HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-12-25, Page 4Ube illetustis Pasf 'i HI l.. , .1 Y, I14('1441BER 25, tyle Muirev Christmas to every reader of Ter 1'..t)' wit<tiler Von are a gond sten 1y stnhs,•i.bor or net hollow !'t•.R' fN:aTE Santa Claus even if it has (1 be tI-tie minus the long white locks and the rcttt::d anatomy so that you could really come down the chimney if you fnn•.u1 it uesessary. The Important -Mims is 1, make somebody, big or little, haply over the Christmastide. AN O'd Couutry paper terms the eifurt of Partitunent to bump titles a bit of cant )Linage. It inay be a piece of t u n a >r f si s d m t l o es. onali. m but an 1 honorary title ,11 Canada is looked up;>n as a tirl 1,t honor by thousands of people here j,l•t the same. Lords, dukes and earls don't cut much ice on this side of the Atlantic. THERE are 1uo,7ot Indians iu the e Pros inc. a' t this Domiuioo, plus 5,292 residcnls in the Yukon and North-West territories. ILi Ontario many of the red men and >quaws are good workers an 13 quite Issas to help out in emergency rases and can xet`a lively pace for the white brethren when they have a mind to work. When the notion is not on the :peril limit i,; not frequently over 2211, A man who guesses concerning the result of the next Dominion Election avers there will be 75 farmers, if not more, in the next Hoose. Well, we have no serious objection. so long as they govern the. country honestly, econ- emiealty rind with high ideals for the fin ore of this laud. There are titous- a,,ds of dollars of expenditure. that si,otld h. rut ,>f This country has been ., milcil cony :on loug to an "all day sucker" muted who should.have been weaned k1, g ago. THE people of C.tuatl.l and other lands will regret to ]rear of the continued ill health of Premier Borden, which will necessitate his resignation to give him a chance to take a long rest. There is no doubt men who serve in the country's forefront undergo a very heavy drain on their physical and mental make-up and few are able to stand it for a lengthened period. Ir will be no bed of roses Sir Robert's successor, whoever be may be, will have as bis flower gar- den, we rather expect, thorns and briers have got a start that will require remov- ing 10 assure comfortable surroundings NExrMonday will be Municipal Nomi- nation Day Show your interest by at- tending and proving that you are a p..rt and parcel of the concern. A large andience usually makes a good meeting as it sirs tip the nominees and thereby elicits information ss to the past and possibly outlines prospects for the days to come. Don't grouch but it is your right to ask questions and receive gentle- man'y answers to these queries. Rate- payers are within their privilege to differ with the candidates'' opinions but it is always well to be able to propose an improvemeut before much kicking is done. See that the best available men are chosen and do your best to make their serviu -a ha pful JUDGING by the evidence elicited 13eury Ford toss his electiou in Michi- gan by wars and means as crooked as the prove]. bird dog's hind leg, Some of the interested persons have likely found out that tlu y punctured their tire If the redoubtable m luufacturer of "tin Lizaies" could secure the "rubber" from the necks of the fellows who were after his scalp he would have n large supply It seems a funny tl;ng hoar many men there are who have gone straight for years will knowingly wobble in an elec- tion and perhaps `,'1e re tion for it partly is the example set by the supposed big fellows.. We never thought much of the saw -off meaner of settling crooked -elec- tions, Two wrongs don't make a right, By reading the minu'es of County Councils and Manic pat Councils people would almost feel like suggesting the or, ganizing of a new Accident Company whose chief business would he to repair automobiles, or buy new ones, awed damages to chauffeurs and arrange to have highways properly sandpapered so as to avoid accident Years ago when there was corduroy and mudboles and the ox tenni1 were ant speeded up loo fast, applientlous for rata pts for getting ditched or being pitched over the fence were few and far between brit with the Good Roads Movement and a mile•a minute gait demands "to pay up or a writ will 1,o issued'.' are conditions right on the pro,,ram, It must seem plain to Councils that bridges mast be widened, hills eat .down, gravel pet through the nutmeg grater nod the crooked places made straight' At the mine time some fellows who assay to drive cars should undergo t 11 n ntgli ex) (»illation eon' anent of $22.00 per fctnlily, ceruleg their stulity and 00011lo0 sense Rev. Dr. Perrie reported for Home its what cou4111:,1es Safety First meths Mission cotnmittee visits to Belgrave, ods, We believe there are instances St, Helens and Wroxeter, 3 charges where legitimate damages should be trot yet up to the required minim tun )aid but We are also convinced that snipend, in bite firdt a canvass ie at - 1 ing rntule with good results ; the bat - many a demand Is little less than a hold' er ie to be visited by a commiseion of x'u,essnsa,.lsar��r,�rw ,sPew.q_,�w Grr ' s Confectioner y and Fruit Shop DO YOUR SMOmPING EARLY The Shop of a Matter of Good Taste Chocolates Pipes es Pattersonp Agreat vaiety of nice Box,cl Chocolates raid' Ron lions rang- ing fu pries from .10e to ila60. When a boy is lonely there i-, a gird that i; lonely too. 'rake or send the lonely girl a alta box of Bon Bops — A matter of good taste, Perrin's Tub Goods A great variety --all Fresh and Pure. A Pipe makes a vire gift to a fellow who smokes, The Wellington --The Universal Pipe cool, Sweo1 and Clean, You May pay more money but you cannot got a sweeter. smoke. Crooks and Straights pet $1 (10. THE KOLA PIPE A beautiful Pipe $100 OLD PAL PIPES A Dandy Smoker $1.60 Nice variety of French Briar Pipes just 5oc, All kinds of Cut Tobaccos and Plugs. Cigars in nice boxes makes a suitable; Gift. Oranges, Bananas, Nuts, Grapes, lemons, Grape Fruit, &c. W, A. GREWAR, BRUSSELS up and too many Councils or other pub - tic bodies, have settled rather than get into a law -suit, the outcome of which is said to be nearly always against a nor• poration anti at no small cost. 'there is such a thing as being made a mark on account of being too tender hearted in setting a precedent. BECAUSE Provincial Attorney General Rainey stated a few unspoken thing about race track gambling, the thorough enforcement of the Ontario Temperance Act, the., the Liberty Leaguers are al- ready whetting their scalping knife and threaten to have his scalp or that of any other mac who does not swallow their cordials or say their prayers to these ieth century dictators. IE the League did not heed the bump administered so forceably on the Referendum vote their snarling now will not be wondered at, A program that spells toboggan in every number is not likely to be much sought after by people whose ambition is to climb rather than slide. If the Liberty League were taken seriously it would be a menace to Ontario but now it is a laughing stock and the more they rave the more they prove it, Good News About Hydro Lucknow Sentinel says 1—"Mr. Flint, one of the engineers in connec- tion with the Hydro Service from Eugenia was in town getting up-to- date information about Lucknow's re- quirements, and incidentally giving out some information of a gratifying nature, Some changes have been made with regard to the plans for supplying Lucknow and Ripley. One of these is that a transformation station will be located at Hoiyrood to serve Lncknow and Ripley instead of having a station at each place. This enables the Com- mission to materially reduce the cost of service. For example, Lucknow can now get current $60 per h. p, hi - stead of $68, which was l.l>e first esti- mate ; and the tate for Ripley is re- duced from $88 to $60. Sit'. Flint said that everything is in good shape for going right on with the system, and the Commission is anxious to see the necessary By-laws passed in order that it may get the poles on the ground with sleighs. This will be a great advantage over doing the teaming with wagons. If this can be done a number of gangs of men will be put to work in the early Spring, and Mr, Flint said that the Commission might be able to supply current to Lucknow by the first of August, and certainly not later than Oct. 1st. Let us hope that these expectations will be realized. Another advantage in having the transformer faerners in locality of 113olyl'ood and Ripley can be supplied with current. No doubt a number will take advantage of this. Maitland Presbytery Presbytery of Maitland (net on Tuesday, Dec. Oth, in St, Andrew's Church Wiugham. Attendance was not so large as usual, owing to dis- arranged train service from North, 4ev, N. R. D. Sinclair, Belmore, was elected Moderator for ensuing 6 months, Rev. M, P, Craig resigned the charge of Dungannon and tort Albert, as he purposes returning to Scotland at end of January. Resigna- tion was accepted and Rev, 3. S. Hard ie appointed Moderator of session during vacancy. Congregation of Whitechurch made a request for permission to sell 8i acres of ptesenb glebe. Permission was granted, providing proceeds of sale he applied on the erection of new manse,. Treastu•er's report for year closing November 80th, showed receipts of $670.76, and expenditures of $0623.87, and balance on hand of $17,89, Audi- tors reported 'I'r•easuter's accounts correct, Bud et t sport was presented by Rev. .1, S. liardie. The allocation for the year is $28,000, or al aesess- Presbytery ata date in the immediate future. Rev. J no. McDougall, 11, 1), of 13ruce Presbytery, was nominated for the Moderatorship of coming General Assert) bl y. Remits from the General Assembly were leftover till the Mar eh meeting of the court. Tile following constitute standing Oormuittees for the ensu- ing year : Hoole Missions, Messt's, Porde, McLean, Sinclair and their elders. Foreign Missions, Messrs. Bell, Kennedy. Tate and their elders, Sunday schools and Y. P. work, \lessrs, Mann, Lundy, Malcolm, Over end and their elders, The Bu(lget, Messrs. Hardy, Mann, Boyle and their elders. Examination of stndents, Messrs, McLean, Sinclair, Petrie and their elders, Aged and infirm minis- ters, Messrs Gilmore, fate, McKenzie and their elders. Remits, Messrs, Sinclair, McKenzie and their elders. Finance, kissers. Bradley_, Hardie and Gilmore. Statistics, the Clerk. NEW YEAR The 0111 year with it's record Is gone forever more, The New Year full of promise, Stands waiting at the door. The glad New Year Will soon be here, The old is disappearing ; It cannot stay, "Good -by" we'll say, All hail the new with cheering. awing and chapping We are doing all kinds of Circular Sawing and Grain Chopping and are now open fol' contracts for same, Satisfaction given. A Booming Papers The Family Hetald >u+rl \lsr,1,1s Star. oAtomise] 1_t. (11111' than bre ing tide heti-hob. With lite hit; family weekly is tut•ludrd a souvenir pal trait of Ih" Ptinca or 1i tlae, size Ili x 22 inches, I1 i, bringing the ]'',11th' 11.cud(1 nein lenders 1(3' the 1)05.,(31(131, Itis ll,,' 13,311 purl ail 1.1' the Print•e ever (,(ken and will he a valued sou- veuir of his visit t„ Canada. 1'ile Fatally llelnld nod \\'et•Irly Star rusts, only 41(121) if r>•luille,l l'0,' Lerma 1st annum v, inrludir>d portrait, It is the best vahu' ever oit(red, Seasonable Bits Be pullout with the nletchttnts and elarlcs clueing the holidays and don't do your shopping surly, Yes, Chiisttnas is enlurng. It hi deal at hand. If you lar going to do anything fur ai,yhody, don't delay. A Christmas goose 1 the turkey that thought he (vas safe because he escaped death at Thanksgiving time. In buying for your brothers, Your. sisters and soul• aunts, Rememhet' the, 0 are others, And give the poor a chalice. No great composer has afar set the Christmas shopping lush to music. Here is au opportunity fit soma towel hip genius to achieve either fame et the foolish house, The 1 orkey is (1gilded bbd, With juicy meta and tender, No 111xllly, as we 11a1e heard, For purses somewhat slender. A turkey in the ire -box is worth two it) the banyard, but we doubt ii' itis (('(11th 60 cents a pound. .A practice that is much abhorred, Though many people do it, lfl spending what yon l an't effort], Then after Christmas rue it. Why is a murder like a tut key go- ing down the ((31(1(1 street in Brussel. 1 It's a fowl proceeding, Wroxeter Nosninatiou in the Town Hall here. next 110013ay. The Manse at Armaw, Bruce Co„ was I he scene of a quiet wedding on Dec. 10 when Anna Louise Nay, only daughter of Rev. L, and Alts. Yer1tu, formerly of Wroxeter, was married to R. J. Conley of Arinow. Miss Perrin was organist in Ohalrirers Church, Arlunw, of which her father is pastor and Cllr. Conley is a farmer near the village. (Intended for last week Mrs. Brawn, Toronto, spent the week end in the village, rners and Save Coal Ll crier to dispose of all our Turn- ers before Christmas we are offer- ing almost double quantity for the same tnenley—$2.60 per load, D. Ballingall P. AMINT 24.3 Call or Phone 411S Phone 10 ,'3 BRUSSELS a 511 a a im ' ii %i i Mimi To Our Customers We thank ail our Customers for the patronage of the past year and wish them a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Will be glad to supply your Needs for 1920. Rd C. RATHWELL Moncrietf FS aW it" ro••000000,04•®••040orors bere••orro+i rio•00009,0, gCs@'.i,$ q • Winter Term from Jana 5th • • • • Gly si • • o°s e • A Stratford. Or Wingharn (bbAOs400,4044N4(l.NA•A•444 e'644)4440404 4, s 0 J 3' 0 9409444.0 We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instrmitol's who give individual attention to pupils. Otte graduates are reeding with 'success. We are training foldiers under Soldiers' Civil Be-natitbii;;limielt Coremiesion. Address the College for Free. Catalogue, to either m • A • 0 • 0 1 • ' 4 1 0 &i and reed A ear of Royal House- hold floor, 13ratl and Shorts will arrive shortly, Plnee },1(11' nidrt' now be- fore a ,ll ken. tel valises, rane 43 W. J. McCracken J. 1) Miller 1115(3 sold his ratan in It, tri - towhsltip 10 Fred. Hestia. ti1 S'mlronu and fatuity moved . .1r, • u 1 • i r+ he I 1. I [31 ort fielc where e r k f 1 ur r will engop-,e In tt genet al bust - House fO? Salo ii► Cranbrook ('o,efnrtal.b, brlrk h,•uee met !: sera ar 151111 10' sato. 0010 se...I ha,l, flume el trble, (r• +Lord, walk t3,,,, IuOnted In Vll1ago of Oran- - brook, belonging to estate of late Donald Mc- Dougall. Iron further p,u'tleulara apply to W. J. SM A [,LOON, Oranbrook, 2311 or ALEX, M(D0U(4A1d., at. Thomas. Farm For Sale Being 'North Ya Let 22, Con. 4 Wards town• ship, ell I11,der grass. There Is a good bank barn, driving shed and hen hoose, Splendid orchard and n neyar falling (351'11111 on (lea Wean. F11AMapply to 052PDAVIDON 109 SMehvl,le Street. London, Ont. OP F. S. 30oti, .Brussels, Oat. For Simile Il mss ruvl Irks p I1atn1n, ley n In 1. Village f ('1nal no - t-, t 11P1(Ix Mr., Agnesgrown, 1811140. barn, fruit teees, & 1 u1u „ be elven (111,,n. Id Purls lh,n +if„ nue al'. ply to Mire. Tnoa. rtott3(1(3,31,r NV of Uh NIAl{4 M1, 10xannters estate of the Into airs. Agnes lirow u, Oranbrook. Bull for Service '1(131 undersigned. 1,111 keen for service 1511 t , I.ot 00 Orn. 2, Morris town kit the tit - h> Abort Born 0011 (35101 rd 0 sal, r 1- . -214113- Steed by (3alnf td unions, .nisesei : Dam Mildred VII by Bolo l ,41..0 to 't'. 0..1, lg,•n0 may be (0(1 011 a1'ph,nll''1 alt UU fm• tdtoro'•h, ads pal 1,1,1e at I,,,, „f s , aloe with pelvilege to rata) s, (3 (Iola''ova le - allowed. 011011111, Prop' lame. +++++++++++++++++++++++++4++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + :i: 1, '1, :, 1 lopetoft has purchased the e1,013 , rl ((pled by Milton Led - it null will take possession in ". IZry 1',iueipal Untidier, of ICllox College, Torun to preached mol niug an 1 ev ni,•g in the Presbyterian el 1,l. )Sonde y. •111:e1 Smith, who has been visiting hi, pother, Mitt . Alex. Snmith, for months, left for Saskatchewan Satur- day 11.11 le l5• will serial a short bite with relatives bl•l'uie going to his home it 31.1,1.1 11113., Short Horn Buis We have won kat Prize on bull calf at Brus- sels Fall Fair for 3 years in succession and have always something goad on hand for sale. 0, TURNBBULL, C SON, Phone 2314 Lot 10, (ion. 16, Grey Twp. Farm for Sale Being N1, lint 13. con, 9, Morrie Township, containing 100 soros In good state of oulttvm tion; good buildings, abundance of water, con- venient to school. Immediate possession. For further particulars apply to .110BB1(T NFWC0an31'1. ,}• 21.0f Blyth 15. 11. No. 2 d' Property for Sale The undersigned offers for 5010 his house end lot on Turnherry Street South, Brussels. Good brick house end w00,101(01. about 1 sore of land, good well, Rea For further part•icn- laro apply to W21. 2'E(18113, Brussels. 21-(f Short Horn null Calves for Sale Undersigned offers for sale 5 Short Horn bull c lves, ft•om tate well known sire, Hers- 8eld Stamp, bred by Harry Smith and owned by undersigned, A sow, Princess Pat from sane bull, sold at Rriolter's sale, Bimini re- cently for 81000, the highest price at sale. . 15e. port says "the is a heifer of Shaw calibre and 6 yearn old," Plerafiel 1 Stamp is also for Pale, 5Y111 also sell a registered Berkshire hog. 8% Lot 80, Con, 0, Morris township, J NO. G. SPHIR, Phone 100 Brussels P. 0. )McKillop Township Nomination A meeting for nominating a Heave and four Ocunoillors for the Municipality of the Town- ship or Mottillop for the year 1920 will be held ab Caldera Hall, Winthrop on Monday the 89th day of December 1919 at the hour of 1 o'clock p, m., and in the event of more per- sons being nominated than are required to fill the several offices an election wilt be held ou Monday the 6111 day of Janaary 1920 at :- Polling Division No. 1-1.4. I5 Holland's House Lot W Von, 5 J. W. lOwens, D R. 0. Thos. Di oyland, P. 0. Polling Division No, 2 -James 1illine House Hob6 Cott. 4 Jos, Dormice, D. R. 0. James o, ran Hilton, P O, Po Palling n,12 1 Le 3 -Leo ,1.1 0 House hot lO, Con, 12 J. Learning. D, li. tl. J, Mar - ray, P.O. Polling Dlvlato't No. 4 -School House No, 7, Lob 23, Com 11. Thos, Arohilmld, D. R. 0. Alden McGavin, P. 0. M. MIlaDIE, Olerk. GUNN'S FERTILIZE ;�gvzc'aua'r IAM Agent for the above well known Fertilizer and am ready _to receive your orders. Also handl Gunn's Bone Meal for Hens, Hog Meal and Calf lineal, all of which give splendid satisfaction and have stood she test of years. We Iscr'p the Meals on hand and would be glad to supply you, Gunn's Fertilizer gives excellent results and is second to none on the market. Shanley Wheeler AGENT Phone 218 Lot 2, Con. 8, Grey Twp. r fi 'l' 1' 4 4+.1.++++1..1..l-4++.a.+.b.t,i.+,6.}..P+.f,t 44+++++++++++++++.1 . r +++++ Cream anted Ship y::ssr Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges.Ps. Issue C Che CeS for ti -r pay - ment a -ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yr.1i will not want to discontinue. Brvssels Greamery StEwHrt PrHrcs,ops. .tee....,-. Vr•vM410.011.13, 16111.4 We PERFECT PHONOGRAPH UCH a wonderful party 1 A gay crowd --- and a Brant -Ola to keep things lively-- - • never a dull moment.' No party is complete without a Brant -Ola Easy to operate and plays all makes of disc records correctly. Buy one for your home. The world's best artists to sing and play for you; the season's successes brought right into your own home. The Brant -Ola is made in several styles, in Fumed Oak or ' Mahogany. There is one made expressly to suit your taste and purse. The dealer will be glad to demonstrate it. Ask him about it now. SOLO HERE BY John Oliver h Ininafi 111 rpliudlflh"e BRANTFORD SALES LTD. Brantford, Canada DIS" 1'fE UTORS