation by the students. Miss Isabel Anderson read the address which was her composition. Miss Anderson was first a pupil tender Mr. Stewart and later a member of hie teaching staff. The Committee had much gralific tt01)in soliciting funds for. the testimonial. to Inspector Stewart. Many letters from former students were received and nearly every one of them panel high tribute to their forme' leather for his untiring zeal and effective tuition in their behalf, Many gratefully aek- 00.01edged that Lile iuspit•alion t1( ac- complish tnocess in their life work had cone from Mr. Stew•ar t, When the presentation was being made Mr, Stewart was visibly afieeied. The very kind remembrance had come 0) kiln as a complete surprise and it was not unnatural that he was almost overcome. 11( very fitting words he accepted the loving expression of the kind hearts of those with whom he had enjoyed such happy associations for so many years, He. had given then) the very beet that was in hien and he now felt repaid for all that he had done, Hie appreciation of the beautiful gifts bestowed Was beyond expression, He would ever hold in sincere remembrance all the happy and useful days spent in Anton school, MLLE ANTOINETTE BOUCHER 917 DorIon St., Montreal, "I am writing to tell you that /owe my life to Trait-wtives'for this remedy relieved mo when I had abandoned all hope ofeverrecoveringmyhealth. I suffered terribly with Dyspepsia I had it for years and all the medicines I took did not do me any good. I read something about 'Fruit-a- tives' being good for all Stomach Troubles and Disorders of Digestion so I tried them. .After finishing a few boxes, Iavar entirelyrelieved of the 1)yspepsia and my general health was restored. I thank the great fruit medicine, 'Fruit-a-tives', for this wonderful relief," Mile ANTOINETTE BOUCHER. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25o. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. 1Vhen Me. Stewart had Laken his seat iu his 'splendid easy.eitair, Hiss Pearl Raker, lite ttssistalt 10 th4 Prin01pal Inc the past 5j years, was requested to go to the platform. She also was made the recipient of a beautifully worded address, which was read by Miss Elsie Stewart and was presented wi111 8 pyrex cosset ole and a pie plate in sit veestand, Miss Baker gracefully acknowledged the testimonial and thanked the (loners most sincerely. Her long term on the High School staff in Acton had been most pleasant Sod she would always remember her hosts of kind friends, former students and fellow teachers here." Miss Baker is the daughter of Rev. George Baker formerly BI uevale Methodist st church, The address to Mr, Stewart was poetic in form. He is now the Inspector of the Children's Aid S'ooi- ety iu Halton County. Blyth Methodist Sunday School treated each of their 'scholars to a box of candy on Sunday. A great marry cars of turnips are be- ing shipped on the Grand Trunk these days, as the pvice has gone e1) to a gond figure. The Awe flax mills here'are both busily engaged getting their crops scutchecl, and as they both have large supplies it will keep them hustling Rh get done before the Spring. The merchants are well pleased with 'their Christmas trade. It would have been still better if there had been gold sleighing, AR itis some of the roads are completely bare. unprecedented in the hie- . D▪ ..;•.rt^'�'•,�i'""s,'" °"`.+«' Messrs, Geddee, Tyson Company, n N ] l Ill 11 Haman) Lhen here e h , al buying up a great deal or bush in this section and e vi lig t 1(1g it cot Into loge, with the prospect t bat„they w111 have as large tt cut 111 their 11(111. here as they hall lam, year. Pellow and Wallace, County son- st.ables, merle 1i, raid en the Quern'. Hotel here Satin (lay night, Dee. 2(111,, shortly after the Grand Trunk trail arrived, and found the son of 1116 I)r011rielnr wish 01)15)1' liquor in a quip. Phe prnptietnr champ' lite liquor had been seemed 00 a doctor's per,crip- liun, bel Ihis could not be pro:teed the night of the laid. In Great Demand The pot trait of the Prior,' 1(l' Shales Lhttt 8085 with the l+autily Herald and Weekly Hear of Montreal is in great demand. :[I is0.41111111y the be+t. portrait of the Pliuee the lava ever seen. 'J'he Family liernid is simply deluged with o1 dere h''.ul new and old sul.;oribers. The yearly snhaluiplion price lerludieg the Priory 1/0111.65 i:, 0111y 1111.28 if remitted fur to Deeeu er. and ie the hest value offered any where, It is said the Family 'Jerald.); esbsm•iption receipts are more than double former years. It is (attainly worth the price and should be in every home iu dela count)y, East Wawanosh Council Last meeting of Council for 1919 was held Dec. I5th. Members all present. 51inutee of last meeting read and passed 00 tuition of Buchan- an and Currie. Dr, Stewart, M: O H, presented his report as follows:—To Municipal Ouumlil of East Wawanosh.—(Jentlo- men—Once more it is my linty, and fortunately at pleasur0, to report upon the health of the N(nuieipality in relation 1.0 enntaginus and infectious diseases for the year. m)w ending. Apart front lire Spanish Influenza, which Look he tall of lives here as in other lucalitie5, there have been only five eases of contagious ur iufeetious diseases brought to my notice. Namely one of smote(' fever and foto' of tuberculosis. On being reported the searle'� fever patient was placed under quarantine at once but in a' short time there was, a fatal termina- tion. Death occurred in three of the four other cases. No n015000es have been reported to me throughout the ; year so that the duties of the Medical Officer of Health have been much lighter Than they sometimes are. Respe:trully submitted by your, obedient servant, R. L. STEwAR'r, M. 0. 1i. A few of the ratepayers as usual, being somewhat dilatory in the pay- mentof their taxes,'an extension of time till Feb. 181, 1020, was given the Collector to return his roll for the Choice Stock of Groceries Fresh and Good Fruits, Confectionery, Nuts Nice assortment of Stone, China and Glassware Prompt attention to your orders. Phone 43 W. J. McCracken GROCER Something tory of the Methodist Uhm•ch here. M0JJTIILY 1300 happened, an11 on that the managing HORSE FAIRS beau WWII, d tv)t their. minister, Rev. J. F. McCormick, to I'8151ain for another .year, which will be his fifth. CAR OF Canadian Western BRUSSELS atsi Coming in the near future for Ethel' Farmers' Club Limited quantity unsold. If you want rwy 01(11')• at 01156, local and Outside Buyers will be Present Monthly Horse Faits will be held in Brussels This season as follows : THURSDAY, JAN. Sth, 1020 FEB. 511), 1020 11 111AR. 4th, 3020 ” APR, 1st, 1020 T. KEFFER, Secretary Ethel Farmers' Club, Phone 347, Hy order of Council. F. S. SCOTT, Clerk. balance of taxes, remninbig us( yet 11(11)1(111. A lenge )neutbel of arrntnite, 0111011 appear in the, 1l'ipnuxial Statement, ever" ilde) ell paid anti after It new word, of 8N..elation from Iles Reeve oD bl Mill' or the fel 10113• here 11( ( :meili"1 113311', a Irl• is retir- ing 1i•o111 N11u(ivipad tour,,, after 10091) 70lt1'8 cl' fail1)11)1 (ersi('8 50 the Nlonirtpality, Ciur,lladieu, reel, 1. P,ut ertl. t n, ('li'l l.. Hockey 'Shoes 1'7 V '-W C"• , i:W o r Ladies and Ge At Prices to Plea 1(1 tai as they Most ail Ss Felt. Slides l ,r Ladies at ReduC(i(1 Prices. I'1rlt SI 1';, 11)r Men at Reduced Price:,. Felt Shoes for Children at Reduced Prices: to fail all Shnee. IT•slueed 88 we intwt still reduce nuc stook bef.,re inventory i,. 1,tken. 1 peers FOR Santa Cletus to choose Pries ants from for all sizes of feet. HARNESS C.PARTMENT Rubes, Collars, Blankets, Eng Trunks and Satchel, flub Bags Snit Oases, Bells, Bir. H1NGL1', HARNESS at Mnt;e} Saving L'riceo. 'char s tr••1) OHC 40Pr00e09.•00.0.04,4,4-?e: •,<404)•0•04,400,94'.4:4-,0,1,04.;..:; fr :•' !3$ f 9 9 9 • • 9 9 9 9 • 9 • • • • • 9 • d •s • • s Winter Term frw.i Jahn 5th We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced InstilOtnrs who give iudividual attention Io pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under Soldiers' Civil lie-eetashmt'nt Commission. Addeo es the College for Free Catalogue, to either Stratford or Wingharn oc o•euecaa•eawsa,ocv coteaoe... ' , o.-s'e•e� ARTAE49 FA RV t!-`4 E • • • 9 e 0 9 0 • • •• 5 F b b 0 '3 0 a P e STONE BRANDS give results and Government Analysis run over Guarantee o. 0. 0, SEE OUR LOCAL AGENT WALKER, BRUSSELS P, .0., R. R. 4 6 ■ tr 1I®���p1Ay Ctlrbttc 168 MANUFACTURERS �w' ' a` • V� Me Stone Sons,• Limited, Ingersoll, aunt. • ••. ••9 94••9••9om•9•••9•+r•�'�••NN7••i NN1(iCll'S Sake" use Stone's Fertilizer •49 • "For the e M••••••A•♦••• 4••••••4•♦0•••••••••4+!'••••4'•aA9.09••9.4d'44,82 •••0,0414 (j• 04)90.044•041 000.0090990•6•• 9oee•AORAereRm••.0400.0,00ee •900.9•99949909PW•99,0e•ee e9••904•9ek..,-ee e01,0C,9s,e,39 p 7 'a'. ct YOUR FARM ifle's rm WM Yield Larger and Better Crops if you FEED Your Lands with They are rich:tin AVAILABLE Plant Food—are made from materials of Highest Ouality. Their mechanical condition is unexcelled, No clogging in the drill, • y 0 )