HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-12-25, Page 5Now sold in a new waxed board
package - a great improvement
over the old lead package
TEAis good tea'
Sold only in sealed packages
Oren142'ea areotioo
r. 7`. M'PAE
el., M. C. P., 10 fi,
H., at liruseels.
mirgeon, Aeneashem'
fitOpOstiAl ,.:111111.1111.4 VII111141,
A1j11111111 ,t1.,t.,
1..11Y4101AN AND stiturgoer,
Wariest° roman" Univereity of Medicine,
r.pechal attention given to di....oses of children
and Surgery.
Office a Dr. Bryans Old Stand
Phone 40 Brussels
1neKastioager far Huron Co,
.VilI silt tor es com1 oriees as any other Ann.
1,,Iliter or charge nottung,
• BRI.,ZIIAVjt P0,
,arristelse Solicitors, Notaries Public,
• race on .h loro. 1 door from Hamilton
0.011)RIt1(11, ()NT,
t.tfunds to loan at tweet rates,
'-.1.,ormsaire, I.. 0. I., KttLonAti
H. .1. 11. t•ootzr.
1 ffe lee'eI Ii14A A `,
WEI Ill AStein
I , prepared to pay the i
I1iJ1,:q. price for
- S:3rap Oren, •
Rubbers, :
Rags, c.
_ -
• •
.. i
.,, Highest, price paid. See :
, me befwe you sell, .
Hight:st Cash Price for
1.]va Poultry iI Hides
Wa i le or Phone 02x
717er."-IVIN,174e. neete•ReZ.1$4143,:eiZe .75'11
Select a School ,0
1), with yeer Eyes Wide open, All Q
;$. Business Qom:ages are not alike. OA
/44(1, K'fze
Yongo k. Obarles Stab, Tor:mita
noted throughout Canada for high
te gran. training. Our graduates are 1`0.
• grant demand. get ann. Catalogue,
▪ rend our record., then deride. le»ter "e",
any time.
crAi f2VM2a7,e2AYM reiriVi-i2AVV( e 2 Vialr
1r, an] 4iebas Items
Ice harvest comes next.
'Pao Po,,e. give,s the news.
At 'l'n o POST Clo hbi nt 11141 for 1920,
MIINIcIPAL NotnitlatiOn Day, Munday,
RINK will be opeu every night during
Clirnlrnos week.
RENEWAL and new subscriptions are
rolling in at TI1R POT,
A Masoule At Home is one of the
coaling annual events, uuder the aus-
pices of St. John's Lodge.
Ho,' reduce profanity by refraining
from throwing ashes ou the streets, es.
pecially when the sleighing is on. It
mites poor sledding.
W. G. Glassier, formerly of this local-
ity, is employing Ills talents as a teacher
of boys in Westmiuister Presbyterian
church Sabbath School, Toronto,
CIRCULAR issued by the Minister of
&Mermen fixer; the date of midsummer
examinations in lune, in accordance
with representations made to the depart-
ment against holding examinations in
July, when the heat is oppressive.
The Degree of Doctor of Divinity has
beeu conferred on Rev, A. Henderson,
at the Theological College, Saskatoon,
Sask, He labored successfully for 14
years In Atwood and Monitton Presby-
terian churches.
A good picture of the Prince of
Wales, 9 x re iucbes, was issued as El
supplement to the New York Daily
World after his visit to that city,
025,00o copies were printed and distri-
buted, THE Posy acknowledges the re-
ceipt of a copy. It was a fine business
stroke of the World and appreciated by
its readers no doubt aud by us Canucks
as well,
Friends' of Mrs. E. M. Buchanan will he
glad to know that she has been success-
ful in wiuning the European trip offered
by the London Free Press Contest.
Mrs. Bucbanan, although a teacher in
the Wingham Public School and there-
fore with little time to spare in the con -
bit, put up a wonderful campaign.
Probatey, no person has a better right to
the trip than she for her husband gave
his life for his country and sleeps in
Pleader's fields. It is because
that her heart is there that she worked
so hard to win the campaign. The total
number of votes she received was
132.494 and she came etti in District No,
2 and 7th iu the entire votes.
Oranges, Gra es, Candies
Nuts ns• Farcy Biscuits
1,Wo 1." 1cork 131 (1.0(11 be beaten in this section of the country,
Millet; for quality or price.
Boxed Chocolates
1‘11, oniacelkmery that has made 331 l's store famous as headquarters
,o the hest obtainable. Put op in beautiful boxes at prices to suit all.
Full line of Cigars, Tobaccos,
Pouches and SmokersSupplies.
!, ick and Bulk Ice Cream always on hand
Come in and get what yeti want -WO have it.
W. BELL Stratton Block
'err ',eft ti
rite(' eel. RI lielrel','„;it.',1,41)e
How Can We Make It
A Merr Xmas
Gerlard Heintzman
h or Piano
Come in and talk it over with us and we will
write Santa Claus for you. If we have not got
the Records you want just -whisper in our ear.
We are at Yoii 88PVICO,
eVE i$734
Watch for the Sign "Ford"
1,1•1,111,7.1, ,0T 1 11 11 11 •
Coon Mu for the kirle and ;ether,
r,kaling al the link Sami day
Suet) 'rue Post 1, hr absentee int in.
hers of lemilv. e. of 1920
tial1A1' Short!, ge in sChIS 1 li 14.11001,
One itze;011 10 00 Mar., ot
wielders ere geti 1'l mai red,
Betiasele Skating rink will be open
the LIM 11101l tit the old juin" Meg
enough to ',VI4', ill,.
i early.
BRUCE CO ranch peer d a Mutiou
vourleintertg the 14 'I' It F,,n,dtne.
Tht y 10 lo the mid arid tholila
001140 earner 1 the illy t.0.) kis 11) 1401
ilii41y filet: n f;11ance Po t
pry to roil esianirli. tier and et nie as -
0' 00 I1 tis a (ley eat tier than at P015'
501. '1 he only difference to the present
tr Beate:feel ory time bible is that people
could hot go to Toronto and back in a
(lay While that 10 true the good deriv-
ed ri om the centime prop,sed would
outweigh that,
of Belgettve lea' niers' Club was held ill
the Porestre se 11 ill, here, Tuesday,
NOV. 25th Following ofheers were
elected : -Preterite) t, 19, Clayton Pt oc-
tet. ; Vise President, Samuel Mutter ;
Sec,-Treas , l4ltnr Willtinson ; Direct.
Itlt. Coolies, John Clegg, Abra-
ham Procter, Gem 0.1 login, .1103.
Scott, 301111 McGill ; Delegates to Tor-
onto Convention, R.O. Procter and
lelinet) NV01(41.8011. Next meeting will
he held Dee. 30,1i to hear ieport of
delegatesi:ad tiantract general 1001-
0. L. -The membets of Orange
Lodge, No. 462, have elected officers
for 1920 as folirws Al., M, John-
ston ; D. 19 , 11. K. Dye ; Chaplain,
ltev, 8, Davison ; Itenet 11 Ig Sem etary,
C. 1(1 ng ; leitutheial Secretary. J,
Scott ; Treesneer, 31. Ai ef)ae ; Diree-
1 6, whit now and a Keeling ;
tor of Om enintees, Nethery ; bee -
Committee, NI. Fel guson, (1. 141,11.
'1.0, W. P. Scott, Re Owen, 3, At in -
strong, A dainty Mechem' Wilti
joyed by 11111 beethren,
Soma», liewmtr.,--leollowing is the
school relent, Seirioe room. lexemin-
ed in all subjects, Weal 750 Sr. IV
-191i0ot. leogler 051 ; Ruby Cleaver
539 ; \Vallter elitelmli 539 ; Anderiy
litemno. 537 ; Edythe Dime 537 ;
Lloyd Dunbar 511 ; limpet Aleflonald
457. Jr. 1 V--Toial 0513
latent 400 ; Jaelt Halls ;387. Sr. 111 -
Total 000 Jenny eleKee 191 ; Peale
Janis 452 ; Earl Bowes 309 ; Eddie
Gill 324, Jr. Ill -Total 61(0. Sylvia
Thompson 508 ; 51arjovy Thompson
484 ; Hanley feetrniee, 475 : Howard
McKee 3013 ; lan Nle Donald 357 ; Violet
Heath 350 ; ler ed. Murree, 284 ;
*Oloytre 19iebel 119. * missed exams,
2nd Olass-Doris McDonald, Beryl
Gill, Harold Vodden, Glen lecktnier,
(Been James, Athol Murray, Kenneth
Halls, Roxy Rowland, sr.r-eanier-
Kvess, Elmer Ellacott, Gold 010
Thomson, Jack Sanders, Hari y
Ruth Novelty. Jr. 1 -Wesley
McNeil, Eric bung, Layton Muer,
Blanche Rowland. Sr. Pelmet. -
Lorne Vodden„Toe OKell, Doris Gill,
Clarence Ellacott, Li nein, Mitchell,
Jr. neuter -Jim McNeil,
.A., L. HALLANTYR, Teacher,,
Airs Hugh McCrea mid her sister,
Mrs. M. W. KtiPelitel, Ditehlun, and
blaster Gordon, are itelphig over
010;81,0as with their father and sister.,
We are souy to say that Miss Jennie
Oosens has been quite ill and melee the
doetor'e care.
Ben. McCormick has been investing
in a flock of fine looking sheep, and
we wish him suecess in the 0/11 e prise,
which is one that every farmer
would do well to promote for the next
he or 20 years 111tenet, for the WOIlol
:mullets the wool, the pelts mid the
mutton I rely.
Annual meeting of the School Fate
wee held when the following officers
were chosen foe the ensuing year :-
President, Jamee MaCrae ; Vice -Presi-
dent, Rev. Win. Steeling ; Secretary -
'Peep -surer, 'elm intre E. Shearer, ;
Divectoes, L. Tabor, '1', Tughen, A.
Beittlford, A. Hewitt, li, Peppler, R.
Menzies, W. Holmes 11 Shearee,
,Walter Inglis, T. 19111111, Annie Smith
and Herb. Petite!, Second 1 riclay of
September was chosen les Fele day for
readers of '1'1t19 Pos'r were shocked to
heat. of the accidental death al' John
Doig, jr„ at Iron Bridge, Algoma
Disti ict, Tneeday, Dee. 2r5. It ap-
peeve he left li It boaifiing house to go
turd see. sotne men who were wol king
for him 00 a limiltering conteaet,
which he had and which busluess he
had followed 1'.' many yeare, While
leaving he reinitelted he would take
his riffs with 11(111 alai might, get a
rabbit oh the way. Shortly after.. he
left the veport of his rifle WAS hotted
but no particular, attention 5005 paid
to it at the time hot not rant uleg at
the eRpecteci hom seat oh was njade
and he WAS fortiel dead beside a fence
with his rifle beside him. It appeals
as if the rifle wtts discharged and the
bullet, striking him 011 the head,.
caused instant detail. Oti receiving
the sad intelligence his 2 brothers,
Thomas and William, m1 immediate-
ly far the Keene of the accidene. The
late John Doig was the eldest son of
John 11)nig, the welhknown cold:motor.
and bolder of Tuckeramith township
and was born on Me rathee's farm, 2
miles East 5' Kippen, .lantmey 7i II,
1872 At the age of 12 years, his
mot het, died, whose maiden 1101110 5011.5
lelleit Stewart McKay, who wits the
eldest daughter of the !mu Angus
AleKEY, who was ono of the oldest
mid hollered ;Minorite] of Tuck mynah,
11 athetided school that) at SI, 1.4, No, 9
mai afterwatel at 8. 8, No, 10, Tonkel.
smith, While attending the latter he
passed On lihiteence examination to
the High School. and also the Public
School leaving exaluination, Shortly
after leaving school he went to Algoma
and began lumbeving and followed it
ever, since and made a trueness of it;
succeeding in aecutettlating 00115150e-
ttble fneirete by hard worlt 515chtee
emilfcation to buoirttees. Ilo was a.
atelier, intelligent Man and Was
strong, hardy and heelthy "and or te
genial, kind di8p00iti00, hut has been
cut off suddenly ht the primo and
The Brussels Post
Clubbing List
For 1920
Tee: Poser and Daily Globe • .9 5 00
Nall and Bropil o 6 00
ot onto World .. 6 00
Parmelee AS v oe'e 12 DO
le/tinily Herald „ 2 65
Weekly Su». 2 40
Loodoe AdverVo 6 00
" levee Press 5 00
Weekly Witness 2 30
Noe, Messenger2 00
World Wide, 3 25
Youth's Coroten3 75
Presbyterian 3 10
Above prices are for addresses in
Canada ne Great Metall'. If publica-
tion you want le 101 1. above Het, let
its know, Family Het aid 1111 GO (Glee
New YHall,
Remit by Postal Note to' Express
Cram.. II' Bank Cheque add ex-
W, H. 19 191-933,
THE PosT, Brussels,
- • --
vigor of his manhood but such is life.
In religion he was a Presbyterial) and
in polities a Libel al. He Was never
married lint leaves to mourn his sud-
den death besides his rather, 4 Meal).
ere, Atteit err, Thomas and William, of
Tuck h, and Alex. 51. Doig,
Detroit, and one eistee, Mrs, (1. Sent).
rum, Egrnotelville. An uncle, W. M.
Doig, P011 Hitot ; and 4 aunts viz :
Mrs. A, Olark, Mrs, T Hammel!, Port
Midge ; 1411.s. 0. Fraser, Manitoba,
and Mrs. 11. Taylor, Sault Ste. Marge,
Mich., besides a large nomber of other:
relatives mai friends, who will long
cherish his tnenroey. The Nested was
conducted by the Cariatlien Ot•dev of
Foresters of which deeerlel 1011 for
manyyenta been an honored member
and his remains were laid to lest in
Iron Bridge Cemetery on the blinks of
19 il4HELKIllga vet..
Rev. George Jiteltenn, a brother of
erre. W. J. Pat Herne and nettle to
James Walker, Wight, died Sud-
denly Itt hie home in IValker vi 11, on
Sunday, Dec, 14th, after several
weeks illness. He was 74 years old.
13oen in Sligo, Ireland, he came to
Canada when a boy. He mitered the
Methodist ministry in 1800, was
ordained at Montreal, later beteg
transferred to Wester') Ontario, and
held charges at St, Marys, Leaming-
ton, Exeter and Stratford. His last
pastorate was at Walkerville in 1899,
following which he retired from active
mittieterial duties. He was a member
of Ailsa Craig Lodge A.. le. & A. M.
11 1996 Rev, Mr. Ja0kEintl was elected
President of the London Methodist
Conference. Besides his wire lie is
survived by 2 sons and 2 daughters.
His parental home was on the $1.1.1
Ooii. of Grey township, James Jack-
son, formerly of Grey, was a brother
of de:leased.
the Thursday evening session
of Huron Clounty Council a presen-
tation to Warden Campbell took place.
Reeve Gordon Young read a very ap-
Western noatS
(loaning In the nolo foitart.
Ethel Farmers' Club
1.1 In I led gaunt.] t y unsold. 11 pin elltit
ally order. et °nee,
Serretal y Club,
Phone 347.
0l'18 11' lind Well. wOrded address,
and Reeve Trewaelli a handed to Ilto
Warden a handsome gold•headed
110 a tAlkell lir 1110 efit.(4.111 Or ilk f1.111,11
00t1101.1il1t,1% Pill. 1 Vat den mado
feeling reply, and several of the 1.11001.
hers and Comity officials then spoke
teems .9 appre,ituim, Caw.
SPI'Vit'S 11.4 1..011 riviilot. and 11'Itt
dell and of his unite! in ereitlesy in 1 he
cliSeliarge of his duties. Many 1.Pler-
011000 were also made in Grebe epeeehes
In the yeti' Mg (1001 3' Engine, r, Don
ald Patterson, whose withdrawal 011,
the poeitimi he had filled 80 long 1 11
'natter of sincere regret, in 111I. MPH-.
bees. Warden Clempbell le a lo (Ahoy
of Mee. 3. Henry Hoover, 11111 Con„
of Grey township. lie hart di-.
trout terms, energetic presiding Whom..
Mr, Campbell 1,, Reeve of 11ast
liev. Jos, Elliott is Dead
Goderich citizens were shocked to
heat. of the death Capt. (Rev.1
Joseph Elliott, a well known and
highly eespected citizen of that town,
at St. Andrew's Military Hospital,
Soon af lee the WM. started he went
to Erigland end joined the Chaplain
service with the Canadian troops, do.
ing valuable sei vice in France for
many months, He was tette, teens-
ferred to England, where his %yolk
was in the different hospitals, 0(111-
tintums strain and over work proved
too much for him, however, and bis
health failed, despite every tare and
treatmeet after his let= to Canada
a few months ago.
Born near Bayfield the late lelr, El-
liott entered the ininistry, graduating
from Knox College, and for many
I \
'1,1R2 11sEt2 SUt
TEMPLETONS ll°1•1Fie,14Z !ear (TN '10PC.117,•1
Inunanity has lacked s erreek.st 1s.,
atom ly mere time bee...n. ! 9 :0 ;,1 •••
yearly tallot 11,, ;.„1
tals n 010 r. 1 or, 341- 1.1, r i•• a
11c111t, •t d rO, 01 III !Inc by Itslog 1,• 1
0.1111110 !II .-011,C str.t
r,- •w, col,/ ,t
y.n w, 1 1. (1010019,! I, AL: ,'c,01 g
Ur VI tem; frit our n boo' i irt0r9ffl 0,545
you malt: k J0 00/t0,5, li!
King W., Toronto). Ole Isul a.n!, ..kiere az
receipt cf 81.51.
8010 agent in Brneeele, Jae. Fox, Druggist.
eauty, Durability
and Individuality
THESE three qualities will be
found in pont Monument if
purchased heve. I have re-
cently had made up several de-
signs which are so unique, so new
and different from anything that
has been shown bete before, and
so moderate in price that I am
sure you will he interested in having me show them to you.
Gall at my place -of business and
select one of these Beauties,
Brussels Granite and Marble Works
NilrnT1:7, . "tR AI"! lel' P11111(1.11ig 0 1 t orof 1.11., •1
sorvire It,, 111000(1 10 fioderich 001111135
annlY wliPre, he beearno 1111ereated in
rinulmipal and 1.1.1igi”us 111f11105 of the
Ire .11t11on.
liomdos his widirw,
of the impel inl
1111013' forces,
The late Mr. Elli.ai I p.:V.1 1-111111,111
the old ('lint 0/1 (11111111110111 81..10,111
i.3 full 'm111415 1114000 1111, (011011
n1 J,'1*14,1 kniott, 15'81 herd
Palm dey morning on the twelve] of the
11.30 T. 33 train ft ',In TarittLO,
gun earriage earl icti 1li 1 emalne to
"Woodla.nd eernetet y, where In ternnoi.
Oslo; made, The merubers (-4 the Hemp;
fru 1N eltoesn Front the G. W, V. A.
t 11,11, 3. W. Ouo'
Sak.0. I (1,1101115, r. V1/et1-
• , le. Id (1. Timm and R. J.
501 V Were 1,1,1111(1-K1 by Major
the .ebn I Chaplain, alai
lies. Fon-nien An offieer from
91, D. NO. 1, represented the G. 0. C.,
• the
lienkkarnalligIS 1 fill FOE a la 1 11113111011111111111111M
For the Next Sixty Days
We will give a Liberal Discount of roper cent off on all
Dry Goads, Boots and Shoes
For Cash. Our stock is large and well assorted. Come
in and see it and be convinced that what we advertise
is right. We can save you dollars by calling early and
buying before everything gets picked up.
1 8 41 1113111.1"41" "',,i1:( 11
0+•+0,1, 1 0+0+++4+++.4.04.4. +4+ e÷41+4-••8.4.4••+S.+40.1*
The Seaforth Creamery
• • For further particulars see our Agent, MR, T. C.
McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to
• The Seaforth Creamery Co.
bailStinilianitimmsmisinsat tiReS31•31111111115111111111111111
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
+44 64.04114.04-434-04.4+ 4t4.4.4•04.44•044500T4 *•4.1.•*•e44
44.*4.4.444+44.••••••4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4.•••••••••••••4444.o.reteeteco Ote..4.0.00••••••••04)1.4000+4i .
• •
i YOUR TARM Will Yield Larger and Better Crops •
if you FEED Your Lands with ei
: •
• •
e 1i,
Government Analysis run over Guarantee •
O STONE BRANDS give results and
• P IR
• Phone 168
* :
Wm. Stone Sons Limited, •
Ingersoll, Ont. •
: *
"For the Land's Sake" use Stone's Fertilizer •
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••41,414.40444 ••+44+4,$,,..,4,+444..44444•0.44.•••••••••• •
S it oneS
They are richlin AVAILABLE Plant Food -are made from materials of Highest
Quality. Their mechanical condition is unexcelled. No clogging in the drill.