HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-12-11, Page 8999+9+9+04444.9+6+444+4+9+94 +44.A
Most Popular Present
One of the New Books
Je easy here ars our large Holiday Htoek contains suwething
fur every persue, and something for every pulse. --10W priced
pr'esen'ts, mediuin presents and costly presssuta, so von eall se -
Cure desirable things at any price you Wish to speed. Our
stook is Fresh; New and Well Atsarted.
Kiddie Kars
Books for
Books for
A Sky Pilot of No Man's band
by ronnor £1 50
Dangerous Days
by :nary Roberts Rihehert 1 00
Polities of the Canadian Army
by Col. Herbert Bruce 2 25
Rainbow Valley
by L. 61, Montgomery 1 50
Same Old Rill 75
Lave of en Unknown euldier 1 25
' in Flanders' Fields
9A by John McRae 1 50
'1 'rhe ramp in the Desert
by Ethel AI, Dell 1 75
for Doing Hp Xmas Parcels
+ Christmas Decorations
!7• Garlands, Wreathe, Streamers,
O Red Belle, Poinsettas and
* Christmas Stockings.
White and Colored Tissue Paper,
Holly Ribbon, Tinsel Cord,
Holly Boxes, Seals, Tags, &c.
Boxes of Chocolates
flash lights
fancy Baskets
Brass Goods
leather Purses
Rood Strap Purses
Gillette Razors
Boxed Stationery
IvoR1 Stflli nhtohidescLirisct
Toilet Ware of ca
Among the pieces in Ivory are: -
Hair Brushes,
Combs, Mirrors,
Has Brushes, Clothes Brasher,
Photo Frames, Clocks,
Jewel Boxes. Trays,
Manlanre Pieces - Files, Bnfere,
Corn Knives, Cuticle Relives,
Manicure So:e9ors, &c.
Also Manicure Setts in Cases or
Brush, Comb and Mirror in hand.
some 02,22.2.
There ie Qreat Choice.
Christmas Cards
and Booklets.
Christmas Post Cards,
Small Books nicely bound
for Gift Purposes,
The r 14t-Cta Store
!eV sscrszerstate=reu
Druggist and Stationer
+42+4444.•+•'t•0 44.0+4
Racal 11 etzs Items
LOCAL news on page 5.
CBRISTMAs is only 2 weeks away.
STATUTORY Council meetings nest
READ every advt. and test them out
by a purchase.
Fox hunters are having some lively
skirmishes these clays,
Sctloots will close for Christmas holi-
days on Friday of next week.
Tat corporation snowplow made its
initial trip one day last week.
QUrrx a number from this locality
are taking in the Winter Fair.
A car of coal was distributed last
week. We hope a few more will arrive,
APOLLA Concert Co. Deo, 20, Town
Hall, Brussels. Plan of Hall at Fox's
Drug store.
UNtkaa you pay your taxes this week
6% is added. Saturday is the last day of
grace on account of Sunday being the
Anvxxrrsess -To ensure change of
advts. they must be in our hands by
Monday at r p, ns. as TIE PosT is print-
ed Wednesday now instead of Thursday
Pk2NTEn fartos for announcing Rural
School meetings on hand at '1'IR Pose',
Date will be Wednesday, December
3uth. Send us a report of what you do.
WALTER Rose, proprietor of the Brus-
sels Poultry Farm, has s fine exhibit of
White Leghorns at
h s the Winter Fair,o0
the program this week at Guelph. He
was re elected op the Directorate.
LAST Friday evening a Seaforth
Hockey team crossed stickscks With a Lis.
towel contingent on this rink. Listowel
won a close game. This was the first
zuatoh of the leasers on the lewd Me.
ENGAGEMENT. -James and Mrs. Bur-
gess, Brussels, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter Lillian Florence,
to R. Frederick l:ox, son of Richert' and
Mrs. ('ox, of Grey township, wedding to
take place in December,
JNo. OLIVrR rind Frank Davidson are
calling the attention of prospective buy-
u -ers to the advisabily of purchasing a
Victrola for a Christmas gift Read
what they say elsewhere in this issue.
PRIME LOT. -Two extra fine lots of
poultry were on exhibit at R. Thomson's
Emporium this week, White Wyandottes
from the flock of Thos. Pierce, Morris,
and Barred Rocks sold by Ricb. Arm.
strong, ferey township. There were so
and 3o iu respective lots and the average
weight of each bird was 4 pounds and
price per pound e4 cents alive. We re•
member.e, not so very long either when a
nice pair could he got at almost any
store for 25 cents, Those good old days.
Wonder if they will ever come back,
Mrs. Wtn, i:oruisH, formerlyof this lo-
cality, passed away at the hme of her
son, W. W, Burgess, Mitchell, aged 82
yeare. She had been an invalid for
more than a year. Her maiden name
was Margaret Wynn and she was mar-
ried twice, her husbands being Robert
Butgess and Wtn. Cornish. There were
4 sons to first marriage via: -loin, de.
ceased, Will , of Rockwood ; Fred„
Port Attires ; end Walter, Mitchell,
Interment was made in the family plot,
Brussels, Monday of this week, Rev. W.
1.. Stafford officiating at the grave.
Mrs. Walker, of Los Angeles, Cal. Mud
Mtg, Robt, Mooney are snrvivingsisters,
Mrs. Cornish was a fine woman, kind
hearted, Industrious Ani! ever glad to
Meet old, Meads,
MUNICIPAL Nomination Day, Monday,
DON'T forget Saturday, noth inst., is
the date of the splendid Concert by the
Apollo Company, You'll be sorry if you
[Hiss it,
POSTOFFICE Home -Owing to the
train schedule Brussels postoffice will be
open from 9 to so a m, on Christmas
and New Year's Day.
"MICKEY" drew a big house last Mon.
day evening to the Town Hall and the
interesting set of pictures evoked many
complimentary remarks. While over-
drawn, there are numerous good lessons
to be learned from the presentation.
Pictures were clear and required little
8 pigs. 0 weeks old for sale, Lot 18 Con. 14,
Grey. Phone 427, DAyrD dw,aK•
Casette for Chevrolet ear teat between the
cemetery and J5 miles South Bruesele gravel
road. Will finder kindly leave it at Tau Poem,
BREAST collar 1051 between Brussels and the
property known ea the Herb. Manning farm,
615 tine, Morrie township. Will finder kindly
leave it at Banker Bros, or phone thein as to
its whereabouts.
WE are now prepared to repair harness and
shoes quickly as we have secured extra help,
RIOHARne & Co.
R young pigs, weight 80 lbs., for sale. Also a
young COW with calf at foot. Phone 4612.
Aram. Rnsseure Lot 20, Oon, 7 Morrie.
FOR SAre,-501l organ, six 001300, piano
case, walnut, also cabinet bench, Colonial de-
sign. For particulars apply to Taos. WIL-
OL*418ON, Lob, 25, Con, 14, Grey,
F one, Mitch owand a
OR $Ata {Ic O 8 0 1 e9 r•
v .,
m 1
R. A to /awe F ones 10th 'on.
Apply 0 , L R.
R. No. 2, Rruasals.
Baoon Sow for Salo due to farrow about
Dec. 6th, *11, ALDERSON,
19.1f Phone HMI 7th Line Morris,
FOR S.5oio-2 comfortable dwelling hoagies,
L C. RToaAane.
Tonna-girtwanted to learn pant and vest
making. Wages 56 00 a week to start with.
Apply to R. Fiona aeon, Brnaeels.
Dn. PARtr,ER, Osteopathic Physician, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of each week.
Ohronio and nervous diseases successfully
treated, Visite reeidenoes, Consultation at
Qaeeo'e Hotel.
THE Posa' would like to know -
Have you been vaccinated ?
Who will coustitute two Council ?
Where mother's slipper has gone ?
What about the Cigarette By -Low ?
Will it be turkey or liver for Clirist-
Why a train 3 times a week wouldn't
do ?
If Drury salary salary.reducer is go-
ing to be "catching" ?
Kmtsn,-'rhe Ridgetown Dominion
of last week says: -C. Snake, a Muncey
Lnlion, who was employed until Satur-
day as a foreman In a flak mull at Brus.
eels, was instantly killed on the Grand
'Trunk in South London on Sunday
morning. It is thought that be
was at.
tempting to make bis way to Muncey
when he fell. He was badly mangled.
Jno and Mrs, Sanders arrived home
last week to Brussels after an absence
of 6 months holidaylug in the West
and will resume housekeeping
in their home, Turnberry street,
which has been tenanted by W. A,
Grewar and tamlly during the absence
Of Mr and Mrs Sanders. A line time
,vas spent, rnany old friends visited and
hundreds of miles covered. Mr, Grewar
moves to the cottage a mock sway on
the same street which he purnitaaed.
He Metalled a new furnace and made a t
number of other improvements and will
have a cosy home, The late bolts
was the former owner of tills property
and lived in it for years.
.edeevW ve.ese'cr5r.,rrw+.swwruvvveee
Splendid Program
Apollo Concert Co.
The Liliott Kalani
Hawaiian Quartette
Vissochis Florentine
Plnn Ur Reserved Seals open
at Fox's Drug Store.
Elour and Feed
A car of Royal 1 -louse -
hold Flour Bran and
Shorts will arrive shortly.
Plnue your' order now be-
fore prices advance,
Phone 43 W. J. McCracken
QUITE a number of local automobiles
have beeu stowed away for the Winter.
Several owners are still doing duty with
CRovDxD 01/T. -Owing to pressure
on our edvertisitig columns a number of
interesting matters are crowded over
till nest week,
TRAVEL talk through Chinn, Illustrated
by loo lantern views will be on the pro•
gram of the Epworth League next Mon-
day evening iu the Lecture room of the
Methodist church, comtnenciug at 8
o'clock. Admission 15 cents. Enter-
tainment nyder direction of the Mission.
ary Committee.
Mas W. D CousLEy -The Medicine
Hat newspaper speaks as f Atom of the
demise of Mrs. W A, Cousley, formerly
of Brussels: -'Yesterday, November
19th, a large number of friends gathered
at the residence of W. 1) Cousley. 545
Eleventh Street, to 'pay the last sad
tribute of respect to one who had been a
devoted wife and mother and a sympath-
etic friend, Mary E , beloved wife of W,
D. Cousley. The funeral service was
conducted by Rev. R. H. MacKinuon of
Westminster Presbyterian church of
which Mrs. Cousley was a member.
The body was laid to rest in Hil side
cemetery, the pallbearers being A Pent.
land, R Shaw, J. Morrison, P. Kim
uaird, J Snowden and W. 18. Croke.
Mrs-Cousley was tate daughter of the
late John Manning, of 13r. Bets, Ont,
where she was bore on October 28, 1877,
and was married from her borne in We
same town on October 19, 5903, corning
West a few years later, in roof., with hor
husband. During her life in Medicine
Fiat, Mrs. Cousley made a utimber of
staultoh friends by whom she will be
greatly missed. Her tender el mpathy
and interest and her generous, loving
disposition endeared her to all wt+o knew
her. She is survived by her husband
and 2 little children, Jack, aged Io years,
and Dorothy, 8 years, to whom with the
bereaved mother, Mrs. Banning, who
reached the city on 'Tuesday, the deep
sympathy of the community is extended
Mrs. Cousley's sisters and brothers, who
mourn her loss, live with one excep'ion
in Ontario. They are Mrs, Lever and
Mrs, Matheson, Flesherton; Mrs Pat
rick, Kitchener ; Mrs, Cunningham,
Palmerston ; Mrs. Ruckle, Hamilton
Mrs. Stevenson, Hickson, George Man-
ning, Bntbwell ; Herbert, of Walton,
and William, who lives at Fort Alberni
Vancouver Island," Mrs, John Cousley
will keep house in the meantime,
$$ People We Talk About �#
## 22
Dark was visiting -
. t i48:igrevr
friends this week
Barrister Sntcleir was .n Toronto last
week on legal buten( ss
Wm and bl.s. Whitfield, Gerrie, are
renewing old friendsh ps in this locality,
Mrs, Alex Smith Is able to be abut
once more and we wish het increased
Mrs, D. McKeoz'2 le back from a visit
with reletvrl and friends in Walton and
Frank Bey,uls, who has been taking a
course in optics at a Cbicagn College is
home for a visit,
Miss Kaytie Damen, of Grey, is a
visitor with her 50115'11, Miss Lizzie
Denman, James street.
Allan And Mrs Lamont, Wingham,
were here lust week attenciig the funer-
al of the late Mrs. D. McDonald, a
We are sorry to state wire, Peter Me-
Quarrie is not enjoying very goof
health but we hope she will soon be Fully
Will. Lowry, Lond-'ti, was in town for
a few days vi t' > e
si111 t it'
l A rues and I1
y ) of
friends.e was ail a fulmar Bl•u,:selite
and always welcome
Wm, Jordan was here this week hay+
ing just returned from the West. The
family le now living in Guelph where we
hope they will do well,
We are sorry to hear that Mrs, Geo,
McCall, William street, is not ciljnying
her usual good health bat ,lope she will
soon be as hearty as ever.
Gordon Ross, Kincardine, w:10 visit-
ing in town, He sat s his father is bus
proving but is aril! In the besotted
where he has spent the pest 9 weeks.
Mrs. C, Procter Belgrave locality,
has been visiting Mrs. Elizabeth Proct-
er, Alexander streot, 13ruitsets. The
latter's health llas improved Consider•
Egli and Mts. Ament have removed
to Frederick Maryland ti, S. Mr and
1 Mrs, White parents of Mrs Ament anti
Mitts White another cl.iughter, who were
1 visiting here accompanier] them going
on 'Priestley meriting of this week. We
wish Mr, and Mrs, Ameut suceeas in the
U. S,
N, and Mrs Chapman have moved to
town from Woodstock locality. He and
his brother, 100eutly home from Itin war,
have bonkht tee bnsiuess of 1 0. Rich
srds apd lake possession next month.
We lied them w'•tuome. Councillor and
i Mrs. Richards will be remeiuing in
i town we tlilder')taiod
Miss Caroline 1vin5Denaltl, of JRpnu,
daughter of Dr. anti Mrs Peter Mae -
Donald, Loudon, is the guest of her
cousin, Dr I. A MacDonald and Mrs,
MscDonald, 'Toronto Her sist„r Mrs.
Horsey, of ieneland anti Miss Horsey,
have slso left for Tontne0 to make o
short visit with fr,euds there
Ohrah Chimes
DIM for Chrktints Tree lr,atet'taiu
mem for Methodist Suurlxv School w.11
be Thursdre evening of next week in-
stead of k('ridsy as announced
Rev Mr MCLuloslt, Brimfield, occu-
llieti the pulpit in Melville church last
13unt1sy and preached ttvo instructive
n Wag t
sermons ltev ME NI va h,et-
ing anaiver:•ary services at Brncefield,
Morris Council
Moruia Council met Monday, Novem-
ber 'n1h, Members present, 51Mutes
of last Meeting read and adopted.
Drainage petition from Wm. Rob-
et•tson runt others was read and enter-
tained ,inti a copy sent to Lite engineer
Law coats, in connection with the
Murray -Lamb Extension Drain, were
presented by township of Hallett,
Morris share being $369.25 was paid.
Following accounts were paid :-
Geo. Mason, stationery $ 1 15
Municipal World, Treasurer's
Cash Book 11 00
Blyth Standard, advertising., , 1 00
James Campbell, making Clio
and cement. ..... . ..... ..... 32 70
Joe Breckenridge, gravel 2 00
A. McEwen, 13. 0. gravelR., 7 20
Barrenly, D. repairs eacock
Drain 10 00
Thos, Clark, sheep killed try
John Bell, underbeushiug
Neil McCallum, underhrushing
Isaac Brown, cement
James Gibson and Thos. Wal-
lace, culvert and 11 30
John Bell, underbruehing 30 00
Alex. Murray, ditch, tile and
catch basin 52 50
Alex. Murray, Ole yds gravel at
$1.30 on Con. 9, lots 25 to 30 79 95
Thos. Marshall, drawing grader 4 50
John McCaughey, 123 yds. of
gravel at $1.30 159 90
Jobe Marshall, 61i yds gravel
at $1,80.... 79 95
Dan. McDonald, gravel and
damages on good roads 33 10
John Lamb, inspecting 7 days
onnod toad 14 00
Shortreed, Tractor on
grader one day.... ,. 15 00
A. Shaw, salary........... ..... 135 00 00
Inspeccting culvert. ........... . 13 50
Wer, Love, part payment cul-
vert 700 00
Henry Mathers, part pay filling
ends of culvert: .. ,. ,. ..,. 100 00
0nvporalinn of Hullett, Law
costs Murray -Lamb Exten-
sion Drain . 809 25 I
Dr. White, Board of Health.... 38 00 i
Wrn, Elston, Board of Health... 3 00
Statutory meeting; Monday, Decem-
ber 15th.
A. MAC1ISV14N, Olerk.
II•RIFTStamps. —
We strongly re-
commend the purchase
of Thrift Stamps and War
Savings Certificates. In this
way you not only are aiding
your country's finances, but
are forming the Savings habit.
'rhe Stamps niay be purchased
at any branch of— 900
G. H. SAHIB - - MANAcen
Pnaoosort.-In loving memory of Nurse Grime
Nada Fergnaott. who passed away O,1 Dec,
7th, 1010, in Win gleam General Hospital,
"Asleep to Walee.”
TIIeenAY Dntntminli 16Tn,-Fannn Stock,
&0„ 144 .Lot 28, Con. 1, MOM, tetvnahia. Sole
unreserved, at 1 5. 11, JAS. H, VANOAttP,
Prop, T. R. Bennett, Ana.
I TtluRDAY, DaneMnga 281111 --FHr111 $10055, len.
elements, &e , Ni, Lot 7, Con. 7, Morris town-
; ship, rale unreserved et 12 o'Meek sharp,
Albert T. Cole,JProp., Janes Taylor, Aro.
2 00
32 00 _
10 00 Fall Wheat 11 00 t1 06
0 00 Opting Wheat 2 B 2 1100
1 65 1 05
1 08 1 558
15 00 15 00
Potatoes per bag 85 1 00
Hay 15 00 16 00
8OrilO'rT -In Blyth on Nov, 27th, 1010, to Mr.
end Mrs.I. H. R. Elliott, n son,
G1nnas -10 Belgrave, on November, 80th,
1910, to Air. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes, n
GTne011.-In Hnwick , on November 28rd, 1010,
to Mr. end 61 re. Harvey Gibson, 2nd Con.,
a sou-tllarenpe Tris Ear)d.
WALDsa -In BrownevUte, on November 28rd,
to Rev. W, A. and Mrs, Walden,formerly
of Fordwioh, a son,
ANIMISM—Ill Madison Ohio, on November
2611i, 1010, Jane Marokoll Anderson, relict
of the late Thos. Anderson, of Morris, aged
01 years, 6 months end 21 days,
ANDREws.-At Burlington, Drib. ori November
nth, 1010, Rey. Alfred Andrews, formerly
of Walton, aged 87 years.
lttRxHOnDimR-At 1455, ell' ton, Alta on Nos -
251 ' 111 Henry h 1 9 e nr E it,Burkholder,
former residenfin this loan Hty, a
CoRNIen,-In Mitchell, en December 5th 1519,
Mar aret Wynn, widow
v of the
armelly of Brneaols 1 oa ty, ag-
ed 52vrare.
FnanEB,-In Grey township, on December
81 d. 10,0, Wm. al Fortes, aged 77 years and
5 months.
YDr1010, Mtargaret Fo eytli,' vidowoofnber the late
John Yu111, aged 00 years.
Auction Sales
Bennett, Auctioneer, has received inatrue.
None from the underelgned Proprietor to sell
by Public Auction at 6554 Lot 28, Oon, t Morrie
on Tnesday, December.16th at 1 o'clock, the
following valuable stock :-1 dl iving horse 8
years old 1 fresh calved cow, 1 cow due to
calve at time of sale, 1 now due lot of January,
1 now due i n,prtl, 1 aow due in May, 1 now
due in June, 4 ateere 2 yeare old, 1 heifer 2
years old, 2 yearling steers, 2 yearling heifers,
2 steers rising 1 year old, 6 helfera rising 1 year
old, 2 young calves, 18 down ewes, 1 down
ram, 1 brood, aow, 6 pigs 2 months old. Sale
without reserve as Proprietor t0 moving to
smaller farm, Terms. 12 menthe credit giv-
en on furnishing approved joint notes, s5b
allowed off for cook.
JAS. H, VANOAMP, Proprietor,
51ENTS, 850, James Teylor, Auctioneer,
received instruotions from the undersigned
Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at N%
Lot 7, Con. 7, Morris on Tuesday, Deo. 20rd,
at 12 o'clock, sharp, the following valuable
property :-1 heavy draught horse S years old,
1 heavy draught mare 8 yearn old, 1 driving
mare 5 yeare old, 1 Spring colt, 6 cows sup-
posed In calf, 4 heifers 2 yeare old, 6 steers 2
Years old, 4 heifers 1 year old, 5 spring Calves,
1 How, 12 pigs 2 months old, 1 pair of geese,
about 40 stens, MaeeeyBsrris cultivator,
Massey -Harris manure spreader, disc harrow,
Deering mower 0 ft cut, mower with pea liar•
vaster attachment, Maasoy-Harris hay loader,
toc creek 10 ft ironlroller, Pei rinn2 furrow
riding prow, Fleury wolkht6• plow, 2 sod plows,
2 stubble plows, gang plow, iron wagon, wag-
on with box, road cart, 2 top boggier, koTag-
1500 lbs.
andropes, 2este of lubto'hnrneaS 1 set of
single harness, 1 snuffler, set of lMax-
wel cylinder
retner well rindase, 2rol
kettles, post holo oiuger, vinegar barrel, Daisy
our, Hashing
mnahine, Delaval cream Sep•
arator pearly new, 1Doherty steel range, 1 air
tight heater, 000 fence slate, side serener, slush
eoraper, ceder fence poets,s 100 brtok and 100
tile, BO set gotten; nia inoh
gridstone,aolrle grinder, quantity of 2 row-
and 0 rowed barley, 100 bus. mixed grain,
800 bus, oats, 60 bits, wheat, quantity mans•
golds, tei nips and hay, hand rakes, shovels,
erowbsra, chains and other articles too
numerous tomention inaludiug some ho s
Preffects. Sale without reserve
e the
Proprietor has sold his farm. Tema -Ali
if $1.0 and under oath t over that around
1G» n toorodlt given onffrng aPlr ved
joiutnotes, 6 per nanoforaealt on credit
amounts. Hay, Grain 'droots
ALBERT 'T. COLE, Proprietor.
u, itl,u p e,ere.,1,;,e .,rf 7.61 Vie
e^I lit IR, 710. I If5lt `Ili,'Ple c
How Can We Make it
A Merry Xmas ?
Gerhard Heintzman
Phonograph or Piano ?
Come in and talk it over with us and we will
write Santa Claus for you, If we have not got
the Records you want just whisper in our ear.
We are at Your Serulee, Watch far the Sign "ford"
Frank Davidson
7330000S0DIIIOSSIiCtkF.d(ttFitil 400et'aPiPIPSEMISS*00P ,C', (19t1Ti(90®:A3.f')=. "01;0000
Fox's Drug Sto
9 0
Weekly Store News
Christmas Gifts For All
ITEI the great variety of Useful and Ornamental
Xmas Goods that our this year's stock con-
tains we think the selection of your Christmas
Gifts should be a matter of considerable pleasure, We
know the following list will be both interesting Tlfld
Wal el Man's R00111113 11 Pens
A vary flue assortment at
2 611, 3 50, 5.00 and $0.00.
Ladles' hand Bags and Punier -
Greet. vatteLy of deeigne.
'Titer mos Bottles - One Or '11014,
nsef01 of Christmas 0il'le-
All styles and sizes.
Flash Lighle -Otn•s are the
"Franco" lights and you
can't heat there.
Chocolates -This is one _nf nor
vary special lines, "Wil -
lard's" Chocolates in hand-
some pkgs , 40c to $8.00.
Fine Cased Pipes as well as a
splendid assortment of the
regular selling styles -
The Kola brand $1.00 each
Safety Razors -hard to beat for
an acceptable Sanas Gift-
°Gillet's" and "Auto -Strop"
$5 00 each.
Fine Elite Linioge and Nippon
China-Ourstock in thiepar-
ticelae line is vert• aldl•artive
attd well 1 ssot'trtl,
Per l' 11nes 75'11 Tolled \Yn101
\\'c' intro et splri1li,1 ,how11,lf
of the well knurl 11 Seely Ike.
PUrs,'H obit \V111111.14 111E thou
You (viii fled it easy to pink
one bei e.
Cameras ---For an all yt'nr -X-{n1111
gift its hard to beat a Dem-
erit. Get 1111 AIINCII,"
Fancy Boxed ed binh,ne, t :1
ways a 1110si of ro pt nl,lt l 11,
0irais“IV/11-wink's." 1 t-
Hama -
tonne "I)r Luxe" line--
2iic 10 $2 75
Bronze Hintnnry and "\VPI -
let's" 1vnglish Pottery, These
goods are very new and ex•
ceedillgty net ram ive. Wo
ileVe it hitt' 7151101' I tile❑ C.
French Ivory and Rea Ebony Toilet Articles
Here is w11ai'e ow' Merck )
ck ie particularly edMplets enol 5,11 von' ie,'. We
Lave some splendid individu•tl plums in both ivory and 1+',Ilu,;y ifs nett
as sone handsomely fitted cases at .,...'.... 5.00 8.0(1 10 00 12 181 ereoo
Quality guaranteed the best.
Our Toy Department
is brimful of all kinds of things for the .Little Folk - Dnil-, Genies,
Trains, Fire Engines, Steam Engines, Horns, iJrunis, Pile Drivels,
Sand Olanes, Pinture Mortice, Picture Books, Story Book,, Puzzles, kr,
Our Book Counter
Contains many of this season's best books as well its a great list of 1 0.
prints of the bosh authors -75c, 90c and $1.00. Any book not in stork
will be gladly and promptly peocnre(1 for you.
s0etmepesAeseteeelo6®0Qsereiscregeog00060®d nesse essesgn seeeocedlee
Heifer Strayed
Strayed on 7,05 82, Don. 14, Mclt'11)o1), on or
about Sept. let, a heifer rising 2 years old.
Owner 1s requested to prove property, pay,ex-
ponsee and take her away,
Phone 4814. W61. ANDERSON.
Taxpayers of Grey Township
As December 14th, (the last day to pity Tax-
es before 65c is added; fells on Sundu.v this
year this notice I given o all
s o ee s g y to t t for payment,
di bo Twill b merle
tett' lost, ,,hc, 5i'$ ad
aicion will be nmdo atter that data. Kindly
except this notiHaatJ.
Tex Collector, Ethel.
Ho.ckey ae s
Ladies and Gents
At Prices to Please
as they Must all Co
Felt Shoes for Ladies at Reduced Prices.
Felt Shoes for Men at Reduced Prices,
Felt Shoes for Children at Reduced Prices.
In fact all Shoes ,educed ae we muststill reduce ten'
stock before inventory da taken.
Sly1"er 5
h FOR Santa Claus to choose Pres.
„„ ents from for all sizes of feet,
Robes, Dollars, Blankets, Rugs, Trunks and. Satchels, Olob 13al;•1,
Suit Oases Bell
7 Belle, c�e.F
9 t+] H RNDSS Money Saving a •L M ne 'n
Richards & eo.
M+++++7•+40+++++++++++++444444444.d'•i'44-1•A'•i+d4+1.'I1-i-'+•1"i• 1 i'+')
........ Pem,ruICZEMSrI4.
+ AM Agent for the above well known Fertilizer and ,
am ready to receive your orders, Also handle
Mann's Bone Meal for Hens, Hog
+ Meal and Calf Meal, all of which give splendid
satisfaction and have stood the test of years, We keep
the Meals on handglad and would be ]r
to supply
+a 1)1 Y you,
Gunn's Fertilizer gives excellent results and is ,i,
+ second to none on the market:. .'',:
�r .t,.
Stanley Wheeler
AGENT ..4.
4. Phone 218 Lot 2, Con. 8, Grey Twp.
+ ++++4.1444444+++++00+0++++4 ++•F++++4''1'4.4''4++'F+++++4.loi'+^lefob