HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-12-25, Page 8Devises 64.11+0+0:0 bel.ae+®s'••••• r ••••1 a• 4+21+•+.44+•-1•+ +4e a'l'der'
Christmas Thou9ht
A Kokak
Illi ill.iVit I yr r
�tVl 1(t it II
I�Iilllllll�` ;�I
Kokaks from Sro.so up.
Brownie Cameras from $2.90 up.
Fine assortment of Snap Shot Albums.
linliday Films Developed and Printed,
.. cards. New Year Calendars.
New Year Booklets.
in Holiday Goods for New Years and later.
'-t The 1 a S ore
Druggist and Stationer e
lvr tii,onati+
• O
+6+6+•'SA+Y++•be+9+++++A'F•+ +•+++66•+•+•44++!4. 64.1+++
otal Ilebas ;tea
MERRY Christmas.
LOCAL news on page 5.
REAL news is always welcome at THE
NEXT Horse Fair in Brussels will be
bald Thursday, Janctary 8th.
TRAIN did not arrive Friday night till
about midnight, Trouble with air
brakes was said to be part of cause for
delay, plus a heavy passenger list.
WEATHER has been extremely cold,
theremometer dancing round and below
zero for several days. Frdst bites are
reported and a number laid up with
severe colds.
THE PosT Is published earlier than
usual so as to clear the way for the
Christmas holiday. Several interesting
matters consequently came to baud too
late for this issue but will appear next
AT the annual meeting of Brussels
Farmers' Club, held last Saturday after-
noon, John Robb, Morris township, was
elected President for 1920 as successor
to J. Henry Hoover. The latter put
" o" into the job and no
doubt Mr. Robb will be equally zealous.
PASSED AWAY.—On Saturday, 13th
inst., James Hood, of Stewarttown,
brother-in-law to S• Bailey, Brussels,
was called away from time, aged 70
years. He is survived by his wife, a
son, J. D., and a daughter, Mrs Alex,
Hume. Mr Bailey attended the funeral.
Mr. Hood was here a few months ago at
the burial of Mrs. Bailey,
niter Chautauquaentertainment to be
gvon in Brusae1s Town n Hall will be
Saturday evening Jan, 17th, when the
highly praised Liltoukalani Hawaiian
Male Quartette will be the entertainers,
They present, through the medium of
songs, instrumental numbers, folk
dances, etc , a genuine picture of life in
the South .Sea Islands Native instru-
ments will be lail;cly used Mark down
the date and lea n to spell the name of
the quartette. Plan of Hall at Fox's
Drug store.
prizes won by Walter Rose on his White
Leghorns at Guelph Winter Fair, pub-
lished last week, only part of the win.
nings were given, Here is the Intel :-
2nd, 3rd and 12th for cocky 6th, 7th a`utl
otb f0' t r+. re01:. •. - .. tl, 3rd, 41h.
pullet, 6th, 7th
2nd. , s won
ales th 'ser
It w
ere 2
1 in t
• -iicra .
VI rs. •
ss Caroline C .
Dec, rah, for ti
:r marriage, with M
, between the hours o
,r Was opened by Mrs. ,.
s, who admitted over 5o guest
bide was gowned in a very becotn-
w` gown of yellow crepe de ohene Witb
silver seq tin trimming and Mrs, Cole.
man iu a pretty black georgette, with
;jet trimming, received the guests in the
drawing roots, which was decorated in
smilax fern and yellow mums. Miss
1 thelwyn Sebnrn, Toronto, cousin of
the bride, wore pale blue satin with
ahadowelace, and escorted the guests to
the dining ronin. Tho tea table was
ortisicaliy arranged with streamers of
smilax falling from the chandelier and a
central boquet of pink and white carne -
tions arranged in 8 silver Casket. Mrs.
J+', A, Rayuor, Who was gowned to
brown georgette,. poured tea, and Mrs,
Jas. Haveraou, in pale pink satin, out
the ices, Miss Clara Hobson and Miss
Rata Moore made charming assistants,
Two robins were discovered last week
by N. F. Gerry and others. They must
surely be the "early birds" whether they
catch the worms or not. Slightly cool
for the redbreasts we would imagine.
Trunk Railway is restoring some of the
passenger trains to handle the Christ-
mas rush of passengers. The train on
the London, Huron and Bruce branch.
arriving at Winghanl at 12.Io noon and
leaving at 3.20 p. m. for London will
MD on December 24th and 28th and
26th, and two trains on the Palmerston -
Kincardine branch will also be on for
December 24th and 26th. This will be
of interest to the travelling public. It
is reported that the regular time table
will soon be restored.
PORTLAND clutter, almost new, for sale. Ap•
ply to JAB. HENDERSON, Brussels, Phone 90.
BODED a buffalo robe. Owner may have
same by proving property and paying for this
notice. Phone 588.
Nome,—Tho parties who took the bridle
and lines, and also the plush rag, from Long's
stables, Oranbrook, on Nov, 28th are request-
ed to return them as the parties are known.
If not returned within a short tone, farther
steps will be taken toward their recovery.
Allows 8, CAnat10HABL, Brussels, R. R. No. 2.
Foe SeHeavy cast iron range with
reservoir, well
ecvetruoted and in good con-
dition. Burns hard goal.
JNo. A. SPEIRAN. Phone 816.
Fon SAre —An oak dining table 6 boards,
also a white enamel brasstrimmed bedstead,
springs and mattress, all in Ant -elms order.
Apply at THE P082,
B808 762. a dozen. Feed ground bone and
keep the hens laying. BARKER BROS.
HOUSE and lot for sale, with stable, well, eel -
lar, &a., located on corner of Jokn and James
streets, Brussels. Immediate possession can
be given. For further particulars apply to
ALEX. SMITH, Brussels.
COMFORTABLE house for sale on Flora street,
Bruseela, to good ra sir and splendid legality.
For further particulars as to price, terms, &o.
see ALBS, ROE, Phone 42x.
WE are now prepared to repair harness and
shoes quickly as we have secured extra help.
Fon SALE. -9 oomfortable dwellinghouses.
YOUNG girl wanted to learn pant and vest
making. Wages 60 00 a week to start with.
Apply to R. FERODSON, Brussels.
Da. PARxER, Osteopathic Physiolan, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of eneh week.
Chronic and nervous diseases suooesotnlly
treated, Visits reaidenoe8, Oonealtntlon at
Queen's Hotel.
L1aTowEL Poultry and Pet Stock As-
sociation will hold its rrth annual Show
in Listowel athr i s, December 30 and
31, and January 1.
Last Saturday evening under the local
Chautauqua Committee a high class and
'oat enjoyable Concert was given in
'1'owu Hall by the Apollo Concert
y. 'Phe talent consisted of Mr.
Wells, Miss Gladys Anders,
'on Rud E. 13. Shore and as
alcal experts, pleasant
willing to respond
co _ 'e.ritorioas, unique
s tone was pre.
selections on the
spurt company, readings
by Mir + Mr, Wells ; trom-
bone solo Iver. Morrison ; solos and
duet by Miss Anders and Mrs. Wells ;
Saxophone quartettes ; pianologues by
Mrs. Wells ; and banjo solo by Mr.
Wells, The Apollophoue numbers were
something unusual in the musical line
and the Saxophone quartettes were
wonderfully sweet and harmonious and
the solos and readings left nothing to be
desired. Company has recently return-
ed from a tour of Australia and New
Zealand. A resolution of appreciation
was very heartily endorsed by the
audience. F. H. Gilroy introduced the
talent, If soli have au opportunity of
hearing the Apolios don't miss it as they
are worth goieg miles to hear and will
be very welcome back to Brussels,
Choice Stock of
Fresh and Good
Fruits, Confectionery, Nuts
Nine assortment of
Stone, Chins and Glassware
Prompt attention to your orders,
Phone 43
W. J. McOracken 1
soN,—At the recent sesa'on of Huron
County Council a gold watch and a
cheque for $too as an honorarium was
presented to Donald Patterson through
his son, T. R. Petterson, the elder Pat-
terson being• to ill too be present. An
address was read by Reeve Beavers
expresaiug the very high regard of the
Council for Mr. Patterson and the sin-
cere regret of the members at his serious
indisposition necessitating his retire-
ment after thirteen and a ball years in
the position of County Engineer, The
watch wee *resented by Dr. Clark, Mr.
Patterson jr. briefly thanked the Counc-
il for the expression of appreciation and
An enjoyable time was sprut 'Thursday
evening of last week in the school room
of the Methodist church in connection
with the Christmas entertainment,
Program was largely given by the
Juniors and as usual evoked luterest and
hearty applause. It was as follows :—
Christmas bymn ; prayer ; piano solo,
Barrington Gilroy ; recitations by
Marion McCauley, Louise Rose, Helen
Baeker, Phyllis and Dorothy Davidson,
Margaret Downing, Mary Rue, Hilda
Whittard, Mervyn McCauley, Ruth
Straoban, Russel Farrow and Marjory
Hoover ; readings by Merger Wood,
Gordon Best and Luella Fulton ; °borns-
es by Primary Class ; "Shovelling
Snow" chorus by 8 boys ; solo and
chorus by Mrs Parker's class : dialogues
by Auntie Dimple and her 6 children
and Mervyn and Marion McCauley ;
Hoop Drill by Misses Hunter's classes ;
Calling roll of classes by Secretary
Buchanan and responses ; visit of Santa
Claus, who distributed 6 dozen oranges
to the juniors and also presented the
Superintendent (W, H. Kerr) with a
fine Christmas goose from gfficers and
teachers ; Hymn, "Paocioue !fame" and
Benediction by Rev. M. Stafford.
Nearly $2t.00 was Laken in the silver
collection. The Christmas Tree and
other deoorations added to the fact that
Christmas was near at band. Gifts on
tree, quilt and pillows from Mrs. Rand's
class and contributions of money by
some of the classes, in lieu of gifts,
were forwarded to the Deaconess Home,
Toroato. Committee is to be congratu-
lated on the success of the evening and
Alex. Roe may have e steady job as
Santa Clans.
ciety returns for Brussels Branch for
1919 have been remitted to the Treas-
urer at Toronto and are the largest in
the history of he Societ1yy, viz, $282.58.
Following are the natifde of the dili-
gent collectors and the amounts re-
ceived :—
Brussels East --Mrs. Meadows
and Miss L. Bryans $ 30 10
Brussels West—Mise M. Smith
and Mrs, F. Sparling96 BO
Brussels North—Mrs. Skelton
and Mrs. Harris 22 25
Grey, Con 1 &2—Mies Mary Mc-
Donald and Miss Margaret
Johnston ,. ... ,... 7 26
Con. 2 & 3—Mies M. Strachan 6 55
Con, 4 & 5—Mrs, McArthur and
Mrs. R. Dougherty 8 45
Con, 6 & 7—Mra. A, Armstrong
and Mrs. A. Yuill 7 26
Con. 8 & 9—Mrs. Lamont and
Mrs. Jas. S. Armstrong 18 65
Con. 13 & 14—Mrs. Cochrane
and Mise Alcock 7 00
Oraubrook—Wm, Rathwell.,, 19 00
Ethel—Mrs. J. 5, Nicholson and
Morris, 3rd Line—Miss T. YuHI
and Mise Isabel Shaw 7 65
4th Line—Mies gate Black and
Mies iliac Wilkinson6 65
5th Line—Miss E. Kerr and
Mise B. Jordan 6 00
6th Line—Mrs. W, Bernard and
Mise Edna Thuell .. 8 35
7th Line—Mrs. Dugald McDon-
ald and Mrs. S. McCall .... 6 80
Mrs. M. J. Slemmon .... ,.,. 80 65
Collection at Annual meeting.,, 0 58
$282 58
$It People We Talk Abo ut It
tt tt
Wh., arc your visitors ?
Miss Beatrice Harris, of Post Credit,
is bone for the holiday.
Miss Mae Shelton is here for the holi-
day from Stratford Normal school,
Fred, Wood was laid aside part of the
week through illness but is feeling better
George Champion is taking a gourse
at the Spotlon Business College, Wing.
F, and Mrs. Burchill and sons are
away to Highgate anti other points for
Cb ristmas.
Miss Hazel Lowry is enjoying a visit
under the parental roof. She is teach.
ing at Brantford.
Stewart Fox is home for the holida a
tram the College of Pharmacy, Tot onto
He Is beetling for a 200 pounder.
Igo, and Mrs. Cunningham will eat
their Christmas to key with Seibert
and Mrs. Cunningham at , Palmerston,
Misses Lilail. Addie end Muriel tt parl-
ing are spending the vaealiou of the
home of their mother, Church atrc et,
Jack Ballantyne is having Si holitley of
a week or more at the lenity ho ne. Ole
is on the road as a cotnmerufai traveller,
S and Mrs, Carter and Miss Myrtle
left last Friday a. M. on an extended trip
with relatives and old friends in the
Miss Isabel Strachan arrived home
Friday night for the holidays. She is a
pupil at the Coteservatory of Music, Tor-
Chrkitriiii Gifts
Jeweiery Store
OUR new stoolt is really for your'
ivapeoliOII. We were footnuate
in toying eiu'ly, direct from
rnannfaeturers,for ettah. Our prices
are right and colisiutent with high
Diamond Rings Signet Rings
Whole Pearl Rings Stone Set Rings
Onyx Rings Gold Finest
Gem Rings We. tehes
Damen Rings Boys' Watches
Signet Rings Cuff Links
Pearl Set Necklets WRSCh Ohaius
Pearl Set Lavaliere Watch Fobs
Gold Brooches goad Tie Pins
Wrist Watches Grid Lockets
Pearl Set Pins, Collar Pins
Brooches, &e, Autostnop RUMS
Bracelets Gem Razors
Cot Glass Pipes
Mesh Bags Fountain Pens
Community Silverware.
1847 Hodge re' Silverware.
Alarm and Mantle Clocks, &c.
H. L. Jackson, Jeweler
Miss lumen will .spend Christmas
with H. and Mrs. Querin, at Galt.
Leslie Lamour, who is attending
Medical College in the Queen city is
here, visiting relatives in Brussels and
Last week Mrs. G C. Manners arriv-
ed home from a stay of several weeks in
Detroit. Her brother, who was so seri-
ously ill, is improving in health,
Mrs. john E. Smith. Brandon, will
visit at her old borne Brussels, in the
near future. She is a daughter of
David Ross, sr., Elizabeth street,
Robt, Ross was able to leave Kincar.
dine hospital this week for his own
home after a stay of to weeks. His re-
covery is little short of a miracle,
Miss Marjorie Jewitt, daughter of R.
W. and Mrs Jewitt, Of Kincaid, Sask.,
arrived here last week and will make an
extended visit at the home of Mrs, Wm.
Jewitt, M411 street, her grandmother.
Mrs. Frank Stratton has her mother
and sisters, (Mrs. Pringle and Miss
Gladys) with her for the holidays. Her
sister (Mrs, j. G. Fall's and Mr. Fallis
and daughter Kathleen) sail from Liver-
pool on the Empress of France, Jan. 3rd
for Canada.
From Torouto the following have
come to spend the Christmastide :—
Cardiff Best, Geo. Edwards, Misses
Doris and Marjorie Rose, Lloyd Jack-
son, T, and Miss Jean Armstrong, Roy
and Miss Hazel Stewart, Miss Hattie
Downing, Miss Clara McCracken,
Archie and Douglas Currie, Roy McKay.
Jim Lowry, W. B. Strachan, B. A , and
Miss Edith Deadman. -
Churoh °bines
Maitland Presbytery tinplates may be
read on page 4 of this issue.
Christmas sermons were preached
last Sabbath in Brussels churches by
the pastors.
The new Book of Praise of the Pres-
byterian church, will be introduced on
the first Sabbath of jaunary 892o, in
Melville church.
At the Methodist Sabbath School
next Sunday afternoon an open seseiou
will be held. Program will be largely
supplied by young, folk, and former
members of the school ; address by
Rev. Dr. Hazen ; Male Sextette, &c,
Special offering for the school.
A limited number of Front
Quarters of Beef for sale.
These are all off Christmas
Beavea and will be sold at cost •
SEP -Come early or 'Phone,
Baeker Bros.
,i RN ro SAVE. -
y 7',very xna.11, woman
t nd child can save.
VCt 4 t'll" Sllt3trlci Save. Every
perSnf does save.
t1,1:LrdBank of Canadp,1
:,ltl t y facility for aid- I
ilii; you to save. 291
r9eZ6estte0Ot ieta6iieVeRAOSSIfeeattesem**$$$$$$$$e9ti8$$r$$$@44fetiit
Fox's Drug Store
s THE -2 "° STORE
Last Sunday the pastor preached in
the morning iu the Metbodist church on
"Life Service," and iu the evening
dwelt on "How men are called to Chris-
tian Service," the text being "Send
me." The Minute Men of the Forward
Campaign also took part.
Next Sabbath Rev. Dr. Hezen, Listo-
wel, will occupy the Methodist church
pulpit at to a, re. and 7 p. m. and will
also give short addresses at Sunday
School. Special music at the 3 services.
Trustee Board is asking for at least $100
as a free-will offeriug. There will be no
Tea meeting. Rev. Mr, Stafford will go
to Listowel, -
Tuesday evening of last week a large
company assembled in the school room
of Melville church to enjoy the annual
entertainment of the Little Stars Mis-
sion Band, Ws. 18. S. Scott, the Sup-
erintendent, presided and following pro-
gram was wen presented after the open-
ing exercises :—Chorus by the Barad,
"The Sandman" and Hanging up our
Christmas Stockings ; reports of Secre-
tary and Treasurer ; duet, Miss Nellie
Fox and Archie Ballantyne : readings
by Duueirla McDonald, Lawson Clouse,
Miss Deadman (wbo read a most inter-
esting letter concerning Japan, from
Miss Muriel Brothers) and Thelma Bur-
gess ; solo, Elva Oliver ; dialogue,
"Mother Goose" ; piano solo, Frank
Oliver ; recitation, Wiunifred McMil-
lan ; inonologae, Florence Stewart ;
auto harp, Lawson Clouse; duet and
chorus-bv=older girls ; musical number
by Miss Laura Anleut. 2 junior mem-
bers were added this year. After the
distribution of candy the meeting was
dismissed, Financial proceeds about
$28 00
Presbyterian Church was totally destroy-
ed Wednesday night of last week by fire,
believed to have been caused by over-
heating, in the furnace. The building
was valued at $30,000. A number of
cbndren were in the church less than an
hour_ before the fire broke out preparing
for a ' Christmas entertainment, which
was t0 have been held Friday night.
The church was built 4o years ago.
Frank Davidson
Ho Shoes
Res and Gents
At Prices to Please
7) as they Must all Go
Felt Shoes for Ladies at Reduced Prices.
Felt Shoes for Men at Reduced Prices.
Felt Shoes for Children at Reduced Prices
In Tact all Shoes Deduced as we trust still retinae Cite
stock before inventory is taken.
peri FOR Santa Claus to choose Pres -
ents from for all .sizes of feet,
Robes, Oollaro, 131aukete, Rugs, Trunks and Satchels, Club Bags,
hull Cases, Bolls, &e.
MINGL,ill HARNESS at Money Saving Prices.
Richards & eo.
S 7
666.660606600606•60106•00•••e60•666660066ocmaa aaemaac
AU Our Customers
We Extend
Hearty Greetings
Best Wishes
for a
Very Merry Xmas
Prosperous New Year
Rev, A. J Mann, B. A., now of Brus-
sels, was pastor of Woodville church for
4 years. He sent the Board a donation
end letter expressing sympathy. He
says they are a plucky and suited people
and will rebuild in good form.
ARMemaono.—In sad but loving memory of
my dear husband, Chester Armstrong, who
passed "through the gates ajar on Dec-
ember 28(19, 1918.
Dearest Oheeter we have laid thee
In the peaceful grave's embrace,
But thy memory will be Cherished
Till we meet thy heavenly face.
Beautiful toiler, thy work all done,
Beautiful soul, into glory gone ;
Beautiful life with its crown now won
God glveth thee rest,
DnxuAN.—In loving memory of Arthur Den-
man, who died one year ago to -day, Dec,
29, 1918,
Days of sadness still come o'er ne,
Tears 112 silence often flow ;
For memory beeps you ever near ne,
Though God called you one year ago.
Friends may think that we forget you --
When at times they see us smile
But they little know the sorrow
That the smile hides all the while.
Yet, dear Art, we hope to meet you
When the day of life has fled ;
There in heaven with joy to greet you
Where no farewell tears are elred.
Sadly missed by PAnasTo AND S1esERs,
BROWS. In Grey Township, on Deo. trim.
1919, to Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Brown, a son.- -
David Stuart.
SmSWART.--At Shellbrook, pask„ on Deoeminr
502i, 1912, to Mr, and Mra. John Stewart,
formerly of Bluevale, Ont., a daughter,
Fall Wheat $.1 90 i1
Sprang Wheat- 2 000 c il;
Barley 1 26 1
Butter 68 to
Hogs 16 00 16 W
Hay 12 00 16 ,'u
Wool 10
Potatoes per bag 82 1 •�•^
Morris Municipal Elections
The annual meeting of the electors of the
Townohip of Morrie, for the Nomination . t'
aandidatea for the office of Reeve and tlounotl.
lore, for the year 1020, will be hold nt t:,.
Township Hall, on Monday,December 20th,
1919, from 12 to I o'clock. Tn poll be neon.
airy much poll will be opened on Monday,
Jan, 500 910 at the usual polling places, Poll
open from 0 a, m. to 6 p. m.
A. 818.0E2VAN,
Returning Officer,
,,••••••••••••••••SO0SS••••••••••••••••••••••ej••etebl9•lti ci
and Phonograph Accessories
Wishing n you a Merry Xmas
• and Happy New Year.
A •
• H. W. Love,
11 ••••e•soesse Tesees l; shier. seiei•e•••4R tbW,afialitl•ea••3B
I wish also to say that I carry the
McLagan Phonograph