HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-12-18, Page 8F•+04-**4d•e'1 •.1.49 b.04•04.044•i•0+*44+0+41. 4.+49.+.4..+• 4.4,4*••+414. ! r''''''''''''''''''''''' .ws'''',''......v..:., el 2 - • • 2y Chavtauq.ua 6 0+ Is easy here its elle large Holiday Steele contains eontutlling for es t ry person, and something for every entree—IOWpeieed 4 plreente, mediSIM 17rt'pellte and Costly presents, Bo YOli earl se- Brussels rule desirable thinge at any price yott wish to spend. Our Anais N1eell, NeW and Well Assorted' CHRISTMAS• • • • ••• 4 0 4 0 + • • • + 4 .1. •1 r • + 4 + 0 a 4. • • a tOi Balls Blocks Games Picture Books Riddle Hare Books for Girls BOAS for Boys fountain Pens Most Popular Present One of the New Books Sky Pilot of No Man's Land by Connor 51 50 Dangerous Deye by Mary Rnberte Rinehart 1 110 Politica of the Canadian Army by ('ol, Berbert Bruce 2 25 Rainbow Valley by L. M. Montgomery 1 50 Sana Old Rill5 Love of an 'Unknown soldier 1 25 Irl Flanders' Fields by ;Cohn McRae 1 50 The Lamp in the Desert by Ethel M. Dell 1 75 Woks Perfumes Boxes of Chocolates China flash Lights Fancy Baskets Brass Goods Leather Purses Hand Strap Purses Gillette Razors Boxed Stationery iVaRY 85111 i Toh et Ware tlashFolezte eface Among the pieces in Ivory are:— Hair Brusbee, Cambs, Mirrors, lint Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Photo Frames, Clocks, Jewel Boxes, Trays, Manicure Pieces — Files, Butlers, Corn Knives, Cuticle Knives, Manicure Scissors, &c, Also Manicure Setts in Cages or Folds, Brush, Comb and Mirror in hand. roma ('ane... There is Great Choice, For Doing Hp Xmas Parcels - White and Colored Tissue Paper, - Holly Ribbon, Tinsel Cord, Holly Boxes, Seals, Tags, &o, Christmas Decorations Garlands, Wreaths, Streamers, Red Bells, Poineettas and Christmas Stockings, Christmas Cards and Booklets. Christmas Post Cards, Small Books nicely bound for Gift Purposes, F. ;3 R SMITH (• ,thea Store ._ —se -.n -s -e rem zP *4.0+04•444.4e+ +•+0+01+•4.0 4.41÷•+•444.04.•••••••••44+•+.1 Druggist and Stationer • rata. Kcal els _.ems DON'T MIee THE APOLLOS. LAST Sunday was the shortest day of the year. APOLLO Company Saturday evening in Town (call, Brussels. CHRISTMAS and New Years will be Bank holidays remember, Senores will close for Christmas holi- days on Friday of this week. QUITE a few automobiles -continue to run as the snow bas not been deep enough to iuconvenience them much. DON'T forget Saturday, loth inst., is the date of the splendid Concert by the Apollo Company. You'll be sorry if you i rotes it. A squaw and Indian lad did the town last week in a house canvass for person- al assistance. They were adepts at the husinees. PRINTED forms for announcing Rural School meetings ou hand et THE POST. Date will he Wednesday, December Both. Send us a report of what you do, GOOD FTILL WEER—Moud;y evening at this we, k there was a Travel Palk, it lustrattd by loo views, on China in the Methodis' church ; Mission Band enter- tainment in Melville church Tuesday evening; Christmas Tree pro• gram will be given in Lecture room of the Methodist church Thursday evening ; and the Apollo Concert Company come, in the Chaut- auqua Course, for Saturday evening' in the Town Hall. When probably another dozen meetings, Ltclges, &c., get their doings through there will be a busy lime for a good many and Satan should not have much mischief still for idle hands to do, WEDNEt•DAY evening of last week the members of "The G 'nd Cheer" young ladies etas in the Methodist Sabbath ecbool, presenters their teacher, Mrs, Alm Rands, with :, Hue dressing gown r Christmas gift. Miss Morris, the 1'reeide'ri r,f the class, made the presen- tation. A suitable reply was matte by the recipient wiio ha; 1a00111 succenaive- iyand successfully ri,r past 22 years in Brus els Metheemt Suncley School. Presentation was made at the home of R, and Mrs. Leathecdule wbere Mrs. Rands had been eiviied for tea, "The Good Cheer" class do practical things. DIeo IN TORONTO -Hugh K. Sell, second sun of Tilos Selig of Toronto, passed away to his rewaid lass week. Mr. S'eli during the years of his rest- t deuce in Lucknow wee bead salesman in the dry.t rods StO'r '11 the hi.e Jelin Mc. Hartle He a111 his wife were very highly regarded in the village and numb sympathy will be felt with them in their The deceased Was a bereavement. a travebin+selesman for .te`e well-known Toronto firm of Richard L Balser & Co. had been eminently successful on the road, and vas belch in high esteem by the arm. Ile was extremely popular, a Inau of enerering personality, always ready With a smite and a cheerful greet- ing. Attacked let1 nnpenclicitls while in Ottawa, he was op'latrcl on .in the (leuotnl Hespit:al there, 111(1 survived the 051 (ii,'n „nlv n kw (lay,. The 311100113, exteptieually largely attended, took piece from his late residence, 38t Sunnysirle Ave , the service being eon• ducted by Rev Dr. Solomon Cleaver and his previous pastor, Rev. H. 1i. Lancelet/ He leaves a Widow and two young rhi111ren to sorrow over his all too early (loath. The :Soil's lived hi Bros - eels for a few years, THVRsnAY of next week will be Christ- mas Day and a public holiday. MONDAY was a fairly good sample Of an old time blizzard and rather put the , kibosh on business for the day. Weath- er was both cold and rough. gene and lot for sale, with stable, well, cel- lar, &o., located on corner of John and Jaynes streets, Brussels. Immediate possession can be given, For further particulars apply to ALEx. SMITE, Brussels, COMFCRTADLE house for sale on Flora street, Brussels, in good repair and splendid locality, For further particulars as to price, terms, &c. see ALEx. ROE, Phone 42x, 0 pigs, 5 weeks old for sale, JAS. Mailers Phone 8014. 8 pigs, 6 weeks old for sale, Lot 18, Con. 14, Grey, Phone 427. DAVID 0LA,Rx, WE are now prepared to repair harness and shoes quickly as we have secured extra help. RICHARDS & 00. 8 young pigs, weight 80 lbs., for sale. Also a young cow with calf at foot. Phone 4512, ALEX. RUSSELL, Lot 20, Con, 7 Morris, BROOD Sow for sale due to farrow about Deo. 5th, PFM, ALDERSON, 18.52 Phone 8617 7th Line Morris, Foe SALE. -2 comfortable dwelling honeee. I. C. RICHARDS. Youoo girl wanted to teem pant and vest making. Wages $S 00 a week to start with. Apply to R. reec uaoze, Brussels. DR. PARSER, Oeteopethie Physician, 'delta Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases successfully treated. Visite reeldences. Consultation at Queen's Hotel, ONLY about $20 0o taxes were left unpaid last Saturday by Brussels tax- payers. This is the best record yet, BRUSSELS Skating rink will be open the last night of the old year long enough to welcome in 1920. Get your skates ready, ENGAGEMENT,—Jno, H. and Mrs. Hewitt, Brussels, announces the engage- ment of their only daughter, Rhoda Mary, to Thomas Willis Mitchell, only son of Mrs. Martha Mitchel and the late John Mitebell, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of Deceln bar. ACKNOWLEDGMENT has been made of the $tsceoo forwarded to the Navy League Ftied collected in Brussels and locality. Since the remittance Robert Currie and James Bryans convassed a section of Morris township and reported the tidy sum of $17.00, which brings the total un to $136 0o Not a bed report WINNERS OF VICTORY LOAN ESSAYS In the recent Victory Loan campaign prizes were tffered for the best Essays on the subject "What Victory Loans bave done for Canada." The awards for Brussels school were :—Form III— AUCTION SALES Silver Medal, Margaret Maunders; TUESDAY, Dump/MR 281tn,—Farm stook, int. Bronze Medal, Dorothea Stafford. plements, &o , NI Lot 7, Cron. 7, Morris town. Honorable mention, E, McCall. Iu sbh' Bale unreserved at 12 o'clock sharp, Form II—Silver Medal went to Muriel Alb artT.Cole, Prop.,James Taylor, Aim, Hoover ; Bronze to Florence Stewart, Honorable mention, Vera Hall and Rds- sell Grant, Tem PetsT congratulates. LYCEUM COURSE Splendid Program Apollo Concert Co. SA'T'URDAY, DEO, 20 The Liliou Kalani Hawaiian Quartette JANUARY 17 Vlssochis. Florentine Musicians MARCH. 3 Plan of Reserved Seats open at Fox's Drug Store, Choice Stock of Groceries Fresh and Good Fruits, Confectionery, Nuts Nice assortment of Stone, China and Glassware Prompt attention to your orders. Phone 43 W. J. McCracken GROCER DANCE in Town Hall Monday 29th 'net. RINK will be open every night during Christmas week THE mail Cou(•iers had rough trips last Monday forenoon. GOOD fun for the kids and ladies skating at the rink Saturday afternoon LAST week School Inspector Field visited Brussels School and reported favorably. EVERY advertisement may save you dollars beace don't pees them by with• out spendioga few minutes on thane. PosTourrcE HOURS.—Owing to the train schedule Brussels postoffice will be open from g to so a. in on Christmas and New Year's Day. INvrTATIONs are 0111 for the Cox -Bur- gess wedding, date being Tuesday of next week. There are come others on the list but we mustn't tell just yet. THE POST is issued early this week so as to get it into the hands of our sub- scribers to see about Christmas hacgains and to give us a chance for the holiday u ext week. A couple of Salvation Arany lassies made a tour of the town Monday in sell- ing the Christmas war Cry. It was a rough day for the job. They hailed from Wingbam and were good stuff. $34 0o were the fine receipts from the sale of home made baking Wednes- day afternoon of last week, under the Auspices of the Women's Instllute. The latter wish to thank all who assist- ed. BRUSSELS Farmers' Club will hold their annual meeting on Saturday after- noon of this week at I o'clock Finan- cial report will be presented, officers elected and other business transacted. See advt. in this issue A WINNER.—At the Guelph Winter Fair last week amidst keen competition, Walter Rosethe well known poultry fancier, Brussels, carried off end prize for pen of White Leghorns ; god end 3rd for cock ; 2nd and 3rd for cockerel and and fur pullet. Mr. Rose has a fine plant and will do a bigger business in s 920. WHAT WE MAY EXPECT,— Entertainments galore. Holiday business rush. Busy time at postolBces, 5% added to unpaid taxes, School teachers and students home. "Your vote and ioaneuce" on pro. grew, Full house Saturday evening at Apollo Concert. A Family Gift The beet gift for one's family, one well thought of during a whole year is a year's aubacription to the Family Herald and Weekly Stas of elontrdal, It costs only $1 25 if remitted for in December, and with it you get the best portrait of the Prince of Wales ever taken, The portrait is 10x22 inches. It is said the Feleily herald is overwhelmed with o'ders this sea - on and no wonder, for it is the best value to be had, Itis a great family and farm paper. Dees MITOHELL At Byrmr, Ont., on Member 15, 1010, John Mitoticll, formerly of Grey town- ship, aged 84 years. LAYING CosrmisT,—john Duncan bag Io hens, Rhode Island Reds, in the Government laying contest carried on at the Experimental Farm, Montreal, for e year, commenoiug in November. There are 5o entries and a daily record is kept of each pen and of each hen. Mr, Dun• can's birds have been ranging up well to the top standing eo to A record of roe As individual bird Mr. Duncan has a hen with 20 t0 its record against 21, the highest score. The contest is an inter- esting cue e alter Rose, Brussels, has also a pen of White Leghorns in the same enntest. We are glad to ree this ente•lprise on the part of our poultry men, and Tice Pon Will report from time to time, Mclilllop township Nomination A meeting for nominating n Reeve end four Councillors for the rniolpnlity of the Tnwn- ehip or Mc1(11100 for t° 50,1121020 w111 ho heist 20 Caldera Ball, Winth,o0 on Monday the 20th day of December 11118 at the bear of 1 °'°look p, me and in the event of neon 1002 sons beteg nomhlated than urn rsqqutred to 1111 the several offlosa nn elortion wilt be .held on Monday g the ivision of January ar�-0. R 1{tlland's House Lot 10 (on, 5.Ewano, D. R• O• Thea. Mnylend P. C, 1111 DI inion No 2—James 1111 i T Po v ii ,s aviee Lot 26, (.11 4. Jos, Dnrrance, D. R. 0, .inose Hilton Df:71. g11—Leo. (S Jeision No. Luo. McXeys Mime Let 10, , Con, le. . Looming, D. R. O, J, Mttr- Po111ppg Division No. 4—School Bowie No, 7, Lnt 20, Con,12, Thes, Archibald, D. R, 0, Alden Mn(lavin,l�, tl. M, AMTJIODXE1 mark, Christnias Gifts' JACKSON'S Jewelery Store OUR new atoek is ready 1111' your helpmeets). 1Ve W210 /10310/110 in 1'nyiug early, divt'(•t 1'vour r0anul'ltCturet•v, ibt' 21).511. our pricer are right and conslsteet with high quality. LADIES Diamond Rings Whole Pearl Rings Onyx Rings Gem Rings Cameo Rings Signet Riu„s Pearl Set, Necklets Peat 1 1st Lavaliere Gold Brooches Wrist Watches Pearl Set Pins, Brooehee, &e, Bracelets Cat Glass Mesh lenge GENTS Signet Rings Stone Set Rings Gold Filled Watches Bays' Watches Cuf0 Links Watch Chains Watch Fobs Goll Tie Pins Gold Lockets Collar Pine Autostrop Razors Genn Razors Pipes Fountain Pena 00n,n dnity Silverware. 1847 Rodgers' Silverware. Alarm and Mantle Clocks, Be. ONE, PRICE TO ALL. H. L Jackson, Jeweler iRiM 10 r:. 0111 lee "assured by lo('kingahe til -,r a„.1 pr-'i....ariilg for it. 11, •5:�,.til T;t 11 catty, ..Cl nil -readily sale- • i 1 5» ' ..•I11 add to Jnk aid: ;ll-spt:., .',cl t kind. of :.11 1.1 : peratioll. 200 ed BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAGER eee To Our Oust t finers We thank ail o r Customers for the patronage of the past year arsd wish them a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Will be glad to supply your Needs for 1920. R. Co RATHWELL Moncriei(f 55 iR% ITA IRA ++d•,•+4.++• +.1.++++++++.1.4. b+•.4.++++++a•++++++++'9+++++++++++ 4' 4- + HCtl, ,�AY + 4. Or ngesg Grapes, C..ndies 4. Nuts and Fancy Biscuits t + + The Confectiotnel'y that has ,Wade Bell's store famous as headquarters +1, env the best obtainable. Put up in -beautiful boxes at prices to suit all. + + + + 4. Phone 4ox We have a stock that cannot be beaten in this section of the country, either for quality or price. Boxed Chocolates Full line of Cigars, Tobaccos, Pouches and Smokers' Supplies. Brick and Bulk ice Cream always oii hand Come in and get what' you leant—we have it. BELL Stretton Block 4. + + .+1. + + + 4. 4. + + + + + + + + + 3 1+++++4.+.5'4'4'+++4++4•1.++d'4•+9„I, .14++++ MIZEIMIZEIINIMET0 it t i ilk 110 iii11 l AWE HOW ABOUT A Cerhar+- Heintzman khan r Piano .1 Colne in and talk it over with us and we wilt write Santa Claus for you, If we have not got the Records you want just whisper in our ear. We are at Your Service, Watch far the Sly "Ford” Fr nk Davidson X51 .51 •1' 411,01 .III 151!J I , Is.,: 19! iiii=1111111 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 15 • 15 18 15 Fox's Drug Store THE STOIUs Weekly Store )'t ews Christmas Gifts Fr All WITH the great variety of Useful and Ornamental Xmas Goods that our this year's stock con- tains we think the selection of your Christmas Gifts should be a matter of considerable pleasure. We know the following list will be both interesting and helpful ;- 1Vaterrnan's Fountain Pens A very fine assortwent at 2.50, 5.50, 5,00 and 56.00. Ladies' hand Bags and Purses— Great variety of designe. Thermos Bottles—One of most useful of Ohr'istrnas Uifte— e All styles and sizes, ® Flash Lights — Ours ave the 9 "Franco” lights and you se can't beat them. • • Chocolates—This is one of torr • very' special lines. "Wil- ® lard's" Chocolates in hand- • some pkgs., 40c to 53.00. o ▪ Fine Cased Pipes as well as a a splendid assortment of the regular selling styles— The Kola brand $1.00 each Safety Razors—iutrd to beat for an acceptable Xmas Gift— "Gillet's" and "Auto•Strop" $5 00 each. s •a • D • • 0 • • • • • a • e a 0 6 • • • • G e e d e U Y. •••seaccar®aaaaariasa00806416••••ea®acoaaagee oeace.ta;ooe, Fine Elite Limoge and Nippon China—Our stork in this par- ticular lisle is very attractive and well asaorte(1. Perfumes and Toilet 1Vatrls-- We have a splendid ah .521i of the well Ichown Seely line, Purses and \Vsdleto for Olen — Ynu Will Hurl 11 eaey 11(1(1211 one hese, Oamer(ts—For an all year Xtnits gift its hard to heat 11 Cam- era, Uel a(5 "A(5scs." • Fancy Boxed Statlosery — al- ways a most 11ceeptalle gift, Ours is "Witrwic•k'•i ." Hand- some "De Lux," line - 25e to 52 70 Bronze Statuary"1V01- ler'a" Eng! kit Pot Iety, Three goods rine very (5275 and ex- ceedingly atl.ractive, We have a nice ((5(111 1 111 211 t. French Ivory and Real Ebony Toilet Articles Isere is where our stock is particularly complete and attractive. 'We have some splendid individual pieces in both Ivory and Manly 110 well as some handeornely fitted cases ab ..... ,... 5.00 8.00 10.00 12 00 20.00 Quality guaranteed the best. Our Toy Department Is brimful of all hinds of things for the Little Polk—Doll.., Game., trains, Fire Engines, Steam Engines, Horns, Drutnv, Pile ilrivess, Sand Olanes, Picture Blocks, Picture Books, Story Books, Puzzles, tee, Our Book Counter Contains many of this season's best books as well as a great liar of 1,.. prints of the beet authors -75c, 90e and $1.00. Any hook not .0 st„rlt will be gladly and promptly procured for you. JAMES F DRUGGIST and STATIONER ea rD '2 60 (5 C9 t, 20 53 53 .,9 i5 (, a d is '5 Heifer Strayed 1 BRUSSELS MARKEY _— Fall Wheat 51 en Spring Wheat 2 1u1 Oats 115 1 tt51 1' 115 Hogs 15 0U 15 tie Strayed on Lot 82, Con. 14, Moleillop, on or Peas about Sept. eat, a heifer rising 2 years old. Barley Owner is requested to prove property, pay:ex. Butter Penang and take her away, Eggs Phone 4814. WM, ANDERSON. Hay 01 5,5 2 In sa 1 e:l l el r.:l 15 no 15 eu Hockey S For Ladies and Ge is At Prices to Please as they Must all Co Felt Shoes for Ladies at Reduced Prices. Felt Shoes for Men at Reduced Prices. Felt Shoes for Children at Reduced Prices. In fact all 'hoes Deduced as we must still reduce our stock before inventory is taken, Slippers FOR Santa Claus to choose Pres- ents from for all sizes of feet, HARNESS DEPARTMENT Robes, Collars, Blankets, Rugs, Trunks and Satchels, Club Bags, Suit Oases, Bella, &e, SINGI4E HARNESS at Money Saving Prices, Richards itAIMIR iRti!IR To Our Costal Loin MT' i WE EXTEND.A CORDIAL -INVITATION TO ALL OUR ' CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS TO MAKE OUR STORE YOUR. y FOR COR GI-IRIS'I'MAS SHOPPING. WE CAN ASSURE YOU GOOD. SELEC- TIONS TO CHOOSE FROM AND ALSO THE BEST VALUES IN " THE TRADE. A. -sT-FACH AIM ni.%%10410*IIMIMIR*Igt-lin