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The Brussels Post, 1919-12-18, Page 3
✓i 4- w Vete.. GET ING READY FOR TO RIS t� ON THE BATTLEFIELDS OF FRANC;. Irlllux of Visitors Expected Next Spring Will Help Pay War Bill. France -oweS a large amount of looney. Maisie boon a party to and the twee-) or e. huge world war. It costs money to srrppm't five years of terri- fic struggling, and the financial gonll or that country are devising settee and moans of reducing the discouraging disparity between the cash -on -hand and the cash -to -be -paid -out sides of the national ledger, The money spent by tourists is being counted upon as a means toward pay- ing part of the war bills, according to ,lutes Dorang, who represents the new- ly formed Commission of Tourists, the government of France is virtually planning to standardize touring, In order that no guilty dollar may es- trum. Instend of being a nation meter- ed with tourists roaming at will and without guides, Franco -will have a few well -trodden paths, leading through the heart of the places where enough history was made to add an- other year's worth to the high school curriculums. "Why, In Verdun," M. Dorang said, "there are ached accommodations for only fifty, and yet 5,000 People visit tate battler eels. with their million dead under titin m •ands of earth, and some not comp. tely under, almost daily. "It is homier -tiding to see the hun- dreds of Brae.: women and. the people from all pax of France combing tllrcugh the r;r:iv of croeees for their beloved dead. They daro all hinds of hesdships," Providing Hotel Accommodation. As outlined by el. Dorang, the French germ nniett is heartily advo- cuting the building of huge temporary hotels, with two Hundred aed fifty rooms e;tah, equipped with every modern mumcuience, These, they said, will be established on the ten principal batte fields of France, In- cluding -Verdun, Muiitdid]er, Soissons, Amiens, :tura e, Ypres, Peronne, Pont- a-_tilma:loon, in the Toni sector and in the Argonne, "Tile hotels will be built to last fur eight or ten years, after which re- construetion will Have p1'oceeded to the most deva$t tle,l points," Mr. ldruawig said. "Undoubtedly, the money spent' ou the hotels would bo teali:•: ul in the first year of their exist- ence, "Arrangements will be merle in this county, a �, through 1 t o i bureau to be es- tablished by 01. D,rang, to prevent congestion at any single point, by the routing of the tourists so that the en- tire touring body will move methodi- cally and systematically, "Au attempt will be made to fix the itinerary so that five hundred persona will stop at each place one night. They will be given tickets, inscribed with numbers. These will show, for example, that Mr. A will bo at Verdun on Monday, Solssons on Tuesday and perhaps the .Argonne on Wednesday. His card will be stamped with the number of the room ho is to occupy. Mr. Tl will have a card which entitles him to a room at Verdun on Tuesday, Soissons on Wednesday and the Ar- gonne on Thursday. "Wounded and maimed soldiers, re sidents of the battle -scarred territory, will serve as guides, Having lived and fought over the ground, they will 'be able adequately to give the tourist a lasting impression of the battle- fielde," Tourists Spend $160,000,000. Tourists in France "spend on an average of $600 a year, according to • M, Dorang. The amounts vary, ho said, from tens at thousands of dollars spent by comparatively new million- aires to two or three hundred, spent by school teachers and others in search of some finishing touches to their education. The 300,000 tourists, at the average named. by M. Dorang, would spend $150,000,000, enough to pay, if not for a full battle, et least for a sizable skirmish. The battle -seared territory, M. Do - rang explained, would not bo In de - mud for agricultural or industrial uses for some years, because the value of the land is but 400 francs an acre, while it is estimated that, under pre- sent conditions, the cost of restoring the property would be 4,000 francs an norm Tho Ministry of Public Werke, which has the preservation of .the battle- fields under its jurisdictfon,'01, Dorang said, has arranged to preserve the "pillboxes," or concrete machine gun netts, the tangles of barbed wire and the underground trench systems, just as they were during the fighting. 'rho ravages of civilization will not destroy the powerful, appealing beauty of the battlefields, M. Dorang assures all prospective tourists. By an ,Act of the French legislature tho battle- fields have been Classified as historical reservations, ho sold. Gorman prison- ers are now digging drains on the battlefields, Redresses Wooden ©looks. A machine has been invented in England to redress worn wooden Pay- ing aying blocks at a rate of 1,000 an hour 00 they can be used agahl- THE TREASURE OF GOOD HEALTH EaSily Maintained Through the Use of .Dr. Wi11ia1ns' fink fills. There is not a nook or corner In Ca- nada, in the cities, the tonus, the vil- lages, on the farms and in the !nines and lumber camps, where I)r. Williams Pink Pills have not been used, and from one end of the country to the other they have brought back tc bread- winners, their wives and families, the splendid treasure of new health and strength. You have only toast your neigh- bors, h- bore, and they can tell you of some rheumatic or nerve -shattered man, some suffering woman, ailing youth or anaemic girl who owes present health and strength to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. For more than a quarter of a century these pills havo boon known not only in Canada, but throughout all the world, as a reliable tonic, bloodsmaking medicine, The wonderful success of Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills Is due to the fact that they go right to the root of the disease in tho blood, and by making the vital fluid rich and red strengthen every organ and every nerve, thus driving out disease and pain, and mak- ing weak, despondent people bright, active and strong, Mr. W. T. John- son, one of the best known and most highly esteemed men in Lunenburg county, N.S., says:—"I am a Provin- cial Land Surveyor, and am exposed for the greater part of the year to very hard work travelling through the forests by day and cat aping out by night, and I find the only thing that will keep me up to the mark is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I leave home for a trip in the woods I am es interested in having my supply of pills its provisions, and on such occaetons, I take them regularly. Tho result is I am always flt. I never take cold, and can digest all kinds of food such as we luxe to put up with hastily cooked in the woods. Having proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as a tonic and health builder, I am never with- out them, and I lose 1.10 opportunity in recommending them to weak people whom I meet." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be kept in every hone, and their occa- siou:tl use will keep the blood pure and ward oft illness. ,You eau get these pills through any idicine deal- er, or by snail at r,0 cents a box or six boxes for .$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brpckv!lle, Ont, Outwitting the Skunk. Air. Skunk with his unravore- repu- tation is probably the best known of our fur hearers. It is an exceptional farm which cannot boost of a skunk den or two. Civilization e may drive the larger denizens of the wilds afar, but the skunk readily adapts himself to new conditions, and beconies'domes- ticated to the extent that be is nothing loath to take up his abode under the barn floor or to burrow into a straw stack. While it is true that this ani- mal isin some wt:ys a friend of 'the farmer, by destroying harmful insects and mice, yet he has a black mark against him by virtue of his relish 1 for chicken. He is a troublesome roost robber. e In closely settled neighborhoods Mr, t Skunk will often advertise his pres- ence by odoriferous means, and by 'h depleted chicken yards, yet trappers will tramp the hills over and fail to t find his den, especially if he has been much trapper]. In this case you will very likely find him holding forth in some old building, under a stone pile, 1 or around the roots of a tree. When you find his den •set your trap f (No, lee), digging a shallow trench n in the ground so that the trap sets h level with it, then fasten the chain to a stake and drive it down level with a the ground. Too often trappers mance t the mistake of leaving a stake stick- ing up above the ground. Cover your t trap with straw freely mixed with a chicken feathers, and scatter a few grains of corn about. You will find this one of the best sets for skunks, and one that can be used anywhere. When you catch a skunk, do not muss un the surroundings too m11411 , Skunks often den up ten or more in one hole, and if things are o not too much dis- turbed, one set ]nay prove very profit- able. Mice Mance good bait for skunks. If you can find where a skunk visits a chicken coop, :cel it trap 1110ua;1,1,' o the baildiug and revel 1 with 411 (e feetllers. ]tocol Culvert 81"' a favor iso prowling 1110ee for k r i 1 Nevi trap set at either end of ono „111 Ii,et, produce resuhte, Au anyone who has fried it ,anew:•, catching a altimd. 1, only part of the job. Next, and some think newt inn - portant, comes killing and vdtin,li11g. The hest way to hill a akiink is to shoot hint In the centre of the Mick rf the neck with a 22 -calibre rifle, using a Short ciirtrul 11• y oc have no gun, break his back with a long pole, which will have the same effect. Lots of people, especdaily boys, who skin a skim": advertise the fact for days afterward. however, it is quite possible to do the job in such a man- ner that half an llonr later you need not be a total outs st t a f c: o society. The he secret lies in first greasing the hands well, then use a sharp knifes, and be careful to cot only skin deep when peeling the carcase. Unhappy exper- iences are nearly always the result of', cutting too deep. Stand on the wind side of your animal, and when you have finished wash your hands well with kerosene, and the scent will come off with the grease. If you get any scent on your clothes, fresh air and time are the best deodorizers. Great Britain to Restore Louvain. The destruction of property in Bel- gium was the most wanto"n of Ger- many's many crimes, Colonel William Barclay Parsons tolyl members of the National Committee for the Restora- tion of the Library of Louvain Uni- versity in o letter' indorsing the move- ment. "Much has been said about the de - u' Structiuu wrought by the Germans in France," the letter said, "Blit, terrible as it was, the destruction wrought in Belgium is worse. "It was not caused by shall fire in battle; • it was not committed in me- ments of excitement. Houses, fac- tories and public buildings were inten- tionally, and in accordance with plans carefully prepared, razed to the grcund and their contents carried off t0 Germany Or burned. "Of these crimes --because they are crimes—the wilful destruction of the great library of Louvain, which by no stretch of thewildest � i dost imagination could he deemed a nillitary necessity, stands perhaps as the greatest." Great Britain has undertaken the restoration of the art and literary treasures of Belgium, it was an- nounced. A committee has been formed to direct the lnoveneent. It will replace treasures that were dos- troyed and trace those carried off to Germany. The members of the English com- mittee include: Lord Muir Mackenzie, chairman; Sir Fredenftc'k G. refyon, Sir Alfred T. Davies, Sir Alfred Hop -- 1311100u, T'dmuucl Gusse, Hugh Butler, I. Col!a`Aoz, Henry Guppy, Librarian of the John Ilviands-Libra• -Library, Manches- ter; .D1', iii, Rhodes James and Dr. C. ▪ Ilagberg Wright. New Way of Stumping. A novel method of clearing a field of stumps is described in the followsng letter from a farm woman; "I had purchased a steam -pressure canning machine, but didn't have any and on which to raise the tomatoes with which I had hoped to make my anner a profitable investment. Even- ually I persuaded my family to let me have the use 'of a two -acre strip tat had been cleared off during the N I managed eo roll the logs ogether, and either burn them en- tire or in small enough pieces to allow me to roll them entirely off the Iand. But the stumps stood so tlyick that the and was practically useless. "`Coming in the house one day I ound my mother lamenting over the umber of holes in the bottom of the eater that was being taken out of the dining -room. I asked for the -stove, nd was given it, With a lot of ques- ions aitd Wondering loops. I hacked the bottom ;out of it and carried it out o my now ground and set ,it over a tump.. It worked fine. I put on a joint of pipe to keep the sparks in. It burns them out quite a distance into the ground, and does even .better when I dig a hole through under the stump next to the,, taproot, as it seems to draw better. And -speaking of draw- ing, everybody knows how a heater can draw. 0f course, the stump has to be chunked up, and it Isn't very fast work, but I find I can burn out any stump the stove will fit down over, and do it well and safely," aere„a Natnesc YWnYt@mo Neitotawslamdwssorzontansuentacconma aseactMW0rOe 0 Al a m m T ereas something really fascinating about the nut- like -flavor of 'The strength and nutrition gleaned from this wheat ,axed malted, barley food make it a most sensible breakfast cereal, while its low cost adds true econon y. MO 4100541®50mseutn:ln04"erimoseessltaanossoonsue Rnei A COAT DESIGN 0154 9154—Girl's Coat. Price, 25 cents. Adjustable collar; side sections and! sleeve in one. Cut in 5 sizes, 0, 8, 10,! 12 and 14 years, ;Size 8 requires 2%' yds. 40 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 54 ins. wide; lining, 2% yds. 30 ins. wide. These patterns may bo obtained. from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St, Toronto, Dept. W. , CHILDHOOD I'ONSri'JP1TIO Constipation is one of the most com- mon ailments of babyhood and child- hood and unless it is promptly cured will undoubtedly lead to disastrous results. To cure this trouble nothing ; can equal Baby's Own Tablets, Tiley' are a mild laxative which instantly re- gulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus banishing constipation, colic, colds, etc, Concerning them Mrs. Eugene Vaillancourt, St, Mathieu,', Que., writes: "When my baby was ! constipated I gave her Baby's Own ' Tablets and am well satisfied w:th the result. I would strongly recommend them to all mothers for this trouble." Tbe Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box! from Tlnc Dr, Williams' 1\Iedictne Co„ Brockville, Out. Keeping Canned Sausage. In fall when we kill hogs I always' fry sausage in cakes just the size we use on the table, put then in glass jars, cover with melted lard, screw' 1p tight, and it is ready for rise at any time. `I have kept it this way 'as long as a year. Thera has always been one drawback—it takes so much lard to cover the cakes, and while it was never; entirely lost, it was never so nice to use again. Last year I tried a new scheme. I used only the grease that; fried out of the cakes as they were' cooking, two or three tablespoonfuls; to each jar of sausage; after screwing' tight I turned the jar upside down to cool. Of course, the jar was perfectly air -tight when the lard cooled and my sausage kept perfectly. I left the jars standing on the tops, as in the warns weather the lard might melt away, and the sausage would seal. I was cured of painful Goitre by MINARD'S LINIMIONT. BAYARD 113eMDLLIN. Chatham, Ont. I was cured ''of Inflammation by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. W. A. JOHNSON. Walsh, Ont. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINAI'D'S LINIMENT. Parkdale, Ont. J. H, BAILEY. English Scheme for Second Garden City. , A new project in industrial town building to be called the Second Gar- den City is in course of formation in England and the development will be on the lines of the First Garden City, which was established at Letchworth in Ilertfordshire, fifteen years ago, The estate chosen is in Hertford- shire, about ton miles from Letch- worth, and twouty-one miles from London. Provision will be made for a population of from 40,000 to 50,000. While the offshoots from the Letcli worth experiment have been many, they have taken the forum of garden suburbs, with the idea of providing better accommodation for the workers in the city and, to that extent, have served a useful purpose, But no single ' development has embodied the piln- ciples of the First Garden City, which postulate a highly organized indus- trial town complete in itself and s11r- rounded by a permanent agricultural belt, that shall not suffer disintegra- tion by the expanding needs of the ur- ban centre. The idea Is that a chain of small towns properly equipped for all the uses and amenities of life and permanently in touch with agricultur- al areas ie better for public weltare than a few large and overgrown cities constantly destroying the land areas that should feed the population of the cities, It also includes the idea of pub- lic ownership of land and public so' - vices so that the increments in value of the land and the Motile! of public utilities shall be conserved for the people who create 1110111. A wolnan'a brain reaches its great- est weight about the ago of iweaty- Ff ;s,.axMaxrarastw,rr»aaraurl-NnraxirMraaar: five• ED. MUTE, No. 50—'19• itIi the N igrrs! ala, s t)(ltl�4, Lilt Out t AnyPBiu Eyre coetee h_r:1 - n rt. o•ft corns or any keel of a cc,r 1 can shortly be flfIs,1 103 11 out with the lingers if you w111 apply dlrebtty newt tile Dorn a few crops of fre•zome, says a Cincinnati au thoeity. It is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter of an ounce of free - sone ut any dreg stove, tl'1ltclr is suD- @1"nt U1 rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of lnfeetloe. This new drug le :'n ether compound, nnll %bile sticky, dries the moment it is a laud and does 1101 infia o ore even Irritate the surrounding tissue.' This announcement will Interest many women here, for it is said that the present 11is:It-heel footwear is put• ting corns on practically every tt Omcut s feet. I Guess That'll Hold Him." They were very, fond of each other and had been engaged; but they had quarreled. and were too proud to make it up. lie called afterward at her house --t0 see her father on business. She was at the door, "Ah --Miss Blank, I believe?" said be. "Is your father 1n?" "No, sir," she replied, "father is not, at present. Do you wish to see him personally?" "Yes," was the bluff response of'thc visitor, who felt that his forme sweet- heart was yielding—"I wanted to see, him on very particular business—" and the turned away haughtily, "i beg your pardon," she called after flim as he reached the Net step, "but who shall I say called?" MONEY ORDERS, 1 A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents,, The Essentials. "And so you learned French thor- oughly while over there, son?" said the proud father of the returned sol-' dier, Sure! I got so I could say hello and goodnight and order ham andp eggs, and I could ask a fellow to lend me money and tell a girl I loved her better'n anything and that's all a fel- low needs in any language," Wizard's Llalment Cures Distemper. A New Sex. Teacher—"How many sexes are there?" Little Boy—"Three." Teacher—"What are they?" Little Boy—"The male sex, the fe- male sex and the insects." The few urinates after sunrise is usually the coldest period of the day. ,er }oq ti fi, mom €lcf*ma Labor Trouble, 'Ile Betterhalf (regarding hire from the bedroom witelows)----"'Where you bin this hour of the night?" "I've bin at tura union, ca'neldcrin' this 'ere strike." "Well, you eon day down there au' ennslder 11115 'ere lockout,' Modern Version. The story of the gond SalnaI'itan was being expounded to1 exthe class. The Sa- maritan was pictured lying bleeding by the roadside, where the robbers who had set upon 11101 had left him. "Now," asked the teacher, "does: any little child know wdc:et had happened to the poor man?" One child had the answer, "Please, ma'am," she said, "1 think he we:n ruff ever by an automobile." True to Form. Old Giles was taking out an insur- ance policy on his life and he and his wife were puzzling over the forms that had arrived for him to sign. "See this?" said Clles, "it says: 'age of father if living!' I anppase I must 1111 it in." The form was at loot filled and a few days late' Giles 333eeireci a visit from the agent. "What do you mean by your farm?" asked the agent. "You state that your father's age is 110. That is ridicu- lous." "No, it ain't," replied Giles. "Your form says 'if living,' and that's the age he'd be,if he was alive now." America's Pioneer nog Ecmctila5 Book on DOG lid k SE5 and Hot' to road Mailed :Prep to any Ad: dress by the Author. 11. MAY Mover 0o., Sao. 111 !Pest 3111 13trost New York, U.S.A. QYp 1y�1+] AyG- 1H,I I TONIGHT! Take "Cascarets" if sick, Bilious, Constipated. Enjoy life! Straighten up! Your system is filled with liver and howe poison wlilch keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your head dull and aching. Your meals are turning into poison and you can not feel right Don't stay bilious or constipated, Feel splendid always by taking Ca -carets �v 8 = occasionally. They act without grip - 7 inconvenience. Theynever to or inconve e r/_� `� g NCE ' � SI 87 I o r• •fit. f. . w, �.,, sicken you like Calomel, gaits, 011 or 4 nasty, harsh pills. They cost so little too—Cascarots work while you sleep, ;30'2J10P`Js-0 $'IJ HS "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels . Accept "California" Syrup of Flgs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are' sure your child is having the best and most harmicse, Menthe cr physic for the little etc -reach, liver and bowels. Child. ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for chili's dose me each bottle, Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." AD IS AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED You'll find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache l'ot it an freely, Don't rub it iii. Just let it pego ti'aIe naturally, What ex sense of soothing relief soon follows! External aches, stiffness, soreness, cramped muscles, strained sinews, back "critics"—those ailments can't fight off the rgiicvil1g qualities of Sloan's Liniment, Clean, convenient, econo-mical, Made in Canada. Bye, 70c, $1.40, Culicsa -13111,t, Yea For Yo ! Hair �¢:-a Stip Dandruff kills the hair. Cuicura, I'.ile dandruff, Try this treatment- Before retiring rub Cuticura Ointment into part- ies all over the scalp. Nast morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and bot water. Rinse with tepid water. Dendrtlfi usually disappears, hair stops falling and becomes thick. five and healthy. Seep lac, Ointment 25 and 00e. Sold througltouttheDnminion. CanadianDepot: arae, Limited, St, Pavel 50. Moatrexl. '.!ra"Cutieora Soams€tavcs withoutmus, Classified Advertisements. 7d'4369d rem HA1a c OE laxe)0 tura ,� A At,lt, EQ170ler'lllI , BALa1CATCIIIO- q77 WAN fui•m, and oanl mine. Eeally t t."OA_ 'Very ry irro8151)10, Bargain, Vast Ontario property. owner, 21 Presetr¢ 4, Tul'ut,to. 6C+EtMTB W4.r.7TilB. _ .j' i,TltAl'1' AUICNTB DI:s1RONQ Prints, Finished Portraits anti Names, write Tor Catalogue and Prtoe 1.001 Deiced Art Co., A Brunswick Ave.. Tr:ronto. idrsolmaasusous, WANTED, ALIVE, 17 CENTS Al. n ou,:d, any eine. I pay express within 00 101100 of Toronto, Samuel' Lewis, 606 Dundee West. Toronto. CANCER. TUMORS, LOMP8, I6Tt7.. Internal and external. cured without pain by our home treatment- Writs us before too tate. Lir. Bollman Medical Co...Limited, Cdl inava nd. Ont i Language In Ohlna. 'three-fifths of Chinese speak prac- tically one dialect, the Mandarin, and the educated among the ether two- fifths are becoming familiar with it, Mioer:'s Liniment Cures Garr'st to Cows. To ma'ko kitchen aprons last twice as long, make a seam down the front. Then when the front is wearing thin sew the two sides of the apron to- gether and open the front seam and the apron is practically a new one. To prevent pockets from catching on doorknobs and tearing, put them on wrong side of apron. Danger—, Colds / and more serious ,.\\*,, , compla!04 are �m atraeted fn mea, weather, "111 Dtotccted.Take a•v���Ra from the first se1011e or sneeze. Stop it in time and do not ,ramble with your health. Used over 68 years In treating ; coughs, colds and atiied complaints. ' Everybody buyn the Large Sloe at Montreal D. WATSON & CO„ New York I-IAiR SOON TOO SHORT TO DO UP A little "Danderine" stops your hair coming out and doubles its beauty y„.�' "i) 0 ti To stop felling heir at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Dan- derine” at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Tfelp 7011r lair to grow strong, thick and long and become soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and abundant. lore i Sif I reels l'' A. Colfis : Cure A druggist says:, "For nearly L11thirty ycat; 1 it _ve aonlmended Ibe Extract of Itoc,te,-known as Mother Seigei's Curative Syrup, for the radical cure of constipation and indigestion. It is an old reliable remedy that never. fails to do the work." 0 drops thrice chile. Get the (J.er.anlo, at druggists. liTereleeMeellesieeelleseePeleihe, ONLY TABLETS MARKED 1BAYERff ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All Without the "Bayer Cross" The name "Beyer" id t1fie the 0011lee Tenser c'irecli ,cs for Colds, only genuine Aopi a, ---t le A0A it 1 1 lit n,t '' r r n .'li b" Ramer! Mueo proscribed by pllyal. , ,r, for over err, laleer , 1 , , 11 r ;, 1 ? .i1,.,t.10ut, Nonria teen years and now made i14 Canada. tie .leiu•;:, i ti s, and Pttm generally. Always buy an unbroken package Tin 11,:r..:5 of 12 t,blet.s costbit! of "Beyer Tablets of Aspirin" which a few ecnti i , tee Bayer'' packages. Moro 30 only one A0pl i0•-,"I;a,:;.. ,"- ot. sreet, nay "nage*" Aspirin In the trade muni(ta'Ns-,:!1,, for-0 1, et,nii,e, n ,m I nn' ,try" of MOM).eootigncldeater of ,0163133'11 -al N .. it le wall O that tarhh nivana Mayor' nlanufactnro, to moat B,•? p. ] r r t 1. e. Unna the T"hlefVI ar 11, -ser Comtany,' 1[4111 bo stamped with Cane ¢cart:., t.,,, (r • le 1110 "Layer (:1,,rs,"