HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-12-18, Page 4(tbe trazsels past t'HUitStAY. DECEMBER 18, DM GUAR: against dm in hangingup yt,nr Christmas tlecorate:es either at Inane ur 1r you 11 ink •1'H>: Pd. 1' i, a Miley good 11ewr•,g,>•.rr your subsrriptiau and a word of reeetunlendaton to friend won!d do good ltesolatons of :melt -elation 2211'1 be tied, d MT for creat at this season of the year. A rrntatkalde :a•r,sl trip tsar wren room plete'.1 uv Captain Ross Smith, au Ano- trelian, who made 11,000 miles fluor •r-.ngla of to Australia in 27 day,. •These 'i'rng !17:.tan,.•:' pioneers ate stitiving the usefultmee tit the air !:hip iu times of Peace :c; in tones of war. D014. MR DOHERTY, the new Minister of Agrteultere, said at Guelph last week, that the Winter Fair would not be re moved Y an Guelph ty Toronto. This bugub,l, h+• been a source of perplexity and disease:on for year, and it is a good thi,pg.2lt(-9noi1U1etneut hae been made, There „1 other p1:u•ee, ml the map be- side Ton,nto, ;;Dud 2041 All as she is. I PEncY FrsIIER, Eugland, saved a young farmer from being gored to death by an :u,s;ry lull null the rescued one made Peggy his h'•ide as a reward 'Phis oho cs the heroism of both parties and proves that a good turn should never be left undone and at the right tune too. Cupid has devious paths in we:k- iog out life plans. Luc AN 1'-0 perm['.• corker presented Editor rlovereigu, of the Sun of that town, with an uddtess of appreciation a'ld a purse fur turning down the Libel tv League, "'wish" during the Reteceni1100. Tits Po,,r the the same thing but 1p to this heir the add! ens and coin have not Inv n .'5br. It we own- ed a useae t,aa our 1 .•eau Bro. we'd feel rich anyhow. YEARS ago some athietie youths used to do what was termed "setting the mark," which coasistedof giving an ex hibition bop, step and jump, running jump, or some other stunt and then drivinga peg into the round marking P g R the distauce for others to sspire to or outdo. Listowel has "set the mark" in a 16 year old lad who plumps down the scales at gob pounds and still glowing, Bent that if you can. His name is Will. Savage, but little Willie is not a bit )dke his name. •11e'e some plumper though that Willie. Tots is the week of the big IT. F. O. Convention at Townie. It will be a genuine love feast with Premier Drury and the new Provincial Cabinet on hand and also Bro. Halbert, the newly elected M. P. for North Ontario constituency, who had an easy victory over his In- dependent Unionist opponent, Nell D. McKinnon, 'Tuesday of last week. It looks as if the Uniouist Government has been weighed in the political balance R and is found wanting. You know what cornea next on the program, $ ,7on4000 is'g deg re be expended in e big Good R'ladi movement in Manito• ba. This Western Province evidences a gutta deal of well balancer[ snap in pro• meting Mc onto, its of lite country. 4Viiate searching for a David to Meet a Goliath, es the lul0.vulg will ex- i;lain :--"liiuhop McLaglen, of Clare - 1)5011), Smith Alrics, has aeut to the "All Sports Wet key" an offer l0 box any blshup 5 rounds tura feud for disabled sold rel s and .olds that, to cid iu making the Iuateb, he will rx tad the elfer to any editor 0' ant; p.lp+.l o1 1,1‘,uo:u age. Thu bishop is 68 '° tfuuld it be possible for the Editor u( the Seaforth News, ,oho an, the data otiaves of clergyman nod Editor, to vb ige 1110, MoLAglen, atm el peau s tv 1 e spoiling for a fight i' If the News man has not time perhaps Bro. 1. Mitchell, Gudericll, might spates half day from his archives to tread on the tail of the coat of this eleriral pug. It unpussti le it 18 up to [Wake Elliott, of the Wingbam 'Dimes, it he can train down to the uecessary weight. It's no use for the brethren meutroued to reply to Tag PosT and say •'take the job your- self," If the had been able to take time to bump the Bishop we never would have anted oiler gall drivers to run any risk, Failing nIl others we urge H. F. Gadsby to step lute the breech and sustain the 1louor of the press or else ar• range with the Press Association to select a roan. The matter should not be delayed. . \VELLINal'0N and Waterloo Counties have been designated a, one judicial district with fudges flays and Spotton on bench If such an arrangement can he made to serve two tush populous Counties why m Rht it not warkin scores of others and thereby cut off a big ex - pease as under the present system with the cutting 1 ff of bot ze and tie con: e- gueut tedu:Con of crime and suits, eur- tailmeut of unneeessaly expenditure is the eerrect thing. Economy planning has a big rola to p'atng the judici• ars if satisfactory arrangements can be ARE THE DAYS OF • Arrived at, Why pny thousands of dolt lays to men to practically do little or nothing. GARMANY is in a hesitating 1000d about Cumpleneg the Peace treaties but the allies say it trust be done, end at 0000, or the armies will be asked to en- force the agreetneutl While the signa- tnres tnay he appended grudgingly there le no way to get around a well nutier- stood arrangement by all concerned. Delay Duly adds to keeping the Mils - tries interested unsettled and is n breach of faith oil the pall of the losers. Morris A Christmas (lee 001Jae:t to be held at 13rowntuwn Sehonl on 1''Ih1ay, December !0th, Splendid program offered. Morris share of the Murray -Lamb drain lawsuit was $100.25. You can monkey with lots of things cheaper than law, ScirooL HEPOR•r.--Following is a report of S. S. No, 5 Morrie fur the Month of Nov, Pupils. examined iu Grammar, Aeithurthr, History and Literate: e, Those utarketl " missed one o1. more examinations. Sr. IV.- \[ildled Russell 100 ; Angela Kelly 7S ; *Nellie Andersen 70 : Luno Procter 138; '"Nora Vanaamp 511: *Willard Armstrollg 50 Jr. 1V.•--Alfna Kelly 89 ; 1Wilbet t Procter 78 ; Roy Amp - strong 53. Se. I TI -Richie P(octel' 00, Sr. II -Bobbie MacMurray, George 5121(111, Bob. Plotter, Edna Jackson. L -Willie Gel(sby, Francis Jackson, Prime: -Alberta I%1ae1[n11 ay, Harry Jackson. Nnvlher 011 11111 1,8 Aver- age attend:ore 15. 0.: 11. Rienoti. Teacher. 81.111000 REPuwe-Following is the standing for ('1. S. No. 8, .Morris, rut rhe menu) or 1\Tnvembei' til', t\'---hlhel 1lalhers. Jt'. iV- Kenneth MoVeltie, \'/alter Sellers, Prater Mustard. Sr, HI -Lillian Garniss, Viola blathers,. Doi is Allen. Jr. III -Pearl Mathers, Lillie Gaieties, Margaret McVettie, Gordon Hamilton, Lloyd Tut vey, Sr, II -Harry Gar- nier, Bert Garniss, Jr. II -Margaret Mustard, Howard Woodrow, Mel- ville Mothers, Charlie Allen, I1ene Allen. First Class-Dofothy MnV'et- tie, Bert blathers, Clifford \Voutlrow, Dorothy ([Helots, Edith \Varwiek, Pelmet• -Eddie Garniss, '['nae names ----- , are in the order of 111011 standing. 0 111. AVERY, Teacilot'. kaLKt A! d r(I fflTrnel Auction Sales ■ IS SUPERSTITION AND FALSE BE- LIEF TO OVERSHADOW FACTS ANY LONGER? When a women who has been sick for years heeoaies wellafter taking a certain srientifie preparation -ran you eleny that the remedy must bo good? Read these extracts taken from a Jotter written to us by Mrs. 11. Cross, of 362 King Street West, Toronto: - "I suffered for several years with inflammatory Rheuntatism and could [hardly get up or down stairs. My Lua'band bought me a box of Temple - ton's Rheumatic Capsules, and almost immediately I felt relief. The swell- ings started to go down and the stiff- ness left any knees. I might say that previously to using- T.R.0.'s. I had tried almost everything under the sun without success. I am a happier and wiser woman now, and I eanuot thank you enough for the aid T.R.(?,'s have given 1(10.'' It's the same story from hundreds of other Rheumatic sufferers. They tried T,R,C.'s and T.R.C,'s fixed there up. 11 you suffer, try then[. Ask o: 'a lrDri -tor write e your Druggist t us for our new (1 el11, upt: 50it, 142 Xing and costs you », W (Templeton. ]42 ,vl,e "Pest, 'eceli,t of ,1•e Mail T.fi.C.l. anywhere on receipt of .heJ. Sole agent in Brussels, Jas. Fox, Druggist. AUCTION �A Lai OF FA2IM STOCK, IMPLE• a[Rsms, St'. .[aw2s •l'sylor, Auctioneer, ' rreehved instructions from the endere)gnd Proprietor In telt by Public Auction at Nl-:: but 7, ('on, 7, Steins on 1'ne+day, Dee 23rd, at 12 o'clock, sharp. the following valuable Property :-1 heavy draught ho- se 8 velars 111d, 1 heavy draught mare s years old, 1 driving mare 5 years old, 1 Spring colt, 5 COWS nil,. posed 1n calf, 4 heifers 2 years old, 2 steers 2 years old, 4 [heifers 1 year old, 0 spring calves, 1 sow, 12 pigs 2 Jnnnths old, 1 pair of geese, about 40 liens, Massey -Burris oul(lvator, Maseey-Earrla manure spreader, disc harrow. Deering mower 8 ft cut, mower with pen bar. wester attachment, Massey -Harris [hay loader, Maxwell side rake. sulky reke, 2 hay racks, 1 stock dick 11 ft ,Jdiap roller, Perrin 2 furrow riding plow, Pleuralking plow, 2 trod plows, 2 stubble plows. gang plow, iron wagon, wag- on with box, road cont, 2 top buggies, 51cTag- kart fanning mill, set scales 1500 lbs. with plat - Fenn , set bob -sleighs, cutter, hay folk, slings and ropes, 2 sets of double harness, 1 set of single harness, 1 snuffler, set of harrows, Max- well cylinder root pnlper, well windlass, 2 iron kettles, post hole anger, vinegar barrel, Dnia7 churn, washing maohfue, DeLaval cream sep- arator nearly new, 1 Doherty steel range, 1 air tight heater, 500 fence slats, side scraper, 5101054 scraper, cedar hem trosts,r 100 brick and 1110 tile, 60 feet galvanized inch piping, 8 ladders, grindstone, tinkle grinder, quantity of 2 20w. 1 eel and 0 rowed barley, 10U bus. mixed grail, 800 bus. ants, 50 bus. wheat, quantity man - golds, turnips and hay, hand rakes, shovels, orowbars, chains and other articles too numerous to menden including HOMO )rouse• holo effeots. Sale without reserve 115 the 1 Proprietor has sold his farm. Terms -All 1 sums of $10 and under cash ;.over that amount 10 months credit given on furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. Hay, Grain and roots cash. ALBERT T. COLE, Proprietor. 1 •- _ "WHAT SHALL PLAY FOR YOU?" Come -name your artist and your selection. I'll play it for you, no matter what it is. Rousing, rollicking, campfire songs, negro melodies, grand opera -all can be played on the Brant -Ola. Plays all makes of disc records properly. Perfect tone reproduction. The world's best music brought into your home, ready at a moment's notice. The Brant -Ola is a wonderful instrument. Master workmen make it in seven different styles. Finished in Fumed Oak or Mahogany. Bev to choose, a style and price to suit every home and purse. Arrange for a demonstration at your dealer's. You'll want the Brant -tela. SOLD HERE BY John Oliver .7 BRAN'I'FOR.D 1 SALES LTD. BRANTFORD, CANADA Dlsttlbutore Teacher Wanted Q'luliaed l„nohur wanted for N. S, Nn. 11, Morris town chip, duties to oouuneave .1apu- nrfb11t.11)1, Nnlnry 1)161 per annaln. App11• cellona, stating 11 lillldltteal LOIN (1114 e0)Ie11011re. In be addressed to J OSEP11 11)5121,1577, 11. 11. No. 2, Myth. - Farm For Sale Being North 14 Lot 22, Con. 4. Morris town. obit), 501 antler grass, There Is u good bank barn, driving sited and hen house. SI11endld orchard and 0 never failing apring on tap place. 1,'or further partieuiars apply to J0sk1PB DAVIDSON 100 Saukville Street London, Ont. or F. H. Scott, Brussels, Ont_ Property for Sale The nndersigael Off urs for .sale Ile lloueo and lot on Turnberry Street, South, Brussels. Hood brick house and woodshed, about 1 mire of land, good well, SO. For further partieu- tars apply to W aL PE111t1E, Brussels. 21.11 Nouse for 5ale in Cranbrook Comfortable brick house and }. acre of land Lor sale. (load woodshed, frame stable, or. chard. well. &,o., [crated in v111nge of testa - brook, belonging to estate of late Donald Me- nougall. For further particular,: apply to \Y 1 SMA I I D1)N, Cranbrook. 281(' or ALEN. arIOUGALI.. St. Thomas. Short Horn Bulls We have won 1st Prize on bull calf at Bros - SOS Fall Fair for 8 years in succession and have always something good on hand for sale. 0. TURNBULL, C NON, Phone 2214 Lot 10, Con, 15, Grey Twp. Short Nora Boll Calves for Sale IJnd,+r+iguud odors for sale h Short horn hull calves, from the iv ell known sire, Hum 11010 Smelt), teed by Harry 0111[01 and nw,wd by ulnlel'slgited- A vett, Prmeese Pet from sltnle ball, sold tit Itl'ieller'a sato, Elmira l'e- eently fort kiln rile highest Trina at solo, Re• 111 eft nays "she ion heifer of Show tlalbre and years old,' I1entail 1 Stamp is also for sale Will trleu se'I n registered Ilnrkahlfe beg. N!I but e0, 11011 0 11)01112 month15. JNC G.SPEIR,• Phone Id¢ 14ruanula P. 0, Farm for Sae 1 _ 2,1. 1..1) 171 Cou.5, Mor•[s 77.110201.15, c r ; 1110 Iu) 1,0100 In good stets of•eultivn- tr m;,. 11buildings.uiidinco, abundance of wnt0r,c0u- 081)1ru1 10 to rrll ml. lbunodlete poosesefoa. For forth, 0 inti tit.A41,4 0 [ply 70 1n014it1(T N1111vl't>A1BE, : 7-21 131ytlt 16, lt, No. 2 For Sale 1' mooned lot., o'n)niniug ON 0010, le 011e 1' !I c" t t , Tanl,roolq the property of the late 1' • goo Brown, Is offered for sale. Frame 1, •,• .111 'r, t, nit trees, Re, Possession could 1•r.Ivt,•ac0 For further ,articuh, in lip. 1,.., 1 11 et •1'11 ua eall1)11nN a1' Wal Unau17to0, EE •.,I,�n...dote of the Isle Mrs. A gnus B10511, 0,1. tie ,.nit Bull for r Service "''1' yr 1 r i, ll p III keep for service, on S1c, 1 8t.. ('•.n. 2. "ferret ti,wnshtp, the thoro'•bred' Snort Horn Ilan, (ltdnn,rrl or Salem, No. '50410''. Sir'.1 by llainford 58,1.5,112 1100000) ; Dam 117 i',i r.+1 Vin 1,y Nnyei Sailor ,18052), Ped• levee 11110 be • •en on tlpplintl u0 Terbls- 51U.00 foe thorn; �hn'ds payable at h l,n• of 20r - vice rr ith p11 r1(,'g.• to rttttrn, Ci, nJ, r..w , 1101 allowed. THOS. PIEltglt, Pen Prletnr. o••.••••••• 40.•.04440•00•04 •••'a.0.•2: 04, i5$o060 44549$••' • ▪ Whiter Term from Jan. .5th 0 • • • • .-ei/Aq'6/6/ii/Jj O • • • We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Inatruetors • who give individual attention to pupils. Oen' graduates are • • meeting with 'Butee511. We are training under • o Soldiers Civil Ihe-establishment (,.(ululiSOion, 4 4 •• Add reps the Collea'o for Free Catalogue, to either Stratford or Wing .iahers; • • • 2) • 0 • • • • e ti 4, '5 • • • 6 4 2) 4°(b06.4044.14 ••GM44,4•. 4406.44.! a a 0•p•C sot,, 12104008-0'0 Fresh, rich, full -flavored tea, ----the same every time 123 Sold oroly in sealed packages tat - r r� � e a Wanted ! _ " Perlifl Ship yi:fx' Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cana and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for tl.e pay- ment of your Cream twice each Month, pay- able at par at your hank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial anti y:,tl \vial not want to discontinue; Brussels Crearnery t Tj0 VERY event of '0- ,1141 terest-in every part of the world -is "cov- ered" by a 'Toronto Star man. The Star's own exclusive cor- • respondents cable the news from Europe, and their reports are supplement- ed by a leased wire service of the United Press ' Associations, one of the great news -gathering organ- izations of the world. Within an hour of the closing of the markets The Star presses are delivering papers with the day's com- plete range of prices and the "closing" figures for the day on Cattle Markets, 'Grain Boards, and all Stock Exchanges. The Star is delivered to your home that same eveihing-containing as complete Market Reports as you could get in the Toronto morning papers. of the following day. 13y subscribing to T1ie Star you get these reports of ilii Market at least twelve hours earlier than you services. Over The Star's seventeen wires comes this news - to be received by a staff of skillets writers• -and by them presented to Star readers in that crisp and sparkling style in which The Star excels. HE STAR also has exclusive arrangements with leading newspapers in America to receive frau[ then[ their complete cable NTS would learn of them through the morning papers. This, in a fluctuating market, means much to the business man and the investor. You need The Star Because it is Canada's Greatest Newspaper -always in the forefront of progressive movements, -always full of news_always entertain'• ing and stimulating. The subscription rate is 50c for a month's trial -$1.25 for 3 months -1.00 for 6 months -$3.00 per year, •74rm , uI uta 3_LY '.Ys ,r a mcm..acr n . r't g il.Yaor .I. b .J gt8g5P To Publishers: Toronto Star, Toronto: Dear Sirs: Please enter me as It 2411'5°1,1bn', to The Toronto Star for ,.,..,....••., months -for whioh please find enclosed stamps or money order for $ Nemo and address in full Please write" ploiniy, and say whether Mr„ Mn,rMias'or Rev,• ''' ''' lvyi7"f, '1 , merefeealliff''%I1` M SSlt' ab' (fu's- 5111 nm 6estticee.,i eeweN.intreerseeeneeseeeetteeeeeesm,Yuw_.. ;o:,:.rxu:,ranecu)vy+,czrann«•4.1.60*:-._•-__'"mm,,... _ ,..�... iI