HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-1-1, Page 4e i f'ltssets past THURSDAY, 1ANUARR t, rgeo Gr6'r redly to write 1920• Tug i osm wishes its large family of retidersa very Happy New Year. p0LSHEV1R3 in Reesta are getting it e here the chicken got tbe axe No pountry can proper where tbey pre. dotginate. Im is stated, on presumably good authority, that there will be a slump in food prices he the near haute. 'lite great majority of the human family wont kick against it, Now that war affairs are being closed up it will be necessary for fellows who have been making easy money by pro- fiteering to either strike some new fake or take of their coat and earn an honest living IRELAND has nothing to be proud of in their cowardly attempt to murder Viscount French. If that's their idea of winning the friendship of the world they are the most mistaken people lav ing, It's too bad. 'Sew people will sympathise with the doctors whose names were struck off the list as author'zed to issue orders for liquor. If the aver'," ane M. D's were also asked to band over ('near respective COMPLIMENTS QF THE SEASON TO YOU I ALL . drank DHVldson How old tta'titions are being knocked high er than a kite is evideuced almost evert day in this mundane sphere Now it comes in the fact that a woman law- yer takes her place in sea d old Eng- land. Helena Notmanton is the name of this pioneer. She belougs to a legal family, is attractive in appearance and a good public speaker. Jeer the thing every family should possess is a baby aeroplane, now being manufactured in Britain It can scoot through the air at from 6o to eo miles an hour and will sell from $t,000 to (,zoo. Tbis place has a 1.0 horsepower eng'ne and zo miles an hour can be ar- range.] for those not wishing to get to their jourues'; end t00 soon. One beauty of this baby is it can be doubled parchtneots for a year they wauld per. up to be packed ie a trunk and weighs baps, wake up to the fo:!y of turning bar z" -o lbs. When we get ours we won't teuder to booze artist,:give a cent whether the G, T. R. or C. P R. run ar not, unless to carry freight. ONTARIO is lcokiog to. the Drury Goverutneot to so amend he 'temper- Qc1Tsalittle hubub is being kicked ince Act that the loop !toles wili be up over Canadian women smoking a closed and the law breakers who Contin- cigarette or cigar, either in public or tie todefy the Statute min' tied their per' private and in condemnation of tbe manent postoffice addre>s for years practice Txs Poser wou'd soy Ameo ! 1f Kiugeto:t, Ontario, care of the Provin- it is a pernicious and undesirable habit sial Peoiteotiary 'Chat's where they for a woman should it not be considered should be if they prefer to disregard much the same for a mac ? Don't you the will of a large majority of the Pro- see a double standard is a dangerous guage and while it looks shocking and most unladylike to see a woman, tilted back in a chair, puffing a cigar, it is 1 largely because we have not bees ac- customed to it and our training has been to regard it as "nasty." 1E dads gave up their tobacco fete of the sous would (earn tbe habit. Why a father should trounce Johnnie, within an inch of bis life, because the latter was found smoking (as his pa did) was always one of the puzzles to us w hen it comes to squaring precept and example. A woman smoker whether a so called so- ciety leader or Hat is not a person to be taken as a sale guide for the growing 'eince, THERE is quite a feeling in a number of localities to elect women to the School Boards as it is thought on ac- count of the deeper interest they al- ways manifest over the large majority of men they would be in closer touch with the children and teachers in their work. THE Poste believes there is a good deal of common sense in such a statement and thinks a trial would prove the contention to be true and also of value to Educational affairs. Went Hon, MacKenzie King and others touring the West in the interests of the Liberal policy. the U. F. 0. con- ducting a series of public gatherings and the Conservatives sending out their Samsons as well, there should be some lively times in the political camps for the next few months. Parliamentary affairs are never again going to be run as they have been and you may bet any party in power will have to walk straight and ]seep moving or short terms of office will be the history, Canada wants men who will transact her affairs in a manner that will prove the country's interests are ahead of party or their pocket. No credit is being done Oatar'o by staging prtze fights, either as individuals 'or in bulk, as in some of the tourna- relents, They are discreditable to the moral tone of soy land, If contests are desired let them be asked to saw wood, row a boat, run a race, 8rc., but to pum- mel one another and endeavor to deal a death blow, perchance, is as far removed from the idea of bn.tbetbood as day is from night. Why corporate. ns permit such exhibitions is a matter of surprise. You only have to follow the career of a pug long enough to ere the usual out- come of such a life. It is badly named when called a "Manly Art." YOU, Lig wotnaohged of this land and the ; �ntet), adnarwlieing, $ FIS ; A. ('int \) sootier she is told it in good plain Angle ravel, * 7 IIO . (leer e riteee Saxon the batter for the Church and _ "1"4"11, 6 k g estate, gravel, $,1 20 ; � Jame); (i i b,np, Stet e. gravel, $19.40 ; 11tu'ry \Ve1l , fe ucc op _ ..— eond, $153911 gob(. el ()Donald, el ono Morris Council at washout McCall (kale, $01.00 ; Geo, \Vkite, thaw g grader, $3 00 ; John Shine teed, ditch end tile, :$810; Ate t)ommil met at hail Monday, 1)re- eurbei 161(1, Minutes of last email), were react v tartar t o the , teeinl r1 ale of i g 1 ' e anti approved, elf -Law n s passe() et1 appointing Charles Garrote ne the lawyer for the Oorpiratinte A By. Law was passed appointing the Town- ship Hall ns the place to hold the Nomination Monday, Dee, 29, at 12 o'clock noon, also places to hold the election should a poll be delnauded. Deputy Rettuuing olfieere end Clerks and places ere as follOSVO :— Polling Sul).'l--Sohoolhotse section 1—D. R. 0,, J. A, Brown ; Olerk, 1Vm. Scott, Polling Sub, 2—Schoolhouse, 8. No, 9-D, R. 0., Clcorge Kelly ; Clerk, John leicArthur. Polling Sub. 3—At Schoolhouse 8. S. No. 5-1). R, 0., John McGill ; Olerk, Eltuer Wilkinson, Polling Sub.4—At Township Hail— D. R. 0.. William Bernard ; Olerk, Alex. McNeil, Polling Sub. 5—At Stone School— D. R. 0., Oliver Campbell ; (.lark, Nel- son Higgins. Polling Sob, 9—At School noose, S. S. No,,. 10—D. R 0 , Archie Messer ; Clerk, Frank Shaw,' Motion was passed to return the Township rate tax to all returned soldiers who made application. Following Recounts and salaries were ppaard Township of Hllllrtt, South bdy., $269 70 ; F. S. Scutt, repairing , grader tongue, $1.00 ; Wingham Ad - lhtw' Shaw, e2 m vas, 50c , A. Mat lett eta, insurance pletniluu 1111 118.11, 112 Ste sal- ar S' $210611, postage, n,ela 1, :515111) \V. 11. 1{err, balnuue of cnnunct, $16i1[t ; N. 51eatlelay, refund deg tax, 1241(1; 7t. Johnatme gravel, $8(11); 11. eirtthety, gravelling anti filling, (176(111; Love, Wilmer) contract, $100,00 ; -lunrl Bernard, work on toad, $'30(1; Jannis Nichol, work on load, $400, gravel, $8.00 ; Dan, lllc1)ntialcl, gravel, $11.55 ; 11. Procter, collector, $100.00 ; \Viet. Millet', tvnoti, nil and caretaking, $15 00 t".W. 1i!elon, Reeve, $110000; Hettt•y Feat, Abram Procter, Walter Ynill and R. Ii, Shortreed, Oouneillors, each $75.00 t Fred. Haggitt, oil Laidlaw drain., $47500 ; 0. [Preset, bile on (fond Roads, $-170. A MMIMWEN, Clerk. IVB.eeetee Howbeee 0teteetctt ('a'wulifutei on Dee. that at(Jortie. in Township hell pursuant to Slattlla, All nterubot'c preson 1. Reeve ill lite rhair, lt'lin1(1 t of last meeting read and 00 motion of Artuett•aug--\VII- liniment cele adopted, elovetl by eVilllaueou-Aaut)tr'og that Connell tteeept)he aunt of :$901) payfnent 01 full tot' the eve til' the 'Powuehip 11011 1 +, a e )•a t a Convert tv u byIll ft slipper teal ( 1 I I1 1, English (liquid). Carried. Moved by eel illtaut., o - A l,letrnttg that the ,�" tux n'ato (11115 be exu'u.lell foe C.ulierl t pelmet their roll tie I he January meet - km of ,he 000 evil. (teemed, John \t +tie united on the Connell asking 11, tna gra for his buggy Inuken on the ltigbtvay, el overt by Arutstrong— Inglio Diet Ootinoil give $500. 001'- ifed. Moved by Arutetrotig—\Vii- li meet, Ihe By -Law No.9 for year 51119 nl,p, inliug at place roe nomination b r tel the Iliad lime and passed. 0 .li, d. Moved by Lynn --Inglis that 15' Lae No 111 appuiullug lteLntning (lila ,•r 1,0 tcud the Ilhird time and pe sed. (bulled. Moved by Lynn -- Inglis that Reeve Doig be appointed to represent the township, lin the matter of hydro. Uarried. A large number of naceuuts wvrefpaid, awl. ()outwit adjourned. Short Horn Bulls rtirdriii foe Sale Dein{; N!4 1401 111 tete. U. Morris see.entalslal 1, C.n vlr 1101(1 50011 lu0 Hurt•, Ii good alma o t1 tion; 110 eltool. oda ooe 1' ilial• yentas( to solani, Tmraadlntu Puasessl•.;t:.1'nr ruitter por'tloulart -nt, ly to 5142 ti0ln04t ` Nlifirth 11, It No, 2 For Sale We enye won let Pi izo an hull calf at lime- --. - asic troll Mair farlt ye5,'e 1n allnCCNRIen 1(2111115 Ye Tinaaa, n,1 tu)+, ,,,,n; dining 0114 aeew., ii) the loo 1 h,• propel to tr the lots tor sale. e, 1 , on fixed o r e Cran F a l good of always s m 4Y h1 Village Ilw nu gt V g y •'d �'or sale �• ram .. au r tt .kion• 10 SON. Agnes limit is !T t), li) N Mrs. Plains 5814 but 1U, flan. I0, Qrey Twp te, 515 nen, fl tut a era, IN, r tyyt a could he atom at mien. 1?or farther W t (I..,ra SP. ply Co ors elate f the late it N (.1,1050, 1C tors estate of the late Rn•s.Agnu- 1+ruwll, Short Horn Bail Calves for Sale tenasiatened offers for sale 6 Short [•lora bull calves, from the well annum airs + Hers. geld Stamp bred by Harry Smith and owned by undoraiguad. A cow, Prin000s Pat frog, sante ball, sold at Bricker s ante, Hltn(ra re' eently for $1000, the hlehoot pl'loa at sale. Re- port says "Spats n hatter of Show calibre and 1, ears old;' Fterattetl ntanip 11(4102 fele sale. Will also sell a regwtsred Borteoltire hog. s;4 1.ot 00, Oen, 6, Morris townahl INo, p. %eller(, Phone 100 Brassela P. 0, x505 ur t:ranbruutc. _... Bull for Service The undersigned will keep for aervi('r, on 19! Lot 110, Oon. A, Morris township, the the' )'.been (11ort Horn 13011, Gainford of 501e20, No. .410418.. Sired b Gainford Marmite (mattes; ; Dan Mildred VIIby Royal Sailor OEM0, Ped, igree may be seen On application. Terme- 210 00 for thorn •hredo payable at Mincer Her• vice with privilege to return. Grade c..w5 not allowed, T01100 PIEi10I0, Prop+ fetor, FREED AFTER SERV L 10 YEARS PUNISHMENT MAN CONVfICTED OF NEGLECT IS EMANCIPATED AFTER 'NEW TRIAL. b. rase weie11 deserves much thoughtful consideration is that of Wm. H. Barron, 103 Morgan Street, Bennington. Por ten years Mr. Bar- ron suffered the agonies caused by Rheumatism. At tines he was bound baud and foot by the grip of Rheu- matic pains. On the advieo of a friend he steed for a new trial and used T.R.C.'s. Read what he has tcesay;— ''I have beau a sufferer from Rheu- matism for ten years. leave'beea se bad at times I eonl4 Rot ntei a !land or foot for months. .A friend a1risod-aro to try Templletott's R'hteieraaje C n- sules, end I ),Ove been thankful ever since.. Tiley werke,Lrvenders for ate, mad I have never faeb any ratatee of the diseaee.°' It's praetieally iinposseble to obtain evideeee stronger than this testi- monial, and a word to the 'wise is always ssfeeient. if you sneer, Saes a new dial—use T:R.C.'a. Ask your Druggist or write se for our new booklet; it is interesting and costs you nothing (Templeton, 342 King West, Toronto). We mail T.R.C.'s anywhere on receipt of 01:04. Sole agent in Brussels, Ins, Fox, Druggist, • +++++++++++4.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++d'+++++++++++ + + + + 4. GUNN'S FEHTILILER 11111i11.01=1111113111111111111. 111111111111111MMIIIIIMINIMINIIIIIINIMIN IAM Agent for the above well known Fertilizer and am ready to receive your orders. Also handle Gunn's Bone Meal for Hens, Hog Meal and Calf Meal, all of which give splendlid, satisfaction and have stood the test of years. We keep the Meals on hand and would be glad to supply you. Gunn's Fertilizer gives excellent results. and is second to none on the market. Stanley Wheeler Phone 218 + + F AGENT + Lot 2, Con. 8, Grey Twp. . + + 44.1.4.++.1.4-144'.1.4.-1.4.+++++++++4 • 4.4.4..1.4.44÷÷ Annual Report of Ethel Cheese Factory FOR THE YEAR 5919 Sale Lbs. Aver- Lbs. Lbs. B.F. Value 11b. Whey Milk age Cheese Price Vale e- 2 13, F. Expenses Oream 46.1c $ 265 25 44.40 890 92 45.5c 409 64 33. c 389 24 84. c 380 54 34..c 345 71 $ 52 52 38 0 832 83 88 71 35,50 635 66 68 07 45, a 496 88 60 40 41, c 186 97 8 87 May . 85,274 12:8 6928 310 $ 2190 98 June 15..,, 128,116 1114 1104035 28c 8174 79 June 80 119 892 11 5 10803 75 30 a 82.41 12 July 16 128,71)3 12.5 9768,26 263c 2681 02 July 31 ...,, 96,225 12 3 - 7331.75 269e 2065 62 Aug 16 89,874 11 5 7807, 26 c 2029 82 Aug 31 85,2(18 10 5 8021. 264c. 2106 30 Sept 166,022 I(1.12 16477.25 28 & 27c 4078 79 Oot 142,001 10,6 18546.5 29 c 3928 48 Nov 84,402 10.8 3139. 28,5e 804 61 1059,087 11,2 04368 26 4472 807 6280 541 0214.497 6642 6992 0099 41 4$55,105 4636.811 87734.341 8064.97 1908,421 $26202 53 66979.396 Due Received by Patrons Patrons $ 1925 73 $ 1923 10 i 2783 87 2800 59, 2881 68 2827 50 2104 78 2214 32 1720 08 1733 44 1684 11 1650 42 1773 47 1820 04 3441 18 8862 49 3432 12 3028 94 757 84 819 01.; $3739 02 $1228 00 22553 61 $22779 78 Balance from last year Sale of 011(508 Sale of whey areant DR, SUMMARY $ 11 60 , 26292 68 834 01 $ 26088 04 Oost of making, hutting, 8to., per cwt, cheese $11 96 OR, Making, bawling, Sze, .......,., $ 3739 02 Received by Petrone foe cheese,, ,.. 22651 78 Separating of whey crettfll . 160 01 Putting up Separator . 0 00 Sharples Company ................287 00 Paid to PatrSna 228 00 $ 20024 81 Balance on Siad.:...,..,.. 18 23 Audited and found eorrc+ct, a1LaIL BATI> b1Ai7, j Auditors+ JAS, A. $R1vl41NE17„ S ONCE our newspapers were - divided 'into three classes ---"Grit," Tory," and "Inde- pendent." - In the case of "Grrit" and "Tory" papers, if you knew what the party policy was, you always knew what they were go- ing to say. The "Independent", paper usually died. Then came with its slogan, "A Newspaper, Not An. Organ." That slogan used to cause smiles. Tint, as the ,)•cat's Passed, its significance \vas appre- ciated. The Stale clue, not cure much ` about who wins elections. It enres 11 great deal shoat winning causes. Anel it is a noteworthy thing nhmit the causes advocated by The Stas, that most of them have been adopted and jneoporated into the la'w's of the community. Here is a paper that, if it is giv- ing a Government general support, does not wait to • see what that Government is going, 19say• or ild on any particular issue, before ex- pressing itself. The anxiety is sometimes on the part of the Gov- ernment, to know what .The Star is going to say. In buying The Star You may be sure you are getting exactly what the please says—''A Newspaper, Not An Organ." You are getting live 'paper full of nt'\\'s, fall of ideas, •entel'taMin g, infol'mhlg, Stillilllatillg-117 short you are get- ting CANADA'S G 2' EATEST NEWSPAPER . "Where EWSPAPER Where other papers are content with merely recording the new;;, The Star chronicles that .news in brilliant style, so tlsot the refuter gets the human -interest side of every story illi{l. nllclerstallclli the inner meaning - of 'things that would otherwise lie obscure, - The. Stat is us mucin a "Woman's" paper as a man's, ' Women like it, not merely for the Departments which are devoted exelnsively to woolen's interests, but also for its Sleight and entertaining way of presenting all the news. The Star is.always in the forefront of progressive movements— supreme in spans -•-a believer in the saving grace of humor.—a live newspaper full of news and fall . of interesting illustrtltions. Three months' 1010 subscription will put you on friendly terms with this great- est of daily papers—and will cost you only -$1,25; $2.00 for fi months' subsetip•tion—$3.00 for a year. To Parlrllsher$, Toronto titan Toronto: Dear Sirs; lianas cuter me as a eubscrtber to The Toronto Star for, :.,.•.... mont'hS—foe which pinnae find enclo::eci stamps 01' money order•' for $........ Nemo rind atlaresarin full: . „ .+ (Neese write plainly, and say whether Mee Mrs., Miss, or Nev.) .1