HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-12-25, Page 7H',11
An American Writer Relates
a Humorous Incident at
Buckingham Palace.
city. but
Dream Caine True.
The relation-' (11,11 existed le 1sv -nt R about
iFrom City to Farm.
We crrnC[uuulis hearing ' oro
r '1 HOO11'' [tvlelal Nreshineten and hie eH feria hn talo .,o:T t th t t } MOM to the
Neetlsa Reich, Red Blood to Regain
t Health and Strength.
Many children start school in ex-
cellent health, but after' a.:Mort time
home work, examinations, hurried
monis and crowded school roelns cause
their blood to beeonle weals and thin,
their nerves over Wrought and their
color :tuft spirits loet, It is a great
His Royal Highness ladwarcl Albert, mistake to let matters drift wlien boys
Prinee of Wales, so won all hearts dor• atul glide show symptoms of nervous•
ing his brief visit that not. only clo our nese or weak blood. They aro al•
thoughts turn to ,line but to his family
most euro to Pati victims of St. Vitus
and home and all eoucerning him, says Banco, or drift into debility' that loads
a New York writer. Perhaps, there- to other troubles. Regular meals, ont-
fot•e, a story concerning a certain door exercise and plenty of sleep are
American and his visit to Buckingham neceesat•y to combat the nervous wear
l t cal interest,of et'heol life, But 1t is still more l -
Laugh When. People les -
�. T
Step On Your Feet
Few See French Seal Treaty. ; ^ ankle! 60a1 /Rt.ilire:ri:iefsiEC11b.
Whntt the greet real r,1' the French ', ,.-...Afl31'iTA w'' '
republic was alfieed ti, the peeve :[�D 1• 'fit I'1' \I:::tirt1 �1AtiT1Ntk
treaty, therrtiy validating tbe Ague- i y l n, d e t , son lli,in4es ANTI/
rat ohne,
friend, "hight•Slurse ,terry" L33, the 1 1 e lr ?alio lilI) .. the Pity bay who tures of Preeldent neinee e' a:,t f1 i ,717 . aa, ra ,"Is tisk 2 7 1
f' (,ler of (leveret Robert J'.. Lea, were 2,er_e to Il f-.rmi Yet. just ae many
. 1 Louis 'ail rnln10177 of Justice and 1!11114,1 Alt-ta 4 lsrui,:stvl:•!t A,to Tu.
ItecYYYnett,,.waafilliglY ramie and tender. IL sees
, , alive l ', v,"t ke(•0P%Nutt .,,. great soul,
,civ a. few
i , 7 in our <•ft.lE+s, so (toxo
1'1 d high Alleluia latlerded soya rzata>ri nzrr ouy
an authentic tradition 10 1110 L/.: faun- 111 7 ass men 1 pr t be 0
ly that llrasllington regarded the hril. are midotrbiediy inaay Pity bo}. who T a Paris dtsplt0 Tile Seel, alnewhat
,tont yoarlg eatYall'y ufllcl•r, almost In {linen become ue(elt int i,cr .p 7 This larger 10 vita than a silver delle.'. !
tho light of tt sen, is mgr., eat -widens. 11t.,: i.1 Ill c^1tn- Rhea's on one side the scat' d figatrn al
Lee wart inclined to be 0 epen'itbrifi, i trie1 that are being wady opened up, , a 1 1 1 n C rough tho to 11 0(10, with the inscription
• C. el-'- A n':•ng the Ouch , , 1 1 rbls ),i d o b , , tI i,. tion
and 11tH lens bi 11%1h a' ternel erten , as at the Cl .rna
winners 1. he Iuternatiunarl Nnll-Pro. 0111 - will be heard less here in town it "):'ranch Republic, 1•et„titer ride are
brought upon hint ill: 1I1#Cm,i reproof 111't n t 'C'''''''' troubled with corns wit, follow and Indivioible." Out 1
of Itis older end more discreet friend' (Mete Floe ;east
1131•, a1 111ulsaa City bn s)ntplu advice of thio Cinc:innatt the words: "1n the N1nte 0f the
and the reproof tris often follnlved rP ^ltl at ;enwt nn •, ii not more,, of .ntLcrity, who ci:aims that I: few drops French People," 71177 ,Meir, by a
h' alfna tionxtu Il: sfstanco 111 ex tat. t the r«r (- :sfttl E:si'tbitt,it was born and rf a drat catllc:d fr.aPznnl} whrn applied wreath of oak ]caves ereisc loft by the
vetting him from lit:] e1ni2EatTasalnt'AtK. bred 111 " c'lay a11d t 'v 11('('.,''11N a farm- a a lender, ar%1,111,.", [:rile stops drags up revnbliean device "Liberty, Equality,
ltirsdliu tan wns almoxC a nal- er stir' he had reached nia',bau;l, at once, t nn the cola drh2a up
ly 1'atul or the :tamer; :,Peer, who often John W. I,ncae, tv I
Try this youreeif then pass
It along to others.
It works,
lrer 1^m so. - Fraternity." The seal is iesteinted by
wiihout rain,
Mrs. g (1
ho v grit's for an,' lett 1,gbt c tt ]
:lade long visits at Mount Vernon, white oats, Broin, t'-1::1 seed, barley
During one of his sojourns there, and rye, b13t never ileerea farmer ma
Harry Lee remarked to his host at the 111 ho seabed on itis hu metcad ttt Cay-
hreakfast table: rev, Alberta,sixteen }VIM age, How -
"General, I had a singular [cream
Palace winnow >e n asPoclast night, which I Intuit tell you. I
though it doesn't directly concern the portant that parents shonl(1 pay st1T••ok actually dreamed that, you made oto a
attention to the school 717111/0 bloorpresent of your Westmoreland place."
The neat. day, at the dinner table,
harry Lee found under his plate a
document nothing less titan a deed
to hien of the Westmoreland estate.
For some moments, dazed with as-
tonishment, he stared at Itis friend.
"Now, Barry," said Washington,
calmly, take good care not to dream
Mount Vernon away from me!"
Idare 1101 call this . American's
name, for you ,night happen to know
him, but I will tell you that be hails
from Texas, that he is an intimate
friend of President Wilson and that he
is not Colonel House nor is he former
Attorney General Gregory.
supply. Keep Cite rielt and rod by
giving Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ac.
cording to directions and the bay or
girl will be sturdy and fit for school.
The value of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
in cases of this kind is shown by the
statement of Mrs. Pearl G. Harrington,
This Texan gentleman bad boon in Kingsville, Ont„ who says:—"i have
Paris on a special mission, but found often felt that I sUould write you and
himself in London lust at the time let you know what Dr. Willtems' Pink
that the Pre: ideu1 and his party were Phis (lid for me. At the age of thlr-
visiting at the palace. I have said teen I was afflicted with St. Vitus
that ho Is a friend of the President,
which Is trete, but he is an especial
friend of Admiral Grayson, the Presi-
dent's physician.
Vane foggy, dismal night, being all
alone and time hanging heavy on his
hands and being really desirous of
dance. The trouble became so severe
that I had to Ise taken from school. I
was given medical treatment but it
did not help ole, iu fact I was, steadily
growing worse. Then a fiend ad-
vised my mother to give me Dr. WI1-
limes' Pink Pills, which she did, with
seeing the President and Admiral the happiest results, es 1113 pills cum -
Grayson, he decided to go to Bucking- plelely cured me and I was again able
ham Palace and call, Yes, decided to take up my studies and attend
just like that, Just as you and I decide school. Again about three years ago
that we will go in and call on Mrs. I was attacked with nervous prostra-
tionJunes in the unit block. So up to the and once more took Dr. Williams'
palace he went and upon being stop- Pink Pills, and after using five boxes
ped at the gates announced that he was fully restored. 1 cannot praise
was n friend of President Wilson. these pills too highly as I believe they
So commanding a personality has hes will cure any case of St. Vitus dance,
and so splendid a presence that he was or restore anyone who is weak, ner-
passed right in and found himself at vette or run down.
the very dour of the palace. You can safely give Dr. Williams'
Ushered Into Royal Sitting -Roam, Plnk Pills to the most delicate child,
or take them yourself with equally
The guard at tiro floor was so im- good results when you need a blood
pressed that he informed him'that the tome. These pills are sold by all
President, Admiral Grayson and the dealers in medicine, or will be sent by
King and Queen were out for the even- mail post paid, at GO cents a box or
lug, but that if 11e liked he might wait six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil -
for then, as they had said that they limns' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
would be in early. It wns about 9.30.
Our friend said that he would like to
wait and was ushered into a big, com-
fortable room. It wasn't at all the
kind of a room that one ;would expect
to find in a royal palace, There was
nothing formal about it, just a com-
fortable living room with big easy
chairs and the simplest furnishings.
The guard hacl said: "I will show you
to the King's own siting room," Across
one end of the room blazed a roaring
fire; one of those huge brick fire-
places in which logs as big as your-
self burn. You know how cosy and
comfortable they always are, but un-
less you had frozen in France during
a war winter you can't imagine what
the sight of that fire did to that Texan
gentleman. You see 11e had been
freezing in Paris for a long time. In
tt1111g 110 of it he said:
"Nothing in this world ever looked
so good to mo. First I stood in front
of tt and baked my front, then I baked Tering- and crippled youngsters of
111y back and then my sides. 1 got this province. The ward aecommo-
warnl. through and through for the (dation has been taxed to its capacity,
first time in months." and the summer annex, the Lake-
'1'hen he said ho just had to take off side Home, was -opened ter the first
his shoes and cools his feet, "They time since the outbreak of war.
had been wet and cold for so long,"i The daily average of cot patlents
he said, "that I simply had to got thein ,has increased during the year
Football Was Rough Once.
The style of football in this genera-
tion is a mild and tante exercise as
compared to the original forms of the
sport, according to a bulletin of the
National Geographic Society. In old
England football was rougher than
most sports of those hardy tithes.
Janes I. thought it was "meeter lame-
ing than making able the users there-
of." Henry VIII. and Elizabeth ruled
against It.
King Edward II. frowned upon the
sport for its interference with arch-
ery, and also because of the commo-
tion it aroused, for in those times 1t
was played in the city streets. A
writer• of the 16th century called it a
"devilish pastime," and charged it
with inciting envy and sometimes
brawling, murder and homicide.
By the time of Charles 1I., however,
foothill] had become firmly established
at Cambridge. It was oven held in
high esteem in Ireland. There, when
all other sports were prohibited for
archery's sake, "onely the great foot -
belle" was exempt. Women joined
with the men in playing it on Shrove
A Frenchman has invented a mow- .
ing machine to be fastened to the stern, eratsasyttav to ryvgg W14'31N1 p g
of 11 launch to clear vegetation from
The average weight of a man's brain
is three pounds eight ounces, and of a
woman's brain two pounds eleven
I t : says freezore is an ether come means of a hand -worked stamping me.
77 111 which dries immediately and chine, resembling a letter copYms
rover inllam^e or oven irritates the press.
surrounding tlselie or skin. A quarter
of an ounce of freezene will cost very MONEY ORDERS.
ever, he has set to wort( to learn all little at any drug store, but is suili•
he (etdd :beat 11117 noble Ur .fseleiolt cleat to remove every hard or sett
and nobody 7;317 say that he 17.•" 131ttde corn or 1•x11113 from one's feet. Millions
of American women will welcome this
a 0:141 job of it. announccrltent Ellice the Inauguration
Mr. Luca; was born its 000 of the et the high heels.
cities of Eastern Canada. Like malty
other boys whose parents are in
moderate circumstances he Darned
money after school bourse delivering
newspapers and in various other odd
a real Leaving
atsixlldollars as e
Inter came West and worked in Win-
nipeg for a year. He had always felt
d i t become a farmer, however,
Hospital for Sick Children
Upkeep of,91g Charity Requires Fifty
Cents a Minute.
Dear Mr. Editor:
The 44th annual report of the
Hospital for Sick Alhildren, Toronto,
shows a notable advance in every
department of its service to the suf-
warns onto again."
Enter Their Majesties.
So he drew one of the big easy
chairs up to the fireplace, tools oft his
slues, propped his feet up in trout of
from 192 to 223, including children
from practically every county in
Ontario. Even had the cost of sup-
plies and labor remained stationary,
the substantial. increase in the num-
ber of patients would alone account
the lire and tanned bast( 111 that chair for the addition to the charity's debt,
which at the close of the fiscal year
the picture of solid comfort. Now you. was $109,000. This debt has become
know what a warm room will do for an embarrassing burden. Further
a person when he has just come in out increase must threaten impairment
of the cold. You can imagine the ea. of an enviable efficiency.
fort of that warm room and that big, The Hospital is in the forefront of
comfortable chair. In almost less time all institutions upon this continent
than it takes to toll it our friend was devoted to tho care of sick children.
fast aeleop, and the next thing he It cost $335,399 to maintain last
know the President and Admiral Grays year. This 'great sum not only puts
at the service of the children of
sou were standing over him shaking Ontario all the resources of medical
111nt. He said: science, but, hi:addition, provides for
"When I looked up and saw tho a training school for 120 nurses and
King and Queen standing there and for unsurpassed clinical facilities
• realized the condition of my foot I for the University students who are
wished the door could open and swal- preparing to engage in their pro -
low me It was bad enough to be Passion throughout the province.
caught asleep that way, but no shoos The income whielt must be forth-
pn to boot. It was too much." coming to finance this absolutely
However, he said the King and essential work figures out •at seven
hundred dollars a day; and, as there
Queen tlioroughly enjoyed it and saki le no endowment fund, all but a
they hadn't had each a laugh in years, traction of that amount has to be
"But think how I felt," he said, as derived from Individual benevolence.
I laughed at him myself, "being pre- Therefore the Trustees are making
eonted to the Bing and Queen in my 1 Christmas appeal to every lover of
sock feet. It was most humiliating," clrildren to foot the bills for some
I think of all the debutantes and 9eriod of time, 110 matter how short
it'may be. A minute of mercy costa
haw they'd give half of all they p00. fifty cents.
sera to be presented at court, and For churches, societies, lodges,
then I think of this lanky gentleman eta., who have mere ample funds
from Texas and his novel presentee wherewith .to assist the youngsters
tiara land laugh again. He's a courtier 10 a fair start in life, the naming of
of the old school, though, and no mat. Cots is suggested. A number of
for hole ridiculous it was I know no (Memorial Dots have been thus dedi-
iu could have More gracofuliy car- sated in honor of the overseas ser-
g vice of fellow-rnemll&rs, Thls prl
tied off the situation. I wish I vilege is extended l ecognition of
eenld tell you his name, but I dare not. gifts of $2,000 to the Main Hospital
However, the joke was just too good or 4500 to the Lakeside Home, which
to keep, especially in view of the call be pitld in. Annual instalments if
Prince's rootlet visit, so desired,
_at_ Literature, [llastrative of all
branches of the -past year's work, to
Quinine Supply. gather with any ether Information
meek For New Q f)PY desired, will be gladly furnished on
,,excuse 00 Per cont, of the wo •ld'is, application to the Secretary, the
supply of cinchona bark from lvhioh - fioapitai for Sick Children, College
Wenn) Is derived, 10 grown iu Java, street,'roronto, Contributions should
tlIrltielt Government scientists are also be addressed to,the secretary.
searching for tither soarees of supply
it (treat Ilritat't'5 colonies,
114.VING 141. Rolt10RTSCN,
Chairman of A.iipeal Committee,
Mrs, Alfred Naud, Natagan River,
Que., writes:—"I do not_think there
is any other medicine to equal Baby's
Own Tablets for little ones. I have
used them for my baby and would use
nothing else." What Mrs. Naud says
thousands of other mothers say. They
have found by trial that the Tablets
always do just what is claimed for
theme. Tho Tablets are a mild but
thorougl1 laxative which regulate the
bowels and sweeten the stomach and
thus banish indigestion, constipation,
colic, colds, etc. They are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine ,Co., Brockville, Ont,
A New Worker.
"Father, please let 1210 marry Jiut.
He's so neat. Why, when he was in
Franco he got two medals for cleaning
out dugouts and mopping up."
boy has been able to do on a farm.
Not only 11as he became the owner of
a large area of land, but on this land
he ie producing crops of the hlgliest
quality and a maxinmm quantlty.
Practically the whole of the crop
grown by hila he sails as seed at a
higher price than that obtained by the
a es re u 1 average farmer, and the demand for
and it is not surprising that the call what he produces is greater than he
meet for set- call supply.
of_ the Canadian Govern
tiers for free homesteads at once ap-
pealed to ,tier. 1 -le came to Alberta
in 1903 and located on his homestead
in Cayley, in the southern part of the
Province, the same year.
He is now the owner of right num
dred acres of land in a block, and is pays to the selection of grain, with
interested, besides, in six and a half results equally as sotisfactary.
sections of land -4,100. On his Yarm I The success of 301111 'Si, Lucas
he has produced as much as 139 bush-! should be inspiring to many a city
els of oats to the acre and 86 bushels boy. "Any boy can do what I have
done in this country," 11e says. "All
it needs is persistence." To this may
be added patience and a desire to ex-
cel, qualities possessed by most suc-
cessful men, whether in city or coun-
He is also a great believer in live-
stock. A plan latae has studied farm-
ing as he has done naturally would be.
Cattle, hogs and horses are raised on
his farm and the same painstaking
care in the selection of types and
breeding is paid to livestock as he
of wheat to the acre. The quality of
his oats may be judged from the fact
that for five years he won the premier
honors for this crop at the Alberta
Provincial Seed Fair. He has also
been a regular exhibitor and prize
winner at the International Soil Pro-
ducts Exposition and other exhibitions
held in the United States.
It has been Mr. Lucas' ambition to
become a good farmer and he has
spared no efforts to learn all he could
about his profession. 115 spent the
winters of 1912 and 1913 in Iowa as
part of his agricultural education.
Here he visited some of the best
farms in the State, asked lots of ques-
tions, saw a good deal and came away
with as much knowledge as he could
gather. He considers these two win-
ters spent in Iowa among the best in-
vestments he ever made. He learned
much about horses, cattle and hogs,'
and also how good farmers select the I
ears of corn, how in this way they in -i
crease the yield, producing ears true'
to type and uniform in size. He figured
that if corn could be so much improved
by selection the same thing could be
done with the heads of wheat, oats,
barley and hills of potatoes. He came
back to Alberta and Vegan to use this
knowledge. Not only has he increased
the yield' of those crops, but has im-
proved t$e quality and type as well.
Instead of fields of oats, barley and
other crops with heads of all sizes he
has now fields of these grains with
heads nearly all alike. By hand selec-
tion of potatoes, saving only the pro-
lific hills true to type, he has been able
to produce as high as thirty-seven
marketable potatoes from one hill, and
from one potato planted a yield of
seventy-three pounds of potatoes.
This is a record difficult to beat any-
where. .
These are some of the things a city
Styles for Children
ex -
No. 9206—Boy's ,Raglan Suit. Price,
20 cents. Knee trousers. Out in 8
sizes, 2, 4 and 6 years. Sisal requires*
with long eleeves, 2' yds. 82 ins. wide,
or 195 y(a. 86 ins. wide; w3tAt short
Sleeves, 1°r/a yds, 82 ice. wide, or 196
yds. 86 dna. 131110. Empire Dross.
No. 0222—Childs
Price, 20 cents. Ximono sleeves; with
or without trimming -straps; straight
skirt gathered into straight band or
h1117g1ng free. In G sizes, 4 *6 12
years. Size 4 requires, with ehoxt
sleeves, hand, 134 yils. 86 dtks. Wide,' '4
I was cured of Rhetimatic Gout by
I was cured of .Acute Bronchitis by
I was cured of Acute Rheumatism
Markham, Ont. C. S. BILLING.
Lahelield. Que., Oct. 9, 1907.
When ordering goods by mall send
a Iloiuinion Nxprecs ;(Toney (Order.
Holland has begun to produce salt
from wells drilled experimentally in
two provinces, and :may be able to
obtain enough for all of its needs.
A51naa:: s Ainiarent Ouzels Garget la Cows,
The orange was originally a pear-
shaped fruit about the size of the
common wild cherry. Ito evolution is
believed by naturalists to be due to
1,200 years of cultivation.
Buy Thrift Stamps.
Tornadoes "Come Lack."
If it he admitted that lightning does
not strike twice in the same place,
the same cannot truthfully be said of
tornadoes. The little town of Codell,
in western Kansas, was 11it three years
in succession by "cyclone twisters,"
and each time on May 25.
The tornado is of all natural phe-
nomena (save perhaps a volcanic ex-
plosion) the most appalling. Revolving
at a rate estimated at 500 miles aa.
minute, the "funnel cloud" destroys
everything in its path, which may not
be more than 200 or 300 feet wide.
Incidental to a frightful devastation, it
indulges in all sorts of freak per-
formances, plucking chickens, strip-
ping people naked, carrying babies
for miles unhurt, driving straws
through inch planks, and (by creating
a vacuum outside) causing houses to
135 yds. 42 ins. wide; 6 yds. of ribbon
ine. wide; with ,long sleeves, 146
yds. 86 ins, wide, or 1% yds. 42 dee.
lata 0210-- Gi'rl's Dress. Price, 28
cents. With or without grim; 10 be
slipped on over the 'head, el ng nn
shoulders; tyro -piece skirt attached to,
waist. In 6 53208, 4 to 14 years. Bine
8,'dress, '141 yrts. b6 ins. wide; guimpo,
116 yds. 2' ins. wide. •
Thee. patterns envy be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
free the McCall Co, 70 Bond 8t.,
'l oronto, Deept, We ,
THEY do notNa C2 ti
fear coughs,
colds and allied 71P
complaints. For *:1
over 60 years they e[ '
have relied on f
Bl Ai<.l'TY IN HAI
Girls! A mass of long,
thick, gleamy, tresses
r1rtNCr;Ii. alszeolabt I.L:A1P`� d.lt%•.
s./:eternal and esternat cured without
pain hY our home treatment. Write us
4efore inn tato Pr. 11311rnnn A1c4103'
t7r• I.11ultcd. (ellingwrend. 0111
T 1.1'11,1'<#I I li 'W1.J t(l,Y. 1N 2111 tela
)3,141'0(,'`al' n tT utltl. ,,!rut Ua t%1littlld.
;3 Adeiul,lc. 13!. 1v.. 1'a anao,
Wales, 1 it;12,1 ail, Iuiw51'.tl'X11R
T .ana Joh 1,11Uz1137 'Putt in I''+ns(070
(•(.Parte. lnsurnnae rarrled $3,500. w114
SCllnon ti711Fhinx qu^clsr tg..e.T770ri10.. •
Let "Danderiue" save your hair and
double its beauty. You eau have lots
of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair.
Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly
or fading. Bring back its color, vigor
and vitality.
Get a 35 -cent bottle of delightful
"Danderine" at any drug or toilet
counter to freshen your scalp; check
dandruff and falling hair. Your hair
needs this stimulating tonic: then its
life, color, brightness and abundance
will return—Hurry!
Give way before the pene-
trating effects of Sloan's
The man who falls to take advan-
tage of his wife's best judgment and
opinion concerning his important busi-
ness moves is looting the strength and
help of ono who may be far shrewder
than he suspects, Anyway, there will
be no doubt 1310out her interest and
soneed's Zlniment Cures 5)letempe0t.
Some people's idea of making life
eaey seems to lie in making it harder
for the rest of us.
So do those rheumatic twinges and
the loin -aches of lumbago, the nerve -
inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck,
the joint wrench, tine ligament sprain,
the muscle strain, and the throbbing
The ease of applying, the quickness
of relief, the positive results, the
cleanliness, and the economy of
Sloan's Liniment make it universally
preferred. Made in Canada,
55c, 70e, $1.40,
A.marlaa'5 Monogr Dog Bematietl
:0000 as
sae now to Peed
Mailed )Tree to any Ad-
dress by the Luther.
31. Olay Glover Ca., ana.
118 West 31st Street
New York, V.B.A.
PERESor ea ft
FaceWas Badly Disngu raid,
Cuticura Soap and
Ointment Healed.
"Small red pimples and block-
heads began on my face and my
facewaa badly disfigured.
Some of the pimples fes-
tered while cthero scaled
over and there were places
where the pimples were
in blotches. They used
to itch and burn terribly.
"I saw an advertise-
ment for Cu'dcnra and I tried them.
They stopped the itching and burn-
ing and I used four cakes of Soap
and three boxes of Ointment which
healed me." (Signed) Mins V. A.
Hayne, Stormont, N. S., Dec. 20,'18.
soup 253, Ointment 26 .,.l 50e. Sold
throughout theDenurdcat, Canadlar:Depot2
Lye' tu, Li,nlled, So Post S!•, Ma',trnal..
1T "'Cancers Sone abtvea weklaau�,n5Q.
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
for prompt results, With the lowered
•strength and vitality of age they realize
more than ever before the importance
of having Gray's Syrup oa°hand for
immediate use. e!
They olwaye buy the lerae 911•
Montreal D. WATSON & CO., New York
Stop Lashing Your Bowels
with Harsh Cathartics but
take "Cascarets."
Everyone must occasionally give to
the bowels some regular help or else
suffer from constipation, bilious at.
tacks, stomach disorders, and Dick
headache, But do not whip the bowels
into nativity with harsh cathartics.
What the liver and bowels need 15
a gentle and natural tonic, ono that
Can constantly be used without harni.
The gentlest liver and bowel tonin is
"Cascarets." They put the liver to
work and cleanse the colon and
bowels of 'a11 waste, toxins and pots -
ons, Without griping, --they never
aiokou or inconvenience you like Calot
mel, Salts, 011, or Purgatives,.
Twontyflvo mutton boxes of Caeca -
lute are sold each year, They work
while you 510611. Casaaretp cost 6o
Iittlo too.
leak No. 61- =10,
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs .
only—bolt for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels.
Children love its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions for child's •dole
on eaclkbottle. Give it without fear.
0bpap5COQ' tiS f1other1 You. must say "California."
Not -Aspirin at Alt without the 0313aye.;;..,
The b'o'ob "Bayer" Ott Aspirin lA
Eke 14 Karat on gold, 1t positively
-identities the only genuine Aspirin.
the .Aspirin prescribed by xhysiciarte
for over nineteen year's and now
MAI in -Canada.'
Always buy an unbroken paekago
of °'Bayer Tablets of ,Aaaplrin",wrldelt
contains proper directions fpr Colds
Headache, Tootpaohe, Earache, Nada
'algia, Lumbago. Rheumatielill, Neurt-
t1e, Joint Pales, and Pain generally...
Tin bores of 12, tablet: Dost but
R few cents. Urger "Bayer package%
There is oltiy ono Aspi'Dlu,J'I3etger'"=-You rand spr 443ayolr•"
A.plrin 1e ttt• trade mark (r (,latored In Canada)off 2 to at SteneAahlfeet1170 of I oyer'
Ade01enesdoetor of eatiorllebeld. Whits It fa well k
titsnuraetarA, to skits! the public aDa1nrt 01018334ne, the Tablote or:Rayon Compaayt
sew As eta3 Det! *0011 their general trade maria, 010 ositret cress.",