HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-12-25, Page 10. VOL,„ :}fi NO, MG 81.50 Per Annum in Advaylce L R USSE L.S. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1919 W. H. KERR, Proprietor 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 1 aallfr Take No Risks with Valuable Securities Your Victory Bonds, deeds, mortgages, insur, arses policies are too precious to leave where 11, fire or thieves may reach them, Even a strong box or safe in your own home lacks the absolute security given b Y the Safety D...posit Boxes in this Bank, They may be rented in convenient sizes at a small cost. Call and see them. 1 -THE Bank of Nova Scotia 8 18, 00,00 220,000,000 F. E. 011,1(.OY Manager Brussels Branch 11 ,oQ ,dY c4 pppll �.. •, ' .1: v � ;�Cy,i��! r�"�_ ,Ulllllllll!! el11 00 00 00 00 00 Nevi A.rivertisenients For ail,..--TJrt: Nose. (lire, r ngY-,tau oe b'ox. Rob,• found ---Phone 501. ('nr of Flour --W (4. Neat. For .al,-J.,1in A. Npelrnn. (-round bone -Seeker lima. Not ire-Ar¢u'. 0. ('nrnlichael. Pa, nein. iu 11,,,e- Raelee,. HMS. Cutter for Ale -ans. it underarm. u' ui s , r the eensan-Ir. Davidson, at use• snri -Nona Church, ('rnnbrnok , A!no re,--nrr-.wall on M,(Itud14 (Merest. D nn.eiFml Idlimiiot s -IU on•Is Township. ,1iStrict etU Walton It is stated Dr. Waghorn, a resident foe in.wy y(',t((0, has disposed of his ;'ntuf'rtable home to au. Pratt and will von ilune veterinary profession with headquarters at Seaforth, While sorry to lose thein as Walton - i:.114 NNW wish them prosperity. •=soner.man..,-,-srdsarmemsauoaxammamago. soma, EsVSKIRMISEMEattaikaraits St. George's Bazaar brought into the treasury the handsome sum of $100,00 and -the promoters wish to thankall who aided and patronized the Bazaar. The question of Consolidated schools will be voted on at the annual school meetings to be held in Walton and the other three S. S. interested, Date of meeting is Wednesday of next week, opening at 10 ti -am. There should be a big turn out to each meet. (^g. METHODIST OEDRCE ANNIVERSARY. -It was found necessary to change date of anniversary in Methodist Church and services will now be held Sunday, January 4th, at 11 it. en. and evening at 780 o'clock. Rev. S. Anderson, Clintton, will be the preach- er, and special music is being arranged for. Envelope offering of $100 is ask- ed for by the Board. Monday even- ing following a musical and literary entertainment will be heid commenc- ing at 8 o'clock. Rev. Geo. E, Morley, ®d i � ay r st m as �� ICOR the convenience of those who know the advantage of fresh, well -assorted Stooks we "strongly advise" to 'make selec- tion's now. It will be impossible to duplicate many of the Christmas numbers this year. Comfort, Shopping now—Dissatisfaction, the night before. Having secured an up-to-date stock 9 months ago I am its a position to give you first-class goods at mod- erate prices—far below what I can purchase them for t(1 -day. Everything for Lady, Gent or Child, A small amount will secure your purchase—deliv- ery made when required. Wm F Stretton Jeweller and Optician sZataUnkis &alrimer of Martinge Licensee, Brussels B. A., Toronto, will givea varied pro- gram of literary numbers well worth heating, Addresses by neighbor. ing pastors and a Soafortlt Male Quartette will supply a musical treat, Tickets 135 and 25 cents, Don't forget the dates, January and d 5th. n Oranbrook Wr..lBray is improving in health, Miss Jessie Menzies is house from her school at Toronto for the Ohrist- Ints vacation, The Sabbath School in the Presby- terian resbyterian ellnr'Cll has closed for the Winter months, The horne of the late 1). McDougall and acre of land has been sold to Janes Noble, of this locality, for the sum of $450.00. It will slake a cosy home for the purchaser, Ohristmas entertainment for the Sabbath School was held in the Methodist church last Tuesday even- ing, Rev. W. E. Stafford occupied the chair and an interesting program was presented. ANNIVErt.eARY,-On Sabbath, Jan. 4th, anuivereary sorruorls will be preached in Knox church, by Rev, Ar, Perrie, Wingliam, at 1.1 a, m. and 7.80 p. m. Monday evening an illu- strated Lecture, with about 200 fine views, will be given by Rev. W. Mof- fat, entitled "Bonnie Scotland," Musical program will also be given. Tickets 25 and 15 cents. See advt. Following refers to a cousin of Wm, Rltthwell of Oi•anbronk :-Wm, Rath - well, of the Goshen line, Stanley, died suddenly on Sunday, December 7th. He had been in declining health for some months, but was able to go about his daily duties tut 01 a few clays before his death, the great storm of November 29th having given him a severe nervous shock. He was born nearly 86 year's ago on the faros on which he died and which has been hie home throughout his life. He is eur- vived by his wife, one son and two daughters, Charles and Edith, at horne, and Stella (tire. A. H. Elliott,) of Windsor. Mr. 1*athwell was an active nteuxber of the Varna Metho. dist church and in polities was a ()on- set vati ve. GALLED IN EIS PRIME -John Per- rie, a brother of Jaynes and Alex. Per - tie and Mrs. Jae. G1'ant, this locality, Wnt. Perrie, Brussels and Rev. Dr. Perrie, Wingham, passed away in the Hospital at, St, Paul, Mien., on Wed- nesday evening, Dec, 10th. Mr. Per- rie hacl a severe attack of the Flu a year ago and his health since had not been good, and he had gone to St. Paul's Minn., to undergo a critical operation in the hope of getting relief, Mr, Perrie had resided in Edmonton, Alta., a number of years, and had for 50me years been Deputy Minister of Municipalities in the Alberta Govern- ment. His early life was spent at the old family home in Grey township, and he was well known and most highly esteemed by a Ieu'ge circle of friends. He is survived by his widow and 3 children, and they will have the sincere sympathy of old friends here, The body was taken to Edmonton for internment and Dr. Perrin went to the funeral. ScuooL ENTF.RTA IN1noNT.-A anC- ceeeeful school enterrain went was held in S. S. No. 7, (0lanbrook)Friday afternoon last. A lengthy program was put into the hands of Rev. Mr. Kennedy, who was chairman, con- sisting of recitations, songs, dialogues, addresses, violin, wouth•organ and bagPP i e selections and if there be anything else to be had it was there, Attendance was phenoinenal. Those of us who were there felt that there was an air of perfection abnut the place for huw Lhe two tulassuwiug lady teachers like Miss McNair and Miss Houston, could arrange and pre- pare such a program, enlist the at- tention and interest of Section so that visitors name by snores and then sent out an melee to the weatherman and got id.'n.l weather, -1•0 more than we could uuder:,l.and but that is the CAR OF t fltr r, Also Bran and Shorts, expected at Walton first week of the New Year,_ Special Prices off car. W. C. NEAL, Walton nniversa,ry Services Anniversary Services will be held In Knox Church Cranbrook Sunday, January 4th at 11 It, 01, and 7.80 p. m, Rev, Dr, Perris, Wingham, one of the able pt•eae11e19 in Maitland Presbytery, will preach, Illustrated Lecture MONDAY EVENING, JAN. STtt, at 7,30, an Illustrated Lecture entitled "BONNIE SCOTLAND" will be given by Rev, Walter Moffat, late of London. Lecture will be Tltus- trated with nearly 200 beautiful color- ed Lantern Views, and illustrate the historic and most itttereeting parts of "Auld Scotia" Local talent will take charge of the Music for the evening. Mr. Moffat has a rare treat in store for lovers of history and scenic beauty. Admission 28 and 15 Conte. way Misses McNeil, and Uruslort do their work. The Section is to be con- gratulated upon its teaching staff. Whilst we value the efficient Leaching of the elementary studies and we can do so because they have a par value in dollars and cents, we cannot value the teaching of true manliness and womanliness through lives flavored with morality and Christian influence. The latter transcends our very best thoughts and imaginations, Grey Schools closed Friday for Ohrietmas. TRE Pon gives the news. Do you get it? Attend the Nomination next Mon- day at Ethel. Will. Hoover is home from the 0. A. 0. for the vacation, Miss 011a Armstrong, who is a teacher in Acton Public School, is home for Ohristmas. Miss Miriam Lowe is home for the Christmas vacation from the Normal School, Stratford. Nothwithstanding the comparative shortage of feed large numbers of live stook are being fed, Miss McPherson, teacher of S. S. No. 10, is spending her holidays at her home 10 Kincardine. Juo. Work was threatened with pneumonia last week but is better again we are pleased to state, Percy Ward, 12th Con., is wearing a broad smile these days, Why? Because he is papa, a daughter. Mrs. D. McCallum and son, of Blyth locality, are visiting at the former•'s parental home, 9111 Con. Miss Beth Hoover is horne for a holiday from Mooretown where she has held a position as milliner. Annual school meetings Wednesday of next Week. Are you going to manifest an in f t rarest in school affairs ? -Miss Ida Rands who has been at- tending t tending Business College at Wings ham, is spending a week or so under the parental roof, Miss Irene Hoover, of St. Louis, Mich., is a Ohristmas visitor with J, H. and Mrs. Hoover and family, at the parental home, llth Con, Last Friday evening at Union Ohrietmas tree entertainment Mrs. Stanley Machan was presented with a cut glass water set and casserole for faithful service as organist for a time. Donald McNeil is back from an extensive trip through the West where he had a good time. He talks of seeing California for a few months. Wonder if it is going to be a wedding trip ? Wm. Tierman, of Heaney, Man. is renewing old - friendships in this community. It is 29 years eines he went West and this is his first visit back. Mr. Tierman is a brother bf Mrs Thos. Alcock, 14th Cnn, The visitor has prospered in Manitoba. Before school closed in 5, 8. No. 6 an interesting examination and pro- gram was on the list put on by the pupils, guided by Miss Edna Carr, the teacher, at which there was a good attendance. Joe Antes filled the bill as chairman and short addresees Wh SERVE E YOU What services do your bankers render? Do they supply you with sound, practical advice based on up-to-date knowledge of markets, prices and business conditions ? Do they help you to take advantage of your opportunities and increase your income? This Bank is prepared to Help farmers in every way uossi'ble. THE CANADIAN BANK. OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 WAL2'ON BRANCH, J: M, McMillan, Manager'. were given by B. F. Carr and W. J, Jack)in. There was a Christmas ties well freighted, with Carl Attlee as Santa Claus. Mise Oar. is doing gond work, Nl ONIC'IPAL STATISTICS -Following figures ate taken from the Financial Statement for 1919, prepared by the Treasurer and Reeve of Grey town- ship for presentation to the ratepay- ers, the ciente being omitted from each iteral :-- Expenses of Election. - $ 67 Salaries, Sm. .................. 1423 Printing, Actvert'g, postage &c263 Ins,, Fuel, Claretakiug, Rco 09 Red Oroes work 411 County Rates .. 13144 Roads and Bridges 6703 Gravel 906 Charity 26 Schools ............ ... ................. 13962 ' n i r Debentures,Principal 123,18 1 DebentureInterest . 8391 Sheep killed by dogs. ..............., 185 Municipal Drains , 0716 Board of Health 89 Miscellaneous ..... .,..... 335 Telephones ................. .. 55433 Jamestown A Bible Oonference beginning New Year's Day and continuing over Lord's Day will be held in the Meeting Hall, 2nd of Grey, Meetings each day at 10 a. m., 8 and 7,80 p. rn. We hear Thy welcome all to come. Belgrave East Wawauosh Nomination will be held here Monday 29th. The Sunday School entertainment in Trinity Church Monday evening was a fine one, Rector Hawkins pre- sided and program consisted of music- al numbers, drills, pantonines, play, ere. 'here was also a Christmas tree. Proceeds $65.00. Morris Miss Edina Dunn, who has been living at Samuel Walker's, 6th line, has gone to her home in Toronto. Rural School meeting in each sec- tion Wednesday of next week at 10 a. m. Set a good example by attending. The Trustees of 5. S. No. 4 have re- engaged Miss Isabel McNabb, Brus- sels, for 1920 at a salary of $750. She is a fine teacher and doing well. Last week Elston and Mrs. Cardiff, Jno. Robb arid and II. Nichol were at Toronto, attending as delegates the U. F. 0. Convention. They report a fine time. ANNOUNCEMENT,- Alex. and Mrs. Mct,auchlin announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Martha Irene, to John Arthur McCall, 8th line of Morris township. Wedding to take place in the near future. This week Roy Thuell was vary kindly remembered by a number of friends in Brussels and vicinity and presented with a fine leather covered easy chair. Dave and Robt, Smith were the promoters, Roy, who was shot in the back in France, still has to get;about with crutches, Goon Polo No. 5. -The trustees of S. S. No, 5, known as the Clegg school, have purchased a phonograph and also a number of fine records and the pupils will no doubt enjoy the selec- tions and profit by this method of re- ceiving a musical education. Mies Imlay, Wingham, is the teacher. Isaac Jewitt, who was visiting rela- tives and friends in this locality, has arrived safely home at Shellbrook, isho Mrs. Sask. Hea Son of l and e, Jewitt, Bluevale, and Mee. William South, is a sister. The visitor bad a fine time in Ontario and is willing to try it again. Adam Smith, of Dand, Man., was here for a short visit with relatives and friends. It is 31 years since be went West. He has never had a complete failure in that time but hart had a few close calls. Mr. Smith's mother, who lives on the 6th- line, is up in the 80's and spends considerable of her tune in bed now. She lives with her eon David and his wife. TC'wNSICfP EYPENDITURE.-ii'011ow- ing are the items of Municipal Ex- penditure for Morris township for the past year ;- Roads and Bridges $ 4870 54 Miscellaneous ................ . 114 60 Drainage 1584 08 Debentures-- 17931 10 Schools ...... ............ ..... 9209 00 Stationery and Printing, 33 65 Salaries .......... ... 1542 25 Board of Health .............. 09 00 Charity ............ 208 50 Sheep killed by dogs,...... 62 00 Law costs......,.. 369 25 $ 35,975 88 ORGANIZING A SOCIETY. -The meet- ingg which was held at N. Mc0auiey's, 5th line on Dec. 11th, was well attend- ed and the outcome was the orgitniz ing of a Literary Society, After El- ston Cardiff had been voted chairman the following officers ware elected ;- fres„ Miss Mary McKellar ; Vice - President, Wm, Somers : Sea-Treas Mee. N. McCauley Organist, Mrs, E., Oardiff ; Committees, Literary, con- venor, Mrs. J. Martin, Elsie Conon, Jim. Kerr, E, Cardiff. John McNeil, Mildred Russel and Edwin Martin ; Refreehment, convener, Miss Ella Kerr, Margaret McNeil, Maud Rin. toldSocial, Convenor, Mrs, T. Clark, Bessie .Tordan, Cecil Somers, Mend Rintoul, John Jordan, Ernest Smith, Chester Rintnul, olareuoe Martin, Toni Bevans, Clifford Marks, Ernest Martin, Verena Clarke and Oran 13,ns. eoll ; Musical, convener, Mee, Cardiff, we. J. Rintoul, Ernest Smith, Nor- man Spoir, Mary MoKeller, Ivan Me. Atter and Russel Martie, Editor, "Moonshine News," Norman Speir. At the close of the meeting the chair. man called for an old fashioned spell ing match, old 4th reader to be used, Mrs. E. Cardiff and Miss Mary Model- ler were chosen as captains and with 1,0 on each side a lively contest Was put nit resulting in a tie, the last 5 going down on tiro word 8 e, ANNIVERSARY SERMONS 11'111 bs',remelted in Walton Methodist Church Sunday, January 4th by Rev, 8. Anderson, Clinton, at 11 a.ui,anti 730p,au. ENTERTAINMENT MONDAY, JAN, 5r0 Rev Geo. E. Morley, B. A., Toronto will give a miscellaneous program in- cluding Master pipees of Literature, Famous Dramatic Stories and Hum. crena 4ketrhes. SEAFORTH MALE QUARTETTE will supply a gond Musical Prograut. Short addresses by neighboring Paetots. Admission 36 and 25 Cents. JAS. WILLIAMSON, Secretary, REv, J. W. Burros, Pastor. Can you guess the word ? Throughout the evening games, music and singing were on the recipe= and after home-made randy and fruit were partaken of the anmpauy separ- ated to:meet again in the near future at the home of E. and Mrs. Cardiff, haviug received a very cordial invita- tion there. Society starts with 30 members and expect to meet 00 the 2nd and 4th evenings of each month. - Some rare gond times are expected during the Winter, Ethel ALL persons indebted to me for coal are asked to square up at once fie coal 1. supposed to be sash. Sinovaa amt.. Special service in Methodist church last Sunday evening by the pastor. Subject was "Jesus crowded out." Nomination Day here next Monday. Hours from 12 to 1 with a program of speeches following by the nominees. The bazaar held Saturday in the Methodist church was a grand success. Everything was sold. Proceeds about $90.00, Miss Myrtle Bowes and Stanley Hall are home for the holiday from the Normal School Stratfntd and Faculty, Toronto. Epworth League will take charge of the regular service in the Methodist church next Sabhath evening in the absence of the pastor, A letter was received by Mrs. S. S. Cole from Northern Ontario acknow- ledging the receipt of the bale of clothing, etc., and expressing thanks for the came. Ethel sustained their splendid re- cord for generous gifts to the Bible Society by the sum of $30.85. Mrs. R. J. Nicholson and Mrs. M. J. Slemmon were the collectors, There was quite an excitement around town when it became known that there had been a stranger in town whet -put a kind of a skin game over eons of the citizens. Mrs. C. Cleaver and Mrs. R. Dough- erty were away to Zimmerman at- tending funeral of the former's uncle, A. Galbraith,who was 80 years old. He was a brother her of Mrs. John Dough- erty of Grey township. Bluevale SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the report of Bluevale Public School for the Fall term. Percentages are given, based on weekly examinations. 38 pupils were registered during the term. IV. Class -Roy Thomas 80 ; Jas, Gannett 75 ; Ohas. Messer 78 ; Harry Elliott 70 ; Janet Mowbray 05 ; Willie Mundell 56. III Class. -Donna Smith, 77 ; Mary Mowbray 68 ; Har- old Thomas 67 ; Beatrice Thornton 65 ; Edith Breckenridge 62; Everett McGee 62 ; Gordon Mundell 59 ; Cora Gannett 46 ; fi'ene McKinney 43. Sr. II --Muriel Thornton'11) Mac, Thom- as 87 ; Glenn G'trnisa 62 ; Fred. El- liott 60, Jr, II -Clive Garniss 74 Rata Smith 04 1 Nellie McKinney 58 ; Irving Cle horn 47 ; Hazel Mundell 51, I -John Mowbray 79 ; Noble Greenaway 58. Primer A -Perrin McCracken 78 ; Lavine Thomas 72 ; Elsie Thornton 71 ; Allan Gamin 62, Primer B -May Mowbray 70 ; Leslie Greenaway 65 ; Florence Hall 61 I Rosa Smith 54, ALICE Arrxrw, Teacher, COMING EVENTS 44• +•+•+•4•+•+4444/•d +4 Ciivietinas Thursday of this week, Municipal Nomination December 20. Rural Annual School meeting Dee. 81. Brussels Methodist Church Anniver- sary Sunday, December 28, Rev. Dr. Hazen, Listowel, will preach at 11 a. m. and 7p.tn. .B, 0. Legislature opens January 29, Schools re -open Monday, January 5. Restored holiday train service Dec, 28th, +•+•+•+•+•+•44+•+•+4+4#+4+e ° WE WONDER IF-- • t' Cutlers will organize ? Old Council will be reelected P Your sub. to Tace POST is paid ? Priori of "eatm0nts" tvili soon drop? This is tho opens Winter promiee? We have the true Christmas spirit P Paper shortage will compel news• papere to quit ? - Brussels School Report Form I1I.-Examiued in Science, Atte. I3ist., Lit„ Alg., Clomp., French, Latin, Chem, (3eotu. M Ryan 78 NL Wilton........00 131 Baker 76 E McOall 66 al Hall, 71 D Stafford, 05 NI 1MnNabb .71 A Thuell,.,..., 65 M al au;triers .,...69 M Armstrong60 S McNair 68 J Warwick, 54 L Baker ..........68 R Hunter.. 58 (5 subjects) J Armstrong 49 W NleCiitoheon,67 (6 subjects) Form II -Examined in Seiance, Hist., Alg., Geom., Comp., Arith., Lat., Lit„ French, Read., Writ., Arta V Hall. 78 F Stewart 55. ✓ Heist- , ...... 71) 4 Dennis.54 Iv Martin. 66 J Nolan........, 54 P Alderson 84 T Burgess .,54 al Hoover...-62 11 Smith ...50 L Fulton. (12 SV McDowell....48 M Brown. 62 A Stewart.. 48 E nark01 0 Hall. 48 R GI ant ..... 58 0Thompson 44 L McArthur .....67 *N Shaw41 J Miller,,, .,....... 66 *D Walker. 40 Form I examined in Alg. Arith„ Science, Read. Lat. Fr, Comp. Hist. 7 Turnbull. 93 I Geddee.........56 N. Hoover........80 J Duncan.........55 A. McFadzean..78 E ,Dennison .....55 M Nolan..,......77 0 ulger....... ..555 V Anderson .... 72 A Smith. 54 F, Fraser. 70 NL Baker 52 al McKee .......68 E Hollinger 51 B Heiningway.88 A Ballantyne50 W Mitchell 65 M Wood 49 H Keys ......... 65 J Walker 48 R McLellan ......(34 }: Whitfield 47 H Johnston ...63 C Strachan 47 JI Oliver ........62 W Sholdice-44 NI Warwick ....MI. NI Stevenson.,42 E Oliver ...........60 L Patterson 36 NI Hoover ...59 Ie Oliver...,......31 O Oameron.....58 • These results are the averages based on examinations held in above sub- jects during the Fall teen. They give a fair estimate of the pupils rela- tive standing in the class. There are afew instances In which this standing - would undoubtedly have been improv- ed had mproverihad the Student been present for all the examinations. Any parent desirous of additional information may consult the list of marks in each subject given to each student. The Principal will be glad to give further informaton, 13, S, SCOTT, ROOM III Sr. IV. -Examined in Comp., Arith. Memory Work, Spell., Geog. and Hist. K Ferguson 88 NI Wilson- 77 G Best.. ..... ......82 G Stewart 77 B Thuell..........80 0 Cardiff...-. 88 Jr, IV. -Examined in Oomp., Lit„ Geog, Hist, 5 Ballantyne....85 D Thompson,68 M Ferguson 83 0 Anderson 68 N McDowell ... 75 C Lott.. 87 B Sntith.,........74 E Pollard 64 L Clouse, 72 L Platt 56 O Whitfield 70 A Thompson....58 NI Little 69 J Eisenbofer,...82 - Present for only one exam. D, Mc- ' Donald 85. Sr. IIL-Examined In Geog., Lit., Comp., Hygiene and Arith. J Ferguson 80 of Walker 82 L Rose..........80 F Oliver.. 61 F Strachan. ... .77 J McOracken67 M Sperling. 72 L Champion.,,. .56 A McOluskie.,70 R Pollard.. 55 G Stafford67 H Pawson,........ 42 J Oliver 65 0 McDonald 30 E. Chapman 35 present for only one - exam. ANNIE GEDDE8. ROOM II Jr. III -Examined iu Geog„ Spell„ Draw., Comp.. Arith., Hist. Honors - 75 Pass 60. L Ohe.mpion....90 R McDonald.,,.65 J Stewart 82 P Baeker,,.,,....64 H Stretton 81 *F Dennison....54 0 A NlcCluekie79 *M Thompson,..51 L Heist. ..... ...,78 M Harkness...,., 51 *M Smith .... 75 *H Kerr..........48 W Galbraith74 Sr, II -Examined in Oomp., Draw., , Arith., Lit., Geog,, Read„ Spell. A Logan..........78 *J McKay. 62 E Lott .........77 0 Thuell.... ...61 5 Scott 76 M Ritchie7",....61 *D Warwick,73 D Kyle...... ..... 60 G McDonald.,71 E Edwards 57 W McMillan,.,..60 *A Grewar 55 0D Ennis, .....,..67 A Davidson 58 H Olrampionr...67 *B Thibideau,51 NI Logan ... 66 *G Sperling 45 Jr. II -Examined ip Geog„ Spell., Comp., Arith., Read. - M Strachan 71 F Samis.,....,.....51 A. Thompson:., 66 E Wilson 50 ✓ Wilson 86 0G Kellington...45 J Brown, ..66 *0 Ennis.........41 NI Somerville....58 Those names marked* missed one or snore examinations. KATHLEEN WILTON PRIMARY ROOM Examined in Arith. , Spell., Read. Dep. and Daily Work. R Hollea,nd., ...92 B Gilroy 72 H Kyle,.......,...88 G Burgess 70 ' L Thuell ..... ....85 *H Baeker70 4 -Examined in same :- K Thuell, .,.,,.,.90 T Wilkey ,. 80 L McClrtskey,..88 D Rutledge 70 L Harkness 82 W Ohampion...,66 3rd -Excellent --F. Edwards, : H. . W2hnidt-Ex, cMlleTnhot V.SnF ox, Good- Harold Whftan ard. 1st Excelletnt--L Walker, M Down- ing, M, Ennis, 0 Walker, J Hamilton, Good -0 Weinetein, R Farrow, 8 Burchill, 1i Lott, N Thomson, E Haist, J McDowell, F. I, BDDogAgAN, Ml criefr Mies Bessie MoQuart3e is home from 'tsVailenstein, where she has been Washing, for the Ohristmas vaeatlon,