HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-12-18, Page 5=WM CARDS, LINO. SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED T. T. M'RAE M. B M. O. P., .P 8, O. r , B., Matte u4' Bru,lnela, 1hl41+aaa, Surgeon, Aruuueheur ,)Iltrontnppo.101 Ate1villu Uhurch, Wirr Aidenrr., nton' ',trent, V R. J. 14.4111417-E, S. A. PUYAT(SAP( AND SURCHA101.4, OratilnruTomato University ut htodleluu, 4''p, rho Httenituu given 10 at»on.u4( or ahil(Irun and surgery. 010 c r Pr. nryans Old Stand Phone 45 Brussels JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, )VIII Hell for 114 good erteos se any other Asc. Homier or ehargo nothing. B1111,(11tA VID P.U. PROBOFOOT, RILLORAH & COOKE narristcrs, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &o. do+•,• on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, (401.11C1(len. ,7NT, Private rause to loan at lowest rates. 'V. Pauli ernter, 1 .l:. J. L, 1(1 LLORAN H..1. 1). CooK5 %ihithio d• J r, ,• Is prepared to pay highest price for Scrap Bron, Rubbers, Rags, &c. g 0 • n • FU RS 14 .1 Ugliest price paid. See • rni berme yon sell, •• • • -;a i1i'Ilt:st Cash Price ror • • ,d a [ire Poultry and Hides ••4. • NWrite •o• Phone 02x • d•y • - SAM WEINST-IN4, MILL 1 l.'1{131sT BRUSSELS q 4 O ^•966400.0004 04.6.90000.40 rrirs and Save Goal Iti unlet U1 dispose of all our Tuen- r+rs(i he'nrr' ' I n'is f 1112 to we are. U I'- ffe ing almost double quantity for the seine mune)'—$2 50 per load, P. AMENT 1'h,nm 111 111 BRUSSELS 8(3v4,.4em4...,vdy41 ...„ r„,, Select a School With your Eyes Wide Open. All 6' Business Colleges aro not alike. +'? Yongodc Charles Ste, Toronto l,, noted thtoabhu_ut tunada fur itch t'Ide Wa rain 11 ,ltd In i t 188 U I l 105 ✓t grea t 5100111W (dei our CataOlure , arnanyd1.on14e1'4'coords, then decide. tsetse 1, W. J. ,I L.1OTT, PRINCIPAL rly' John E. Smith a Well Known Citizen of Brandon, Departs The 13,iwdon Daily paper speaks as follows of the tlenetise. 011 .1no. E. Smith, a well known re.ident of Brus- sels 1'01' it u(uub('l' ul' 3'ems anti who frequently rettiveed to town to visit 1'01121 s'ei and ('1 1185v old aosoeiatio n1' :-- "John 1'1 Smith, one ul' the most re- spected old litters in the -city, passed to the GI eat Beyond shortly after- noon, Monday, November 241 De- ceased was in his 21st year and had been a resideut of Beandol for 87 years. He had been confined to his home for the past 15 weeks rani the end crone as a blessed relief ft on) pain. In the Spring or 1882 the late Mr. Smith came to Brandon district and for many stear8 farmed Northeast of the city, residing 1'01 some time in the Assiniboine Valley. He utter crone to Blandon to live and resided in his betuatifltl home at 1082a Louise Avenue, The Jno, H. Smitb 131ock sit well known hl Bran - dot, was e,ecLed by 1ha lute Mr. Smith several years ago, Besides his widow, fo•metly Elizabeth Bross, of 13iussels, the late Mr, Smith is surviv- ed by 3 daughters, R Stella, lillu ]vii' of e Dr. Edinburgh, Scotland ; Beatrice, wile of Robert Corrigan, 01 Laws ; Laura, wife of Dr. Bigelow, Providence, Rhode Island ; and 2 sons, A. W. H. Smith, and J. E. JL of this nit y. The family has the sympathy of a large circle of friends in Distil bereavement. Friday afternoon, Nov. 281h, the remains of the late lir. Smith were laid to rest in Brandon cemetery, fol- lowing a short set vice at the family residence, Rev. J. George Miller offi- ciated. The pall bearers were, Ald. 51, Mc}(eniiet, A. 13, McLeod, .1. S. Gibson, A. Collins, W. Borchill and D. Shirr{ff, In the passing of Mr. Smith Bran- don district loses one of its most en- terprising citizens. Doming from Brussels. Ontario, with a carload of houses, the late Mr. Smith landed in Winnipeg, July 1.2th, 1882, and after disposing of some of the hoses took the trail to Rapid City where he ex- changed the remainder for lots. From then on he was one of the largest land and livestock de15le1s in the country. Icor some years he had a large barn at the corner of Fifth street and Rossed avenue where he always kept excel- lent stock and d142a a01' of the e la'g eat exhib3Lors at the first Fairs. A man of sterling qualities, as many an old timer can readily testify, the late 113r. Smith lent a helping hand to many a mum who needed it. He was a just Wool and if he gave his word, he lived up to ibaml never complained m' spoke ill of tt neighbor. Tel Smith put courage and enterprise into every community invhf Lwhich he dad business. Hewes a strictly temperate Marl and prided himself on never knowing the taste of strong drink. His name will live long in the history of Brandon district,” NA'. Smith's life was follow- ed from his boyhood by people in this restbletewstesieocusectotestetmeo000 000000000000100000000000000 s 0 Gifts 0 a;, 40 0 ((0 c t3 a 4'3 C,1 s3 tl 1t ;a ca e repel -IE scarcity of gonde and our inability to again procure many lines olive they are sold out, makes it imperative to your own best in- g Len vis to mak e your purchases as soon as possible. Our stole e this year is simply filled with ideas and suggestions for Xm11.8 Presents • and it will pay you many times over 10 make year selections uoty, • 0 • O • We have a nice assortment of s i)lanond Rings in stock. Out bpriers are close land these were ought at the old price, Dia- mond Rings at $15, $25, $85, $50, $75 and $100 each and we gime- uu1ee good value at each • price. The Ideal Gift A 1,ntlies Btaceht %Val ch. We 0 have in emelt I sevm•al high grade (.) makes. Prices $15 00 rap us Gond steel( of Gents' \Vatehee in 0 Wall ham and Regina move - mettle in best Gold Filled and t:) Nirh'1 eases Troon $10 00 up. 0 See out. line, lliamonil Bins c„t PearlSetNecklaces A 0404(assnrltnent of Ladies'Pearl Set Necklaces l0k and ]411 it nice display boxes at $10,00 and up, Links, Tie Pins, Waldemar Chains and Knives s (ac.nlilt' ,y'iguet Rings, Brooches, .fells, Etc. tS Ca11 and see the Assortment. F P• A Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens fi Call and get a Point to s,,11 ow. hand useful gift, ou Price $250 A and up, 0 Just received an assortment of China in Salad t5China Bowls, Cake Plates, Bon Bons, Sugars ani Creams, 6D Eta A nice. line of Out Glass of the best quality, 0 How about a Kodak for Xmas ? Q minty', them—all the rum models and a complete. stock. Also 0 veloping aud'Printing Outfits, Price $1.75 each, Vs 11 (1 . to J. R. WN DT 40 e 0 40 s MI5 4 40 e s 0 5) • Pa JT11rILTsR and ENGRAVER WROXETER 1 b w11'.seseeeeeeuroosssseeses•seines ©s sssssesessseeslNss 4•••♦•••09••••0••♦ 'vt “ / 0••• •4(11'.9 O.•'Y4••a•i••••••••••9♦ ♦ prnsr'nt to (heir ronstllurnt6 at the • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • •♦ • • ••• • • • • • • 9 9 • 0 • 0 • 0 0 •• • 0 0 • • • • m 9 ♦ • • 0 0 0 a • • 9 9 00.000••00•000W0000♦•00• •.••••••••••••••9••••9••4• Hat Bli Soft f lks Tobaccos dull Nen 9 roceril1 fruits Stationery Patent Medicines flour and feed North Star and Purity flour fresh Bread Every Bay Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Produce T Htar Grocery The Store Quality of u li 4 y We always keep au up.t0-date stook of Fancy 011(1 Staple Groeelles, Fruits and Confectionery, We guarantee all our goods. If anything you buy here is not right we will be pleased to have you tell 08 and we will make it right, Look at some Prices 1Cpllog's Toasted Cott Flakes' 150 or 2 for 25e Puffed Rine and Wheat ,.. 1rc per package 1Cellog's health 13 NW ... ... )8c per package Canned Corn ... .. 20c per can Omitted Peas ... ... .,, 15c pec stun Dense i Tomatoes ,.. 20e per clan The Famous Clover Loaf Salmon 501 per large can Libby's Red Sockeye Saloon 40c psi huge can All Latina lay Soaps .. ... 8 bars for 27c Infants' Delight Toilet Soap 3 bra's for 2511 Our New Raisins, Outiants, Dales and Peels are here, Now is the time to buy for your Xmas Oaks, GUESSING CONTEST 'Po the one guessing the nearest number of beans in a ,f;tr-First prize, 100 the, Purity Flour : Second pi ize, 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar, One guess with each $1.00 cash purchase of goods. Contest commences Dec. 5th at 0 a. m. and closes 11 p. m. Xmas Rye. \Ve have a fine stook of Papeteres and Fancy Goods for Christmas, Call and see them. Chocolates and Confectionery Our stock comprises all the best makes of Chocolates, Dreams, Eta. See our display of Fancy Boxes before you buy. Quick Lunches on Short Notice. Call and s0 n Dr --e l 5 1411841 Irl1 town \'e deliver n4' V 7 uer go la to all parts of the Village. No ordo' 100 etlall 1511(1 none too large for 08 to fill. Phone your orders. Phone No. 280 W. a T. P 6 tl ®a® 601 ETHEL municipal uowniatinn meetings, • ' A 114,',"1, or 10011' resuluto0s 144744' • L hl 1 ,a I mt I 1 asking kill that ♦ I g 1 rat various pinux,-, n4' theroad 4 n in different u t1111011(111111.111'+s 0 t •. be addtd In 1047 County Ruud systptn and finally DI. Clark sent up ulhlicm • to the effect 1144(1 all the roads in th•e • count y he telt en intra the eyelet)) • This, u t 1 1 itl SeAl s intended ) vul4 t r n Icouunintu up n the s01atithie by the members to get pleeee of 1'0l114 in their ow t 1l 1 n l Iltt!1 )all 'P 1 r.' L s placed 0 t o r 1 a h P 5Y atkllh, A lion ' e pp 1100 f'ron the Trea!,uret, and Clei k fur at salary bonus, owing to the Int reused cost of living, were bent t(1 the l:xeeti the ()olhllniltee. A (1010111 t'Itt'tlsi 114' report by the • CCuuuly Emilio—et' of the work dour 40 and expenditure ineut•red (luting the • year on the Cloud Roads system was • i presented, • Warden paid a high compliment to ♦ T. Roy Patterson for energetic and • thorough manner in wile!) Lhe En- • gineet's work had been cart led out, • Reeve Bailie supplemented the is • marks of the Warden, and o11 -4115 • 0101.100 a V010 (11 (111111k5 t0 Mr, Pat. • truant] was !nosed. The Hospital Coinmitlee!ppm ted as follows : After atleuding a meeting of the • Medical Association at Wingiianl the were impressed with the necessity of • better uccemmodaLhllt Por the general • public throughout. the County, and • while fawn able to financial 115515115044 S being granted to the hospitals yet • your committee is of the opinion haat we are not possessed of sufficient in- foimal10n at present to justify us !n making a grant of any set sum, but would respectfully suggest that if any grant be made it would be on a per. centags basis according to the accuu,- niOdatiou provided, and your com- mittee would respectfully suggest. that the present grants be hos eased to twice the In•etett1 amounts, 01 un- til other arraugaulents are made as to any otter inelilutinn doing similar work in the intoreet.s of the general public throughout the County. This 1 rptll't. was adopted, Reeves Armstrong and 01111 moved that 1,11 aid be monad t nti;d to any municipal- ity 10 the County erecting a monu- ment (11' a 1/nlnm0nity hall as a wet' memorial, such aid to be 25% of the expenditure on such memorial, but not to exceed $2,000 to any municipal. ity. Phis was referred to the Ex- ecutive Committee which later report- ed adversely on the proposal. Department of Education had plans well a(1vanred for the formation of the proposed new school inspectorate, to include portions of Huron and Middlesex counties ; but the Connell declined to take any action tcaward BLT in , C out. he •, ns Lt rat. a ) L I. I1 is telt that wi h tj new Government and a new Minister of Education in office - Lhe scheme may be dropped. Thursday afternoon the resignation . of Donald Patterson as 00511,137 Ilin- gineertva8 received and accepted and his sot, '1', Roy Patterson, was ap- pointed to the position. Mi'. Palter - sol the 0I(1ee has been in pour health this year, and his son, who 18 a quali- fied engineer, has been taking his place, and has proved himself so com- petent that the Council had no hesi- tation in placing him in the position so long by his father. ReeveDavi is io ( derich has a pro- , osal before p the Council for a change in the name of the County institution at Clinton. Believing that sot0e stigma attaches to the name "House of Refuge,” he would call it the • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • • • 0 • • 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • locality and he was ever and always a welcome visitor' to this community. Fie lived a busy, strenuous, prosper - nus life and will be long remembered. A wide circle of old friends here sym- pathise with the bereaved. HURON CO. COUNCIL goodwill. lock, M. P. P., on his election to the Provincial Legislature, and express ing the wish that he may he long spar ed to occupy the position. On the adoption of the resolution the metHb ors joined in singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow," Mr. Govenlock tanned very briefly, thanking his fellow - councillors for their expression of The December session of the County Council opened on Tuesday afternoon of lust week. Warden Oantpbell occupied the chair and in his opening remarks men - Honed some matters that would conte before the Connell during the session, concluding by a congratulatory ]efev- ence to the election of ex Wertlen (aovenlock us member of Lhe Legisla- ture for Centre H0von, All the member's in attendance ex- cept Reeve Dalton, Ashfield, who was detained at home by illness in compli- ance with the advice of his physician. Among communications received. were the following : Petition ftom residents of Ethel, aslting the village t e made a Police village. Refer t cd to Special com- mittee, A number of claims for damages for accidents on eouitty toads. Referred lc Goods Ronde commission, Letters from W. A. McLean, De- puty Minister of highways, with ref- erenee to the Otuuly rmad system. Referred to Gond ]mads Commission. In one of these letters the Deputy hl mister stated that road No, 23, in the t0(Vnship of Ashfield, 'was not suitable for a (Smutty road and sng- gested tint, nip Lake 1'01,11 ft'rtn ICin- tail to Ami et try be .uhslirttled there- for in the County scheme. Front h', D Hutchinson, Mitchell, asking a refund of a tine of $20 hullos - ed for alleged illegal peddling on the boundary, Referred to Special com- mittee, From Clinton FlorLiooltin'al Society netting fol to grant. i117ferred to Pvx. tin ti v1 Coin u, i1tee, Prom On1ltt irl hydro Power Uni- form Rate Association, enc Inning Peso - 1110011 askfug ghat norm io (Inver n - 'tient Relay action 111 adopting n pnliey ou 1lyd 1'o matters until an oppurlun- ity to be heard. Referred to Special Committee, Applications Morn J. B. and Mrs. Reynolds, keeper and matron of the House of Refuge, for increase in sal- ary. Referred to .Executive Com- 111i)tee. There Was tt long discussion of the County Good Roads scheme especially with reference to the grants to urbau municipalties for work done on con - mooting links within their borders. The Good Roads scheme hats not yet got into smooth working order, and the standing of the urban municipal. hies in the matter of grants appears to be an especially knotty point. On motion of Messrs. ])lig and 0rich.15 resolution was passed tender- ing c:ongralnlations to Reeve Goveu- flour and FecI A car of Royal House- hold Flour, Bran and Shorts will arrive shortly, - Place your order now be- fore prices advance. Phone 43 Wednesday morning there was an - :other discussion of Good Roods mat- ters, and a resolution was put through instructing the County engineer to slake a report giving as nearly as possible the expenditure in each muni• cipatlity for the present year on the Gond Roads system. also the Prnvin• efal grants that should he received on same. The members of the Council dealt to have this infnlmal{on to Beauty, Durability and Individuality _.e THBSE three qualities will be found in your Monument if purchased here. I have re- cently had made up several de- signs which are so unique, so new and different from anything that • has been shown hoe before, and so moderate in price that I an) sure you will be interested in having me show theta to you. Gall at nay place of business and select one of these Beauties, ALLAN E. HERSEY Brussels Granite and Marble Works "County home for the !aged,- or by some 111 il"r Itnloll' rl111 t 4:!•11111 1101 1411 t y Hie It •.lI At lion lhul tImlhs • in II r t techus "Poet li'mse" and "Douse of Refuge." The p1rlpnsitI if, note befat'o !t MIL 4'•1. [' 1111.` ( tut tl. 4.-1.-:•+++•++ ,g.q,...:+i•++ ..:•! 13•,F+,p'+++4' 3+++•A+++,j",F,r,.tt,f,1„F,pt+ G U N N '5 FERTILIZE -R A1`I Agent !or the above well known Fertilizer and tun ready 111 receive pun' orders. Also handle + Gunn's Bone Meal for Hens, Hog Meal and Calf Meal, all of which give, splendid + satisfaction and have stood the test of years. We keep 4. the Meals on hand and would be glad to supply you. + Gunn's Fertilizer give:; excellent results and is second to none on the market. + • 'i. 3. + Stanle Wh-eeier + + + + Phone 218 •l +F+++'FFi^('4^+++++++'r-l••t•+4'1•++4 ;-:•-}•l'+++++++++++44++4+++++4• AGENT Lot 2, Con. 8, Grey Twp. 18 'I- + •• + • + + + + + + Mlle UIWiiEdFWll9eWaDfJ l3 Iter Ilua1;1I1!1111 Eft lll®I II➢I lI 111111111111111111111 ifflifilMIII1E1111311P111011111111WHINInfliffillifll HALLS & S IV GICANTgCXMAS HOLIDAY SALE For the Next Sixty Days We will give a Liberal Discount of roper cent off on all Dry Goads, Boots and Shoes For Cash. Our stock is large and well assorted. Come in and see it and be convinced that what we advertise is right. We can save you dollars by calling early and buying before everything gets picked up. HALLS & SON - ETHEL 1l82htsm_,h=iuJtt li'IIII•tle I 1 all,I t, L. 11411 1 011.1 IEKESIENIMI 111 1118.4.0+. 4' 0+0+•+9+0+•+9+4+0+' •479+0+0+0.1.9 +9 + • + +44* +0+9+ • The Seaforth Creamery 2 •F r ; eream , . L. ted • Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly • established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. I i.• We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test +• it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- • pies and pay you the highest market prices every two ♦+• weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. • • 0, • • The Seaforth Creamery Co. + For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C, McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to SEAFORTH, ONT, +•40+04•44+011.041÷1114,4114.4.11144+ 0 +•4•+•+0'+•+414.0 +0+•90444 s ************************04 0000.0r0.000000•0 0000.3+009• • 00. 90•••••+•0e90090000909 0000090000009004•*00000••* • • i YOUR M WiII Yield Larger and 'wetter Crops = t•4' if you FEED Your Lands with • • e 0.• anFertilizerslerassweesoissesr ® They are rink in AVAILABLE Tl QI T 1' Plant Food—are a f.. ... materials _r rs.._t.__.. • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • + ••• • •. o• Quality. • Their mechanical condition is unexcelled, No clogging in the drill. e • STONE BRANDS give results and Government Analysis run over Guarantee •• • m • • • • • • a • 0 0940404oe****♦••1'440•r•••9./*41Nss/asA•.••••6•M99•!•040.9••••••N••••••••1'9•00••••••••P•4444R•0••• •{I'tiiN SEE OUR LOCAL AGENT H■ • WALKER , BRUSSELS 0„ R, R, 4 e 168 MANUFACTURERS Wm. Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. "For trite Land's Sake" use Stone's Fertilizer