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The Brussels Post, 1919-12-11, Page 5
too,\ A. Q -$,fid FNt-1,.111, i tt:'s t.+t=e. 4sat. ' �t'�• J O SUM...WLI ND & SIIft LIMITED 1VZwhR/MM CvPATAPR 0,7fraftle T. T. M'RAE 1.1, 0.. M. C), P„ .f S, 0. 111. 11 It-, Villas ,f 13ruseoln, Yu. ;t,a.11x ••utgoun 1 as iheur 11.dt, 1(t r•:ad,at,,a, nope-, i, ti,,.iv111a Uhurei, Willhnu etre(,.. DR. J, H. WHITE, S. A. 1'11Yslt 1AN AND SUIttJICON, Uradunkv Toronto UntVernity or 111edirinl, rpunha 111tamnon givnu /u tliwY%WO of children lout Surgery, Office: Dr. etryane Old Stand Phone 40 Brussels JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, U111soli for as good wire: as any other Ace. Uoneet• o, rlmrgo t onring. 1011,(11.4AVIC PRBJBFBIOT, RILLOSAII & CORE 1'arriaers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, 810. 1:11er un tho Square. tad door front nandlton Street, (tul)F1 I1i1. ONT. Plivnto funds to loam 0t lowest rotes, 1'7, Ptennn1 t(lP, K. it. .t. t,, KILLnitAN f1, .1. L, N0000 '..niteill • • 4 • • • • O 4 • • 1 ltesl price paid. See • • me before: you sell, °o • • `: I-Iighcst Cash Price for • • • 0 1. • Live Poultry and Pldes • 1'g • Write ,,r Phone (12x • • • 4 ••• • ".4000404404:00.044464!1446444 prepaid to pay the hi;,h'sL price for Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Rags, &c. FURS .1 .z a SAM WEINSTEIN HILI, STREET BRUSSELS arlcl Save Coal In nrdw 1. dispose of all our Ttlrn- 114 he or' ''s t 1 t are n t•- 1 f t (1111 tnls 1-e � ffe ing 10111inst doubl0 quantity for the sane 1loney—S2 50 per load, P. AMENT Phone 111 1'3 BRUSSELS N071''''. A,4 !W07P . . select o pWith your Eyes Wide Open. All n' Business Colllege7s-aro not alike. te,5), ELLIOTc;,-:„, • 9 Yongo 8, Charles Sts„ Toronto }W P t Is noted throughout thloudl for high t grade tralnlnn. Our egad antes are 1n 1'4 grant denain(0 (let our Catalogue, 4 rout our \,:conch, then decide, !Gator 9 1 at(y 11111e. 0 W. J, ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL 1.f 4't2i1 A:'vIA frali"ArisWgzirtrA46,ZU• F Vie. 'goad t etas It,elriS DECEyMBER. HAVE you paid your taxes 7 BUTTER Is a scarce commodity. Goo') sleiehiug for light loads. M UIV IC n'Al. Nomivatiou Day Monday 2etn 1'st, Anv0R'rNiNG pays and you lose by not testing Il. Flocs mat ket is uncortalu and ha, con- sicdelable rqueal about it, BALANCE 't 1919 tree to new subscrib• ars 01 'flue Posr, \Ve gave the news and it yo11.40114 hike it you should, Repo every adv4 1'u THE Pos•r and save money, It people have bargains they will tell the public about them. AN old subsciiben at Neepae(1, remit- ting for THE "'owe says :—THE BRUSSELS PoeT is 115 good as a letter to us In bring- ing news trout the old home. Tate 11- 'e congrelr.lates the Forul- wich Record en 1eachiug .its aurae• versary and wishes Its publisher continu- ed prosperity as the years 1011 by, UNDER a cuauge of rule the Ma,gaziues belouglug to Public Libraries have to be kept ou file instead of disposing of them by AUCt1U11 Sale Rt end 01 each year as was tee custuln of many B rds . Captain Rev, L.), J. Lane, 1(l I(mloss, has accepted a eat, to the 1'nesbyterian church, at Hanover. Bat induction took place on November 25. He was station- ed at Greed Vellay p1100 to his work as Chaplaiu with the C, E. F. THE mail co9tract, tur next 4 years ou Rural Route No, 2, Brussels, encompas slag the 14th and 16th Cons. of Grey township, bas been re -lel by the Govern- ment to Ed. Pollard at an increased tate, He attends to his duties in good style and has the approval of his uumer- ous patrons. go'0H BIRTHDAY,—The Christian Gum cltan maths its 9oth birthday with a special number of a reminlsceut and iutecestiug character. The Guardian en- joys a wide popularity among members ot the Methodist church, and clatnls, to be the oldest religious weekly In Canada, It was never better Chau to- day and under the capable management of Rev. Dr. Creighton and staff is ren- clenug a splendid service for Methodism. Every home m cou'ectieu with the coerce should be linked up with the Guardian and Its many phases ot con uextuuel and Calmly lite. No better religious newspaper, }{uaoN COUNTY W. C. '1'. U. WING BANNER.—Huron Cohoty is this year the harmer Crouuly of the Provluce, having secured 40o membets during the big contest and at the c(uslag session of the Provinelnl Convention at Guelph, beautllul new bauuer was presented to Mrs, Beavers, Couu,y President, to car. ry back to her County. Ottawa district was also a keen contestent for the ban- ner, but hat] not secured as large a per- centage as Huron, 7 ladies were also presented with gold, 5 star pins by the Prov. Paesident, Mrs. Stevens, Toronto, for having each secured 511 members for their lnc..1 unions, Th( se ladies were Mrs bottle Moore, 'l'eestvater; Mrs Campbell, Ottawa ; Mrs. Beavers, Exe- ter; Mrs. Bigelow, Cmowail ; M Notion, 'Totontn; Mrs Peever, Ren- frew ; and Mos, Evans, 'Toronto district, oasekfaaaa®®®ciaaaaaasseeeeeeeestaO(9QaaL'meatiaata+6iiaaty Lee 0 fa P1Y , ® O t'1 ay tp . 3 elfts a •0 a 1-114 sr,nreit.y of goods and nm' inability to again procure annoy lines (4, once they etre sold out, makes it imperative to your own best 1'u• N C7 tieeols to 11111100 your purchases as 8(11111 1, m s possible• 0' 8 g41,00 13 1hia year is vim ply filled with ideas and suggestions for Xenia Pi 08011to 0 u "and 11 will pay yon Many times over to make your selections now, a 19 fl Me Ideal Gift 1'a eta' (q00 s19 1'a 119 09 eta tl JEWELER and ENGRAVER WROXETER ,. 06509000991099414. DOoiOIAO@11AiRtt 4 ii0i00M.0i01.ON099909Al06 A. Ladies' Bracelet Watch. We have in at.ock several high grade makes. Palette $15 (10 up Gond stunk 1,t (dents' Watches in Waltham and ltegintt (1105o• mental i11 hest- Gold Filled and Niels el Cases from $1000 up. See our 1.111e. ....- . Pearl set Necklaces A(('11 Neer boxes Diamond Thugs 0 0 \Ve 11(0511 t1 nice neem' meat of 0 Diamond Rings it1 stool,. Out 1 prices are close and these were bought. at the old price. Dia- 19 'need Rings 1,t $16, $25, $85, $50. d $75 and $100 each and we guar.. ti 11,,011 gnncl value at each 19 pi ice, 0 E. asam't111en0 of Ladies' Pearl Set laers 1011 and 141e i11 nice display g, at $10,00 and up, w • Cuff Links, 'Pio Pins, Wn.ldet)tar Chn,ine via XCuives e Gents' Signet hints, Brooches, Robs, .Etc. g Call and see the Assortment. ' Q d Wateronan's Ideal Fountain Pens • Call anti get a Point to suit p your hated, A useful gift, 0 Pelee $2 60 and 1,p. 0 hd111+a,( 1 2 19 • \Ve have thele -all the eery models and a complete stock, .,Also De - 0 • ad idyl r0neivetl an assortment o) China in Haled13ot'1: Cake Plante Bun 13Cn8 Su gars and (h 1111115, Eta. A nice, line of Out Gh1 a of the list quality, How about a Kodak for Xmas ? veloping and Printing Oetflts. Priam $1,75 each, J. Ra ENDT 4 4, O 8 GrauePies O O e Fruits 0 • • • • Stationery Potent MedIeIoes O e flour and a a feed 9 • at to north r O and • Purity flour • Fresh Bread • Every Bay • • • O • • 9004909ea• Hoff Hrinks Tobaccos and Cigora Highest Prices • Paid far ali hinds of Produce • 4 • s 4+•••OL••••••0 9,44;40•04.041 . 414@349494e4•4E00001.49.44.40 4 11' vs In � , :i Crocery The Store of Quality WE. :fief:154 kntp art (11';,dfa11• '1,0(1 of lIaney and 1iapit ("impales, P1•ttits told (.unt(•eliouer�3. We 111(101(1l o"' all mar r 4,111311(. If 11111 ytil11g you buy here is not r',lht, t1-- will he pleased to 111,1-11 you tell us nod we will 11(111111 it right. Look at some Prices Keung'( Toasted Oorn Flakes Puffed Rica and Wheat .., Kellog's 8111,111 Bran ... ,. Canned Oben ... .. (11111 and Poi,a ..... •• Canued'1'ulnatnes . The Patients Clover Lottf Salmon Libby's Red Soelteye Salmon 411 Lnluldry Sterne ,,. Infau(s' Delight Toilet Soap 15c or 2 for 250 151, per package 1de per package 100. per can 1511 pet 0x11 201 per 1(11(1 50e per large 0:111 40e pet large 1,1a11 3 bin's for 27e 3 hat's fon 26 Our New Raisins, Cul: ante, Dater and Peels are herr. New ie the time to buy fon- your Yulas Cake, GUESSING CONTEST '1'11 the nue guessing the neareet number of beaus 111 a j n'—I'ivat prize, 10)1 lite, Purity Flour ; Second p1 ize, 10 lbs, G tan Meted Sugar. One guess with each $1.0110104(1 pur0hase a1' goods, Conteet-commences Dec. 5th 1,t 0 a. l(1. aunt closes 11 p. m. Nnlas Eve. \\'e have a 11110 stork of 1 apeteres and Fano}, Goods for Christmas. Call and see there, 6 • a • • O4 • • • 4 4 • ••• 1 • • • • • • • P O • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • Chocolates and Confectionery • 0 a • b • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • .6•940.60600060 0040.0••••••••••••••••00•• Oho stock compvi001 all the best makes of Chocolatee, Creams, Etc. S+, our display of P anr y Boxes before yell m, Quick Lunches on Short Notice. a4 -Call and awe us when in town, We deliver goods to all parts of the Village, No order too small and none tun large for ns t1: fill. Phone yoti (wolves. Phone No, 229 W. T. SPENCE ETHEL Miss Lillian E. Duggan, deaconess, who canvassed Brussels and locality for aid to the Upper Canada 'Tract Society recently, received about $80.0o, Rev. Dr. Hazen, Listowel, has been secured to preach the Christmas anniver- sary sermons in Brussels Methodist church, on Sunday, December 28, Special music will be provided. An envelope Thank -offering will also be asked by the Board, CHARMER HELD FoR't•t-c —Walkerton Telescope—A Listowel party, who claims to be the seveuth sou of a seventh son three times over, is reported to have held forth at Neustadtoue day last week, when he engaged in charming away diseases of all kinds, Whether it was goitre or gall -stones it was all the same to this wonder -worker, who while claim- ing divine assistance In his cures did not require any faith on the part of his patients. Well, Barnum was certainly right, Money Well spent In [.hese days of expensive living the question with most, people is to gat the best valne for one's money, In the case of newspapers or Magazines there can be no dunbt about The Family herald and Weekly Star of Montreal giving the grettlesl value for the money on the continent, The Family Herald and Weekly Star is tt u woe eeful d combination of newspaper, P Per, ll1lagaazine, and agricultural paper. Ii costs only $1 25 a year anti each SW). Scriber 1'ettei0118 a Tian deotlle souvenir port ail. ot'the Prince of Waive, 10x22 inches. WO 11110.11 the subscription price will ba $1 50 ate: December 31st. No better value 01111 be had than a year's lain) of the big 1.41 tin eat \Veek• ly. it 001181800 of 04 pages each week and ,:very page interesting and in- structive. Howick Council Connell 1)111, in Bea 1011he (ck's rooms Peed wick, on November 19111, pursu- ant l(1 ad4,nu•n men t. Members pres- ent, peeve in chair, Minutes or last meeting read and on motion 111 Arm. et and Willleulann were adopted. Moved by Lynn and Inglis that :5770 Patriotic Innney in he I.'rettsttr- t>r's hands he I ralsrert'od to the general tummy of the '1'ow118(1ip to be used' for the .presentation and reception fund foe the returned soldiers, Car- ried, Moved by Williamson and Arm- strong that following accounts be paid :— Fred. A. 0tigar, getti(ieal11 and letting contract, wt Darroch Award $ 28 75 0111ni5ip(i1 Wurltl, As8essmeet }toll and supplies 8 75 Gordon Gibson, bal. 0nnti&0t j1, idge, lot 28, Con 12 & (8 , 000 ((0 Gonion Gibann, pa'L cootrttut bl idge on 141. & god hay ..,, . , 500 00 '1!hn,a Lillis, part pay 1111 ditch 80 00 It J. Santimeoll, grading and filling hill and spreading gravel , •. ....... .. .. 110 (10 Jnwes \Volker, gravelling lots 15 & 10, Oon. 6 . 232 05 Ford 1411Lhertur, gietve1 ...., ,..... 83 50 I l'. S0Lhern, gl (0001. ...., 3 00 119111.9 limper 1, hill 221 60 W. H. Webber, tent of road- way .....• ,..... 2 50 Alex, St. Marie, gravel !11,11,1 cleaning (111(111 8 80 A :ii, Gallaltar, blowing out stumps and stones ,,. ........ 10 75 Geo, Robertson, filling holes—. 18 00 Wm, 11 Corbett, posts and put ing� in sante ...., 205 00 (1, Maxwell, gravelling 4,11(0 gtltvel ... , 167 05 Geo, Ashton, work on 1•I111 ..... 20 00 Gen. Johnston, gravel .. 1 30 0, Hubbard, gravel and Inspec- tor. of bridge work . 19 11) O. Hubbard, sheep killed by dugs ..... 14 00 JamesWright'., gravelling lot. 10vr10,ann. 15 .................•.. 15655 R (4, Naychaving, ditch 3 00 Henry Meiree, completing Ern - net Mahood's portion of the Darroch drain100 00 W. Rogers, hal. of Tp. portion of the Leonard drain , 78 00 R, Harding, gravel . 4 40 Geo. Wylie, plank nn in idge1 25 Bert. Lltild, gravel........... 11 80 Frank Strong. sheep killed by dos . Mrs, 12,. F. White, supper for 152 QO tettll•Iledsoldiers 85 00 Ryrie pros, Ltd,, ting8 for re - I meted soldiers 10 40 00 3, H, Fingers, expenses soldiers peeseutatiou 19 45 J, Beswithetlick, rent of room 1 60 Council adjourned to meet j1, town ship Hall, taort ie, Monday, 15111inst. A Great Event An event of the greatest importance to every than and woman interested in Agriculture in this Province, is the approaching Convention of the U 1l. 0., l0 be held inl.n t onto no i December 10, 17 and 18 This gatheeing hill be of great significance to the ftuvuieg Community, You should keep in touch with every move made. You Dan 400 this, l y reading, the farmers' own paper, The Farriers' Sun, which will give most exhaustive repot Is of every matter discussed at the Bleat Convention, During 1920 there will be many 1111• provetnents In The Snit. Bvety dw .partment will be enlarged, era -modeled and strengtheeed, Although the cost of the ilnprovernents to be trade will be great, and, All 1llcl'elt8e in the sub- s rl tine e p price necessary, the price has not been raised yet and 911.00, if remitted at onee, will secure for you, without doubt, the greatest farm newspaper for 1020 Send 111 your subscription at once and get your neighbor to take advent - toga of the present 0uhrrti!')til)tl Mire. There Is 110 11111111• paper just like 'The Su',, end 111,11e fu the 8(111111 position to bell, leu Over 30,0110 Cent l° 1444'1,1 111 tlb •1 theft for the tine, 'Why not you ? lid 11(1(11111-11111' IIII 11,1 t '1'1115 FAT( Al SUN, TORONTO, ON - TA R I O, Atwood - \titel J.131 EH (1'111?In PAHnks A t r,y -Sunday u 111,9 uuahlin,e, Nov 16 h lb'•te rr, \`•Net) away in the pe 1.8111, If 11,'9 .I I1•. Lri'ig, one who fur ul'Iny 0(1110 hal brew a 1-11sid0111 of Elton tl,1vn'llir' Thr late M,s. III Pig 11•/14 111,11i in Lalge, Aenthtnd, 111111 8(1('1' 111(11111140 lived ('1(r a titer in Abet deem In 1881, the (11(11190,11110 to (4uladt, localing fleet at P01Is nleieg. In 1888 they moved to 1+'lwn, ,akin{( up the far 111 where they resided until a short time Ego, when owing to ill health on the part of both Mr, hull Mrs. Greig, they made their hence with their daughter, Mrs. John Hamilton, 8111 Ctnn. Of the original ti 1tlelahets or the thtuiIv, John, Jsinei, Keihai10, 1sahelle, Mad garret 011s. John Homjll11,1 B0111• rine Gley, Gen, Hamilton,: only 8 ,.110- vivP. Thong!) in failing health, Mts. (it'elg's death rattle 10i 111 stltrllilig steldet nt'sg, Retiring Salm day Mehl with 110 premonition et' illness berm v Sunday morning's light had 001110 she passed to that bourne rim)) whnnr11 no lt'avelle1• fellnt•t18• Flhle1'111 the follow- ing :Tuesday wets 111111(11(111 et! by Rev. W. D. McDonald and was letrgely at- tended, ahowi (114� the esteem in which she was held, Pall bear1 -a wore chos- en froth old neighbors of th01'2th Con. Sympathy i8 expteseetl with bereaved in the lass of their wife, a loving mother and a splendid neighbor. Grey SI'Hoot. }LgPute'r.—[11011 wing is re- port for 14. S. Nu. 10, Grey for the month (1f November So. IV. -.Roy Patersnl1, Gordon I 8perran, I1. I\'- _ Lun'a 11c). I u 111,1', AVilla tiprirlul, Pion" 11:D.olald, Roes Speit'itp, 11yrll' Jlnlleubeck, Al time Whitfield. Sr, 111—Melvin Clu11ochan, Alahel Cox, Myrtle Ward, Laura Patterson, Eldon 'Whit field. Jr. 11I—Viotnr Baker, Berms, Speit•an, Annie Inglis, Kate Stevenson, Lillian Whitfield, Se. 11--! Nelson Whitfield, Bart, Neabel, Leslie Patterson. Jt. 11—Doris Neabel, 1 (llllfore Speiran, Greta Baker. Jr. I--- Rucsel \V hitfteid, Pearl Oarnaehan, Pr.—Wilma Baker, Wilda Baker, A Class—Hilton Speiran• May Catno- cban, Arthur Neabel. Names are in order of merit. A. M. MAoP1aENmtN, Teacher. Sellout. Rrrorrr,—Followiltg is the report of S. S. Ni,, 5, Grey fur Novem. bet•. Class 1V --Isobel Bremner, Flo- rence B19•m1101'; Earl Mills, Joe Arm• sla'nng, Nell Campbell, Rete Mills. Sr. III—Edna N veleigh, Alex, Alexander, Margaret Armstrong. Jr. III—Ethel Ward, Clarence Clarke, Jessie Camp- bell, Melvyn Hamilton, Willie Lucas, Marge' et MtNeil, 2nd Blass—Nor lean Hennes, Stanley Alexander, '!'nm Lucas. 1st Class—Lentz Ward, Hughes Al•mstl'ong. Pr. Sr,—Ross McNeil, Leola 1Uills. Pr. Jt,—Annie Eveleigh, Bella Lucas. 01. Burt+Kits, 'I'earher. Morris Russel Richmond received the hide and the horns of a caribou shipped from ltyeland, North Ontario, by his son, 3, H. Richmond, who was ml a hunting and trapping tour of the North cotln1ty, 'P118 horns contain 12 prongs cath nod have a span of over 5 feet.. \V111, P111SLAN OALLLD.—Friday, Novato bet, 281.11, \Villia1n Ph01an, a long and respected resident, of Morris, passed away. He was born in York County 64 yentas ago and with hie par- ents moved to Morris when a young boy, He was held in high esteem by all who knew bim, possessing the manly qualities of honesty, sobriety and integrity and was always ready to render any kindness to others. He leaves to mourn, his wife and 6 child- . . I\i.�;-.5l1- CAP+S1,..1.Y',SI 'ran r,. ,;I.4.,. 1'..l, U •, 1,11..1: oaf-I.1f 1,WLi'I11TIS,SC,AT(G4 `-y lLUI'1BAaGO,NEUIIALGIA,GOUTETC; I ASURE 1£111:1- FOR THE WORST HEADACHE Use PER BOX T(:MPLETONS L`° Mrs: NI v ,142 NG SU TOMN121 (tl:nlnuity has inc-sed n t'rncical rhennaliia eta , 131 since lent. I e n. 111,1:10, ate :TenyeoIyitthot41,in 1"•t1':•haw: mid huspt• telt e ohl 111 1,11a y •t 1'011 r ro,11:1(4 v.. 1105,., roil rti:ht 1,l house Ly 55111 'r,lt.(i,', "the r<.1111 ell ',use 11 end, Ilett," just ,'nlllpere 1n.i 11,.1 (';,nl1(1 with r. "r caller ttenlnt•nt no, y+'r tr•14 le' cow•h'.c. 11. .Tek 750, dr^y(0I.- e1 104'1 • un 11,' ., c t .ol try t it•tg 1,001.1..11 it is inures - 50l 'old , ':Io you , O/e,; ,'11111„ 1^bss, 142 0(1 101.10. 1'y„ Toronto), we :unit anywhere ca teculpt ;f $1,0.11 Sole agent i11 Llrnsaele, Tae. Pox, Druggist. (0122 Its ASSAM quality gives ft that rich flavor TEAIs good tea Sold only in sealed packagers eon: " gill+, 1, :cella and Marge) et' and 4 b 'ys, Jame., Tiros , mid Louis, !Himment it 1(5 111(1(01' i11 11110, ly R. C. ('emrlery on 11111111113', DPP. 1st, Mae 'Trios ti N1,1'.(tst,N i lt':t'I2.1n1'tD.---- Atl old and highly 1''te•Pllyd rw.ideul of 51 ot1 is le'wu'hip passed away in Madison Ohi.y (('elhie'thty. NovPulbOr 2611,, 111 the person id' Jane Marshall Andel sou, relict of 1 he late Thos. Andet Roth in her 02nd year. Mee. Anderson lived for many ;•011tH on the 4t11 Line of Mortis, 111nst of Belgrtwe anti was newt, highly •ealeentetf by a large circle or friends. Remains were brought to Belgra've on Saturday, ,nxr vsxoc.rs srw.,uawomsaer>nwmum�rr fwearsl :-ervtre held In Belgrave Methodist ritnrch on Tuesday after- noon following and interulent fu the 1'1111119 plot i11 Brandon cemetery. Molesworth David Campbell, who (Trendy sold his ratan at Moleswm 11, has pu0nhas- ell foe $6,5110, the50acre faun of Hugh Tipping, on the (Valluue road, just e. 11111,• ,.1(l,-ide Listowel. His bt•other, Beatty Campbell, who also sold his plate- 'n 11e rnrnnlntl't has bought I I t l y 1,a gh 11 Int) dere Tal In ill Mt'ttilt Pleasant, South of Bratltford, We wish Llletn the 0116c11se they desire. Prepare for Winter We have in stock a splendid line of goods to keep you warm, UNDERWEAR --In All Wool, Fleece -lined and Un- ion ['1,r Mets and Boys, Women and Children, KNITTED UNDERSKIRTS -- Dark Grey, for Children's Fleece -lined Hygiene Waists, Heavy All Wool Stockings and Socks. Boys' All Wool Pullover Sweaters, Men's Military Flannel Work Shirts. - Military Flannel by the: yard, Flannelett,, Blankets. Mitts, Lined Gloves, Men's Winter Caps, Toques, etc. These liars are selling fast_ Give us the privilege 'l' tilling your requirements now. R. C. RA T HWELL, Moncrie'ff 0+4+0+514.40.60,6•+6+0+0+.6.6.64. 3d•06'54+414•064.6.1'041•0+4.4+•40+41 ) • 5� 4 4 1 • The Seaforth Creamery e .9 • + e rea ted 4 e i' Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. • We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test + It honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- + pies and pay you the highest market prices every two a weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. • For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. e McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to •F The Seaforth Creamery Co. • SEAFORTH, ONT. • +4'F•+•+4FM••+4+++4+c{.•+4,+•+0+A+O+0+0449006040+604'00'11'." i 64400.0•ail•••••©+•••••0.04••••••••0••••••••••0••••,)•• •••••••••••••a1L•1••••••••• 0•4.0•0•B•00••••.+•••••4, • • •• • • •► • + • • • • • • • • •• • • • • 0 0 • • i • YOUR FARM Will Yield Larger and Better Crops if you FEED Yolur Lands with tone's Fer MOW 064ERESIROZOOMIKRMIL 00/1 141011111MMOIONIIMUMIII Eliz They are rich in AVAILABLE Plant Food—are made from materials of Highest Ouality, Their mechanical condition is unexcelled. No dogging in the drill. S i • •• • • • • • • • • • 4 O • 0 •. • •: •' •: 0' 0 • STONE BRANDS give results and Government Analysis run over Guarantee 0 • SEE OUR LOCAL AGENTH. /� R� BRUSSELS P. 0., R, R. 4 • 10 , Phone 161'4. •I MANUFACTURERSol Wrn. Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. •• , • "Por the Land's Sake" use Stone's Fertilizer•� 4 0064.4,041100+•0x,•10•.49•••••••4.•i•4.4••••4.4.••w••..4.•••••44•.44•A4+4..4.•••4•.A•4..4•••+.••••••••••4•$4 O,