The Brussels Post, 1919-12-4, Page 84 • 1 • Larger and more elaborate boxes are • $r.00 and $r,5o and all the way • up to the very complete box at • $5 0o each. Boxes of Childc•eu's Stationery at 300 each. etE dell. ?i 4,44 014+ + l b� ,Lett I $ % t-e't! r ,103.'f THE ur S� 1 Iy • u Idea has, taken hold and the Christmas Shopping Season is now on. We are rapidly getting prepar- ed for it and arnong the lines that we have on full I• display and that can be purchased to better advant- age now than later on are ; Boxed stationery A gift that keeps the retuem• branee until the last sheet is used, Neatly decorated boxes are to be bed at 250. 350 and see each. Alo+ 44 b •F 4a Correspondeuce Cards with Envel- opes to match - 35c, hoc and 750 pkgs. Writing Portfolio Has a cover of a gay patterned chintz and contains linen paper and envelopes. Priced at $r.00 Christmas Cards The sleek is in and the de- signs, colorings and words, are, we think, better than ever before. Christmas Cattle in very plain styles or showing more color if desired, at 3c, 50, roc, 150, and 250 each, 'rbere is a wide choice now so come in and look over them at your leisure while it is easy to make the selection. Christmas Post Cards, 50 and ioc. Private Christmas Greeting Cards We have a book showing sam- pies of these, Can take your order and have your name and address printed on the card you like. Waterman's Fountain Pens They hold the first place iu the different makes of Pens. $a 50, $2 75, $3 00 and $4 00 each Magazines Developing and Printing We handle t hese and esu take your order for any of them including— i How about having a fresh lot of Toronto Saturday Night , Photo Prints made from some of your Saint day Evening Pott favorite Negatives—jest the thing for slippinginto Christmas letters. We Ladies' Horne o e onroal I nen do chem for youo the mat• (.'on airy Geutlemao, &c, I meal if you do yourour ownn Printing, ing, Fg g 4 • Th :% oo .ei Score not 44+0+0+0+G+6+o +•++Pett+®'A0+4' •4.6+.64+++,+'O+4)+++ +++4+4++ Druggist and Stationer anti ,tieba tents 3 weeks to Christmas. —� •'MICKEY" next Monday evening, See advt. A new smoke stack will have to be ' put up at the Electric Light plant, COUNTY Council is in session this week and Reeve Plo:u in attendance from Brussels. RISING waters have dose away with the temporary footbridge over the Maittaud, near the old flax mill site, un- til next Spring. 423 CORDS of hard wood were dispos- ed of from the corporation wood lot, during past year, clearing out all that was cut. Another supply will be got ready. Men may be at it now. "MICKEY," the much heralded and most widely advertised production in all America. comes to Brussels on Decem- ber 8. Don't miss this chance to see this picture. of homemade REM F .MBE R the sale baking next Wednesday afternoon un- der the auspices of the Women's Insti• tote. The Committee wish for a liberal response from all interested. Lunch will be served. BRUSSELS Skating rink is now open and there will be skating Monday. Wed- nesday. Friday and Saturday evenings. Also Saturday afternoon until turther notice. Price 15 cents for adults and TO cents for. children learning, OWING to the reduced traio service Dr. Porker will, until further notice, I visit Brussels on Mondays nub/ instead of Monday and Thursday afternoons as I formerly. Future hours from 8 a, m,, to 8 p. m , Mondays at the Queen's hotel. FIRST Monthly Horse Fair of this season Thursday of this week and will he continued during the ensuing Win- ter on the Thursday preceding the first Friday of each month, List of dates may be read in another column of THE POST, APOLLO Concert Co Saturday even- ing, December loth, Town Hall, Brus• sets. They give the choicest of pro- gram in instrumental and vocal music, literary selections, Re., and will be worth coming miles to hear. A full house is expected, Plan of Hall at Fox's chug store. THE high wind of last Saturday. play ed high Duke and a partial summary of its work Was the felling of the smoke - slack at the Electric light plant, the toppling d one of the large chimneys of the Methodist ...buret), overturning of shade and fruit trees, sundry funnels for chimneys, &c. Fortunately R. Thuell was able to keep tho electric lights go - Eng. TRAINS CUT ors', --Monday, according to promise, off came a train each way on the G. T. R , the noon and 4 p. tn. ser- vice being cancelled. Consequently there is neither mail nor express from the East until after g o'clock each night and if train is late worse than that, Postoffice will not be open for the dia• tribution of mail after night train ar- rives bet will be really next a. m Ex press Agent Wright has a difficult task at this busy season of the year. It's n 'peach" of a ser- vice all right. Rural mail couriers n°W it+ave Brussels Post office at 8.25 a. m, enol will have the pleasure of breaking instead of the roads after .eT euowslorms hitting the beaten roadway of the after. wren. The morning newspaper is a misnomer under the present arrange - meet, Wonder if railroads really own this country and do se they please with. out consulting anybody 4 Coal shortage is given as the reason. SKATING at rink Saturday evening of thio week if cold weather continues. THERE is a likelihood of Listowel hockey team, the cup holders of the Northern League, playing their schedule in Brussels rink on account of their rink being blown down. REGULAR meeting of Brussels branch of the W. C. T. U , will be held at 3 p. m , Friday of this week at the home of the President, Mrs, A. Mc- Guire. Report of Provincial Conven. tion will be given and a cordial invita- tion is extended, Wo are now prepared to repair harness and shoes quickly as wo have secured extra help. BIOHAROS & Co. 8 young pigs, weight 80 lbs., for sale. Also a young oow Phone 4511. RussELL, Lof at t 20, C7Morrie. FoR SALE.—A general purpose filly, rising 8 years also ifi pigs 6 weeks old. joint GRANT, xn. Pho to 256,Lot 6,Do 12,Gre . y FonSALE.—Bail organ, six active, piano cage, walnut, also cabinet bench,to Colonial IL- L.u. For partioularsn, apply , Taos, WIL• LUMtenN, Lot. 26, Con. 14, Grey. FOR BALM one MIitch oow and 8 calves, (Dur- ham ) Apply to IRENE Foassa, 16th Con., R. R. No. 2, lerneeels. BaooO Sow for sale, due to farrow about Deo. 6th. WM. AL0RRsoN, 18•tf Phone 8617 7th Line Morrie. PURE bred Oxford Ram and Ewe Lambs for sate, DAMaRON Oont14, aassm, Phone 407 LoCon. 8, Grey. Fon SALE. -2 comfortable dwellin houses. I. C. RTOHARDS. YOUNG girl wanted to learn pant and vest making. Wages $500 a week to start with. Apply to R. FeignemN, Brnaaels. Da, PARSRR, Osteopathic Physician, visits Br s i nda afterrtnon of each eek uo els M o y w Ohrne ,and nervous cee. ea suitationil Queen's Hotel. rnsidanoee. Consultation at Queen's Hotel. JNo E. SMITH CALLED AWAY —A well known resident of Brandon, and a form- er business man in Brussels, died Mon- day of last week in the person of John E Smith, brother to Mrs. J. R Smith, of Brussels in his 71st year. His de- mise was not unexpected as he had been quite ill for a few weeks previous. Fun - oral took place Friday. To Mrs, Smith, who was Miss Lizzie Ross, of town. and other members of the family sincere sympathy is extended, Fuller notice next week GET THEM Rioter AWAY,—A limited number of Reserved Course tickets for the remaining three entertainments yet to be held in Brussels Town Hall in the Chautauqua course are offered for sale including tear tax at $1 75 each. While the two eutertaintnents given were fine those to follow •vill prove A t—They are the Apollo Concert Company of 5 Star musicians, the Hawaain Quartette, and the Bissochi's Florentine Musi- cians. , The above offer is made in order that s number of odd seats on the plan may be d.sposed oL Take it up quickly and get seats marked off at Fox's Drug Store, Next Concert Saturday, Deo, 20111. MATRIMONIAL —A quiet wedding was solemnized hl Si, John's church by the rector, Rev Henry Smith, Tuesday of this week at t p m., when Myrtle Beat- rice Wilson, deukhter of the late James and Mrs. Wilsoo, and Harry Querin. Galt, son cf Joseph and Mrs. Querin, Brussels, were linked up for life. They were unattended, except for little MiSS Dunelda MacDonald, neice of tho bride, as flower girl, The bride and groom left on the 2.3o 0, P, R, train from Walton for their home in Galt earrying with them the hearty good wishes of a Wide circle of friends for a smooth -and pleasant voyage over the matrimonial sea. A wedding d,•jeuner was served at the (tome of Miss Inman, the bride's half sister, Mr. Queriu holds a good position in Galt, orn Expected Shortly. Order your supply now. Highest Cash Price for POTATOES Delivered at Store W. J. McCracken GROCER Chautauqua AT Brussels LYCEUM COURSE Splendid Program Apollo Concert Co. SATURDAY, 11181'. 20 The Liliou Kalani Hawaiian Quartette JANUARY 17 Vissochis Florentine Musicians MAROH 3 Plan of Reserved Seats open at Fox's Drug Store. STORMS of last Saturday and Senday made considerable trouble for the Tele- phoneP Company in broken and tsugled wires from falling trees, flying limbs and the gale that blew. NAVY LEA= g —'The amounts collect- ed in Brussels and locality for the Navy League are as follows Mesdames S. S. Scott and Gil- roy $ 9 95 MT's. Parker 3 25 R. McKinnon enol JWork 26 00 Miss Ruth Sinclair 8 00 Airs. R Downing and Miss Mae Wood.20 00 Miss M. Smith and Mrs, Lowry . to go Mlesdanles R. Thomson and 21. L. Jackson. ..... .............. 29 00 MIrs. Strachan 4 35 Armistice Dance . ....... ......... 5 oo Miss Mae Smith 5o Mrs. T. Alcock . . so Mrs, A. Adams-- ..... 1 00 Mrs. Jest. Robb t 00 $110 03 '['his amount was remitted by Mrs. A. Lamour, Treasurer of Brussels Women's institute, which organization arranged to canvass. Thanks are returned to all who assisted and the hope expressed that the money may be wisely and prop• erly expended, FOUND SAVOR WITH THE PEOPLE — Wednesday evening of last week the second of the series of entertaintneuts being put on by the Chautauqua Com- mittee of Brussels was held in the Tuwu Hall, and selducn does an audience leave the Hall as unanimous in praising the en- tertainer. He was Sydney Landon, of Cieveiaud, pleasant mannered, kende manly iu his address, a ready speaker and a quiet humor that added to the in serest. As he impersonated, various characters such as Victor Hugo, K p- iing, Bill Nye, &c., &c , he did so in voice, gesture and the aid of tonsorial and cosmetic arlornnteut. The ei I ours sped away nuly too quickly as be deline- ated the characters represented Maty a hint and a word of counsel was d,op ped and the whole program was on a high plane that bad an uplift in it. Mir. Landon was introduced by B. S. Scott in a few complimentary sentences and a resolution of appreciation was preseuttd to the entertainer on motion of F. H. Gilroy a^d Rev, Mr. Mann supported by J. T Wo.d A fi'ting re, ponsew..s tnade to'f,e tr,,,,,l ,•:Ings said nl the CU- tertalnmen: and tite coming talent for the next 3 programs were warmly nom - mended by Mr, Landon, The Apollo Concert( omuanv conies vex', dais hs Eng Saturcia;. 20th inst. A packers Hall is counted 011 as the "ileut is No 1 Get your seat emir, CALLED UN THEIR ('LAS -MA'T'E — 'Tues. day eveumg of fist week the members of Mrs, Parket 'Bcless in the Methodist Sunday school, accompanied by their teacher, treked to the comfortable bonze of John G. and M.s Speir, sJ mi'es South, and presented the latter (eho was Miss Army Roe and the l';esident of the class before her =triage) with a choice set of dessert silver spools, ac- companied by the following a,ldress, read by Miss Pearl Dark, Miss Myrtle Carter tusking the presentation 1— DEAR AMY —As aelaas we have gather- ed here to'uight at your new home to ex- tend congratulations and to well you every happiness. For a Dumber of years you have been a faithful member of the "We Want U" elms and we fel' we could not afford to let this °ppor'en. sty pass without showing, in some tangible way, our esteem for you We miss you very much in our Crass i dt our loss will be other's gain. We ask you to accept this gift, not for its intrie - sic value but as a small i emombranco of the "We Want U" Class We are glad you bave not gone so far away but that you will have the opportunity of visa- ing us both in our Class and 10 our hotnes, Again wishing you and Mr, Steele happiness and pi asperity. Bip- ed on behalf of the Class. Mrs Speir very appropriately rep'ied and thanked the class tor their gilt. She wi tiid never forget the good times she bail en• joyed and wished all concerned progress in their work. A few hours were most enjoyably spent in a social way and home•maile candy was dispensed before the young ladies said Good eight to Mrs. and Mr. Speir, wishing them many happy, prosperous years, :tt fit Petaplel Wr» 'i'€llis Atiottt John Simmons spent the Week encs in London. Jas. P'ox was in Toronto for a fern days last week, ), 1` end Mrs. Wood were at London for a few clays and attended Gipsy Smith's meetings. Miss Ross, of Richards' Lauding, Manitoulin, is a visitor with Mrs. W, A. Lowry, Princess street, Travelling Inepeetor Bsyley was in town last week iu eocuectiou with the Workmen's COtnpeuaatlun Flatted. D. G. White, of Frederick, Maryland, U S , is a visitor at the home of Earl and Mrs Ameut. The latter is a daugh- ter. Last week Rey. A. J and Mrs. Mann spent a few clays in London and heard the stirring messages of Gipsy Smith, the well known evangelist. Miss Mimi Reuter was rat Wingbam Last Friday attending a meeting of the D strict Jpvorti League Executive, planning the work for the year, Mrs G. C. Keepers was called to De- troit on account of the serious illness of her brother. He underwent au opera- tion and is progressing favorably. Mrs D. C. Ross is at Bay City, Mich., whither she went to attend the Golden .den Wedding of her brother, John Ames and wife, formerly of Brussels. Old friends extend cougralulations. Charlie and Harold Kerr, who arriv- ed borne some mouths ago from Ger- many, where !bey were doing duty with the 13' itish army of occupation, have opened a silk tie manufactory iu the city of Vancouver, B C , where their parents are residing, and are finches; a ready market for their output. The former received some battering at the battle of St. Julien but Harold came through without a scratch. They are sons of Rev. W. 15 and Mrs, Kerr formerly of Outsrio. BORN MAOEAn0F.aN. In Grey township on Novem- ber 20th 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Mo• Enohern a eon—Winston Ross. MARRIED QuEnTN—WILSON•—At St, John's church, Brussels, by the rector, Rey. Henry Smith, on December 2nd, 1019, Mr, Barry Querin, of Galt, to Miss Myrtle Beatrice Wilson, denghter of the Irate James and Mrs. Wil- son, Brussels, h hone of the bride's parW oak enr Ent.—At the 1 December 8 Rev. ,l . Mann, B. AWork, on Greytownship, sed,,019, Mr, Mary A. Work, er Greyy. aw 61 ro, A MissMary E.10 is ghter town. or Mr. and Mrs, Allan Speir, Morris town. ship, Oren DOBSON, In Souris, Ilan., on October 4th, 1919, George Dobson, formerly of Grey town• ship, in his 86th gene, Fos nae.—la Grey township, on December 8rd, 1919, Angnatne Campbell, beloved wife of Wm. Forbes, aged 73 years and 6 months. Funeral Friday at 1 30 o'clock, service at 1. internment 1n Brussels cemetery. JAOxsON,—Irl Morris township, on Nov. 80th, 1910, Jernee Jackson, nerd 72 years. MODONAI.0,—In Morris township, on Novem- ber 80th, 1010, Sadie Iethel Lamont, belov- e cifmona ofsxnd Deealld McDonald, aged 81 years, 4M1oIil25 daye. ronARL—In Wroxeter, on November 00111 1018, Fanny Montgomery, relict of the lute Archibald McMichael, aged 82 years. SMITH.—In Brandon. Man., on November 24th, 1010. John E. Smith, formerly of Brussels, in hia7tst year. AUCTION SALES TnnaenAY, DEO. Oma.—Farm stook, linens. menta, &a., Lot 5 Con. 16, Grey township. Sale unreserved at 1 19, m. Chas. Connor, Prop. F. S. Scott, Aso. TotaDAY, DEOat1BER 16TH: Farm Stock, • SA Lot 28, Con. 1, Morrie township. Sale unreserved, at1 pone, JAS. H, VANOAMP, Prop. T. R. Bennett, Aue. BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter Eggs Hogs g Wool Eisv • oa per bag Env 01 oo x2 10 86 85 its 125 65 66 1600 1600 70 76 15 00 15 00 Teacher Wanted Qualified tenoher Wanted for S. S. N), 0, y g Morris township, duties to commence Jenn. ram, 1 brood sow, 5 pigs 2 months old, Sale ary 6th. 10:0. Salary $11i.0 per annum. Appli- without reserve as Proprietor is moving 1.o cation, stating qualifications and experience, smaller farm.. Terms, -12 months credit gin tc be addressed to en on fnrniehing approved joint notes, 0% ,TOSEPH BE W LEY, allowed off for cash. R. R. No, 5, Blyth. JAS. H. VANOAMP, Proprietor, I\\ .E CSONSr).RiJC- 'fIONistaleordcr _ of the dafir, • if you have formed the Sav« ings habit you are prepared to sheet its opportunities; if Ilot, reconstruct your n1F.tlloda and begin today. We have a Savings Department at every Branch. 2p THE 014, BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAM IS - - MANAGER Teacher Wanted Qualified teacher wanted for S, 8, No. 4 Grey township, duties to commence Jan. 111., 1020, Normal trained end Protestant. State salary, qualification and experience. Applioa• !tots received up to 15111 fist, B, PAYN, Blnevale, R, R, 2. Taxpayers of Grey Township AsDecember 14th,th,(the last day to pay Tax- es beforehis of is s given talk, on r payments its year this re Satin la given 111 call Our Axy % ed. dt to • before be eay 18th incl. 1, bis sly di tion this nomads otter Mint date, Kindly wept this notification. J. P. J. BISHOP, 'Pax Colleatar, Ethel. Short Morn Dull Calves for Sale Undersigned offers for sale 5 Short Horn ' bull calves, from the well known sire, Hers. field Stamp bred by Harry Smith and owned by undersigned. A cow, Princess Pat from same boll, sold at Bricker's sale, Elmira re. cantly for $1000, the highest price at safe. Re- port says "She is a heifer of Show calibre and 6 years old." Hersfleld Stamp is also for sale. WIII also eel] a regietered Berkshire hog. 534 Lot 80, Con. 6, Morris township. JNO. G. HPEIR, Phone 106 Brussels P. O. Farm For Sale Beira North X, Lot 22, Con. 4. Morris town- ship, all under grans. There is a good bank barn, driving shed and herr ]rouse. Splendid orchard and a never failing spring on the plane. For f,rrther partioulars apply to JOSEPH DAVIDSON. 106 Sackville Street London, Ont. or F. S. Scott, Brussels, Ont. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FAR 51 STOCK. T. R, Bennett, ett Auctioneer, has ra eiv ed teatime• Mona from Ole undersigned Proprietor to soil (ece at r� Lot 1 Con 1 Morris byPubllo Au S t r-f6th at'! o'clock the following • Tuesday, valuable et following vofnseh at calved : 1 , 1 cog due e d 1 fro 1 co due to ears of eh c, 1 oo cow, w Icalve cow at time pf elle, 1 oow dna let el , 1 cow duede indJe e,Aprte 1 oow duo in Mlay, , 1 en 2 yearsJune, 4 rl age 2 rs. 2 and 1 ]r eife 2 2old,2 old,g1yenro5lefersris heifers, 2 deers rising g 1 lees 106ltet n e rising 1 1 enr old, 2 Gun calves, 16 down ewes. 1 down $ICKEY"1 •t 3 •hd•ti 1.3 a,••Fo •hd• t•P i•• d• 6 r f •Pd •Fd b 3 Fd F3 F I i F9 F4 N 'F 3 F4 9 P3 F3 I d• F 3• tea«# : IS COMINGI 3• -s i + + + RUSSELS TOW N HALL + MICKEY IS COMING TO Monday, Dec8th Thrills laughs, Tears in Mickey F an h +44+++++++++++++++++++++14444++++++++,+++++.1014++ + 4' + + EVERYONE knows her, She is fast becoming a hndsehold word. She is on the lips of the whole world, You'll be sing- ing, dancing anti playing "Mickey." A groat triumph of the screen. Thrill upon thrill and earth thrill in bheee suspense in. °idents is just a little better than the last. Climaxes that fairly bring you to your feet with sheer enthusiasm. You'll laugh 1 You'll ery 1 Not It dull rnotnent in the entire produafitnn, iron will forget yntn' business worries and trGubles as she carries you through her wild and lovable career, Vocal Selections and fascinating Music Plan of Hall at Fox's Drug Store At' Afternoon far iidron c of Special �ein� in s ho Admission : 500 and 75c, plus War Tax. Matinee 1 27c and 55c, War Tax included. N 22 a 22 a a d 6 a 0 0 0 as.t9'aaareintS'Et000eAree 4WasitG';3gttAdl9gr.)ifsfe il$0044 i Fox's Dru t�" THE 4n% "tt STORE Weekly Store news Christmas Buyhlg >-1 lh :r r' I A.R by year we find our customers giving this important matter much earlier consideration than )ormel'ly. The alt th't stock this year is so hard to procure renders it, in many instances, impos- sible to duplicate any article sold, hence the advantage. of early buying. We will be very glad to set aside any article selected and keep it until called for. We think that this year, from points of excellence and variety, our Christmas stock is much ahead of any we have yet shown, but of this just corn(' in and be your own judge—you will be; wade entirely welcome and we want you to see the nice things we have. 8 - Let us Enumerate some of them G 6i i 53 a 0 22 dr 9 03 g t9 3 a e a 9 Ge Ge O e iLtt+0000000ectiGidT.414«+9G00000 ioosotoofJc}@'easooC1F.696 eeetAboe is Fine Linnoge and Nippm' China. Fancy Boxed Stationery, Waterman's F nuntale fens, Safety $aoiot's, [land Bags. Cameras, &r„ Ohnenlatee in Handsome Pkgs. Picture and Story Rooks, Toys, Dolls and (Warnes. .Bronze Statuary, &e., &r. See.our Big List of this Season's Best Books Tncludin • "The Sky Pilot of No Man's land" by Connor I'rrl'unu.5 and 'Toilet WitLers, 'l'herutns Hot ties, blank Lights. Peelei,tn Ivory. Fine Ebony Floods, P1111.81..4 311111 A\tidbits, Fine Cased 1'ipos. `awns (ads , loud Pont Cards. •?.pilin Decorations. Iittntlsatne ,1,itdii,PITS, &1., kc, Beide -- "Oh, John, l baked a cake this tit,ouing and et' Um the window I s it t sill ,tad ,t (intuit rot along anti elide it. 1 feel like (Tying." John- I)oii'I, cry, dew I 0110 tramp in the w"1 Id won't make any differ- ence." iffer- ence." Our List 1.21 Reprin is at 750 Contains; malty Splendid Books. See them. PJ M , , DRUGGIST and STATIONER p 443 22 ltd b Shoes aid Rubbers Interesting Prices T1805 ' who provide themselves with Shoes for their Spring needs, as well as the present, will be among the fortunate ones that will thank ns for advising thein to buy now. Our stork is still heavy and incl a few weeks to reduce it. And our prices are money -savers to those who buy. Wo have Rubbers and Felt Shoes for your present needs and Shoes of all ltinds to move them., Our pieces are Reelected year Spring used and the n .es Por ort needs, 1� snocnsso•s take possession Jan. 1st and we wish to eedu°e on1 stock be- fore inventory is taken. Ladies' Fine Boots, reg'. $r8,00, reduced to 5 50 Gents' Fine Boots, reg, 1.2.0o, reduced to '1 0 00 Ladies' Dong. Kiel Boots, reg. ,$6.00, at 4 00 Everything at Money -saving Prices Harness Department—Robes, Collars, 131oIkete, Rugs, Trunks o ' 1 n 1 and Satchels all L you x 1 aL } It ass g prices, 6tTPR7dS—Gash and One Price to Hem yhod y, kkhar s & o. ......,�v,.....w-.fir ,......w.a.+tivv++....wSol ) 11Ilpmlilliiiii 11111 uEiilEMilii®iEpimlRIMI llERMI mos(IMIpI1RINIM@iEINSINIIIIENIMI1110II MIIIiESIE 1GANTIC XMAS HOLIDAY S Fur the Ile: t xty Days We will give a Liberal Discount of ro per cent off on all Dry God59 Buts ad Ewes For Cash. Our stock is large and well assorted, Colne in and see it and be convinced that what we advertise is right, We can save you dollars by calling early and buying before everything gets picked up. HALL `xe X47 H E L til lf1 rq, i 1